The thought of Sable knowing the truth made Mallory stare at the witch intensely. She acknowledged it with a murmur, "You knew we were never related. My grandmother and I, or my mother."
The witch smiled, revealing her jagged teeth, while her posture began to hunch as if she couldn't walk straight as seconds began to pass by. She responded, "I have known it for a long time and the secret was also exposed, which is why Selia threatened to kill me if I ever tried to harm you. I was allowed to harm the little boys or girls with you, but never you. She's gone now, and with her, your protection."
"Wait!" Mallory stopped the witch before she would utter any spells. "I am looking for answers of where I came from! What do you know about it?"
"Oh, Mal. Does it even matter? Especially when you are going to die," Sable asked with a chuckle escaping from her dry lips.
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