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31.19% COTE : Everything about power (R-18) / Chapter 32: Chapter 32 : Nagumo's thoughts

Chapitre 32: Chapter 32 : Nagumo's thoughts

Time flies, and before I knew it, it was the 6th day. The relay practice on the mountain trail is demanding; on the day of the test, we run a relay on a round trip course of 18 kilometers. Currently, we are in the midst of that practice.

In the actual event, each person runs a distance between 1 to 2 kilometers, but due to our group of 10 people, we have to cover at least 1.8 kilometers. Considering the steep ups and downs of the mountainous terrain, it will consume a considerable amount of energy. Until recently, we were only lightly sweating on the field, so the contrast is significant. For the sake of reconnaissance, we are walking, but it's quite tough.

"This hill is so long, how much longer does it go on!?"


As Shibata and I talk and glance behind, Kito, Beppu, and Satonaka are keeping up, but Komiya are almost out of breath. It can't be helped; even I think it's tough just to walk up such a steep slope, let alone run.

"Hey, Horagasaki, how much longer is this going to take?"

"...If we assume a walking speed of 6 kilometers per hour, wouldn't it be about 3 hours?"

"It's so long, what is this?"

Answering Shiba's question, and in the background, Komiya are yelling. Indeed, it's long; I want to go back. Today, for the sake of reconnaissance, we wait for Okiya and the others who are about to collapse behind us. Kito surprisingly has good athletic ability, so he should be fine in the actual event.

Time passed, and it became lights-out time. We were supposed to arrive in three hours, but we were 30 minutes late, and everyone, exhausted, was fast asleep. However, I couldn't sleep. Careful not to wake anyone, I quietly got out of bed.

While everyone was sound asleep, I couldn't find sleep myself. I decided to go outside for a walk.

Walking amidst the winter starry sky was enchanting and beautiful. As I thought that, I sensed someone's presence. They also seemed to notice me and walked towards me.

"Grinning Long Hair and Hawk-Eyed Boy."

"Huh? I'll kill you."

"What are you doing? Want to return to the leader's position once more?"

"I only responded to his summons. Wondering if he really quit being the leader."

It seemed that Hashimoto felt uneasy about Ryuen quitting, so he came to hear the truth. I somewhat understood Hashimoto's personality, so I decided to ask him.

"Hashimoto, you want Ryuen to be the leader to ensure a definite Class A, right?"

"You got it. If it means climbing up, I'm even prepared to sell Sakayanagi. But, you know, not only does C-Class from Horagasaki seem threatening, but I don't know when the current A-Class might be surpassed. I want a bridge to safely graduate into Class A."

Certainly, thinking about it, it's not unreasonable to be cautious since there are top-ranking individuals like Hirata, Kiyotaka, Koenji, and Hōrikita in C-Class. To secure a reassuring future after graduation, one has to graduate as Class A, which means Hashimoto wants to align himself with someone strong. As we were about to end that discussion, another presence was felt.

"Having a secret meeting at this hour, first-years?"

Looking to see who it was, it turned out to be the combination of the old and new student council presidents. Ryuen, heading towards the school building without showing any interest in them, stood his ground as Nagumo blocked his way, not intending to move.

Thinking about it calmly, our combination of Ryuen, Hashimoto, Nagumo, and me is way too unruly.

"Get out of the way."

Ryuen, with a piercing gaze, stared at Nagumo, who amusingly smiled.

"Ryuen, huh? I've heard about your mischievous nature. Also, Horagasaki, you being here at this hour. We're going to talk to Hōrikita-senpai for a bit. You guys can join too."

Adding that, when Hashimoto was also approached, Ryuen bumped shoulders with Nagumo and mumbled, "Not interested."

"You're quite confident. Aren't you afraid of me, Ryuen?"

"Whether you're the student council president or whatever, anyone who hinders me will be crushed."

"Heh, I don't dislike you, the fearless type. But it doesn't suit you for the student council. Well, it's just a joke under the book."

Ryuen laughed at Nagumo's words. Standing next to Ryuen, I started walking, but Nagumo called out.

"How about a bet from the sidelines? Who will rank higher in this special exam? One thousand for each, what do you say?"

"That's pointless; I'm not interested in petty cash."

"Sorry, Senpai, isn't that too cheap?"

Both Ryuen and I responded, making Nagumo laugh.

"Haha, Horagasaki, you're quite rich, but greedy. I respect that. Well, it was just a joke."

With those words, Ryuen snorted, Hashimoto nodded, and I, without doing anything in particular, tried to leave. It was then.

"Horagasaki, I have something to ask you."


"What's your relationship with Nazuna?"

Nagumo stared at me as if trying to intimidate, but such pressure didn't work at all. I've experienced pressure to the extent that I can be called the strongest.

"Asahina-senpai? Why don't you ask her directly? It's nothing special, though."

"You do have some nerve. Well, let me tell you, you better watch out. But by the way, Hōrikita-senpai, how about forfeiting tomorrow's exam?"

"Forfeit? Why?"

"Yeah, that's right. I'm serious. Well, this is for Senpai's sake."

"Explain a bit more. You tend to internally conclude things, but it doesn't seem to change."

"Sorry. The reason is that if Senpai continues like this, you'll regret it. I could also bring you down without warning, but that would be too merciless."

"What do you intend to do? Depending on the situation, it might not be acceptable."

"I understand. The method for the contest is to win fairly without involving a third party. But as it is now, I don't know. That's why I want to win. I'm taking measures for that purpose."

"And does forfeiting lead to that?"

"Yes, by forfeiting, you can avoid the most damage, Senpai. Can you read the moves I've set up for you? Well, you probably can't. Who was the one from the first year again?"

Nagumo deliberately directed his gaze towards me.

"Yeah, that guy in the same class as Horagasaki, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji."

Encouraging Hashimoto further with a suggestive look, Nagumi emphasized Kiyotaka's name. He probably didn't think the person himself was listening.

Kiyotaka, I get it. I know you're here. Nagumo asks Hashimoto about Kiyotaka, but since there's nothing particularly noticeable, he seems to think of him as an ordinary student.

On the final day of the field trip, the time has come for the test that will determine the winners and losers. Each team, consisting of 36 groups, including both boys and girls, spent their unique time.

But tomorrow, they will clash again as enemies. Some students might feel a sense of loneliness for some reason.

"Today is the last day, huh? Time flies."

"We've done what we needed to do. Now all that's left is to face the exam!"

"I think so too. Thanks for being the leader for a week, Shibata. I appreciate it."

Each expresses their feelings, and especially the two from Class B seem grateful to Shibata. Other students are also seen shaking hands and complimenting each other. This group has many average students, but there are also standout individuals, so the balance is surprisingly good. It's certain that they won't end up in last place.

"Zazen," "Speech," "Ekiden," "Written Exam" – these four tests will be conducted. We first-year students will start with Zazen, followed by a written exam in the classroom, then the Ekiden, and finally the speech. The second-year students will begin with the challenging Ekiden. The third-year students seem to start with the speech.

After having breakfast, we headed to the dojo. As soon as we arrived, all the boys were gathered for the test.

"Now, we will begin the Zazen test. There are two scoring criteria: etiquette, movement since entering, and any disturbances during Zazen. After it ends, wait in your respective classrooms."

Starting with the called names, students lined up in order to begin the test. First were Katsuragi from Class A and Ishizaki from Class D. It seemed like the order was randomly determined by the school, and their group seemed flustered.

I was called third, and among the students I knew were Hirata and Kanzaki. Inside the dojo, many teachers walked around with pens, and several seemingly out-of-place cameras were set up. Probably to ensure certainty.

Next to me, Hirata showed graceful movements, and I thought once again that this guy is truly perfect.

After finishing Zazen, everyone left without chatting, heading to the classroom for the written exam. Since the questions were based on what we learned during the field trip, the content was extremely easy, but for students struggling, they might get around 50 to 70. I could easily score 100, but if I do that, there's a possibility it might spark something with with Kiyotaka... well, it's already sparked, so I aimed for around 90 by making two mistakes.

Well, I can do it. Up to this point, the upcoming Ekiden test is expected to have a considerable impact.

The conditions for the Ekiden are that each person must run at least 1.2 kilometers, the baton exchange points are only recognized every 1.2 kilometers, and in the case of accidents preventing completion or failure to meet the minimum conditions, disqualification occurs.

These three pieces of information are crucial, and with Starter Satonaka in place, we set off. The running order alternates between fast and slow runners, starting with Satonaka, followed by Okiya, Onitou, Watanabe, Beppu, Kondō, Komiyatachi, Machida, me, and finally, Shibata as the anchor.

In terms of average running ability with no remarkable speed or slowness, there's Komiya, Kondō, Beppu, and in terms of lacking confidence in running ability, there's Machida, Okiya, and Watanabe. Those confident in running ability are Satonaka, Onitou, and Shibata, and I was led to the side with that confidence.

Satonaka runs 2.4 kilometers, connecting to Okiya's 1.2-kilometer run. Next, Onitou runs 2.4 kilometers, connecting to Watanabe's 1.2 kilometers, followed by Beppu's 2.4 kilometers, Kondō's 2.4 kilometers, Komiyatachi's 2.4 kilometers, and connecting to Machida's 1.2 kilometers. Coming to my turn, I sprint 1.2 kilometers at full speed, and finally, anchor Shibata also sprints 1.2 kilometers at full speed. It seems like everyone else except me and Shibata will run at about half strength and finish.

On getting off the van, Machida and Shibata, leaving only the driver and the three of us inside the car, waited near the goal about 2.4 kilometers ahead.

"Horagasaki, let's widen the gap with the other groups together!"

"Got it."

Smiling at Shibata's enthusiasm, we wait for the incoming runner after getting off the van.

"It's Horagasaki."

At the point, other groups' boys are also present, and I end up running with them. Katsuragi is among them.

During the waiting time, we are free to chat or mentally prepare. Water stations are set up every 1.2 kilometers, so we can hydrate. Well, if you chug a lot of water before running, it might cause side stitches and make running uncomfortable. As long as you stay above the borderline, there's basically no one getting expelled, so it's reassuring. After talking a bit with Katsuragi, the rest of the time is spent in silence. After some time, Hirata appears, and upon confirmation, I see Seiryū running behind him, followed by Machida at a bit of a distance.

Passing by me, Hirata, with a refreshing smile, quickly focuses forward, running at a considerably fast pace. 


Kiyotaka runs at a speed faster than average, making an aggressive move to make the opponent think he's running out of stamina. A little behind him, Machida arrives in a close race for the fourth position, panting.

"P-please... widen the gap for me..."

"Leave it to me."

Taking the baton, I start a full-speed sprint as instructed. I believe I have quite a bit of stamina, so this shouldn't exhaust me. In no time, I overtakes Kiyotaka, who is clearly holding back, and catches up to Hirata.

"Eh, Horagasaki-kun!?"

"Hey there!"

While Hirata is wide-eyed and surprised, he still focuses on passing the baton to Shibata as a top priority, continuing his full-speed run. Shibata, noticing me from afar, jumps up and down, waving.

"Alright, please, Anchor-man Shibata!"

"Leave it to me!"

Saying that, I pass the baton, and Shibata receives it with a relaxed face, dashing fiercely. His speed is still like a bullet train, and I was watching, thinking that at this rate, he'll surpass Kiyotaka and probably even beat Shibata.

"Horagasaki-kun, you have amazing stamina."

"Eh, really?"

"Yeah, you're not even out of breath; it's incredible."

Is this a compliment from Hirata? Or rather, it felt more like he was slightly pulling back when he asked. Feeling a mix of joy and sadness, it seems like he was genuinely impressed by my stamina. Clearing his throat, Kiyotaka, who was quietly beside us, also gave a subtle applause. Thank you, Jin-kun, you did great.

Afterward, Shibata was overtaken by High-Enji, but it was a close race with Sudo, and they finished in third place.

No, seriously, High-Enji, what a monster.

The speech afterward was tough for the first-year students, but somehow everyone managed to raise their voices. Since I could convey my speech well, I'm pretty confident I crossed the borderline.

And so, the long special test comes to an end, and many students seem exhausted. Later, just like the first day, we are gathered in the gymnasium for the results announcement.

The time is just before 5 o'clock in the evening, and I can estimate that we'll reach the school around 9 or 10 o'clock.

"Everyone, great job during this week of the field trip. I'll touch on the results first. Since all groups of boys exceeded the borderline, there are no expulsions."

An elderly man says with a smile, and a sigh of relief is heard from all the boys. Shibata visibly relaxes. Preventing expulsions is a significant relief, but if no one was expelled, there's no need to specify 'boys'—in other words—

"Now, I will announce the overall first place for boys, and here I will read the name of the leader of the third-year responsible for it. The group members belonging to that team will receive rewards at a later date."

"Well done, Manabu, as expected."

After explaining that, it was revealed that the team led by a senior named Ninomiya from the third year secured the first place. I immediately recognized that it was the team with Horikita, even though I had no idea if anyone else was in it. The second place went to the team led by Nagumo in the same first year, with Kiyotaka and Keisei. Our team ended up in third place. Well, third place is not bad at all.

"Congratulations on getting first place, Horikita-senpai, truly impressive."

Nagumo offers his congratulations with a relaxed smile. Horikita, without saying anything, spends the time of the results announcement in silence.

"You lost, Nagumo."

As if saying, "I broke the arrogance of the cheeky junior," Sudō comments.

"Well, the results announcement has just begun."

"Don't get ahead of yourself; the competition is not over."

"That's right, the 'boys' have indeed finished."

Nagumo's inexplicable behavior makes Fujimaki's face turn serious.

"Now, I would like to announce the results for the girls."

The girls' announcement is made, and the first-place team is Horikita's group. But the joy is short-lived; the problematic moment arrives.

"Well, unfortunately, among the girls' groups, there is one small group that has scored below the borderline average, and they will be receiving disciplinary action."

Both boys and girls freeze at those words. Even the students who were rejoicing fall silent, knowing that someone is destined to be expelled. Whether it's a senior or everyone is unclear, so everyone holds their breath. Horikita looks at Nagumo as if he has realized something. All the while, Nagumo continues to wear a smug smile, searching for the meaning behind it.

But it's already too late.

"The bottom group is Class 3-B, the group to which Igari Momoko belongs."

Nobody knows who that is, but screams resembling despair are heard from the girls' section, and it becomes clear who belongs to that group. While it's known that the large group finished at the bottom, the issue is which small group fell below the borderline.

"Next, the group that scored below the average is also Class 3, Ikaruga Momoko's group. That's all."

At that moment, Nagumo smiled happily. His satisfaction didn't end with the expulsion of the Class 3-B student; he comprehended Class 3-A's situation, and Fujimaki confronted Nagumo.

"Why did you do this, Nagumo!"

"Uh, everyone, please be quiet. Unfortunately, it has been decided that Ikaruga-san will be expelled. You can also come to me if you want to assign joint responsibility."

The results announcement proceeds quietly despite the mention of regret. However, unlike Fujimaki, Horikita approaches Tachibana before getting close to Nagumo.

"Horikita-kun, I'm sorry..."

"Tachibana, why didn't you consult with me earlier? You should have noticed the anomaly."

"That's... I knew it would burden you if you knew about it, Horikita-kun."

Tachibana apologizes while shedding tears. She probably didn't notice at first, but as time passed, she must have realized that she had been set up since the group formation stage.

"Please tell me, Tachibana-senpai, how does it feel to be on the verge of graduation from the student council and having a classmate expelled? And Horikita-senpai, how do you feel right now? You must be feeling frustration, right? That's surely enveloping you."

Nagumo mercilessly thrusts a blade at the wounded, knowing that Tachibana has made the decision to save him. Horikita, breathing quietly, responds.

"Why didn't you target me?"

"Even if I did something like this, it wouldn't lead to your expulsion. So, I chose Tachibana-senpai. I wanted to see how you would react when her existence was erased."

"The approach was different from yours, but I trusted you too much. For the sake of curiosity, I lost something significant, Nagumo."

"I discarded trust on my own. It was to make the senior who cares for his juniors understand. Promise, and be kept. That's the fundamental way of this school."

Nagumo shows strong determination, and it's evident that he has decided to save Tachibana. Desperately trying to intervene, Tachibana, but Fujimaki, whether in agreement with Nagumo or not, speaks to the students of Class 3-A.

"Don't hesitate, Horikita; use whatever you can."

From here, Nagumo will probably enjoy talking about the strategy he set up. There are likely one or two more exams before graduation. However, due to the significant loss of funds in Horikita's class, it's unlikely to save Horikita if he were to be expelled.

Afterward, Horikita uses the points and private points he possesses to save Akane Tachibana. Simultaneously, Class 3-B's Ishikari also exercises the right to save Momoko Ikaruga. It leads to an unprecedented situation where two classes use the right to save simultaneously.

And from there, involving all grades, the expulsions from Advanced Nurturing High School continue to rise.


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