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Chapitre 44: Attack of the Flying Birb People part - 7/7

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The word, no, the command washed over her like a tidal wave, and Cadmus watched as she shivered in awe and fear.

His glowing eyes bored into hers, unyielding gold against a wavering blue.

Slowly, hesitantly, and inevitably the disgraced Thanagarian heroine fell to her knees before him, what remained of the proud warrior steadily crumbling away under the burgeoning desperate, fearful devotion of her new god.

A cruel grin stretched his lips.

A member of the League brought so low before him…

Now this was a sight he could get used to seeing.

He extended his left boot, still slick with the viscera of her...partner? Husband? Co-worker?

He didn't care.

"Kiss it."

Shayera reeled back as if struck.

"I — What?"

"Kiss my foot, Shayera. Didn't you say you'd serve me?" Cadmus asked, cold amusement racing across his veins, dripping from each syllable. "This is my first command to you."

"But — But I —"

"But nothing," Cadmus growled, and she shrank into herself. His words thrummed with power, the cave itself seemingly echoing with his divine rage.

"You're a traitor and a coward, a selfish little chicken too weak to be a warrior, and too scared to be a hero. You're nothing, Shayera Hol, except for what I choose to make you. So..."

Cadmus grinned down at her, feral and monstrous. Utterly victorious.

"Kiss. It."

A beat passes.

Then another.

Then another.

And then, slowly, torturously, he watched Hawkwoman bend forward on all fours, bringing her face down, down, down…

And laying a quick, tentative kiss on the front of his bloodied boot.

Irritation swelled within him. "Is this what you call obedience?" he asked softly, belying his anger.

Shayera shied away under his gaze, still rooted to the ground, too afraid to flee.

"I-forgive me." Her eyes fell in defeat.

She bent down once more and pressed her full lips against the tip of his boot, deeply and needily like it were a lover…or the ring of her new owner.

A surge of euphoric righteousness swelled in him, the natural justice of a conquering god enjoying the supplication of his conquered subjects.

Shayera's worship, hesitant at first, quickly devolved into slavish reverence once he had made no move to stop her, kissing and lapping with feverish and fearful need; the last of the great Shayera Hol, the Thanagarian soldier and heroine of the world, fading into nothing with each humiliation she inflicted upon herself, — leaving behind just Shayera.

His spoils.

His prize.

His whore.

His devotee.

Cadmus pushed forth his right foot and this time Shayera did not hesitate; switching the object of her frenzied ministrations without complaint, kissing every inch of the leather as if it was a holy relic — which, to her slowly fracturing mind, it might as well have been. It was also an anchor that she didn't yet understand would be dragging her down into a place that she would never return from.

Shayera was his — his first prize.

She wouldn't be his last.

The sound of gurgling filled the cave they were in, music to Cadmus's ears as a naked Shayera choked on his length — his hands tangled into her long locks, holding her head in place as he pistoned in and out of her mouth, far too fast and hard for a mortal woman to handle.

To her credit, Shayera did her best. While not the most skilled cocksucker he'd ever seen — Frost would have that title — his treasonous little acolyte made up for a lack of skill with the zeal of belief. Cadmus had no doubt she would improve once she had been broken in.

She was already far more enthusiastic since when they first started when only his command and her fear forced her into obedience.

Now here she was, naked as the day she was born, sucking his cock between those plump lips like it was the most valuable thing in her whole world, which it was.

Shayera's fingers worked at her cunt feverishly — pumping her fingers in and out in a desperate attempt to find release.

Three orgasms in, and still satisfaction seemed to elude her. Adoring, worshipful eyes still bright with a healthy dose of fear sought his approval even as she struggled to wrap her lips around his girth, pliant and all too willing under his grip as he forced her deeper and deeper on his cock.

He had taken her first against the cave wall, tearing off her garments without a care and forcing pleasure out of wavering shaking flesh.

Then he pulled her on top of him, and made a humiliation of her wings by using them as leverage to force her up and down on his length.

Finally, He took her on her back in a facsimile of a lover's embrace - right beside her helm and weapon, the last remnants of her old life, and Shayera Hol cried out his praises all the while for the world to hear.

Each time, he spilled his seed on her flesh, marking her, no, claiming her as his own.

A warm kernel of her growing devotion nestled itself inside Cadmus's chest — even in this perverted manner, her act of worship, of belief, empowered him. No matter that it stemmed from her own need to survive.

To Shayera, Cadmus was the center of her new existence. The only thing that stood between her and oblivion.

To Cadmus, she was his property, a tool to be used as he saw fit. And now, he took great pleasure in putting her to use.

With a grunt, Cadmus pushed Shayera even deeper, her eyes watering as his cock brushed the back of her throat. Her wings fluttered, whether in distress or arousal, Cadmus neither knew nor cared. Her fingers moved even faster out of her quim, arousal dripping between her thighs.

Feeling his climax approaching, he forced her to take his entire length, until her nose rubbed against the base of his cock.

Those beautiful eyes rolled back in her head as she choked and gagged mindlessly, not daring to resist. In the deepest parts of his mind, he imagined others in this exact same place.

Raven-black hair, electric blue eyes. Short dark locks and emerald green orbs hazed over in lust-

Without warning, Cadmus came.

He flooded his whore's mouth with his seed, overflowing out of the corners of her lips and staining the proud swells of her tits, the flat plane of her stomach, even the tops of her muscled thighs.

Cadmus released his grip on Shayera's long mane carelessly letting her fall to the cave floor like a puppet with its strings cut.

Shayera took great, heaving breaths, eyes crossed as she struggled to both breathe and swallow her god's gift at the same time.

"Shhank… Thahnk you, Master…" She drooled, her words aiming to please more than true belief, not that it any less pleasing to the Titan's ears, before she slumped over, fucked to the edge of consciousness.

For a mortal man, that would've been an explosive ending to a very, very impressive performance.

For Cadmus, that was barely an appetizer.

Shayera went stock still as she was pulled back by the plush flesh of her hips, and moved into the desired position like a toy at her master's discretion.

Face-down and ass up, a position befitting her new place, his bitch.

One hand tangled itself into her hair and pulled, forcing her lithe form to arch back beautifully, eliciting an animalistic groan from the insensate woman.

Cadmus leaned over, his hard length pressing against her sopping entrance, all too ready to reshape his new property once more to fit him perfectly.

Hawkwoman quivered in anticipation and dread. Even in her nearly broken state, she understood what was about to happen. There would be no going back from this.

"Hah, hah, hah, hah, yes, yes, YES!" Shayera chanted, lost within the throes of lust as she fucked herself on Cadmus's length, legs wrapped around his waist like a vice, arms thrown over his shoulders and her wings cocooned around his form as he stood, rooted like a statue with his hands digging into her asscheeks, holding her up as she actively aided in the plundering of her depths.

Whatever hesitation and fear that existed in her at the beginning had long faded away, leaving the nearly slavish and adoring servant that was impaled on his cock.

Unbeknownst to her, a pale golden thread was wrapped around her neck - like a collar, shining dimly within the cave.

"What am I?" Cadmus demanded, power and authority and hunger whirling together in a heady rush. To watch a proud heroine come so completely undone before him, rebuilt and molded into his insatiable little slut, what greater pleasure could there possibly be?

He was inexorable, he was ultimate, he was—

"GOD!" Shayera shrieked, throwing her hips against his with delirious abandon, jiggling assflesh smacking against his thighs. "MY GOD, MY MASTER!" her voice shattered against the walls of the cave, basking them both in the cries of her complete and utter surrender.

Hours had passed since her transformation had begun, long enough for dawn's pale light to slowly peak into the cave's interior, revealing the debauchery within for even the heavens to see.

"Please, please, please please please PLEASE — "

"What?" Cadmus snapped, slapping her ass harshly, breaking Shayera from her mindless mantra. "Please what?"

"CUM IN ME, MASTER!" Shayera howled. "Seed me, give me your divine gift, BREED ME!"

What a delightful request, he thought, pushing his hips to make sure the head of his cock pushed against her cervix, drawing a choked scream of lust from her lips as she thundered through her seventeenth orgasm — yes, he'd counted.

At this point, he truly doubted there was much he could do to her that wouldn't be interpreted as pleasurable.

The question was, would he give her what she asked?

Possibilities and futures that could be stretched out before him, whether he deigned to give her what he desired or not.

And as he peered into that shattered realm of what could be, what he saw nearly made him come undone at that very moment.

He was seated upon a throne, amidst a room crafted from bright white marble

Shayera was on her knees before him, a golden collar wrapped around her throat, precious jewels wound through her long hair, and adoration shined brightly in her eyes as she serviced him.

She wore nothing but sheer flowing silks that clung to her swollen breasts and a belly round with child, his child.

Suddenly the vision faded and he found himself back within the cave, the object of his current desires clinging to him like an anchor during a storm.

What could mark her as his more than such an act? To claim her in the oldest and most sacred way?

Why should he not? It was right. It was his right.

And if it did come to pass, he would cross that bridge when it appeared before him.

He seized her lips with his own, battling her tongue into swift submission, Shayera mewled and slammed herself down needily upon his length.

Without a word, he pulled her down as far as she could handle, pressing against her cervix.

Cadmus spilled his seed.

Shayera's widened in comprehension, before she threw her head back, eyes rolling back into her skull, as another release tore through her body.

"YES! YES!" She screamed a savage cry of exultation.

When her peak slowly ebbed away, Shayera went still, exhaustion from the night's events finally overwhelming her.

Slowly, Cadmus lowered themselves to the cave wall, cradling the unconscious heroine against his chest.

Triumph and victory sang through his very being, as he looked down upon her, a sense of satisfaction that permeated his senses.

He brushed a stray strand away from her face with his thumb half-affectionately.

"This is just the beginning for us, my dear."

Shayera flinched as her helm and mace slowly fell next to her feet.

Confused eyes stared back at him.

"My lord?" the title came out hesitant and unsure.

"What, did you think your life as Hawkwoman was over just because you serve me now?" Cadmus asked.

The ensuing silence made it clear that Shayera was indeed under that false assumption.

"You will return to the Justice League. You will play the remorseful chastened heroine ready to do anything, to go to any length to gain forgiveness that they expect to see. In turn, you will be my eyes and ears within the Watchtower."

"You would have me become a traitor again." She said softly.

"You cannot betray what you have no loyalty to, no?" He gave her a measuring look. "You have doubts over this plan."

Shayera did not meet his eyes. "I fear they will never trust me again with anything important after what I have done. I wouldn't blame them for it either."

It was a valid point. His concerns however were more about the suspicions the more paranoid members of the League would hold over the lost hours spent in this cave.

"Where were you going before I found you in the cave?"

"The Tower of Fate. My own guilt would not allow me to be around the comrades I betrayed for any longer."

Cadmus pondered her words.

Shayera would be expected to be found there, and if she were not, that would not only inspire further questions. And the Lasso of Truth would rip out the secret of what occurred here whether Shayera wanted it or not.

He would have to play this very carefully, or everything could come undone.

He would have to send her back, it was the only way.

He idly contemplated the idea of chasing after her to keep up the ruse just running a bit too late to catch her. No, that would inspire too much suspicion, anyone who knew him would only assume he'd try tearing down Fate's tower before walking away, tail between his legs.

Shayera fidgeted slightly, her skin covered in his dried seed and bruises from their affair. Cadmus couldn't send her back to this state.

"Wash and dress yourself," he jerked his head to the interior of the cave where water trickled into small pools. She hurried to obey.

When she returned dripping wet, he pointedly ignored the stirring in his loins. She took up her helm at his command, putting it on with a strange look.

"Now, this is the most important thing, Shayera. I want you to forget."

"Forget?" she echoed the word.

"Diana's lasso can divine any truth no matter how deeply buried. But I doubt it can extract a truth that you do not even know. So, for this plan to succeed, you must become the person you were just one night ago."

"I-but how?"

"Just listen to my words," he said soothingly.

Cadmus drew upon the new-found sensation of her worship that burned like a warm fire within his heart. He stoked it alive, examined it, and molded it to fit his desire.

Shayera went rigid, eyes glazing over. A golden thread looped around her throat gleaming brightly.

"When you hear this word, the memory will fade, and when you hear it once more, it will return."

He leaned down until his lips were beside the shell of her ear.


Hawkwoman reared back immediately, eyes filled with fright and shock. Her head swiveled around the cave, taking in her surroundings.

"What's happening? Where am I?"

She turned to him and immediately froze. "You," she whispered free.

Cadmus smiled. "Fly away little bird, we'll see each other again soon enough."

Hawkwoman sprinted for the mouth of the cave, her wings suddenly spreading out and nearly clipping cave walls. With a great heave of her legs, she launched herself into the sky.

She did not even dare to look back and she if he chased after her.

Within moments she was nothing but a speck on the distant horizon. Cadmus closed his eyes and let out a deep exhale.

Now it began in earnest.

The world shifted and warped, and the darkness behind his closed eyelids transformed into a now familiar scene, the nameless plane of possibilities.

But now, it was different, almost as though there was a minimal order now imposed upon it.

The marble beneath his feet was no longer cragged and broken but instead formed a wide circle that stretched out ten feet in each direction. The latticework of glass shards remained but now were scattered about in a way that hinted as to what occurred before and after.

Cadmus realized then that these were threads, broken and torn, but threads of Time itself.

He turned and found himself looking at something that had not been there the last time he had been there.

At the far end of the marble pavilion was a simple chair crafted from black stone, roughly hewn and undecorated.

He sat down upon it without thinking and was immediately flooded with a feeling of...rightness. The plane shifted once more and the infinite glass shards suddenly coalesced into a singular shaking vortex-like sphere.

It collapsed and split into two distinct pieces, solidifying into doors, wooden and old like those found in medieval castles, each with an old padded lock and chain that sealed it shut.

Cadmus waved his hand and the locks shattered, opening inwards to reveal their secrets. Darkness stared back at him, slowly becoming lit enough to reveal the silhouettes of what lurked within.

The first held an ocean, teeming and rippling with the tides and endless in its depths. He saw a faint visage of a city deep below, gleaming and thriving amidst the water's depths.

The second opened up into another cave, dominated by a singular rock-like structure glimmering with silver inlaid glyphs that stretched a hundred feet high to the very ceiling.

Cadmus finally understood where he was and what he saw. This was no intermediary place between places where Time's unknowable intricacies played out.

This was a part of him, his dimension that he could shape as he saw fit. And this humble chair he sat upon was the seat of his power, earned by the rite of strength and struggle.

And these doors in front of him…two distinct paths and futures to follow.

But to his victory or doom? That he did not know.

Cadmus stepped forward falling into the endless depths of the ocean. Water flooded his lungs, a cold shroud that surrounded him from all sides.

And yet, he did not drown.

He sank deeper and deeper until the sun's light disappeared and all turned to darkness, and then from the shadows, a myth appeared.

Proud marble columns and grand domes that dwarfed anything he had ever seen on land appeared in the distance, in defiance of logic and reality.

He could see plazas decorated with all sorts of strange flora that he could not name, and even the vague shapes of denizens, floating above the streets with long fishtails.

And at the center of this impossible was a great palace, its exterior carved from sea coral and marble.

Cadmus knew then what he saw and what he must do.


A lost civilization forgotten by all and the location of a piece of his father's throne.

Within his mind's eye, he saw the cost that he may have to pay to claim what was his.

A curtain of fire and ash burned within the heart of oceans, an entire people reduced to nothing because of his desires, and the broken forms of all those who stood against him scattered at his feet.

He looked down. Aquaman's dead eyes stared up at him accusingly. His trident was broken in two, but there was no sign of his crown. Belatedly, Cadmus realized it sat upon his brow.

A presence suddenly surrounded him, rife with an alien but not malicious intelligence.

The sea's waves roared within his ears, but before they crashed down upon him, Cadmus swore he saw a face staring back at him within the rippling tides.

Cadmus found himself back in the plane of endless possibilities, seated upon the chair. The waters of Atlantis shone through all the broken shards of the future.

His path had been set. Cadmus would not falter. He knew he could not.

DevionKing DevionKing

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