After Duan Yixin agreed, Tan Lidan asked the servant to weigh the medicinal herbs. While waiting, Tan Lidan asked, "Miss Duan, could you increase the quantity of medicinal herbs sold to us?"
Duan Yixin thought about her plan to grow medicinal herbs and said, "Maybe I can increase the quantity in the future. But now, it is difficult for me to supply more medicinal herbs since I'm working alone."
Tan Lidan felt disappointed when he heard her answer. After a few seconds of silence, he asked, "If I send our workers to help you collect medicinal herbs, will you be willing to show them where to collect the medicinal herbs? As long as Miss Duan helps us process the medicinal herbs, we will pay you the same price."
When he asked this, Duan Yixin raised an eyebrow at him. Tan Lidan looked at her expression and knew that his request was unreasonable, but he couldn't afford to fail the task assigned to him by his Master.
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