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100% Highschool of the Dead: An Isekai's Tale / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Down Bad for Zombie Booty???

Chapitre 3: Chapter 3: Down Bad for Zombie Booty???

[User360: OMG!!!, did anyone else just see that?! Zombies on the loose!! 😱 #ZombieApocalypse]

[User87: Wait, are you serious? This isn't some elaborate prank, right?]

[User03: Just heard screams outside my window. This can't be real... 😨 #ZombieOutbreak]

[User23: Stocking up on canned goods and boarding up the windows. Better safe than sorry! #SurvivalModeActivated]

[User45: My grandma always said I'd need survival skills. Jokes on us, she was right! #PrepperLife]

[User26: Trying to stay positive. Maybe this is just a really intense flash mob gone wrong?]

[User14: Grabbed my baseball bat - never thought it'd be my weapon of choice. Stay safe, everyone! #ZombieFighter]

[User11: Low-key excited for the apocalypse because I can finally live out my video game fantasies! #GamerGoals]

[User67: Watching all those zombie movies paid off. Ready to unleash my inner Rick Grimes! #TheWalkingDead]

[User55: Quick poll: What's the best weapon against zombies? #ZombieApocalypseSurvivalKit]

[1: Barehanded]

[2: Chair]

[3: Butter knife]

[User77: Dibs on the mall! Lots of supplies and plenty of places to hide. Who's with me?]

[User66: Emergency broadcast just confirmed it. This is not a drill. Stay indoors and avoid crowds. #ZombieAlert]

[User456: [posts picture of homemade barricade DIY zombie defense system], level expert! 😎 #SurvivorMode]

[User100: In case we don't make it, I love you all! #FinalWords]

[User23: If anyone sees my cat, tell her I love her. #PetPriorities]

Izayoi,s lips twitched, he wanted to see if he can find any useful information through his phone but seeing all these posts, he didn't know whether to be impressed or concerned for some of these people.

'Well at least the internet is still somewhat normal.' 

He mused, deciding to add his own comment into the mix.

[User07: Just in case, you guys should prepare some UV lights as well. #Apocalypsetips!]

[User14: Huh?? what are those supposed to do??]

[User69: Flash them on those zombie girls UwU see if anyone was down bad enough to bust one on them LOL!!!] 

[User23: Eww gross~]

[User420: Hey f*ck off! some of the really cute girls of my schools got bit, and I don't see no rules about zombie booty!!]

[User666: I'm pretty sure that's considered Desecrating the dead....] 


'Now if only the situation here was as fun as this...'

"I'm telling you we'll only be in danger if we keep going like this!!" An aggressive looking teen with dyed hair complained loudly.

"And anyway!" The young man glared at Takeshi.

"Why should we go along with Komuro and these guys!?" And with those words some of those mentioned quickly narrowed their eyes at the young man.

"Your the only ones who decided to go back to the city! Shouldn't we have looked for a safe places in the dorms or in school!?"

'With the possibilities of running out of supplies or being surrounded?' Shaking his head Izayoi just turned back to looking at his phone.

It was certainly more educational than this.

"He's right...!" Another student with black hair agreed.

"If we keep this up we're just putting ourselves in danger! we should hole up somewhere! like that convenience store we just drove by...!"

"Its not too late! plus-"

The screeching of the tires cut off whatever he was about to say, as Shizuka turned to look back from the driver seat with annoyance.

"Alright everyone That's enough! I can't focus on driving with all these yelling!" 

Shizuka pouted, the aggressive looking teen didn't know what to say, looking at Shizuka and two other 'things' that swayed down below when she spoke.

Because Izayoi was seated just by the side behind the drivers seat, Izayoi's attention was also caught by Shizuka's voice, his eyes unintentionally moved towards those 2 'things' as well as he discreetly went back to looking at his phone.

[User07: the place I'm at might be more dangerous than I thought.]

[User69: Lol, you surrounded or something?]

[User07: I wished, certainly easier to take care of external problems compared to internal ones...]

"Why don't you tell us what YOU wanna do?" Saeko spoke, she has also grown tired from all the noise.

Facing the cool exterior of the girl, the aggressive teen gritted his teeth and pointed at Takeshi and Izayoi.

"I just can't STAND these guys!"

The teen practically growled glaring at the both of them.

"I HATE'em!"

Takeshi, maintaining his composure, glanced at Izayoi, who merely raised an eyebrow in response to the aggressive teen's outburst.

Their calm demeanor seemed to irk the teen even more, his frustration palpable in the tense atmosphere of the bus.

"Why?" Standing up Takeshi looked at the aggressive teen coldy.

"What the hell did I ever do to you? I don't even know you!"

"Why you...!" The teen, seemingly angered by his response charged at Takeshi.

Seeing this Takeshi was just about to prepare himself when-



Rei acted first striking the teen on the gut, causing him to spit out a mouthful of saliva as he was sent to the ground coughing and grabbing his stomach in pain.

"Argh- Cough.. Cough...urhg..!"

Everyone was surprised by the sudden situation as no one knew what to do.

With Saeko and Izayoi the only ones looking unfazed, Izayoi returned back to continue his chat with the people of the internet.

"Asshole..." Rei muttered as she looked at the groaning male on the ground like an insect.

"Rei..." Looking at Rei, Takeshi didn't know how to even react as the girl turned to look at him with a lovely gave contrary to what she showed earlier.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Most impressive!" 

Suddenly, Shidou caught everyone's attention, stepping over the the male on the ground he approached Rei and Takeshi giving them a congratulatory look.

"Superb teamwork Komuro, Miyamoto!"


Rei stood guard once more as she glared at the man with immense hatred.

"If fights are going to break out like this, I propose for us to elect a leader!"

Like a politician, Shidou proposed his idea, seizing the opportunity to gain control over the group.

"With someone in charge situations like these can be avoided entirely!"

"I take it there's only one candidate for the job then?"

Saya spoke sarcastically as she fixed the position of her glasses.

Unfazed Shidou moved down to address her as Saya turned her head away to ignore him.

"I'm a teacher miss Takagi, and while mature, all of you are barely in your teens." Shidou spoke with a grin.

Standing back up, Shidou looked at everyone with a smile comparable to only that of a politicians.

"And not to mention, just moments ago I have saved the lives of these braved students!" 

Shidou brought his arms forward as if to emphasize his point.

"How about it everyone!? If you go with me... I will do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe!"

"There's no way that's actually gonna-" Saya's muttering was cut short as to her disbelief, some if not everyone except their group started to stand up and actually clap for this guy!

Shidou grinned, turning back to look at Takeshi and his group, with his hands wide open he declared.

"And there you have it. through a majority vote, I have become the leader!"

The clapping continued to ensue as everyone in Takeshi's group frowned in displeasure. 

Izayoi seeing the situation also frowned, as much as he had no interest in becoming a leader himself, if this guy was to lead them god knows how long this group will last.

And just before anything else could happen.

"Ah- Rei...!" Takeshi shout cut through the clapping as Rei ran and jumped out the bus using the passenger door before anyone could react.

It was a good thing they were going rather slow as Shizuka quickly reacted and stopped the bus the moment Rei went out. 

"Rei! what are you-"

"No way!"

Rei's dark face silenced whatever Takeshi was about to say.

"No way... I wont do it! I'm not staying here with him!"

Takeshi looking at her didn't know what to do as Shidou shook his head and spoke acting like he was troubled.

"If she's saying he cant get along with the group... then nothing we can do about it." 

"What are you saying, you...!?" Takeshi just about had enough of Shidou's words as he jumped out as well to pursue Rei.

Releasing a sigh, Izayoi placed his phone back into his pocket as he wordlessly stood up near the door to stand guard.


"Not even 5 seconds in." Saya complained loudly making sure Shidou could hear as he merely gave her a harmless smile, acting like none of this was his fault.

As the two's voices could vaguely be heard from outside, Saeko looking out in the window suddenly noticed something in the distance.

As the object became clearer and clearer Saeko's eyes widened.



It was too late.


The sudden noise atracted everyone as they all turned to look as a Bus crashed into another car sending it flying towards-

"Sh*t Run!!" Izayoi shouted too late, as Takeshi barely grabbed Rei in time and pulled her towards the tunnel.


Fortunately, the bus toppled to it's side and was blocked by the Tunnels walls preventing the two of them from getting flattened.

Rushing out, Izayoi sight was greeted by flames, the surroundings of the bus was on fire.

"Komuro! Miyamoto!" Saeko rushed a second later.


Both Saeko and Izayoi stared wide, Zombies consumed in flames started to crawl out of the toppled bus.

"Well that's slightly concerning." Izayoi pulled the string of his bow as he prepared to fight back against the approaching zombies.


One arrow took them down like always while Saeko used her wooden sword to send back an approaching zombie.


"Fighting them in close quarters would be difficult." Saeko noted as coming closer to one of them and she might accidentally get burned.

"At the police station!"

Both Izayoi and Saeko turned to the sudden voice as they saw Takeshi who could barely be seen from a small gap.

"Let's meet up at the east police station!"

"What time!?" 

"7 o'clock! if not today then tomorrow!"

"Uh guys! we got to hurry up!" They heard Kohta shout from inside.

"Damnit! they were attracted by the noise!" Saya cursed as from the various alleyways of the buildings zombies started pouring in out of nowhere.

Suddenly while Izayoi was shooting the zombies while Saeko and Takeshi communicated, he caught the sudden flash of electricity from the bus causing his eyes to widen.


Before Saeko could react, Izayoi suddenly grabbed her hand pulling her back.

"What are you-"

"It's gonna blow! Just Run!" Although it was sudden, Izayoi's shout quickly caused Takeshi to act.

Pulling rei's hand, Takeshi rushed to the other side of the tunnel as Izayoi quickly entered the Bus with Saeko in tow.

Quickly rushing to the driver seat, Izayoi quickly put his hands on the wheels as two large and soft things could be felt pushing on his arm while doing so.

"w-wait! what are you doing??" Shizuka jumped back in surprise.

"No time to explain!" Izayoi gave no time for her to act as he tried to turn on the bus.

"Press the clutch!" Shizuka still not understanding the situation could only do as he says as the engines of the bus roared to life, while Izayoi wasted no time and placed the gear stick on reverse.

"Punch it!" Stepping on the gas, the bus suddenly jerked backwards causing everyone to nearly fall off their seat.

And not a moment later...






"Sh*t! jesus-!" Takeshi and Rei watched as the tunnel was quickly consumed by fire. 

If they were any slower, they would have no doubt turned into barbeque.

And before both of them could even have time to digest everything.


A zombie wearing a biker helmet suddenly appeared from up top tumbling down as it grabbed Takeshi before he could react!



"oh... oh my...!" Shizuka tremblingly gripped the handle of the of the Bus as everyone watched the place they were previously at be engulphed in flames, illumining the incoming darkness of the night

While everyone still had their eyes on the carnage, Izayoi clicked his tongue as he turned towards the door of the bus.

There was one more thing we forgot to mention about our protagonist, that is, although he had indeed watched High School of the Dead before he died.

There was one problem...

'Well there goes my remaining knowledge of the plot.'

He only watched 2 episodes of the anime.

And if it was because he wasn't sure if this was originally supposed to happen or because of the new types of zombie that totally wasn't supposed to happen-

"Where are you going?" Saeko questioned what he was doing as Izayoi passed by her while picking up his bow he dropped on the ground from rushing.

"I'm going after them."

-Izayoi was worried.

"We already agreed to met at the police station, if your worried about Komuro and Rei they know how to take care of themselves."

To those words Izayoi merely shook his head.

"At this point, right now crossing the bridge would be impossible."

He already checked online earlier, some of the netizens were complaining about how the bridges were all locked down by the police and no one could get through.

"Huh? what do you mean by that!" Quickly, Saya butted in on the conversation from this sudden news.

Frowning Saeko prepared her wooden sword as she tried to follow Izayoi out.

"Then I'm coming with you."

"No." Izayoi quickly denied her flatly.

"Everyone will be too unguarded if both of us leaves, Hirano is capable but ammunitions don't last forever."

"w-Wait was that a compliment?" Kohta the Otaku he was, was flattered by the sudden compliment as Saya punched his head in annoyance.

"You idiot there's no time to get all flustered!"

"Besides..." Getting off the bus, Izayoi pulled up the cloth that acted as his mask, his eyes that seemed to illuminate from the raging flame met her own.

"You'll just slow me down."


Ohohoho I am a god! look at my speed! tsk tsk tsk I should be the new flash!

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