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4.34% The Reborn Demon:Ascension / Chapter 2: Ascension's Wake - Gears of Fate Begin to Turn

Chapitre 2: Ascension's Wake - Gears of Fate Begin to Turn

In a secluded corner of Mistvale Keep, within the confines of a sprawling manor, Aidan Barrow stood motionless by an open window. Outside, a relentless rain poured, its droplets invading the room, yet he seemed oblivious to the chill they brought. His gaze was lost in the turmoil of the storm, a reflection of the tempest within his own soul. "The Time Hourglass has truly brought me back five hundred years," Aidan mused, a sense of wonder mingling with the weight of his reality.

The Time Hourglass, a legendary artifact said to be crafted by the Sun God himself, wielder of time, power, and fire, had always been shrouded in myth. No tales had ever spoken of someone possessing it, much less wielding its formidable power. For its use demanded a price so steep—self-annihilation, the complete dissolution of body and spirit into the sands of time—that none dared even contemplate its activation. Yet, the allure of such divine power had ignited a frenzy across the world, and by a twist of fate, it had come into Aidan's hands, only to force him into a desperate act of self-destruction.

"What a divine artifact indeed," Aidan whispered, a wry smile tugging at his lips. Despite being thrust back to the beginning, stripped of all possessions, the memories and experiences of five centuries remained intact—his most precious asset. "First, I must grow stronger. Only then can I leave Mistvale Keep behind. This place is too constricted for my ambitions."

As the rain intensified, Aidan closed the window, his movements deliberate, embodying a resolve hardened by time itself. The cool touch of the raindrops on his skin lingered, a reminder of the harsh reality he faced. Yet, his eyes gleamed with an unquenchable fire, the embodiment of his undying spirit and boundless ambition.

In the shadow-clad chamber of Mistvale Keep, where the relentless rain pattered against the stone, a figure emerged from the darkness. It was Ewan, Aidan's younger brother, whose features bore a striking resemblance to his own, yet were marked by a palpable mediocrity that set them worlds apart. From childhood, Aidan was heralded as a prodigy, his talents casting a long shadow in which Ewan dwelled, his existence diminished to mere footnotes beside the chapters of Aidan's brilliance.

"Ewan," Aidan greeted, his voice devoid of warmth, a mere acknowledgment of the other's presence.

"Aidan," Ewan replied, forcing a veneer of respect that failed to mask the simmering envy within. "Uncle and Aunt sent me. They said you should rest early for the rite tomorrow. They are... concerned about you."

Aidan's lips curled into a sardonic smile, fully aware of the duplicity that lay beneath Ewan's words, as well as the true nature of their uncle and aunt's 'concern.' In his previous life, Aidan had been a pawn in their greedy quest for his parents' legacy, subjected to years of exploitation and manipulation. Now, reborn with the knowledge of their deceit, he harbored no illusions about the familial bonds that tied them.

"Concerned, are they?" Aidan mused aloud, his gaze piercing through Ewan. "How touching. And you, brother, do you share their... concern?"

Ewan shifted uneasily, caught off guard by the directness. "Of course," he lied smoothly, a practiced deceit to mask his true feelings. "After all, we're family."

Aidan laughed, a sound devoid of mirth. "Family," he repeated, the word tasting bitter on his tongue. "A convenient label for those who wish to lay claim to what is not theirs. Tell me, Ewan, when have they ever shown us any genuine kindness that wasn't fueled by their greed?"

Ewan's eyes flickered with a hint of resentment, not for their relatives' actions, but for Aidan's unspoken accusation. "We do what we must to survive," he retorted, his tone defensive. "Not all of us have the luxury of being born a 'genius.'"

The air between them thickened with unsaid truths, their mutual disdain hanging heavily in the room. Both brothers, ensnared in their personal ambitions and grievances, saw in the other a reflection of their own thwarted desires.

"Survive, then," Aidan said coldly, turning away from Ewan to gaze out at the storm once more. "But remember, the rite is but a means to an end. Whether by divine will or our own cunning, we must each carve our own path to power."

Ewan lingered for a moment longer, contemplating Aidan's words. Despite the animosity that divided them, he could not deny the truth in his brother's statement. With a curt nod, he left Aidan to his thoughts, the door closing silently behind him.

Alone once more, Aidan allowed himself a moment of reflection. In this life, he vowed, he would not be the naive pawn he once was. Armed with the knowledge of the past and a ruthless determination to ascend above all others, he would use anyone and anything to achieve his ambitions.

And so, as the night wore on, the brothers, each ensnared in their web of deceit and ambition, prepared for the morrow's ceremony—a day that promised not only the possibility of divine ascension but also the inevitable revelation of their true natures.

As the first light of dawn seeped through the gaps of the heavy curtains, casting a muted glow across the chamber, Aidan awoke to find himself under the attentive gaze of a familiar face. The servant girl, Lyra, stood at the edge of his bed, her presence an unwelcome reminder of a past marred by betrayal and manipulation.

"Good morning, my lord," Lyra offered, her tone laced with a feigned tenderness that once might have stirred something within him. Now, it only served as a cue for his disdain. She moved closer, her actions seemingly innocent yet charged with an underlying intent to seduce.

Aidan's response was nothing more than a nonchalant glance, a clear indication of his utter indifference. He made no move to acknowledge her attempts, his demeanor as cold and impassive as the stone walls that surrounded them.

"And what do you want?" Aidan inquired, his voice flat, betraying no hint of interest or irritation. It was a simple question, yet one loaded with the weight of unspoken accusations and memories best left buried.

Lyra paused, momentarily thrown off by his lack of reaction. She recovered quickly, though, masking any sign of frustration with a practiced smile. "I am here to assist you in preparing for the Ascension Ceremony, my lord," she said, attempting to draw closer under the guise of her duties.

"There's no need," Aidan cut her off, his tone as dismissive as his gaze. He rose from the bed, deliberately turning his back to her, a clear sign that her presence was both unnecessary and unwelcome.

Lyra's efforts to regain his attention faltered in the face of his indifference. For a moment, the facade of the dutiful servant cracked, revealing a glimpse of the true motivations that lay beneath. Yet, she quickly composed herself, realizing the futility of her attempts.

"Very well, my lord. If you require nothing further, I shall take my leave," she said, her voice devoid of the warmth it carried moments before. With a final, lingering look that went unnoticed by Aidan, she exited the room, leaving him to his thoughts.

Alone once more, Aidan's gaze drifted to the window, the storm of the previous night having given way to a clear dawn. The encounter with Lyra was but a minor distraction, a fleeting reminder of the countless faces that sought to use him for their gain.

In this life, Aidan was determined to remain unencumbered by such trivialities. Armed with the knowledge of his previous existence and a heart grown cold from centuries of betrayal, he was resolved to navigate this world with a singular focus on his ambitions. Emotions, particularly those evoked by the likes of Lyra, were nothing but obstacles on his path to power.

As he prepared for the day ahead, Aidan's thoughts were not of the Ascension Ceremony nor of the intrigues that awaited him. Instead, he pondered the moves he must make to secure his place in a world that was both familiar and foreign. In this game of power and deception, only the cold and calculating could truly ascend.

Lyra, upon leaving Aidan's chamber, found herself almost immediately in the arms of Ewan, who had been lurking near the doorway, a silent witness to the dismissal she had just suffered. With practiced vulnerability, she collapsed against him, her sobs muffled against his chest.

"He's cruel, Ewan," she whimpered, playing the part of the wronged innocent with ease. "Your brother, he... he mistreated me. I tried to resist, to assert my place, but what am I but a mere servant in his eyes?"

Ewan, his heart a tumult of emotions, wrapped his arms protectively around her. He had long harbored feelings for Lyra, enchanted by her beauty and apparent gentleness, blind to the manipulations beneath. Her words, false as they were, ignited a flame of resentment towards Aidan, a resentment that had been smoldering for years, now given fresh fuel.

"There, there," he soothed, his voice soft, yet within his eyes danced a sinister gleam. "I'll protect you, Lyra. You need not fear him any longer."

Lyra, sensing the shift in Ewan, pulled back slightly to meet his gaze, her own eyes shimmering with unshed tears that were as much a part of her deception as the words she spoke. "Thank you, Ewan. I... I don't know what I would do without you."

The moment was a dance of shadows, each player keenly aware of their role. For Lyra, Ewan was a means to an end, a pawn in her game of survival and ascent within the treacherous hierarchy of Mistvale Keep. For Ewan, Lyra was both the object of his desire and a weapon to be wielded against Aidan, a chance to finally step out from his brother's imposing shadow.

As they parted, the air between them was charged with unsaid promises and plans, a dangerous alliance formed in the quiet corridor outside Aidan's room. Ewan watched Lyra retreat, her figure disappearing into the dim light of the early dawn, his mind racing with thoughts of vengeance and protection.

Returning to his own quarters, Ewan's reflection in the mirror showed a young man transformed by jealousy and ambition, no longer the overshadowed brother but a player in his own right, determined to claim his due. And as the sun rose higher, casting its light upon the keep, the stage was set for a day of revelations and reckonings, with the Ascension Ceremony as the backdrop for a drama of familial betrayal and personal vendettas.

In the game of power that enveloped Mistvale Keep, Aidan and Ewan, brothers by blood, found themselves on opposing sides, each driven by their own vision of what the future should hold, unaware of the price that such ambitions might exact upon their souls.

As the hour approached, the corridors and halls of Mistvale Keep thrummed with an undercurrent of anticipation and anxiety. Today was unlike any other day in the lives of the castle's youths; today was the day of the Ascension Ceremony, a rite that could alter the course of their lives forever.

The castle's central cathedral, a grand edifice that had stood as a silent witness to centuries of history, became the focal point of the day's events. At its heart lay a passage seldom used, leading down to an expansive cavern beneath the earth—a place of power and mystery, where the ceremony was to be held.

The square before the cathedral doors teemed with the castle's sixteen-year-olds, each of them marked by the shared tension of the moment. Whispers and nervous glances were exchanged, as they contemplated the significance of the ceremony. To ascend was to be touched by the divine, to be granted powers beyond the ken of ordinary folk. 

Amidst the gathered crowd, Aidan stood apart. His expression was one of calm detachment, a stark contrast to the palpable anxiety that gripped his peers. His experiences, memories spanning five centuries, lent him a perspective that none around him could claim. Today's ceremony was but a single step in a much longer journey—one he was determined to traverse on his terms.

The Grand Archbishop, a venerable figure robed in the ceremonial vestments of his office, stepped forward. His voice, imbued with the gravitas of his position, rose above the murmurs of the crowd, capturing the attention of all present.

"Children of Mistvale," he began, his eyes sweeping over the young faces before him, "today marks a threshold in your lives. The Ascension Ceremony is a gift from the divine, a test of your worthiness to join the ranks of those touched by the gods. Not all will succeed, but all will be changed by the attempt."

His words, meant to inspire, weighed heavy on the hearts of the listeners. Some faces reflected resolve, others fear, but all were rapt with attention.

"Let us proceed," the Grand Archbishop concluded, turning to lead the way into the cathedral. The heavy doors opened with a resonant creak, revealing the dark descent into the cavern below.

One by one, the youths followed, their footsteps echoing in the hallowed hall as they made their way down into the earth's embrace. The passage, lit only by the flickering light of torches, wound its way deeper, opening at last into the vastness of the underground cavern.

As Aidan descended with the others, his mind was not on the ceremony but on what lay beyond. The Ascension was but one piece of a larger puzzle, a world filled with secrets and powers that he alone remembered. And as the procession moved forward, Aidan knew that whatever the outcome of today's ceremony, his path would lead him to confront the mysteries of this world and claim the destiny that awaited him.

The cavern unfolded before them, an expansive chamber cradled by the earth itself, at its heart lay a vast pond, its surface shimmering with an ethereal light. The water, shallow and clear, reached no higher than the waist of a sixteen-year-old, yet it harbored a world of enchantment beneath its serene expanse.

Embedded within the pond's bed, a myriad of plants akin to dandelions flourished, their luminous blooms casting a glow reminiscent of the soft light of a full moon. This radiance, pure and silvery, bathed the cavern in an otherworldly splendor, evoking the magical essence of a realm hidden from the eyes of the mundane. It was as if billions of fireflies had chosen this place as their sanctuary, their collective glow transforming the cave into a domain of dreams and whispers.

Guided by the Grand Archbishop, a figure of wisdom and authority robed in the vestments of his sacred office, the children—those on the cusp of a transformative juncture in their lives—began their procession into the mystical waters. With hesitant steps, they ventured forth, drawn by the allure of the ceremony and the promise of what lay beyond.

As they moved, the dandelion-like plants reacted to their presence, their glow intensifying with each step taken by the young aspirants. The scene unfolded like a dance of light and shadow, where each participant wove their own path through the liquid tapestry of the pond.

The journey across the pond was more than a mere physical crossing; it was a passage through the veil that separated the ordinary from the extraordinary. The Archbishop's presence served as a beacon, his deep, resonant voice reciting ancient incantations that seemed to resonate with the very stones of the cavern. The air thrummed with power, a tangible manifestation of the sacred energies at play.

For those who watched, the procession was a spectacle of beauty and mystery, a testament to the traditions that had endured through the ages. The children, illuminated by the moon-like glow of the underwater flora, appeared as ethereal beings, their youthful faces etched with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

In this realm of light and water, the boundary between the physical and the mystical blurred, and for a brief moment, the cavern became a portal to another world—a world where the potential for greatness lay within the grasp of those brave enough to reach for it.

And as the children made their way across the pond, each step took them closer to their destiny, guided by the light of the plants that shimmered beneath the waters, a path illuminated by the very essence of magic itself.

As the young aspirants ventured into the mystical pond, their fates began to diverge in the most profound way. The moment their feet touched the water, the true nature of their spirits was tested, and the cavern became a crucible for their ascension—or the revelation of their limitations.

For some, the transition was immediate and disheartening. No sooner had they stepped into the pond than they found themselves ensnared, as if the waters themselves rejected them. The luminescent flora beneath the surface, so vibrant for others, remained dark and unresponsive to their presence. These children, marked by the stillness of the water and the absence of light, faced the sobering truth that they were not chosen for ascension. Destined to remain bound to their mortal coil, they were gently guided back to the shore, where they watched the ceremony continue without them, a silent testament to the paths not taken.

Conversely, those touched by the divine found their journey across the pond met with a spectacle of light. As they moved, the glowing plants beneath the waters stirred to life, their radiance converging upon the children with purpose and intent. This ethereal light, drawn to the innate potential within each child, began to weave around them, infusing their very being with its essence.

Slowly, with each step, the light sculpted their bodies, etching intricate patterns across their skin. These markings, unique to each individual, signified their successful communion with the divine energies of ascension. The most sacred of these symbols, a cross emblazoned upon the center of their foreheads, served as the universal sign of their transformation. This emblem, visible to all, proclaimed their entry into the ranks of the Ascended.

Yet, even among those who succeeded, the intensity of their glow varied significantly. Those enveloped in a brilliant aura, their bodies adorned with complex and numerous patterns, were recognized as possessing exceptional gifts. The distance they traversed through the pond, guided by the accumulating light, indicated the magnitude of their potential, their paths open and unobstructed.

In contrast, others bore a softer glow, their progress through the waters more laborious, the patterns upon their skin sparse and simple. Though they had achieved ascension, the dimness of their light and the limited extent of their markings hinted at a more modest endowment of talents. These individuals, while elevated above their mortal peers, faced a journey filled with challenges, their powers needing nurture and cultivation to flourish.

In the mystical world of Ascension, each step a would-be Ascendant takes through the sacred waters marks their skin with a line, a testament to their potential and a channel for wielding divine energies. These lines, more than mere marks, signify the depth of their connection with the forces that govern their world. 

Those who manage to walk up to thirty steps are known as 'Glowing Ascendants', their talents recognized but considered modest. The journey from thirty to sixty steps heralds the rise of 'Radiant Ascendants', individuals whose abilities shine brighter, promising a future filled with power and influence.

Beyond this, the realm of 'Luminous Ascendants' awaits those who stride between sixty and ninety steps, their skin adorned with intricate patterns that speak of profound potential and a deep bond with the world's energies. 

Yet, the most revered are the 'Celestial Ascendants', those rare beings who approach the brink of perfection with ninety to ninety-nine steps. Their marks glow with the intensity of the stars, a visible sign of their near-divine stature.

However, an unwritten law of the cosmos dictates that no one shall complete the hundredth step. This boundary, untouched and unbroken, stands as a reminder from the heavens that perfection is not meant for mortals. This ceiling on ascension subtly shapes the destinies of all who embark on this sacred path, instilling a mix of ambition and humility in the hearts of the Ascendants.

In the intricate hierarchy of Ascension, the distribution of talent among Ascendants varies greatly, mirroring the vast disparities in their potential and destined paths.

At the pinnacle stand the 'Celestial Ascendants', beings of unparalleled power, whose emergence is as rare as a comet streaking across the night sky—occurring once in a million, a phenomenon a century in the waiting. Their existence is the stuff of legends, often destined to leave an indelible mark on history. The likelihood of encountering a Celestial Ascendant is so slim that their appearance heralds an era of significant change, their potential to rise to positions of immense power and influence, akin to emperors or high priests, virtually guaranteed.

'Luminous Ascendants', with a probability of one in a hundred thousand, represent the elite. Their future is often written among the stars, destined to assume roles of great leadership and responsibility, such as dukes or archbishops. Their remarkable abilities set them apart early on, marking them for a future where they wield significant sway over the realm's affairs.

'Radiant Ascendants' form the backbone of the castle's martial strength. While more common than their Luminous and Celestial counterparts, their presence is critical to the defense and prosperity of their society. As the warriors and protectors, Radiant Ascendants are revered for their valor and prowess, ensuring the realm's safety against all threats.

At the base of the Ascendant hierarchy are the 'Glowing Ascendants', the most numerous but also the most restricted in terms of potential. While they have stepped beyond the realm of the ordinary, their path forward is fraught with limitations. The future for many Glowing Ascendants is often in supporting roles, serving as the logistical and foundational backbone of their society. Though their contributions are essential, the chances for them to break through to higher echelons of power and influence are markedly slim.

In the midst of the gathered crowd, Aidan Barrow advanced with an unwavering calmness, his demeanor betraying none of the tumultuous emotions that swirled around him. Yet, as fate would have it, his journey through the mystical pond halted at the thirty-third step, echoing the limitations he had faced in his past life. Once, he had arrived in this world filled with a naive confidence, believing his transport from Earth to this realm signified a destiny of unparalleled greatness. Reality, however, dealt him a harsh blow—his ascension was marked not by exceptional talent but by mediocrity, dashing the lofty expectations placed upon him and casting him into months of aimless despair.

Reborn, Aidan's talent remained unchanged, but his perspective had undergone a seismic shift. Becoming an Ascendant, no matter the level, now represented a beacon of hope—a foundation upon which he could build a future of his own design.

As he observed the ceremony's progression, four individuals distinguished themselves by surpassing the sixty-step mark. The Duke's youngest son, **Tristan**, reached sixty-eight steps; the Archbishop's eldest grandson, **Emeric**, precisely sixty; and the King's daughter, **Isolde**, achieved seventy-four. Yet, it was the figure still advancing that captured the collective gaze of the onlookers—Aidan's brother, **Ewan**, a youth previously overlooked by all.

Ewan's determination carried him forward until he astonishingly completed ninety-one steps, marking him as a Celestial Ascendant, a rarity that the castle had never before witnessed. This achievement not only shattered expectations but also reshaped the landscape of power within Mistvale Keep.

Aidan's memories darkened as he recalled the aftermath of Ewan's revelation in his previous life. Following the discovery of his brother's unprecedented talent, Ewan had been elevated to a position of prominence, lavished with attention and resources to foster his Celestial potential. Meanwhile, Aidan found himself increasingly marginalized, subjected to his brother's jealousy and spite. Ewan's envy manifested in relentless efforts to belittle Aidan, leveraging his newfound status to cast his brother into shadow. Unable to bear the constant derision and isolation, Aidan had chosen exile over enduring his brother's cruelty, venturing into the unknown far beyond the confines of his ancestral home.

Now, as history seemed poised to repeat itself, Aidan stood amidst the crowd, their eyes fixed on Ewan with a mix of admiration, envy, and astonishment. Yet, within Aidan, there was no such turmoil—only a cold, detached analysis of the situation. The accolades and wonder directed toward his brother were of no consequence to him; Aidan's ambitions lay along a different path, one not dictated by the expectations of others or the whims of fate.

As the ceremony concluded and the assembly dispersed, leaving behind whispers of Ewan's destined greatness, Aidan's thoughts were not of resentment or familial bonds broken by jealousy. Instead, he focused on the future, on the vast, uncharted possibilities that lay before him. In this world of power and ascension, Aidan Barrow would carve his own destiny, unfettered by the shadows of the past or the specter of a brother's envy. His journey would be one of solitary ambition, a quest not for recognition or revenge, but for ultimate mastery over his own fate.

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