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Chapitre 3: Chapter 3

Three additional days within the test were interesting to say the least. Naruto had been obsessed with generating chakra chains like he had done during the tests. Progress was slow but he'd finally had the start of one chain, sure it was only 3 links worth and no spike on the end but he had to start somewhere right?

He had finally caught up a bit with Sakura and Sasuke both of which were considerable more withdrawn than usual. He didn't know why or what happened but a murmur from Sasuke about 'stupid head doctors' gave him a hint that something had not gone well for him with Saiga-sensei. He could only guess that Sakura was in the same position.

Still it wasn't his place to pry just as he would hope they wouldn't pry.


Sasuke was just about fed up with this place and their damned tests. It was wasting time he could be training to become strong enough to kill his brother and put that darkness in his soul away forever more. Until his brother was dealt with he knew it was only a matter of time before he killed someone if only to feel some kind of relief from the darkness pressing in on him. Or to feel anything other than rage and hate that saturated his entire being.

At least he didn't have to sit around with that damned medic getting a brain scan for hours on end anymore. Fools, didn't they know who they were messing with.

"Follow me," said his evaluator Taekofu, cold and clinical as always.

"Where are you taking me now?"

"Another test," said Taekofu.

"Hn," responded Sasuke in his typical anti-social manner.

"This is Saiga-sensei, pay attention and answer her questions," said Taekofu, before walking away.

"Come in Uchiha-san," said Saiga distantly, a hint of worry in her voice didn't escape the notice of the last Uchiha.

"Why am I here?"

"I'm a Neurologist and a Psychologist," said Saiga. "From your file I can see you've seen multiple Psychologist that seem to have happily kissed your ass without regard for your mental health."

"What's your point?"

Saiga took out one of the transparent films the medic from earlier had made. "Look at this," she said, pointing to one area of the image. "You see all of this activity, this means part of your brain is overactive in ways it shouldn't be. Meanwhile, do you see this dark area here." She changed films and pointed to a different area. "This is the area of your brain that controls your impulses, your anger and your rage. You have no limitation on these emotions. I need you to understand, this is not your fault. This is most likely the result of what your brother did you in addition to your family's terrible history of inbreeding."

"You'd dare speak against the Uchiha family and traditions. You who know nothing of the greatness of my clan," began the Uchiha in a tirade, only to be silence by the sudden appearance of an ANBU with a lot of killing intent leveled at him and a strong hand on the shoulder to sit him down and calm him.

"I meant no offense," said Saiga as calmly as she could. "I'm merely stating fact and it is a fact your family had no qualms about marrying Uchiha blood with Uchiha blood in the hopes of created stronger Sharingan users with no knowledge of genetics or the fact they were without knowing it destroying their own bloodline. You don't have to like what I'm telling but it does not change the facts."

"Hn," snorted Sasuke.

"Now, back to your scans. These scans show that you are without any doubt a sociopath and soon, most likely a serial murderer. You have an unquenchable need to kill someone, anyone don't you Uchiha-san?" asked Saiga calmly.

"I will kill my brother and anyone who stands in the way," said Sasuke without remorse or consideration for the ANBU in the room.

"I understand," said Saiga calmly. "Uchiha-san, you are not the only sociopath within the village. When you think about it you'd realize and accept it as a fact. Now, the village can give you two choices. Option 1, you disappear into a deep dark hole used as breeding stock until a few viable offspring have been produced before your eyes are removed for study and you executed. Option 2, you let the village train you and focus your anger and rage at targets we provide you until such time we can aim you directly at your brother and be assured of your victory or the death of both of you. It's your choice. You have 30 minutes to decide."

"Stop this, stop pushing at me. I don't like being pushed around. I won't tolerate any of you shitty head doctors telling me what I should."

"I am not trying to push you to anything. I am following orders. I don't care you are Uchiha, Hyuuga, or even Senju."

"How dare you dictate terms to me, I am the last Uchiha. I am the elite of this village," Sasuke's rant was cut off again by the ANBU burying a fist in his gut causing him to vomit his lunch onto the doctor's office floor.

"Uchiha-san, let me be very clear. I am not dictating terms. I'm giving you two choices being offered by Hokage-sama. I am of the personal opinion that he is being too generous with this offer," said Saiga coldly.

"I'll kill you," said Sasuke from his place on the floor. "I swear, one day I will remove your head and fuck your skull. No body pushes me around and gets away with it. No one!"

"No, you won't Uchiha-san," said the ANBU. "She is following orders. You will follow orders or you will die."

"Why? Why does scum like you always stand in my way? Why do you all hold me back so?"

"We are not holding you back. We are offering you the training you so desire so that you can get the strength you need to eliminate your brother. And in doing so you will be a weapon for this village, killing and filling that need inside you while benefiting the village itself, all the while getting stronger and stronger until that day we set you loose on Itachi. If you cannot abide by these terms... well, you've been advised."

"Fine, I'll kill and murder so long as I get stronger," said Sasuke, a mad look completely overwhelming whatever sanity used to remain.

"Good, your lessons begin when you leave here," said the ANBU.

"One of our other sociopaths will come to you to begin your training. He will teach you how to blend in with the village. He will teach you to wear a mask of humanity. And then he will teach you how to kill to your heart's content without concern or consequence. This is necessary as your image is important to the village."

"Fine, whatever it takes, as long as I get to kill, to feel anything but this darkness on my soul," said Sasuke, unknowingly having activated his Sharingan eye. It was truly a cursed eye to feed on such pure evil as what festered within Sasuke's soul.

"Your sensei will be informed, he will also help you. Most likely he will find missions in which he can feed you bodies to kill as you wish but remember, you have an image that must be present for the village. You may tell your teammates if you wish but it is not necessary. Just remember, they must live or it will be assumed you were responsible for their deaths and your deal is void."

"I still have to deal with those losers?" asked Sasuke irritably.

"Yes, and despite your belief they will hold you back, I can promise you they will not stand in your way or slow you down. Based on the result already tabulated from these tests they will not be a hindrance, not even the dead last you so detest."

"You'll deal with the fucking fan girl?" asked Sasuke, starring at Saiga.

"I will take care of it, I may have to tell her certain things to do so," said Saiga as she had already planned on nipping that issue in the bud.

"I don't care, tell her or both of them whatever the hell you want," snapped Sasuke, rage evident in his posture and eyes.

"So be it, what do you choose?" asked Saiga.

"Hn, Option 2," said Sasuke coldly, completely lost to his own darkness now.


Haruno Sakura was in a much better mood with the testing the last few days. The mental tests were definitely her strong suit. She enjoyed the brain scan earlier that day. She had a chance to speak in detail with the Iryonin about what she was doing and how it worked. It was very fascinating.

"Haruno-san, this is Saiga-sensei," said Fushi before departing without another word.

"Please come in Haruno-san," said Saiga kindly.

"Thank you," said Sakura politely. "You seem much friendlier that everyone else I've met here so far.

"Well that's my job," said Saiga. "I'm a neurologist and a psychologist. Have you been to see either before?"

"Only the short counseling in academy about killing," said Sakura. "But never a neurologist. Is it difficult to work with the brain like that?"

"It can be very difficult but also very rewarding. So as you can imagine I did review the scan results for you and your teammates," said Saiga.

"You mean Naruto-baka has a brain? And it actually works? I don't believe it," she joked with the woman.

"Your teammate Naruto has an exceptional brain believe it or not. Not the strongest memory I'm afraid but his synaptic response rate is extraordinary. He reflexes as a result border on precognitive. Pretty surprising isn't it?"

"Naruto? Really?" asked Sakura in disbelief.

"Truly," said Saiga with a kind smile, "I also nipped Naruto's seeming crush on you in the bud."

"Oh thank kami," said Sakura in true relief.

"Sakura-chan, you need to understand, Naruto-kun hasn't had anyone to raise him or teach him social graces. He was under the impression that the only way he could spend time with a girl was to go on a date with them. What he really wants is a friend. His words, not mine."

"But... really?"

"Really," said Saiga kindly, "I told him to stop asking you on dates and instead to ask if want to hang out as friends only. He remembers very fondly that early on in the academy you were nice to him when no one else was."

Sakura got really quiet when that was mentioned. She remembered very cleared her mother's words about Naruto.

"I understand social pressure Sakura-chan, you were only a little girl then. You've grown up quite a bit since then. You can make your own decisions about who you choose as friends."

"Thank you Saiga-sensei," said Sakura with a grateful smile for the woman.

"Which brings me to my second issue?"

"What's that?" Sakura asked, truly clueless.

"Uchiha-san," the woman said the name as kindly as she could muster but it still had an edge to it.

"What about Sasuke-kun?" asked Sakura worriedly.

"Sakura-chan, I've told you that I looked at the scans of both your teammates correct?"

Sakura nodded nervously.

"Uchiha-san's came back very bad. His brother Itachi did a lot of damage to Sasuke's brain the same night the man murdered Sasuke's entire family. Do you understand what I've said so far?"

Sakura nodded not trusting herself to speak just then as tears threatened to spill out.

"Sasuke's brain scan came back showing that he is, beyond any doubt as Sociopath. Do you understand what that means?"

"He doesn't feel things like other people or at all," said a choked up Sakura, her worry for the last Uchiha evident.

"That's correct, and in this case he mostly feels rage, anger, hatred, and a strong desire to kill," explained Saiga.

"No, it can't be true. He wouldn't... he couldn't..."

"Very much so true, Sakura-chan. I'm sorry to break your heart like this but you need to be aware and you need to be very cautious around him. He's made it very clear to me that if your pursuit of him does not cease immediately he will kill your family and make you watch before he turns and kills you too. I'm telling you this because I believe you have the smarts and ability to protect this secret. Maybe even protect some of those girls that seem determined to get to him."

Sakura's eyes widened as she thought of her once best friend Ino.

"Do you remember Yoshi Yoko from your class last year?"

Sakura nodded worriedly, "She vanished last year. People thought she quit and went back to her family in Tazaku Gai."

"We found her body in one of the Uchiha gardens yesterday," said Saiga, making it as absolutely as clear as she could. "She was beaten to nearly to death before Sasuke set her on fire and then hid the body."

Sakura cried then harder than she had ever cried before.

"You must also understand that Uchiha-san is important to this village. Hokage-sama is taking measure to ensure Uchiha-san is directed for the benefit of the village. You understand this is not the first sociopath the village has worked with. We want you to succeed Sakura-chan but you need to know these things now before you cross a line you'll never come back from.

Sakura could barely nod her head in understanding and the terror that permeated her body. What happened to Yoko could have just as easily happened to her or Ino.

"Why? Why did he do it?"

"After my first meeting with him we did a search of his clan grounds and found her. When asked, he simply said she wouldn't stop pushing him. Mostly likely his snapping and killing her sated him enough to last a long time. But he will kill again, in the line of duty is preferred but not guaranteed unless we can control and direct him. Can you do your duty to the village in this matter?"

"I'll do my duty to the village," Sakura barely choked out. "Can I make a request?"

"You can but I can't promise anything," said Saiga.

"Yamanaka Ino, she needs to know. Please I have to keep her safe from that monster," begged Sakura, "She always looked out for me, I owe her at least this much."

"Yamanaka is a Genin and part of the shinobi forces. She can be informed."

"Thank you Saiga-sensei, thank you so much," cried Sakura still distraught.

"ANBU-san, please go collect Yamanaka-san, we'll get this done with now so they can comfort each other for this," an ANBU appeared only to vanish.

Sakura was slightly concerned about the ANBU being there.

"Sakura, that ANBU was only here to ensure that if you had a psychotic break you wouldn't hurt yourself or me," explained Saiga. "I'm proud of you taking this as well as you did."

Sakura nodded firmly trying to wipe away the tears.

The ANBU and Ino appeared only moments later.

"What the hell is going on?" demanded Ino, before she noticed Sakura's red splotchy face that had been crying very badly.

"Ino," cried Sakura grasping onto her friend like a life line.

"What is it?" asked Ino, "Is it Sasuke-kun? Was he hurt or did he... did he die?"

Sakura shook her head unable to form words.

"Ino-chan," interrupted Saiga. "I'm Saiga-sensei, I'm a neurologist and a psychologist. As you're a Yamanaka I'm sure you understand what that means yes?"

"Yeah," said Ino fully aware, "What's wrong with Sakura?"

"Your friend Sakura is fine. Uchiha-san is not."

"What is it? What happened?"

"Uchiha-san's brain was very badly injured years ago when his brother killed his clan and used a very nasty Genjutsu on him. The result has left Uchiha-san as a sociopath. Do you understand what that means?"

Ino could only nod as tears started to stream down her face.

"He murdered Yoko-chan," Sakura whimpered out.

Ino looked at Sakura in shock before looking to Saiga-sensei who could only not in confirmation.

"You understand that Uchiha-san is still important to this village. As such, he will be trained in a way that allows the village to use him a weapon to our own ends. Sakura felt you deserved to know this truth as her best friend and someone that looked out for her in the past."

Ino could barely nod as her own crying paired with Sakura as she now held on to Sakura just as fiercely for support.

"I know this is terrible to learn but you need to understand and protect yourself, both of you. Uchiha-san is very dangerous until he learns to focus and control his impulses. Fortunately we caught this early enough we can properly monitor him but he is still dangerous to those around him," explained Saiga.

"What about Naruto?" Sakura finally asked, "Shouldn't he be warned."

"Naruto-kun has amazing instincts. He knew before anyone else that there was something wrong with Uchiha-san. So while he may not know the details, he knows full well to be cautious."

That kind of threw them both but they didn't care enough to react to it at that time.

"Sakura-chan, tomorrow will be your last day of testing, after which I'd recommend going home, make clear certain intentions to your mother then have a girls night with Ino.

Sakura nodded agreeing completely.

"Ino-chan, I'd recommend you do the same," Saiga advised.

"Daddy never liked Uchiha-san anyway. At least now I know why," choked Ino still sobbing.

"I'll leave you ladies here for a bit to collect yourselves. Try to get some rest tonight. Ino-chan, I'll talk to your sensei, let him know you'll be out sick for a few days but no more than that, okay?"

Ino nodded gratefully.

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