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6.06% Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2

Athias tentatively poked at the slab of well cooked meat on his plate, occasionally glancing up at his smiling savior. Auri she called herself.

She had brought him into what she called her pod where he spent the night. Much like the outside, the inside and most of the furniture were made of curled roots. They formed the fur covered bed, various dressers and counters, as well as the table and seat he was currently in.

It was odd and fascinating.

Acting the part of the generous host, Auri offered him breakfast the moment morning came.

He would've dug in to appease the anticipatory grumbles of his stomach, but there was one problem. In most material, whether that be anime or games, elves tended to be boiled down to beautified humans with pointy ears and longer life spans.

That wasn't the case in this world.

If he remembered correctly, the majority of High Elves, or Altmer, considered themselves to be descendants of gods and looked down on other races. Supremacists were nothing new but the magical power they wielded made them a major threat.

Dark elves, or Dunmer, weren't exactly welcoming to outsiders but they weren't nearly as bad. From what he remembered, they were busy dealing with their own issues, so kept to their homeland.

Then there were Wood Elves, or Bosmer.

Athias sneaked one more uncertain glance up at his savior. Auri's open smile showed off unnaturally sharpened rows of teeth. A predator's teeth. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't find her freckled face charming; her curly red hair and expressive green eyes stood out to him. And last night, when they crawled out of that lake, her dripping form had been somewhat distracting. She was the perfect blend between cute and beautiful.

Two words he never expected to use to describe a cannibal.

He distinctly recalled Wood Elves being known to eat people. Sure there could be cannibals among any race, but they supposedly partook in the flesh of others quite openly in their homeland.

As though such a thing was normal.

Athias didn't want to offend her but he sure as hell didn't want to become a cannibal on his second day here. Or on any day here.

"Do you…" Athias trailed off unsure of how to broach the topic. "Are you follower of that pact?"

"The Green Pact." Auri corrected with a nod. "I am. Just because I left my home doesn't mean I left my culture behind."

He grimaced. "Does that mean you eat…you know."

"People? Of course, you don't just pick and choose what part of your religion to follow do you?" Auri gave him a friendly grin that was made far more ominous than it should've been by her teeth. "In fact, that's the whole reason I brought you here. The plan is to fatten you up so I can have a better meal later."

He forced out a nervous chuckle. That was a joke. It was definitely a joke.

Her grin widened as if to intentionally bring his attention back to her teeth.

Even if it was a joke, what kind of person joked about eating people? It had to be a cultural thing.

Auri finally released the grin with a laugh. "I'm sorry, you were making it so easy that I just had to mess with you. Don't worry, that's some meat cut from an elk I hunted the other day."

Athias released a breath. "Oh thank god, I mean, thank you for the food."

Auri acknowledged his thanks with a nod, her head tilted in curiosity. "I honestly don't get why you all react so negatively to my dietary habits. How is it any different from eating an animal?"

"It just is." Athias answered with an honest shrug. He didn't need to give it much thought to know it felt wrong to even consider eating other people.

"That's it?" Auri questioned.


"I expected a bit more of a violent reaction. The people I've met so far have made it rather clear that my habits mean I'm unwelcome here." The upbeat and playful vibe he's begun to associate with her became more subdued as she frowned, recalling something.

Again he shrugged. "You saved my life and while I do find it a little unsettling, we come from completely different places." She had no clue about the real meaning those words held. "There are bound to be some things we'll just have to agree to disagree on."

"Hmmm, agree to disagree. I like the sound of that." Auri said, mostly nodding to herself. "You are rather open minded for an imperial. Your empire doesn't seem to hold us Bosmer in high regard due to a war from what I've heard, especially not followers of the Green Pact."

Athias could guess she was referencing the Great War between the Aldmeri Dominion And the Empire but whatever specifics involved Wood Elves flew right over his head. He wouldn't be surprised if there were somethings he was unaware of; while he dabbled in obscure lore for the games he played, most of the finer details were forgotten in time.

Whatever the case, he had the perfect answer. "I don't pay much attention to war or politics. I'd rather see the sights and enjoy what the world has to offer." He was rather proud of that answer. It truly conveyed the spirit of an eager adventurer.

Auri hummed, their conversation finally dying down.

With no reason to distrust her, Athias grabbed a fork -made of bone like the many other things in here- and took a bite. It was fine. It could use seasoning if you asked him but Auri probably wasn't down with the idea of using plant life to add flavor to food.

"You said you came to Skyrim to explore?" Auri suddenly asked.

"Yep, there's plenty I want to see."

"I don't suppose you're in need of a traveling companion? I'm also interested in seeing what this cold land has to offer and I'm a very good archer too, so I could watch your back." She gave the surprised Athias a friendly grin as she pushed off the wall of roots she'd been leaning against "So? What do you say?"

"You're not planning to take a bite out of me when I let my guard down are you?" Athias said with a slightly strained smile. It seemed like the kind of joke she'd like even if he found it a bit odd.

Fortunately, it got the effect he wanted, her earlier playfulness back. "Maybe just a nibble."

"I don't see why not." He extended a hand and they shook on it.

While he finished up the rest of his meal , Auri excused herself, claiming that there were some thing she needed to retrieve before she could set out with him.

That was fine by him.

He hadn't got the chance to thoroughly explore the windows of information that popped up for him last night but that didn't mean he should open it up and half ass a conversation with someone. He still didn't have total confidence in his understanding of the world at the moment.

Would Alduin appear soon? Would he be even more dangerous than in the game? What about the Civil War? How would it turn out if every little thing in the world wasn't operating on the time of some protagonist? Maybe just being here triggered a massive butterfly effect and changed all those things?

Plenty of questions with no answers.

Best he focus on the ones he could answer.

Athias opened up his proficiency tree and took a proper look at it. Each constellation or skill, had a faded bar beneath it and a number beside said bar to signify his skill level. Among them, his restoration, light armor, and one handed bars were the only ones with a little color inside them to signify progress made.

At the very top, above all the constellations, was a singular dull bar that was slightly filled with light, a bold number one beside it.

His guess? That was his level. If it was anything like the games, increasing his proficiency increased the progress of that bar, netting him a perk point and increased health, magicka, or stamina.

All of his skills sat at a comfortable twenty except for restoration which was one level above that. A better overall start than what he remembered in the game. Some numbers definitely should've been lower due to his race but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Speaking of race, what was with the deal with the sub-race section? Did that mean he had enough nordic blood running through him to reap some of the benefits? They were known for being resilient to the cold. That would've been useful on the mountain. And what were the chances that it meant he was Dragonborn?

Whatever the case, he wasn't too worried.

With someone as skilled as Auri acting as his companion he was confident he could get by as long as they chose their fights wisely.

First things first though, he wanted to learn an actual spell. Maybe a merchant in Falkreath had an old spell tome or two for sale.

…..shit, he didn't have any gold.


Falkreath was a dreary place.

Aside from a few questions from the guards at the gateless entrance, Athias and Auri were given a wide berth by the few people who walked the dirt trails that ran between each building. If the light fog that seemed to hover around the town wasn't off-putting, the cold shoulder made certain they didn't feel welcomed.

The place was certainly bigger than what the game showed but fit what he recalled rather well.

At least it was safe. The overall level of patrolling guards hovered around twenty, the strongest people he's encountered so far. The ordinary citizen ranged from five all the way up to ten with the exception being kids. Even the youth were a level or two higher than him though. It was a bit disheartening but hey, when you start from nothing that means the only way to go is up.

Athias noticed Auri looking about with a frown. She wore a hooded fur coat, far thinner than his, meant to cover her face and antlers, not to combat the cold. A smart decision. Elves might not be forbidden to enter cities but her features could easily draw the wrong attention from a wandering drunk or bitter nord.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

Auri shook her head. "I just don't understand how you can bring yourselves to live in these buildings. It's disgusting."

Ah, right. The Green Pact prohibited those who followed it from cutting down trees or harming them in anyway. Seeing an entire town built of lumber was bound to put a damper on her mood.

"You can wait for me outside the town if you want, I just wanted to look around and ask some questions." He said.

Auri played with the idea for a moment before ultimately shaking her head again. "I offered to travel with you knowing we'd be going into these nord settlements. Don't mind me. I'll try and get used to it."

Athias nodded. It was her choice to make not his.

After some searching he found the place he was in search of.

Gray Pine Goods. A general goods shop housed in a modest two story wooden building, it's sign swaying ever so slightly in the gentle winds.

Traditionally speaking, the local tavern would've been the go to place for information and the Jarl's court wizard the person to visit for magical tomes. That would've involved a lot of talking with a people that held strangers in low regard, besides, he was fairly certain there was no court wizard in Falkreath.

On the other hand, if this shop's owner was who he expected, then he could get the answers he wanted and possibly a chance at a tome if any were available.

General stores dabbled in everything.

The inside was surprisingly cozy. For him at least. The crackling flame of the hearth and the smell of burning wood did little to alleviate Auri's concern even if she didn't voice it. It was a nice change of pace though he was getting a little warm with the heavy cloak draped over him.


 [Race: Nord]

 [Level: 15]

"Well met, travelers." The man behind the nearby counter, a nord with the full head of blonde hair and sky blue eyes often seen among his people, greeted them. His level was higher than normal people but lower than the local guards. "In need of supplies for the road?"

The most reasonable assumption. Whatever little traffic Falkreath got looked to be born of necessity rather than anyone actively seeking the town out.

"Spell tomes, actually. Do you have any in stock?" Athias questioned, walking up to the counter.

"Scholarly sort, eh? I didn't take you for a mage."

"I wouldn't go that far, at least not yet." Athias crossed his arms scanning some of the wears behind the man. He didn't plan on buying but it didn't hurt to look. "I hear Skyrim has been getting more dangerous. Adding another restoration spell or two under my belt seemed the smart move."

"Aye, restoration is a respectable school. Saved my life a few months ago." The nord said. He pushed off the counter and headed to old cupboard behind him, a slight limp to his step.

Months? That didn't sound right to Athias. This man, though his name alluded him, was supposed to be a soldier years into retirement.

"What happened?" Athias asked.

"Fought under Jarl Ulfric. Got injured in a skirmish up near Windhelm."

"With the Empire?"

"Aye. Damned dogs thought they could demand the Jarl arrested for Talos worship." With two old books in hand, the man returned to the counter, frowning. "This is Nord land and we'll worship our gods no matter what your Empire says."

Athias couldn't help the furrowing of his brow. "Aren't the Stormcloaks and Empire at war? Why would they expect Ulfric to just surrender at their demand?"

"You haven't been in Skyrim long, have you? We've fought but open warfare hasn't started. The cowardly Imperials don't want to acknowledge us." A grim but determined look took over the man's face. "Its only a matter of time before it is as you say. Jarl Ulfric won't bend the knee to an Empire rolling over for those damned elves."

So the war hadn't started yet.

How unexpected. He's been operating on the belief he was brought into this world around the same time the game would've started. It sounded like that wouldn't be for a few years time.

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

If the proverbial script of the world was still intact then he had quite the bit of time before Alduin appeared to haunt the skies of Skyrim alongside his resurrected kin. Time to bolster his skills. There's no guarantee he was the Last Dragonborn or Dragonborn at all, but even if he wasn't, he had no intentions of being prey for a bunch of overgrown lizards.

Athias examined the two books, wiping away the dust that coated them. Dark blue windows appeared over them.

 「Item: Tome of Warding」

「Description: A spell tome detailing the theory behind Wards. Wards enable the user to maintain a shield capable of negating magical and physical damage. The shield's durability depends on the user's skill and experience. Contains numerous practical exercises with little risk.」

 「Item: A Novice's Guide to Pyromancy」

「Description: A spell tome detailing the theory behind numerous novice level flame spells. The practical exercises contained within can be dangerous. Caution is advised.」

Damn. Even tomes were different from what he expected. More importantly, there really wasn't just some button he could press to learn a spell? He had no problem doing things the conventional way, if anything that'd make things more interesting, but there's no way he'd be able to afford these things right now.

"How much for them?" Athias asked.

"60 gold each." The nord said. 

Cheaper than expected but that didn't mean much when the crazies in the ratways beneath Riften had more gold than him.

"I'm willing to trade if you don't have gold." The nord added. Did his brokenness show on his face? "That cloak of yours looks to be of good quality. Hand it over and one of the books are yours."

"Really? A spell tome for a cloak? That doesn't seem profitable." 

"You're the first person to come to me looking for spells since I opened up. I'm more likely to make a profit off of that than these old things."

Athias couldn't argue with that.

His heavy fur cloak, useful as it was back on those mountains, wasn't anything special. No enchantments from what he could see and certainly no emotional importance. Even so, he hesitated to trade it away.

It was one of the few things he woke up with. It was slim, so miniscule that it wasn't worth any real thought, but there was a chance that it could be special in some obscure way.

"Hold on." Auri joined them at the counter, a pile of golden septims poured out from a furry pouch. "That should be enough for one of them."

After a quick count, the satisfied nord allowed him to take the book on wards and they left the shop, tome stored within his backpack.

"You didn't have to do that for me." Athias said as they stopped just outside the shop's door.

"Don't worry about it. The only reason I had that gold was because the bandits that attacked me carried them; I never thought I'd actually use them." Auri said. He almost felt sorry for those who thought her an easy target. If they met their end at her hand, it went without saying what she did to them.

"Well, I still owe you one."

Auri smiled beneath her hood. "Since you're so insistent, I'll be keeping you to that." That smile of hers fell quickly, more gazes falling upon them, all guarded and suspicious. She tugged at the tip of her hood, ensuring her antlers weren't visible. "So, where are we headed now?"

Athias looked towards a distant mountain that rose high into the air. It was a bit difficult to make out through the lingering fog but the dark ancient stone of a nordic ruin jutted out the side of the mountain.

Surely draugr would be far more manageable than a spriggan.

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Let's keep it rolling.

And yes, chapter length will vary. I write until it feels complete which means you might get a chapter thats 1k words or one that goes beyond 4k.

I can say this for sure though. I've read a few litrpgs and I absolutely hate chapters that are nothing but stat windows with no plot or action happening. I won't promise to never do that but the chances are damn near zero since I put plot before the system while using the system to compliment the plot. At least that's the hope.

Anyways, next chapter incoming now.

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