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Chapter 1

On a bed in the room of an inn, we can see a boy of 10 sleeping; the boy moves in his sleep, showing that he did not have a pleasant dream. 


"Hey Kinshi, let's make a promise. When we grow up, you and I will get married!" Said a girl with a big smile, holding out a ring to Kinshi. 

Kinshi is a medium-sized child. He has black hair and dark blue eyes.

"Mmh okay Rika," Kinshi replied with a big smile. 

Rika was a little girl with a fragile figure, a sweet, cute face, pale skin, long dark brown hair that reached halfway down her back and fine eyebrows. Her eyes were dark brown. She had a mole under her mouth, wore a sleeveless dark blue dress with a white collar decorated with several dark blue hearts around the edges, and purple ballerinas. She also wore a red scarf tied in a bow.

[End of dream]

The sleeping boy can be seen sweating heavily and moving more and more in the bed. 


"Hurry up Rika, we have to go to your grandparents," a man called with a big smile while holding a woman's hand. 

"Coming Daddy Hahaha," Rika laughed as she planted a kiss on Kinshi's cheek. 

"Ah later Kinshi, be careful on the way back to the orphanage," Rika said with a smile before she turned to run towards her parents. 

Kinshi touched the cheek where Rika had kissed her and watched her go. 

[End of the dream]

The boy moved more and more violently in the bed. 

"Wait, Rika," the boy murmured, holding out his hand in his sleep.


As Rika ran towards her parents, a gabelin with a sword in his hand appeared beside her. 


The goblin struck Rika directly in the head, killing her instantly, as hundreds of monsters appeared to kill everyone in the village, leaving only him. 

"RIKA....," Kinshi shouted, reaching for Rika as she lay on the ground in her own blood. 

[End of Dream]

"...AAAAAAAAA," the boy shouted as he woke up, his left hand still outstretched. 

The boy sat up quickly, breathing heavily as he held the necklace around his neck with his right hand. Looking at the boy's eyes, you can see that he has a look of tiredness, with dark circles showing that he hasn't had much sleep. 

Suddenly, a gray creature appeared, with a large mouth showing only its pointed teeth, no eyes or nose, and large, muscular arms embracing Kinshi's body. 

"I am here, Kinshi," the creature said in a distorted voice. 

As it said this, a large eye appeared in the center of its face, looking at Kinshi. 

"I know Rika... I know ....," Kinshi replied, touching the creature's hand, calling it Rika and making it disappear.

Kinshi slowly calmed down before getting out of bed to take a shower and get dressed. After dressing, he left the room and went downstairs to leave the inn. As he passed by, he came across the receptionist who was trembling as she looked at him. 

"Monster..." he heard before he left the inn. 

Looking around, Kinshi saw that no one was around, so he quickly put on his hood and made his way to the guild to register as an adventurer to begin his new journey and hopefully have a family to rely on. 

After a long walk of about 30 minutes, Kinshi finally arrived at the guild, which was full of adventurers. He saw that some were carrying bags of money and laughing with each other, while others had sad expressions on their faces, leading him to believe that they had lost a loved one in the dungeon.

When he got inside, he saw a long line of adventurers waiting in front of people who seemed to be advisors, but when he looked around carefully, Kinshi saw a guy with a desperate look on his face and no one in front of him, so he decided to go up to him. 

"Hi..." Kinshi said with an emotionless look on his face.

"Huh?" said the man with a desperate look on his face. 

"I saw that there was no one in front of you, so I came," Kinshi said, looking around to see that no one was coming. 

"Well, I'm not working right now, so you can find another counselor," the man explained, resting his head on the table. 

"But it's marked open," Kinshi remarked, pointing to a sign. 

"Ahhh well, what do you want?" the man said after a sigh. 

"I want to become an adventurer," Kinshi replied. 

"How old are you, adventurer? 9," the man said, looking Kinshi up and down. 

"No, I'm 10 and you must be 15," Kinshi replied with a smile. 

"It doesn't matter, your choice has nothing to do with me, just fill out the paper," the man said, holding out a piece of paper. 

Kinshi looked at the paper before filling it out. 

First name: Kinshi

Last Name: /

Family: /

Level: /

"Here it is," Kinshi said, holding the paper out to the man. 

"Uh, you didn't write anything but your name," the man said with a drop of sweat falling on his forehead.

"I haven't joined any family yet," Kinshi explained.

"It doesn't matter, all you need to do is find a personal advisor to help you find a family and for the rest of your adventuring career," the man explained with the same lazy look on his face. 

"Can't you be my advisor? I'm not very sociable," Kinshi explained with a shy look. 

"Ahhhh what a pain, well follow me," the man said as he walked to a private room and sat down on one of the chairs. 

Kinshi followed him and sat down across from the man. 

"Ok," Kinshi said with a serious look on his face, holding his cloak with his thumb and forefinger.

"No need to be so serious... Ok, well, do you have a preference regarding your family," Shikamaru asked. 

"What are your choices?" asked Kinshi in turn. 

"Well, there's the expedition famillia, which focuses on exploring and traveling in the dungeon, and there's also the blacksmith, farmer and medical famillia.... and the small famillia, but I wouldn't recommend it," Shikamaru said.

"Why?" asked Kinshi, tilting his head to the side. 

"Ahhh genant..... to put it simply, joining a well-known famillia will give you all the equipment you need right away, while a small famillia will make you start from scratch," Shikamaru explained with a face full of fatigue. 

"Okay, which famillia do you recommend?" asked Kinshi. 

"The Freya-Familia doesn't recruit because Freya chooses the adventurers herself, so that leaves the Loki-Familia, which is very well known and recruiting today. Otherwise, you'll have to join a lesser-known famillia," Shikamaru said, rising from his seat. 

"All right, I'll try the Loki-Familia first and then I'll come back and tell you if I was accepted, otherwise I'll join a lesser known famillia," Kinshi said and got up to follow Shikamaru who had left the room. 

"Well, you better hurry or you'll miss the recruitment," Shikamaru said and waved goodbye. 

"Thank you," Kinshi said as he left quickly.

"Ahhhh what a pain", Shikamaru said looking at the paper in his hand after seeing Kinshi disappear. 

"Uh, where is your recruitment?" asked Kinshi who reappeared next to Shikamaru and scratched the back of his head. 

"At Twillight Manor..." Shikamaru replied and fell asleep on his desk while Kinshi ran towards the manor.

(Twillight Manoir)

"Ahhh I finally made it," Kinshi says with a tired look on his face. 

Upon entering the manor, Kinshi saw many people, some with weapons while others had nothing. Seeing so many people, Kinshi decided to sit in a corner until the recruitment started. 

After a few minutes of waiting, a child with blond hair and blue eyes came out of the manor's main door, followed by three other people. 

An elf with green hair and green eyes, walking elegantly like a princess, a muscular man with a beard, long brown hair and brown eyes, and finally a woman with red hair and wrinkled eyes. 

"Hello everyone, I'm Finn Deimne, Captain of the Loki Famillia," Finn said confidently as he looked out over the crowd. 

"He's not a child," Kinshi thought with an emotionless look. 

"Next to me is Riveria the vice captain of the Loki Famillia as well as Gareth a carder of the famillia and finally here is our goddess Loki, today the recruitment will take place in three stages, the first will be a discussion with Riveria, Gareth and myself, the second will be a fight against one of our carders while the third will be a discussion with Loki himself.... Now, when everyone's ready, a member of our family will give you a number. Good luck to all of you," said Finn with a serious look on his face during his speech.

After that, everyone started hurrying home, and seeing a long line of people, Kinshi decided to lie down on the grass and wait until no one was left. After waiting for about an hour, Kinshi saw that there was no one left, so he decided to go to the main gate of the mansion to enter. 

When he reached the front door, he saw a woman holding out the number 299 to him. 

"Thank you," Kinshi said, looking at the woman with the ears and tail of a cat. 

Hearing no response from the other party, Kinshi moved to a corner to wait, but when he looked around, he saw that no one was there, but he paid no attention for too long and closed his eyes. 

[Pov Loki Family]

"Ahhhh, there's really no one interesting here except Tiona and Tiona," Loki snapped. 

"It's true we passed everyone but there was no one of note, some were even there just to propose to Ais Hahaha," Gareth laughed, scratching his beard. 

"Tch the weak" a wolfman said angrily. 

"Don't be so angry Bete, at least we've got two level 3s, almost level 4s," Finn said with a small smile. 

"Thanks Captain, but the others were really bad," Tione said with a blush. 

"Weak," said a girl with golden hair and eyes. 

"Ais is right..." shouted Loki, jumping at the girl who dodged and knocked her to the ground.

"Leave her alone, Loki," Riveria said with a dark look. 

Knock Knock 

"Sorry to interrupt, but there's one person left," said a cat woman. 

"Really, I thought it was over. What does he look like?" asked Finn. 

"He's a child, he must be at least 10 years old, he's got messy black hair with dark blue eyes and dark circles under his eyes..." The girl explained before lowering her head. 

"What's going on?" asked Riveria with a raised eyebrow. 

"J.. I don't know but... he has an aura around him like ..... like he's cursed," the girl explained. 

"How is he cursed?" asked Finn, frowning. 

"He has the same aura as someone who casts a curse, except that he... it stays with him all the time," the girl continued. 

"I'm interested in him, not you, Finn," Loki said with a mysterious smile. 

"Yes, bring him in," Finn said. 

"Good," the girl bowed before leaving the room. 

"Tch, just our weakest," said Bete. 

"We'll see... after that we'll go to the fertility hostess," Loki said with a broad smile while the others nodded. 

[Fin Pov Loki Famillia]

[Pov Kinshi]

"I'm bored"

"It's long.

"I think I'll go see Shikamaru" 

After thinking about many things, I decided that it would be best for me to leave so as not to waste any more time, but just as I was about to leave, I heard someone calling me, or rather my number. 

"Number 299, please wait, the cards are ready for you," the girl said.

I just nodded and followed her to the door, she stepped aside to let me through, I paused for a moment before speaking. 

"Rika doesn't do anything," I said before putting on an emotionless face that could have looked lazy from missing hours of sleep. 

Before I pushed open the door and entered the room, I felt Rika's aura as soon as I stepped inside. 

"Shit," I thought as I looked around at the group of executives, Loki, and four other people I didn't know. 

[Fin Pov Kinshi]

As the Loki family waited for the last candidate to arrive, each of them had a serious look on their faces.

The door opened gently and a foot appeared in front of the Loki Famillia, but the moment the foot hit the ground, a monstrous aura emerged from the boy who gradually entered the room with a lazy face. 

When Kinshi reached the middle of the room, he looked at the Loki family, who all had their weapons ready to attack me, while the golden-haired girl disappeared from her place to appear with a sword at her throat, making him laugh. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Kinshi said as the Loki family looked on in confusion. 

Kinshi then pointed his finger upwards. 

"Rika might not be happy," Kinshi said with a sad look, making the Loki famillia even more perplexed. 

The Loki famillia followed Kinshi's finger, then suddenly a monster appeared out of nowhere and attacked them.

"Nobody touches my Kinshi!!!!," Rika shouted and hit Ais, who narrowly dodged and had his sword torn off. 

"Ahhh!!!!," Rika shouted at the Loki family as they opened their angry eyes. 

The members of the Loki famillia widened their eyes in shock, for never in the history of the world had they heard of such a being. Kinshi watched for a moment without reacting as Rika hugged her protectively.

"Rika, please go..." Kinshi said with a gentle smile. 

Shortly after Kinshi's request, Rika disappeared, leaving only Kinshi and the Loki family.

"What was that?" asked Finn with a serious look on his face. 

"That's Rika," Kinshi said sadly. 

"I understand her, but who is she and what creature is she?" asked Finn, squinting. 

"She is... Hmm, she's my ex-girlfriend ..... Uh my master told me she's a ghost ..... like 1000 years ago .... but .... she's cursed... so we can say she's a cursed ghost," Kinshi explained while thinking. 

Everyone looked at him to think about what he had said. 

"Wait, she's a cursed ghost, so she gives you powers?" asked Riveria, looking at Kinshi. 

"Uh... I don't know," Kinshi said, tilting his head to one side. 

"Didn't your master teach you?" asked Loki. 

"I never tried anything to see if it gave me powers, my master just taught me how to fight with weapons and fists and then disappeared, leaving me a letter telling me to come to Orario to become an adventurer," Kinshi explained, looking around at everyone. 

"So you don't know anything about these powers, or at least how to bring them out," Finn said, lowering his spear, followed by everyone else. 

"Well, my master told me to forget the past or accept it to become stronger," Kinshi said, putting his thumb and forefinger on his cloak to think.

Everyone looked at him for a moment before Kinshi spoke again. 

"Or I could have a weapon to control it," Kinshi explained after a moment of thought.

"Well, let's get started. We're going to ask you three questions, and then we'll decide whether or not you can join the family," Finn explained. 

After Finn's explanation, everyone sat down to see what was going to happen. 

"That's all..." Kinshi asked with her head down. 

"Uh yeah, why?" asked Finn with a confused look. 

"There's no fight?" asked Kinshi with her head down and her back arched. 

"No..." Finn said hesitantly. 

Kinshi then looked at the other two executives, who nodded. 

"Huh," Kinshi said, falling to the ground in exhaustion. 

"Uh, are you okay?" asked Finn, getting up from the chair to see Kinshi lying on his stomach. 

"Yeah, yeah, just ask the questions..." said Kinshi, moving her hand. 

"Well.... the first question is why the Loki famillia?" asked Finn with a serious look like all the famillia members present in the room. 

"Because my advisor recommended it," said Kinshi, raising his head to look like an idiot. 

"Ok, Riveria for you," Finn says with exasperation.

"Yes, so what do you think about the difference between the races?" asked Riveria seriously. 

"Uh... we each have our own thoughts and I don't care," Kinshi said, sitting down with his hands behind his head. 

"Explain yours to me," Riveria asked, squinting.

"Do you want me to speak seriously?" asked Kinshi. 

"Yes, say what you think," Riveria replied with a frown.

"Well, let's start with the Beastmen in general, they're all idiots with no intelligence whatsoever, the guys are more worshipped by nature than the Elves but they don't even realize it, I mean they have the senses of animals so why don't they use them to do a lot of incredible things, then come the Dwarves, they're the reincarnation of strength and afterthought, while the Amazons are sex addicts as long as they find a strong person, hell, she could even go ten rounds on the same guy as long as he's strong, then the Pallums, the guys are super intelligent which allows them to compensate for their small bodies, and finally the Elves, they are all bastards who think they are superior because magic loves them, whereas if you are quick enough you can wipe them all out before they even finish their incantations, the only thing that makes them different from the other races is that they have discovered their strength while the others haven't," Kinshi explained lazily as if there were only humans in the room. 

The executives looked on in shock at such an explanation, which infuriated everyone except Loki, who spoke up.

"You didn't talk about humans as well as gods," Loki said, looking at Kinshi, who had been lying on his back with his hands behind his head during the explanation.

"I don't feel like talking about such a disgusting race," Kinshi said lazily. 

"Oh, and why are they the worst race?" asked Loki with an interested look. 

"You really want to know? ..... Ok, we humans are the most pitiful of all, we reject others out of fear, we attack when we don't understand something, that's why I understood that there are two infinite things: the universe and human stupidity, all their ideas are stupid ideas that lead them little by little to destruction," Kinshi explained, looking at Loki lazily. 

"Oh... and what about the gods?" asked Loki impatiently.

"Uh... let's keep it simple: do you use your title of God when you don't like something or for any other reason?" asked Kinshi, looking lazily into Loki's eyes. 

"Yes," Loki replied, looking at Kinshi again. 

"The title of God belongs only to those who don't need to use it," Kinshi said, looking at Loki, who squinted his eyes. 

"Hahahahahaha," Loki laughed. 

"You're really interesting, you're only 10 but you already think like that, I wonder what you went through as a child hahahaha," Loki continued laughing. 

"Well, welcome to the family kinshiI've decided that you're one of my two favorites from now on, Kinshiii~" Loki said, jumping on Kinshi to hug her, which Kinshi dodged, knocking her to the ground. 

"Two favorites..." said Kinshi, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, you and Ais, you are but favorite," Loki said, standing up. 

"Mmh....whatever," Kinshi said, putting his hands behind his head. 

"Welcome to the Kinshi family, although we'll have to find a way to control Rika," Finn said with a smile. 

"My master told me that a katana will be able to control her, but it will have to be extremely powerful," Kinshi explained as Loki rubbed his cheek against hers. 

"Well, let's leave that aside and I'll put your Falna on, Kinshi," Loki said as he took off his top.

"Ok," Kinshi said as Loki pulled it off, then laid it on the chair and began. 

She took a needle and pricked her finger to drop a drop of blood on Kinshi's back, which began to glow. 

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" cried Loki in surprise as he looked at Kinshi's back. 

"What's going on?" asked Finn as he and everyone else entered the room. 

"Wait, I'll print out his status," Loki said before printing it out and handing it to Kinshi. 

Status: Kinshi 

Strength: I-999

Stamina: I-999

Dexterity I-999

Agility: I-999

Magic: I-0

Magic: -

Skill: (Rika) (Copy)

(Rika: A cursed spirit born from the love between two people, one dead while the other refuses to accept her death, this cursed spirit allows her to have almost infinite energy, she can also become a walking inventory, taking Kinshi's weapons and other items and fight alongside him)

(Copy: Ability offered by the spirit that cursed Kinshi, this ability allows the user to copy any power as long as he understands the principle of the ability he wants to copy)

"It's incredible, just these two abilities can make you a genius equal to the hero of 1000 years ago," Loki said with a broad smile. 

All the members of Loki's family looked at him in awe, not believing that he had such an ability. 

"I don't care if I have the ability to surpass the old heroes, I just want to live a life of freedom," said Kinshi as he got dressed and prepared to leave the room. 

"Where are you going?" asked Riveria. 

"I'm going to see my advisor," Kinshi said as he left. 

"Well, join us at the party hostess," Finn said with a smile as Kinshi shook his hand without looking back. 

When Kinshi was out of sight, Gareth laughed. 

"Hahahahahah, who would have thought we would have found such a genius, lucky we let him in Hahaha," Gareth laughed.

"A child of genius capable of becoming a hero carries a curse on his back to the point of being called the Cursed Child, what a funny story hahahaha, off to the fertility hostess," Loki laughed before running out to get ready.

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