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88.88% For the Fatherland / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Driving Technology forward

Chapitre 8: Chapter 8 - Driving Technology forward

[Provo, Utah, USA]

[October 21st, 1920]

[Downtown Utah, in one of the hotels]

[9:38 AM]

[3rd Person POV]

Robert woke up to a cold morning since he forgot to set the heater to the right temperature when he arrived at the hotel room.

He grumbled a bit and stretched for a brief moment in bed before standing up and doing more stretches as he prepared to visit Farnsworth family 15 minutes from here. He wasn't all too happy with the weather nor the situation at the moment, but he would make do.

Once he prepared his clothes, he took a quick shower, finished, prepared himself and proceeded to checkout of the hotel and head to Farnsworth.

He boarded the taxi and told the driver to head to this place and it costed him $240 which was expensive and blatantly ripping me off, but he couldn't find a taxi this easily nowadays since it was rush hour and the streets from where he was staying previously was crowded with people.

Slowly hating the corrupt state of America of today, he just accepted his fate and paid the fair and ignored the driver whom smugly smiled as he drove to my destination.

His view of Utah wasn't all that grand since it was only 1920, and that most heavy industrialized areas and company wise were from the eastern side of America. And the middle and west were sorely focused on producing either machinery or food. Which was durable and they weren't on war footing.

And Robert knew that if America wanted to produced insane amounts of war materials, they could do it once they got their industry going. That's what Robert feared as he wanted every edge Germania can get. And thankfully, he's slowly getting there.

Although he would have to plan accordingly and unfortunately assassinate some people that will get in his way.

For example, Albert Einstein is a prominent figure but hard to assassinate due to his status. But for Robert, he knew how to pull it off and didn't give a damn if Einstein left Germania at the first sight of him being paranoid about us building a Atom bomb.

Robert knew he couldn't prevent that idea, so he would rather make it himself and kill all other threats to his plans. And for that, he will start with acquiring influence, connections, and leverage against politicians and businessmans of America.

He stopped doodling on his thoughts when he finally arrive at his designation and promptly exited the taxi without thanking the driver.

It took a bit of convincing, however after over 5 hours of convincing the parents, Farnsworth himself, and adding benefits that would make him. Richer and his family safer, they finally agreed to move to Germania.

He sighed in relief as it took almost all of his brain power to convince this man. It was worth it in the long run as he needed the Tav for his propaganda schemes, hence Farnsworth was just another propaganda tool if you will to be used by the Germanian government.

AS he said his goodbyes to the Farnsworth, he needed to also convince or aquire people and certain companies within other countries like in Francis, and Brittania. It would be hell of a risk to pull off, but worth the reward.

But he would need to really hold off for now as his company is already catching the eye of the brits, which wasn't good. He wiil later predict that they'll be a business war between them and some company that wants monopoly on something as always.

Once he was finish with everything, including papers for the Farnsworth family, he then proceeded to get on a bus that is heading towards New Yorkia once again to invest in certain companies that will be largely successful in the future such as Coca cola, Pepsi, and many others and dedicated his time and effort to invest quite a substantial amount to gain influence.

After his uneventful trip to New yorkia and investing and planning everything, he was finally done and was ready to head back to Germania since he needs to plan accordingly with arms companies to design new weapons to be built, tested, then mass produced in one of the Hidden factories within Germania.

He also wanted, if possible, everything done by 1930. Thus, after last checking everything, he took the next boat back to Germania which was scheduled to arrive by December. For now, he would enjoy the food scenery and lost himself in the view of a beautiful sunset on the horizon.

[Undisclosed Location]

[Near Dublin outskirts, Ireland]

[8:37 PM]

[Gerry Adam's POV]

*"This stupid cunts! can't they see the fucking problem that Ireland is suffering for!? For godsakes, I have no choice but to talk to them on what to do... I hope this won't backfire on our cause to free Ireland." * I thought, as I arrived at a pub that was least monitored by both the British and Ireland spies and quickly entered and there I saw one gentleman with a Star on his mask that was seated on the table.

I approached the masked man and introduced myself rather abruptly "Are you the contact to the Maiden of the Hand?" I asked stiffly.

The masked man looked up to me, his expression cannot be seen due to the mask and his body language ever so slightly moving to give off that he controls the atmosphere as I consciously twitched my body a bit as I waited for answer.

"That I am Mr. Adam. Thank you for contacting me. Your letter was quite...Interesting." He said, his voice silky smooth, his hands pressed together as he leaned forward a bit and gestured with his head a bit towards the chair in front of him.

"Please have a seat. Don't be shy." He said.

I nervously stared at him and at the chair for a few seconds before I pulled the chair back a bit and sat down and answered the masked man curiosity.

"We are...having troubles within our organization. We are at end straws on deciding our fate and the brits are giving us a sort of ultimatum to either submit to them and avoid bloodshed, or be massacred" I grimaced, clenching my fists with frustration.

"And you want our help Mr. Adam?" The masked man gestured with his right hand in a suggestive way.

"Yes...frankly, I grew tired of constant arguments and our organization slowly cracking because a few of us have British ties or symphatizers in our ranks." I said, growing ever more frustrated as the constant bickering has left me at wits end and I wanted to do something that would echo our legacy, something drastic, something that would make the brittania empire bleed.

"I see...i suppose I can understand that sentiment." The masked man replied subtly.

Then he continued on "How about this Mr. Adam, why not assassinate the Brittania King himself? It would surely send a message to the brits to fuck off and just blame it on another country." The masked man offered the most insane solution which made me drop my mouth as I nearly shouted, but held in my rage as I said albeit holding my anger in check.

"Do you want my nation to die off that quickly!? And what good will that do for us? It would just alienate the already strained relationship between us and the brits so I'd rather not stretch it even further and server our ties completely." I said, forcing the facts on the face of the masked man.

"you can always try for the next best option Mr. Adam. Although the price you need to pay would be steep." The masked man cautiously warned me.

I knew it would cost me everything, my friendship family, money, but I didn't care, it was all for the cause so I agreed without thinking too much about it.

"Excellent, Mr. Adam. Your service and time will be greatly rewarded. The masked man said, and I could feel his smile radiating through the mask that it unnerved me a bit.

I held back my guilt and focus on the future as I asked the masked man

"considering our partnership is still fresh, what would you have me do?"

"We need Ed Mooney out of the picture Mr. Adam." The masked man said eerily calmly and I widened my eyes a bit as I replied baack too quickly.

"But wh-why? His connection and his dedication to Ireland is second to none and him being a spy isn't just possible." I quickly denied it.

"He is a thorn in our plans and we have evidence that he was siding with the British." the masked man lied smoothly through his lips, which I considered his words to be the truth and not lies

I gritted my teeth as I replied "Killing him would just shatter our organization relatively quickly."

"Not if you save it Mr. Adam." the masked man clarified his intention and I couldn't believe it at first.

Me? Being the leader of the IRA? Being the one who can restore Ireland? My ego and pride was humbled at that point and I couldn't care less if the masked man was aiming for that as all that mattered was his words

The masked man thee continued on "Don't worry Mr. Adam his death will be disguised as an accident. And you can smoothly take over the reins as the leader of the IRA. Of course, you'll face opposition and challenges, but that's just a part of taking over isn't it Mr. Adam?"

"Yes...his death will be painful though." I grimaced since Ed and I were relatively close.

"Do not his death be in vain, it is all for the cause is it not? Think about gifting him and his family...no, the Irish people their freedom, their independence. You would be hailed as the hero of Ireland and your name will echo for generations to come."

My mind was then set, and I decided to kill my friend. It would be painful, but it's all for the cause isn't it? I thanked the masked man, who thanked me in return as I need to do some preparations for my take over and quickly left the pub.

[POV Switch to the Masked Man]

Mr.Adam is such a humble man, but greedy and it was easy to stroke his pride and ego to kill his friend off for the cause.

At this point, we can likely accelerate our plans for Ireland to cause chaos in Brittania itself as we can push the IRA into the dead zone.

I looked up to the next person arriving. It was my other friend whom was wearing a tear mask and greeted me as he stretched for a bit before sitting down.

"Rough day. Had to execute some traitors within the low ranks for nearly exposing our organization." He replied, as I scoffed a bit.

"" How goes our reach Tear? " I said, inquiring of our progress.

" So far, our spies and pawns are in half of Europe, for the Russian Federation, we have successfully entered the circle of Stalin. Although we couldn't find the remaining royal family. They hide well, but not for long."

He continued on "As for Norway and Sweden, it's gon a take awhile since their government's are not too easy to manipulate."

"how about Finland?" I said, leaning back a bit.

"Only in their military. But it's better than nothing we have some people in the low ranks that are tasked to climb to officer ranks to effectively control it so all we need is time."

"For America it's proving hard, but we already have someone in the congress as well as the current administration. Our plans will slowly be put into effect. As for Germania? We already have some of the congress within the Reich stag under our control. Although the military as well as the economic sector is proving challenging to even put mildly. Someone is interfering with our plans. " he said.

" No matter, interference or not, out schedule would not be hindered. Our plan is in motion and will not be stopped. We will show the world on why we would be feared once again. For the Maiden of the Hand." I said, reciting the slogan once again.

Tear repeated the words with equal passion as we both stood up and left the pub, not leaving any signs that they were ever there.

[December 20th, 1920]

[Colognia, Germania]

[Main office of Fortuna Cooperation]

[Robert's POV]

The trip was exhausting but I managed to arrive days earlier than expected and rested a bit since the ocean tends to get to me and constant rocking of the ship itself.

Nevertheless, it was time to focus on more daring heists and risks that might put my company in jeapordy but the rewards are too tempting to ignore.

Hence I ordered Bosch to find me the best treasure hunters in Germania, hire them indefinitely with an exclusive contract, and set them off to find sunken treasures using my vague knowledge when I was just scrolling through the internet that one time.

I can't even believe myself that I'm using this very knowledge to get those said treasures myself and grave Rob Indian and Nepalese treasures as well.

Once I gathered all that wealth, I'm gonna head to the arms Industries and secretly establish a deal and creating one of many future weapons and tactics that might be useful for Germania in the long run.

One issue I have though is how can I legitimize my party without raising suspicions and getting rid of the Nazi party in general.

Maybe I could assassinate them all and be done with it, but that would raise suspicions on my side and we can't afford any mishaps popping up right now.

I could maybe pull Hitler to my circle, but he's already a ticking time bomb and hard to change his mindset. If I had returned years earlier, I could've changed the man but alas...

*"I'll have to kill Hitler when he decides to join the party"* I thought.

Finally coming to a conclusion after debating it for quite awhile. While my network is still active and slowly spreading throughout Germania and to Europe.

Although I'm surprised that Christina, my Confidant and director named this group of my behalf and the name was kinda futuristic in a way but I loved it.

'Geistertruppe Netz' (Ghost Unit Network) - is the name of my spy network and I have to say, it's effectively rooting out any problems and slowly adding spies in every branch of the Germania military and Germania government which makes me ecstatic and terrified.

Another aspect that I'm worried about is that the ghost unit is fanatical to the cause which worries me a bit, but Christina's explanation kinda push that down as I'm creating a version of Hitler youth, but very differently which still, terrifies me that I have this power, but if my plan needs to succeed, I need everything I can make to give me an edge.

After brushing those thoughts aside, I was ready to broaden my companies reach and scope via expanding to not just shipping and automobile industry, but to the food, infrastructure, and weapons. And to start off, I need to openly discuss with the Germania Military and to the arms companies themselves. And that's why I arranged this meeting in my office as my secretary phoned me to tell me that our guests have arrived.

I told the secretary to let them in as the hired Freikorps guarded my main office heavily as I didn't want this meeting to get out publicly and this was strictly a closed meeting with many parties involved.

After a few minutes, they entered and I was greeted by the man named Hans Von Seeckt who was in charge of the Truppenamt.

Alfried von Bohlen und Halbach and Krupp who was in charge of 3 arms companies at this time and 5 more that were also in charge of other branches for planes, ships, etc etc.

I greeted the men with respect as I gestured them to sit down.

And the first words that was spoken at the table was Seekt.

"Quite surprising for a new company to expand so quickly, and to have connections to call of us in one table. Initially I was confused on why we are called, but now we are almost certain. You called us for something illegal and will be executed by the Germania government as will embarrass and humiliate Germania to the world."

Seeckt narrowed his eyes and glares at me.

"So pray tell Mr. Zettour, why have you called us to re arm ourselves once again? We are slowly paying our debts to our enemies however shameful it maybe and slowly recovering. So why reignite our enemies vigilance and hatred towards us?"

All of the men nodded subconsciously st Seeckt aacussing remarks against me and I replied with the words that brought most men into near heart attack state.

"Because in a year or less, Germania will suffer major economic loss and will be pushed by desperation and will be forced to act against our enemies schemes." I replied.

"And what schemes are they?" Seeckt said, sarcastically and interrogating me for that said information.

You all know why. The world is changing gentlemen. And if Germania can't change fast enough, we will be swept by it and will be forever forgotten by Europe, no the world and will be forever remembered as a third world country."

"And for that reason alone, Germania Needs to change either you agree to it or not, you have a choice. Be stuck in the past, or embrace the future that I envisioned to create." I said.

"And what change can you bring Mr. Zettour?" Krupp interjected.

"The future of Germania gentlemen. The future of germania" I said, smiling.

VallerieTempest VallerieTempest

Sorry it took so long, had to debate myself on how I can add flow to each chapter properly

And hectic schedule doubling that. Hahaha

Anyways here's the new chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it and Chapter 9 will be full of talking so I hope you like it or I dunno hate it but I hope you guys like it.

Anyways this is me Val signing off!

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