After ensuring that Sylianner had left, I entered the tent.
"(Welcome back, honey. I've been waiting for you in our warm home. Pardon me for not welcoming you, because you know...)" the human hero gave me a sly smile.
Ignoring her words, I grabbed the chains and wrapped them around a tree branch. I pulled on them, suspending her from her shoulders.
"(I just told you to be gentle, you brainless fuck.)"
Taking hold of her hands, I began to slowly pull her fingernails, being careful as I wanted to observe the flesh being torn from beneath the nails.
"(Ugh, easy there, big guy. They are sensitive. You'll hurt me. Haha.)"
Once her nails were removed, I conjured hundreds of tiny needles made of wind, which spun rapidly. I inserted them into her flesh where her nails should have been.
"(OUCH, THAT ONE REALLY HURT, YOU BIG BASTARD)," she screamed loudly in pain, finally showing some proper reaction. But her reaction was not what I was expecting. I thought she would be screaming and crying already, but her face only showed that she was in pain that she could bear.
Her pain tolerance is high; it was good to know.
Just as I was about to continue, I heard rapid footsteps. Turning my head, I saw healers enter the tent, panting.
"We apologize for being late, my prince." They bowed as they apologized.
"(Ohhh you brought an audience for our little fun, I'm a little shy to do it in front of these knife-eared fucks, but just for you, honey, I will do it)"
"Do not let her die," giving instructions, I turned my attention back to the human hero.
After ripping her nails on her hand, I did the same to the ones on her feet. While I was doing that, she tried to kick me.
Grabbing her leg, I sent a shockwave inside, shattering the bones in her legs.
Letting go of her legs as they flop around like a leaf in the wind, I take my dagger from the hip of my robe and get behind her, then I cut the flesh between her ribs just big enough to insert my finger.
Putting my finger inside the cut, I grabbed her rib and pulled until it snapped in half but was still attached to her. I repeated the process until I took out all of her ribs.
Taking a step back, I looked at her back. With the ribs sticking out of her back, it looked like she had small bone wings. I could clearly see her lungs going up and down, her heart beating rapidly, what a sight.
Some of the healers couldn't take it anymore and vomited. It was a pathetic sight to watch, seeing them lose themselves just from this.
Taking the human's hands, first I shattered the bones inside, just as I did with her feet. Then, I began to cut from her ring and middle finger all the way to her shoulders, separating her arms in the middle as the shattered bones fell from them.
"(KILL ME, I'M BEGGING YOU, KILL ME. PLEASE, END THIS. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, TELL YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT. JUST KILL ME!)" The human screamed in pain and agony, tears streaming from her eyes. Her once mocking and calm expression was nowhere to be seen.
After completing all of this, I had to step back and wait. Half of the priests had already passed out from what they saw, and the other half were busy trying to keep the human alive. They didn't have enough time to wake up the other healers.
While I waited for the priests to wake up, since I didn't want to force them awake, they had irritated me with how they passed out just from a little torture. I couldn't guarantee their complete safety if I were to wake them up.
The human continued to scream and plead for mercy, for death. It annoyed me, so I grabbed her jaw and ripped off her face.
One of the priests who had just woken up passed out again as blood splashed her face.
Holding the jaw of the human, I looked at her. Without her lower jaw, her tongue dangled from her mouth, and she was choking on her own blood.
I made a mistake, I let my anger get the best of me. Now, without her lower jaw, she won't be able to provide any information.
With a sigh, I manipulated her blood and cleared her throat since I didn't want her to die now.
Just as I was about to skin the human alive, using her own jaw, Sylianner entered the tent.
"Elvy, you don't love me anymore. I'm not going to talk to you anymore, humph," Sylianner unhappily crossed her arms and pouted.
"What prompts you to say that, Sylianner?" I asked her as I created a ball of cold water and dropped it onto one of the healers who had passed out.
"Wha... my prince," she woke up, confused, as she got up and looked around her, seeing the human. She held her stomach and brought her other hand to her mouth as she gagged.
Grabbing the healer by the face, I tossed her towards the healers who were frantically trying to keep the human alive.
Then, I turned my attention to Sylianner, who was still pouting.
"Sylianner," I called out as I reached for her.
"Don't touch me," she avoided my hand.
"You have the nerve to ask me, Elvy. You just sent me to fetch your mount like some maid while you were having all the fun."
"You always start with extreme methods, Sylianner."
"What do you mean extreme methods? We are torturing them, not massaging them."
"You have to start slowly, savor their agony, and watch them break as the hope slowly fades from their eyes. However, your methods involve instant extreme pain, such as burning them inside out or ripping their entire skin off instantly. This way, they will only feel pain for a short moment before dying."
Sylianner cast me a side glance, realizing that I was right, before she clicked her tongue and continued to pout.
"Come, Sylianner, you can turn her blood into lava while I can skin her alive." Lifting my hand up, I showed Sylianner the human's lower jaw.
"Whatever," Sylianner said with a wave of her hand, but she still floated towards the human.
"Those incompetent fools can't even properly keep a human alive." Sylianner cursed the healers who were doing their best and more to keep the human alive without actually healing her.
Sylianner sent a green orb to the human to keep her alive, while the healers sighed in relief as they slumped to the ground.
Taking my dagger, I slowly sharpened the teeth of the jaw on my hand, while Sylianner's hand glowed purple as the veins of the human turned orange. She began to struggle crazily, her tongue flapping around as her eyes showed despair and unimaginable pain.
Finishing sharpening the teeth, I get up. But just as I get up, healers in the room catch my attention. I forget about them.
"Leave." Hearing my order, they bowed and thanked me before running out of the tent like they were escaping from a monster.
Grabbing the half of her hand that I ripped apart, I begin to skin human hero alive with her own lower jaw as her lava-like blood driped to the ground and her eyes melt.
Creating a water ball, I slowly pushed through the cut of the human's lungs to fill her lungs with water. Just as I was about to fill her stomach with poison, Alleria entered the tent.
Alleria glanced at the human calmly without showing any reaction before she turned to me.
"Malgath, the Green Road merchants are here." Alleria said briefly with her cold voice and emotionless face, something we have in common.
"Sylianner," I called out to her as she continued to regenerate humans' eyes and melt them again and again.
"I don't like those disgusting, greedy little green things, Elvy. You can go, I'm gonna have some more fun," Sylianner said. The human hero, who had just become numb to pain, woke up with another scream. Or at least, I assumed it was a scream, since a strange voice came out of her mouth without a lower jaw. Every time the human hero became numb to pain or lost her mind, Sylianner would heal her enough to bring back the feeling of pain again. It was an endless cycle of pain and suffering.
"Make sure to heal her jaw after you're done."
"Okeyyy dokeyyy."
Getting up, I looked at the human one last time before I left.
She had no skin. Both of her arms and legs were torn apart from the middle. She had no scalp. Her ribs were sticking out of her back. Her guts were hanging out. Her tongue, without her lower jaw, was dangling from her mouth. And her heart was a bright orange color, pumping literal lava through her body instead of blood. Despite all of this, she was alive, thanks to Sylianner's healing magic.
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