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59.59% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 59: Machine Man 57 DECLARATION OF WAR

Chapitre 59: Machine Man 57 DECLARATION OF WAR

In SHIELD HQ in one of the conference room, the tension was palpable as Fury, Natasha, Maria Hill, Fitz, and Simmons gathered to discuss their recent encounter with Alex Arasaka.

"Okay, let's talk about our recent encounter with Alex Arasaka," Fury began, his voice cutting through the silence. "What do you think of his capabilities and powers?"

Natasha leaned forward, her expression serious. "We were unable to record anything since our equipment got disabled by Alex, but from my short fight with him..."

She paused, gathering her thoughts. "His ability to separate a metallic skeleton and use it to fight is truly unique to say the lease. The metal composition is unknown, but it's reminiscent of what Captain America's shield is made of."

Maria interjected with a furrowed brow. "How strong is he? And how is he able to fight someone as trained as you?"

Natasha shook her head, her brows furrowing in thought. "That's what baffles me. He has no formal training base on his records, yet his able to match my abilities and fighting skills. Plus his strength and speed seem to rival that of Spider-Man, but his able to control it with such precision."

Could he be Specter?" Maria inquired, her brow furrowing with concern.

Fury and Natasha exchanged a knowing glance before simultaneously shaking their heads. "No," Fury replied firmly.

Natasha elaborated, "I've faced both Specter and Alex Arasaka in combat, and their fighting styles couldn't be more different. Specter moves with the grace and precision of someone deeply versed in human martial arts. It's as if he's mastered at least 127 different forms."

Maria's eyes widened at the specificity of the number. "127? That's quite impressive."

Fury redirected the conversation, his expression contemplative. "Arasaka's approach to combat is entirely unique. It's like he's developed his own custom martial art tailored specifically for armored combat, reminiscent of techniques used by ancient armored martial artist."

Natasha nodded in agreement. "Exactly. It's like he's taken the fighting styles of old-era German knights and enhanced them with elements of modern mixed martial arts."

Maria took in their observations, a sense of unease settling over her. "So, he's not just a skilled fighter, but he's essentially created his own form of combat?"

Fury nodded gravely. "It seems that way. And that makes him an even more formidable opponent than we initially thought."


Simmons spoke up, her voice tentative yet determined. "If that is the case, I think his learning process must have been enhanced. His mind is likely akin to a super computer, where he can download and quickly learn new skills."

Fury nodded in agreement. "If his brain is like that of a computer, then he could customize a form of martial arts to suit his new body and powers. The possibility of this is high since he we saw his robotic skeletal form."

Maria contemplated their insights for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing her features. "I suppose we've solved part of the mystery surrounding Alex Arasaka," she remarked, her tone tinged with a mixture of relief and apprehension.

Switching gears, Fury turned to the topic of Alex's new company. "What about his new company, Militech and the Robots? Have we learned anything from it?"

Fitz spoke up, excitement evident in his voice. "It's incredible. By studying its components, we've been able to advance our own technology by mapping out its skeleton and musculature structure."

Simmons added, her tone more cautious. "But we're lacking the AI and power source, plus the major components integral to mimic human movement. Any attempt to tamper with the robot's major components would compromise it, rendering it useless. So, we can't reverse engineer it."

Fitz nodded in agreement. "The best we can do is use our own technology to fill in the gaps, but Arasaka's robots are still far superior to anything we can create." He then added, "They make our own robots look like a bunch of feeble old men. We can't reach the same fluidity as his robots' movements."

Simmons glanced at Fitz, her expression troubled. "I think he was able to make those robots by studying his own body. If, as you said, he separated into two entities – one a swarm of what looks like millions of robotic insects, and the other a metallic skeleton robot with robotic organs… Then… (gulping) – he.. he must be using his own body to experiment and create these robots. The thought of that actually gives me the creeps."

Fitz furrowed his brow, considering Simmons' words carefully. "It's certainly a possibility," he admitted, his tone grave. "But to go to such lengths... It's unprecedented."

Hearing this speculation, the room fell into a heavy silence. Fury exchanged a glance with Maria, both of them contemplating the implications of Simmons' theory. If Alex Arasaka was indeed using his own body as a basis for his technological creations, it raised serious questions about his motives and the extent of his capabilities.

Fury cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "We need to delve deeper into this," he declared, his voice firm. "We need a psychological evaluation of Alex Arasaka. Find out what makes him tick, what drives him to push the boundaries of science and technology to such extremes."

Maria nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "Agreed," she said. "We can't afford to underestimate him. If he's willing to go this far, who knows what else he's capable of."

As the conversation progressed, Fury couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Alex Arasaka's actions than met the eye. The events of 1995, when the Kree attacked Earth, and the knowledge of Norse Gods could have instilled a deep-seated fear in him. Perhaps Alex saw his creations as a means to protect humanity from future threats, driven by a desire to prevent catastrophic events like those from occurring again.

"Ok, before we proceed further with the meeting, I need to stress the confidentiality of the information I'm about to share. This is classified as level 7 intelligence," Director Fury's voice echoed in the conference room, commanding the attention of everyone present.

The agents exchanged glances, their expressions betraying a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Whatever Fury had to say, it was clear that it was of utmost importance.

As the weight of Fury's words settled over the room, Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but recall the peculiar encounter with Alex Arasaka. And with him mentioning something about the Norse mythology stirred a sense of intrigue within her.

"Alright, let's hear it," Maria Hill prompted, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room.

Fury took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "It's about the Norse Gods and their Mythos," he began, his tone serious. "I know it sounds far-fetched, but Alex Arasaka have given me information about his findings, and with my own investigation it had led me to believe that there may be some truth to these ancient tales."

The room fell silent once more, the agents digesting Fury's words with a mixture of disbelief and curiosity.

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "You're saying that Norse mythology is real?" she asked, her voice tinged with skepticism.

Fury nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying. And not only is it real, but it's also playing a crucial role in protecting Earth from potential alien threats."

Maria frowned, her brow furrowing in confusion. "I don't understand. How could ancient gods possibly be involved in our current situation and why are they protecting Earth?"

Fury leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "It's complicated, but let me explain. According to Norse mythology, there are nine realms, each with its own inhabitants. They are all under the rule of Asgard. Earth is one of these realms, and it's protected by powerful beings known as the Asgardians."

Natasha's eyes widened in realization. "So you're saying that these Asgardians are the ones responsible for keeping us safe from alien invasion?"

Fury nodded gravely. "Exactly. And recent discoveries have led me to believe that there may be more to these myths than meets the eye."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Alex Arasaka recently provided us with some intriguing information. He mentioned a particular artifact from Norse mythology known as the Berserker Staff. According to him, this artifact is proof that the myths and legends of old hold some truth."

The agents exchanged puzzled glances, trying to process this new information.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Fury admitted, "but we can't afford to ignore the possibility that earth might be under someone else's rule and there may be more to the history of our planet than we thought. If these myths are true, it could have significant implications for our understanding and frankly speaking. I don't like that we're under someone's rule and that without our knowledge."

Maria nodded slowly, her mind whirling with the implications of Fury's words. "So what do we do now, its not like we can go to space and confirm this?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Fury leaned back in his chair, his expression grim. "For now, we continue to gather information and gather experts of Norse Mythos. But we need to be prepared for anything. If the myths are true, then we may soon find ourselves facing threats unlike anything we've ever encountered before."

As the agents contemplated the gravity of Fury's revelation, Natasha couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the verge of a new chapter in human history. Whether it was a chapter of enlightenment or destruction remained to be seen, but one thing was certain: their world was about to change forever.

----------In Savage land. ----------

Amidst the oppressive darkness, the jagged silhouette of the mountain rose ominously against the most lit underground cavern. With light only coming from fires and volcanoes from the surrounding terrain.

At the tallest mountain of the savage land below its base, a gathering of hunsters and barbaric soldiers of Pterons, Beastmen, and Lizardfolk, knelt before the towering figure of Sauron. The scene was bathed in an eerie glow cast by numerous braziers, their flickering flames casting long shadows that danced across the faces of the assembled soldiers.

In the heart of this malevolent gathering stood a Pteron shaman, adorned in tribal regalia made from animal pelts and scales. A skull, presumably from a Pterodactyl, adorned his head, and bones hung around his neck like jewelry.


The shaman, with an air of ominous authority, raised a baby Aerian aloft. The infant's wide, innocent eyes and pristine white wings show total contrast to its gruesome surroundings, frightened cries echoed through the darkened valley.

Sauron, an imposing figure with his 7-foot frame, extended his hand towards the shaman. Without hesitation, the shaman placed the squirming infant in Sauron's grasp. The baby's cries reached a crescendo as Sauron, devoid of any compassion, absorbed its life force. The child's tiny form withered, leaving behind a mummified husk.

As he felt the rush of life force enter him Sauron can't help but remark, "As expected. Only the taste of a female baby is the freshest. Once they turn ten years old, their taste changes and becomes disgusting."

As the night wore on, the ceremony descended further into the depths of depravity. Another child below the age of ten, innocent and fragile, was presented before Sauron, and a mother's desperate pleas filled the air. The guards, indifferent to the anguished cries of the mother, forcibly separated her from her child. The mother fall into despair, as she fell to her knees, her cries blending with the chilling wails of the infants.

"Please, no! Don't take my child!" she pleaded, tears streaming down her face, but the guards remained resolute in their heartless task. One of them, callous and unyielding, delivered a swift kick to the grieving mother, casting her aside like a discarded relic.

The Pteron guards, fueled by fear and the vampiric aura of Sauron, continued their brutal ritual. With a cruel detachment, they presented the sobbing child to the insatiable tyrant. As Sauron raised the infant by its neck, the mother's cries reached a haunting crescendo that reverberated through the desolate landscape.

Sauron, his gaze devoid of empathy, absorbed the life force from the child, leaving behind a soulless shell. The once vibrant cries were silenced, replaced by an eerie stillness that hung heavy in the night air.

The twisted ceremony took a sinister turn as Sauron addressed his assembled soldiers, his voice laced with malevolence. "My soldiers, I have a task for you. The interlopers that infest our land are destroying our environment. I want you to obliterate their camp, kill every last one of them, and bring me the head of their leader!"

A feral cheer erupted from the soldiers, their cold weapons raised in a chaotic display of savage enthusiasm. The unity among them was not born out of loyalty, but from the raw fear instilled by Sauron's formidable strength and vampiric powers. The atmosphere reeked of malevolence as the soldiers, driven by dread, readied themselves for a brutal onslaught in the name of their unholy ruler.


In the heart of the Alex's base, the air buzzed with anticipation as Skynet swiftly relayed the approaching threat to Alex. The sound of marching footsteps and distant echoes filled the air, and the ground trembled with the intimidating force of Sauron's approaching army.

Alex, already aware of the impending clash, couldn't help but crack a confident smile. It seems that Sauron is just a brute, here I was thinking he would scheme something but its nothing but a simple frontal attack.

Seems like his really confident in their strength and numbers. But this invasion offered an opportunity to assert dominance more strategically. With a commanding gesture, he instructed Skynet to activate the base's formidable defense system.

The underground chamber erupted in a dazzling display of energy as a protective barrier enveloped the base, casting an ethereal blue glow across the surroundings. Simultaneously, the sun reactor, now a pulsating core of power, initiated a symphony of automated defenses. Hidden turrets emerged from concealed alcoves, anti-air missiles poised for action, and plasma beams crackled with energy.

With the base secured, Alex called upon his praetorians to assemble. The mechanical whirring of their power armor systems echoed through the chamber as each praetorian donned their formidable gear.

The praetorians, towering figures in their massive space marine suits, stood in line as the intricate pieces of their powered combat suits were fetched by robotic arms. Each piece of the iconic armor from Starcraft was meticulously brought forward, guided by the whirring machinery that surrounded them.

Alex, observed with a sense of pride as his elite guard geared up. The first to step forward was Rico Juan Sanchez, the full borg with only a mere 4% ganic matter left. Mechanical tendrils from squiddy extended to him, deftly assisting in the process of resupplying ammunitions. The tendrils ensured that his ammo and energy supplies were replenished, a vital aspect for the upcoming battle.

Next in line was Byakko, the formidable beastman warrior. His towering figure was accentuated by the Predator Killer armor, a fearsome ensemble that mirrored his savage prowess. The intricate design of the armor showcased the fusion of traditional hunter and advanced technology.

The leaders of the praetorians, Cid, Shana, and Barret, each approached the automated system with a purpose. The Mjolnir armor, a blend of strength and agility, awaited them. The armor pieces floated towards them, guided by the precision of the robotic arms. Cid, the tech-savvy member, effortlessly synced his armor with the base's systems, ensuring seamless integration.

Shana O'Hara, the she-devil leading the rebellion, approached with an air of determination. Her Mjolnir armor came alive, each piece settling into place with a satisfying click. Barret, the stalwart defender, gripped his tower shield, a symbol of resilience, as his armor encased him in a metallic embrace.

Strife, the cyber-enhanced ninja, approached the armory. His form-fitting armor had a futuristic aesthetic with a Japanese ninja twist. Mantis blades sprang from his forearms and knees, a deadly addition to his arsenal. The blades glinted with a metallic sheen as they locked into place, ready for swift and lethal strikes.

Vincent, master marksman with sniper and two pistols, stepped into the armory with a distinctive air. His futuristic armor exuded a Gothic vampire aesthetic, merging elegance with advanced technology. The sleek, form-fitting design complemented his silhouette, and a deep crimson cloak billowed dramatically as he moved. A massive sniper rifle, adorned with intricate details, rested on his back, embodying the deadly elegance of a futuristic warrior.

The synchronized ballet of technology and tradition continued as the praetorians readied themselves. The cavernous armory echoed with the sounds of machinery, the clinking of armor pieces, and the occasional hiss of hydraulics.

Skynet, ever composed and logical, monitored the entire process. "Armor synchronization at 100%. All systems functioning within optimal parameters," she reported.

In the midst of the metallic symphony, the praetorians stood in formation before the floating throne where Alex sat. The glow of their armor intensified, and their weapons hummed with power, ready to defend their emperor and their sanctuary.

As Alex stood before his praetorians, his voice ringing with conviction, "My praetorians, our enemy rushes in great numbers. Fear not, for although flesh may blacken and fail, it can be replaced. You can be reincarnated - reborn in steel by my Will!"

Sky, in her android form, added a dramatic flair to the moment by playing the iconic Halo Theme. The praetorians responded with fervent cheers, their unity echoing through the cavernous expanse.

The praetorians, their loyalty unwavering, responded with resounding cheers, their voices blending in unison. "The Emperor's will be done!"

As the five Aerians, donned in sleek, form-fitting armor reminiscent of silver crow from accel world, stepped forward, their voices carried a melodic resonance. "As the blood of the slain is laid upon you, so may you lay the enemy's blood at the feet of the Emperor."

"Lay blood at the Emperor's feet!" replied the praetorians, their voices echoing through the cavernous space.

The aerians continued their ritualistic chant, "As the rune of protection is inscribed upon you, so may the litanies of protection ward your soul."

"May your soul be guarded from impurity," responded the praetorians, embracing the elements interwoven with their advanced technology.

The aerians proceeded, "As the warriors within you guide your weapons, may you, in your turn, guide their lives."

"Stand true against the trials of war!" chanted the praetorians, their collective voice resonating with determination.

The atmosphere within the base crackled with a blend of ancient rituals and cutting-edge technology. The praetorians, clad in Vibranium and Adamantium armor, stood as a formidable force. The runes etched into their armor shimmered with an otherworldly glow, a fusion of tradition and advanced engineering.

Alex, observing the unity among his soldiers and aerians, nodded in approval. "My loyal warriors, go forth and defend this sanctuary. Lay waste to those who dare threaten our dominion!"

The praetorians, now fully armed and spiritually fortified, marched in unison towards the entrance of the base. The energy barrier crackled with anticipation, ready to repel any intruders. The Halo Theme lingered in the air, serving as an anthem for the impending clash.

The convergence of ancient rites and futuristic warfare created an indomitable force, and as the base's defenders prepared for the inevitable clash, the underground sanctuary stood poised to repel the encroaching threat from Sauron's forces.


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