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Playing PokeMMO In Another World Playing PokeMMO In Another World original

Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Auteur: DevilHanu

© WebNovel

Badges, Backpack Content, Current Team Stats, And Moves

This information and Stats Are Updated After Chapter 50.

Gym Badges (Kanto Region)

1 - Boulder Badge

2 - Cascade Badge

3 - Thunder Badge

4 - Rainbow Badge

5 - 

6 - 

7 - 

8 - 


[Current Money - ₽62,579]


<Backpack Content>


<Poke Balls>

[62x Poke Balls

3x Great Ball

5x Premier Ball]


<Key Items>

[1x Bicycle (Untradeable)

1x ItemFinder (Untradeable)

1x Town Map (Untradeable)

1x VS Seeker (Untradeable)

1x Old Rod (Untradeable)

1x Dome Fossil (Untradeable)

1x Powder Jar (Untradeable)

1x S.S. Ticket (Untradeable)]



[11x Potion

7x Super Potion

4x Antidote

2x Revive

3x Awakening

1x Fresh Water

1x Rare Candy (Untradeable)

2x Ether (Untradeable)

1x Max Ether (Untradeable)

6x Parlyz Heal

2x Burn Heal

1x Ice Heal]


<Adventure Items>

[2x Escape Rope

1x Repel]


<Breeding Items>

[1x Everstone]


<Hold Items>

[1x Focus Band

1x Hard Rock (Untradeable)]


<Evolution Items>

[1x Metal Coat

1x 1x Moon Stone (Untradeable)

1x Linking Code (Untradeable)]


<Miscellaneous Items>

[1x Armor Fossil

1x Nugget

1x Pearl

1x Root Fossil

1x Stardust]



[1x Cheri Berry

1x Chesto Berry

1x Pecha Berry]


<TMs & HMs>


<Utility Moves>

[1x HM - Cut (Untradeable)

1x HM - Flash (Untradeable)]


<Normal-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Take Down (Untradeable)

1x TM - Mega Kick (Untradeable)

1x TM - Mega Punch (Untradeable)

1x TM - Pay Day (Untradeable)]


<Fighting-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Submission (Untradeable)]


<Ground-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Dig (Untradeable)]


<Rock-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Rock Tomb (Untradeable)]


<Water-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Water Gun (Untradeable)

1x TM - Water Pulse (Untradeable)]


<Grass-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Giga Drain (Untradeable)

1x TM - Mega Drain (Untradeable)]


<Electric-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Shock Wave (Untradeable)]


<Dark-Type Moves>

[1x TM - Assurance (Untradeable)

1x TM - Beat Up (Untradeable)]


Current Team -

1 - Charizard Lv. 36

2 - Cubchoo Lv. 24

3 - Gyarados Lv. 32

4 - Victreebel Lv. 29

5 - Rhyhorn Lv. 26

6 - Abra Lv. 19


Charizard's Summary.

{Image Of Charizard}

[PokeDEX : 006

Name : Charizard (Fire, Flying)

Nature : Quirky (No Stats Change)

Gender : Male

Level - 25 > 36

XP : 13,342 > 42,766

To Next Lv. : 69 > 1,042

Item Held - <Metronome>]

[HP : 68/68 > 109/109

Attack : 41 > 73

Defense : 39 > 70

Sp. Atk : 49 > 90

Sp. Def : 41 > 73

Speed : 52 > 89]

[HP EV : 12 > 27

Attack EV : 19 > 35

Defense EV : 27 > 41

Sp. Atk EV : 09 > 22

Sp. Def EV : 10 > 17

Speed EV : 60 > 80

Total : 137/510 > 222/510]

(EVs are stats boosts gained from defeating wild Pokemon, or from Vitamins.

Each Pokemon can gain a maximum of 510 EVs. They can be removed with special berries.)

[HP IV : 15

Attack IV : 15

Defense IV : 15

Sp. Atk IV : 15

Sp. Def IV : 15

Speed IV : 15

Total : 90/186]

(IVs are stats inherited from a Pokemon's parents which decide their nature proficiency.

They are chosen when the Pokemon is born and can not be changed.

Each IV has a maximum value of 31.)

[Air Slash <Flying> PP: 15/15

Dragon Rage <Dragon> PP: 10/10

Flamethrower <Fire> PP: 15/15

Dragon Claw <Dragon> PP: 15/15

Ability : Blaze (Powers Up Fire-Type moves in a Pinch.)]


Information Of <Air Slash> Move

[Air Slash : The user attacks with a blade of air that slices even the sky. It may also make the target flinch.

Type - Flying, Special

Power : 75

Accuracy : 95

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Pokemon

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type.

> 30% chance to make the foe flinch

> Slicing move, affected by Sharpness.

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Dragon Rage> Move

[Dragon Rage : This attack hits the target with a shock wave of pure rage. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.

Type - Dragon, Special

Power : Varies

Accuracy : 100

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Flamethrower> Move

[Flamethrower : The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.

Type - Fire, Special

Power : 90

Accuracy : 100

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> 10% chance to Burn the foe

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Dragon Claw> Move

[Dragon Claw : The user slashes the target with huge, sharp claws.

Type - Dragon, Physical

Power : 80

Accuracy : 100

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Makes contact with the foe.

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Cubchoo's Summary.

{Image Of Cubchoo}

[PokeDEX : 613

Name : Cubchoo (Ice)

Nature : Hardy (No Stat Changes)

Gender : Female

Level - 24

XP : 14,283

To Next Lv. : 1,342

Item Held - <None>]

[HP : 63/63

Attack : 43

Defense : 31

Sp. Atk : 41

Sp. Def : 28

Speed : 31]

[HP EV : 07

Attack EV : 03

Defense EV : 03

Sp. Atk EV : 06

Sp. Def EV : 02

Speed EV : 09

Total : 30/510]

(EVs are stats boosts gained from defeating wild Pokemon, or from Vitamins.

Each Pokemon can gain a maximum of 510 EVs. They can be removed with special berries.)

[HP IV : 13

Attack IV : 21

Defense IV : 31

Sp. Atk IV : 29

Sp. Def IV : 16

Speed IV : 30

Total : 140/186]

(IVs are stats inherited from a Pokemon's parents which decide their nature proficiency.

They are chosen when the Pokemon is born and can not be changed.

Each IV has a maximum value of 31.)

[Flail <Normal> PP: 15/15

Icy Wind <Ice> PP: 15/15

Brine <Water> PP: 10/10

Frost Breath <Ice> PP: 10/10

Ability : Rattled (Some move types scare it and boost its Speed.){Hidden Ability}]


Information Of <Flail> Move

[Flail : The user flails about aimlessly to attack. It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.

Type - Normal, Physical

Power : Varies

Accuracy : 100

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Makes contact with the foe.

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Icy Wind> Move

[Icy Wind : The User attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also reduces the target's Speed stat.

Type - Ice, Special

Power : 55

Accuracy : 95

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : All Adjacent Foes

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> Wind move, absorbed by Wind Rider

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Brine> Move

[Brine : If the target's HP is down to about half, this attack will hit with double the power.

Type - Water, Special

Power : 65

Accuracy : 100

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Frost Breath> Move

[Frost Breath : The user blows a cold breath on the target. This attack always results in a critical hit.

Type - Ice, Special

Power : 60

Accuracy : 90

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> 100% base critical hit chance

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Gyarados's Summary.

{Image Of Gyarados}

[PokeDEX : 130

Name : Gyarados (Water, Flying)

Nature : Adamant (+10% Attack, -10% Sp. Attack)

Gender : Female

Level - 32

XP : 41,873

To Next Lv. : 3,048

Item Held - <Metronome>]

[HP : 108/108

Attack : 106

Defense : 69

Sp. Atk : 45

Sp. Def : 69

Speed : 72]

[HP EV : 30

Attack EV : 47

Defense EV : 63

Sp. Atk EV : 20

Sp. Def EV : 07

Speed EV : 87

Total : 254/510]

(EVs are stats boosts gained from defeating wild Pokemon, or from Vitamins.

Each Pokemon can gain a maximum of 510 EVs. They can be removed with special berries.)

[HP IV : 11

Attack IV : 29

Defense IV : 29

Sp. Atk IV : 18

Sp. Def IV : 00

Speed IV : 27

Total : 114/186]

(IVs are stats inherited from a Pokemon's parents which decide their nature proficiency.

They are chosen when the Pokemon is born and can not be changed.

Each IV has a maximum value of 31.)

[Dragon Tail <Dragon> PP: 10/10

Crunch <Dark> PP: 15/15

Waterfall <Water> PP: 15/15

Rain Dance <Water> PP: 5/5

Ability : Intimidate (Lowers the foe's Attack stat.)]


Information Of <Dragon Tail> Move

[Dragon Tail : The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokemon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.

Type - Dragon, Physical

Power : 60

Accuracy : 90

PP : 10

Priority : -6

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Makes contact with the foe.

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Crunch> Move

[Crunch : Crunches the foe with its sharp teeth. It may lower their Defense stat.

Type - Dark, Physical

Power : 80

Accuracy : 100

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> 20% chance to reduce the target's Defence by 1 stage(s)

> Makes contact with the foe

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Waterfall> Move

[Waterfall : The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.

Type - Water, Physical

Power : 80

Accuracy : 100

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> 20% chance to make the foe Flinch

> Makes contact with the foe.

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Rain Dance> Move

[Rain Dance : The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-Type moves.

Type - Water, Status

Power : --

Accuracy : --

PP : 5

Priority : Normal

Target : Entire Field

> Boosts Water-Type moves by half, and reduces Fire-Type moves' effectiveness by half while active

> Weather lasts for 5 turns, and overrides any previous weather.]


Victreebel PokeDEX entry.

{Image Of Victreebel}

[PokeDEX : 071

Name : Victreebel (Grass, Poison)

Nature : Hasty (+10% Speed, -10% Defense)

Gender : Male

Level - 22 > 29

XP : 8,748 > 20,958

To Next Lv. : 77 > 802

Item Held - <None>]

[HP : 63/63 > 89/89

Attack : 46 > 69

Defense : 31 > 48

Sp. Atk : 47 > 69

Sp. Def : 30 > 53

Speed : 36 > 56]

[HP EV : 19 > 24

Attack EV : 23 > 30

Defense EV : 28 > 40

Sp. Atk EV : 02 > 09

Sp. Def EV : 05

Speed EV : 48 > 58

Total : 122/510 > 166/510]

(EVs are stats boosts gained from defeating wild Pokemon, or from Vitamins.

Each Pokemon can gain a maximum of 510 EVs. They can be removed with special berries.)

[HP IV : 07

Attack IV : 05

Defense IV : 31

Sp. Atk IV : 21

Sp. Def IV : 25

Speed IV : 06

Total : 95/186]

(IVs are stats inherited from a Pokemon's parents which decide their nature proficiency.

They are chosen when the Pokemon is born and can not be changed.

Each IV has a maximum value of 31.)

[Leaf Tornado <Grass> PP: 10/10

Poison Powder <Poison> PP: 35/35

Sleep Powder <Grass> PP: 15/15

Acid <Poison> PP: 30/30

Ability : Chlorophyll (Double Speed during harsh sunlight.)]


Information Of <Leaf Tornado> Move

[Leaf Tornado : The user attacks its target by encircling it in sharp leaves. This attack may also lower the target's accuracy.

Type - Grass, Special

Power : 65

Accuracy : 90

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> 50% chance to reduce the target's Accuracy by 1 stage(s)

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <PoisonPowder> Move

[PoisonPowder : The User scatters a cloud of poisonous dust on the target. It may poison the target.

Type - Poison, Status

Power : ---

Accuracy : 75

PP : 35

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> 100% chance of Poison the foe

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be reflected by Magic Coat

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Sleep Powder> Move

[Sleep Powder : The User scatters a big cloud of sleep-inducing dust around the target.

Type - Grass, Status

Power : ---

Accuracy : 75

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> 100% chance to Sleep the target 1-3 turn(s)

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be reflected by Magic Coat

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Acid> Move

[Acid : The opposing team is attacked with a spray of harsh acid. The acid may also lower the target's Sp. Def stats.

Type - Poison, Special

Power : 40

Accuracy : 100

PP : 30

Priority : Normal

Target : All Adjacent Foes

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> 10% chance to reduce the target's Sp. Defense by 1 stage(s)

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Rhyhorn's Summary

{Image Of Rhyhorn}

[PokeDEX : 111

Name : Rhyhorn (Ground, Rock)

Nature : Jolly (+10% Speed, -10% Sp. Attack)

Gender : Male

Level - 25 > 26

XP : 19,531 > 22,585

To Next Lv. : 2,439 > 2,018

Item Held - <None>]

[HP : 76/76 > 79/79

Attack : 55 > 57

Defense : 57 > 59

Sp. Atk : 23 > 24

Sp. Def : 25 > 26

Speed : 27 > 28]

[HP EV : 00

Attack EV : 00 > 02

Defense EV : 00 > 01

Sp. Atk EV : 00

Sp. Def EV : 00

Speed EV : 00 > 06

Total : 000/510 > 009/510]

(EVs are stats boosts gained from defeating wild Pokemon, or from Vitamins.

Each Pokemon can gain a maximum of 510 EVs. They can be removed with special berries.)

[HP IV : 06

Attack IV : 31

Defense IV : 20

Sp. Atk IV : 25

Sp. Def IV : 21

Speed IV : 30

Total : 133/186]

(IVs are stats inherited from a Pokemon's parents which decide their nature proficiency.

They are chosen when the Pokemon is born and can not be changed.

Each IV has a maximum value of 31.)

[Scary Face <Normal> PP: 10/10

Drill Run <Ground> PP: 10/10

Chip Away <Normal> PP: 20/20

Rock Slide <Rock> PP: 10/10

Ability : Lightningrod (Immune to Electric-Type moves, boosts Sp. Attack if hit by one.)]


Information Of <Scary Face> Move

[Scary Face : The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.

Type - Normal, Status

Power : ---

Accuracy : 100

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be reflected by Magic Coat

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Drill Run> Move

[Drill Run : The User crashes into the target while rotating its body like a drill. Critical hits land more easily.

Type - Ground, Physical

Power : 80

Accuracy : 95

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> 12.5% base critical hit chance

> Uses a +1 critical hit ratio

> Makes contact with the foe.

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Chip Away> Move

[Chip Away : Looking for an opening, the user strikes continually. The target's stat changes don't affect this attack's damage.

Type - Normal, Physical

Power : 70

Accuracy : 100

PP : 20

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Makes contact with the foe.

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Information Of <Rock Slide> Move

[Rock Slide : Large boulders are hurled at the opponent team to inflict damage. It may also make the target flinch.

Type - Rock, Physical

Power : 75

Accuracy : 90

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : All Adjacent Foes

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> 30% chance to make the foe Flinch

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]


Abra's Summary

{Image Of Abra}

[PokeDEX : 063

Name : Abra (Psychic)

Nature : Relaxed (+10% Defense, -10% Speed)

Gender : Male

Level - 19

XP : 4,575

To Next Lv. : 885

Item Held - <TwistedSpoon>]

[HP : 42/42

Attack : 15

Defense : 15

Sp. Atk : 48

Sp. Def : 30

Speed : 39]

[HP EV : 00

Attack EV : 00

Defense EV : 00

Sp. Atk EV : 00

Sp. Def EV : 00

Speed EV : 00

Total : 000/510]

(EVs are stats boosts gained from defeating wild Pokemon, or from Vitamins.

Each Pokemon can gain a maximum of 510 EVs. They can be removed with special berries.)

[HP IV : 21

Attack IV : 14

Defense IV : 19

Sp. Atk IV : 17

Sp. Def IV : 24

Speed IV : 28

Total : 123/186]

(IVs are stats inherited from a Pokemon's parents which decide their nature proficiency.

They are chosen when the Pokemon is born and can not be changed.

Each IV has a maximum value of 31.)

[Teleport <Psychic> PP: 20/20

------ PP: 0/0

------ PP: 0/0

------ PP: 0/0

Ability : Synchronize (Passes a Burn, Poison, or Paralysis to the foe.)]


Information Of <Teleport> Move

[Teleport : When used by a Trainer, it switches the user out no matter what. Wild Pokemon may flee instantly. When used out of battle, it will warp you to the last Pokemon Center.

Type - Psychic, Status

Power : ---

Accuracy : ---

PP : 20

Priority : -6

Target : Self]


Load failed, please RETRY

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

Options d'affichage




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  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
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