** Eli **
"… Oh. That must be … a long time ago indeed." It was a few moments before Harper spoke again. The look she gave him was slightly hesitant, as if unsure of the safest direction to take that conversation. "Um … Sorry, I probably shouldn't have mentioned it."
Eli looped an arm around her and squeezed gently. "Nah, it's alright. Not that I was intentionally avoiding beaches for any particular reasons. I never even thought about it that way till you mentioned." He paused for a second. "I should be the one saying sorry. I didn't mean to spoil the mood by bringing that up."
She shifted to meet his eyes again, and her gaze wavered. "Do you want to tell me about it?" she asked tentatively. "You don't need to, but it wouldn't be spoiling anything if you do. I've always wished … well, that someday I might get to know as much about you as you know about me."
She did?
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