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15.41% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 428: 12

Chapitre 428: 12

I really think they want us to kiss

The floo ignited in green flame and Rufus Scrimgeour, Minister of Magic stepped out of the fireplace, angrily brushing ash from his suit. He was greeted by the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones, who was giving him a blatant "I warned you" look. The Minster's scowl deepened even further as his head of the Law Enforcement Department began accompanying him deeper into the Ministry.

"How many escaped?" Rufus snapped, accepting the report Amelia held out for him.

"All." Amelia Bones replied heavily.

Minister Scrimgeour stopped dead and turned to gawk at Amelia. "All of them? There were two hundred and fifty prisoners in there. You're telling me every single one of them escaped?"

"Two hundred seventy three." Amelia corrected. "The Dementors left the island, and the Death Eaters slaughtered our Aurors, Rufus. Blankenship, Morton, Gross, Hindelman, Franks…"

"Bugger me." Rufus scowled, beginning to walk again.

"Not all the prisoners escaped." Amelia added. "Those who were likely to weak to save, or refused to join him were killed. That still left over two hundred to fatten his ranks."

"Well, the Prophet's going to have a field day with this. I've been Minister for six months, and we've lost fifteen Aurors, and that department is already seriously understaffed thanks to Fudge's squandering of funds." Scrimgeour grumbled.

"I sent a team out to the prison to see if there is any clues as to where Voldemort might have gone, or if there are any survivors, but I wouldn't bother to hope." Amelia stated.

The two Ministry officials stepped into a lift, and Rufus hit the button for his floor. He turned to Amelia and scowled.

"Did you know? Did Dumbledore's little militia have any prior knowledge of this attack Amelia?" Scrimgeour asked accusingly. Amelia scowled and shook her head bitterly.

"I know you want to blame someone Rufus, but I swear that this was a surprise attack. I've told you a thousand times we all want Voldemort and his followers dealt with. If we had any inkling we would have told you… and just to be safe, I would have sent more people there to even the odds, and maybe make things harder." Amelia said, looking coldly at the minister.

Rufus shook his head, and turned back to the report in his hand. He felt a great weight settle on his shoulders as her read it more in depthly.

"We're going to lose." Scrimgeour grumbled as the lift stopped and he stepped out.

"It isn't like you to be so ready to accept defeat, Rufus." Amelia remarked as she followed behind him. "I've asked you…"

"I can't just grant the Aurors lethal force." Scrimgeour snapped. "The Wizengamot will crucify me for that."

"The Wizengamot?" Amelia scoffed. "The 'governing body' made up mostly of Death Eaters and people sympathetic to You-Know-Who? So fucking what Rufus? Would you rather be known as the man who rolled over an allowed a madman to take over, or the man who defied the government to save the people?"

Scrimgeour sat heavily at his desk, head in his hands. Amelia wanted to feel bad for her former associate, but she couldn't He was taking the cowards way out. She understood how gruesome a battlefield politics could be, which was part of the reason she had declined the nomination to the top job when Fudge had been ousted. Rufus had promised to be more decisive, but he had been opposed at nearly every turn, and he had allowed himself to be influenced by people who claimed to have the public's best interest at heart.

"If I could just talk to the boy…"

"Oh for the love of Merlin." Amelia snapped. "What is it going to accomplish Rufus? How is getting a meeting with a sixteen year old boy going to help save lives? Even if Harry Potter did agree to 'pop' in and out of the Ministry… people will still be killed, and I guarantee you that the death toll weighs a bit more on public opinion that having the Boy-Who-Lived, or whatever the papers are calling him this week seen at your side."

"We need a hero, Amelia! Someone that people can get behind. Harry Potter is a hero. A child who stood against tyranny…"

"Exactly!" Amelia roared. "A child! A young boy who should be more worried about homework and girls than a war he should have had nothing to do with. You want a hero Rufus… grant the Aurors the ability to do their job, and I guarantee you you'll get your hero. Probably more than one. People down in the Department where you worked not so long ago. You're sending them to their deaths. Stop doing what's easy. You may not be remembered as a great Minister, but at least you will have done what was needed to protect the people."

Amelia slammed the door behind her leaving a gob smacked Minister of Magic behind. Rufus knew she was right. He desperately wished he could go back and rethink the idea of taking the top job. He had thought he could step up and turn the tide, but he hadn't counted on the politics. People questioning him, or doing all they could to change his mind. He'd even been offered bribes. He'd turned them down of course. He was not Cornelius Fudge. But that hadn't stopped his opponents from doing all they could to rein him in, and prevent him from doing what he knew needed to be done.

The very next morning after the total decimation of Azkaban Prison, far to the north, on the grounds of one of the most famous magical schools in the world, two teenaged boys were making their now daily run around the Quidditch pitch. The grounds looked like something out of a holiday picture. The castle standing proud and blanketed in fresh snow. Though it was still dark, the snow seemed to radiate light, giving the two young runners plenty of light.

It was amazing what nearly three months of morning exercise had done to Neville Longbottom. He had lost all traces of his childhood chubbiness, and was a lean muscular young man. His girlfriend, Hannah Abbot had mentioned on more than one occasion that she was truly impressed with his physical transformation, and Neville himself felt a real boost in his self-confidence. He was very thankful now he had accepted Harry's initial invitation.

Neville had also noticed some serious growth in other parts of his life. Most notably, his grades. Nearly all of his teachers had remarked on the improved quality of his homework and his theoretical work. However, his spell work was still lacking. However, his best friend, Harry had an idea as to what the problem was.

"But it's my father's wand." Neville argued when Harry gave voice to his theory two weeks earlier

"Your father's?" Harry looked puzzled.

"Yeah, My Gran thought it would maybe… I don't know."

"Have you never had your own wand?" Harry had asked.


"Well maybe you should get one." Harry said. "The way I understand it, your magic works better when you have a compatible wand. One that's chosen you. Your father's wand is passable due to your familiar bond, but it isn't yours. It would at least be worth the galleons to get your own wand and find out."

"So… you think if I had my own wand, one that chose me, that my spell work might be better?" Neville looked a little skeptical.

"Think of it like this. If you dam up a river, only a little water gets through while the rest is held back. Your father's wand is like a dam to your magic. Get the right wand, and you could unleash a torrent of magic. You may have to relearn control as you've likely been pushing much more magic through an incompatible wand. You get your own, and you could do some serious damage because you're used to casting more powerfully than you really need to."

Neville thought the idea had merit, and intended to get to Ollivander's over the holiday break. But as that was still a week away, and this last week promised to be pretty interesting to say the least. Today was the last Hogsmeade weekend before Christmas, and night before the Christmas break started was Professor Slughorn's Christmas party. It was really all anyone was talking about as it was an extremely exclusive party. Only a select few students had been invited, and those individuals were now almost being hunted by people who wished to be dates for the Slug Club.

Neville himself had been given an invitation during his last potions class. Professor Slughorn had slipped it to him when he handed back the last essay he'd graded. Neville was shocked he had received an O, as well as an invite.

Though, he really shouldn't have been surprised. He'd been attending special dinner parties with Slughorn and the Slug Club since school started. Professor Slughorn claimed to be close to Neville's uncle, whom Slughorn claimed he helped set on track to be an Unspeakable.

Neville had immediately asked Hannah to be his date, and she had accepted at once. She had been teasing him for a week about what she planned to wear that evening, and that he might be allowed to help her out of it at the end of the night.

Neville's growing excitement and anticipation was curbed however by a bit of tension between his friend Harry Potter, and one Seventh year prat named Cormac McClaggen.

McClaggen had also been invited to the highly anticipated party, as he was clearly one of Slughorn's most favorite students. McClaggen had decided quickly whom he wanted to accompany him to the most anticipated event since the Yule Ball. He had then told the other boys as a way to warn them off his intended.

So far as Neville was concerned, McClaggen had made two serious mistakes. He'd chosen Hermione Granger for his date. And he'd all but claimed her as his own in front of Harry Potter. McClaggen made his intention to escort Hermione known a few nights earlier, but things had not gone exactly perfect for the smug seventh year.

Neville, Harry, Seamus, Ron and Dean were sitting together in the Common Room, talking about the latest humiliation Draco Malfoy and his disciples had suffered earlier in the day, while also wondering which of Malfoy's friends would break first and make a public apology to Hermione. Neville's money was on Pansy Parkinson. She was beginning to look almost manic, and had to be forced to attend classes. Not surprising given what had befallen the Slytherin group in the past few weeks.

Cormac had invited himself to join the sixth years, smiling as if they should consider themselves lucky he had graced them with his presence. He sat next to Harry and proceeded to congratulate him on another well done prank.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Harry had said as he did whenever anyone brought it up to him.

"Right, right. Of course. So, any of you lags get the invite to old Sluggy's party?" Cormac said, looking pretty superior. He's smile faltered when Neville admitted he'd gotten an invite, and Seamus claimed that Lisa Turpin had asked him to come with her.

"Well, I got my invite ages ago, and I've only just decided which lovely witch would look best on my arm, you know." Cormac said in a really annoying haughty tone. He then glanced across the Common Room where Hermione was sitting with Lavender Brown, comparing Transfiguration notes.

"Lavender?" Dean asked, glancing between Ron and Cormac rather nervously.

"What?' Cormac looked shocked, and then shook his head. "No of course not. As lovely a bird as Lavender is, I know our Ronny here is exploring broom cupboards regularly with her. I'm sure she gives his wand a good polish fairly regularly, am I right old boy?"

Cormac laughed, ignoring the increasing redness of Ron's face, and Seamus' hand grasping the redhead's shoulder to keep him in his seat.

"No, I'm talking about Granger." Cormac said, making Harry's head snapped up, and the other four boys cringed a bit. While it wasn't official by any stretch, it was pretty well known that Harry and Hermione were couple in the making.

"She's gotten quite fetching, if you take my meaning. Those robes hide a lot, but it's plain as day her chest has finally bloomed, and those legs, while always hidden by those tights are very shapely. Surely you lot have noticed." Cormac said smugly. He gave a laugh that made Neville want to punch him right in the face.

"I'm hoping to find out if what they say is true." McClaggen said with a smug smile.

"What's that?" Dean had asked.

"That it's the shy quiet ones who are the kinkiest." McClaggen said, giving the other boys with a knowing grin. He even winked at Harry, who Neville was certain had no clue what McClaggen was talking about. However, Neville was sure that McClaggen was getting under Harry's skin right at the moment.

"I don't think Granger is going to give you a chance at finding out what's under her robes." Ron said, with a glance at Harry. Ron had made a very public apology to Hermione three days earlier in the common room. Everyone knew he had only done it to avoid Malfoy and the Slytherins shared fate, and that he wasn't really as sorry as he claimed. Hermione had accepted on the stipulation that Ron never talk to her again. Harry had added that Ron never speak of Hermione to anyone.

It was clearly difficult for Ron as Hermione had been the butt of far too many of his jokes, but he was making progress. In truth, Ron wasn't a terrible guy, he just couldn't keep his mouth shut, and felt this crippling need to mock people verbally. But since Harry had started, Ron's behavior was being fixed, so to speak. Harry really hated bullies, and though Ron had never hurt Hermione physically, he was learning words were a lot more harmful than pranks.

"What makes you think she'd let you be the one to deflower her?" Dean asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

"Oh come on now." Cormac laughed. "I don't want to sound like I'm full of myself here, but I pretty much am the best looking guy in Gryffindor. I'm from a really wealthy and highly influential family, and I'm Slughorn's favorite. I'm the full package. And let's not mince words here, but we all know if I hadn't gotten sick, I'd be the Gryffindor Keeper instead of Weasley here. Not that you're terrible, but you did miss a few easy saves last game."

"And you think any of that is important to someone like Hermione?" Harry asked, his tone curious, though it was laced with irritation. McClaggen clearly was too stupid to notice the venom dripping from Harry's soft tone.

"Come on Potter, you can't be that naive. It's important to every girl. Look, I guarantee you lot that by the end of Slughorn's party, I will have tasted Granger, and she will have moaned my name while her legs are wrapped around my waist." Cormac smiled confidently.

Neville gripped Harry's arm as his friend made to rise, and Neville gave an imperceptible shake of his head before he turned to Cormac. Harry looked at his friend hard for near eternity before he relented and settled in his seat once again, though he was very unhappy about it. Neville couldn't remember anytime when Harry looked so ready to hex some one.

"Maybe he's right." Neville said, giving Seamus a surreptitious wink. "I mean, after all, Hermione clearly accepted his invitation to the party..."

"Oh, right." Cormac snapped his fingers as if just remembering something. He got up quickly and made his way across the Common Room where he then addressed Hermione. A second later he led her to a quiet corner. Neville and the other boys were watching, as was Lavender whom Hermione had been sitting with a moment before. Nearly five minutes passed before Hermione and Cormac returned, with Hermione looking confused, yet pleased, and Cormac looking very full of himself.

"That's how you do it boys." McClaggen smirked as he sat down again. As he got comfortable, Harry turned to the bigger boy and gave him a look that made Cormac's smile melt off his face. Harry leaned towards McClaggen and whispered something that only he could hear, though the other boys guessed it was likely very frightening, given how his face seemed to drain of color. Harry then got up and went to the dorm, leaving the other boys in silence, though four of them were smiling knowingly to one another.

They all asked what Harry had said to him, but McClaggen refused to say anything. He also didn't even glance in Hermione's direction the rest of the night.

"Have you figured out what to get Hermione for Christmas?" Neville asked his companion as they were finishing their morning workout. Harry had added more than just running to their routine. It had been difficult at first, but now, Neville had little difficulty with it.

Harry shook his head at Neville's question. "She told me a Christmas gift should be personal, and show that I care, but somehow I think she wouldn't like a knife of Dragon hide armor." Harry muttered darkly. He'd been in a pretty foul mood the last few days.

"Yeah, probably not. But you know her pretty well. Better than the rest of us at least, you must have some idea what she likes." Neville offered. Harry shrugged.

"I think she'd rather get something from McClaggen." Harry grumbled. Neville rolled his eyes at this and shook his head.

"That's not true." Neville said encouragingly. Though he wasn't entirely certain that he spoke the truth on the matter.

Hermione had become rather strange since the night Cormac had asked her out. She smiled at odd times, and she was a bit more talkative than usual. Lavender had explained to Neville and Harry that Hermione was just nervous about going out on a date. Lavender also expressed concern that it was Cormac and not Harry who Hermione was going to the party with. It appeared as if the blonde Gryffindor did not approve of Hermione's choice.

The coming date had led to a bit of tension between Harry and Hermione as well. They had even argued the previous night. Though they never raised their voices, everyone in the Common room had been shocked when Harry slammed his books closed and went to bed, leaving Hermione practically fuming as she watched him leave. This had given the Lions a lot to speculate about after Hermione went to bed a few minutes later.

Neville had asked Harry about what the argument had been about when they began their workout that morning, but Harry had claimed to have no idea what had started the fight, much less what it had all been about. He also said that he was finding it difficult to be around Hermione lately.

Neville was certain he knew what was causing the growing tension, but wasn't sure if he should attempt to explain it. Every time he tried to make Harry understand something, trouble followed.

"What do girls typically like as gifts?" Harry asked. Neville shrugged.

"Jewelry. Clothes, I suppose. You know…" Neville shrugged.

"No, I don't." Harry replied and Neville snickered.

"Right." Neville nodded. "Well, I got Hannah a necklace with this heart pendant. It's got tiny diamonds in the heart, and this bright sapphire in the center. It was really expensive, but I'm sure she'll like it."

"Hermione doesn't wear jewelry, except those tiny earrings her mother gave her before she started Hogwarts." Harry remarked.

"Maybe because she doesn't have anything that's as special to her. Like maybe it has to have some sort of sentimental value to her instead of just being all sparkly. Maybe if you gave her something, she would wear it all the time." Neville replied. Harry seemed to think about that for a bit.

"You're still going to her house for Christmas right?" Neville inquired. Harry nodded.

"Are you nervous about meeting her parents?" Neville pressed. Harry shook his head.

"I've been around adults all my life; her parents will be no different." Harry said flatly.

Neville shook his head, and hoped he could be there when Harry actually met the parents of the girl he was… well not dating. Neville wondered just what Harry and Hermione were. He knew they weren't a couple. At least not yet. He hoped they would be soon. If they could get past this Cormac thing.

Neville had seen Harry look at Hermione sometimes, and saw how his eyes would cloud over a bit, or his face would relax. Ever since the Gryffindor/ Slytherin match, Neville had seen a subtle change in Harry's general demeanor when Hermione was around. At least, before she agreed to accompany McClaggen. Since then, there'd been a growing tension between the two.

"So, are you two going to the village as a date today?" Neville asked.

"Yes." Harry nodded. "I asked her properly this time, so there would be no confusion."

Harry eyed Neville, and his friend looked apologetic. Harry had not actually blamed Neville for the confusion that Harry and Hermione had dealt with on their last outing, but Neville knew that he was at least a bit at fault. He hadn't really explained how to ask a girl out well.

"Did you ask Hannah on a date?" Harry asked. Neville nodded with a rather goofy smile on his sweaty face.

"Things are going really good between us."

"You two certainly spend a lot of time kissing." Harry remarked. "I suspected things were going well based on that. I noticed Ron and Lavender aren't spending that much time kissing anymore."

"Yeah." Neville sighed. They were now walking back to the castle. Neville felt his stomach rumble a bit as the smell of breakfast wafted out to them. "Ron's been complaining about how she's changed, and how she's spending too much time with Hermione. He thinks Hermione's been brainwashing her into wanting to break up with him or something. He's been getting kind of mean about her."

"Why would he be mean to someone he's supposed to like?" Harry wondered.

"Sometimes we're the cruelest to the ones we care for the most." Neville said as they entered the castle.

"That makes no sense." Harry looked at his friend skeptically. Neville shrugged.

"Sometimes we say things we don't really mean just to hurt someone because they hurt us." Neville said. "It's the downside of love. It makes us all a bit crazy. Especially if we're jealous."

"Jealous?" Harry looked up.

"Harry, in my personal opinion, jealousy is the absolute worst emotion there is. It twists us up inside and makes us say and do think things we wouldn't normally. It makes us completely irrational, and stupid."

"What causes it?" Harry asked. Neville shrugged.

"Insecurity and lack of self confidence. I suffered through a lot of jealousy during the first four years here. Seeing people happy while you're miserable. Someone having something that you don't think they deserve... or someone. I don't know really how to explain it any better." Neville shrugged, looking apologetic. Harry however, was looking pensive.

"I think I'm jealous of McClaggen." He admitted, which made Neville freeze.

"Because he's taking Hermione to Slughorn's party?" He asked. Harry nodded slowly, though he didn't look sure of himself.

"I know that I can't tell her what to do, or prevent her from going with him… but I don't want her to go with him. I just… I didn't like what he said about her that night. I don't like the thought of them together, and it... it's making my stomach turn, and I want to hex his face off."

"Yeah, I can see that." Neville nodded, smiling at the memory of Cormac scared enough to lose control of his bladder. "But, you're right. You can't stop her from going with him, and you can't say anything about it. She can be with whomever she wants, and if you try and interfere, you're going to ruin your friendship with her."

"I don't want that." Harry admitted, and Neville clasped his shoulder.

"I know. So you just have to bottle it up, and let things happen however they're going to happen. Be there for her when she needs you, and support her in whatever she decides to do." Neville said earnestly. Harry nodded though he clearly didn't like what his friend's advice. Neville clapped Harry on the back, and they headed to the Gryffindor showers in relative silence.

"Hey Harry, I've been really curious as to what you said to McClaggen the night he asked Hermione out. Whatever it was made him look like he was ready to piss himself." Neville asked when they got back to their dorm room, and were getting ready to clean up.

"I told him that if he ever spoke like that in front of me again, I'd make him eat his manhood." Harry said evenly. Neville gaped at him for a moment.

"Really? Is that all?" Neville looked disbelieving. "He looked really afraid, and we've all heard some variation of that threat."

"I may have been rather detailed in the method of removing and feeding." Harry shrugged, making Neville burst into laughter.

Hermione met Harry and Neville in the Common Room as usual, though she still looked a bit angry at Harry. Neville knew she was likely still steaming about the fight she and Harry had gotten into the previous night. They all walked down to breakfast as they normally did, though it was a lot quieter, and decidedly more tense than ever before. When they arrived at the Great Hall, Neville thanks every deity he could think of that Hannah was there to meet him, and quickly led her to the Hufflepuff table.

Harry and Hermione took their usual seats at the end of the Gryffindor table and began to fill their plates. Finally the silence got to be too much for Hermione.

"Ok, this is going to be a horrible date if we refuse to talk to each other." She sighed.

"Are you sure you still want to go with me?" Harry asked, his voice icy, though his face looked for the first time that Hermione could recall, almost fearful. "Wouldn't you rather go to the village with McClaggen?"

"This brought Hermione up short, and the wheels in her mind began spinning. Suddenly it all made sense. Harry had been acting stranger than was normal for him since McClaggen had asked her out. He'd been agitated, and snippy, which was really unusual for him, but until now, he'd never once mentioned McClaggen.

"Are you..." Hermione stammered, not believing it was even possible. "Are you jealous?"

"I think it's possible, though who can tell with the way Neville explains things." Harry grumbled. Hermione didn't want to, but her face split into a bright smile.

"I just… I don't like him. And I… You should… I'm trying to be a friend, but I can't understand why you would want to date him. He's arrogant, and undisciplined, and…"

"Harry, there's nothing between Cormac and I." Hermione said gently as she reached across the table and grasped his hand.

"He asked me to go to Slughorn's party and I knew I'd never be able to go otherwise. I'm interested in meeting a few of the people who will be there. I don't like Cormac like that. I'd much rather if you and I could go together, but neither of us got an invitation. There's nothing for you to be jealous about, alright?" Hermione asked as she gently squeezed Harry's hand.

Harry refused to look her in the eye for several moments, instead, keeping his eyes on their joined hands. He truly liked the feel of her soft skin and the warmth he felt when their hands were linked together like this. Slowly he looked up to find her still looking imploringly at him. He gave her a slight nod that said that he understood, and though he wanted to tell her everything that Cormac had said, he remembered Neville's words from earlier.

Harry decided that he would try harder to be a good friend, and support Hermione. He knew in his heart that he couldn't always be there to protect her, and she needed to be able to take care of herself. He would be there if she needed him, but he wouldn't say anything, or do anything that might ruin things with his friend.

Besides, if she really wanted to date someone like McClaggen, Harry knew that he couldn't do anything to change that. Though he felt she could do far better than some puffed up peacock like McClaggen.

He nodded and gave her a hint of a smile that made her face light up, clearly pleased that he believed her. She let go of his hands and began to eat. Harry followed her example, and when they finished their morning meal, they got up and headed out to the village for what would be their third and best date so far.

"I think you're making a serious mistake." Lavender said again as she watched Hermione finish getting ready for her date. "Going out with McClaggen is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas, Hermione."

"Yes, I know." Hermione said as she checked herself in the mirror. "You've told me all week that I was making a mistake. That I'm ruining things between me and Harry by going out with Cormac. That I should be staying in tonight and spending time with Harry. But as I've already told you a million times, Harry and I are just friends."

Hermione quickly held up her hand to prevent Lavender from another attempt at trying to convince her there was more between herself and Harry than just friendship. Sure, there had been a few moments when Lavender's arguments held water. Harry's recent bout with jealousy for starters. The extended hand holding at the Quidditch match, for another.

"Who are you trying to convince?' Lavender challenged. "I see you two looking at each other. Especially this past week. He's never going to make the first move because he has no clue as to how to do that, much less what to do, so it's up to you. He likes you as more than a friend, and you're all but spitting in his face tonight."

"I am not!" Hermione spun to glare at Lavender. "And you're wrong. We've gone on three dates now. Three. And not once has he tried to do anything, much less given any inclination that he would like to be anything more than my friend."

"Except hold your hand at the Quidditch match." Lavender pointed out.

"Oh not this again." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Do not try and tell me you didn't like that. I saw you. I saw the smile on your face." Lavender accused.

"It was just… It was nothing."

"You held his hand throughout the entire game, Hermione. Not once did you try and remove your hand, and I know you were aware of it. He didn't mind it either. In fact… when you did finally let go, he looked like you'd stolen his puppy. He likes you, but he has no clue how to express it."

"Thanks to his so-called guardians." Hermione thought to herself.

"Whether or not there is anything between Harry and me, we aren't together at the moment. If someone asked Harry on a date, I would be supportive of him, regardless of how I felt for him, because the bottom line is that he is my friend and I want him to be happy." Hermione reasoned. Lavender merely scoffed.

"Right. If any girl asked Harry out, especially if it was someone you disproved of… you'd claw her eyes out. And besides, Harry wouldn't want to go on a date with anyone except you." Lavender said glumly. She got up and walked over to Hermione and began inspecting the outfit and makeup. She didn't agree with Hermione's choice, but she was her friend, and would support her, no matter how dim the curly haired witch was being.

"I see you two. We all do. The way he looks at you is so… heart wrenching. He looks so lost and confused and hopeful all at once! I just… I really don't want to see you miss a chance for something amazing because some other boy finally wised up and asked you out before Harry could figure out what's going on in his head and his heart.

"Lavender." Hermione said, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder and smiling confidently. "It's just a party. We're not running away together, and besides, we're only going as friends."

Lavender nodded though she looked disheartened, and she led Hermione to the Common room where she would be meeting her date.

"Wow." Cormac smiled as Hermione approached. "You look amazing."

Hermione blushed slightly at the compliment. She had worked really hard to make herself presentable. Her hair alone had taken two hours, and was done in a simply, yet elegant knot in the back of her head. Her dress was a flattering burgundy knee length, sleeveless number, with matching high heeled pumps. She had borrowed some nylons from Lavender, and felt prettier than she ever had before.

"Thank you." She smiled. "You've cleaned up rather nicely as well."

"Well, we should get going. Don't want to keep old Sluggy waiting, do we?" Cormac offered his arm.

Hermione accepted graciously and the two began heading out. She looked around the Common Room so that she could wish Harry a good night, but he was nowhere to be found. She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she was disappointed. Part of her wanted to see if Harry would be at all impressed with her appearance tonight. Then the practical side of her brain reminded her that Harry likely wouldn't even really notice any change in how she looked, or more likely would be confused by it.

Hermione pushed all thoughts of Harry out of her mind. She was determined to have a good time tonight despite the fact that she wasn't really with the person she wanted most to be spending the evening with. But in spite of that one miniscule factor, Hermione was sure that tonight would be unforgettable.

Cormac kept smiling at Hermione as he escorted her to Slughorn's office where the party was being held. She felt very self-conscious, but she rather liked the attention as well. Cormac was quite good looking, and he seemed really sweet. When he asked her out initially, she had been stunned. Cormac had never paid her any mind at all before then, not even to make fun of her for something. At least that she could recall. Cormac had showered her with compliments when he asked her out, and she had been flattered. She knew next to nothing about the boy, and felt that it was likely the only way she'd get to go to such an exclusive party.

"You really do look amazing tonight." He said with a dashing smile.

"Thank you." She smiled in reply. She felt a bit of a blush creeping up her face, but managed to fight it back. She wondered idly if Harry would have found her to be attractive in her dress, and wondered where he had been when she and Cormac had left. She then had to remind herself not to think about him for the rest of the night.

"I think this is it." Cormac grinned.

They could hear music, and there was a truly mouthwatering aroma wafting down the hall. There were cheery voices coming from a wide opened door, and as they crossed the threshold, Hermione's eyes widened in awe.

Slughorn's office had clearly been enlarged for the occasion. Everyone was dressed to the nines tonight, with crisp dress robes, or elegant party dresses. There were quite a few students mingling about, mostly from sixth and seventh years, though Hermione recognized a few fifth year students as well. There were also more than a handful of guests who Hermione had guessed were former students who had become quite successful.

"Holy cow." Cormac gaped at a rather attractive looking witch with long shiny black hair, and a form fitting black dress. "That's Gwenog Jones from the Holyhead Harpies. Wow she's hotter than I imagined."

Hermione gave her date a mock glare, and Cormac looked slightly apologetic.

"Ah Cormac, m'boy. Welcome. WELCOME!" Bellowed Professor Slughorn. He was wearing a crimson velvet smoking jacket and fez, and held a large goblet of mead. He shook Cormac's hand like an old friend before waiting to be introduced to Cormac's date. Hermione thought it funny that she needed to be introduced as she was the top student in Slughorn's sixth year potions class.

"Why Miss Granger, I hardly recognized you. You look quite stunning this evening. I wonder if I might borrow young Cormac for a few moments, I would very much like to introduce him to some rather important people."

"Uh, sure." Hermione said meekly, feeling a bit slighted by the potions professor. Slughorn saluted her with his goblet and led her date away. Hermione stood there for a minute quite awkwardly until she decided to get herself something to drink.


"Oh Hi Neville." Hermione smiled when she found who had called to her.

"Wow, you look amazing." Hannah Abbott said as she took in Hermione's attire. "Harry is really lucky."

"Harry's not here." Both Hermione and Neville said at the same time. Hannah looked a bit puzzled until Neville explained.

"He wasn't invited."

"But, Hermione's here, she could have…" Hannah began before Hermione began shaking her head.

"I wasn't invited either. Cormac McClaggen asked me to accompany him."

"Oh." Hannah said looking a bit disappointed at that. "I wish I'd known. Susan would have asked him."

"Susan's here as well?" Hermione asked, feeling tightness in her chest at the thought of Harry with the redhead, even though she thought Susan was one of the nicer people in the school. Well, Susan had never said anything bad to her, and was at the very least polite to her.

"Yeah, she got an invitation from Sluggy. She debated about asking Harry, but we thought you two were a couple." Hannah explained. Hermione noted a rather smug smile on Neville's face at this.

"No, he's just my friend." Hermione clarified.

"Oh. Then I guess it would be ok if Susan asked him out then?" Hannah asked tentatively.

Hermione didn't know how to answer that. She wanted to tell Hannah to shut her fat mouth, but at the same time, she had no claim over Harry. As she had just said, they were just friends, and he was within his rights to go out with any girl he chose to.

"There you are.' Cormac said, rescuing her from the growing uneasiness of the situation.

"Want to dance?"

Hermione nodded and allowed herself to be led to the small, makeshift dance floor where Cormac took her hand, and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"So, who'd you meet?' Hermione asked, feeling more anxious as they began to dance.

"Oh, no one really special. David Tennenbaum from the Department of Magical Law Offices. Matilda Fenway from The Minister's Office, and Kirley Duke and Heathcote Barbary of the Weird Sisters."

"Are you planning on pursuing law when you graduate?" Hermione wondered.

"A bit, yeah." Cormac nodded pompously. "I intend on going into politics in a few years, and felt a good start would be in the offices of law."

"Do you plan on affecting some changes? Perhaps more rights for Werewolves, or Centaurs?" Hermione queried. Cormac laughed and shook his head.

"That's funny.' He sniggered. "I had no idea you had such a great sense of humor."

"How is that funny?" Hermione wondered. Cormac shook his head.

"Giving such dangerous creature more rights? Come on. That would be like letting Goblins have wands, or paying house elves for their work. It's hysterical." Cormac chuckled.

"Quite.' Hermione said rather bitterly. Cormac clearly didn't notice her irritation.

Suddenly he was swooping down, his lips puckered as he held her a bit tighter. Instinct kicked in and Hermione pulled back, looking a bit out of sorts.

"What are you doing?" She asked, pulling out of his embrace.

"Well, I was attempting to kiss you." Cormac said looking a bit perturbed. "Seemed like the thing to do..."

"I thought we agreed to come as friends. I'm not…"

"Mistletoe.' Cormac said cutting of Hermione's rambling. He was pointing to the ceiling where two tiny fairies were flying, carrying a twig of mistletoe between them. Hermione felt her face heat up as she began to blush and apologized, to which McClaggen shrugged, and offered her his hand again.

They dance two more songs before they went to get something to eat, and sit for a bit. They were joined at a small table by a few other members of the Slug Club. Hermione mostly listened as McClaggen talked to his friends, feeling rather out of place. She was really beginning to wonder why she had accepted Cormac's invitation. She had thought that she would be getting into some fun and insightful discussions with some important people, but she hadn't even met one. She could have been having much more fun with Harry in the Common Room sitting around the fire and preparing him for what to expect at her house with her parents.

It was then that Hermione began to wonder why Harry had been on her mind so much lately. It wasn't as if anything had really changed in their relationship. Sure, they had been on a few dates now, and they had all been really, really good, but nothing had happened that would indicate something developing. Romantically speaking anyway.

And yes, it was true that they had held hands at the Quidditch match, but that was nothing. Friends hold hands all the time, right? In fact, if Lavender hadn't said anything, Hermione was sure she would have forgotten about it completely.

Then there was the fact that Harry had made it his personal mission to torture apologies out of the Slytherins who had made her life so difficult. So far, the Slytherins had yet to attempt to make amends, though she had received a ton of apologies from members of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. People she hadn't even been aware of who had made fun of her at some point.

And finally, there was the fact that whenever she heard even a whisper that a girl was interested in Harry, she got defensive and irritable, and felt the strange urge to find whoever that girl was and tear her hair out. Not to mention how Harry had been acting ever since Cormac had asked her to the party. Every time he saw McClaggen, Harry looked like he wanted to pounce on the bigger boy and pummel his face into pulp.

All the evidence, once she thought about it objectively made her feel sick to her stomach. She could understand how she might be feeling strong feelings for Harry, especially as he was always so nice, and respectful of her. Plus, he was quite an attractive looking young man. What with his broad shoulders, and muscular frame, and his piercing green eyes, and that untamable mess of black hair that was begging to have her fingers run through and…

"Stop it.' She said internally. "You're just friends. That's not going to change. He has a destiny to fulfill, and it doesn't involve you."

"Are you certain?" A new voice asked. "He has to learn how to love, remember?"

"Hermione?' Cormac's voice broke through her internal quandaries.

"Huh?" She responded ever so eloquently.

"I asked if you were okay." He said with a smirk that made her a bit wary.

"Fine.' She said.

Cormac pointed to the ceiling, and Hermione followed to see Fairies carrying Mistletoe. She groaned softly, and looked back to Cormac, who was grinning.

"I think they really want us to kiss." He snickered.

"I suppose so." Hermione nodded.

Cormac swooped on her again, this time capturing her lips. It wasn't terribly unpleasant at first, but Cormac wasn't satisfied with a soft peck. His hands found her shoulders, and his tongue slipped across her lips, begging for entrance. Hermione made the mistake of opening her mouth to protest, and Cormac's rather slimy tongue slipped into her mouth.

"Ugh!" She said as she pushed away from him. "That was too much."

"Not even close. Come on, it's a party Hermione. You need to loosen up and have fun."

McClaggen stated. "You're the most uptight witch in this school."

"Do you have any idea why?" Hermione uttered, feeling suddenly defensive and irritated.

"I think if you just relax, you'll find you wind up having a lot more fun. Why not let your hair down a bit, and enjoy yourself?" Cormac said, leaning towards her again. Hermione held up her hand to prevent his lips from touching hers again.

"I was enjoying myself, but you're making things really uncomfortable." Hermione accused. Cormac sighed heavily.

Alright.' He said with a grimace. "Why don't we dance a bit more, or something?"

"Do you think you can act like a gentleman?" Hermione asked with annoyance.

"Of course I can." Cormac said, rising to his feet, and taking her hand. He took her out to the dance floor again and they began dancing.

"You know I never once made fun of you." Cormac said earnestly. "Even when you kind of deserved it. You were really bossy your first year. I remember hearing the Weasley twins planning to put calming draughts in your pumpkin juice because they were sick of you threatening to repot them when they were planning one of their pranks."

"Back then I probably deserved it." Hermione admitted.

"Maybe, but you didn't deserve anything that came after." Cormac smiled. "I feel bad that you had to go through all that, but it looks like things are going your way this year."

"I suppose." Hermione replied, looking at him strangely.

"I mean, first, you make friends with the Boy-Who-Lived…"

"Oh god, not you too. Why do you people keep using that stupid moniker. He's just Harry, not some sort of deity or something stupid like that. He's just like you or me." Hermione scolded.

"Whatever." Cormac said flippantly. "But then, you've got all the boys noticing you now. You should hear some of the things they say about you. You've turned quite a few heads this year. I wasn't the only one who wanted to ask you out, you know."

"What? Really?" Hermione looked stunned at this.

"Sure." Cormac said. "I'm just happy I got to ask you first."

Hermione's eyes bulged when she felt a hand on her rear end. She stared at Cormac in horror, and she felt her throat tighten a bit.

"Um… would you…" She began, trying to sound dignified.

"I would love to." Cormac replied, leaning in to kiss her once again.

"UGH! That's quite enough." Hermione said angrily. "I think that I've had enough fun for tonight. I think I'd like to leave."

"Oh come on, Hermione." Cormac smiled. "We've barely been here an hour. How about we get something to eat and talk for a bit, yeah?"

Hermione eyed him suspiciously but agreed. Cormac led her to the buffet and the two got some food and sat at an empty table. They weren't alone very long, as Gwenog Jones herself sat next to Hermione with her date, Edmund Fokland, whom Hermione had been very hopeful to meet. Edmund was well known for developing stronger Wolfsbane potions, and making them more readily available for any Lycanthrope who wanted it.

Cormac tried to engage the lovely Quidditch player in conversation, but she was clearly more interested in taking part in the discussion her date and Hermione were having about methods for making the Wolfsbane better, and perhaps finding a cure for the affliction.

The conversation seemed to go on and on until thankful for Cormac, Slughorn came by to whisk Gwenog and her date to another part of the party. Before he left, Edmund handed Hermione his card and insisted that she come and see him when she graduated.

Cormac then convinced Hermione to join him for another spin on the dance floor. Hermione agreed, likely because she was still euphoric over getting to speak to such a brilliant individual, and impressing him enough that he wanted her to interview for work when she finished school.

It wasn't long before she was ripped from her high over her fortune as she felt Cormac's hand slipping below her waist once again.

"Cormac, you're not being very gentlemanly again." She hissed.

"Maybe it isn't a gentleman you need, Hermione." Cormac insisted. "Maybe what you need is a man to show you just what you've been missing all this time."

"What?" Hermione gaped, and Cormac looked rather smug.

"Come on Hermione, you know why I asked you here tonight. I mean, look at how you're dressed? Why else would you wear something so tantalizing if you didn't want anything to happen?"

"What are you talking about?" Hermione looked scandalized. "Everyone is dressed up."

"Maybe, but I noticed you're the only girl showing off so much skin tonight." Cormac eyed her lecherously.

"Ok, I think I'm ready to just go to bed." Hermione said irritably, as she pinched the bridge of her nose trying to ward of a huge headache.

Cormac's smile brightened, and took her hand, leading her out of the party very quickly. Hermione struggled to stay upright in her high heeled shoes as she struggled to get her hand out of Cormac's grasp, but the bigger boy just held on tighter, ignoring her protests.

Hermione quickly realized what Cormac was thinking, and she figured that he clearly misunderstood her meaning when she had said she was ready to leave the party. Cormac gave her a grin as he slipped into an empty classroom where he felt they would likely be uninterrupted. When he turned to face his date however, he got a major surprise when Hermione's right leg shot up and connected with his groin.

Cormac howled like a wounded hound dog and fell to his knees. He went cross eyed, and then fell to his side, cupping his now pulsing genitalia. Hermione scowled at McClaggen before huffing and leaving him in a heap in the dirty floor.

Hermione wondered if she had gone too far with McClaggen. But the thought of what he had been attempting to do with her made her think better of it. The git had deserved what he got and likely more. Obviously that had been the only way that Cormac would understand that she was not interested in him that way.

She had never felt so angry in all of her life. The problem was that she was angry at herself. She had let herself get swept up in the idea of being asked out, that she never stopped to think about who or why. Lavender had told her a couple of times about what other girls had said about Cormac and what an absolute arse he could be, but Hermione felt she knew better and had ignored her friend.

Hermione found herself slipping into the Gryffindor Common room, and was a bit surprised to find it so empty. It wasn't all that late yet and she thought her fellow lions should be whooping it up in anticipation of the start of the Christmas holiday.

It wasn't completely empty. Katie Bell and her friend Leanne were sitting in a corner, talking quietly. There was a group of fourth years having some sort of debate. There was a circle of second years playing a very intense game of gobstones in another corner. But it was the sight of Harry, sitting on the couch nearest the fire sitting across from Dennis and Colin Creevey that suddenly made Hermione feel relaxed and calm. The three were talking quietly, with the Creevey boys looking rather awestruck. Hermione hoped Harry wasn't filling their heads with one of his crazy stories of his training days.

"Hey Harry." She said softly as she approached him.

"Hermione?" Harry looked surprised to see her. "Is the party finished already? Where's McClaggen?"

"No." She shook her head. "I just… I wasn't really in a party mood, I guess."

She sat down next to him, and Harry moved slightly to make room for her, though he remained quite close to her. The Creevey brothers looked at the two older tens and then to each other before Colin cleared his throat.

"We'll leave you two alone." Colin smiled, dragging his brother to his feet. "Talk to you tomorrow Harry."

"Ah, Colin, I wanted to hear more about attacking people from your broom." Dennis whined as his brother led him up the stairs.

"You shouldn't fill their heads with things like that." Hermione said reproachfully. "Especially not Dennis, he's likely to try them during the next match."

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, looking at her in that way that always made her feel exposed. "Your voice is a little shaky."

"It's nothing.' Hermione tried to wave off his concern.

"Did something happen?" Harry pressed. Hermione knew it would be useless to try and avoid telling him. Harry would hear about it, and then he might get mad at her for keeping it from him. She told him first about meeting Edmund Fokland, and how he seemed impressed by her, but then the tale took a hard left, and Hermione told Harry about how Cormac had been really grabby, and how he'd tried to pull her into an empty classroom. Harry's face instantly turned to stone and he looked ready to get to his feet and hunt down the offensive seventh year until Hermione grabbed his hand and told him how she had finally gotten her message through to him that she wasn't interested in him in that way. Harry winced when she told him the last bit.

"Yeah, that would do it.' Harry agreed.

"I'm sorry Harry." She sighed, leaning into him a bit. She then rested her head on his shoulder, and felt him stiffen a bit, though he relaxed almost immediately, making her smile softly to herself.

"Why are you sorry?" Harry asked softly. "It seems to me Cormac should be apologizing here, not you."

"I'm sorry because, I should have stayed here tonight. Stayed with you." Hermione said softly. She felt a shiver climb up her spine when she looked at him. He was staring at her now with something that made her stomach clench up. His eyes, usually so hard and piercing were soft now. Almost longing.

"You don't have to apologize for wanting to go and have some fun. It was an exclusive party, and as I understand it, getting to attend is kind of a big deal to a lot of people." Harry shrugged. "And, it sounds like it was worth it in the end. You got a chance to impress someone you look up to..."

"Maybe." Hermione sighed. "But it would have been better if you had been there with me. If you had been my date. I would have had a lot more fun with you."

"I don't know how to dance." Harry chuckled softly, and Hermione had to smile again. She attempted to smack him, but he caught her hand, and held it gently, making her shiver again as his thumb softly began to rub small circles on it.

"I would have taught you." She offered.

"I don't exactly have suitable attire for such an occasion." He added.

"You could have worn exactly what you are now, and I would have been happy." Hermione replied. Harry gave a soft nod.

"I would have felt a little out of place. You look quite breathtaking after all. Really beautiful." Harry stated. Hermione's eyes widened in surprise and she saw him turn away slightly, as if he might have been embarrassed or something. Then she realized he was more than likely second guessing what he had just said.

"You really think I look beautiful?" She asked, rather breathily. Her eyes felt heavy and she began inching closer to Harry, who had turned back to her and was staring into her deep brown eyes.

"I do." Harry nodded.

Hermione's hand was on Harry's chest, and she wasn't even certain how it came to be there in the first place, much less how they had gotten so close. She was leaning into him and her eyes were focused on his lips now. She had read about moments like this, and somewhere in the back of her brain a little voice was urging her on. She could picture Lavender bouncing up and down in anticipation, and she smiled to herself as she thought about what was about to happen. She had a thousand reasons why she should pull away, and stop this from happening.

But there was one thing that prevented her from doing that. She didn't want to.

Hermione's hand was slipping up Harry's chest, and beginning to slink around his neck to draw him in a bit closer. She could taste his breath now, he was that close. She allowed her eyes to fall closed, and she decided to just give in and consequences be damned. She was seventeen, and even though Cormac had given her very first kiss earlier that night, she would never consider it a real kiss, not like the one that was about to happen, with a boy that never failed to make her heart skip, and her stomach clench, and her mind to fog. A boy who always saw through her, and made her feel like she was worth something by just being human to her.


Hermione all but leapt away from Harry as Cormac's voice echoed about them. He was standing in front of them, looking murderous.

"You fucking tease. You dress up like a slag, and rub against me all night and then kick me in the bollocks and run away so you can tease Potter here? What, do you have some sort of scorecard or something?" Cormac shouted so loudly, Hermione wondered why every other student in Gryffindor hadn't come barreling down to the Common Room to see what was happening.

Harry was on his feet and between McClaggen and Hermione, who was now extremely angry at the seventh year and looked as though she might kick him between the legs again.

"TEASE? You arrogant prick! You told me we were going as friends, and then you spend the whole night pawing at me and trying to sticky your disgusting tongue in my mouth and blaming it on fairies!"

"What?" Harry looked puzzled, but remained between the two in order to stop them from physically attacking one another.

"I heard about some of the things you've been saying about me, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt." Hermione shouted. "I thought maybe, just maybe people were jealous or something, and that you weren't that different from me. But Merlin how you proved me wrong!"

"Don't act like you're some martyr, Granger." Cormac bellowed. "Everyone knows that you make things seem worse than they are. I've heard how you make it look like you're this persecuted waif. "Oh woe is me. I'm a tragic little muggleborn that no one likes.' It's so pathetic."

"What?" Hermione stepped back as if she'd been struck in the face. "You ignorant, pompous, moron! You really think I've humiliated myself all these years? That I played all those embarrassing pranks on myself? Why would anyone do that?"

"Why don't you tell me?" Cormac challenged. "Why not tell all of us, Granger? Why would anyone make themselves look like they're the most persecuted and hated person in the world and subject themselves to such humiliating incidents? To get attention? Well, you got our attention didn't you? You got Harry potter to become your personal body guard, and to humiliate your enemies, and now what? You get me to notice you, and then string me along so you can make it look like I tried to take advantage so Potter here would get mad and beat me up or something, you manipulative little bitch?"

At that, Hermione's eyes narrowed. While it could be argued that Harry was very obtuse when it came to the subtleties of what could be considered normal human behavior, he knew rage when he saw it.

Harry let his arms that had been keeping the two apart, drop to his sides as he took two big steps back, and turned to look at Cormac rather pointedly. Harry knew that Hermione needed to learn to fight her own battles, as he knew he couldn't protect her all the time, nor could he make every single person who ever hurt her pay for their cruelty. Now seemed like the best time for her to stand on her own two feet at last.

Cormac's righteous indignance started to slip away when he looked at Harry who appeared almost sympathetic. Cormac turned back to Hermione who was fuming now, her eyes narrowed, and her fists balled so tightly, her hands were stark white.

"Uh..." Cormac muttered just before Hermione lunged and her boney, skinny fist cracked him in the nose, sending him reeling to the floor. She lunged forward, but was caught around the waist by Harry who held her back, preventing her from pressing her attack.

McClaggen looked truly frightened, as he saw Hermione's arms flailing, trying to reach him, and Harry who was easily much stronger than Hermione, having trouble keeping her back, all the while a stream of curses spilled from Hermione that would have made a goblin blush.

"I think you should leave." Harry called out over Hermione's torrent of swears. Cormac quickly disappeared up the boy's dormitory stairs with his tail tucked between his legs. It took another minute for Hermione to settle down before Harry finally released her. She was panting heavily as she turned around to face Harry.

"You should have let me go." She snapped. Harry gave her a slight shrug.

"I was worried you would get hurt." He said, glancing at her hand. It looked as if it might be swelling a bit, and he stepped forward, and gently took it in his hand to examine it. All at once, Hermione's anger dissipated. Her breath hitched slightly at his touch.

"He never would have had a chance to hurt me." She said confidently, watching as Harry checked her hand. She winced when he gave a gentle squeeze to a couple of her fingers.

"I was worried you'd hurt yourself." Harry said, making his feelings on the matter clear. He gave another gentle squeeze of her fingers and Hermione gave a soft moan of pain. Harry made a face, and led her to the sofa, where he slipped his wand out of his wrist holster. He waved it gently over her fingers.

"You're lucky you didn't break them." He said. "Though it was a pretty good punch."

"It was my first one." Hermione said as the pain in her hand began to disappear.

"That was obvious." Harry smirked. "You should be fine now." Harry said, slipping his wand back into his holster. He then began to softly massage her fingers, making her feel much more nervous, and at the same time, much more at peace. "I think if you're going to start standing up for yourself, you really should learn the proper way to do it."

They sat silent for a bit, just staring at each other before Hermione found her voice, and slipped her hand from Harry's feeling self conscious.

"It's getting late, and we're going home tomorrow. I should probably make sure everything is packed."

Harry rose to his feet as Hermione did the same. He walked her to the foot of the stairs, and she turned to him. He gave her a soft look, and Hermione found herself embracing Harry. Unlike the first time, he returned the gesture with more confidence.

"Goodnight Harry." She whispered before she let him go and went to bed. "Thank you for... well, thank you."

"Goodnight Hermione." Harry said softly as he watched her go.

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