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Shimizu’s Reminder and Guidance!

Chapter 59: Shimizu's Reminder and Guidance!

(PS: These chapters are getting really long. I spent 2~3 hours on this.)

Although Chabashira Sae didn't know the reason why these five students were absent, she could still discern the general character of these five students from the current situation.

They either pursue their own interests or refuse to follow other people's orders and instructions.

Alternatively, they didn't manage their time well and couldn't arrive at their classroom on time.

These five absent students, regardless of which situation they fall into, in terms of cooperation and coordination, are like black sheep.

Chabashira Sae can also understand this situation, after all, her class was full of inferior and problematic students; this is, after all, Class D.

Except for the new first-year students, everyone in the school understands that students in Class D have the poorest overall quality.

So, it's pretty normal for such a class to have some problematic students who don't abide by the rules.

Chabashira Sae took a deep breath to calm her emotions and she slowly said, "Since everyone has arrived, I will…"

But at this moment, several hurried and chaotic footsteps came from outside the classroom.

Chabashira Sae and everyone in the classroom looked toward the door, and soon they saw four figures entering.

Their hair was a bit messy, and their school uniforms were also wrinkled, clearly indicating they had overslept.

"Finally caught up…eh, Chabashira-sensei, you're here already? It looks like we're really late!"

The boy who was speaking in a joking tone and had a playful expression, his name was Ike Kanji.

"Who do you think is responsible for this? If you hadn't dragged us to play games all night, we wouldn't have overslept."

The chubby man wearing glasses complained in a low voice, his name was Sotomura Hideo.

"Sotomura, you are also at fault. If you hadn't brought your laptop over, we wouldn't have played games in the first place."

An average-looking man also voiced his complaints, his name was Yamauchi Haruki.

"Why are you so noisy? Aren't we just late for class? There's no need to worry, you don't know how many students skip their class in our country!"

The one speaking was a bad-tempered delinquent-looking boy, his name was Sudo Ken.

Chabashira Sae watched the four late students silently for a while, and said slowly, "Technically you're not late since class officially starts at 8:45, so come in."

That's right.

Although Sudo Ken and the others missed the arrival time set by their homeroom teacher, it wasn't technically time for the class to start, so they cannot be considered late.

"Hear that? I told you that we wouldn't be considered late, so what are you afraid of?"

The group of four late students entered the classroom while making noise, and they didn't notice that most other students in the classroom looked at them with contempt.

Although their homeroom teacher said that they were not late, in everyone's mind, these four people were still considered late.

Coupled with their bad attitude, messy clothes, and appearance, the others more or less have negative impressions of these four late students.

Now that the four latecomers have arrived, there is only one last student left to arrive, Koenji Rokusuke.

Chabashira Sae glanced at the vacant seat and guessed that this problematic student probably wouldn't come.

After reading the information on Koenji Rokusuke's student profile, she realized that the blond-haired boy possessed an egotistical and pompous nature.

He does whatever he desires and doesn't take anyone's words seriously.

Therefore, she guessed that the narcissistic boy didn't take her notice seriously.

Since there was a high probability of Koenji not arriving, Chabashira Sae looked at Yuto who was by the window in the back row, and she said, "Shimizu, it's your turn."

"Yes, I guess so." Yuto rose from his seat and then walked towards the podium, under the watchful eyes of his classmates who felt a mix of confusion, apprehension, and a bit of fear.

The students who regarded Yuto with apprehension and fear were likely Sudo Ken, who had bumped into him at the convenience store, or those aware that Yuto had violently beaten Ryuuen Kakeru from Class 1-C.

The incident where Yuto ruthlessly beat the purple-haired delinquent occurred yesterday morning.

Now, a day later, a small group of well-informed students had heard rumors that Shimizu Yuto, a student from Class 1-D, violently beat Ryuuen Kakeru from Class 1-C.

Some students even heard rumors about Yuto challenging the chess club president and winning millions of points in a bet.

As he stepped onto the podium, Chabashira Sae took two steps to the left and handed over the right to speak to the black-haired boy.

The beautiful homeroom teacher wanted to see how the bad boy planned to remind his classmates about class points and other information.

Facing the gazes of thirty-eight students, Yuto, who stood behind the podium, showed no signs of nervousness or timidity and spoke in a calm and natural tone.

"Everyone, you must be wondering why Chabashira-sensei asked everyone to come to the classroom early today. This is related to what I'm about to say."

"Remember, the information I'm about to share is crucial, so pay attention if you want to live a comfortable life in the future."

Sakura Airi looked curiously at her childhood friend on the podium, and then she pursed her lips.

Although she didn't know what he would say next, she knew that her childhood friend would become more eye-catching after this speech.

And if Yuto becomes famous, the shy and timid Airi would probably be even more afraid to stay by his side publicly.


On one hand, Airi didn't want Yuto to attract so much attention, but on the other hand, she wanted him to be everyone's focus.

Because she is proud of her childhood friend. Shimizu Yuto is incredibly talented and powerful.

After hearing his speech, the students in Class D understood why Chabashira Sae had asked everyone to arrive in the classroom early.

This realization sparked conversations and some noise among them.

"Shimizu-kun, what do you want to tell us?" Kushida Kikyou asked what everyone was curious about.

"Hmph! Why do we have to listen to this pretty boy? Shouldn't Chabashira-sensei be the one responsible for telling us?"

Ike Kanji, who was jealous of Yuto's good-looking appearance, couldn't help but voice his objection.

"That's right!" Yamauchi Haruki was also unhappy with how much attention Yuto was receiving from the girls.

Horikita Suzune and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka also silently stared at Yuto on the podium.

Although Sudo Ken was somewhat intimidated by the black-haired boy, he knew better than to provoke him.

Therefore, he simply lay down at his desk, closed his eyes, and pretended to fall asleep.

Facing the noises, inquiries, and the dissatisfied expressions of some of his classmates, Yuto showed a bright smile and slammed the solid wooden podium.


The loud sound startled everyone in the class including their homeroom teacher, and they all looked at the smiling Yuto in astonishment.

"I know you are impatient, but don't be in such a hurry."

"Please, be quiet. I'll be done soon."

Chabashira Sae, who was a bit startled, looked at the black-haired boy with a hint of admiration.

Before, she wanted to see how Yuto would manage to calm everyone down.

Would he talk gently?

Or speak in a cold tone?

But, Yuto chose neither!

His solution was simple and effective, a loud bang.

As long as these noisy guys were slightly frightened, they would cease causing trouble for a short while.

Standing on the podium, Yuto confidently looked down at his classmates below.

His tall and handsome appearance cast an aura that made others admire him, as if they were captivated by his presence.

Karuizawa Kei subconsciously folded her legs together while observing the confident boy on the podium.

She sneakily glanced at him with eyes that were a mix of fear and joy.

The blond-haired girl was somewhat moved.

Before Chabashira Sae entered the classroom, Karuizawa Kei had the idea of exchanging contact information with Shimizu Yuto.

Then, she wanted to ask him to pretend to be her boyfriend and a backer.

But now, the blond-haired girl noticed that the boy she was interested in showed no fear while facing the gazes of so many people.

He was confident and powerful, with an aura that was overwhelmingly strong.

And… he was so cool and handsome!

So, if he agreed to pretend to be her boyfriend, then he would definitely become her most reliable backer…

Suddenly, Karuizawa Kei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and she felt something was wrong!

Why is she so obsessed with fake boyfriend and girlfriend relationships?

Can't she be his real girlfriend? Then, she wouldn't have to worry about any unnecessary things later on.

"Well, let's start with the 100,000 private points we received yesterday. I don't know if some of you noticed something fishy about them," Yuto asked his classmates.

Chabashiru Sae on the side crossed her arms, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.

'Is the bad boy finally going to start? Let me see how you plan to remind your classmates.' The brown-haired female teacher thought with some expectation.

Kushida Kikyou raised her hands, as if to show her sense of existence, and she asked him curiously, "Shimizu-kun, what do you mean by something fishy?"

"It's an obvious fact. According to the admission guide, we know that this school admits about 160 students each year."

Yuto picked up the marker from the podium and wrote the number 160 on the whiteboard behind him.

"We will study here for 3 years, so the number of students, multiplied by 3, means there are around 480 students in the entire school."

"Now, think about it. If the school gives each of the 480 students a fixed allowance of 100,000 private points every month, then the school's monthly expenses will amount to about 48 million points, and annually, that would total approximately 576 million points."

"Chabashira-sensei has told us before that points are equivalent to money in this school. So, do you really think our school would spend 576 million yen on the students every year without any specific reason or purpose?"

Yuto's explanation gradually made everyone realize that something didn't add up.

Previously, they hadn't considered there might be an issue with the school giving them 100,000 private points every month.

"Shimizu-kun, I disagree with what you said." A boy wearing glasses expressed his thoughts.

Chabashira Sae looked over, and she remembered that this boy's name was Yukimura Teruhiko and he had excellent academic ability.

"Go on." Yuto gestured to Yukimura to continue speaking.

"I remember that Chabashira-sensei had said before that this school measures students based on ability, and those of us who are able to enroll here have the corresponding value and possibility."

"In this regard, doesn't the fixed 100,000 private points per month signify the school's recognition of us?"

"Isn't that right, Chabashira-sensei?" Yukimura sought confirmation from their homeroom teacher, who was standing with her arms crossed, and highlighting her mature figure.

"You're not wrong to think so." Chabashiru Sae answered vaguely with an intriguing smile on her lips.

"Even though Chabashira-sensei mentioned this, if you think about it carefully, you'll notice that she never explicitly said 'a fixed 100,000 private points per month for every student.'"

Yuto couldn't help but smile while saying this.

"That means the number of private points a student can receive each month isn't necessarily a fixed 100,000 points," Yuto concluded.

"Huh! Is that really the case, Chabashira-sensei?"

"No way, Shimizu must be mistaken."

The entire classroom turned to their homeroom teacher in disbelief.

They had been thrilled to receive 100,000 private points as pocket money yesterday.

However, the possibility that they might not receive 100,000 points next month was something they found hard to accept.

This is related to whether they can live a comfortable life in the future, so everyone in the classroom looked at their homeroom teacher anxiously.

They were eager to hear Chabashira Sae refute Yuto's guess.

However, unfortunately for them, what Yuto said was the truth.

Besides, Chabashira Sae was not allowed to give any answer about this topic.

The school has imposed a one-month ban, prohibiting everyone except the first-year students from disclosing information about the S system, class points, etc., to the freshmen within this one-month period.

So, facing the anxious and expectant gazes of the students of Class D, Chabashira Sae just kept smiling; she didn't give any answer but pointed at Yuto with her slender finger.

"Don't ask me, Shimizu is responsible for answering everything you want to know."

"Actually, you don't need to ask me. After seeing how Chabashira-sensei avoided answering your questions, you should be able to guess something. And, if you still don't believe this…"

Yuto showed a refreshing smile and said, "Then, good luck, you can ask the second and third-year seniors."

"They, who have spent a year or two in this school, definitely know whether the school gives every student 100,000 private points every month?"

Yuto stopped speaking after saying this.

"That's right!"

"Let's go ask the seniors first!"

"By the way! My cousin happens to be a second-year student. I can ask him!"

Yuto's actions made Chabashira Sae smile even brighter.

Since there is a one-month ban on information exchange, neither the senior students nor the teachers will take the risk of being expelled from the school and tell them the information related to points.

But, if you look at it from another angle, everyone's ambiguous response and avoidance are enough to prove Yuto's speculation.

That is—their school doesn't give each student a fixed 100,000 private points as allowance every month.

Yuto observed his classmates, whose emotions were stirred, and then, with a smile, he turned to Kushida Kikyo, asking, "Kushida-san, could I ask you to inquire about this matter from the seniors?"

The black-haired boy's request made Kushida show a cute and sweet smile on her face, and she lifted her plump and mature figure and responded.

"Shimizu-kun, please leave this matter to me. I happened to exchange contact information with several second and third-year students yesterday!"

"I'll call a friendly senpai right away."

Yuto looked at the girl with beige-colored hair in great surprise.

Although Kushida wore a mask over her face, her social skills were truly remarkable; she even managed to exchange contact information with senior students in just one day.

Since Kushida has the contact information of some senior students, other students of their class didn't need to go outside to find someone to ask.

Kushida took out her student terminal and began to search for the senior student's phone number, while others in the classroom held their breath, looking at the cheerful girl expectantly and anxiously.

Kushida also noticed that everyone was looking at her nervously, so she cutely blinked her eyes.

Then, a good idea struck her. She sat up and walked toward Yuto, who was standing at the podium.

Under everyone's puzzled expressions, Kushida stood beside the black-haired boy, and she spoke to her classmates below in a cheerful tone.

"Everyone, please listen to me first!"


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