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86.66% pokemon ash harem / Chapter 26: chapter 26

Chapitre 26: chapter 26

Upon gathering all of his slave girls, Ash and company departed from the mansion, not sure when they'd return next. Before leaving the quiet little town however, Ash retrieved a few of his pokeballs without Professor Oak even noticing. Afterward, upon commissioning a private plane for the group, courtesy of Lusamine's connections, the group was off to Alola.

It was a rather quiet and uneventful plane ride there, but upon arriving in Alola, the group departed from the plane and onto the tarmac.

"Alright everyone, it's time we go over the plan to raid the island." Ash said to the group. "Annabel, is there any intel you can offer us?

"Well, I'm sure that these Rocket types are nothing like the bumbling one we have as our sister, so this group will surely have some good defenses." Annabel mentioned, her demeaning of Jessie simply only turning her on.

"If I to go off of my old intel, the island was big enough for a small port and a runway. I distinctly remember a couple of patrol boats in the water and a control tower to keep air radar available." She continued describing.

"That's some seriously tough resistance. So if we can't land there by plane or get there by boat, what can we do?" Ash asked aloud.

"Well, if it ain't my Lord and Master!" A familiar voice cried out.

It was Skyla, waving hello at the group as the jogged over in her skimpy flight uniform.

"Skyla?! What are you doing here?" Ash said, completely perplexed at his slave's sudden appearance.

"I was making a delivery for a fellow pilot who said he couldn't make the trip. Sick or something. Glad I took his place though." She explained before snuggling up with her Subjugator. "You have no idea how bored I was, being unable to serve you or be used by you."

Looking past her head as she still kept him in her clutches, Ash looked over at the hanger she came from. Her old cargo plane for making long trip deliveries in. And just like that, Ash got an idea.

"Say, Skyla, how high would you say your plane could go, by the way?" Ash asked his slave.

"Oh, it's capable of high altitude flight. That baby could climb high and fast, despite its looks." Skyla replied obediently. "Why might you ask?"

"Skyla, I haven't told you or any of the other slave sisters that left the house this, but I've found us new home right here in Alola." Ash explained. "All that we need to do is get rid of a pest problem. And I'll need your help to do that."

"Of course, Master. I'm your humble slave, so I'll literally do anything you desire of me." Skyla said, pressing her breasts together seductively.

"Good, then let me explain my plan." Ash commanded, the entire harem listening intently.

"We're gonna take Skyla's plane way above the island and halo drop to it. I brought with myself a Pokemon who can actually help us with the landing too, so parachutes won't stick out in broad daylight." Ash ordered.

"I'll need some really good trainers and Jessie with me. She has experience as a team rocket member, so she'll be useful in the field. Annabel and Bonnie, you're both with me on that." He declared.

"Yes, Master!" The trio reaffirmed him immediately.

"Lusamine, Lillie, call up Aether Paradise to pick you two up. You'll be telling them they're getting their stolen Pokemon back." Ash further commanded.

"Yes, Master!" The duo replied instantly, Lusamine taking out her phone to call her subordinates as the two of them walked off the tarmac.

"Mallow and Lana, were gonna make a whole lotta noise on the island, I need you two to get in your fishing boat and take on any stray patrol boats. Sink them with your Pokemon." The raven haired man issued them.

"Yes, my Lord!" The duo said in sync, running off the Lana's home to get her boat ready for the fight.

"Serena and Alexa, you two will stay on the plane, but have your Noivern our Alexa. Serena's Braixen can stand on top and your two Pokemon together can provide us some support. Just make sure you tell them I want the Island's infrastructure intact." He added finally.

"Of course, Master." The duo replied, a bow of submission coming from both.

Without a moment to spare, the group of seven made their way to Skyla's cargo plane. As the plane began the takeoff routine, Ash gave his pilot slave coordinates courtesy of Annabel. And just like that, the group was off to take part in a dangerous mission to claim their new home.

As this happened, the compound on the island was wrought with commotion.

"What do you mean you can't go there anymore?!" A blonde woman shouted at three men in the office room.

"Miss Domino, I'm sorry, but Aether has simply hired too much security. There's no way we can possibly steal anymore Pokemon from that island!" The center most grunt said, his excuse not reaching his superiors approval.

"If I had wanted to hear excuses all day, then I would have asked that worthless Matori Matrix group to stay!" Domino shouted at her underlings with rage.

"Um, miss? Why is it that the Matori Matrix isn't here anyways?" The grunt on the right asked her sheepishly.

"The Boss expected this little hideaway to be the perfect spot for Matori's squad to continue the operation to capture that black prism Pokemon, but it never yielded fruit. Giovanni pulled the Matrix out of Alola and deemed the island be decommissioned a couple years ago. But I insisted to him that I could run this place just fine." Domino explained to her peons.

"The problem is now we're now a black op in the way of Team Rocket operations. Boss said that he doesn't ever want to hear from any of us unless we achieve substantial results. And that's why you need to get back out there and steal some more Pokemon from Aether Paradise!" She screamed after reflected on the role she committed to.

As the group of grunts left her office, Domino opened up her windows, allowing the salty air to catch her hair and flow through her lungs.

"What idiots." She mumbled, looking out onto the ocean, completely ignorant of what was to come.

As Skyla's plane began to fly over the island about a thousand feet up, Skyla gave the team the signal to bail, opening up the back cargo hatch. As Ash and his slaves stood on the cusp of the cargo ramp, Ash clutched a Pokeball in his hands, looking at it intensely, confident that his plan was foolproof.

"Don't worry, ladies! I saw this in an action movie once! I'm sure we'll be fine!" He shouted over the billowing wind.

"I never doubted your plan once, Master, Annabel said, smiling with the same confidence her Usurper had.

And just like that, the group of Ash, Annabel, Bonnie and Jessie jumped from the plane, making a dive bomb formation with their bodies to pick up velocity. As they fell closer and closer to the island, Ash was able to notice though his sensory Aura abilities that several Rocket grunts were congregating are the port.

After they were but a few hundred feet from the ground, Ash began his plan.

"Alright, lets do this..!" Ash thought to himself, readying the Pokeball.

"Gengar! Use Psychic to catch us!" Ash said, calling out his partner.

Upon being summoned, Gengar used Psychic instantly, slowing the fall of he and his slaves. It wasn't that much longer after that when the grunts spotted them.

"Hey stop right there! Intruders!" A grunt shouted, calling out his Rhyperior. "Use Rock Wrecker!"

"Quick, freeze it with Ice Punch!" Ash shouted to his partner.

"Geng!" Gengar replied, a coat of ice forming on his hands.

After striking his foe repeatedly, the Rhyperior was frozen solid. As this happened, the other grunts began to move, grabbing for their Pokeballs, only for Annabel to rush two of them down, using her training as a policewomen to shut them down with martial arts.

Two others halted in their tracks when they saw the beat down occur. Running as fast as they could to hit the alarm system, they were stopped short by Jessie, who was wearing her old school white and red Team Rocket uniform.

"What? Wait, what are you doing?! You're one of us!" One of the grunts shouted, only for Jessie to kick the man in the face, knocking him out cold.

"I was never one of you." She said coldly, the other grunts simply too terrified to have words come from their mouths.

It was Bonnie's turn this time, for she had now called out her Dedenne, who's signature Nuzzle attack pacified all but one of the remaining grunts. After the electric rodent had chewed through the cables to the alarm on the docks, shutting it down for good, the crew surveyed the rest of the area.

"Good, I think we're still under the radar for now." Ash said, his Gengar melding with his Trainer's shadow to hide in plain sight.

"Alright scum, talk!" Jessie demanded, her boot pressing into the one conscious grunt's back, pinning his face to the ground. "Tell us where your admin is!"

"Oh she's not too far. She's just in the main compound in the center of the island." The grunt explained.

"You Team Rocket goons really are easy to make talk." Ash said, slightly disappointed at how easy it's been so far.

"It's not like there's much reason to not talk at this point." The grunt admitted. "We're all getting sick of Miss Domino's command. I kinda almost want to see her knocked down a peg or two."

"Wait, Domino is here?!" Jessie stammered, only to smile deviously. "Master, I would just love to see you break that Bitch's stuck up attitude and mind with your hypnosis. Can we please make her our next slave sister?"

"What?" The grunt asked, overhearing Jessie proposition. "Hypnosis? Slaves?! Wait a minute, and you that Kanto champion?! What is this Team Rocket flunky doing with a guy like you-"

Before the grunt could finish asked questions, Jessie struck the man over the backside of his head, knocking his out cold, face down on the port's concrete ground.

"Erase his memory of that conversation with your psychic power's Annabel." Ash commanded his slave.

"Yes sir." She obeyed, taking his bruised head into her hands and closing her eyes.

After a moment passed, she let go of the man, nodding to her Usurper that her job was a success.

After their first obstacle was removed, Ash decided on a plan.

"Let's spit up for now. Jessie and I will go into the main compound and take out all the grunts and subdue Domino while you two go to the airfield and take over the control tower." Ash commanded.

"Shut down the air defenses and use the tower's radio to contact Skyla to land and tell the others to get their Pokémon to help clean up any straggler guards on the island. Jessie and I can handle the compound ourselves." He added.

"By your command." The duo obeyed, the group now splitting up and heading in different directions.

As this was happening, Mallow and Lana began to execute their stage in the plan.

As the quaint little fishing boat began to approach the island, two patrol boats moved to intercept it.

"Stop right there!" A man said over a megaphone on the left hand vessel. "You are not allowed to dock here! Turn around or get sunk!"

As the grunt looked out onto the boat, Mallow and Lana were just standing there, peering over the port side. Waiting for just the perfect moment to happen, Lana sprung her trap.

"Primarina, use Whirlpool." She said simply.

Upon her command being issued, the Siren Pokemon began to manipulate the water around the two vessels, with the left hand vessel being the closest to the center of the Whirlpool.

As the vortex began to rage more violently, the second patrol boat was able to escape its demise, only for Mallow to act.

"Tsareena, use Magical Leaf on the hull! Make them sink!" She commanded, her Fruit Pokémon jumping up into the air off the fishing boat.

As the Grass-Type Pokémon fired off its attack, a barrage of leaves that could magically target its desired target with immense precision were loosed from her hands.

While the leaves shredded at the boat's hull, its edges sharp as a steel blade, the other attack boat was finally captured by the Whirlpool, the entire vessel being submerged underwater. Upon the two attack boats being destroyed, the two called their Pokémon back, making their way to the other boats patrolling the other sides of the island.

While Ash and Jessie began to sneak through the compound, subduing their foes with Pokémon and martial arts moves alike, Annabel and Bonnie began to cut through what little resistance they had at the air field.

"Malamar, use Psycho Cut!" Bonnie commanded.

"Metagross, use Meteor Mash! Annabel said to her Pokémon telepathically like she always did.

After a couple minutes of dispatching grunts, the duo secured the landing strip and the control tower. After taking up a headset and opening radio communications, Annabel radioed into Skyla's frequency.

"Alright, my slave sister, you are clear to land the plane. The defenses and radar are down. Tell Serena and Alexa to use their Pokémon and sweep the island of any remaining grunts." Annabel issued to Skyla.

"Right away, sister!" Skyla said in her usual air headed tone. "Alright, my Mistress, it looks like your time is now."

After getting the go ahead from Skyla, Serena and Alexa approached the open cargo ramp, with Alexa throwing out her Noivern first. Serena then called upon her Braxien, the Fox Pokémon mounting the Dragon-Type's back.

"Alright you two, make sure you don't damage the island when you deal with the bad guys. We don't want our new home burned down." Serena warned the pair.

With respective cries of approval from the duo, the two Pokémon began to patrol the island complex for any other Team Rocket members, with Skyla closing the ramp to prepare for her landing.

While all of this happened at once, Ash and Jessie finally made their way to the office Domino was currently located. Peering through the door's window, Ash and his slave nodded to each other.

Bursting through the door with blitzing speed, Domino was too shocked to react accordingly.

"Wait, what?!" She could only say, as Jessie pounced on her former associate. "Wait, Jessie, is that you?! You bitch, who do you think you are, putting your skanky hands on me?!"

"Just shut up, you bitch. It's high time that cocky little spirit of your's broke." Jessie said coldly, turning the blonde woman's head to face her soon to be new Master.

"What the hell is this anyway?! How dare you step foot on my island! I can only imagine how much joy I'll bring to the Boss by bringing your traitorous ass to him." Domino shouted, still as boastful, proud and, wrathful as she had always been since Jessie first met her.

After his captive finally silenced herself, Ash finally spoke up.

"So, how long have you vile people been stealing Pokémon from Aether Paradise anyways? No, never mind. That really doesn't matter. What matters is where you're keeping them all." Ash said with a tone as cold as Jessie's. "Tell me where they are."

"Yeah, right! You think I'm like those morons outside?! I'm not telling you shit!" Domino sneered.

"Your compliance really wasn't needed anyways. By the time I'm done breaking you, you'll be a faithful servant to my ambitions." Ash said, brandishing the Mind Stone's distinctive box, only for Domino to panic as to what it contained.

"Wait, that's the artifact! You had it all along?! No, please, wait-" The blonde admin begged, only for her eyes to be caught in the rainbow light of the Stone.

Ash had noticed that she somehow found the box familiar, perplexing him incredibly. He wanted to get information about it out of her, but he was going to make her his mind slave anyways. He had all the time in the word to ask that. First came the captive Pokemon.

"Alright, listen up! You are now my completely devout and loyal sex slave. You serve me and obey every order I give you. You enjoy the company of women and know that it pleases me that you do. However, you are only allowed to have sex with your slave sisters if they permit it. Every one of your slave sisters is your Mistress." Ash began to command the mindless form of Domino, with Jessie smiling deviously at the commands she was being programmed for.

"You are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to my slaves. You will serve each and every one of us diligently, hand and foot. You know your place in your role, and when someone belittles it demeans you, you find it incredibly arousing, but you aren't allowed to pleasure yourself until you've been given the command to." Ash continued on.

"When I snap my fingers, you will awaken into your new life. You will cast off your allegiance to Team Rocket and join into my harem." He finished, his fingers poised to snap.

Upon the striking of his fingers, Domino blinked repeatedly, her eyes returning to normal.

"Now about what I asked earlier. Where are the Pokémon you stole from Aether Paradise?" Ash repeated with smug satisfaction dripping from his tone of voice.

"They're kept penned up in the basement floor of the building, Master." Domino said submissively, her prideful and snide personality completely erased in exchange for a new, servile one.

"I'd like you to help gather up any remaining Team Rocket grunts so that they may be arrested for their crimes. I'm keeping you as a plaything and keeping this island as my new island paradise." Ash commanded her.

"Of course, Master. You'll prove to be far better at taking charge of it than I." Domino responded. "Here's the key to the Pokémon pen area, I will go and issue a command over the PA so the grunts will all group up at the docks.

As Ash let Domino reach for the intercom mic on her desk, Ash pulled Jessie aside by the waist, taking her somewhere where their voices wouldn't be picked up on the intercom system.

"You did a very good job here today, my slave." Ash said, biting his lip as he took in his slave's body.

"Well, I'm glad you approve, Master. After all, it was a personal wish of mine to see that slut break to your majesty." Jessie said with a flick of her hair.

As the two got closer, Jessie leaned a leg into Ash, letting her thigh brush up against his, kicking up her skimpy miniskirt to reveal her panties. As she laid her arms over her Master's shoulders, the two shared a deep, intimate kiss with each other.

"God, had I known as a kid how sexy you looked in that old thing, I would have made you my sex slave back then." Ash said contently.

"Oh this? Oh I just wanted to wear it for old times sake. Honestly, it feels great being in this uniform again. I always felt free in it." She remarked.

After the two broke up from their make out session, they decided to put their new slave to work. After an hour or so passed, all of the Rocket grunts were subdued.

Annabel used her Alakazam to then Teleport the group of fugitives to the police station on Mele Mele Island. Once the convicts were removed from the island, Lusamine and Lillie arrived with Aether Paradise Employees to retrieve the stolen Pokémon.

Realizing that her Master had plans to renovate the island slightly to his demand, Lusamine commissioned a construction crew to come and spruce up the island's buildings.

After a few days of incredibly efficient construction work, Ash was now content with his position. As he stood in Domino's former office, Annabel stepped inside to speak with him.

"Your plan was such a great success Master! Of course with a Leader like you, it's no wonder." She said with a smile.

"Thank you for the kind words, slave. Or is it really just slave?" Ash said, forming a proposition.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Annabel asked her Sovereign.

"You've proven you're incredibly resourceful, capable in tense situations, and most importantly, initiative. I think it's high time a promote you to being the harem's fourth Head Mistress." Ash offered her, much to her excitement.

"Oh, Master, of course I'll accept!" She said happily, hugging him joyfully.

"With as many slaves as I have now, this island will be the hub for my next greatest ambition. I'll need to call the other slaves here so they can all live here permanently on the island once they get their affairs in order." Ash said, turning to look out the window and onto the orange glow of the setting sun on the Alolan ocean.

"What plan is that, Master?" Alexa asked inquisitively.

"I'm gonna be forming a Team." He declared.

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