I eventually stopped screaming.
Still clinging to Goku, I dared to open my eyes and try to at least get used to the height we were flying on that Flying Nimbus.
It was weird. Unlike flying on Raditz's back, the Flying Nimbus seemed to have some sort of… gravity. I didn't feel that horrifying sensation that I was going to fall, on the contrary, it seemed to pull me down, embracing me with that yellowish softness. Still, I thought it was better to keep holding on to Goku.
The sound of the wind passed through our ears, buzzing as we advanced at high speed to where the Dragon Radar marked the location of Gohan's Dragon Ball. Other than that, the three of us were silent.
I glanced at my brother before me, and I couldn't help but feel a great desire to… talk. Come on, he was my brother, and my nephew was in the hands of my other brother! That reality hit me as strong as the wind around us, and little by little, I began to digest everything that had happened in the last few hours, mulling over every detail.
I wanted to know more about who my brother Goku was. Where has he been all this time? Where has he been raised? When did he learn to fight? What did he do in his life during all those years we didn't know each other? Well, if he had a son, then that meant he could be married. Who was his wife? Was she a nice woman? After all, she would be my sister-in-law. Would we become friends? Speaking of children, what about Gohan? Gee, I had a nephew! That's why I felt something different about him when I met him. We share the same blood. But, I couldn't deny how sad it made me to know how much time I've wasted away from those who were now my...
That's something I've never had. No one has ever even come close to that position.
But now, it seemed like I wasn't so alone in this world anymore.
My vision blurred when I noticed tears flooding my eyes, and I had to hide it so that Goku and Piccolo would think it was just a bit of dust. However, even though I wanted to talk to Goku, I could tell from his rigid posture how tense he was, and I concluded that that was not the time, and if I still had any doubts he was my brother, they were answered when he seemed to read my mind and said, "Lettie, I know you must have a lot of questions. I also do, but I just can't talk now. I'm really sorry."
"Don't worry," I replied. "We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other better after we defeat Raditz and rescue Gohan."
"Thanks." He turned his head to look at me and gave a little smile, then turned back ahead with a frowned and concentrated expression.
When I looked to the side, I saw that Piccolo was watching me with his intense and dark eyes. I tried to hold his gaze for a while, but then I lowered my head. He scared me. Although I was sure he was also an alien, it wasn't his appearance that was the problem. There was something inside him that bothered me and caused me discomfort.
Besides, ever since I got onto the Flying Nimbus, he hadn't stopped glancing at me, showing a serious expression, as if he was analyzing me and wondering how the heck I ended up up there.
I didn't understand such behavior. The others who stayed on the island — Bulma, Krillin, and Master Roshi — were also stunned when I got onto the Flying Nimbus. What was wrong with that? It was just a cloud. A magical cloud, but still, a cloud. I thought it would be good to add this question with the others when I have the opportunity to talk properly with my brother after all that was over.
Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep — beeped the Dragon Radar.
"We're close!" Goku stiffened, staring at the object.
"What if we go down a little and take a look?" I suggested, watching the radar over his shoulder.
"No," replied Piccolo. "It's better if we continue."
"What? Why?" my brother and I asked in unison.
"Have you noticed that strange device Raditz wears on his left eye? It seems that, through that, he can know the location and even the fighting power of the enemy."
Goku and I looked at each other. Yes, it was true. I remember seeing what I called "a square monocle with a greenish visor".
"It must be a highly advanced technology to be able to do this…" I pondered.
"Yes." Piccolo became even more serious. "I've never seen anything like it here on Earth."
"Does that mean Raditz knows we're after him?" Goku looked concerned.
"Of course he does!" replied Piccolo.
"Alright!" concluded my brother. "Then we have no choice but to attack him head-on!"
"Have you thought of a plan, Goku?" I questioned.
"Yes... Lettie, don't get me wrong. I know you must be strong, but as you told me before, you had no training, so I don't think it's fair for you to fight Raditz for now."
"What? Why?" This time, it was Piccolo and I who asked.
"Because you could end up hurting yourself badly, and we won't be able to help you."
"But then, what was the reason for her to come with us if she'll just be getting in our way?!" Piccolo glared at me with a face, and I confess that I didn't know what to answer, after all, my brother wasn't that wrong.
Even though I wanted to help him on that mission, even though I told myself that I was a fighter, deep, deep down, I was freaking out. Raditz had almost broken me in half with just one kick. How could I be a match for him?
Piccolo was right, I would only get in their way, and the only thing I felt was shame; shame for being too weak.
"She won't get in our way," said Goku with a smile. "Quite the opposite, she will help us, a lot."
I frowned, confused. How would I help him if my fighting power against Raditz was almost useless?
Goku then turned his head towards me. "Listen, here's the deal. While Piccolo and I fight Raditz, I want you to do a very important task: find Gohan."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
"Apparently," my brother continued, "Raditz knows we're on the way, and Gohan shouldn't be far from him. I want you to find him. Do you think you can handle that?"
"S-Sure!" I responded immediately. "You can count on me."
"Good." His smile widened. "I knew I could trust you, sis. Hey, Piccolo, what do you think?"
"Fine by me." He shrugged, uninterested. "As long as she doesn't get in my way."
I cringed, still feeling embarrassed about my lack of skills, however, one thing caught my attention.
"Look! Down there!" I pointed to an extensive open green area, close to a crater. Yeah... The one standing there next to the crater was Raditz. I would recognize that spiky hair anywhere!
"Lettie, hold on to me and don't let go," warned Goku, and I obeyed him right away, already knowing that something was going to happen, but not exactly what.
I thought Goku would "park" the Flying Nimbus close to the ground, but no. He jumped out of it and went falling and falling. I only had time to muffle a squeak and lock my legs around him, until we successfully landed on the ground, without a scratch and with Piccolo stopping next to us.
For about ten seconds, I remained glued to my brother, shaking all over after having free-falled about twenty-meter height. I only managed to free myself from him when I saw Piccolo give me a dirty look, probably judging me for acting like a clown in front of Raditz, who was standing ahead of us at a distance.
With wobbly legs and catching my breath, I placed myself between Goku and Piccolo. When I finally faced Raditz, the repulsion I had for him overcame my discomfort.
"Now I see why I felt a high fighting power approaching me." He played with a fruit in his hands. "It was you three. How did you know I was here?"
"We don't have to tell you anything," retorted Goku."
"Really?" Raditz's lips curved into an ironic smile. "So, I'm going to ask you another question: what brought you here?
"You know what," spanned Goku. "My son! What else would it be?!"
Surreptitiously, I looked around, trying my best to find out where Gohan could be, and I spotted the crater. It wasn't that big, and the earth that formed it seemed fresh, as if it had been made recently. As I analyzed it better, I saw the tip of something metallic down there.
"If I'm not mistaken," went on Raditz, "despite being Saiyans, you and Lettie refuse to join with those of your own blood."
"That's right!" said Goku.
"I wouldn't join you for love and money!" I added.
"So, you have chosen to betray your brother?" Raditz leaned on his waist.
That guy's irony was annoying me, and also Goku, for he replied with conviction, "As Lettie had said, consider yourself an orphan and without siblings, Raditz, because the only one I have is right here beside me."
It wasn't the time to thank him, but I was glad about his statement, except for the part where I heard Piccolo grunting in boredom. I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes.
It seems that annoyance also reached Raditz, because he squeezed the fruit he was holding as he said, "Kakarotto, Lettie, I thought you were smarter. You disappointed me. I hope you three didn't make a stupid plan, thinking that, by joining forces, you could defeat me! Or did you?" Having said that, he took a piece of the fruit, making its juice drip down his chin. For the second time, I heard Piccolo grunt, but now, it was in disgust, and I couldn't help but imitate him.
"I'm done hearing so much nonsense!" Piccolo also lost his temper and then, out of nowhere, took off his cape with shoulder pads and his turban, revealing a bald head with two antennae above the eyebrows. What caught my attention, though, was that, when his clothes fell to the ground, they made the sound of a heavy thud.
"Huh?" Goku looked at him. "Were you also wearing weighted clothes to train?"
"Yeah. Just like you." Piccolo massaged his shoulder muscles with a satisfied smile. "It's been a while since I felt my body so light."
I was in shock watching them. The idea of training using weighted clothes was... an incredible technique! How had I never thought of that before?! Oh, man! I wanted a teacher so bad!
Raditz was also shocked by that, as he made a quite non-satisfied face. However, I got startled when I saw Goku take off the top part of his orange fighting suit and undress, taking off a navy blue t-shirt he was wearing underneath.
"Wow, Piccolo." Goku took off his wristbands and sat down on the ground to take off his black boots. "It looks like you've been training a lot as well. I'm glad you're on my side today." He stood up, also massaging his muscles and jumping in place. "Phew! I think we can fight better this way, right?"
I rubbed my hands on my sides, feeling a slight humiliation for being the only one who just stood there and did nothing to show that I had some hidden ability.
"What's wrong, little sister?" Raditz sinisterly smiled at me. "Aren't you going to take off your clothes, too?"
I widened my eyes, feeling a great nausea emerge from my stomach, and, instinctively, I hugged myself as if wanting to hide my body from Raditz's macabre gaze.
"SHUT UP, YOU BASTARD!" snapped Goku, with the veins in his neck pulsing. "Don't you have any respect?!"
"But you guys said that you don't consider me as your brother." Raditz crossed his arms. "So, I guess it's okay if I want to play with Lettie after defeating you and the weirdo green guy over there."
It was my turn to feel my veins pulsing, and I never wished so hard to know how to fight better to finish off that jerk.
"Enough!" Piccolo stepped forward, and I noticed how he looked as rigid as Goku, clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white. "I may be a weirdo to you, Raditz, but what you said was low and disgusting."
Piccolo defending me? I understand Goku doing it, but the guy who just glared at me since he showed up? Well, well... it seemed like we were getting somewhere.
"HA!" Raditz waved his hand. "Spare me all this nonsense, okay? Do you think that by removing those weights you'll be stronger? Cut it out! Don't make me laugh! If you think you're going to defeat me with that, what a naive trio you are!
"Listen here, Raditz." I pretended to look at my nails after feeling safer with two hulks by my side defending me. "The outcome of a fight is not defined only by the use of force. The trio here has a great plan of attack."
I felt Goku and Piccolo's eyes on me after my little lie, and I hoped they wouldn't get angry at me. But what choice did I have? We needed to look confident, didn't we?
"I don't want you to tell me what you're going to do." Raditz threw the fruit away behind his shoulder. "Kakarotto, Lettie... I've decided we no longer need you with us. You would only slow down our mission." His hair suddenly fluttered with a wind that emanated from him as he exclaimed, "YOU ARE A DISHONOR TO OUR FAMILY!!! NOW, PREPARE TO DIE!!!"
Goku and Piccolo immediately placed themselves in front of me, in a fighting position, and, since I knew I wasn't supposed to fight, I did the favor of giving them space. However, I barely blinked and Raditz flew towards us, and elbowed them both in the ribs, making them almost fall to the ground as they balanced themselves after the surprise attack.
The three of us stared at Raditz with great astonishment. What a speed!
Standing with his arms flexed in a victory pose, he declared to Goku and Piccolo, meters away, "I see you two have a good defense. But your deaths are just a matter of time. Little by little, my attacks will become stronger and stronger!"
Luckily, Raditz ended up standing with his back to me. Either he hadn't noticed me there (which would make him a fool), or my presence was so insignificant that he knew I wouldn't strike him from behind.
Regardless of what he thought, I took that opportunity to execute my mission: find Gohan. Goku and Piccolo were smart enough not to follow me with their gaze, keeping them fixed on Raditz while I sneaked out to spy on that strange metallic thing I had seen in the crater, because something inside me said that that thing had something to do with Gohan.
Upon reaching the edge of the crater, I narrowed my eyes to see and understand better what was that thing in the middle of it. It was a large round object. I then began to slid down, with my boots crossing the stony and damp path of the earth, listening in the background to Raditz continuing to talk his nonsense with Goku and Piccolo.
When I got to the bottom and came across the large round object, I still didn't have the answers I needed. It was bigger than me and, when I ran my hand over the object to try to identify what material it was made, I didn't feel any welding seams. The surface was smooth.
What was that?
I looked and walked around that thing until I reached the other side, and came face to face with none other than Gohan in complete despair, punching a small glass window that separated him from the outside world.
When I saw that child there, inside that object covered with upholstery and full of computers and monitors, I immediately identified what it was: a Space Pod. It could only be it! Just like the ones Raditz said the Saiyans sent their babies across the Universe.
Just like the one I was sent by my mother.
But, it wasn't time to think about myself. Gohan was crying out loud, his face all dirty from the tears he had already shed and his voice muffled by the glass that separated us.
"Gohan!!!" I knelt on the ground to be at his height, also placing my hands on the glass. "A-Are you okay?!"
"TAKE ME OUTTA HERE!!!" he cried. "I WANT MY DADDY!!!"
"Yes, yes!" I tried to calm him down, but my heart was almost coming out of my mouth. "Shhh, it's okay. Take a deep breath... That's it, Gohan... I'm here and I'm going to help you, okay?" I opened a kind smile and spoke in the calmest tone I could, "Gohan, listen carefully. I know we don't know each other well, but I'm your aunt. Your daddy's sister."
"My aunt..."? He rubbed his nose with his sleeve.
"Yes! Your aunt, can you believe it? You can call me Aunt Lettie if you want." To be honest, I was the one who couldn't believe I was saying that out loud. Even with the tension of the place we were in, I couldn't help but feel joy when I realized that, yes, I had a nephew! I widened my smile and continued, "Your daddy is up there," I pointed to the top of the crater, "fighting that bad guy, and he asked me to find you. And here you are!"
Gohan let out a tearful sob.
"Now," I said, confidently, "let's get you out of there!"
I saw that there was a tiny crack that went around that part of the Space Pod, which I suspected was where it opened into some kind of retractable door. However, the gap was millimeters wide, and not even my fingernails could get in to open it, no matter how hard I tried.
Panting and sweating, I looked around the crater, hoping to find a rock, or something hard enough to break the glass of the small window. But, I thought, if that Space Pod was strong enough to travel across the Universe, it wouldn't be a mere earthly rock that would break it.
I jumped in fright when, from the top of the crater, I saw Raditz floating in the sky and shooting rays of light from his hands, undoubtedly trying to hit Goku and Piccolo in their fight.
Think, Lettie! Think, Lettie! Think, Lettie!
I knelt on the ground once more and placed my hands on the glass, with Gohan still crying and doing the same on the other side, and I searched inside the Space Pod to find something that could help us. Anything!
It was when I saw, next to a monitor stuck to the padded wall, a big red button. Look, I was no alien Space Pod engineer, but that button practically screamed that it was something to be used in an emergency.
"Gohan! Gohan! Do you hear me?"
"Yes, Aunt Lettie..." he sniffed. "I do!"
"See that big red button?" I tapped the tip of my finger against the glass, and he confirmed it. "Press it!"
I moved away to make room for the door to open, hoping, from the bottom of my heart, that that button wasn't a self-destruct one or something terrible of the sort.
Good thing my intuition was right. The door opened and I had to catch Gohan in the air, as he jumped into my arms and cried with his face buried into my neck.
"A-A-Aunt Lettie... I-I-I was so s-s-scared..."
"Shhh… It's okay, Gohan… I'm here…" I stroked his back as he squeezed me tighter and tighter, his whole tiny body shaking with fear and sobbing non-stop.
Never, in my entire life, have I been hugged like that by anyone; no one has ever come to me to seek comfort and protection; and I never found anyone I could hug to seek that as well.
The sensation I felt there with little Gohan in my arms was... wonderful!, and also, it was at that moment that my soul joined his in a bond of affection and care, and I loved him with all my heart.
Suddenly, a blinding flash grew from the top of the crater, making us cringe and grunt at the temporary blindness it caused us. Who had launched that attack?! Goku? Piccolo? Raditz?
I cuddled my nephew close to my chest and started climbing the crater, not without slipping at least twice due to the difficulty of going up such steep and slippery terrain with a child in my arms.
When I reached the top, I thought it was prudent if we remained somewhat hidden by the barricade that the crater provided us, and I looked around to understand what was going on.
I immediately felt a chill when I saw Goku in the distance, all ragged and lying on the ground, with Raditz picking him up by his torn clothes, ready to punch him in the face. On the opposite side, meters ahead, I spotted Piccolo, with his legs apart in a combat position, pointing two fingers to the middle of his forehead, which were sending out yellow sparks and, hang on... was he... WAS HE MISSING ONE OF HIS ARMS?!?!?!?!?!
"W-What happened…?!" I whispered. Gohan was about to scream for his downed father, but I managed to cover his mouth in time. That would be a bad time to reveal our location!
I couldn't say for sure, but I believe that Piccolo had some kind of enhanced hearing because, for an instant, he turned his head towards us, and our eyes met.
My face must have been filled with pure terror at the sight of his severed arm, with blood dripping onto the ground and his internal muscles showing through the wound, because Piccolo also took a quick look at his arm, with sparks still coming out of his fingers.
Raditz seemed to notice that there was something strange going on with Piccolo. I myself felt a great energy emanating from him as those sparks increased in size. Raditz then opened his mouth to speak, but Piccolo suddenly pointed his fingers towards him and let out a double beam of light.
A flash, stronger than the previous one, engulfed that area, followed by the roar of a gigantic explosion. All I heard were my screams, Gohan's, Goku's, and also Raditz's as we were consumed by all that light.
Holding Gohan tighter than ever (who wouldn't stop shaking), I finally managed to regain my vision and opened my mouth wide in bewilderment by seeing that Piccolo's attack did nothing less than RIP OFF A PIECE OF A MOUNTAIN FAR AWAY.
But worse than that, was seeing that Raditz didn't suffer any damage. The only thing that happened was getting a cut by losing a piece of his armor's shoulder pad.
"H-He..." Piccolo's eyes widened. "H-He… dodged! The bastard... he's... he's too fast!"
I had a terrible feeling that our team was doing pretty badly in that fight.
Raditz was so furious that Piccolo had destroyed a part of his armor, that he raised a hand in the air, created a ball of light, and prepared himself to throw it at him, however, he suddenly froze.
When he looked back, he saw that Goku had grabbed his tail.
"HAHAHAHA!" laughed Goku, on his feet as if nothing had happened to him. "You got careless, man!"
Gohan and I shared a smile. Nice one, brother!
The effect on Raditz of having his tail grabbed was instantaneous. He fell to the ground, shaking all over and groaning.
"Piccolo!" called Goku. "Quick! Repeat your attack, NOW!"
"Right!" he replied, giving a bold smile as he pointed his two fingers to his forehead again. "That's how it's done, Goku! Hold his tail tight, because this technique can only be done one more time!"
By witnessing that, Gohan and I hugged ourselves harder in our arms. Could they be able to defeat Raditz for real now?
"K-Kakarot..." groaned Raditz. "D-Do you want to kill your brother?!"
"Oh, shut up!" retorted Goku. "You can't call someone like you a brother! You almost killed me, you hurt Lettie and kidnapped my son! Stop talking nonsense!"
"B-But I promise I won't do it again! I-I'm leaving this p-planet and I-I won't disturb you anymore!"
Seriously, Raditz?! Playing the good guy now?! Oh, spare me!
"Don't listen to him, Goku!" warned Piccolo. "He only says that to make you let him go! He is lying!"
Goku kept looking at Raditz with a serious expression. I could almost see smoke coming out of his head.
Wait a second. Was it just me or… was Goku considering what that imbecile said?
No. It couldn't be possible.
"P-Please, believe me, brother." Raditz continued moaning from the ground. "I-I know I did something cruel, but I won't break this p-promise! I swear!"
How much was my astonishment when Goku asked in the greatest innocence, "Are you really telling the truth?"
"O-O-Of course!"
No. Now, that couldn't be possible.
Piccolo and I stared at each other, in disbelief at the fact that Goku was truly believing Raditz's words.
I considered that, what my brother had in strength, he didn't have in… intelligence.
"NO, GOKU!" Piccolo shouted in despair. "IT'S A TRAP!"
I couldn't take it anymore. I hid Gohan behind the edge of the crater and raised myself until half my body appeared and also shouted, "I'M YOUR SISTER AS WELL, GOKU, AND I TELL YOU NOT TO DO THIS! DON'T LET GO OF HIS TAIL!!!"
Goku, however, remained thoughtful as he analyzed the poor, defenseless Raditz immobilized on the ground. Piccolo and I exchanged looks again, in a state of stupefaction worse than before. I could almost hear him say to me through his eyes that he was sorry for practically telling me I was as stupid as Goku.
Apparently, he saw he was wrong.
Then, Raditz, in a last act of supplication, said, "Please, Kakarot! You have to believe me, I'm your brother!"
And just like that, Goku let go of his tail.
In the following second, Raditz jumped up with a sardonic smile and elbowed Goku in the jaw with such an impact that he flew meters back. In another jump, Raditz went to him and stepped against his chest in victory.
"Goku, you idiot!" shouted Piccolo. "You could not trust him!"
"DADDY!!!" Gohan also shouted, overcome by panic. I could hide him, but I couldn't stop him from seeing what was happening around. Before he could run to Goku, I grasped him in my arms again, surprising myself with how much strength I had to use to be able to hold him there with me.
Raditz laughed out loud at his cleverness, while Goku groaned in pain, now immobilized on the ground.
"I have to agree with the green guy there!" said Raditz. "It's hard to find someone as idiot as you! How could you be fooled so easily?! You will never be a great warrior!"
"You… You traitor!" Goku had the audacity to respond.
"But I'm different!" Raditz praised himself, looking down on him. "I'm a first-class warrior, and I don't care if I have to kill my own siblings."
With that said, he turned to me with such a sinister expression that I got goosebumps, and then he pressed his foot against Goku's chest, and I swore I heard the sound of his rib cage breaking.
"Piccolo!" I whispered to him, trying hard to hold a very restless and indignant Gohan in my arms. "Please, do something!"
"I'm thinking!" he replied as we heard Goku's screams of pain echo throughout the region.
"So?" Raditz addressed Piccolo with irony. "Why don't you come and use your technique too?"
"You would definitely escape," he replied, so angry that veins throbbed in his head.
"No! Daddy!" Gohan was kicking non-stop. "Aunt Lettie, that man is hurting my daddy!"
Although I was still outraged by Goku's stupid attitude, I couldn't help but feel compassion for the pain he was going through (for I also had my rib cage broken not so long ago, and boy!, that hurts!) and, above all, for the agony of my nephew upon witnessing his father being tortured in such a merciless way.
"HAHAHAHA!!!" rejoiced Raditz, crushing Goku's chest more and more violently. "I WANT TO HEAR YOU SCREAM!!!! I WANT TO HEAR YOU CRY!!!" He turned to me and Piccolo. "Soon it's your turn! So, you better get ready!"
That was already bordering insanity, and I felt every drop of my blood boil in terror as I thought that, if Goku and Piccolo were defeated by Raditz, what would become of me and Gohan? That maniac torturing my brother had already shown that he had no scruples towards me. If it was just the two of us left, he could do whatever he wanted.
Raditz raised his arm high and exclaimed at the top of his lungs, "NOW DIE, KAKAROT!!!!!!!!!!"
He suddenly stopped, with his arm in the air, and looked around, his monocle blinking and beeping. Piccolo and I exchanged confused looks.
Then, I looked down at Gohan in my arms. His face had been transfigured, trembling all over; not of fear, but of hate. A strength, more powerful than anything I had ever felt, was coming from him.
What was happening to that boy?!
Gohan began to grunt, gritting his teeth as he clenched his fists while staring at Goku still suffering on the ground and, in a sudden movement, he jumped from my arms to an impressive height, screaming in fury at the man who was torturing his beloved daddy.
After this intense chapter, I have some questions for you:
- Piccolo defended Lettie from Raditz’s nasty comments… But why? What could have made someone like him do that?
- Lettie felt a special connection with her nephew, Gohan, as if a bond had formed between them. Have you ever felt something like that with someone?
Feel free to comment in your native language, and I’ll find a way to reply to you!
Thank you for reading this chapter! Also, don’t forget to follow the official Instagram fan page for this story (@lettie_dbz.oc) to see fanarts and more!