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14.28% Draoi (Teen Wolf Fanfiction) / Chapter 2: 2. SECOND CHANCE AT FIRST LINE


"Okay let me get this straight. You think Derek Hale… Hot scary mysterious forest man, is the werewolf who bit you and is also the one who killed the girl in the woods?".

Both Scott and Stiles nodded their heads as we headed towards the lacrosse field. They told me to wait for them outside the boys' locker room.

"And to add to our list of unsolvable problems, Allison's father was one of the hunters who shot you last night?".

Again, they nodded. 

"Hey, on the bright side- at least you're not dying!", Stiles exclaimed.

"I guess… But we don't what I am. I mean all Derek gave us was that I'm 'something old, something powerful'… What the heck is that supposed to mean?!?".

"Maolán! If you're not playing, get off my field!".

The sound of Coach Finstock yelling made us jump. 

"I'll catch you guys later…", I said before heading to the bleachers.

Scott was still stewing in the whole Derek and Allison situation, and it was evident by the way he played. Jackson decided to use it to his advantage, knocking the poor guy to the ground. Coach, however, was not impressed with Scott's performance and decided the best way to get him motivated was to taunt him.

"McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!", I heard Coach Finstock yell. 

Scott panted heavily, a clear indication that the whole situation got him riled up and he sprinted fast towards Jackson, colliding hard into his shoulder.

Jackson hit the ground, and everyone ran to his side to see if the jerk was okay, unaware of Scott on his knees a few feet away from them, on the verge of turning. Stiles in panic, ran to his side and I went after him.

"We have to get him out of here!", Stiles whispered. 

I nodded and helped him with Scott, each of us putting an arm around him, practically dragging him as fast as we could. Finally getting inside the locker room, Scott fell to the ground, gripping the sink hard. 

"Scott, you okay?", Stiles asked, crouching beside him. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!", Scott roared, turning to face us, his irises glowing yellow. 

Stiles got a shock and fell backwards. Helping him up, I shoved him behind me. Locking eyes with now a fully transformed Scott, Stiles and I moved away slowly. Scott watched our every move like a predator stalking its prey. 

"When I say run, you run. Do you understand?", I muttered to Stiles. 

He choked out a yes. In the corner of my eye, I saw an abandoned lacrosse stick that was just within my reach. 


I shoved Stiles towards the exit and grabbed the lacrosse stick while Scott jumped from one locker to another, following us. Stiles got out of the way just when Scott lunged towards me, claws stretched outwards. My body automatically ducked down, rolled through his stretched legs and I whacked him with the stick on his back, catching him by surprise.

It did absolutely nothing to hinder him and before I knew it, he shoved me up against one of the lockers, his hand against my throat.

"Hey! Over here buddy!", Stiles shouted with a fire extinguisher in his hand. 

Scott let go of me and I gasped, trying to get back the oxygen that was cut off momentarily. Stiles, not thinking twice, squeezed the lever and the white foam hit his best friend. Scott moved back, clutching his face in his hands, completely disorientated. 

He fell to the ground, groaning, slowly returning to his normal self. He clambered onto a nearby bench, looking absolutely devastated. I approached him carefully and took a seat, before putting my arm around his shoulder. He flinched at first but relaxed and leaned against me. 

"Stiles?", Scott called out. 

Still skittish, Stiles came inside, dropping the fire extinguisher down when he saw everything was okay.

"What happened?". 

Scott had an idea of what transpired but I think he hoped that we'd give him a different answer. 

"You tried to kill us…". 

Stiles suggested some ideas around what triggered the shift- Scott's increased heart rate caused by emotions like anger. The newly turned werewolf was not too happy when we both said it would be best if he sat out the first match.


"You've got a bit of a unibrow there…", Allison joked.

I was sitting at one of the empty lunch tables, trying to catch up on some Chemistry notes, but I couldn't get myself to focus. This whole werewolf thing kept spinning inside my head, it was still a difficult concept to grasp. As for Derek being a murderer, I wasn't convinced it was him.

"Something on your mind?".

"It's this balancing oxidation-reduction equations. It's been driving me insane!".

"Aren't we only learning about those after spring break?", she asked while sitting down.

"I like to get a head start… And Mr. Harris loves his surprise pop quizzes.".

She laughed, biting into a granola bar. 

"Hey, I didn't see you at the party…". 

"I was there for a few minutes. I think I'm allergic to socializing with people my own age.".

She snorted at my response.

"Oh, wanna hang out with Lydia and I later? We're going shopping and getting some frozen yogurt afterwards.", she offered. 

"Hmm, sounds tempting, but I'd rather listen to nails dragged against a chalkboard while being attacked by starving rabid cats.". 

"That was… descriptive.", she laughed.

"Wait, how did you end up getting home?", I asked before taking a sip of water.

"Um, a friend of Scott's. Hey, you might know him- Derek Hale?".

I choked, breaking out into a coughing fit. 

"Wrong pipe…".

She gave me a funny look but didn't question me any further. I spent the rest of the day trying to actually focus on schoolwork, however I kept drifting off to Derek's words- old and powerful. How would he know… Unless he met someone like me.

I headed straight home after school without seeing the forest boys. Because of how late I got home from the party, I was grounded for a week. This was the first time that happened, it even surprised my mom when the words left her mouth.

With the extra time on my hands, I decided that I was finally ready to explore the basement. Honestly, I was hoping to find some answers about my dad's side of the family.

As I made my way down the stairs into the basement, slowly pushing open the door, a cloud of dust hit me in the face. It seemed like no one came down here since she died. 

Feeling around for a light switch, I was met with an underwhelming sight. Just boxes of old junk like clothing, encyclopedias and dirty empty jars. However, a small wooden box in the corner of the room caught my eye. 

I approached the box cautiously as the familiar high-pitched ringing filled my ears. I was sure that something inside was causing the noise. My hands trembled when I picked it up, and I almost dropped it when my mom's voice shouted my name.

Groaning, I quickly ran back to my room, leaving the box on my bed before joining my mom in the kitchen. 

"Sorry, I was in the basement. Had to find another way of entertaining myself during my jail time.", I mumbled.

She pulled me in for a hug, scrunching her nose.

"Do us both a favor and jump into the shower before dinner, you're getting the smell of mothballs all over the place!". 

I only got a chance to inspect the box after we ate. I sat down on my bed, staring at the box. I could hear the faint sound of ringing again. There was a symbol etched in the wood- it looked like a circle with series of knots. 

Slowly, I opened it. Laid inside was a small pocket-sized journal. Picking it up, I turned to the first page to find a name written in black ink at the bottom right.

Cahira Maolán.

The journal belonged to my grandmother. As I flipped through the book, I groaned out in frustration. Other than my grandmother's name, the flippen pages were empty. Shaking it in irritation, something fell out of the book and landed on the floor. It was a black and white photograph of two kids.

Immediately, I recognized the boy- my dad, who looked like he was around ten. As for the girl, she looked like she was probably around three, but there was a definite resemblance between the two. It was then I realized that my dad really did live a double life.


It was too early to deal with the rambling of Stiles Stilinski as we walked down the hallway. I had a restless night of vivid dreaming once again- flashes of a fire, the two children from the picture and a giant tree getting struck by lightning during a very bad storm.

"Lorelai are you even listening to me?!?". Stiles asked, clicking his fingers in front of my face.


"Jackson's got a separated shoulder and Derek broke into Scott's room last night to talk him out of playing. Our wolf friend needs your help convincing Coach Finstock to let him sit out on this one.", Stiles said.

"Why me?", I asked, confused.

"He has a soft spot for you! And we need you to take advantage of that!", he argued.

I grumbled as he steered me towards Coach Finstock's office.

"Maybe a friendly face will help warm him up to the idea. Just get in there!". 

Stiles opened the door, shoving me inside and I dropped right in the middle of Coach questioning Scott. 

"What do you mean, you can't play the game tomorrow night?", I heard Coach Finstock ask Scott.

"I mean... I can't play the game tomorrow night...", Scott repeated himself.

"You can't wait to play the game tomorrow night!". 

Coach was struggling to come to terms with losing Jackson due to his separated shoulder and now his fallback star player was giving him grief by pulling out last minute.

"No, Coach- I can't play the game tomorrow night.".

"I'm not following…", he paused, noticing my presence.

"Maolán, when did you get here?", he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. 

I was about to come up with some BS story when Scott beat me to it.

"I'm having some... personal issues.". 

"Is it a girl? Is it her? Did you knock her up?", Coach asked, his eyes widening as he pointed at me.

"What?!?", I gasped, my cheeks turning red. 

This was almost as bad as the time I had to have the sex conversation with both my parents at the same time, with props…

"You dodged a bullet there McCall. Jesse may look like a calm guy and if he was alive, you'd have to kiss that puppy looking crooked face of yours goodbye…", he drifted away for a few seconds before shaking his head. 

"Is it a guy?". 

Scott was starting to get frustrated, and I snorted at his misery. I shrugged when he looked at me for a way out.

"You know, our goalie, Danny, is gay...".

They both spent five minutes discussing Danny's good looks before Scott brought the conversation back to the fact that he likes girls. Coach still didn't accept his inability to play.

"Coach Finstock, sir, um Scott hasn't been feeling too well and he needs some time to… you know… Get his health in check?", I tried by chiming in.

"Can it, Maolán! What, is it drugs? Are you doing meth? Because I had a brother that was addicted to meth. You should have seen what it did to his teeth! They were all cracked and rotted. It was- it was disgusting.". 

I snuck out of the office while Scott, genuinely concerned about Coach's brother, asked if he was okay.

"Did it work?". 

Stiles was pacing impatiently outside. 

"I don't think so. He brought up Danny's sexuality and his drug addict brother to steer Scott away from the purpose of their conversation…".

We headed towards our Biology class. 

"He's gonna play the game, isn't he?", Stiles sighed.


"And we're probably screwed, aren't we?". 

"Looks like it…", I answered sadly, taking a seat at my desk, Stiles next to me.

While Mrs. Fraser droned on about photosynthesis, Stiles nudged my shoulder.

"Why does Coach like you so much?", he asked softly. 

"My dad and him used to be best friends.". 

"Used to be?".

"Uh… Yeah… Dad passed away seven months ago, that's why we moved back to Beacon Hills.".

Mrs. Fraiser shushed us, and I drew my attention to the textbook in front of me. I felt Stiles suddenly freeze up beside me before relentlessly tapping my shoulder.

"Your dad! I mean what if… Hypothetically… What if your dad was the reason for you not turning into a werewolf?".

Considering his words, I frowned.

"I found something yesterday… In the basement… And before you ask, no, it wasn't a dead body… It was a box with an empty journal inside-".

"Well, that's unhelpful.", Stiles spat, interrupting me.

"Shut up. I also found a picture of my dad… Standing next to a girl who looked like him. Stiles, he had a sister that he never told me about… But that's not all…".

I could almost see the wheels turning inside Stiles' head as he processed what I was telling him.

"I think you're right… About my dad. That night when I was attacked by that werewolf… He didn't think twice about moving to New Orleans when my mom brought it up. And as for my grandmother, when she was alive, we hardly ever saw her, he wouldn't even let us go with him to her funeral…", I sighed.

"But why would your mom come back after all these years?".

"I don't know… There was a giant weird looking symbol on the box, maybe that could give me some insight on my family…".

I told Stiles that I'd visit the library to do some research on it. On my way there, I thought I saw the familiar face I crashed into on my first day, but it wasn't him. Now that I think about it, I hadn't seen him since. 

Making a quick detour to the front office, I greeted the receptionist with a sickly-sweet smile.

"What do you want, girl?". 

She sounded exactly like Janice from the TV show Friends.

"Hi, Ms. Kelly, did Isaac show up for school today?".


"Um… Isaac… Tall, dark brown curly hair, blue eyes…".

"Oh, the kid who works at the graveyard.".

She typed something into her computer, chewing a piece of gum loudly before grunting. 

"Him and his father are gone on a trip. That's all I can tell you. Why are you so interested in this kid?", she raised her eyebrows.

"He's a friend…".

As I walked away from the office, I couldn't help but think that the trip was a coverup for something else. 

"We've been looking for you everywhere!!!".

Stiles grabbed my arm, hauling me in their direction, alongside a very angry Scott. They filled me in about Derek breaking into Allison's locker and leaving her jacket there. Scott was worried she was going to get hurt.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to exclude myself from your poorly planned confrontation. I've got some problems of my own. Stiles will catch you up.".

Before I buggered off, Scott gripped my wrist gently.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your dad…".

I waved goodbye, heading straight to the school's library. 

"Hi… Ms. Grayson… I'm looking for any books regarding symbols…".

She looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Sweetie, you need to be more specific.".

"Um… Old?".

"Check the last shelf at the back… There might be something there… Next to the books about ghosts you asked me for the last time. Should I be concerned about your odd interest in the Occult?", she frowned, tapping her wrinkly pale chin.

"Oh, I'm just fascinated by this stuff.", I lied before racing off to the back.

Coming up short again, I blew out a puff of air in frustration before marching out of the library.

"Google, honey! We will live in the age of something called the internet!", Ms. Grayson advised as I left.

She was quite snarky for an old lady, but she wasn't wrong. Looks like my research had to wait until the end of the day. I really hoped that Scott was having better luck with his plan than I was.


Turns out typing 'Old symbols and their meanings' into Google proved much success. I found out the engraving on the box is a Celtic symbol for strength… Used by druids… 

I tried searching for more information about them that could help me understand the weird abilities I was suddenly struck with, but I could hardly find anything. 

There was an article I came across that mentioned they were extremely secretive, and that they had close ties with the supernatural- some had the ability to communicate with spirits…

Going back to the journal, I opened it, staring at the blank pages. I found it extremely suspicious as to why my grandmother would place an empty book inside such a fancy looking box. There had to be more to this… Maybe she used invisible ink…

Suddenly, my phone started buzzing, pulling me out of my spiraling thoughts.

"Yes, McCall?".

"When I was at Derek's, I smelt something… Blood… It was the same scent as the girl we found in the woods!", he said, breathlessly.


"We're digging up the body to prove that Derek's the killer! I knew those shovels would come in handy!", Stiles shouted with a little extra enthusiasm.

"You're going to do what?!?! Scott! Please tell me he's kidding!". 

He sighed, "I really wish I could…".

I asked them to call me if they found anything and went back to inspecting the cryptic journal. Turning to the last page, I frowned when I noticed something etched at the bottom of the back cover.

Wondering how in the world I could've possibly missed this, it appeared to be another symbol, three spirals sort of connected to each other. I swore I didn't see it before. Quickly pulling up the page where I found the symbol, my eyes landed on the one I was looking for.

"A Triskele. The sun, the moon, the truth.", I whispered out loud.

It was like the words triggered the high pitch ringing that was now blasting inside my head. 

"You have to help them… He's here…".

Suddenly, images of the dead girl flashed through my mind, and I was standing next to the burnt down house. 

"He's here, Lorelai…", her voice echoed.

How the hell did the ghost know my name? She kept repeating herself over and over again, getting louder each time as the flames reignited and the house began to burn.

"HE'S HERE!!!".

I struggled to breathe as the smoke entered my lungs, my eyes burning, and I fell to ground, gasping and coughing. 

"Lorelai, are you okay?!? What are you doing on the floor?", my mom's frantic voice pulled me out of my weird hallucination.

"I'm fine… I'm fine…", I choked, taking in a deep breath.

She helped me up, taking a seat on the bed. 

"Are you getting them again?", she asked softly, referring to my panic attacks.

I shook my head, brushing my hair out of my face.

"What's all this?" pointing at the symbol of the Triskele on the laptop screen.

"Oh, just some extra reading for History…", I lied, closing the tab, subtly pushing the journal underneath my pillow.

"Mom, how much did you know about dad's mother?".

"I only met her a couple of times, but we never spent a lot of time together. There always seemed to be this unfathomable tension between her and Jesse. I had to force him to invite her to the wedding, and to let her see you after you were born.".

"Did you know how she died?".

"Uh… She was out visiting some friends when the house caught on fire, and they were trapped inside…", she frowned.

"Fire?", I gawked.

Something clicked and I realized how Derek knew about me, my grandmother died in the accident that killed his family. 

"Yeah… Where's this all coming from?", my mom asked in confusion.

"It's just… I don't know… I've been trying to understand what dad's life was like here… I feel like there's so much we didn't know about him…".

"Lorelai…", she looked at me with tears in her eyes, clearing her throat before continuing.

"I've been keeping something from you… Your dad… He-he wasn't killed in a car accident. He was murdered…".

I stared at her as a wave of shock and nausea flooded through my body. 


"He had some paperwork that needed his signature regarding your grandmother's will, that's why he came back… The person who did it made it look like he was in a car crash… And that's why I came back… To find out who killed him.".

She gently gripped me by the shoulders, but I pushed her off.

"You-you lied to me… All this time…".

The walls felt like it was closing in, and I knew I had to get out. I had to get away from her. I ran down the stairs, opening the front door, but she came after me, grabbing my arm before I could leave.

"Lorelai, please. I thought… I thought it would be better that you didn't know… That you could morn properly… I'm so sorry…", she said, tears in her eyes.

"I need some air.", I said, removing my arm from her hold.

I practically ran away from my sobbing mother, unaware of where I was going. Not to mention it was dark, and cold, and I forgot a jersey. I couldn't believe she kept something like that from me. My dad. Murdered. In this town. Was it someone he knew? Did they kill him because he's a…?

I froze mid thought when I realized where I was. I somehow ended up at the burnt-up house I saw in my dream. It was probably my eyes playing tricks on me, but the longer I stared, I swore I saw little flames flicker from inside. Suddenly, my attention was pulled away by the sounds of someone screaming from the front of the house.

"What the hell is that?!?".

It was Stiles, and Scott- they probably found the body.

Wiping my eyes with my sleeves, I jogged my way to them, tapping their shoulders. They jumped, their hands on their chests.

"Jesus, Lorelai! Where did you come from?", Stiles gasped.

"I needed a midnight stroll after I found out that I'm living a lie… Wait. This is where Derek lives?".

They nodded.

"Huh. So that's why you were screaming like little girls…", I said, pointing at the wolf's head.

While they quarreled amongst themselves, I dropped to my knees to get a closer look. My hand stuck out on its accord, lightly brushing the fur on top of its head. 

"You have to help them… He's here…", I heard the girl whisper.

I had a hunch about the wolf's head and as I looked up to tell the guys, a purple flower planted a few feet away from the grave caught my eye.

Stiles saw it too and began lecturing us about a movie called The Wolf Man before picking the flower, calling it Wolfsbane. It was attached to another long piece of rope, and I moved back as he started to unravel it. The Wolfsbane had prevented the wolf from turning back into its human form- the dead girl, proving my hunch right. 


"What are you doing with those M&M's?", my mom asked, sitting down at the table next to me.

We hardly spoke since I found out the real reason behind our move back to Beacon Hills.

"Trying to sweeten up a math problem…", I answered sarcastically, while separating the candies by color. 

I had yellow for Scott, red for the killer wolf who Stiles thinks is Derek, and blue for the dead girl. Stiles' dad arrested Derek earlier that day for murder when they found the body. I tried to explain to the guys that something was off about the whole thing, but they didn't want to listen to me. 

"The game is in a few hours, you going?", my mom pressed on.

I shrugged, "I don't know… Maybe.".

My mom gently squeezed my shoulder before leaving to the hospital. I honestly felt bad for icing her out like that, but I was so angry that she kept such a huge secret from me. Did she come back to find his killer? In the middle of my mind spiral, my phone began to ring.

"Stiles, what's up?".

"I've done something really stupid which caused to Scott shift and leap out of a moving vehicle and now I lost him!", he rambled frantically.

"You kept the wolfsbane, didn't you?".

"For scientific purposes! I called the station asking about any dog like individuals roaming the streets, but they hung up on me.".

Sometimes I really wondered how he made it all the way to sophomore year.

"He's probably fine? Maybe he's with Allison… Or getting ready for the game…". 

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll check at school, you check with Allison!". 

Agreeing to the Stiles plan, I decided to use that opportunity to go for a run, stopping at Allison's house on the way. I was hoping a change of scenery would help clear my head.

Apart from my brain firing a hundred thoughts up and down by the minute, I got caught up thinking about Derek. Why would a murderer bury the evidence so close to their house? He didn't seem like someone who would be that careless. 

It was dark by the time I reached my friend's house. I found her standing outside, next to the car.

"Oh my gosh, Lorelai! What are you doing here?". 

While she hugged me, her dad joined us. 

"I was looking for Scott… Hi, Mr. Argent.". 

He shook my hand firmly, his eyes observing me as if he was trying to get a glimpse of my soul.

"Dad, this is Lorelai, my friend from school …". 

I gave him a nervous smile, trying not to seem suspicious. 

"About Scott, he was just here. My dad accidentally hit him with his car… But he's fine. We're on our way to the lacrosse game, wanna come with us?".

"I… Uh…", I stammered.

Honestly, I was terrified of Allison's hunter dad.

"Come on, Lorelai! I know Scott and Stiles would really appreciate the support.", she encouraged.

Not seeing any way out of this situation, I agreed and climbed into the backseat. The drive to school was awkward, especially for me. Allison went on and on about how good Scott is while I mumbled an agreement here and there. I caught Mr. Argent glancing at me in the rearview mirror, like he was trying to read my mind.

Trying to keep my composure, I pulled out my phone, staring at the lock screen to seem busy. Still uneasy with the fact that I was sitting in the backseat of a car that belonged to a supernatural hunter, I tried to map out everything I possibly knew about the dead girl, Derek, and my grandmother inside my head, pushing the truth about my dad to the back of my mind. I made a mental note to visit Stiles' dad soon. 

When I dreamt about dead the girl, it was always near the burnt down house. Maybe she was connected to it too. And if Derek supposedly buried her literally in the yard, there had to be a good reason…

"Oh crap…", I mumbled underneath my breath, my entire demeanor changing as I put the pieces of the puzzle together.

"Are you okay back there, Lorelai?", Mr. Argent asked, noticing my facial expression. 

I didn't realize that we stopped moving and had reached the school. 

"Yes, Mr. Argent. Just found out that they cancelled one of my favorite book series…". 

I prayed that he wouldn't ask me which one. He let out a thoughtful hum as we got out of the car. 

"You guys go ahead, I um… Need to go to the bathroom.", I said awkwardly. 

"We'll save you a seat.", Allison smiled and gently pushed her dad in the direction of the lacrosse field. 

As soon as they were out of sight, I dialed Stiles which went straight to voicemail, Scott's phone too. Groaning in irritation, I sprinted towards the lacrosse field. When I reached the stands, I saw Lydia with a threatening expression on her face, talking to Scott. I wormed my way towards the benches and ended up near Coach Finstock, catching him right in the middle of a pep talk with Jackson.

"Listen, just go out there. Just give it your best. If you feel any pain, just…". 

"Just... keep playing?", the team captain asked, confused.

Coach Finstock nodded, "That's my boy!". 

I waited for Jackson to leave before making my presence known to Coach Finstock. 

"Maolán, you've shown up on my field more times than half my players. Considering following in your father's footsteps?". 

"It seems like I already am.", I grumbled, scanning the faces in hopes of finding either Scott or Stiles.

We heard the referee blow his whistle, indicating the start of the game. I caught a glimpse of Stiles sitting on one of the other benches and ran to him, staying far away this time from the colliding players. 

"Hey, Stiles! You won't believe what I figured out…". 

He ignored me, too busy distracted by the interaction between Scott and Jackson. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I pulled it out. My heartbeat quickened in my chest as I read the message before looking around the field, my eyes landing on a familiar silhouette. 

- We need to talk. Alone.

I was able to slip away without alerting Stiles, his attention focused intently on his best friend. Derek waited close enough to the lacrosse field where he was out of sight but still allowing him to see what was going on. He greeted me with his usual scowl.

"Why did you call me here?", I squeaked as Derek came closer, stopping once we were almost chest to chest.

If he was this attractive when he was angry, one could only imagine how much more he'd be if he smiled. Quickly throwing that thought as far away as I could, I cleared my throat, taking a step back. 

"Tell your idiot friends to stay away from things they don't understand! They are drawing unnecessary attention to themselves and… To you.", he growled, gripping my arm hard.

I was a little frightened, but a tiny voice inside my head told me I could trust him. Hoping it wasn't my hormones, I shook myself out his grasp and he turned his back to me, not saying anything after that. 

"I know that my grandmother was killed in the same fire that killed your family… I know she wasn't human, and neither was my dad…", I sighed before continuing.

"And I know you didn't kill that girl in the woods… She was your sister, wasn't she…?", I whispered sadly. 

He slowly turned around, no emotion on his face, but glancing at something behind me. Following his stare, I caught the sight of Scott running towards the boys' locker room. 

Derek disappeared before I could ask him anything else and I quickly made my way to Scott, trying to avoid bumping into the celebrating players. I almost crashed into Allison when I reached the entrance. 

"We kissed.", she said, a huge dopey smile on her face.

After a quick congratulations, I barged into the locker room for the second time. Scott sitting on one of the benches, with a same expression as Allison, Stiles standing next to him.

"The girl… She's Derek's sister…", I blurted out. 

Scott's smile disappeared while Stiles stomped his foot in frustration.

"Damn it! I was gonna break the news! Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek's human, not animal. Derek? Not killer. Derek? Let out of jail… My dad ID'd the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale.".

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