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94.44% smut collection / Chapter 17: Nympholepsy (Atla)

Chapitre 17: Nympholepsy (Atla)

Summary: "Now, how about a kiss for your daddy? I think I deserve that much. Any other man would have taken that and more."


Fire Lord Ozai acts on his long suppressed desire for his only daughter.

Princess Azula awoke with a start, unknowing of where she was or how she'd gotten there.

She couldn't help the small gasp of surprise that escaped her, quickly taking in her surroundings as any proper soldier would... though she soon calmed herself upon realizing she was in fact still in the palace. In the Fire Lord's chambers, no less, laying in his bed. 

What was going on here? She was rarely allowed in his rooms to begin with, and had certainly never been allowed to sleep in his bed before - had she slept here all of last night? Wait, what time even was it... what day?

She sat up with a feeble groan, finding that her limbs were heavy and she could barely keep her eyes open. Her head felt oddly light though, almost dizzy.

"Father..?" she called out, in confusion, hopeful he was nearby.

And sure enough, Fire Lord Ozai entered from the adjoining sitting room.

"Ah, Azula, you're awake. I was beginning to worry," he said, giving nothing else away.

He approached the bed where his daughter was sitting, wearing nothing save for a thin sleeping robe. Hair down, no make-up, but she looked beautiful like this. Young and innocent… helpless. He eyed her lithe form with a smirk, memorizing every plane and peak.

To his dismay though, she tried to stand up, but he was at least quick to stop her from doing so.

"Don't stand, you'll hurt yourself," he warned, as if scolding a small child.

Azula shivered nervously under her father's gaze, feeling vulnerable and exposed without even really realizing why. She looked away, trying to cover herself with a sheet.

"How did I get here?" she asked him, her voice disturbingly weak and shaky. 

She closed her eyes, trying to remember anything that had happened… but all she could manage were vague, flashing images. 

Her father laughing, raising a goblet of wine. The two of them dancing, her stumbling into his arms. And that was it. Her mind was so foggy still. She swallowed hard before speaking again, her throat dry. 

"I... I don't understand…"

Gently, Ozai pulled the sheet away from Azula and moved to sit down on the bed, uncomfortably close to her. His gaze snagged the curve of her breasts, then set upon her plush lips before speaking. He wanted to kiss her and touch her so badly… but even the great Fire Lord himself could be patient, should the occasion call for it.

"I brought you here myself, so that I could watch over you," he began to explain, trying not to stare at her chest.

"I was worried about you. I'm afraid you had a bit too much to drink last night."

He could only hope she wouldn't see through his lie. Remember that, in fact, she'd had barely half a glass of wine. Smiling softly, he reached out to stroke her soft, black hair and she flinched slightly, clearly not having expected such a gentle touch from him.

"Don't you remember anything?" he asked, trying his best to appear and sound comforting.

Of course, he knew very well that she did not... or at least, he hoped. From everything he had read about that curious little herb procured in secret from a specialty shop within the capital city's seedy underbelly, that was supposed to be the case.

Azula's amber-gold eyes narrowed, scrutinizing her father's expression. Neutral, unwavering. Just what was going on here?

"No, I don't remember much of anything. Only that we were dancing together, I think," she admitted, frustrated with herself for allowing this to happen.

"What time is it?" she then asked.

"It's late. Much too late to send you back to your own rooms."

Her naturally suspicious mind, sharp as ever despite the sluggishness in her body, jumped from one scenario to the next. Was this a test of some kind? A punishment? She didn't know. All she did know, though, was that something didn't feel right. Not just physically but this entire situation was just… off. Still, she didn't try to stand up again. Her father wouldn't hurt her.

Would he?

"Ah, well, no harm done I suppose," Ozai murmured, not truly believing so.

He shook his head in disapproval. Silly girl.

"But you were lucky. Had another man happened upon you in such a state, who knows what he might have done."

He brushed a lock of loose hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"Really, you mustn't be so careless, Azula," he admonished, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him. 

A thoroughly unpleasant chill ran down her spine when he did so, their eyes locking intensely - his were blazing and yet not angry, unlike anything she'd seen in him before.

"Now, how about a kiss for your daddy? I think I deserve that much. Any other man would have taken that and more."

A… kiss?! 

The young princess took a calming breath and tried to collect herself, knowing fully well that refusing her father's strange request would only bring her punishment and pain. She leaned in slowly and pressed her trembling lips against his in an awkward, chaste kiss, her inexperience making itself known. And as soon as she reasonably could, she pulled away. Stunned, she looked at the wall behind him, not wanting to make eye contact anymore.

Ozai laughed and licked his lips, savoring her taste on them.

"You call that a kiss?" he teased. "I don't think so, let me show you how it's done."

Roughly, he seized her by the shoulders and forced his mouth on hers. Even though she didn't outwardly protest, he could feel how stiff and unwilling her body was.

Well, not for long, he thought, smugly. 

Soon enough, he'd have her begging for all that he wished to do with her. He was sure of it.

Ozai groaned into the kiss, the vibrations tingling both of their lips as his tongue pushed forward inside of her mouth, wagging eagerly against hers. He kissed her deeply, holding her close to him, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her jasmine perfume.

He wanted more. He couldn't help himself. Moving to lay down on top of her, he trapped her underneath him as his hands roamed her small, soft body despite her fruitless squirming. After a few moments, he broke the kiss, wanting to laugh again at the look on her face. Why, she was positively scandalized! As if she hadn't secretly been wanting this the entire time… he knew very well that was the case, even though she'd probably deny it.

"Very good," he complimented.

Azula didn't speak. She still just squirmed again beneath her father's weight, trying to free herself from his grasp. He didn't give her an inch, but still she kept trying to resist, even as part of her, a dark part that she usually kept hidden deep inside, quelled with excitement… enjoyment at being treated so roughly, and him just taking what he wanted.

No! No, she can't be enjoying this. He's her father, it isn't right for him to kiss her like that. The princess shamed herself, her body and mind in disagreement, turmoil even.

"Father…" she panted, eager, fearful, and ashamed all at once.

Ozai smiled down at his daughter. What a sweet and innocent little thing she was. So afraid of her own natural urges and desires.

"Haven't you kissed a boy before - or a man?" he asked, knowing the answer already.

She quickly shook her head.

"Good... then no one has ever touched you like this, I take it?" he pried further, as his hands crept up to cup her breasts.

He marveled at how firm they felt in his hands, how perfect. He squeezed them, making her squeak and gasp in surprise.

Azula's entire body stiffened as her father groped her breasts, her nipples hardening instantly. She trembled beneath him, her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.

Why was her body reacting like this? She didn't understand.

"No, no one's touched me," she replied truthfully, frozen in fear.

Fear of him, but more so of her own weakness. She was letting him do this. She wasn't saying no, or trying to stop him. This wasn't right… none of this was right... but despite that, she couldn't deny the heat pooling between her legs, the throbbing need building deep within her.

When his hands moved to untie the sash around her waist though, she jumped, gasping audibly once more.

"Daddy?" she questioned, reverting to her childhood name for him.

Perhaps to make herself seem less threatening, to remind him that she was his daughter and he shouldn't be touching her like this.

"I-I think we should stop now," she protested, meekly, her small hands fighting uselessly against his superior strength.

"And I think you should stop fighting me, Azula," Ozai commanded, his voice and face hardened and without humor.

Not that she even really could fight him, as her bending was either gone or severely weakened... a secondary, most desirable effect of the herb he'd slipped her last night. The fact that she was so vulnerable stirred something primal within him. She couldn't stop him even if she wanted to, and oh, how absolutely delectable the thought of that was.

He grinned wolfishly, feeling the blood rush to his quickly hardening cock as he finally managed to untie her sash.

"Besides, we both know you want this," he further insisted, ripping open her robe to expose her naked little tits.


Immediately, she tried to cover herself, but he grabbed her arms and pinned them above either side of her head, enjoying the resulting struggle far too much. He watched in awe as she flailed against his firm grip, only managing to make her tits jiggle deliciously.

Her chest now completely bare beneath his hungry gaze, Azula's heart was pounding wildly, each beat seeming to echo in her ears. Her brain went into survival mode, trying to find some sort of escape route, some way to make this stop… make him stop. But there was no way out, not while he had her trapped beneath his powerful, much larger frame.

Even still, she struggled against him, but it was futile. His grip was ironclad, unyielding. And the more she fought, the harder her nipples became, poking out towards him invitingly. They were begging to be sucked.

Despite herself, despite everything she knew was wrong about this situation, adrenaline along with a sick thrill of anticipation coursed through her, making her stomach twinge. It scared her... how could she possibly feel anything but disgust? What was wrong with her?!

Ozai watched his daughter struggle for just another moment, content and smirking triumphantly.

"You can try to resist me all you like, my little Azula. I won't stop even if you beg me," he declared, the sight of her bare, bouncing breasts and hard little nipples filling him with intense sexual hunger.

He'd always loved girls' breasts, especially ones as cute and perky as hers. Unable to resist any longer, he lowered his face to her left breast, capturing an erect, pink bud between his lips and sucking it hard.

Azula couldn't hold back a strangled cry as her sensitive nipple was unwillingly suctioned into her father's warm, wet mouth. She writhed beneath him, her hips bucking involuntarily. Her body betraying her, she responded eagerly, and vocally, to his sinful ministrations. Her privates started to feel tingly as he suckled her, and muscles she didn't even know she had tightened inside of her. Moan after moan escaped past her lips. Her body craved more, forcing her to arch her back and spread her legs apart, only to be plagued by guilt.

This wasn't right, she shouldn't be encouraging this... but it shouldn't feel as good as it did.

"Daddy... s-stop…" she whimpered, unsure of whether or not she truly wanted that to happen.

Unsurprisingly, he didn't stop. If anything, he only suckled her more fervently.

Every little suction sent jolts of sweet, guilty pleasure straight to Azula's core. She squealed and arched her back even more, as if offering the whole of her chest to him. Never had she imagined his mouth on her nipple would feel like this, much less that this was something people even did. 

Her hands jerked uselessly within her father's grasp, reminding her just how powerless she truly was against him… this wasn't her fault, right? She'd told him to stop. 

The princess felt an odd sense of relief wash over her, though it was short-lived. Replaced by disappointment and subsequent shame when the Fire Lord released her nipple from his mouth with an audible pop... only to blow on it and smile down at her infuriatingly.

"That feel good, baby?" he asked.

She bit back a moan, determined not to answer, not to give him the satisfaction. He kept on doing it anyway. Kept on blowing cold air on her hard, wet nipple until it ached, then he was swirling his tongue all over it, giving her his warmth. She whimpered softly, and she could have sworn she felt him grin against her. Her private place tingled even more intensely as his hot tongue lapped away, craving it.

She felt so pathetic. She knew this was vulgar and wrong, and here she was just letting it happen.

"Please... Daddy, please stop this," she begged again, although the desperation in her voice and frantic twitches of her hips didn't at all match her words.

The Fire Lord laughed at his daughter's plea, the vibrations tickling the breast pressed against his lips and making its owner squirm.

"You don't want me to stop," he said, before closing his mouth around her nipple once more.

He suckled eagerly, drawing all manner of desperate, needy whimpers and keening sounds from the small girl pinned beneath him, who still tried to free herself. She was so cute struggling against him like this, trying to convince herself she wasn't enjoying it… but he knew the truth.

He gripped her slender wrists even tighter, growling around her nipple as he drew it between his teeth. Scraping, gnawing, even tugging slightly - just enough to cause a little sting of pain but not enough to make the sensation unpleasant. Then his teeth clamped down and pulled hard, drawing the most delicious little sound from her, before letting the nipple go so that he could move onto the other one. 

They'd be sore by the time he was done with them, and Ozai could only laugh to himself at the thought of Azula rubbing her sore little nipples in bed next to him, clenching her thighs at the memory of his skilled mouth.

A strangled gasp cut through the room, and his thoughts, as he bit down on his daughter's nipple. Pain and pleasure intertwined within her, shooting straight to her center. Her hips jerked upwards instinctively, grinding against nothing as she groaned and clenched her fists, her own sharp nails digging into her palms.


Her privates throbbed with a strange, desperate need, silently begging for his attention. The sensation was overwhelming, confusing, and downright terrifying to the young, inexperienced princess. Even though her mind was screaming in protest, her body wouldn't let itself be denied what it obviously wanted, leaving her perfectly pliant and defenseless beneath the all powerful Fire Lord.

And, oh, how he took advantage of that. Ozai had his fill of his daughter's tits for what seemed like forever. Kissing, nuzzling, and nipping at them… sucking, licking, and biting her tender nipples... before finally pulling away from her chest entirely, to admire his handiwork.

Azula's tits were covered in his saliva. Her nipples were red, aching points. Almost as red as her face.

He chuckled darkly, finally letting one of her wrists go, though she hardly even seemed to register that. His free hand trailed down her neck, in between her perfect breasts... her flat stomach... stopping just above the waistband of her satin panties.

Azula lurched, instinctively snapping her legs shut.


"Be quiet, be a good girl," he cut her off, sternly, wrenching her legs open once more to his liking.

Azula started to cry as her father spread her legs wide, leaving her almost completely exposed to him. Only a thin strip of silky fabric was protecting whatever was left of her modesty. Modesty, which, she was desperate to keep.

She thrashed wildly, trying to close her legs again, but his grip was much too strong.

And between them, she was throbbing with unfulfilled desire, aching for release. Never had she felt anything quite like this before. She didn't know what to do.

"Please, Daddy... please stop," she whimpered as fresh, hot tears streamed down her cheeks.

She just wanted this to be over.

However, her tears only served to fuel the Fire Lord's perverse lust, his cock pulsing with excitement at the sight of her crying face and the sound of her sweet little pleas. He had to wonder if perhaps she was well aware of the effect such things had on him... but if not, he knew she wanted this. The wet spot staining her panties, revealing her true desires, was all the proof he needed.

"Shhhh," he soothed, slipping his hand into them despite her protests. 

"You'll enjoy this," he promised.

To Ozai's delight, she was slick and hot to the touch. His fingers were able to slide around so easily, gliding up and down her slit and teasing her entrance.

"Mm, you are awfully wet for someone who supposedly doesn't want it…" 

He dipped a finger inside of her, experimentally, and was met with no resistance. 

"...fuck, Azula, you're soaked. Your little cunt just sucked me right in."

Her face burned with shame at her father's dirty words, but instead of causing her to recoil, they seemed to have the opposite effect. She cried out, her insides clenching tightly around his invading finger, as if begging for more. Her hips bucked upward, seeking friction against the probing digit.

"No! Stop!" she yelped, but there was no conviction behind her words anymore.

Ozai smirked at his daughter's futile attempts to resist, his finger curling inside of her tight, virgin pussy, quickly finding just the right spot to make her shiver and moan confusedly.

"Oh, you like this. Your pussy tells me all I need to know," he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance and satisfaction.

His thumb moved to her clit, rubbing circles around the sensitive bud while his finger continued to pump in and out of her soaked hole.

"Such a nice, tight little cunt... it's going to feel so good when I fuck you," he growled, already imagining how amazing it would feel to rip through her maidenhead with his thick, veiny cock, claiming it for himself.

Other men would kill for the privilege of deflowering the princess, but he wouldn't let that happen. She was his. No one else would ever touch her.


A sharp cry tore itself from Azula's throat as her father's thumb began circling what she had only known was a small, hard bump, and she very abruptly discovered what that part of her was for.

The passionate assault sent her spiraling into an abyss of confusion and sheer bliss. Her thoughts raced at his touch, desperately trying to understand why she craved more of it, why his degrading words and treatment excited her so, rather than horrifying her as they should. But soon enough, any modicum of coherent thought was lost, the new and exhilarating sensations overtaking her.

"Stop... please," she whimpered in a last ditch attempt not to completely lose control, but her body acted in such direct opposition to her words that it was almost comical.

She bucked and ground against his big hand, seeking more contact, more stimulation.

Ozai could of course tell that his daughter's resolve was waning, her body betraying her, surrendering to his skill and experience. Mercilessly, he increased the pressure on her clit, making sure to rub it exactly the way she needed.

"You see? I know everything there is to know about pleasing a woman, and you're loving every second of this," he told her, pumping his finger faster inside of her as she continued to grind against him, and make the most positively undignified sounds. 

"Do you even hear yourself? You're moaning like a whore, Azula."

Certain she wouldn't dare try to escape him now, his other hand finally released the wrist he'd been holding down this entire time, so that he could play with her tits as he finger fucked her.

Azula's breathing came in ragged gasps, each one punctuated by a low, full-bodied moan indeed. Her father's crude comments only added fuel to the fire burning within her, pushing her closer to the edge of utter depravity.

She jerked and twisted beneath him, trying to push him off her now that her arms were free, but he was so much larger and stronger, and her lower body was working against her, her hips bucking and thrusting up to meet his hand. 

"Stop... please, Daddy. This is wrong, I'm your daughter - please!" she pleaded, but her voice lacked conviction now, too, failing even to persuade herself of that as she arched into his touch even further.

Deep down, she knew she didn't really want him to stop. Perhaps she had at first but now? Now her body needed this.

Ozai laughed at his daughter's increasingly pathetic pleas, her continued attempts to resist only serving to stoke his arousal further. 

"Yes, you are my daughter and yet here we are," he purred, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

Carefully, he pushed a second finger inside of her, and while it didn't slide in quite as easily as the first one had, he managed. As soon as she accepted the added girth, he quickened the pace of his fingers, thrusting them deeper into her tight, quivering pussy as it clamped down instinctively.

"Your words can lie, Azula, but your body can't. And right now, it's telling me you're enjoying this, just as I said you would…"

He pinched her nipple roughly between his thumb and forefinger, twisting it cruelly as he kept on fucking her with his fingers.

"...do you want Daddy to make you cum?" he rasped, positively salivating at the suggestion.

Her nipples were hard again due to his roughness, pinching and twisting them one after the other repeatedly as she writhed beneath him, his skilled fingers still working steadily down below. They tore a scream from her, which spoke nothing of her inner turmoil.

Inside of the normally powerful and confident princess was fear, along with an overwhelming desire to kick her father away and make a run for it, battling against her desperate need for some sort of relief. Relief, she knew, only he could provide her with.

"No... No... Please…" she whispered, but her words trailed off into a series of mewling noises.

She was entirely at his mercy.

"Azula, haven't I taught you better than to lie to Daddy?" Ozai scolded, beginning to sound winded himself.

His cock was painfully hard, dripping precum and straining against the thick fabric of his heavy, formal robes. How he ached to be inside of her. He could stop right now, he thought, give her nothing and simply take his pleasure… but she looked so beautiful that he just couldn't deny her (not that he'd tell her as much).

Abruptly, his hand stilled and almost immediately, she whined and bucked against him in frustration.

"Ask nicely, Dear, and perhaps I'll give you what you need."

The unexpected and sudden halt of his movements left Azula frustrated like never before. She'd asked him to stop so many times and now that he actually had, she didn't know what to do with herself. She just whimpered and squirmed beneath him, desperate for something - anything - to relieve the unbearable, painful tension coiled tightly within her.

"Daddy... please…" she begged, softly, her bottom lip trembling.

Biting down on it hard enough to draw blood, she tried to distract herself, to hold back the tears threatening to spill over. But it did little to help, she was too far gone. She couldn't even think straight, couldn't focus on anything besides the stabbing ache in between her thighs.

"Hmmm," Ozai muttered, in mock consideration.

He swiped his thumb over her swollen clit, eliciting a sharp gasp. Once, twice... then he stopped again.

"I think you can do better than that, Azula."

"Oh, fuck... Daddy... please!" she cried out, her voice cracking.

She was humiliated and yet her hips were still moving, seeking friction, needing something to ease that relentless ache. More tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

Ozai's heart raced with delight at the sound of that voice, at the sight of her reduced to such a state. Teary-eyed, red-faced, and begging for release, utterly stripped of her famous pride. And to think, just moments ago she'd been begging him to stop. 

"Say it properly, darling," he instructed, giving her clit a particularly harsh pinch, which made her cry out, and made his cock throb.

"What do you want, Azula? Tell Daddy exactly what you need."

She let out a choked sob when he pinched her clit once more, yet she forced herself to speak.

"I…" What was that word he used? "...I want you to make me cum, Daddy."

She hated admitting it, hated showing weakness like this, but there was no denying the truth anymore. She needed him to keep touching her, to satiate the burning desire deep inside of her so that she could finally find release.

"Please! Please, Daddy!" she continued to beg.

That's more like it, Ozai thought to himself, an unbearably smug smirk spreading across his face.

With renewed vigor, he resumed, pumping his fingers in and out of Azula's soaked cunt with a steady rhythm designed to drive her wild as his thumb returned to her clit, rubbing it furiously in tandem.

"There's a good girl," he praised, his voice low and husky. 

"Daddy's going to make sure you cum so hard you forget why you ever tried to resist him in the first place."

His own arousal spiked at the thought of fucking her, of filling her up with his seed. 

Moaning happily, Azula arched her back off the bed, her hands gripping the sheets. With every passing second, her moans grew louder and more desperate, echoing throughout the room as she lost control of her own body, and suddenly she was gasping for air.

"Ah! Ah! Oh, Daddy, yes!" she screamed, between labored panting breaths, her hips bucking wildly. 

"Don't... D-Don't stop-!"

Her words were cut off abruptly as a wave of white-hot ecstasy struck like electricity. She trembled violently beneath her father, her vision blurring. The place he was rubbing felt like it was on fire as the intense pressure and tension that had been building up in her body ever since that first kiss was released all at once, making her insides clench and quiver around those big fingers.

Ozai watched her come undone, letting out a deep chuckle filled with self-assured smugness. To see his daughter, the ever-perfect princess, lose control like this... it was simply intoxicating. He couldn't look away, transfixed by the sight of her pretty eyes rolling back into her head and her cute little tits bouncing as she convulsed with orgasmic force. She was irresistible, compelling him to generously prolong her pleasure for as long as possible.

Were he not already fighting a war, he'd start one for Azula, as would any man if they could only see her like this.

Only once he was sure she was finished did he start to slow, then he pulled his hand away from her wet folds entirely, bringing his fingers up to his mouth. He licked them clean, tasting her sweet pussy. 

He then leaned forward to press a firm kiss onto her forehead.

"There you go, little one. You needed that, didn't you?"

But even as he spoke, he knew he wasn't finished with her yet. Not by a long shot... even if she didn't know it yet.

Gasping for breath, Azula lay spent atop the bed, her body slick with sweat and trembling slightly. Her release had left her disoriented, unable to fully comprehend what was happening around her. Everything seemed to slow, a thick haze of warmth and relief overtaking her, lulling her into dizzy relaxation.

"That... that was incredible," she gushed, her honey-colored eyes fluttering open lazily to gaze up at the man who had made her feel all of that. 

"Thank you, Daddy."

"You're very welcome, sweet girl."

He kissed her on the lips, then suddenly, the shame washed over her. What had they... what had she just done?! Her own father... she'd let him…

Cold fingers of dread clutched at every fiber of her being.


Ozai's brow furrowed, perturbed at Azula's sudden change of demeanor. Just seconds ago, she looked so happy she could die and now she looked... ashamed of herself and what they had done, disgusted even.

Well, she was still a virgin, he reminded himself.

It was normal for an inexperienced girl such as her to feel ashamed of her body's natural reaction, and not know what to do with it. Just as well, he resolved. He'd teach her everything, he'd be her first.

"You don't need to be embarrassed," he soothed, tenderly stroking her cheek and peering into her eyes, which were brimming with tears and emotion. 

"Your body did exactly what it's supposed to do, and we both enjoyed ourselves. There's nothing wrong with it. Pleasure is a beautiful and natural thing, Azula."

The princess looked away, her cheeks burning bright red under his touch. 

She was so profoundly conflicted... of course, she wanted to believe him. She wanted to accept what he'd said about pleasure being natural and beautiful, but she'd always been told otherwise. That this kind of behavior was reserved for common whores, not royalty.

"But I'm a princess," she murmured, almost to herself. 

"And...  you're my father…"

Despite everything that happened tonight, despite how good it felt, Azula couldn't shake away the guilt and shame, the ever-present voice in her head telling her that they had done something wrong. Something they could never take back.

Ozai, however, was unaffected by any negative feelings or regrets. To him, it was indeed the most natural thing in the world. He was a man, and men had needs. She was a beautiful girl with needs of her own.

"Come now, my dear, you don't truly believe that princesses are above such things, do you?" he asked, incredulously. 

"That you're never supposed to experience sexual pleasure? That you should just lie back and think of your duties to the Fire Nation, pretend you don't enjoy it - or worse, not even try to? Suffer through passionless intercourse for the purpose of making heirs, squeeze them out one after another... is this what Lo and Li told you?"

Azula nodded her head, affirming his suspicions about the old crones. 

Ozai scoffed in disgust. How awful it was that they'd made her believe these lies.

"As for me being your father…" he continued.

"What's so wrong about that, hm? Am I not the Fire Lord? Does my word alone not dictate what is right and what is wrong? I say it's not wrong at all. In fact, it's better, even. You love and trust me, and I treasure you as my daughter and heir. I want to show my affection, I want to make you feel good. Not like other men, other men would only want to use a pretty girl like you for their own selfish pleasure."

Perhaps, he was trying to convince himself of all of that more so than his daughter, though she seemed accepting of his explanation… or so he thought.

In truth, Azula was still slightly torn between what she'd been told her entire life and what he'd just made her feel. But she trusted him, more than anyone else in the world. Certainly more than she trusted those wenches, Li and Lo. What's more, she could find no flaws in her daddy's logic.

"You're right," she conceded, her anxieties abated, dissipating as quickly as they had come on.

Though, when she realized he was trying to pull down her underwear, she felt her stomach lurch. And for the second time that night, she snapped her legs closed.

"Wait! What are you doing, Daddy? she asked, bewildered.

Ozai smirked, amused by his daughter's confusion. He wasn't used to seeing her flustered or unsure, but he liked it. 

"I thought you understood," he said, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm going to take care of you, Azula. I'm going to make sure you feel really good, even better than when I used my hand... and this time, it'll feel nice for Daddy, too."

He leaned in closer, placing a gentle kiss on her neck while tugging harder at her panties. His large hands easily overpowered her resistance, ripping the useless garment away from her.

"Now, lie back and relax. Let me show you," he instructed, his voice commanding yet soft and seductive as he pushed her thighs open. 

He couldn't help but to stare... it was such a pretty little cunt. All pink and perfect and smooth, glistening with wetness. Admiring her openly, he hurriedly removed his own clothes, nearly breathing a sigh of relief when his throbbing, hard cock met the open air. Smiling, he moved the girl's legs apart just a bit more as he settled between them, beginning to guide himself toward her wanting, wet folds.

A blush spread across Azula's face as she allowed it without question, her cheeks growing hotter with each passing moment. Her stomach twisted in nervous knots… why was she so nervous, and blushing so furiously? Was it because she was baring herself to her father, letting him see the most intimate part of her? Or was it just because she was excited? She could feel that excitement pooling between her legs again, eagerly awaiting what was to happen next.

Then he started nudging something hard against her special place, and those feelings were replaced by fear and uncertainty. 

This was real! He was actually going to put his thing inside of her. She maneuvered herself to get a look at it… Agni, it was huge! So long and thick and aggressive looking, surely it would be painful. If he could even force it in at all, that is.

"Daddy! I-I don't think it'll fit!" she exclaimed, instinctively clenching her thighs, only to realize she was trapped as the bed sank in around her and she felt his weight on top of her.

There was nowhere to go, no escape. She was completely exposed and vulnerable, terrified even… yet she could feel her own arousal dripping, and an uncanny urge to have something inside her again.

"Of course it will fit, Azula. I promise. Your body is made for this," he assured her, breaching her entrance with the very tip of his cock and then pausing, briefly.

And if it doesn't, I'll make it fit. 

With a firm grip on her hips, he slowly began to push himself forward, groaning as he stretched her tiny, virgin cunt around his massive girth. She cried out in pain, and he stopped again, allowing her to adjust to his size before continuing to press in deeper.

"It's alright, sweetheart," he cooed, leaning down to kiss along her jawline and neck, his breath sickly warm, even against her flushed skin. 

"Just relax, don't tense up. It only hurts for a moment."

The sensation of her almost impossibly hot and tight pussy gripping onto him, squeezing and milking him as he pushed further inside her, almost made him lose it right there, not even thirty seconds in. Fuck, she was amazing. He could already tell this was going to be better than he'd ever imagined.

"There, you see? You take me so well, my perfect Azula…" he purred, once he was as far in as he could possibly be.

"...Daddy's perfect little girl."

Azula managed a smile, his praise distracting her slightly from the pain of his invasion. And while that pain was intense, it was overshadowed by the warmth fluttering in her belly and the satisfaction of feeling full down below. Completely full, stretching her so wide she could hardly believe it.

She winced and inhaled sharply, digging her nails into his forearms as she tried to adjust to him. But when he started to actually move, she tensed up anyway despite his warnings, causing him to groan in response. It was like her body was trying to hurt itself, tightening and clenching around his big man part instead of relaxing, and the more panicked and uncomfortable she became, the worse it seemed to get.

"It still hurts," she whined, her eyes welling up with tears once more. "Why does it hurt so much?"

Ozai grunted in frustration, his golden eyes flashing dangerously with impatience.

"Because you're not trying hard enough to relax!" he growled, his hands moving to grasp her hips tighter. "Now do as I say. You're making it difficult for both of us."

He pulled out slightly before shoving back in with a deep, controlled thrust, moaning at the sensation of her cunt squeezing and contracting around his cock, struggling to accommodate his size... only then he realized she was crying again. The sight of her tears irritated him, made him want to pound into her as hard as he could while she sobbed and pleaded for mercy.

Azula's tears and sobs flowed freely as her father continued to thrust into her viciously. She couldn't help it. It was the worst pain she'd ever felt in her life, and all she knew how to do was cry.

"It... it really hurts!" she complained, her voice trembling. 

He didn't seem to care.

"Something's wrong! Please, Daddy... please stop! Take it out!"

Her legs started shaking, unable to hold up under the assault. She tried to close them, to protect herself, but he held them open firmly, forcing his way even deeper inside of her.

"Fuck!" Ozai snarled.

For as much as he wanted to continue at his brutal pace, as absolutely heavenly as it felt to be ravishing her tight pussy... there was a twinge of guilt on his part, something he was wholly unused to but couldn't ignore. He was hurting Azula, badly. She was sobbing and shaking, her eyes screwed shut tightly.

Concerned, he retracted most of the way, and looked down to see that his cock was streaked with fresh blood... Azula's blood. How could he treat her like this? She'd done nothing to deserve such callousness. 

The Fire Lord took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. 

It was her first time. His Azula, his precious princess. She was not a broodmare to be broken in and ridden; she was a thing of beauty, to be worshiped. To make love to, not just fuck.


He stilled inside of her again, drawing himself downward to kiss away her tears.

"Shhh, baby, Daddy's sorry," he said, trying to comfort her. "You just feel so good that I got carried away."

It wasn't a lie. She felt perfect around his cock, like she was made for him.

"Just breathe... fight your way through the pain…" he instructed, reaching down where their bodies joined to stroke her clit, in an attempt to distract her from any unpleasantness.

"I… can't…" she hissed, with her teeth clenched, her nails almost piercing his skin.

Azula feared she'd be reprimanded, or worse that he'd keep hurting her, but instead he just looked down at her tenderly, and remained unmoving.

"You can, you're Daddy's brave little girl," he encouraged.

Smiling warmly, he kept rubbing at her special spot. It felt nice, nice enough that she was able to release some of the tension in her limbs and stop crying. She sniffled, then took a deep breath, her heart rate slowing back to normal.

"That's it, good girl. I didn't mean to hurt you, you know that," he said, lulling her into a peaceful state, assured he would be gentle from there on out.

And indeed he was when he sheathed himself within her once more, slowly and carefully, the walls of her cunt beginning to relax and accept what he was giving her. Fuck, she felt so nice and warm and wet but for her sake, he held back, just rocking his hips as he played with her clit, earning soft moans.

"Does it feel alright?" he asked, reaching up to fondle a breast.

Azula nodded, sighing passionately as his thumb brushed over her nipple.

Ozai was pleased when it hardened under his practiced touch, and she looked up at him with glassy eyes.

"You know, you're even more beautiful when you're helpless like this," he told her, then he went in for a kiss.

Her lips trembled against his, and he felt her soft little hands grip his shoulders for support. Moaning into their kiss, he started to move in slow, almost circular strokes. And this time, she wasn't tensing. No, she was enjoying herself, arching into him as her muffled whimpers vibrated his mouth.

While it still hurt a little, the pain had mostly subsided, retreating further and further as his fingers tickled her most sensitive place. It throbbed and tingled in response, edging her closer to the same kind of release she had felt just minutes earlier.

But more than anything, Azula only wanted to please her father. Things were easier when he was content and besides, she so loved his attention and praise. For him, she would endure anything, even this. Not that it was unpleasant, not anymore at least, it just wasn't something she was certain she wanted. There really was no coming back from this.

She wasn't stupid.

They were making love. 

A father and daughter, not a married couple. And now, she was ruined for marriage. Always, she'd been told she must remain a maiden until her wedding night, giving herself over to her husband, and only her husband.

Instead her own father had taken her virtue… and it was her fault.

Sure, she might have told him no, but he was right. She liked it. She liked his kiss, his touch. The way he suckled at her breasts, the way he'd used his fingers on her until she screamed and saw stars, and all the while, her body had done nothing to discourage him. Even now, she felt herself clenching around his thick member, as if to keep it inside her forever.

A low, throaty moan left her mouth and was swallowed by his, just before he pulled away, breaking their kiss.

"Daddy…" she panted, breathless.

He chuckled softly, grabbing at her breast again while he continued to pump his hips, his motions gentle and fluid, but they were also deep strokes that stimulated all the right spots.

"See? You like this, too, Azula, don't you?" he asked, eager, her sweet little moans spurring him on.

"Yes, Daddy," Azula answered, obediently. "Yes, I like it."

Ozai grinned, still toying with her clit as he fucked her. He knew she was close. Her tight inner walls were contracting wildly around his cock as she gasped for air in between moans and whimpers. 

"You like Daddy's big cock filling and stretching your little cunt?" he growled, with a firm pinch to her erect nipple.

"Nnnngh! Yes, Daddy!" she cried, wrapping her legs around him in desperation.

She even began to move along with him and match his thrusts, bucking and grinding, trying to extract every possible ounce of pleasure from the encounter.

"All along, I knew there was a slut in you…" He laughed, slightly increasing the speed and intensity of his thrusts, but making sure to keep the pressure on her clit. "...I can always tell. You try so hard to be a proper princess, but your true nature is winning out- ahhhhh…"

He trailed off into a low, drawn out moan of his own, an orgasm tugging at his balls, firm and heavy as they slapped against her soft flesh. He wouldn't last much longer, not with the way Azula's cunt was squeezing him, so tight and hot, like pure ecstasy and velvet wrapped around his rock-hard cock… the sounds she made, the way her tits bounced… he watched them, mesmerized as his hips snapped.

"Oh! Daddy!"

His daughter threw her head back against the pillows, clawing at his back and shoulders. Her entire body jerked and spasmed as she lost control and…

"That's it, baby," he encouraged, his voice a lusty, baritone purr. "Cum for Daddy."

He stroked her clit faster, pressed it harder, until she was screaming and writhing underneath him, her cunt pulsing in orgasm.

This time around was even more intense for Azula. The sensations caused her vision to darken, her mind to go blank. As she helplessly quivered on top of the luxurious bed, every nerve and muscle in her body was alight, tingling with sinfully delicious warmth and excitement, and ever present was the feeling of her insides clamping down around her father's hardness.

It wasn't until after she came down from her high that she realized she'd broken skin with her fingernails, her father's blood flowing in tiny red rivers down his strong arms. 

"I-I'm sorry, Daddy!" she apologized, in shock, taking her hands off him.

Oddly, he didn't even seem to notice anything was amiss. 

He just grunted and pulled out of her, in one swift motion.

"Hold still," he ordered, as he suddenly grabbed her and flipped her over onto her stomach, pressing her face and tits into the bed.

There was no time for her to even react before he tore her open robe all the way off, then took hold of her hips and guided them upward to penetrate her prone form. Groaning, he plunged headlong inside her with a quick, harsh thrust as she bit back a scream.

"Daddy! It hurts!" she complained, raw and sore from his earlier rough treatment.

"Shh. I know, princess, I know," Ozai said, trying to calm her, one hand reaching forward to pet her hair as the other dug into her hip tighter, to use it as leverage. 

"Just... a little longer… you can do it…" he rasped, between thrusts.

Somehow, she felt even better in this position, even tighter. He wouldn't have thought that was possible were he not experiencing it, but here he was fucking a princess, in a positively degrading manner no less. Slamming into her royal cunt from behind, ruining her for any other man… and she was just letting him.

"Not even pretending to fight me anymore?" he taunted, watching her ass jiggle with every thrust.

"You love this, you want this… you wanted it all along…"

Before long, her little cries of pain had him on the brink of orgasm, his body urging him to take her harder, faster, pull on her hair.

"Agh!" she yelped.

"You're mine, Azula - mine!" he declared, his other hand holding her firmly in place. "And now you'll bear me a child so that everyone else will know who you belong to!"

"No! Daddy, please don't!" his daughter tried to protest, but it was already too late.

With a final, powerful thrust, Ozai came, pumping Azula's fertile little body full of his seed - the very same seed that had made her and would now impregnate her with a brother or sister. Yes, he'd just sired a child, he could feel it in his very bones… and whether Azula liked it or not, this was the beginning of a mighty dynasty, one that history would remember forever.

Panting heavily, he remained inside of her as he moved to whisper in her ear.

"Mine," he said again, his voice harsh and possessive, leaving no room for argument.

Azula was left reeling, barely even able to process what had just happened. She could still feel him there, and yet she couldn't fully believe it. Her own father had stripped her bare, held her down, and made love to her. Worse than that, she'd enjoyed it (mostly, anyway). And as if this all wasn't insane enough of its own accord, she was to be a mother?! At her age, having only just outgrown her own nursemaids a mere three years ago? Fourteen, and unmarried? 

She wasn't ready for this… it was all wrong. What shame this would bring to the royal family, to her. Who would fear her now? Who would even respect her? How could she face people with a swollen belly, the undeniable proof that she'd lain with a man, but had no husband?

She felt stupid. She should have stopped all of this from the very beginning but instead she'd just given into the pleasure, allowed herself to be weak. It was her fault. And now, she was going to pay the price.

"I… I can't do this, Daddy. I'm not ready, I'm supposed to be grown-up and married, not-"

"Hush, Azula. Of course you're ready," he cut her off with tender reassurance, finally decoupling himself from her, albeit with some difficulty. 

It was as if her body was trying to stop him, her tight pussy clenching almost painfully around his length, fighting against the retracting motion.

"You may be young but you are a prodigy in all things. And my seed is strong and virile - it will ensure healthy offspring."

Once he'd pulled out, he stopped to admire the sight of his daughter's spread-open cunt, freshly fucked and filled to the brim with his release. The milky, off-white fluid practically gushed out of her, mixing with tinges of rust-colored blood, soiling the sheets below… and what a beautiful sight that was.

That is until Azula collapsed onto her stomach, crying softly into the pillows.

Thankfully for her though, the Fire Lord was not entirely devoid of fatherly instincts. Feeling a surge of protectiveness, a need to comfort his only daughter and keep her safe, Ozai laid down next to her and pulled her close. She welcomed the embrace, turning on her side to face him as he wrapped his arms around her.

"This is your duty, Azula. Your duty to me, to our nation. As both my heir, and a princess - you have a royal womb, and squandering such a gift is tantamount to spitting on the memory of our ancestors. Don't you understand?"

She sniffled, trying to regain her composure.

"I understand but…"

He looked into her tear-filled eyes and smiled.

"Don't be afraid. I'll be there every step of the way…"

He brought a hand down to her flat stomach, rubbing it lovingly.

"...for both of you. As for being married, though, that is unnecessary. I am the Fire Lord, and you are my daughter. That makes you beyond reproach. Anyone who dares to question you shall be executed for treason."

"Yes, Daddy," she answered.

But Ozai wasn't daft. He could tell she was unhappy, and the reason why was fairly obvious. Simply put, it was different for her. Her virginity, her most precious attribute, was now gone. She would physically bear the proof of their scandalous coupling, without a husband to stand by her, subject to shame and judgment… it would be dishonorable of him to allow that, he decided.

"If a husband is truly what you want, consider yourself betrothed to me. You won't just be my heir, you'll be my Fire Lady. We will not hide our child's parentage, we will celebrate it - as the entire nation will celebrate our union."

There was a long, silent pause as he waited for her reply, though he soon realized he wasn't going to get one. His selfless declaration had left her speechless, in awe of the fact that he had just bestowed upon her everything she could possibly want.

"And do you know what else that means? I'm going to fuck you every night, Azula- No, any time we want! And any where we want. Now, how does that sound?"

"It sounds perfect," Azula answered, and it did despite the odd sense of gloom hanging over her head, like a black cloud.

While she loved her father very much, this was all happening so fast, and now she was beginning to realize just how powerless she truly was to stop any of it… just as, perhaps, she'd been powerless to stop him from putting his hands on her in the first place.

"We should have done this a long time ago, we both wanted it for so long…"

Then she felt something hot and hard poking her, and she was almost in disbelief. 

"And now that I know how fucking perfect you feel around my cock, I have to have you again."

Without another word, he pinned her down and forced her legs apart. Only this time, she didn't try to fight him, even a little. She just laid back and let it happen.

"Fuck… Azula… Daddy loves you so much…" he panted against her breasts as he cupped them in his hands and leaned down to kiss them.

Down below, he positioned himself at her entrance. Then, slowly, he slid inside of her, her body instantly accepting him as his lips trailed across her sensitive flesh, stopping at a hardened nipple and sucking it into his warm, waiting mouth.

Azula moaned at the fullness of him, amazed to find it didn't hurt nearly as much as she'd been expecting… or even at all, really. There was only a faint, almost pleasant soreness. And while his thrusts were deep and powerful, he was also gentle. Passionate. She hated that it felt good. 

How could it feel so good if she truly didn't like and want it?

They locked eyes, bright amber meeting fiery gold.

"I love you, too, Daddy."

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