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45.76% I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick / Chapter 26: General and Officers

Chapitre 26: General and Officers

The camp packed up their equipment, which took roughly an hour.

Everyone, including Eve, had to wake up at six am, meaning the poor girl, who went to bed rather late, got only six hours of sleep.

It's not exactly the ideal amount, considering the current situation.

Their victory is guaranteed, and the mood in the air clearly showed that, with people laughing and taking things rather easy, but the Slane Theocracy wouldn't just go down without a fight.

The army of thousands began its march, the capital was around a week of marching away.

Thankfully the previous more capable Cardinals built up an awe-inspiring infrastructure network, allowing the army to move quickly while being kept supplied by the surrounding cities.

The army also gathered many symbols of the Six Gods, displaying them with pride, Eve joined in on this, carrying symbols of all the Gods on her armor, she even managed to get her hands on a small carving of the messenger, keeping it close to her heart at all times.

The higher-ranked officers even received enchanted symbols that strengthened them or had various other beneficial effects, with each of the four receiving one.

The army now stood before a thick forest, the general of the army, a man with a bit of fat on his belly, with blue eyes and yellow hair, could be seen in a large tent adorned with the new flag of their rebellion, created by the men he led.

The flag itself looked completely different from the original, with a large red open eye in the center of it, around the eye, the symbols of each of the Six Gods could be seen, each one had wings growing out of them, custom-made to fit the lore of each God, from wings made out of bones to wings made out of flowers and nature, each aspect was carefully picked.

It looked very good, considering it was created on the move by the soldiers, the Gods would no doubt be pleased by their faith, and hopefully, they would be on their side during the next struggle.

The flag was put up before the entrance to the tent, besides the general, there were three more people present.

Their strongest fighter here and a paladin of the God of death, Rushalia, the manager of supplies and inventory, Kunral, and the manageress of all the healers, Ural.

Rushalia is a woman with long black hair and black eyes, her skin Is deathly pale, at first glance, she looks incredibly weak, with baggy eyes and thin limbs, but the stronger her enemy, the stronger she would become while they grew weaker.

She is wearing full-plate armor, with symbols of death and darkness all adorning her armor, the air around her seemed depressed when compared to normal air, and her expression showed absolutely no interest in the things around her.

Kunral is an older-looking man with grey hair and ruby red eyes, he has white glasses and he is a devout believer in the God of fire, which is surprising considering his calm nature, but one shouldn't be fooled, the man is like an active volcano, now, the anger within is merely slumbering, and it is better to leave it that way.

He is wearing robes, much like a priest outfit, except it is covered in red and white colors, with symbols of the God of fire all around it.

Ural is a kind-looking mature woman, with yellow eyes and hair, she was born and taught in the country, and recently she was sent to the nearby area to aid the local healers, soon after, the rebellion started. She didn't miss the memo and immediately switched sides to join the rebellion.

Urala has been gifted by the Gods to be the living definition of bounty, with a body that could only be described as MILF incarnate.

It was well known the woman was far from pure, she used her assets to their full use while she was studying, and her teachers certainly didn't decline her advances, nonetheless, she has kept herself pure since the beginning of the rebellion, leading to everyone tolerating her presence here.

Still, her personality was very flirty and courageous, a fact they have simply grown to accept about the woman.

"General Frutos, why did you gather all of us?" Kunral, manager of supplies and inventory asked, his voice monotone and calm.

Rushelia didn't speak, instead, she looked at Frutos with a dead look in her eyes, though the people in the room could recognize the tiniest bit of curiosity in there.

Urala simply kept her ever-present sweet smile on her face, an expression she practiced for years in her school.

"Ahem, right." Frutos straightened himself, he was wearing priestly robes, as a former priest of the water God, he decided to use these robes while in the field.

The robes themselves were white with dark blue outlines, the outlines had light blue lines seemingly drawn at random connecting them like rivers, with the new flag of their nation drawn above his heart.

Frutos grabbed a folded-up map in the corner of the tent and unfurled it onto the table, everyone aside from Rushelia perked up, paying close attention to his next words.

"In front of us, the Great Forest of Beun is going to begin soon, this is our last obstacle before we reach the capital, there are three paths in front of us."

Frutos pointed at one point on the map, "We could go straight through the middle of the forest," Frutos pointed to another place on the map, "We could go to the west, going into the city of Lumenia to re-supply and then attack the capital, or," Frutos again, pointed at a different point on the map, "We could go to the east, where the elves have been noted to be rampaging recently."

The elves have already managed to break this deep into the Theocracy, the elf king's elite units were seen a few times kidnaping strong women from their cities and villages, which enraged the rebellion, which had spent all of its resources to get revenge.

This is why their army was the only one sent to siege the capital, all other resources are being sent to the elf front to push them back and out of their territory, which is proving incredibly difficult.

The scriptures were deployed to push them back, but it would still take a lot of time to force the entrenched elves back into the wilderness where they belong, if their army helped however, they could speed up the process.

"Well~" Urala spoke first, "If we fight the elves, we might be too weak to attack the capital afterward." Her voice was very mature as well.

"I agree with Miss Urala, we should focus on our task." Kunral quickly agreed, his mind focused on their mission.

Rushelia looked at the others and after a few seconds of awkward silence, she got the memo and spoke up, "...We should help the people." Her voice was quiet and lethargic, but her decision didn't surprise the people present.

Rushelia, despite her depressing appearance and often even more depressed mentality, still had her moral code to abide by, and one of the few things she showed any care for was the people.

"I understand your opinion Miss Rushelia, but we must prioritize our mission."

Rushelia again, only stared at Kunral, her face as dead as always, though now there was a spark of intense thought in her eyes.

The others in the room were used to her pauses between speaking, so they patiently awaited her answer.

"...What are we for then if not to protect the people?" Rushelia had the habit of not speaking often, but her words were always carefully thought out during these important meetings, meaning that even if it took her a while to speak, it was invaluable to have her here, her wisdom was incredibly useful, not to mention her strength.

Kunral had no answer to that, she was completely right, it was their duty to protect the faithful while slaying the heathens and the corrupt, in other words, they should fight the elves despite the risks involved.

"...It is still very risky." Kunral could only try to divert the conversation, indicating Rushalia's victory in the short debate.

"Well~ Sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds~" Urala brought everyone's attention to her, "How about we go along the forest edge and simply look at the situation from a distance? If we can help, we will, if we can't, we will keep moving towards the capital."

"Excellent suggestion Urala!" Frutos clapped his hands, and Kunrad threw a disapproving look at Urala.

"I agree with the idea, but please do not call us lovebirds." His voice cracked slightly, a rare thing for the calm, intelligent man.

"Awww, but why not, you two would fit so well together! Why not try it hmm?" Urala teased the two, causing Kunrad to sigh, tired of the woman's antics.

Rushelia simply pointed at Kunrad and said a single word with her typical monotone bored voice.


The tent went radio silent as Kunrad absorbed the insult which single-handedly shredded his ego into nothing.

After a few seconds, Frutos blew up into loud laughter, "Hahaha! She called you a fucking fossil Kunrad!" The man devolved into a wheezing mess at a rather impressive speed.

"I-I'm only 50 years old... That's not that old...I'm not old..." Kunrad muttered to himself, Urala simply patted him on the back while her face struggled to keep her laughter in.

The disciplined soldiers outside set to guard the tent stood firm with their backs to their superiors, though the people walking by could see their lips constantly jumping up and down, they didn't make a sound, no doubt a miracle of the Gods.

After a few minutes of poorly suppressed laughter coming from the tent's insides, the group calmed down, Rushelia looked confused the whole time, she simply stated what she thought was correct, did she say something silly?

"Ohohoo... Man, her face too! And she said that SO fast!" Just as Frutos was about to descend into another laughing fit, the temperature in the room increased subtly, Frutos stopped laughing and he looked at Kunrad.

The man seemed a bit upset, while not enraged, he was definitely tired of being bullied like this, this was his way of subconsciously saying "Enough is enough."

"...Ahem, right, I apologize Kunrad, we value your experience and expertise here, it was just a silly joke."

"...Very well, we shall head towards the east then and hug the forest edge?"

"Yes, we shall edge~" Urala immediately jumped on the opportunity to make a dirty joke, causing Kunrad to roll his eyes while Frutos chuckled to himself.

"Right, this meeting is over. Thank you for your aid as always, make sure you get enough rest so you are all in peak condition for the next gathering."

Frutos saluted the others, while they returned the salute to their general.

Kunrad immediately left and he walked towards his tent, Frutos and Urala remained in the tent, they had more things they had to discuss after all.

Rushelia walked out into the sunlight, her eyes closed as the sun invaded her pupils, who were not pleased by the sudden increase in light.

Before she could return to her tent to lie around and do nothing for the rest of the day, she felt something in the nearby tall grass.

Suddenly, an arrow coated in poison flew directly at her head, intending to pierce her skull with the metal tip, however, Rushelia was not to be underestimated.

She ducked with surprising agility, the soldiers in the area immediately shouted they were under attack, causing the alarm bells to start ringing all over the camp.

The presumed elf then fled, a hood covered his face while his mask prevented one from seeing any details.

From the commander's tent, Frutos and Urala stormed out, Frutos wasn't a great fighter, so instead of chasing the enemy he ordered some of the new soldiers who were frozen from the sudden danger to chase the enemy, Urala blew Frutos a goodbye kiss as she ran to where the healers are, who knows how many others were shot at with arrows.

Rushelia chased after the elf, who was becoming weaker and weaker with each passing second, while Rushelia was only becoming stronger and stronger, her muscles now carried her armor with incredible ease, and she felt like she was wearing normal clothing instead of her heavy full plate armor.

She slammed the elf into the ground, the elf looked up at her with fear in his eyes as her emotionless black eyes seemed to look straight into his soul.

Her muscles, though not very visible, now pushed against the leather inside her armor, stretching it to its limit, the bags under her eyes disappeared and were replaced by healthy skin, and her white skin also transformed, still being white but no longer looking like the skin of a corpse.

She punched the man in the temple with full strength, knocking him unconscious instantly, she then dragged his body over to the camp, where men were already moving around, a few came to help her drag the man as her strength started to vain.

She could not absorb the strength from the unconscious elf, and she refused to take away the vitality of those on her side, that wasn't right with her.

She dragged the man over to the encampment as a few of the soldiers around came over and took him away, Rushelia then walked away from the scene, her ability's downside was kicking in at full force, and she desperately wanted to lie down.

As she half walked half stumbled forward, she saw Eve and Helios, Eve seemed to be tending to a few other highly skilled soldiers inside a large tent while Helios helped to guard the area, Rushelia noted the soft padding the wounded soldiers were lying on.

She stumbled into the tent, she then promptly collapsed onto a bed, ignoring everything around her, her mind slipped away the second her head hit the floor.

Eve, in her priestly outfit, looked at Helios.

"Did something happen to her?"

Helios, who stood at the entrance to the tent, spoke without turning his back to the outside, "I don't think so. She probably activated her ability to defend herself from a likely assassination attempt, and she came here after the drawbacks hit her."

Eve nodded, and after casting a quick "[minor detoxify]" on the veteran soldier in front of her, she moved over to Rushelia and put her head on her forehead, after a few seconds and also putting her hand on her cheek, she nodded to herself.

She wasn't sweating, so there was no poison in her veins, or it wasn't severe enough for it to be noticeable yet, Eve made a note to check up on Rushelia later just in case.

Eve wasn't the only healer around, there was no way she could heal even a tenth of the poisoned people, a few 1st rank spells and one 2nd rank spell for a more advanced poisoning were enough to force her out of commission while her mana recovered.

Eve rested outside the tent, around fifty people were ambushed, all veteran soldiers or people who killed elves in the past.

The elves most likely desired to weaken their forces before they sieged the capital, the forest ahead was filled with ambushes no doubt.

"Haaah~ How bother some hmmm~?" Urala looked at Eve, the powerful priestess couldn't have needed rest so soon, meaning she was here for a different purpose.

"Ah- Miss Urala!" Eve panicked for a second, should she get up and bow or kneel since she was already on the ground? She was a complete greenie, just like most people in this army, she wasn't told how to greet various ranks of officers.

"Ara~ Ara~ No worries, you can continue to sit, everyone inside is fine~" Urala rested her head on her palm, and she squinted her eyes a bit as the sun blasted into her eyes.

"Yes, mam!" Eve saluted, her form was poor, but that was only to be expected.

Not that Urala gave the tiniest hint of a fuck about these formalities, quite frankly, she couldn't care less, still, she was forced to learn the proper etiquette eventually in school, despite her best cheating efforts.

"You get a golden star for the effort sweetie." Urala gave a kind smile, as she did, a messenger approached her.

"Miss Urala," he saluted properly, "Sir Frutos asked me to inform you that we will be heading out according to plan, but he has requested your presence at his tent, he needs to discuss the healers' condition."

"Right then!" Urala clapped her hands, "Well sorry to be going already dear, make sure you rest up okay?"

"Yes Mam!" Eve saluted again, her form a bit better this time.

"My~ oh~ my~, you'll learn in no time at this rate! Well, I'll see you later~" Urala waved her hand as she walked in the direction of the commander's personal tent, no doubt, their meeting was incredibly important.

As the army settled in, with patrols going out of the camp at a more frequent rate thanks to the attack, within the Elf Kingdom, around the crescent lake, the capital of the Elf Kingdom could be seen, the only city in the entire nation could be seen surrounded by trees, even inside the city, tall elven trees grew everywhere instead of homes, the roads on the ground were considered a mere afterthought, a relic of a time when the Slane Theocracy and the Elf Kingdom traded, now, the various paths in the trees seemed to be used more often.

A palace could be seen in the middle of the city, or rather, an immense tree in which the king and his concubines lived could be seen, it towered over all the others, with a large gate and many strong elf guards protecting its premises, it could be called untouchable, yet all of these measures and any others couldn't compare to the sheer might of the king living within.

High in the tree on a large balcony in front of an extravagant room worthy of kings, an elf man could be seen with heterochromic eyes.

He has pale skin and white long hair. In his head, he wears a golden circlet with branches that emerge from behind his skull. He is dressed in a red flowing cape on his back, gold handless gauntlets, and a gold-plated skirt adorned the rest of his body as a green shirt covered his chest, though much of it was still exposed.

In his hands, a very fancy glass could be seen filled to the brim with wine. the man could be seen with a smug smile, his mind pleased by the recent developments.

Indeed, those bastards should have been grateful he impregnated that woman, even without her consent, she should have realized sooner what an honor it is to be ravaged by him, yet they, in their ungrateful stupor, kidnapped her from his chamber where he kept her locked, and they even dared to declare war on him afterwards!

Truly, no one had taught them good manners, but he was more than happy to enlighten them, while giving them the honor of having their strongest women become his concubines too of course.

The man took a small sip of the wine, his worthless children were doing the least they could for him, a few have died in their new conquest of the Slane Theocracy, in their love for him, they managed to secure more concubines for him to impregnate, each one considered powerful or remarkably pretty by the human's standards.

In fact, since he had noticed his elf guardians always shake from joy whenever he takes their wives, in his magnanimous kindness, he had just impregnated them as well, since he was in a good mood, it is the least he could do for his servants.

His mood soured as he remembered how these failures couldn't even fight back the humans on their own, pathetic weaklings begged him for help, but why should he care? He will conquer this world, whether it will be with this kingdom or another one, he couldn't care less.

A man entered the large balcony, his ears also signifying him as an elf, he looked at the bed for a second, his eyes lowered immediately, his fist shaking, the elf king ignored it all, it was clear how overjoyed he was for his wife, she was honored to sleep with him after all.

She even tried to play fight with him, roleplaying by saying how much she hated him and such haha! How could she hate him? He is perfect after all, such a playful little thing, he would give her the highest honor again later.

The man, doing his best to ignore the four women on the bed who were unconscious and covered in bruises, approached the king and bowed.

"My king, the conquests have been successful so far, I bring news of your daughter the humans took away from you unjustly." The last word rolled off the man's tongue like poison, which the Elf King interpreted as him being angry on his behalf.

How loyal, it's sad he is a man, he also deserved a reward for his loyalty.

Oh well, he would just give his wife more honor in his stead then, that should work.

"I see..." The king, also known as Decem Hougan by name, fell into thought.

They took his daughter away all those years ago, they dared to take his property, after all, she is the only one worth anything, the rest were mere tools, she on the other hand, was an invaluable tool.

Like comparing a twig to a sword, she must become his again, if he made good use of her womb, who knows what kind of children they could create? He got excited just thinking about it

"Continue to do your best, oh, also, your wife will be staying here for the rest of the day, call in my daughters. Those who can become pregnant only." The specification has disturbing ramifications behind it no doubt, the man a living incarnation of the sin known as lust, while also swelling with pride and gluttony-

-To be frank, it is impossible to mention all of his sins, it would take millennia, just know incest is on the lighter side of things, which goes to say something about the man's character.

The guard, once again shaking with joy, nodded and without risking eye contact, he spoke again.

"Yes... Your majesty." He must be so grateful his words took longer to come out, indeed, how gracious Decem Hougan is.

The elf woman was left for another day of rape and suffering, while the king's daughters didn't enjoy the process any more than the woman, the only difference being, they know there is no point resisting the arrogant self-absorbed joke of a man.


I hate the elf king so much, holy hell, I will have fun with him. ╰(*^▽^*)╯

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SUPREME BEINGS (1): ElusiveBucket (6 USD/month)

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