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42.64% LOTM ?? / Chapter 29: chapter 24

Chapitre 29: chapter 24

Chapter 111 What happened to the elk

"Everyone who went to investigate the ruins of the Quaternary Age is dead!"

"The person who recruited companions last time was a liar. He lied to us!"

After hearing the man's words, the living room, which was filled only with the sound of clothes rubbing against each other, suddenly exploded. Fear and astonishment quickly fermented, attracting many people to whisper.

The "Eye of Wisdom" who was sitting in the easy chair clapped his hands to stop the chaos from spreading. He supported his body with his hands and sat up straight on the soft cushion.

"Tell me carefully what happened to you."

The "Eye of Wisdom" took out a brass-colored object and gently flicked the surface with his palm, dragging out a layer of warm light and throwing it towards the man, freeing him from fear and even his voice. I am much stronger and no longer look so weak.

The man swallowed his saliva and spoke slowly.

He recounted the process of their gathering and heading to the suburbs, clasping their hands tightly as he recounted the story.

"...The entrance to the ruins is very hidden, hidden under a bare white rock. When we walked in, there were no monsters or traps as we imagined, only endless black marble stairs..."

"Until then, we all felt very relaxed and everyone relaxed their vigilance..."

As he spoke, he trembled again, his weak breath expelled the comfort exerted by the "Eye of Wisdom", and he hugged his head tightly with both hands.

"We...we, just when we wanted to open the real door of the tomb, the person who brought us here disappeared!"

"I suspect it is a curse. Everyone who touches the door seems to have encountered an invisible vampire, and their blood was drained in an instant."

"Only I was not killed directly because my ability was not suitable for frontal combat and I was placed at the end of the team. But even so, I still..."

The man seemed to feel that the next words could no longer be expressed in words. He suddenly pulled up one sleeve of his robe and stumbled closer to the firelight on the coffee table under the vigilant eyes of everyone, illuminating his skin which was full of wrinkles and age spots. Flabby arms.

"Oh my God!"

I don't know which lady exclaimed, and the Extraordinaries who were immersed in the atmosphere of fear suddenly woke up. One by one, they either tensed their bodies or were ready to break out and flee at any time. They all showed hostility towards the man beside the coffee table.

Who knows whether the curse on the survivor who claims to have saved his life is contagious?

Is this the life force being sucked out of the body? There is such a powerful curse hidden on the gate of that ruins?

Although Klein didn't react as much as others, he was always ready to leave with "Flame Leap".

At the end of the last party, he accidentally overheard the entire process of several people's conspiracy, including the approximate location of the ruins.

Well, near the Stepford River in White Cliff Town, there shouldn't be any ruins related to Trunsoest...

The nominal secular emperor of the Second Empire is still passed down within the Trunsoest family. Although they most likely have no actual power, when it comes to underground buildings such as mausoleums and ruins that preserve a large amount of extraordinary heritage, the Second Empire will definitely not be easy It is normal to hand it over to others and send personnel to excavate secretly.

Moreover, the act of excavation is destructive from a common sense point of view, and it is even more wasteful to spend so much time repairing the defense mechanism of an empty ruin.

If the low-sequence exploration team invaded the ruins controlled by the Southern Continent... they would only encounter members of the Aurora Society or the Secret Order who came after the alarm was triggered. All members would be turned into marionettes and torn into blood clots. It's normal.

Like now, only one person in the whole team escaped and tipped off... Klein suddenly felt lucky that he was cautious enough last time and did not delve into the man's identity and intentions, nor did he rush to the Stepford River to investigate.

He has the miracle of "secret" blessing, but he is not sure whether he can be resurrected if he, like the man in front of him, is drained of his vitality and accelerates aging, and his body fails and reaches the end of his life.

"'Moose,' you're scaring everyone."

Finally, when the atmosphere was tense and on the verge of conflict, Mr. "Eye of Wisdom" spoke.

He took out a gold brooch from under his robe, and his skin exposed to the air quickly became sweaty, as if he had been exposed to the scorching sun in the scorching summer.


The ancient Hermetic language with a solemn and holy meaning ignited a cluster of pure and warm golden flames, which collapsed into a halo, illuminating the body of the man nicknamed "Elk" and quickly purifying the darkness of decay and negativity in his body.

"Eye of Wisdom" proved the harmlessness of "Elk" with actions, and continued to reassure:

"Okay, 'Elk' is also a victim. He has no problem. What we should be wary of is the liar who deliberately spreads the whereabouts of the ruins and kills other people."

He is very sensible and has the authority to make others accept his judgment. He is worthy of being the convener of an underground gathering... Looking at the gathering members who were gradually calming down, Klein nodded secretly.

With the efforts of the "Eye of Wisdom", the party got back on track, but everyone still couldn't get out of the haze quickly. After a long time, only the "pharmacist" who originally spoke raised his hand.

He took a deep breath, as if he was anxiously looking for something.

"At the last party, is the guy who promised me to take over the commission to help me eliminate the mutated beasts in the medicine field still there?"

"He shouldn't be part of the group that went to explore the ruins. He shouldn't be dead, right?"

You speak so directly... Klein shook his head helplessly and adjusted the structure of his vocal cords so that he could produce a hoarse voice without deliberately pretending.

"I'm here to fulfill your promise. You pay the deposit first."

The "Medicine Master" had revealed that his medicine field was near the East District. Klein decided to try his luck and see if he could encounter some additional developments that could serve as a guide for him to integrate into the East District.

Of course, he is looking forward to what the "pharmacist" said, a doctor who can treat extraordinary people and has extraordinary power.

"Great, you're not dead," the "pharmacist" was stunned for a moment, then cursed and took out the promised potion from his pocket, and handed it to Klein from the table, "You might as well be dead!"

"Check, two bottles of energy potion, two bottles of potion that can quickly stop bleeding."

It seems that he is really in a hurry... Well, what he just said was a mutated beast, not a contaminated rat. Other emergencies have occurred in the sewer, and the environment has become worse. The "pharmacist" can no longer rely on himself The power of the new beast is driven away?

Klein used his spiritual vision to scan the four potions lying in the glass bottle in his hand, and nodded slightly.

"I'll go with you after the party."

"You'd better really know a doctor with extraordinary powers and don't let me down."

At the end, Klein added something that did not suit his character.

This is an attempt for him to digest the potion after being promoted to "Faceless Man". He needs to re-edit and perfect an image for Sherlock Moriarty that is obviously different from Crane Moretti.

"Okay." The "Medicine Master" muttered and sat back in his seat in frustration.

After the exchange ended, Klein returned to a bystander attitude, listening to others selling or begging for goods and materials, and watching the transactions that were less successful or aborted tonight than last time, and there was nothing in them that interested him.

He has no shortage of materials and formulas needed for promotion, and he also has Sharon Hunter hidden in gold coins, so he doesn't want to expose his few needs casually.

Time passed by, and when the old man "Eye of Wisdom" saw that no one was noticing anymore, he ended the lifeless party tonight and began to arrange for people to leave, one person every three minutes.

Klein was arranged to leave in the middle last time, but this time he was left at the end because of his agreement with the "Medicine Master".

About half an hour later, there were only four party members left in the living room. In addition to the old man "Eye of Wisdom", "Medicine Master", Klein, and the victim of the ruins expedition nicknamed "Elk".

"Eye of Wisdom" looked at Klein and "Medicine Master" and said in an old voice:

"You can leave together now."

The waiter who came back from the door stood in the shadow of the living room door, waiting silently.

The "Medicine Master" subconsciously followed the instructions of the "Eye of Wisdom" and wanted to get up, but Klein raised his hand to stop him.

With a hoarse voice, he glanced at the "Elk" who was listless and seemed to have fallen into despair. Only the obsession of revenge against the mysterious man was still supporting him, and his life was like a candle in the wind. He said softly:

"Mr. Elk, I want to know if you had any other encounters near the Stepford River in White Cliff Town. Do you still remember how the person who led you there was dressed?"

"This is the reward for the above two questions." Klein placed the energy potion given to him by the "pharmacist" in front of "UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Elk".

He was convinced that the "elk" that had lost its vitality and was almost at the end of its life, about to die of "natural aging", could not refuse any means to replenish its energy.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Elk reached out and put away the potion, looked at Klein deeply and said:

"I don't know where you got the specific address. I've said everything I need to say. Except for that gate, there is no danger in the area we walked through."

"As for that bastard you want to know about, well, I didn't see his face."

"That guy is probably a lunatic, a believer of a certain cult. He is very cautious. I can only confirm that he spread the news about the bullshit ruins in more than one place, because there were other strangers who were tricked into dying."

The news was also spread in other places... Klein nodded and made a gesture to the "Medicine Master".

Under the gaze of the "Eye of Wisdom" and the "Elk", he and the "Medicine Master" followed the waiter and walked towards one of the five exits.

With the additional clues provided by "Elk", he believed that the intelligence personnel under "Angel with Lantern" would soon be able to determine the identity of the mysterious man, figure out which family the ruins of White Cliff Town once belonged to, and what secrets were buried.

A former "Nighthawk" attempts to gain merit in the Church of the True Creator...

Huh... The corners of Klein's mouth hidden under the mask curved.

It's over, double update.

In fact, at this point, you should be able to guess who the person who spread the ruins is, right?

The Stepford River in White Cliff Town is a very famous ruin in the original book.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 112 The present situation of the vampires

"This is it."

Before the intersection, the "pharmacist" stopped, not daring to go any further. Klein stepped on the sewer floor and felt the ground becoming increasingly sticky.

A large amount of blue-black mucus covered the original mud, and patches of moss sprouted black sprouts due to unknown pollution. The original deep brown and green had long since rotted and smelled, making it difficult not to think of the plague that had passed through the earth. The desolation behind.

The pungent rancid odor and dirty feeling stimulated Klein to have fine bumps all over his body, and he subconsciously raised his arms to cover his mouth and nose.

I really wonder if Ms. Hunter will still smell the smell here after she becomes a spirit...

The "Yellow and Black Eyes" swayed silently. After confirming that there was no danger, Klein turned his head to the "Medicine Master" and asked:

"Your medicine field is right in front."

"Yes." The "Medicine Master" had already tightly wrapped the face below the eyes with the collar of his robe.

He frowned and explained angrily:

"It's not like we didn't have these smells before. About last Thursday, in addition to mutated rats, I also found footprints left by wild beasts. It was from then on that the surrounding environment became worse."

If I had known, I would have taken a look last week... Without saying anything, Klein followed the direction directed by the "pharmacist" and walked into one of the relatively hidden forks that crisscrossed ahead.

There was a thick, more disgusting stench wafting out from there than other places, and the big mouth embedded in the palm of the hand was retching silently, and the whole body was quickly infected with a pure breath.

Klein turned around and walked all the way to the end, where he saw the rats and beasts that the "pharmacist" mentioned.

The beasts polluted by the unknown breath showed obvious deformation characteristics, with pus all over their bodies. The common hair of mammals had long since fallen off, leaving only the eyes, mouths and redundant growths and mutations on the pale pink skin that grew out of thin air. The limbs and tumors were so densely intertwined and twisted that the ground was so heavy that the original color could not be seen.

What kind of pollution is this? Klein didn't want to take another look, so he opened his arms and summoned a miniature sun to illuminate the dark corner where the mutant beasts were most abundant.

The hot holy water poured on the beast's body, igniting clusters of golden flames.

Pure and warm flowers bloomed in clusters, swallowing all the filth into the sea of ​​fire. For a moment, whether they were deformed rats or beasts the size of puppies, they couldn't help but let out painful and shrill wails, and in a moment, they all melted into the sacred In the sea of ​​fireworks, there are only clear and impurity-free pools left to prove their existence.

Did the power of the "sun" come from Intis, or did he use some sealed artifact?

Isn't this guy's level lower than that of the old gentleman "Eye of Wisdom"? The "Medicine Master" stared at this scene blankly, not expecting that the beasts that he found troublesome after the contamination and fermentation would be so easy to solve in Klein's hands.

It wasn't until a corner of the dirty and putrid sewer where filth and evil gathered was cleansed away by the sacred fire that he barely reacted.

"Is everything resolved?"

Klein nodded slightly, looking around with a deep gaze, stroking the sealed object attached to the surface of his left hand and saying:

"The power of purification will only burn the carriers contaminated with evil pollution. Except for some herbs in the negative realm that you planted in the medicine field and those that were originally eaten by wild beasts, there should be no loss."

After hearing Klein's assurance, the "pharmacist" didn't bother to ask any more questions, and hurriedly ran to the land outside the cement cladding of the sewer to check, and confirmed that many herbs had escaped and were not harmed. , and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

"I thought you were a liar and just wanted my potion."

If you can't speak, you don't have to speak... Klein resisted the urge to talk back and gave pertinent advice:

"Generally speaking, pollution like this that appears for no reason is caused by humans. Although the other party's purpose is definitely not for your medicinal field, which is not worth a hundred gold pounds in total, there are definitely more pollutants. Wandering in the sewers, even if you ask me to expel them this time, you will encounter them again soon, and maybe the next time you encounter them will be even more troublesome than now."

"Of course, you have to be willing to pay me four bottles of potion each time, and I can purify it for you once a week."

Klein glanced at the "pharmacist" who was hesitating and unable to speak, and suddenly felt happy. Even the part that was ruined by the stench and the rats was repaid with profit.

"No, no need." The "Medicine Master" waved his hand quickly, took a step back, and gritted his teeth in pain, "I'd better find another place. I will leave after a while, so there is no need to fight with the mice."

Are you still willing to listen to the persuasion... Klein nodded. Seeing that his persuasion was effective, he stopped worrying about other people's affairs and started talking about business.

"According to the deal agreed in advance, I helped you drive away the rats and get back the herbs in the medicine field. You should also fulfill your promise and introduce me to the doctor with extraordinary powers you mentioned."

"Uh...I, oh, yes, doctor..."

The "Medicine Master" suddenly froze for a moment and avoided looking at Klein again.

"What's wrong? Are there any difficulties?"

Seeing that he might be rejected, Klein's face suddenly darkened, and he quietly released his suppression of "creeping hunger." The unsatisfied hunger and desire for human flesh suddenly dragged the "Medicine Master" into the cold abyss.

"No, no!"

The biological instinct of fear was aroused, and the "Medicine Master" tried his best to control his trembling body, and stumbled out the reason for his hesitation.

"I do know doctors who have extraordinary powers. It's true that they can treat patients for free. But at the party, I was too impatient and wanted to find someone to help me clean up the beasts in the medicine field, so I hid part of it."

Conceal it? It can't be... Klein guessed and opened his eyes slightly.

"They require blood for medical treatment and like to get together, so they are not afraid of anyone coming to their door. As long as you tell them clearly who the introducer is, they can directly prescribe medicine for you..."

"The doctor I'm talking about is a vampire." The "pharmacist" didn't dare to look in Klein's direction and lowered his head in fear.

What a vampire!

Klein could barely resist the urge to twitch the corners of his mouth, and he breathed a sigh of relief while suppressing the desire to complain.

He looked deeply at the "pharmacist" and took out a note and pen from his coat pocket.

"Give me...the doctor's address."

Noticing Klein's actions, the "pharmacist" quietly breathed a sigh of relief, took the pen and paper and quickly wrote down an address, deliberately not using the cursive fonts he liked to use when prescribing medicine to patients.

A bar in the Jowood area? These vampires are really having fun... Klein put the address away, snapped his fingers, and stepped into the flames.

The "Medicine Master" looked at the detective in front of him, and he swallowed in fear as his figure disappeared in a burst of orange flames.

"He left?"

"Is this his ability?"

The "pharmacist" wiped the cold sweat from his face and shuddered uncontrollably.

"You can't do this next time, otherwise sooner or later, just like the teacher said, you will definitely die young..."

Thinking of the advice left by the detective, the "pharmacist" did not dare to stay any longer. After harvesting the last herbs, he quickly left the sewer.

At the edge of the East District, Klein was walking on a street that few people passed by. He flipped his palm and conjured a gold coin with a slightly blurry pattern.

Sharon's figure with blond hair and a black dress flew out of the golden reflection and floated in the air. The calm azure stared at Klein's face, as if waiting for the next question.

"Do you know the vampire doctor he just talked about?"

Wearing a black dress floating in the misty night wind of Backlund, Sharon said lightly:


"They used to follow the 'Goddess of Beauty.'"

Wait, follow the "God of Beauty"? Klein's expression suddenly felt strange.

Like 0-08's predecessor "Dragon of Nightmare", "Beauty God" is also a subordinate of the eight ancient gods in the past. After the death of Lilith, the ancestor of the blood clan, it has been protecting the remaining blood clan and moving around under various major forces until it and " The Night King" Trunsoest is getting married.

After the death of the Night Emperor, it is said that the "Beauty Goddess" Ornia also died with her husband, leaving only their child, a hybrid of vampires and humans. In order to avenge the traitors in the Northern Continent, she took the initiative to throw herself into the arms of the true Creator. , with the support of the True Creator and the Mother Clan, starting from a small part of the Trunsoest Empire's territory in the southern continent, the Second Empire was opened up...

Backlund's vampire doctors once followed the "Goddess of Beauty" and Queen Ornia of Trunsoest, who was a blood relative of His Majesty the Second Empire...

A big question mark seemed to appear above Klein's head.

Are the vampire doctors who co-authored the book considered my colleagues?

He hurriedly continued to ask Sharon:

"Do the vampires living in Backlund now also believe in the True Creator or the 'God of Mystery'?"

Sharon did not pursue Klein's disrespectful act of calling God by name, but simply answered the question briefly.

"They believe in the ancestor Lilith and are loyal to Her Majesty the Queen's descendant, the current Emperor of the Second Empire."

"They respect and worship the Father of all living beings."

Respect and worship can be said to be, "Father of All Living Things"... Is this one of the titles left by the True Creator, um, the Creator of the Second Age, and then inherited by the True Creator?

It's very cool. It's almost like a pair with Lilith's title of "Mother of All Things" in the myth of the ancient gods told by Little "Sun"...

A pair of... Klein's eyes suddenly became even weirder.

He hurriedly drew an inverted cross on his chest like a remedy, fearing that the flesh and blood all over his body would betray his thoughts and turn into a bomb in the next second.

However, this blasphemous association also answered his doubts about the reason why the Second Empire of Trunsoest could exist and continue without becoming a complete clerical state.

Although the Trunsoest family, the nominal ruler of the empire, has declined, their mother family, the followers of the "Beauty God", still retain considerable strength, and they also need a safe base and foreign aid.

Klein remembered that the booklet sent by the church to the "Nighthawks" mentioned that vampires are also dangerous creatures protected by evil angels. Because they also use the symbol of the red moon, they are also an important target of the church's hatred and attack.

Later, you can go to A... and ask that beast Jerry Zaratul about the Vampire Clan. This is what he owes me...

"How about we go take a look now?" Klein turned to Sharon in the air and asked.

It was very rare that Sharon, who stayed quietly in mid-air, showed obvious emotions.

She backed away slightly in the wind and shook her head.

"They won't welcome me."

Not welcome? For Miss Hunter to say this, does it mean that except for some reasons, the vampires in the bar also have a powerful existence that can detect her spiritual body and enter a hidden state?

She said that except for the "Secret Puppet Master" and similar people, few demigods can discover her...

Is there a demigod in the vampire bar in Jowood? Klein raised his eyebrows and seemed to respect Sharon's choice:

"Then I'll go alone. How about we meet at my apartment at eight tomorrow?"

"You can also take this opportunity to deal with other things."

Of course Klein knows that with her special relationship with Zaratul, Sharon Hunter will not be discovered even if she disappears for a month or a year. Naturally, there will be a marionette of the "Angel with a Lantern" to handle ordinary things for her. Things will not be noticed as abnormal.

He just wanted to take advantage of the time he was alone with Miss Hunter to board the gray fog and confirm some things.

"Okay." Sharon looked at him quietly for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement.

Klein said no more and watched Sharon completely disappear into the night before walking in another direction.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty the Pope hopes that you can attend the triumphal ceremony tomorrow."

In the palace dominated by red and black, a towering figure covered in deep scales crouched under the nine steps, speaking slowly and in a strange accent similar to the Backlund accent used among Loen nobles nowadays.

"The 'War Red' First Legion led by His Highness Aiweier achieved an unprecedented victory on the western border in twenty years and brought back the body of His Highness Ortina. The members of the High Council of Representatives have approved the state funeral ceremony. Required fees."

On the throne composed of scales and full moon, UU reads www. uukanshu.net The man who inherited the name of Trunsoest had his eyes slightly closed and his bearing was deep. Whether it was the handsome face inherited from his parents or the cold temperament, he satisfied all the world's imaginations about the emperor.

With his eyes lowered and his eyebrows lowered, the Emperor of the Second Empire, who was like a sculpture, kept silent. When he heard the minister below read the name of his deceased sister, Ortina, his blood-red eyes under the shadow of his long brass hair finally Feeling moved.

Unlike him who swore to restore the glory of his father and embarked on the path of "Judge", his sister, who was like the incarnation of beauty like her mother, died in the war between the empire and the "Rose School" and was not yet alive at that time. The degenerate "temperance" was buried thousands of miles away.

And now, she is finally back.

"Sir Loholid."

The giant dragon summoned by the emperor raised its head. Three heads with different but similar faces in old age, prime age, and youth looked at the throne. The middle head in the middle pushed the head on the bridge of the nose. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and cast an inquiring gaze, waiting for the emperor's next words.

"Gather the vampires who are still in Aarons for me and let them be in the front row of the funeral. Ortina will like it."

After a long time, Orsono Trunsoest, the hybrid named after an ancient volcano, sighed again:

"She'll love it."

Olsono Volcano, a volcano I made up, the prototype is the real Osorno Volcano, which is an active volcano with the top completely covered by glaciers (although it has a bad temper and often erupts)

The name of the father of all living beings was inspired by God.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 113 Weird Vampire Clan

Several handsome men and beauties dressed in subtle and Luen-like styles gathered around a round table, watching with interest their new companions venting their bitterness.

"...I really don't understand. We don't attack civilians, we just live a normal life. Why do we have to remain anonymous?"

"Fortunately, we still write letters frequently, so I don't have a dark eye on the situation in the Northern Continent. If I really listen to my parents and come here with only a thousand pounds, just moving will make me bankrupt!"

"I don't have a thirty-year tax payment certificate, and the bank won't approve me for a loan. I want to be a doctor to make money, but someone accuses me of practicing medicine without a license. What a hell. When do we vampires have to take the exam to be a doctor?"

"Human blood in the Northern Continent is like mixed with sand. It has been pickled by the smog for a long time. At this level, they are still afraid that I am bleeding just to sell money?"

"Does anyone want it? I won't even drink it if it's for free!"

"Honorable Ancestor, when will the 'Father of All Living Beings' be able to liberate the Northern Continent, save this ghost place, and save us who have to come here to suffer?"

The young vampire drank all the liquor in the cup. He had never tried to drink "pure" directly without blood dilution. His eyes were blurred, and he hit his elbows hard and fell directly to the table.

The other young vampires who were watching looked at the miserable state of their companions and thought of their own similar reactions when they first moved here. They all brushed their hands and laughed sympathetically.

A certain vampire who didn't mind the excitement even poked the head of the drunkard on the table and said in a very seductive voice:

"Don't take it too seriously. You only need to serve for the Intelligence Department in the Northern Continent for thirty years. We have lived here for a hundred years, aren't we still alive and well?"

"...Yes, I just need, hiccup, thirty years, thirty..." The drunk vampire repeatedly recited his service time, his eyes widened instantly, and his upper body jumped up from the table in great horror.


"My house in Aarons only has 20 years of property rights left. The Holy City has been expanding recently, and my parents also moved to the east coast for vacation..."

"Damn it, when I return from serving, will my house still be habitable? It won't be demolished, right?"

A corner of the "Serenade Bar" burst out with joyful laughter, which aroused Klein's surprise when he just walked in. He couldn't help but wonder if he had read the wrong address and walked into the wrong door.

The vampires should all be immortals who wear retro dresses, hold red wine glasses, live in ancient castles, and uphold elegant traditions and are unsmiling, right?

In the sleepy semi-underground bar, Klein did not find an image that was similar to the image in his mind. Instead, pedestrians walking through the bar were either dressed as fashionably as in the magazines, or dressed similarly to him. Looks like a bounty hunter.

Without those pairs of blood-red eyes shining in the dimness, Klein might not be able to equate these "young people" who are fully integrated into human society and enjoying the nightlife with the naturally extraordinary vampires.

At this moment, a slender young man with side-parted black hair walked over to the unfamiliar face hesitating at the door and asked with a smile:

"Sir, do you need anything?"

"I'd like to have a glass of the specialty wine here?" Klein looked around and found a reason.

"Really?" The vampire who came to test blinked in surprise, smiled with an unknown meaning, and led Klein away from the entrance hall where various rain gears were placed, bypassing the round tables where the gathering was taking place, and came to the back. Bar counter.

He knocked on the solid wood tabletop and said to the female bartender behind the bar:

"A glass of absinthe for a sixteen-year-old girl."

The bartender, whose ponytail was tied high behind his head, raised his right eyebrow slightly. He looked at Klein with a curious look and expertly took out several raw materials carefully stored in glass containers from the cabinet behind the bar.

"Absinthe has become very popular in Intis in recent years. The absinthe produced by different distilleries will have slightly different formulas, and some even add usable flavors such as lemon essential oil."

The young vampire with side-parted hair pointed at a jar of bright red liquid that the bartender was taking off the cabinet.

"But 'Serenade' is a bar of the blood clan. Of course it is different from ordinary low-quality wineries. We never use any additives and only pursue natural and impurity-free food."

"Sixteen-year-old girl does not really refer to the blood of a sixteen-year-old girl, it is just an elegant name for purity."

The young vampire took the goblet handed by the bartender and gently pushed it to Klein's hand.

"Sir, can you tell me who your introducer is?"

Klein picked up the bottle of absinthe, his nose twitched, and he swayed the pendulum with his right hand behind his back. After confirming again and again that there was neither danger nor the smell of blood, he took a sip and felt the strong aroma of the wine. It gives people a refreshing feeling, and the spiritual energy in the body is much more active.

"He calls himself a 'pharmacist'. He is not tall, a little fat, and can't speak well."

Klein put the wine glass back in its place. Inside the transparent glass, a green liquid that gave people a psychedelic illusion slowly flowed.

"Calling yourself, 'Medicine Master'?" The smile on the vampire's face suddenly became much lighter.

"Is there any problem?" Klein's body tensed up a bit.

"No, no, no, don't be nervous," the young vampire shook his head with a wry smile, with obvious contempt in his eyes, "I know who the guy you are talking about is. He really can't speak. One day I will pull it out myself. off his tongue."

"But this is a small personal dissatisfaction between me and him. It has nothing to do with you. Our vampire race is an elegant, easy-going and friendly race, and we are willing to welcome all guests who are destined."

He moved very naturally and outlined a prayer gesture on his chest similar to that of the Church of the Night believers, and then intertwined his hands in front of his chest, as if he was cherishing the non-existent moon wheel.

"My name is Burkhardt. I am the waiter here. I am happy to serve you..."

Halfway through, Burkhardt opened one eye mischievously and secretly watched Klein's reaction.

"Sherlock Moriarty." Klein replied quickly.

"It will be my pleasure to assist you, Mr. Moriarty."

Burkhardt finished the action that seemed to be a gesture of friendship from a vampire and picked up the wine glass again.

"I assume you're here to find a doctor who can help you in the future?"

Klein nodded silently and looked at Burkhardt, who seemed to be treating others respectfully but was actually careless. Based on the principle that he had come and could not be fooled and return without success, he tentatively stretched out his left and right hands.

Under Burkhardt's puzzled gaze, the flesh and blood in the center of Klein's right hand turned, and pieces of flesh buds squirmed and rolled back, revealing an iron-black iron-black emblem engraved with the Holy Emblem of the True Creator and a small A-shaped pattern at the bottom. badge.

A member of the Aurora Society, a subordinate of Mr. A, the "Father of All Living Things", the envoy of God? Before Burkhardt's surprise could be fully expressed in his blood-red eyes, the next scene changed even more unexpectedly than he expected.

Klein's left hand was suddenly stained with a layer of blood red unique to the "Shepherd". He opened a bloody mouth in the palm of his hand and moved towards Burkhardt like he was blinking.

"Creeping hunger"!

This... Burkhardt suddenly raised his head and scanned Klein's face several times, his eyes filled with shock.

As a citizen of the Second Empire and one of the liaison officers stationed in Backlund by the Imperial Intelligence Department, he certainly knew what these two tokens meant.

He himself has many friends who serve in the Secret Order, including members of the Zaratul family. At recent gatherings, he has also heard various speculations about the cause of the death of the former owner of "Creeping Hunger", Qilingos.

Although the exact truth cannot be guessed, what is certain is that Qilingos most likely died at the hands of his colleagues in the empire. It is very likely that the person who killed him was a newly promoted divine envoy, a sequencer who finally made it through. five.

Did he kill him?

After a brief shock, there was an unquenchable suspicion. Burkhardt looked at Klein, who seemed to be at the same level as himself, and his sitting posture became slightly more straight.

"I didn't expect it to be you..." He nodded pretendingly, "Can't you faceless people use your original faces to connect?"

"I almost thought you were a new fat sheep in Backlund who could be slaughtered, but it turned out that you were one of our own..."

"You wait first, I will find a list for you to see who among the relatives is more suitable."

Burkhardt pretended to be aware of Klein's true identity and quickly left the bar, heading deeper into the dark environment.

He walked towards a secret door behind the bar partition, followed the stairs, and came to the underground area.

This is the VIP area of ​​the "Serenade" bar, open only to the upper echelons of the vampire clan and distinguished guests from the empire.

Outside the private room embroidered with blood-moon patterns, Burckhardt knocked on the door, and after getting approval from inside, he opened the door and entered.

"Count Mistral."

There was only one customer in the box. This man was tall and thin, extremely tall and straight. His hair was light, almost silver, and his eyes were bright red, as if hiding blood. He was Count Mistral of the Blood Tribe.

He glanced at the humble and bent Burkhardt, raised his left hand wearing a light red gemstone ring, touched the slightly exaggerated fancy bow tie, and said gently:

"What's the matter?"

Burckhardt bowed again and reported from where he was:

"There was a customer in the bar just now. He showed me Mr. A's token and the 'Creeping Hunger', hoping to establish a cooperative relationship with one of our relatives."

"'Creeping Hunger'?" Mistral didn't pay much attention to the relationship between Burkhardt and Mr. A, but he was more interested in the other mentioned sealed artifact.

As a high-ranking member of the Blood Clan, a true nobleman who also had the status of a baron in secular society, he happened to be present on the night when Qilingos tried to assassinate Duke Negan.

But even so, he could not see clearly which force killed Qilingos. He only knew that it was definitely not the work of the Storm or the Church of the Night.

The one who came with Mr. A's token was a newly appointed trainee divine envoy from the Holy City who had not yet officially received a code name?

"Is the new guest at the same level as you?"

Burckhardt nodded.

"Yes, but I suspect that in addition to the 'Creeping Hunger', he also has other sealed objects hidden in his body. His overall strength may have surpassed most Sequence Five..."

Burckhardt thought for a moment and described it in vague terms:

"His smell is very special, like the smell of devil and the bloody smell of shepherd mixed together. As for himself, he may be a 'marine master'. Apart from the sealed artifact, he and The other 'faceless men' gave me the same feeling, tasteless."

Could it be that he is really a newly promoted divine envoy... Mistral summed up the description that others would only think was vague, and gently pressed his palms towards the subordinate standing at the door.

"Wait a moment."

He intertwined his hands and stroked the light red ring on the middle finger of his left hand. The gemstone inlaid in the center of the silver ring suddenly became as red as blood.

"Xma, are you there?"

The "Dark Saint" who was correcting the document found his energy and replied a message.

"work overtime."

Seeing that this colleague with whom he got along well still had time to reply, Mistral immediately asked:

"Did the church recently canonize a new divine messenger?"

"Where did you hear that?" "Dark Saint" asked back at the speed of light. The alarm bells in his head rang loudly, and he opened a hidden compartment in the drawer next to him like a conditioned reflex.

Really canonized? The corners of Mistral's thin mouth curled up slightly.

"He is in my bar now, hoping to find a vampire doctor to cooperate with."

? ? ? ? ? "Dark Saint" Kesma Qianbol's brain shut down for a moment, and it took him several seconds to fully understand what the Blood Count meant.

The documents for the secret observation and assessment of the new divine envoy were only sent from the Holy City yesterday. How come the vampires know about it today?

Adhering to the principle of dutiful service, while dealing with Mistral, Kosma took the time to confirm with his superiors.

Fortunately, the "Angel with Lamp" didn't keep him waiting too long before giving him the answer.

The vampires were not notified, but the person in the bar was indeed Klein Moretti. Mistral just guessed and guessed it right?

The "Dark Saint" was relieved that he would not be punished for dereliction of duty or dereliction of duty.

He continued to correct the financial statements of the Aurora Society this month, and lightly rejected Z's application to build a small church in Port Enmat, saying calmly:

"Don't worry, this has nothing to do with our wishes, it's his personal idea."

"It's his assessment period recently. You can make it more difficult for him. When the Holy City awards come out, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net you can also attach an additional application, and maybe there will be a chance for promotion. "

The corners of Mistral's mouth suddenly became more obvious. He released his intertwined hands, thought for a while and suddenly said:

"You are right, his identity is indeed somewhat special, but don't pay too much attention to it."

"Aren't there many young people who have just grown up in the clan?"

"Backlund has not been in good form these past few months. Our main focus is to continue to implement His Majesty's will. Please sort it out and see whose children have just grown up. Make a list and give it to him. It doesn't matter if he picks one or both."


After listening to the count's instructions, Burckhardt always felt that something was wrong. However, due to the strict etiquette of the blood clan's distinction between superior and inferior, he could only obey in a confused manner until he walked out of the box and was about to open the secret door and return. When we arrived at the bar lobby, we finally figured out the problem.

No, there are indeed many young adults in the clan, but the vampires who can be sent to Backlund are basically the unlucky ones who are unlucky in drawing lots and members of the intelligence department with missions, and they are at least 150 years old. Over ten years old, it is impossible to be an adult.

Besides, who wants to give birth here? Living in the Northern Continent, you can't even enjoy His Majesty's policies and benefits for the vampires!

In Backlund, the vampires who have just grown up can only be those born locally... Burkhardt raised a sincere question.

Can Lun make two of these "creatures"?

Is this style of painting beyond your imagination?

Thanks to the iced tea man for providing the conversation. He knows how to make a living (I did not crowdfund to write a book)

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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