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95.71% Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju / Chapter 66: The Final Dance

Chapitre 66: The Final Dance

A Few Minutes Earlier:

Sukuna, ever vigilant, sensed the intricate details of Hiroshi's actions. As Hiroshi healed Megumi's body, Sukuna's mind raced with calculations. Bound by a Binding Vow that dictated his return to Yuji's body upon defeat, Sukuna knew he was on borrowed time—but he also knew he had a chance.

"This vessel, Megumi, is defeated, but I am not," Sukuna mused, his eyes narrowing with determination. Observing Hiroshi channeling Divine Lightning to smite Hajime Kashimo, Sukuna seized the moment. With a sudden flash of light, Megumi's body morphed into a monstrous form—four arms and two mouths, the terrifying visage of Ryomen Sukuna from the Heian Era.

He began chanting, pointing directly at Hiroshi, whose mind was momentarily in the Cursed Realm.

Suguru Geto and Gojo Satoru, having just dispatched the Frozen Star Uraume, witnessed the transformation. Realizing they could not reach Hiroshi in time, they acted with lightning speed.

"Reversal: Red!" Satoru's voice rang out, his Reverse Cursed Technique crackling through the air.

"Maximum: Uzumaki!" Suguru intoned, unleashing his most powerful attack.

Both techniques were aimed with precision, designed to miss Hiroshi but strike Sukuna with deadly accuracy.

In that instant, Hiroshi regained his bearings, senses snapping back to reality. He turned to see Sukuna's monstrous form, the twin attacks of his friends closing in. His instincts screamed danger, and with a surge of Raijin Chakra mode, he evaded the world-cutting slash which bisected a good chunk of the ground.

Hiroshi looked at the Heian Era Sukuna. "That's... rather new," he thought. "I swear I kicked your ass," Hiroshi smirked at Sukuna.

"Who knows, perhaps you failed to do so," Sukuna replied.

Hiroshi realized that he had been rather negligent. Now he did not have his Cursed Techniques, except his non-innate ones.

Hiroshi stood up. On his right, Satoru Gojo; on his left, Suguru Geto.

"How you holding up, Hiroshi? I believe you're out of CTs?" Satoru teased.

"Well, I had been negligent, not gonna lie. I swear I thought he was a goner. We had a binding vow," Hiroshi replied.

"Binding Vow or not, it's clear he's not going down without a beatdown," Suguru cracked his knuckles.

Unlike in the original, where Ryomen Sukuna would smirk confidently, this time, he did not have a smirk at all. Instead, he wore a rather serious, do-or-die expression on his face, for he now faced not only three sorcerers but three of the strongest the modern world had to offer: Suguru Geto, Gojo Satoru, and a severely weakened Senju Hiroshi.

Sukuna looked at the trio in front of him, his mind racing for any plans or strategies, but he faced the greatest dilemma. One was Gojo Satoru and his Limitless, two was Suguru Geto with Cursed Spirit Manipulation, and probably the weakest one of the trio, Senju Hiroshi, who had all of his Cursed Techniques under cooldown. Sukuna had a hunch that after releasing that magnum opus, Indra's Arrow, Senju Hiroshi would not have a Cursed Technique available.

"You know, this oddly feels like some sort of cliché," Hiroshi said.

"Cliché? Which one?" Satoru asked.

"The power of friendship," Hiroshi smirked.

Suguru thought for a moment before saying, "Now that you mention it, perhaps the peak of sorcery was the friends we made along the way."

"Bro..." Hiroshi said with a deadpan expression.

The trio bantered, clearly ignoring their opponent.

Sukuna, however, remained focused, his mind working furiously. He knew that he could not let his guard down for even a moment against these three formidable opponents. Despite their banter, they were all incredibly dangerous, and any lapse in concentration could mean his end.

Meanwhile in the theater, everyone's eyes had been glued to the screen.

"The Big 3 all on one battlefield," Mei Mei said, her voice betraying a rare hint of excitement.

"This is the biggest fight ever. Are you not going to join them, Yuki-san?" Kusakabe asked, unable to hide his curiosity.

"No... if I did, then perhaps Sukuna might perish faster," she chuckled, knowing that the King of Curses was on his last straw.

Everyone understood that this was both the brightest moment for Ryomen Sukuna and his darkest one. To fight not only the God of Sorcerers, but the Lord of Pandemonium and the Honored One in one gauntlet was an insurmountable task.

Gojo Takumi and Senju Hiroto signaled for their clans to prepare the victory party. Every opponent had been vanquished, and now Ryomen Sukuna was the last one standing. Kenjaku was now contained in a jar, Uraume had been imprisoned, and the Culling Games were functionally nonexistent. Once the King of Curses was defeated, the Culling Games would become null and void.

"Get ready, everyone," Hiroto called out, his voice filled with anticipation. "This is the final push."

Takumi nodded in agreement. "Let's make sure everything is perfect. This victory will mark the end of an era."

As the preparations for the celebration commenced, the atmosphere was electric with a mix of tension and hope. Everyone knew that the outcome of this battle would determine the future of their world. The stakes had never been higher, and all eyes were on the screen, waiting to witness the conclusion of the most epic showdown in history.


Hiroshi turned to his buddies, his expression confident. "Since y'all are here, then this has got to be no problem. I was being careful, but now... you guys don't mind if we slightly even the odds for our four-armed friend here?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Whatever, he's gonna lose," Satoru said nonchalantly, taking off his glasses and revealing his Six Eyes.

"What are you going to do, Hiroshi?" Suguru asked, curiosity piqued.

Hiroshi took out a scroll and revealed the Kamutoke and a trident, Ryomen Sukuna's weapons from the Heian Era. "Figured we let him have at least a fighting chance," Hiroshi chuckled.

"Are you underestimating me, Senju Hiroshi?" Sukuna growled, his voice a mix of rage and confusion.

"Hehe, you'll need it if you want a fighting chance," Hiroshi said, tossing the Kamutoke and trident to Sukuna.

"Keep it interesting," Gojo Satoru added, his eyes now a radiant blue, the Six Eyes fully activated.

Sukuna caught the weapons with a sneer, his eyes burning with fury and determination. "You dare mock me by giving me my own weapons?"

Sukuna raised the Kamutoke and lightning rained upon the battlefield. The Trio disappeared, and the first one to reach Sukuna was Gojo Satoru. With a fierce left, Satoru's strike was parried by Sukuna's lower arm, and Sukuna retaliated with his lower limbs. Just as Sukuna was about to use his trident to stab, Suguru Geto appeared on his other side with an uppercut.

Sukuna was on the receiving end of a jumping. Staggered by the uppercut, he was immediately comboed. Satoru delivered a flurry of punches to Sukuna's torso, knocking him back step by step, as Suguru added solid lefts and rights. To end the combo, both sorcerers kicked Sukuna backwards. His feet dragged across the ground until he felt someone put their hands across his waist.

Hiroshi grabbed hold of Sukuna and gave the King of Curses a German suplex, crashing him into the ground and losing his weapons in the process.

Hiroshi stood up, flanked by Satoru and Suguru. "There's no 1v1 anymore, you're outside so you get jumped," he stared at Sukuna, who pulled himself out of the ground, clearly focused and holding back his rage.

In the Heian Era, there was only Senju Hashirama and Ryomen Sukuna—that was their era. In the modern era, there were four sorcerers standing at its apex, with the strongest three in front of Sukuna.

"All this talk about returning to the Heian Era. I'd say the modern era is peak sorcery. The Heian Era may have started the greatness of sorcery, but it is the modern era that pushed it to new heights," Hiroshi said.

Sukuna looked at Hiroshi with an inquisitive expression, but his guard remained up.

"A product of a bygone era," Suguru said as he smirked at Sukuna.

"The King of Curses, Kenjaku, And Uraume the Frozen Star—you should've stayed in that era," Satoru said, his eyes glowing blue.

The battle erupted once again as Suguru swiped to the right, summoning a massive skeleton arm that swept toward Sukuna. Sukuna responded by sending slashes at it but discovered that the Gashadokuro's skeleton arm was impervious to his attacks.

As he was focused on the arm, Gojo Satoru appeared, and with a swift kick, sent Sukuna crashing down onto the skeleton arm. Sukuna slammed into the ground and immediately stood up, just in time to dodge Hiroshi's energy beam.

Sukuna knew he must debilitate or at least take one out of the fight to ease the difficulty. However, he was only allowed a few moments before being pelted with projectiles. He looked up to see Hiroshi holding some sort of object.

"Hiroshi, are you for real? Guns?" Suguru asked in disbelief.

"What? It works, doesn't—" Hiroshi began, watching Sukuna parry the bullets easily. "Maybe it doesn't," Hiroshi corrected himself.

The combat did not stop there as Sukuna was hit by Reversal: Red coming from his blind spot. The force pushed Sukuna toward Hiroshi and Suguru, who both smirked as they landed punches on the King of Curses. Despite tanking both attacks, Sukuna returned fire, engaging in a fierce melee with Hiroshi and Suguru. The King of Curses remained focused, calculating his next move.

Suguru's fist then sparked with black energy as he struck Sukuna in the abdomen.

"[Black Flash!]"

The impact staggered Sukuna, but it wasn't enough to take him down. He grabbed hold of Suguru and sent a "Cleave" attack, sending Suguru reeling backward.

Seizing the opportunity, Hiroshi delivered an uppercut that connected, and then Gojo Satoru appeared right by Sukuna's midsection, delivering a powerful roundhouse kick that sent the King of Curses flying through buildings.

Sukuna crashed through multiple structures, debris scattering everywhere. The trio regrouped, standing ready for Sukuna's inevitable return.

"Nice kick, Satoru," Hiroshi remarked, shaking out his fist.

"Thanks, but don't let your guard down Suguru," Satoru replied, his eyes glowing watching Suguru heal himself.

Suguru, catching his breath, nodded.

The trio gave chase, closing the distance as they watched Sukuna rise from the rubble, all four of his hands firing Cero blasts towards them. Sukuna had begun using every trick in the book, every technique he had learned from observing Hiroshi's arsenal, in a desperate bid to secure victory.

Gojo Satoru, Suguru Geto, and Hiroshi maneuvered skillfully, dodging the deadly beams with ease. Each had their own unique way of avoiding the attacks: Satoru with his Limitless Technique, Suguru with his agility and strategic use of cursed spirits, and Hiroshi with just pure physical speed and CE Reinforcement.

Satoru took the lead, his eyes glowing with intensity. "Reversal: Red!" he shouted, sending another powerful blast towards Sukuna. The force of the attack created a shockwave, but Sukuna anticipated it, dodging to the side and retaliating with a flurry of slashes from his Kamutoke.

Suguru followed up, summoning a massive cursed spirit to engage Sukuna directly. The spirit lunged at Sukuna, who responded with a swift slash, cutting through its form. But the distraction was enough for Hiroshi to close in.

Hiroshi, charging with electrifying speed, aimed a lariat at Sukuna's face.

Sukuna caught the lariat and smashed Hiroshi onto the ground using two of his arms, laying a barrage of punches onto him. However, as he focused his attention on Hiroshi, he kept track of Gojo Satoru maneuvering behind him. Reacting swiftly, Sukuna threw Hiroshi, causing him to collide with Satoru. This left Sukuna momentarily exposed to an attack from Suguru, who summoned Mahito.

Mahito used an enlarged arm to swat Sukuna across the battlefield, sending him crashing through several buildings. Above, Jogo was ready, summoning his Maximum: Meteor to strike Sukuna's location. All this happened within a span of a few seconds, showcasing the chaotic intensity of the battle.

"Yay! Kaboom!" Mahito playfully exclaimed. "Hey there, Mr. Strongest and Blue-eyed King," he said to Hiroshi and Gojo Satoru.

"You remember us, Mahito?" Hiroshi asked, a smirk on his face.

"Of course," Mahito replied, his usual nonchalance evident.

"So you remember me too?" Hiroshi smirked at Jogo.

"Tsk," Jogo clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"They do, but this is pretty unique to the Disaster Curses. Hanami, Mahito, Jogo, and Dagon retain their personalities and memories. They're not just killing machines," Suguru explained.

"I thought we explored this earlier," Hiroshi said, curious.

"Well, cursed techniques evolve and improve," Suguru replied.

"Makes sense," Hiroshi agreed, putting his hand on his chin in thought.

"Incoming," Satoru warned, his eyes never leaving Sukuna.

Sukuna, rising from the rubble, began to chant. "Scale of the Dragon, Recoil, Twin Meteors," he intoned, his upper limbs forming the Inmaten sign while his lower limbs pointed towards the trio's general direction.

The world-cutting slash, a devastating attack, was once again unleashed by Sukuna. The trio reacted instantly.

The trio dodged the slash, and Suguru had already unsummoned Mahito and Jogo. As they maneuvered away, sharp roots suddenly ensnared Sukuna, making his heart skip a beat. "Did he restore his cursed technique so soon??!" he thought, but then realized it was Hanami. Relaxing slightly, Sukuna sent a Dismantle towards Hanami, nearly bisecting him. Turning his head, he saw Hollow Purple hurtling towards him, accompanied by two massive energy signatures: Maximum: Uzumaki and Gran Rey Cero.

Realizing he was trapped in a triangular formation with no escape, Sukuna chose the weakest attack, Hiroshi's Gran Rey Cero. He crossed his arms, entered Domain Amplification, and prepared to use Reversed Cursed Technique. An explosion ensued.

Emerging from the smoke, Sukuna was burnt and charred but alive. The trio was already upon him, determined to end it here and now. All three fists sparked black with immense power.

**[Black Flash!]**

**[Black Flash!]**

**[Black Flash!]**

The black sparks signaled the end for Sukuna. Hiroshi's punch connected with Sukuna's face, Satoru struck his abdomen, and Suguru targeted his spine. The devastating triple attack made Sukuna spit out his fingers. On the ground, no longer the four-armed King of Curses, lay Megumi Fushiguro, with the twenty fingers of Sukuna scattered around him.

Yuji arrived, shouting, "Senju-sensei, Gojo-sensei, Senju-sensei!"

"Yo Yuji!" Hiroshi waved as he placed his hand on Megumi, healing him. Then he looked at Suguru. "Finally hit that Black Flash, huh?" he teased.

Suguru nodded and teased back, "Maybe all I needed was the power of friendship."

Hiroshi cringed, "Suguru... can we not talk about that cliché trope?"

"Oh really, the power of friendship defeated the King of Curses T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R," Satoru smirked. "Sounds like the power of friendship to me."

The trio laughed at the idea that the power of friendship had indeed defeated Sukuna.

"Sensei, what about these fingers?" Yuji asked.

"Eat them," Hiroshi said nonchalantly.

"Alright," Yuji began picking up the fingers and eating them like they were chicken wings.

"Holy fuck, that just came from Megumi, onto the ground, and then he ate it like some kind of French fry," Hiroshi cussed in horror.

"It's not like this is the first time you've seen that happen. We're Jujutsu Sorcerers; each of us has one screw loose," Suguru said with a chuckle.

Hiroshi stood up as he saw the sunset, casting a warm, golden hue over the battlefield. He glanced at Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, their expressions reflecting the same mix of relief and triumph. As he took in the scene, memories of his past life and his transmigration into this world surfaced in his mind. A quote echoed in his thoughts, perfectly capturing the essence of their journey. With a serene smile, Hiroshi said, "This was truly our Jujutsu Kaisen."

A/N: Yay! We're almost done

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