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96.56% I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man / Chapter 304: Chapter 227: Across the Spider-Verse (51)  

Chapitre 304: Chapter 227: Across the Spider-Verse (51)  

Thomas Halloway, after hour of mourning, felt a surge of emotions rise inside him—grief, rage, despair—all blending into one overpowering force. The tears that once clouded his vision were now replaced with fiery resolve. His father, Loe Halloway, had been taken from him, and the sight of Thanos, the one responsible, still standing enraged him beyond belief.


Thanos, who was trapped by Dr. Strange's Eldritch Whip and Wong's magical binds, struggled against the restraints. His gauntlet, once a symbol of ultimate power, was weakening, the stones flickering as they were no longer as potent in this universe. Even though he still possessed a fraction of the power, the strain of using it was clear. The great Titan was not as invincible as he had been.



Thomas's eyes burned with anger, focusing on Thanos with nothing but hatred. His hands clenched into fists as he stepped forward, his voice trembling with fury as he shouted, "How dare you kill my father!"



Thanos, despite his current state, smirked. "Your father was weak. He died like so many others, clinging to hope they never had."



Those words, cruel and dismissive, cut through Thomas like a knife. His muscles tensed, and he could feel the weight of his grief transforming into pure, unfiltered rage.



Dr. Strange glanced at Thomas, sensing the young man's immense emotional turmoil. "Thomas, wait!" he called out, his voice cautioning. "This isn't a fight you want to rush into—"



But it was too late. Thomas wasn't hearing anyone. All he saw was Thanos, the murderer of his father, the destroyer of lives. His blood pounded in his ears, his heart raced, and he felt an undeniable pull toward the Mad Titan. The need for revenge consumed him entirely.



With a furious shout, Thomas charged at Thanos. Energy surged through his body, a mixture of his own latent abilities and the adrenaline pumping through his veins. His fist slammed into Thanos' jaw with an impact that echoed through the battlefield.



Thanos grunted in surprise, his head snapping to the side from the unexpected force. Even with his weakened state, he hadn't anticipated such strength from the young Halloway. Thomas followed up the punch with another, and another, each blow fueled by the memory of his father's death.



"You took him from me!" Thomas screamed, his fists battering into Thanos' face and body. "You took everything!"



Thanos growled, his body shaking from the relentless assault. He tried to raise his gauntlet, but Dr. Strange and Wong tightened their magical hold, preventing him from using it to full effect. The Titan was trapped, forced to take the brunt of Thomas' fury.



Blood began to drip from Thanos' mouth as Thomas unleashed a barrage of strikes. His anger had transformed him into a whirlwind of power, a force that even Thanos, in his current state, couldn't fully withstand.



But Thanos was still Thanos. With a growl of frustration, he caught one of Thomas' fists mid-swing, his massive hand gripping the young man's wrist tightly. "You think you can defeat me?" Thanos snarled. "You're just like your father—delusional."



Thomas gritted his teeth, pushing against Thanos' grip with all his might. "No," he spat, "I'm nothing like him. He is more amazing than me!!!"


With a roar, Thomas summoned every ounce of strength he had left, breaking free of Thanos' hold. He grabbed Thanos by the collar and, with an animalistic scream, threw him to the ground with a force that shook the earth.



Thanos, with a guttural roar, unleashed the last vestiges of power from his weakened Infinity Gauntlet. The energy, though only a fraction of its original might, radiated outward in a shockwave, sending everyone flying back. The earth trembled, cracks forming beneath the weight of the raw power still coursing through Thanos' fist.



Thomas, already mid-charge, was thrown back with violent force, crashing hard into the ground. Pain rippled through his body, but he gritted his teeth, refusing to let the impact deter him. His mind was filled with the image of his father, his lifeless body lying in his mother, Mindy's arms. The anger inside him bubbled to the surface once more, pushing him to stand.



Dr. Strange and Wong were hurled back as well, their magic barriers barely softening the blow as they tumbled across the battlefield. Wong groaned as he pushed himself up, while Strange gripped his shoulder, bruised from the blast. Both looked on with concern as Thanos rose to his feet, his gauntlet glowing faintly, but undeniably still dangerous.



Thanos' chest heaved as he stood tall, towering over them. His eyes burned with rage as he surveyed the scattered heroes, all struggling to get back on their feet. He raised his gauntlet, the stones dim and flickering only have 5 percent of it's power but still pulsing with a dangerous, lingering power. "You fools," Thanos bellowed, his voice booming like thunder. "I am inevitable. I warned you that no matter how hard you fight, you cannot defeat me!"



Thomas, battered and bloodied, spat dirt from his mouth and glared up at Thanos with unyielding defiance. He clenched his fists, digging his fingers into the earth as he tried to pull himself to his feet. "I don't care if you're inevitable," he growled. "You'll pay for killing my father!"



Thanos sneered. "Your father was weak, like the rest of you. You are nothing more than insects in the path of a god." He raised his arm once again, preparing to crush the remaining resistance once and for all.



Dr. Strange, sensing the imminent danger, struggled to focus, his mind racing as he conjured an Eldritch shield in front of Thomas. "Get up, Thomas!" Strange shouted, his voice strained from the effort of holding back Thanos' power. "We need to keep him contained, now!"



Wong, though weakened, nodded in agreement. "If we don't stop him here, he'll regain more power."



Thomas wiped blood from his mouth, his breathing ragged, but his resolve unshaken. He pushed himself up, stumbling slightly before finding his footing. His eyes locked on Thanos. "I'm not done yet.." he muttered, his voice low but filled with determination.



The ground beneath them rumbled as Thanos, growing impatient, thrust his hand forward. The stones pulsed with what little energy they had left, sending another tremor through the earth. "You dare defy me?" he snarled.



Suddenly, without warning, a sharp crack echoed across the battlefield as the gauntlet sparked violently. The stones were weakening—faster than Thanos had anticipated. He grunted in frustration, realizing that his time was running out.



Seeing this, Thomas seized the moment. With a fierce cry, he charged once more, his body aching with every step, but his spirit refusing to yield. "I'm going to finish this!" he roared, his fist clenched tight as he threw himself at Thanos with everything he had left.



Thanos, now realizing the unstable state of his gauntlet, tried to raise it again, but it sputtered weakly. Before he could react, Thomas leaped into the air, his fist connecting squarely with Thanos' jaw. The impact reverberated through the Titan's skull, and for the first time, Thanos staggered.



As Mindy held Loe's lifeless body in her arms, her sobs filled the quiet battlefield. The weight of her grief was unbearable. She rocked gently, her tears mixing with the blood on Loe's face. Mark and Emily approached silently, their hearts breaking as they knelt beside Loe's body.



Mark, his face stained with tears, tried to steady his shaking voice. "I couldn't save him… I failed…"



Emily, tears streaming down her face, clutched Mark's arm tightly. "No, Mark, there might still be hope. Michael—Michael might be able to help."



At the mention of Michael Wilson, a glimmer of hope sparked in Mindy's eyes. Michael, known as the legendary Spider-Man, possessed mysterious powers beyond even the wildest imaginations. His abilities were vast, his wisdom deep. If anyone could bring Loe back, it was him.



Mindy, her voice desperate, clung to that hope. "Michael... he can save him. He has to! If Michael can't, I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't."



Suddenly, a crackling sound echoed through the air. The ground beneath them began to tremble lightly as a swirling portal opened just a few feet in front of them. Golden energy rippled from its center, illuminating the dark battlefield.



Mark, Emily, and Mindy looked up in stunned silence as the portal shimmered, growing larger with each second. Then, a shadowy figure stepped through.



The first thing Mark noticed was the iconic black suit. A dark blue chest spider emblazoned on the front stood out against the black, and beneath the mask, there were sharp, glowing blue eyes. It was him—the legendary Spider-Man. Michael Wilson had arrived.



Mark's breath hitched in his throat. His eyes widened with awe and relief. "It's… it's Michael."



Behind Michael, two more figures stepped out of the portal. The first wore a red and blue suit with a familiar spider logo on his chest. It was Peter Parker, the Spider-Man that the world knew, Michael's disciple. His suit, though worn and torn from countless battles, still glistened in the dim light. His mask, with those iconic wide white eyes, turned toward Mark and Emily with a reassuring nod.



Following Peter was another Spider-Man, his suit sleek and futuristic, the symbol on his chest sharp and angular. His red and black attire was unmistakable—Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man from the year 2099. His presence was a sign that this was no ordinary mission.



Michael stepped forward, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the fallen Loe. His voice, though calm, carried immense authority and power. "I felt the disturbance in the web. I came as fast as I could."



Mindy's desperation clung to Michael as she held onto him, her tears soaking into his suit. Her voice trembled with pain, "Michael, please… save him… save my Loe." She clung to him as though he was the last hope.



Michael's face was a mix of grief and fury. He glanced at the lifeless body of Loe Halloway, his once vibrant friend now cold and still on the ground. He cradled Loe's face in his hands, tears falling as he whispered, "No… no, Loe… I won't let you go."



Peter Parker, watching his mentor/captain breaking down, stood back, his own heart heavy. He muttered softly, "Captain..." His voice barely above a whisper, "Mr. Loe…"



Miguel O'Hara, however, stood silently, arms crossed, his gaze hard. He had seen this before. The loss, the grief—it was part of the canon events that bound the web of the multiverse together. He knew it couldn't be undone. "I told you, Michael," he said coldly. "You can't break a canon event. It's too dangerous. The consequences are unpredictable."



Michael, his face streaked with tears, looked up at Miguel, his resolve hardening. "I don't care about the rules, Miguel. This isn't just any event. This is my friend." His voice cracked with emotion. "I can change all of this. I will change this."



Miguel shook his head, a grim look on his face. "It's impossible. You can't resurrect the dead, Michael. It'll unravel the web itself."



Michael clenched his fists, his grief turning into a fierce determination. "I can. I will. I am Spider-Man, and I won't let fate decide this!"



With that declaration, Michael stood up, his tears drying as his eyes turned toward Thanos, who was still engaged in a brutal battle against Thomas, Doctor Strange, and Wong. The fight was growing more chaotic as Thanos, weakened but still formidable, unleashed the last of his power from the infinity stones. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled beneath their feet.



Miguel saw the shift in Michael and took a step forward. "Where are you going, Michael?" he demanded.



But Michael didn't answer. His body was tense with purpose as he walked toward the battlefield, his gaze locked on Thanos. His heart was a storm of fury and desperation. He had already lost too much, and he wasn't about to lose Loe.



Peter ran after him, his voice uncertain. "Captain, wait! What are you going to do?"

Michael didn't turn. "I'm going to stop this. All of it."



As the battlefield roared with chaos, Michael's eyes locked on Thanos, who was still standing tall despite his weakened state. The air crackled with tension as the dust settled around them.



Thomas, barely holding onto his rage, saw Michael approaching and whispered, "Uncle..." His voice was filled with awe and hope, knowing that his uncle, the legendary Spider-Man, had arrived to end this.



Doctor Strange hovered above, his hands crackling with eldritch energy, and as he observed Michael, a single thought crossed his mind: So this is Michael Wilson, the legendary Spider-Man...



Wong stood beside him, his eyes narrowing. Such formidable power, he thought, sensing the overwhelming aura that radiated from Michael.



Meanwhile Thanos, towering and bruised, wiped the blood from his lips and glared at Michael. His gaze flickered toward the others—Peter Parker, Miguel O'Hara, and the entire battlefield—before locking back onto Michael. "Ah, Spider-Man," Thanos growled, voice filled with disdain. "And more of you pests." He muttered under his breath, "Always more Spider-Men."



But before Thanos could fully process what was happening, Michael moved. Faster than any of them had ever seen, Michael blurred in a burst of speed, his black suit a streak against the chaos of the battlefield. In a blink, he closed the distance between them, grabbing Thanos by the head with a fierce grip. Without hesitation, Michael slammed Thanos into the ground with such force that the earth trembled, sending shockwaves through the debris-ridden battlefield.



The impact caused Thanos to spurt blood from his mouth, a low grunt escaping him as his massive form struggled to regain focus. For the first time in the battle, Thanos looked truly vulnerable.



The Mad Titan's pride, however, refused to yield. He gripped the ground, pushing himself to his knees, barely holding onto consciousness. But Michael gave him no time to recover.



"Enough." Michael's voice was low and cold, his usual restraint gone, replaced by pure, unfiltered rage. He launched himself at Thanos again, fists blurring as he pummeled the Titan mercilessly. Each hit was a brutal crack, bones breaking beneath the relentless force of his blows. Left hook. Right elbow. A devastating knee to the ribs. Thanos' once formidable presence seemed to crumble under the onslaught.



Blood flowed freely from Thanos' nose and mouth, his once proud armor shattered, and his gauntlet flickering with weakening power. His breaths came in ragged gasps as he tried to raise his arm to fight back, but Michael was faster. Michael's fist drove into Thanos' face again and again, each strike more powerful than the last, fueled by the anger and pain of losing Loe.



"You took Loe from us!" Michael roared, slamming Thanos' head into the ground once more, creating a crater beneath the Titan's broken form. "You won't get away with it!!!!."



Thanos attempted to muster his strength, lifting the Gauntlet, its dimly glowing stones still holding faint remnants of power. "I… am inevitable." he muttered, barely able to keep his eyes open.



But Michael was already one step ahead. He grabbed Thanos' wrist, twisting it with inhuman strength. The Gauntlet, weakened by its connection to the wrong universe, cracked under Michael's grip. "No. You're finished!" Michael spat, smashing Thanos' arm into the ground, rendering the Gauntlet powerless.



The once proud Mad Titan could do nothing but lie there, broken and defeated, as Michael stood over him, fists clenched, body radiating with power. The battlefield had gone silent, save for the ragged breaths of Thanos and the soft whimpers of pain from the Titan who had once been invincible.



Thanos spat as he trying to push himself to break free from Michael Wilson, "I'am a God for goddamn sake!"



The others—Peter, Miguel, Strange, and Wong etc..—stood back, watching in awe and horror. None of them had ever seen Michael like this. His rage was palpable, his movements brutal, and his victory absolute.



"You're no god," Michael snarled, landing a many punch, harder than the first. "You're just a tyrant."



But it wasn't enough. Not for Michael.



He grabbed Thanos by the throat, lifting him effortlessly off the ground. Thanos, barely conscious, could only stare in disbelief. "You… can't…"



Michael's eyes burned with a deadly resolve. "You are already dead" With one final, crushing blow, Michael sent Thanos flying across the battlefield, his body skidding lifelessly to a halt. The Titan didn't move.



Breathing heavily, Michael stood there, fists trembling as the adrenaline coursed through him. He had done it. He had beaten Thanos, the Mad Titan, the destroyer of worlds. But as he looked at his hands, still shaking with rage, he realized something.



This wasn't over. Not yet. He wasn't done fighting fate. The fate of the entire Spider-Verse rested on his shoulders, and he would do anything to save it.



[I'am The Mentor of Spider-Man Season 1 is almost over]


To be continue

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