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Chapitre 19: Chapter 19) – Intentions

A/N - Hello there, Banana again. Just wanted to preface this chapter by saying that this is my first proper attempt at a lime, within the constraints I've imposed story-wise.

If that's not your thing, that's fine. The chapter is split between 2 scenes and it's only the first that has the lime, so you can skip to the ------'s just past the halfway mark of the chapter.

For those that do read it, could I be so bold as to ask for a little feedback please? Even if it's not in-depth, and something like, "was a good scene", or liking someone else's comment. If it was bad, could you give me a rough idea on why it was bad? Just so I know if it hit the mark or it fell short and I have a general idea of what to improve upon.

As always, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy. ❤


Awoken by the sound of an alarm, we definitely didn't set, Mara sat up in her bed and yawned while stretching, "Ahhh~haaa, morning El. What's with the racket?"

Sending a small tendril to disable the alarm clock sat on the bedside table, I created a head to speak with my host, "It would appear that someone set an alarm. Since it was neither of us, I can only assume it was Nat or May."

Still waking herself up, Mara rubbed some of the non-existent sleep from her eyes as she asked, "What time is it?"

Glancing back over to the clock, I answered, "The clock says 7am. Since we left the party sometime after midnight you've had less than your usual amount of sleep."

Sliding her legs off the side of the bed and climbing out of it, Mara replied, "Well that explains why I feel a bit sleepy still, but it's nothing a little caffeine can't solve."

As my host was about to head towards the bathroom attached to her bedroom, for a shower, there was a knock on the door.

Performing a 180-degree turn, Mara walked towards the bedroom door and opened it to reveal May in her standard S.H.I.E.L.D. attire, "Good morning, Mara, El. Apologies about the early alarm, but agent Romanoff has requested your presence in the briefing room in 30 minutes, if possible?"

Nodding in confirmation, Mara responded, "Yeah, no worries. Although I would have rather slept in, I doubt Nat would wake me up early for no reason. Let me just shower and we'll be through. Oh, and thanks for the close combat combo you taught me yesterday. It was extremely efficient."

Accompanied by an almost imperceptible smile, May gave a singular bob of her head in return. The handler then left the doorway which allowed my host to close the door and resume her plan of taking a shower. Mara didn't need to shower, as I could remove the dirt from her skin and hair myself. However, like with the stretching she did even when there was no need, my host said she wouldn't feel clean if she didn't use a shower when she had the opportunity to do so.

As had been the case whenever Mara showered, I removed the pyjamas I was transformed into and melded my form, including the projected head, back into her skin, such that she was completely naked.

Mara turned on the shower, and let it heat up for a minute or so before stepping into it.

As the water rolled off her buxom form, I created several tendrils that transformed into imitations of human hands and began to lather up my host's body with the provided toiletries.

With the experience I gained from performing our shower routine, ever since Monaco, I made sure to create different tendrils from points on her body that were already washed, so that no part of her body was missed.

My 'hands' started at the top of her feet, slowly tracing, and massaging their way up her calves before moving onto the emphasised thighs my host admired so dearly. As I made my way up the inside of her thighs, I was especially careful around her vagina, so that the cleaning was more-so relaxing, than it was sensual.

At least for the time being.

Gently tracing around her outer labia, I slowly spread apart her inner labia and peeled back the clitoral hood - exposing her clitoris while also shielding it from the shower's flow.

According to Mara, the smaller the clitoris, the more sensitive it was. And since my host's was smaller than average, having the water impact her most sensitive area would be counter-intuitive to the relaxing shower we had made a habit out of.

"Mmm~" No matter how careful I was when I was cleaning her sex, it was impossible for Mara not to feel any stimulus and as such, let out a throaty, but contained, moan. Unable to help expressing how enjoyable my tender caresses were.

After cleaning Mara's honeypot, I moved my 'hands' to trace over her pelvis and proceeded to scrub her wide hips.

Wrapping around her hips, I cleaned and kneaded her full buttocks, making sure to only trace around her anus when it came to cleaning in-between her cheeks.

Continuing my upwards journey, the next stop was her waist and, now extremely well-defined, abs. I massaged her abs with the palm and thumbs of the 'hands', while the other fingers extended as required to work the side, and back, of her waist.

As my host continued to melt under my ministrations, I resumed my ascension of her body.

Brushing over her ribs, I lightly embraced her voluptuous globes, and lifted them from their natural placement to ensure that the crease between her breasts and her ribs was cleansed.

Encircling the sizable mounds, I gave her areola and erect nipples subdued traces, with both thumbs - releasing some of the tension within the buds. The rest of the fingers on the 'hands' washed her chest, up to her collarbones -


- Earning myself a relaxed sigh from my host for my efforts.

Moving on from her chest, I rolled Mara's shoulders with all the digits on my 'hands'. Although there was no tension in her muscles - as I was bonded to them and could thus keep all of my host's muscles in peak condition - it didn't mean that such massages were unnecessary. The more intimate we were with each other, the deeper our bond would grow.

And as a Klyntar, my very nature was to yearn for the bond to go as deep as it could.

Once her shoulders had been rubbed down, I moved onto her arms. With said arms still being by her sides, I gave my attention to her biceps and triceps simultaneously. Following along my host's arms, I made a brief stop at her elbows before sliding down to her forearms.

Completing the arm section of my journey, I made sure to interlock my fingers with hers, while I used slightly less pressure than normal on my thumbs to knead her dainty palms.

Shifting horizontally from Mara's hands to her lower back, I ascended her body once again.

I crept my way vertically up her spine with my thumbs, while my fingers rolled over her back muscles and ribs, enjoying the way she shivered slightly with every centimetre I travelled.

When it came to Mara's neck, I used the same technique as her back – thumb tracing what was left of her spine to the back of her skull, as my other fingers gently rubbed the sides of her neck.

The final parts of her body that were due a massage were her face and head. Sticking with the vertical progression I had used throughout the session, I focused on her face first. Beginning with her chin, I used the tips of my fingers to delicately roll her facial muscles in a circular motion. Every aspect of my host's face was lightly prodded and rolled. From her chin, cheeks, mouth, nose, eyebrows, and forehead, everything was caressed except her eyes and their lids.

Even her ears were rolled between the fingers and thumbs I had created.

Once I had ensured that every inch of her body was clean and she was, mentally, completely relaxed, I began to massage her head while combing through her hair with the shampoo.

"So good~" Appreciating my ministrations, my host let out a pleasure filled whisper.

After her favourite burgundy hair was meticulously covered in product, Mara placed her head under the shower's water stream to clean it all off.

Repeating the same process on her hair, but with conditioner this time, Mara practically turned to mush like she always did when we took a shower.

Once my host's body was spotless, or at least her subconscious recognised that she was clean, and she was completely relaxed, we moved onto our other regular shower activity.

Mara tilted the shower head down slightly, so that it wasn't spraying onto her body before she leaned backwards against the adjacent shower wall. Squatting down slightly away from the wall, she rested the back of her shoulders and head against the wall, while I created tendrils coming from the underside of her thighs to take her weight, as she spread her legs as wide as she could.

[Ready whenever you are, love~]

Manoeuvring a pair of 'hands' to her chest again, instead of rolling her nipples to relieve the tension within them, the fingers began to pinch, flick, twist, and press on her teats with the sole goal of heightening her arousal.

With each movement of the fingers, the harder and harder the previously relaxed buds became. In preparation for my meal, I created a dome around her soon to be dripping honeypot, to not waste a drop of all the nectar my host would release.

As I created another pair of 'hands' to slowly trail down her abdomen towards her garden, I also made a couple of fingers that were more human-like than the rest. They were made using my knowledge of Mara's skin, muscles, and bones, to create a near replica of her own index and middle fingers that were sent towards her mouth.

"Mmmmm~" With Mara continuing to enjoy my teasing of her nipples, denoted by the light moans she would release, as well as the 'hands' tracing every inch of her abs and stomach while journeying down. I used the fingers sent to her mouth to slowly glide over her lips, tracing around and gently morphing them as she slowly opened her mouth to allow their entrance.

Rather than force the fingers into her mouth, I gently laid them on top of her tongue. This allowed Mara to roll her tongue around them as she desired, while also letting her suck or bite on them if she so wished.

Over our sessions together, I came to learn that Mara preferred gentle and caring caresses, rather than rough intimacy. That was not to say she disliked said roughness, but just that most of the time, she would prefer it tender and slow.

As the 'hands' that were travelling down her stomach made it to their destination, my 'hands' fused with the dome wall to allow the fingers into it, while keeping a watertight seal to prevent any fluid loss.

Rather than trace her outer labia like I previously did to relax her vagina. I, instead, pinched them together with slight force and slowly moved her plump lips up and down, stimulating her clitoris. 

"Mnghhh~" With Mara sucking on the fingers in her mouth, her moaning was muffled. But with how throaty said moan was, it was more than apparent that she was enjoying my fondling immensely.

Adapting on my gentle up and down motions, I rolled her labia between the fingers of the 'hands', making sure that all of the thousands of nerve endings in her clit pressed against her lips and received some attention.

Every half a dozen seconds I would squeeze the fingers holding her labia a little tighter and Mara herself would get involved by tightening her pelvic floor muscles, to stimulate her clit herself.

After a short while of indirect stimulation, I advanced to direct touches on her now extremely sensitive vulva. By spreading her labia, I had unrestricted access to Mara's favourite spot, her vestibule. The vestibule was the sensitive skin between her clit and her vaginal opening.

Transporting a little water from the shower, I gently wet the vestibule to prepare it-


-But even that was too much stimulus after the foreplay Mara had been enduring, as she had her first release of the session.

Although we roughly had around 10 minutes left, before our 30-minute prep time for the meeting with Natasha was up. Realistically, we only had about 5 minutes until we needed to stop our session as Mara would need some time to re-centre herself after the dizzying heights she typically experienced.

As such, I decided to stroke Mara's vestibule tantalisingly slowly, constantly re-applying small amounts of water to keep it sufficiently wet. This was all in order to prolong her stay in the clouds and keep her floodgates open to maximise the nutrients she would provide me.


Still biting and sucking the replica of her fingers in her mouth, Mara's sparse words, as well as her moans, came out with pronunciation issues due to her tongue being restricted and her muddled mind.

"Dow't thop~❤"

Not wanting to rush, so that my host could get the most enjoyment possible, I traced up and down the vestibule while occasionally circling around her clit.


My host was in ecstasy, even-more-so than usual, and her feelings spurred me on to further heighten her bliss.

But, unfortunately for us, all good things eventually come to an end.

I made sure that I absorbed all of the fluids she had produced, not just from her sex, but also around her body. Although smaller in quantity than the adrenaline and phenethylamine produced in her orgasmic nectar, the adrenaline in her sweat was still a perfect side dish.

As my ministrations had stopped, and Mara was slowly coming down from her high, I brought all of my tendrils back into her body except the ones holding my host in her seated position as well as one that raised the shower head to give her a light rinse.

Since I had absorbed all her sweat, to filter out the adrenaline and release the waste down the drain, she was perfectly clean. But having water slowly cascade down her body was mentally relaxing for Mara, so it helped her to recover from her bliss.


With only a couple of minutes until our meeting with Natasha, Mara fully recovered and turned off the shower. Before she stepped out of the shower enclosure, however, I rippled my form over her skin and hair to remove all of the water on her body.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, I covered her body in some comfortable clothing. Said clothing consisted of a black, loose crew neck, t-shirt with grey fitness leggings, and half black, half white, trainers.

As Mara opened the door to leave the bedroom she said, [As mind numbing as always, El. Thanks for stopping in time for me to recover for the meeting.]

To which I naturally replied, <Of course, dear. It also seems like your recovery period has decreased due to our repeated sessions, so I could gather sustenance for a little longer than normal.>

The room we had stayed in was in the main part of the bungalow, and with the meeting room being situated in the basement, we had to descend the stairs.

We did as such while still communicating, [What do you think Nat called us for, so early in the morning? If I remember correctly, Tony should go to some donut place this morning where Nat will reveal herself as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I doubt she'd summon us specifically for that. S.H.I.E.L.D. probably already planned to introduce themselves to Tony in order to abate his symptoms, but I'm not sure if they'll bring us along.]

As we made it to the bottom of the stairs, I offered my theory, <Maybe it's a debrief about last night? Since it was our first official mission, and all the other mission footage we watched mentioned the lessons learnt from the debrief, we should probably get one as well.>

Walking through the meeting room door, we found out that we were both correct.

Standing in front of the screen originating from the ceiling, that we had seen multiple times before, was Natasha in her Black Widow attire for the second time since we had known her.

Raising her hand, Mara greeted the agent, "Morning Nat. Do I need to change into something more formal, or am I good like this?"

Creating a head so that I could also communicate verbally, I echoed my host's greeting, "Good morning, Nat."

Reciprocating the greetings, Natasha replied, "Morning Mara, El. No, you don't have to change right now. I'm just wearing this so that I don't have to change into it later. I apologise about the early wake-up as well, but I was given an urgent assignment this morning and I needed to complete the debrief about last night before then."

Sitting down on our usual chair, the only one present, Mara responded, "Don't worry about it, you didn't get me up that much earlier than normal and I'll just have some caffeine later to compensate. Ready for the debrief whenever you are, boss."

Clicking the remote in her hand, Natasha activated the screen display to start the mission debrief. The blank view it showed when we entered the room was replaced with the exact same rotating S.H.I.E.L.D. logo as all the missions we had reviewed time and again with May.

When the logo disappeared, what replaced it were transcripts from Mara and Natasha's communications as well as various images of the events, taken throughout the night.

Pointing at the first image, showing Natasha alone with Tony and where she appeared to be handing him a box full of watches, the spy started to walk us through the night in chronological order, even the things we weren't present for.

"At approximately 9pm, Tony Stark contact his assistant, Natalie Rushman – my undercover alias as an employee of Stark Industries – and requested for her to visit his Malibu residence prior to the birthday party starting. At approximately 9:45pm, I arrived at the mansion after first preparing myself for the evening, so that I could perform my role in whatever capacity Mr. Stark required. The party itself was due to start at 10pm, and the image on the screen was taken at approximately 10:05pm. During the 20 minutes between my arrival and the first contact with Mr. Stark, I was performing my duties of organising the waiting staff, as directed by Miss Potts. When Mr. Stark had not appeared a couple of minutes after the designated start time for the party, Miss Potts sent me to investigate his whereabouts and suggested I bring his watch collection with me."

Pausing to let Mara and I digest the sizable report she was going through, Natasha continued after she had pressed another button on her remote that caused the image of Tony on the screen to zoom in and focus on his Arc Reactor.

"When I first walked into the room, Mr. Stark was already dressed in the attire he was to wear for the night, but he had the buttons undone and was staring at the Arc Reactor situated in his sternum. As you both can see, there are dark blue, borderline black, veins originating from said reactor, denoting the Palladium poisoning. After sending the images to the S.H.I.E.L.D. researchers looking into a cure for the poisoning, they believe that their previous estimate of 80% was incorrect, and it would be closer to 90%. This relates to the mission I mentioned earlier, and is the reason why I'm in this outfit, but I'll explain that after the debrief. Mr. Stark was noticeably downtrodden throughout our conversation, and considering there is no indication that he has a solution to his poisoning problem, we believe that he fully expects to pass within the coming few days. This was emphasised with one of the questions Mr. Stark asked me during the exchange. His exact words were, 'If this was your last birthday party you were ever gonna have, how would you celebrate it?'. To which I responded as the character of Natalie Rushman would, by saying, 'I'd do whatever I wanted to do, with whoever I wanted to do it with.' After which, I proceeded to leave the room and resumed assisting Miss Potts with the party management."

The remaining 20 or so minutes of the debrief, after Natasha had provided us with the prequel to the party, followed the events we had witnessed first-hand very closely. The only major point that we both took note of during the replay of our own observations, was when Natasha explained the reason why she made the decision for us to intervene so late after it was already shown that Tony wasn't in full control of his actions.

"I can already tell that you want to know why I gave the takedown order so late after Tony had already shown that he wasn't in full control of his actions and the Iron Man suit."

To which both myself and Mara nodded.

As such, Natasha continued, "To be completely transparent, the main reasons were to evaluate your mentality as well as your ability to follow orders. When we had our discussion about your self-characterization, on our car journey to the Natural History Museum, you essentially described yourself as willing to sacrifice others for the bigger picture. In this instance, S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to see if your true character was the same as your self-characterization. We basically wanted to see if, when put into practice, your choices would be the same as what you had previously stated. And since you were seemingly fine with random party guests potentially being blasted by repulsors in order to complete the mission, it would appear to be the case. This would also lead into the second reason; your ability to follow orders. If your true character had been different to the one you described, and you moved to intervene immediately, I would have issued an order to stop. Whether you did or not would give us the information we needed. Now, since you didn't react differently to what you had said, you were instead ordered to deal with the civilians furthest away from the danger. S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to see if you would disregard the ones in the most danger to save those with the lowest risk, just because you were ordered to. Needless to say, we learned what we needed to. We were going to use the combat with the Iron Man suit as a gauge on your current superpowered combat capabilities, against another known superpowered quantity, but with how inebriated Tony was; whatever data we would gather would be irrelevant."

When Natasha had finished her explanation, both Mara and I took a second to understand the actual meaning behind our mission, before my host spoke up, "So the mission was just a test of our personalities and how we would react in the field?"

Bobbing her head once, Natasha replied, "Correct. This isn't specific to you two either, you're not being singled out or anything. Every agent that wants to be deployed into the field goes through something similar, since true character can only really be evaluated through pressure. It's kind of like instincts in a way. If someone needs to make an immediate decision, without time to think about it, they react based on their true character. It just so happened that this was a perfect scenario to perform said evaluation, so we used it to full effect. The undercover agents we had were fully prepared the get involved to prevent any deaths, should they have needed to."

As the debrief finished up, Natasha used the remote to send the screen back into the ceiling while beginning her brief on the urgent mission she was given - that clearly also involved us if we were being informed about it.

"The assignment I was given this morning also involves you. With Tony's poisoning reaching a critical level, S.H.I.E.L.D. have decided that we need to abate his symptoms with a dose of lithium dioxide to hopefully give us enough time to finalise a cure. The scientists we have working on it are close and will hopefully come up with something substantial within the week. But for now, we need to make sure that Tony uses the suit as little as possible, since we have reason to believe that using it is speeding up the poisoning. That's where we come in. You're going to be assigned as his babysitter alongside Coulson, while I continue with my undercover role at Stark Industries as Pepper's assistant, as well as bodyguard should Vanko target her to get to Tony. The director will be arriving by 9am at the latest, so you can go make yourself that coffee now if you want. Afterwards, suit up and prepare to meet the director."

Leaving her words in the air, Natasha exited the briefing room and walked into one of the other underground rooms to prepare whatever she needed. While Mara walked over to the coffee machine thinking about the coming meeting.

BananaPancke BananaPancke

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