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71.42% Hazbin Hotel: Charming Demon / Chapter 10: Part three of the Past

Chapitre 10: Part three of the Past

I'm very sorry for the extremely late update! I have soo much stuff going on that I couldn't even begin to write! School and work are kicking my ass! But by some miracle, I found some time to actually finish a chapter! So please enjoy this chapter! It's mostly just fluff but the next one will be the final chapter of the past! That's when we really get into the dark and gritty! 

The next update is for the ones who have been constantly asking for another chapter of Let Me Show You a True Hero! You asked and I shall deliver!

So please write a comment because that's the only way for me to know you want another chapter!


Chapter 10

"You look absolutely glowing, Alastor! You must have found another 'guest' for your radio show to be this happy~" Rosie laughed as she observed the smiling overlord sitting before her, she eyed the ever-constant smile on his face that now felt more real than any of his other smiles.

They were currently enjoying their weekly teatime together, conversing about anything and everything that would cross their mind. 

But lately, their teatime was becoming less frequent, with it being quite some time since they last spent their time together. 

Alastor being the chaotic and impulse-driven demon he is, never so much as sent a letter to her to explain why! 

"Tell me what you've been up to darling! It feels like it's been ages since we last saw each other!"

Alastor quirked an eyebrow at Rosie's enthusiasm. His smile never wavered, but his eyes twinkled with a secretive kind of mirth.

"Why, Rosie," he drawled, leaning forward to take a sip of his tea. "I'm surprised you noticed my absence, given your busy schedule."

Rosie's laugh tinkled like wind chimes, bright and endearing. "Well, Alastor," she retaliated lightly, "You are a hard demon to miss."

Alastor chuckled at her response, enjoying the candidness of her words. Rosie, noticing this shift in demeanor, quickly seized the opportunity.

"Come now," she coaxed gently, leaning in with an encouraging smile. "Out with it. What's been keeping you so occupied that you can't spend some time with little ol me?"

The devilish grin returned to Alastor's face as he took a sip from his cup while meeting Rosie's gaze evenly, taking his sweet time by taking a nice, long, siiiiiiippppppp.  

"I've simply been indulging in a little horticulture, nothing to write home about~" he finally revealed, setting down his cup with a clink against the porcelain saucer.

Rosie blinked, seemingly taken aback by his unexpected admission. "Horticulture?" she echoed, her eyes gleaming with intrigue and disbelief. "You've taken up gardening?"

Alastor's grin grew wider at her surprised expression. "Indeed, I have!" he confirmed, leaning back in his chair with an air of satisfaction. "Or rather, rekindled my interest."

"Hmm," Rosie hummed thoughtfully, a slow smile stretching across her face. "Is that so?" A twinkle appeared in her eye as she picked up her teacup again, her curiosity clearly piqued. "I never took you for the type to have a green thumb."

The radio demon shrugged nonchalantly. "There are many things about me that still might surprise you, Rosie~" he quipped, laughing along with the other overlord at his little inside joke.

His eyes glinted in thought, his mood becoming warmer as the words he said next made it clear that there was more to it than just gardening. "I find it…soothing."

There was an odd tone in his voice, one that Rosie couldn't quite identify but it made her heart ache with an unknown emotion. Something must have happened to him, something that he was trying to hide.

"I feel as though there is more to this than what you are letting on, what is it that you're not telling me?"

Alastor tilted his head to one side, the smile on his face never wavering, showing not a hint of his true emotions.

"Rosie~!" he began, pushing his cup aside and folding his hands on the table, "you know me better than that! There are simply some things that a man likes to keep to himself."

"No doubt!" Rosie responded, her voice laced with sarcasm, her eyes narrowed. "But I can't help but push when there's an interesting story behind it. And this...this is surely an interesting story, especially one that you of all people are trying to hide."

A mischievous glint lit up Alastor's eyes, causing his smile to widen even further. He leaned back in his chair, the red sky above serving as a dramatic backdrop for their conversation. His gaze drifted upwards, taking in the holy white light that was the entrance to heaven, before refocusing on Rosie.

"Well," Alastor started with a chuckle, "it wouldn't be as interesting if I simply spilled it all over a cup of tea, would it?"

He winked at her knowingly, causing Rosie to huff in faux exasperation knowing she would get nothing out of him no matter how much she pushed.

"Tease," she retorted, but the smile on her face made it clear that she had no real ill will. "But do know, I'm determined to find out~"

Alastor simply chuckled at her persistence.

"I'm sure you are, Rosie." He picked up his teacup again, focusing his attention on the dark liquid inside. His reflection stared back at him in the ripples.

Around them, the hustle of the underworld continued. Unfazed by their conversation, demons, and other creatures moved on with their own chaotic agendas. Yet in the midst of all this pandemonium, the two overlords sat in an oasis of tranquility, simply talking to one another as if they weren't in eternal purgatory.


Day 24

"What's this?" Tommy asked, pointing to a bush full of bright flowers.

"Asclepias tuberosa, also commonly known as butterfly weed."

"Why is it called butterfly weed?"

"Because butterflies are attracted to it! They simply love its vibrant color and sweet nectar~" Alastor explained, pulling the flower down to Vaggie so she could have a better look, she was quietly listening to them in her wheelchair.

Remarkably, a hell butterfly fluttered by just then, landing on the fiery orange blossom in question. Vaggie could not suppress a small, enchanted smile as she watched it drink the nectar from the flower before it flew away. Tommy quickly followed behind in fascination, leaving the two of them alone.

She turned away from the flower and looked up at Alastor, who was quietly watching with a smile.

"W-What's that tree over there?" Vaggie asked, a bright blush on her face as she directed the attention away from her, pointing to a large tree with buckets hanging from it. Its leaves were a rich, deep green, contrasting starkly against the red of the sky.

"Ah, that's the sugar maple," Alastor replied with a nod towards the tree. "The sap from that tree is used to make maple syrup."

He added with a cheeky grin, "Quite delicious, I must say. Worth every bit of effort and money in acquiring it."

Vaggie chuckled at his enthusiasm, she could see he had quite the sweet tooth. "What about those blue flowers? They look beautiful."

"They're agapanthus - otherwise known as lily of the Nile. Their name comes from Greek agapē meaning love and anthos meaning flower," he explained with a graceful gesture towards the blue bundling blooms. "It's believed to symbolize love letters."

Vaggie was silent for a moment, her eyes drinking in the sight before her and her ears listening to his explanation of the flower. She was impressed by his knowledge of the many kinds of flowers in his massive garden. Then, she motioned towards a group of red flowers nestled under a towering tree. "And those?"

Alastor turned to look where she was pointing, and his smile widened.

"Those are simply called roses, darling," he said with a tender note in his voice. "They're one of my personal favorites."

Vaggie followed his gaze, her eyes landing on the stunning display of roses; their petals a vibrant hue of red against the backdrop of hell's eternal dusk, bringing a touch of earthly allure to the fiery plain. "Why are they your favorite?"

Alastor's smile turned wistful.

"They remind me of someone very dear to me," he said simply, his eyes never leaving the bed of roses. He had a faraway look in his eyes as if he was lost in a memory that was both sweet and painful. It was a rare sight to see Alastor, one of the most powerful overlords of hell, be this vulnerable and sentimental.

She had heard rumors about Alastor's past... about his life before he became an Overlord. Most of the rumors were so outlandish and exaggerated that she couldn't help but dismiss them as pure fantasy. One of them being of him being the son of an Eldritch horror hiding in the skin of a sinner, bidding for his time to consume all of hell.

Another being of him being the very embodiment of chaos, sent to bring about some prophesied apocalypse. But seeing Alastor now, sentimental over a bush of roses, she knew there was more to him than what met the eyes – a reality that perhaps no one in hell dared to believe was true.

"Roses," she whispered, her eyes shifting from the flowers to Alastor. His near-fiery eyes burned with a potent combination of nostalgia and longing that was almost tangible. She felt a sense of understanding for him then, a shared affinity for these delicate reminders of their past lives.

"Do you miss it?" she asked softly, not keen on breaking the fragile serenity around them with her brusque voice. "Do you miss... your old life?"

"Every sinner down here misses something from their past, Vaggie," his voice was surprisingly gentle, stripped of its usual teasing tone. "But no matter how much we long for it, it will be as unreachable as heaven is to us."

Sensing the mood turn from lighthearted to melancholic, Vaggie quickly looked away from Alastor in an attempt to hide the sympathetic look in her eyes. "Well," she murmured, fiddling with the hem of her dress, "I doubt Hell would be half as interesting without you, Alastor."

For a fraction of a second, silence lingered between them. Then, unexpectedly, contagious laughter filled the air, the mood returning back to a more joyful one again in an instant.

"Haha! My dear angel," Alastor chimed in amusement, his laughter bringing a smile to her own face. "You surely know how to flatter a fellow."

Elation bubbled up inside her as he spoke, the sting of their previous conversation fading into the background, replaced by the warmth of his jovial laughter. Vaggie had no idea how to respond, so she simply laughed along with him.

"By the way Alastor, can I ask you a question? It's been bugging me for a while now." Vaggie asked once their laughter calmed down.

"No need to ask for permission! You can ask me anything!"

"…How are you able to grow all of this in hell? In fact, how are you able to get all of this into hell?!"

A mischievous twinkle sparked in Alastor's eyes as he took in her earnest curiosity.

"Well," Alastor replied, his smile taking on a smug edge. "I do have my ways."

His 'ways' remained a mystery though. He would only give vague hints when prompted, and even then, he seemed more amused by the guessing game than concerned with providing an actual answer. She hoped he would actually give her an answer as to how he managed something that should be impossible, but it seemed he was going to keep her guessing, the smug bastard.

Vaggie looked at him incredulously and huffed in irritation before her gaze returned to the roses. "They are very beautiful," she admitted, her voice quiet.

"Would you like one?" Alastor asked, already moving towards the bunch of red flowers.

Vaggie blinked in surprise, her eyes wide. "What?" she stammered.

Instead of answering, Alastor carefully bent down and clipped off a single rose with a small pair of gardening scissors that he somehow managed to produce from thin air. He twirled the flower in between his fingers with a flourish before handing it to Vaggie.

"For you," he said simply, giving her one of his rare genuine smiles. The intensity of it made her blush again.

"...thank you," Vaggie managed to say, taking the flower from his offering hand.

She looked at the perfect bloom in her hand, its deep red petals vibrant against her pale skin, its scent sweet and enticing. She traced a finger delicately against its surface, losing herself in the beauty of the simple flower.

"You're welcome," Alastor responded, taking a step back to give Vaggie some space. His eyes twinkled with an unreadable emotion as he watched her admire the gift.

As she looked up at him, still holding the rose, she was met by his gaze. For a moment, silence fell between them. The fiery landscape of hell seemed to dim around them as they stood in their own little bubble.

"Would you like to see the rest of the garden?" Alastor asked finally, breaking the silence.

Vaggie nodded eagerly. "Yes," she replied, curiosity flaring within her again. "I'd love to."

Alastor chuckled at her enthusiasm and gestured towards a path that led deeper into the garden. His eyes sparkled with unspoken delight as he prepared to show her more of his beautiful creations.


Day 28

In the kitchen, Alastor was diligently chopping vegetables with a focus that could rival a monk in meditation. He had already prepared the shrimp and chicken, marinating them in his mother's special blend of spices. The shrimp was pink with anticipation, and the chunks of chicken were succulent as they bathed in their flavorful ambrosia.

Vaggie, watching him from her wheelchair, watched him from nearby, was amused by his super serious demeanor over his mother's dish. 

The demon wore a neat apron over a simple white shirt and black trousers. He even had a chef's hat, propped jauntily on his head. It was almost comical, seeing the Radio Demon, feared throughout Hell, dressed like that.

The overlord who would always wear his fancy suit was finally in a different outfit that was suitable for cooking, and he looked quite handsome in it too. 

She quickly then turned her gaze to Tommy. Her cheeks flushed red from thinking of Alastor as 'handsome, who was struggling to chop the onions that Alastor asked him to cut when he pleaded to help with cooking. 

She wheeled over to them, her eye twinkling with mischief as she pushed herself up from her chair, peering into the pot where the holy trinity of bell peppers, and celery sizzled harmoniously.

"Muy bien, Alastor," Vaggie praised him in Spanish which earned her a bright grin from the demon in return. As he continued cooking under her watchful gaze, she decided to poke some fun at Tommy who was struggling to chop onions without tearing up.

"Tommy," she called out playfully. "¿Cómo se dice 'onion' en Español?"

The demon blinked at her through watery eyes as he tried to wrestle with linguistic gymnastics. "Uh… Oó… oosomething?"

Vaggie couldn't hold back her laughter as Tommy managed to butcher the simplest of Spanish words that she taught him two minutes ago.

"Cebolla, Tommy. It's called Cebolla," she corrected him, her laughter still rippling through the room.

"Oh right!" Tommy exclaimed, his face flushing in embarrassment. "Cebolla!"

As her laughter echoed through the kitchen, Alastor glanced over at the pair, a wide smile playing on his lips. He shook his head at Tommy's desperate attempts to remember his Spanish lessons and returned his attention to the simmering pot. The scent of the spices gave off an intoxicating aroma that filled the entire kitchen.

"Angel, would you like a taste?" Alastor asked suddenly, a teasing glint in his eyes as he dipped a spoon into the bubbling mixture and extended it towards her. She rose from her chair and moved closer to him, curiosity glimmering in her eyes.

Nodding eagerly she leaned forward, letting the savory fragrance engulf her senses before taking a small sip from the porcelain spoon. A look of pure bliss washed across her face as she savored the exquisite blend of flavors.

"It's perfect," she breathed out, her tongue singing with praise from the divine taste.

Alastor's eyes lit up with satisfaction at Vaggie's compliment. He pivoted back towards the stove, stirring the mixture with renewed energy. His attention then turned back to Tommy who was still struggling with his task, onion skin and bits of the onion itself littering the countertop around him.

"Tommy, my boy," he called out, his tone patient. "Perhaps I can offer some assistance?" 

Alastor moved towards him, his tall form leaning over Tommy's shorter one. He picked up an onion and a knife, displaying it to the young demon and placing it into the young demon's hands. He then grabbed the young child's hands and began to move them.

"Watch closely," Alastor said, slicing the onion with precision and skill. His movements were quick; each slice was as perfect as the last. Tommy watched in awe as Alastor finished chopping the onion without shedding a single tear or a missed slice.

"And that's how it's done~" Alastor said, wiping off his hands on his apron before patting Tommy on the back. His lips curved into an encouraging smile, the kind that softened the sharp edges of his face. "Your turn."

Tommy nodded vigorously and took another onion in hand, attempting to mimic Alastor's technique. Vaggie watched their interaction with soft eyes, her laughter from earlier died down into a warm smile.

The boy's attention was focused entirely on the onion before him, his brow furrowed in concentration. He mimicked Alastor's precise movements, chopping the onion with a newfound fire. Vaggie beamed at the sight, proud of Tommy's willingness to learn and improve.

Alastor, in turn, watched Tommy with a keen interest. He observed the young boy's growing confidence, the way his hands moved with a clumsy elegance he hadn't had before. The demon offered encouraging comments and occasional playful teasing, but he mostly just watched in silence—his eyes filled with a proud sense of accomplishment.

After a few more seconds, Tommy finished chopping his onion. His forehead glistened with sweat from concentration, but his face bloomed with pride at his finished work. He looked at Alastor expectantly, waiting for approval.

Alastor studied the chopped onions for a moment, making the boy wait in anticipation, before clapping his hands together in delight.

"Well done!" he praised him. "You're learning fast, young man! That's some of the best chopping I have ever seen!"

Tommy's face lit up brighter than the sun itself. His little

"Really!? You think so?" he asked excitedly, the smile on his face couldn't be any wider.

Alastor in response handed him some more onions to chop before rubbing his head affectionately, messing up the boy's hair that Lilly tirelessly smoothed over in the process.

As Tommy got to work, Alastor looked at Vaggie, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Speaking of learning," he said, smoothly turning the conversation back to its previous course. "Tommy isn't the only one who could benefit from some lessons."

Vaggie tilted her head, a playful smirk gracing her lips. "Oh? You're suddenly interested in learning?"

Alastor shrugged nonchalantly, all while giving her a look that spelled out there was more to it than him simply asking to learn her language. "It wouldn't hurt to know another language. Besides, you make it sound so... captivating ."

Vaggie's cheeks flushed with surprise at the compliment, and Alastor couldn't help but notice with a sly smirk. She coughed to compose herself and regain her composure.

"Well, in that case," she started, trying her best to suppress the smile threatening to break across her face, all too happy to teach someone her country's language. "Why don't we get started?"

"Sounds like a plan~" Alastor responded with a glimmer in his eye, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the counter.

Lilly, who finally came back from getting the rest of the items needed for the jambalaya, eyed the two with a knowing look on her face. She giggled to herself before going over to them and putting the items down next to Alastor, who gave her a quick nod of thanks without looking at her at all, his entire attention on Vaggie, and the same could be said for the angel.

The sheep demon quickly went over to Tommy, letting the two of them have their moment and making sure the boy wouldn't accidentally cut himself.


Day 36

As the days melted away, Vaggie found herself immersed in teaching Alastor Spanish, reveling in the amusing sight of him grappling with the language much like Tommy. 

Each mispronounced word seemed to emit a flicker of irritation from him, only to be met with her laughter. With each session, her ease around him grew, chipping away at the intimidating facade of the hellish overlord she once perceived him to be.

Their lessons became a regular part of their daily routine, taking place after they finished their chores for the day. They would sit at the kitchen table or in the grand living room, surrounded by plush furniture and ornate decor, sipping on steaming cups of coffee. Alastor's large hands would grip his notebook tightly, filled with pages upon pages of Spanish vocabulary. Vaggie sat beside him, patient and encouraging as she helped him through any areas he struggled with.

Slowly but surely, Vaggie began noticing that Alastor's time spent outside of the mansion had decreased significantly, his usual outings becoming less frequent.


Day 48

"Repeat after me, 'El pollo cruzó la calle para encontrarse con los patos.'"

"El polo croso la cale para encontrarse con los patas."

The demon and angel stared each other down in dead silence, Vaggie trying to process what she just heard and Alastor slowly dying on the inside at the utter butchering of the sentence.

"Hahaha~!" Vaggie burst into laughter suddenly, clutching her stomach as the words echoed in her head, "P-Polo and p-pata?" She managed to wheeze out between spurts of giggles.

Alastor's smile was noticeably stiffer as he bore the full brunt of her laughter, a light blush painting his cheeks.

"It's not funny," he grumbled, looking away from the angel dying of laughter. "What was the sentence about anyway? Something about birds?"

"No, Alastor," she said, gasping between giggles. " 'El pollo cruzó la calle para encontrarse con los patos.' It was about a chicken crossing the road to meet the ducks."

Alastor's brows furrowed; his lips pulled into a disgruntled pout as he repeated the sentence again in his head. "Is that not what I said?"

Vaggie laughed harder at this, tears welling up in her eyes. "You just said that the chicken crossed the road to meet some feet!"

"A chicken...crossed the road...to meet feet?" Alastor repeated slowly; realization dawned over his face as his eyebrows shot up and his lips quirked upwards into a sheepish grin. "Well… I think I can confidently say my sentence was more interesting than yours~"

Vaggie's laughter echoed throughout the room, filling it with a warmth that was hard to find in the depths of Hell it resided in. Alastor looked at her fondly, her infectious laughter causing him to chuckle as well.

Lilly watched Vaggie and Alastor laugh among themselves as she and Tommy worked on their own task of peeling potatoes for tonight's dinner. The woman couldn't help but smile at the sight, the two of them were like two souls who were connected together by a red string. It was as if the world around them ceased to exist when they were together, everything else fading into the background.

Her thoughts were interrupted when an enthusiastic yelp from Tommy pulled her attention back to the task at hand. She turned to find him holding up a perfectly peeled potato with a triumphant grin on his face. Lilly chuckled and gently ruffled his hair in praise.


Day 54

Vaggie couldn't help but notice a shift in Alastor's behavior. His once fleeting glances now held her gaze for longer periods of time, and whenever their hands brushed while reaching for the same object, he would let them linger, his touch sending an electric current through her body.

The mischievous smirk that always adorned his face seemed to soften whenever they were together, replaced by a gentle smile that made her heart skip a beat. These subtle changes ignited a fluttering feeling in her chest, one that she couldn't quite explain or ignore.

The language sessions had now become something much more intimate, with Alastor gradually picking up the pace with him now able to speak a full sentence without mispronouncing, he would quickly lose focus of the lesson.

Instead of paying attention to what she was teaching him, he chose to watch Vaggie's lips as she spoke, focusing on the way they moved when she pronounced certain words or the way they would curve when she smiled.

His sudden interest in such details often sent a flush to Vaggie's cheeks, making it harder for her to concentrate on teaching him.


day 60

"Are you sure about this darling? Isn't it a bit too soon for you to be pushing yourself?" Alastor asked, worry in his voice as he stood a distance away from the fallen angel.

Lilly and Tommy stood nearby; their expressions etched with concern as they watched Vaggie prepare for a sparring match with Alastor. Her body had finally healed from her injuries sustained in the intense battle against her own sisters. She was determined to reclaim her strength and independence, no longer relying on the wheelchair that had been her constant companion.

As a soldier, she knew the importance of honing her skills, and she was eager to sharpen them once again. The air crackled with anticipation as Alastor stepped forward, his stance confident and his smile sharp. Vaggie squared her shoulders, ready to face him head-on.

"Don't worry, Smiles!" Vaggie said, giving him a confident smile as she expertly twirled the wooden spear that Alastor made for her. "I know my limits."

"I can't decide if that is confidence or arrogance speaking~!"

Knowing that she was too stubborn to back down, the overlord could only sigh to himself as he ready himself and made sure to hold himself back so as to not hurt her.

He would soon find himself regretting that choice along with a rather large bruise on his face soon after from the unexpectedly fast attack. Vaggie did not get out unscathed either as she was flung around by a shadow tendril before being flung out of the mansion in retaliation.

Lilly was less than pleased that day.


Day 61

Alastor gingerly touched the fading bruise on his face as he watched Vaggie once again lift her spear for more practice. The way the spear spun in her hands was like a whirling dance, agile, fierce, and deadly .

The overlord winced at the memory of the previous day's sparring, the force with which she had struck him with the blunt end of the wooden spear still fresh in his mind. Regardless of the fact that she had just been unceremoniously flung out of a mansion and the spar ending with her utter defeat, her spirit remained unbroken. She was determined - that much Alastor could admit.

"There you go again, staring at me like I'm some sort of painting," Vaggie said, stopping her movements to look at him, an amused grin on her face but her eye showed hidden concern as it lingered on his bruised cheek. Despite his attempts to reassure her that he was fine, a touch of worry still lingered in her.

"Guilty as charged, my dear," Alastor replied, his usual grin returning as he shrugged nonchalantly. "But can you really blame me for admiring such a masterpiece?"

Vaggie rolled her eyes at his comment but couldn't hide the blush that colored her cheeks, her defense against compliments as sturdy as a paper wall.

"You're impossible," she muttered under her breath. "Always with the damn flattery!"

She shook away her blush and spun the spear in her hand and pointed it at Alastor with a confident smirk.

"Ready for round two, Smiles?" she called out to him, her voice brimming with energy. "Or are you too scared?"

The answer was clear in the wide, toothy smile that spread across his face as he responded. "Round two it is, dear~"


Day 72

"I'm booooorrrrreeeeddddddd!" Tommy whined as he lay down on the floor of the living, bored out of his mind. he had completed all of his chores and now he has nothing to do.

Lilly could only sigh to herself as she bowed her head in apology towards the master of the mansion. Alastor waved away her bow not at all bothered by the tiny tantrum the boy was throwing. Vaggie, who was sitting next to him with a book in hand, got up from her chair and crouched down to the boy's level. A smile on her face as she poked him in his pouting chubby cheek.

"Every child gets bored, it's a part of being a child after all," Alastor said, his tone casual as he leaned back on his plush armchair. He snapped his fingers and summoned a chess board with all of the pieces lined up, Alastor raised an eyebrow at Tommy.

"How about a game of chess?" He suggested, picking up a wooden pawn and turning it over in his hands.

"Nooooo! I don't want to play chess! You never let me win!" Tommy grumbled, kicking his legs out in indignation.

Vaggie's smile faltered a little, she glanced at Alastor, glaring at him with a frown on her lips knowing how competitive he was. "Is this true, Alastor? Are you really that sore of a loser to not let even a child win against you at a game?"

Alastor merely chuckled, twirling the pawn between his fingers before placing it back on the board. "I'd argue that it's a good life lesson. Even in games, one must learn that victory isn't handed over freely. It must be fought for and earned~"

"I hate life lessons! Their stupid!" Tommy protested. His little face was red now, and it looked like he was about to start crying. Alastor, still nonchalant, went back to examining the chess pieces.

Seeing that Alastor would be of no help, Vaggie decided to take the matter into her own hands. Kneeling down beside the young boy, she offered him a gentle smile. "

"How about a story, Tommy? We can read one from your favorite book," she suggested, pointing toward the shelf filled with colorful children's books.

"Noooooo! I don't want a story!" Tommy wailed, his arms flailing as though the suggestion itself was physically affronting him.

"Alright," Vaggie sighed, racking her brains for another activity that might please the boy. Lilly, sensing Vaggie's struggle, chimed in from where she was perched on one of the lounge chairs.

"What about drawing, Tommy?" she suggested hopefully. "We have those new colored pencils you haven't used yet."

But again, the answer was a resounding "No!". Tommy turned his back to them and crossed his arms over his chest, his tantrum far from over.

Vaggie and Lilly's eyes met in a moment of shared helplessness. Their gazes held for a beat; brows furrowed in deep thought as they searched for a solution. Suddenly, Vaggie's face lit up with an idea, one that had never crossed her mind before as she was not one for being idle.

"What about some TV time?" she suggested hopefully.

Tommy looked up slowly, as though afraid that if he moved too quickly the offer would disappear. His chubby face slowly morphed from a pout to a broad grin, revealing a missing front tooth.

"Yes! TV!" he cried out gleefully, his previous tantrum entirely forgotten.

Alastor, who had been leisurely observing the scene from his armchair, immediately stiffened at Vaggie's suggestion. His crimson eyes flickered with a rare intensity as he set down the chess piece he had been twirling. His voice was as smooth as ever, but the note of rigidity in it couldn't be ignored as he addressed Vaggie.

"TV?" Alastor asked, his tone laced with disbelief and something akin to disgust. "You can't be serious my dear!"

"I am serious, Alastor," Vaggie retorted firmly, her hands planted on her hips. "A bit of television won't do any harm and it would certainly make Tommy happy."

Alastor rose from his seat, the suggestion clearly not sitting well with him.

"But it's preposterous! The television is a monstrous, mind-numbing device," Alastor argued, his teeth gritted as he moved towards Vaggie, his figure towering over her. "There's no artistry involved, no soul,"

"Unlike the timeless beauty of the radio," Alastor mused nostalgically, his crimson eyes glazing over in remembrance. "The symphony of voices, harmonious music stirring your imagination, transporting you to a place much grander than reality."

Vaggie rolled her eyes at Alastor's theatrical display of dislike for the television. She stood her ground, her gaze unwavering as she looked up at him.

"So I must vehemently disagree," he voiced, full of artificial sweetness. His eyes held a gleam that appeared to be both cynical and challenging. He approached the duo with heavy steps, radiating an air of unease. "The boy can listen to the radio, I'm sure he would find it much more enjoyable~"

Vaggie met his gaze head-on, her lips curving into an equally challenging smirk. Tommy looked up at the two adults, his eyes bouncing back and forth between them as if he were watching a tennis match.

The tension in the room was thick now. Lilly watched the unfolding situation with bated breath, hands twisting together in her lap.

"Oh, you disagree, Alastor?" Vaggie fired back, crossing her arms over her chest. "Since when do you get to make all the rules?"

"Well, my dear," Alastor responded, his tone never straying from that eerie cheerfulness. "This is my mansion. As such, I believe I have some say in what goes on within its walls."

"Indeed, it is your mansion…" Vaggie nodded, her tone equally calm. "But Tommy and I are your guests. And as the rules of hospitality dictate, you must do all in your power to ensure your guest's comfort and happiness. Or are you saying you are not the gentleman that you make yourself out to be?"

Alastor merely chuckled at this, though there was a twitch of a brow at the jab of him not being the gentleman his mother raised him to be.

"Oh, Vaggie~" he purred. "You're quite right, it would damage my honor and dishonor my mother if I didn't make sure my guests were well taken care of. However , I do believe that the final decisions rest with me ."

The atmosphere in the room was electric now as the two squared off, their gazes locked in what seemed like a battle of wills. Lilly and the young demon's eyes widened at the charged atmosphere, yet they dared not interrupt.

Vaggie scoffed, flicking a stray lock of hair from her face as she poked his chest with her finger.

"Well then, Alastor," she retaliated, her gaze never faltering. "How about a little bet?"

Alastor's laughter rang out through the room as he replied, "A bet? How delightfully intriguing! And what would the wager be?"

"If I win," Vaggie started with a confident smile, "You get a television without any complaint and Tommy gets to watch television for an hour every day."

At this, Tommy opened his mouth to argue for more screen time, but the heated glare Lilly sent him made him quickly shut his mouth.

"And if I win?" Alastor asked with an amused glint in his eyes.

Vaggie's confident stride faltered slightly as she realized she hadn't truly considered what she would give him in return if she lost the bet. "Then... Then..."

The overlord, seeing her struggle, grinned devilishly, already formulating ideas of his own.

"How about this," he began, his eyes narrowing in delight, "if I win, you will owe me a small favor! How does that sound?"

"A favor? Is that really all you want?"

"Yes indeedy!"

"You're not going to ask for my soul with that favor, are you?"

The fallen angel let out a playful joke, but the silence that followed from Alastor sent shivers down her spine. Her mind raced with worry and anxiety until finally she exhaled a deep sigh of relief as his chuckle broke through the tension. She shoved him for making her worry, much to the demon's amusement.

"No need to fret, my dear," Alastor chuckled, his crimson eyes brimming with laughter. "I have absolutely no interest in owning your soul. Simply a small favor, to be redeemed when the time is right is all I ask."

Vaggie blinked, taken aback by the seemingly harmless wager as there was really nothing that she would lose if she lost. She glanced down at Tommy who had been silently listening to their exchange. His hopeful eyes met hers and the decision was made.

"Deal," she said firmly, extending a hand to the demon. The sinner looked at the angel's hand with a raised brow, before gently taking it and bringing it to his lips to give it a kiss. His lips touching the back of her hand caused Vaggie to stiffen momentarily, a flash of surprise and embarrassment crossing her usually composed features.

"Delightful," his voice rumbled a mischievous twinkle in his glowing crimson eyes as she pulled back her hand to her side with a red face. "Now, my dear, I presume you have some manner of contest in mind?"

Vaggie had been so focused on winning the argument and the agreement that she'd neglected to think of any actual specifics. She felt a rush of uncertainty but did her best to hide it behind a confident grin.

"Why don't we let Tommy decide?" She suggested, figuring that the decision was for his benefit anyway.

"Very well," he said with a mirthful smile on his face. "Let our young friend decide the nature of our little competition."

Vaggie turned to Tommy, who was watching their exchange with wide-eyed excitement, boredom was completely gone.

"Well?" Vaggie asked with a smile, hoping that he would suggest something that she had an advantage in.

Tommy hesitated for a moment, unable to think of anything until spotting something on the table, seeing the familiar item the boy blurted out, "Chess! You and Mr. Alastor should play chest!"

Vaggie's smile suddenly disappeared as she glanced at Alastor, who was grinning wider than a Cheshire cat. Chess? Of all things, Tommy had to suggest chess!? She wasn't horrible at the game, but she was nowhere near an expert! Her eyes darted towards the sheep demon, desperate for any sign of reassurance but all she found was a dead look of someone watching a helpless lamb being led to the slaughter.

Alastor's grin widened as if he could read her thoughts.

"Chess it is then! A splendid idea, Tommy!"

He exclaimed, clapping his hands together in delight with the boy clapping along with him. Vaggie's heart sank a little, wondering if Tommy had just unknowingly put her in a losing game.

The deer overlord walked towards the table to get the game set up while Vaggie stayed behind to have a word with Tommy.

"Tommy, do you know what you've done?" she asked kneeling down to the boy's level, wanting to know if he truly understood what he just did. The young demon nodded his head with a wide happy smile, not a single thought going through his mind. "…why did you suggest chess of all things?"

"It's because you always say that your waaayyy smarter than Mr. Alastor!"

Hearing his reasoning, she suddenly remembered all the times she would say that. From when she would correct Alastor's less-than-appropriate antics to when she would win their small verbal spats, she would often boast about her intellectual superiority.

Her ego dug her grave, and now she has to lie in it.

"Angel! I'm ready when you are~!" The smug voice of the radio demon resonated through the room, abruptly cutting off Vaggie's moment of self-reflection.

She turned to see Alastor standing by the chessboard, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned against the table. His hands were clasped before him, his lean frame radiating an air of calm anticipation. Deep down she knew Alastor was enjoying this too much; his eyes were practically twinkling in delight at her predicament.

"Alright," she grumbled under her breath before standing upright and turning to Tommy. "I'm going to need all the luck I can get, kiddo." She ruffled his hair, eliciting a giggle from the boy.

"Go get 'em, Vaggie!" Tommy cheered enthusiastically as she ascended towards her doom – or at least that's what it felt like.

As she walked over to the table, her heart pounded loudly in her chest, but she kept her head held high. Lilly watched from afar, wishing her all the luck in the world but knew it would do her less than good.

The two adversaries took their respective seats across each other at the table; Alastor with an air of overpowering confidence and Vaggie with stern determination etched on her face.


Day 73


"There, there."

Lilly comforted the grumbling angel the best she could as Vaggie slumped on the couch, head in her hands.

"That bloody demon!" Vaggie growled through gritted teeth, her frustration evident in every line of her body. "He was just toying with me! He makes it seem like I have a chance and then..." Her words ended in an exasperated sigh, and she fell silent.

"I can't believe I lost," Vaggie groaned, pulling at her white hair in frustration.

"Come now, Vaggie. It's not like you're playing against just any old demon," Lilly reasoned, attempting to lighten the situation. "He's Alastor — one of the oldest and most cunning demons in Hell."

Vaggie groaned again, louder this time. She knew Lilly was right, but that didn't make her defeat feel any less humiliating.

Lilly patted Vaggie's shoulder sympathetically, glancing over at Alastor who was having a hearty conversation with Tommy. Giggles filled the room from their corner as Alastor enthusiastically acted out a story for the young demon, complete with exaggerated facial expressions and wildly gesturing hands.

"I do believe he enjoys your company," Lilly said softly, bringing Vaggie's attention back to her. "Perhaps that was his goal all along?"

Vaggie looked over at Alastor, studying the easy smile on his face and the way Tommy was hanging on every word he said. It was hard to reconcile this playful version of Alastor with the cunning, calculating demon she faced across the chessboard day after day.

The sound of small footsteps could be heard approaching making her look up from her sulking to see Tommy making his way toward them, a wide grin spread across his face. "Vaggie! Lilly!" he greeted, waving enthusiastically. "Is it TV time yet?!"

Vaggie glanced at the clock on the wall, a worn-out analog that ticked away time with relentless regularity. The hands pointed to six in the evening, an hour they'd set aside for watching Tommy's screen time. It was a welcome distraction, a chance to unwind and forget about her losses and Alastor's gleeful victory.

"It sure is," Vaggie nodded her head, picking up the remote that rested on the table in front of her and flicking the TV on.

"Yay!" The child cheered as he climbed up to the couch and sat in between her and Lilly, his entire body vibrating in excitement.

The Angel felt another shift of the couch as Alastor too joined them, settling himself right next to her with a relaxed ease. Long since used to being with him, Vaggie was no longer tensed around him like she was in the beginning.

"You must feel really smug about yourself right now," she spoke, turning towards Alastor with a bit of a sour expression.

"Who, me?" Alastor crooned; his eyes filled with smug delight. "I simply enjoy a good game of chess, you put up quite the fight, my dear~"

"Next time," she whispered, more to herself than to anyone else in the room. "Next time I'll win."

Shaking herself away from her competitive thoughts, she glared at him with a less-than-pleased look.

"I thought you said you didn't like TV or anything to do with it?" Vaggie challenged him, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched the beginnings of a movie flicker across the screen.

"Oh, I don't," Alastor replied with a shrug, the corners of his mouth curving up into another one of his signature smirks. "But the way all of you looked so determined to win, I simply decided to put up with it so that you would feel less bad when you lost."

Vaggie huffed indignantly. She picked up a pillow from the other side of the couch and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face. That wiped the smug smile off his face for a good few seconds.

"Insufferable..." she muttered under her breath.

Alastor chuckled lightly and tossed the pillow back onto the couch before turning his attention to the television screen.

"That still doesn't explain why you're here watching a movie with us on the device you hate so much."

"Figured I might as well join in on the fun," Alastor drawled with a lazy grin. His crimson eyes flickered with mischief as he draped an arm over the back of the couch, leaning back comfortably. "What is it that we're watching anyway?"



Next Update Let Me Show You a True Hero!




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