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50% Marvel: Meta-Viltrumite / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Well, Hello Marvel

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2: Well, Hello Marvel

[You have received a new message from Real Friend!]

Hm? My friend Real just sent me a text. He is the only friend that stuck up for me during the Chunin Exam, and that fought the whole soul society to rescue me. What he sent me is an isekai questionnaire. I was bored so I decided to look at it.

[Would you like to join the great world of Marvel as a new character?]

 [YES] [NO]

Those were the words on my computer and I was quite interested. Marvel was one of my favorite comic book universes. Normally, I would not take this seriously but since I am bored I decided to give it a try. I would have some fun answering the answers. So I clicked on [YES].

{You will be reborn in a random Marvel Universe but you are definitely far from being normal. For you are "Pick a race":







[Other] }

The other picked my interest as before that option was every race in Marvel. I decided to see what it was.


[You have chosen Other… a random race in Fiction.]

[*Ding* Meta-Viltrumite has been selected.]

Viltrumites have incredibly tough skin and muscles, their internal organs are a bit more durable but essentially are subject to regeneration rather than being strong. Viltrumites are capable of being eviscerated, having their skulls crushed, and suffering limbs being torn off.

Once they heal up, they are stronger than they were before a grievous injury thanks to their zenkai boost. Viltrumite also possesses super strength, speed, stamina, and much more. But the info I got from Meta-Viltrumite was even more busted than a regular Viltrumite. They basically had their stats exponentially increased and each Meta-Viltrumite has a unique ability like Meta-humans.

[Eight abilities will be randomly generated for you to pick four of them. Which four abilities would you like?]

[1. Mahoraga's adaptability.

2. Rick Sanchez (Rick Prime), Megamind, and Azmuth's genius Intellect and knowledge (From Rick and Morty, Megamind & Ben 10).

3. Four Random special powers from the Umbrella Academy's members.

4. Kumagawa's All Fiction.

5. Yogiri Takatou's Instant Death ability.

6. Asta's physical strength.

7. Undead from Undead Unluck.

8. Aladdin's abilities while permanently being a Magi (From Magi).]

I immediately chose [Mahoraga's adaptability], [Rick Sanchez (Rick Prime), Megamind, and Azmuth's genius Intellect and knowledge (From Rick and Morty, Megamind & Ben 10)], [Aladdin's abilities while permanently being a Magi (From Magi)] and [Four Random special powers from the Umbrella Academy's members]. The reason for that was the process of elimination.

First, Asta's physical strength will mean jack shit since most of the heavy hitters have more strength in their left motionless nutsack than Asta's whole body. He is strong for a human but there are limits to that.

Second, Yogiri Takatou's Instant Death ability... I do not want that because imagine someone pisses me off or I am drunk and I accidentally kill them. This kind of ability would bring the attention of cosmic power-level entities onto oneself and that is something you want to avoid.

Third, Kumagawa's All Fiction... if I make a mistake I could erase reality just because I said it is not real. I could say by accident that post-nut clarity was not real and before I knew it, I along with other men would lose our balls. I am exaggerating but you get the drift.

I did not pick the Undead ability because it would make me immortal against my will, meaning I would have to live for all eternity and even more until I find something that can kill me which is highly unlikely since that ability negates death itself. That is not something you would wish upon your worst enemy.

With Mahoraga's abilities combined with Ultimate Viltrumite, I basically become Doomsday without needing to die to adapt. With Rick Sanchez especially Rick Prime, Megamind, and Azmuth's genius Intellect and knowledge, I have the brains to match the brawn and even exceed it.

[AN: Yes Azmuth made the Omnitrix but remember that the Omnitrix COLLECTED the D.N.A of the Aliens in the Ben 10 verse. So Azmuth's knowledge can't just make the MC create an Omnitrix with Alien X in it with full control over it.]

Aladdin's abilities are overpowered, to say the least. I mean if you think about it as a Magi he basically has an infinite reserve of Magic. He also has a terrifying and versatile range of magical abilities and with Solomon's Wisdom, he can temporarily become omniscient.

Honestly, the four Random special powers from the Umbrella Academy's members is a gamble but it has a higher chance of being something less uncontrollable or useless than the others I dismissed. After I selected the three abilities a new question popped up.

[You have selected "Four Random special powers from the Umbrella Academy's members" hence four special powers from random Umbrella Academy members will be selected:

1. Number Four's Power.

2. Number Seven's Power.

3. Number Three's Power.

4. Number Five's Power.]

Honestly... those were the best abilities among the members of the original Umbrella Academy. I smiled for a bit then proceeded with the next question.

[What is your name is?]

I decided to go on Google and pick some random names to mash together

[Idris Alphonse Grayson]

I chose two random names online but Alphonse did not feel like a last name so I added Grayson as an Invincible shoutout plus if you rearranged them, their acronym would be A.I.G which kind of sounds like aight.

[Please select a Backstory.]

I decided to make my backstory a bit more nuanced.

[ Idris 'Alphonse' Grayson is a genius orphan. He entered college at fourteen at CalTech (California Institute of Technology) where he met his friend, Reed Richards. Together, they attended Harvard University and M.I.T. 

They studied abroad at the University of Vienna in Austria. It was there they met their fellow "super-genius" Alyssa Moy who became romantically involved with Reed. By the time both genius boys were eighteen, they had obtained four degrees in fields such as engineering, math, and physics.

By that time, they had gained the reputation of the genius duo who went around collecting degrees. Alyssa was not part of this due to her field of study forcing her to study away from Reed. It was when they were working on their fifth at State University in Hegeman, New York, that they each had a fateful encounter.

Richards met another genius like them. He was assigned to a room with a foreign student, a scientific genius named Victor von Doom. The imperious Von Doom, taking an immediate dislike to Richards, decided to take other quarters but he quickly returned when after being assigned a room with Idris.

For Victor, Reed was the lesser of the two annoyances. This was because although Grayson was a genius, he seemed to suffer from schizophrenia which had made it hard for him to have a social life. It did not help that Grayson used drugs to cope with his condition. This was also the reason why Reed had been his only friend.

Richards was already intending to build a starship for interstellar travel. When he told his ambitions to Grayson, Grayson jokingly said that Reed should save him a seat on that starship when it is finally built.

While attending State University, Grayson rented living quarters at the Manhattan boarding house owned by the aunt of a young woman named Susan Storm. Grayson and Storm did not start off on the right foot.

She viewed him as a junkie, a genius but a High junkie and part of her hated him for that because a junkie had killed her mother in a car accident and her father, a doctor, started to drink because he failed to save her mother.

Her father eventually started to gamble and became a junkie himself which led him to kill his loanshark and end up in prison. It was only after learning of Grayson's condition that her misplaced anger vanished and they started forming a friendship that soon evolved into something more.

While not friends, Richards and Doom saw each other as intellectual peers along with Grayson though Doom did so reluctantly. Needing a better computer than the university's, they designed a revolutionary new one together.

Richards and Doom debated esoteric theories day and night that amazed faculty members, who compared their brilliance to that of Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci. Grayson designed a computer on his own that rivaled theirs but due to his quirkiness, the faculty members thought he had managed to do so through luck.

Richards and Doom knew better though the former was more interested in studying the design while the latter's ego did not allow him to accept that fact and agreed with the faculty member's opinion.

While Richards designed his starship, Grayson became romantically involved with Storm and Doom became obsessed with developing a machine that could project the astral form of a being into other dimensions.

Reed pointed out a flaw in Doom's calculations, but Doom arrogantly ignored his warning, feeling that Reed was trying to upstage him. Grayson knowing Doom's ego decided on a different approach. He cautioned Doom to double-check his calculation as a smart man knows the value of reviewing one's work before testing it.

The machine exploded, scarring Doom's face. He was soon expelled for conducting unethical experiments. As Doctor Doom, Doom would later become Richards' greatest rival and enemy. Doom blamed Richards for his deformities thinking that the latter had sabotaged his work.

Doom did not blame Grayson however due to his ego not allowing him to view the latter as capable of sabotaging his work. Three years before Richards tested his starship, his father mysteriously disappeared.

Before Nathaniel Richards disappeared, he made arrangements that left two billion dollars to his son. Reed Richards spent most of the money on his project to build and launch his starship. This project, based in Central City, California, received further funding from the federal government.

Richards recruited his old friend Idris 'Alphonse' Grayson, who had become a successful test pilot and astronaut on a whim, to pilot the starship, which was named the Marvel-1. Grayson went to California with Susan Storm. They were officially dating at that time.

When the federal government then threatened to withdraw its funding from the starship project, Richards decided to take the Marvel-1 on a test flight before the funding was withdrawn. Grayson was opposed to the idea, warning that the starship's shielding might prove inadequate protection from the intense radiation storms.

Nevertheless, Grayson was persuaded to serve as a pilot, it had been Richards' dream since he was a kid and it may have been his last chance to fulfill it. Grayson could not in good conscience decline his request.

He simply asked Reed to review his own calculation and if it had less than a ninety percent chance of success they would abort the secret launch. Reed accepted but being confident in his research did not review it and lied to Grayson.

Susan Storm and her adolescent brother Johnny insisted on accompanying them as passengers. The four friends stole onto the launch facility, entered the starship, and blasted off. They intended to travel through hyperspace in the ship to another solar system and back in order to convince the government to reconsider.

However, when the ship passed through a cosmic ray storm, it was met with an unexpected level of intensity. Since the ship was designed to shield against ordinary levels of radiation, the cabin volume was subjected to intense cosmic ray bombardment which irradiated the four passengers and wrought havoc on the ship's controls. Pilot Grayson was forced to abort the flight and return to Earth.

The craft crashed back down to Earth. Emerging from the ruins of the spaceship, they discovered the radiation had mutated their bodies and had given them remarkable new abilities. Reed gained the ability to stretch his body and limbs, Johnny was able to fly and become engulfed in flames he could control, and Sue was able to bend light around her body and become invisible, she would discover that it was not the full extent of her abilities later on.

As For Grayson, the cosmic radiation had triggered mutagenic changes in his body in more ways than the other three. He had gained a multitude of abilities. Now before they could explore more of their abilities, they were taken in by the government where Richards, Grayson, and Moy on the outside used almost all of their connection to get out of this mess.

Moy was understandably not happy about this as her boyfriend had done something so stupid that she questioned if he did not have in fact a dumb twin. the fact that the launch had been somewhat legal helped their case but she could not fathom why Richards had done so when the chance of survival was less the eighty percent from her own estimate. She knew that he knew this because she had previously told him so.

1201 out of 1201 words.]

I wanted to add more to the backstory, but it seems that I reached the word limit. I was pleased with the information I had written. This is not real but if I have to answer the questions I might as well roll with it.

[Please enter your appearance:]

Okay, that was easier. My appearance was that of a youthful man with dark skin. He has crimson-red eyes. He had shaggy black hair with braided thick locs covering his forehead. 

[Which Era would you like to be in?]

I answered almost immediately typed my answer.

[I would like to be of the Modern Era.]

It would be more fun to be in a time when you know most of what is going to happen and you have access to electronics. I mean this is not happening but I liked to think it would have been fun to put thought into my selections.

[Random ability will be chosen as your unique meta-Viltrumite ability...]

[*Ding* All for One has been selected as your unique ability.]

Guess I am golden then since All For One allows the user to steal Quirks, which in Marvel would be powers, from anyone they touch for personal use or transfer the stolen Quirks to anyone. It also allows the user to wield several Quirks simultaneously.

Giving and taking away Quirks is done through touch, through a hole in the palm of the user's hand, once it receives contact. With Mahoraga's adaptability, it could evolve into something even more versatile. 

[*Ding* Process complete! Prepare for Reincarnation! 5! 4! 3!]

Oh, it even has that little detail, Real Friend really picked a good questionnaire that has showmanship. As excepted from my-! Who is Real Friend?!

[2! 1! 0!]

As I was starting to notice the incongruity of the situation, the countdown reached zero and everything faded to darkness. I woke up wrapped inside a crib unable to move. I blinked and stared at the blue screen in front of me for a few minutes before muttering four words.

[Modifications have been made due to the extreme compatibility of the four abilities you chose. It is mainly due to the request of "Real Fiend", that you will be immune to mind and soul control, cloning, and negative power alteration at the cost of all your knowledge of the Marvel universe.

You will start gaining most of your dormant meta abilities after becoming seventeen years of age and as for your backstory, it will not be the one that is written up above also due to "Real Fiend". You will also regain your memory of this once after becoming seventeen years of age.] 

'Fuck! It was real.'

I thought but it was not what I heard coming from my mouth.

"Bah ha wa ga."

I then felt a sharp pain in my head like someone cracked it open and taken something from before patching my head up. I passed out due to the pain.


I am posting this right now and I will continue this work later on.

Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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