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73.4% Ultimate Herrsher in DxD / Chapter 69: *Original Draft*

Chapitre 69: *Original Draft*

A/N: Yo we reached 400 stones, as a reward I shall give y'all an extra chapter today. Of course, it isn't a normal chapter, but instead the original draft for this fanfic. 

You will all see that I took a very different route from the fanfic you all read today.



"ugh my head hurts, it feels like someone shoved a baguette inside my ear and out the other" I groaned as I tried to move around but I couldn't, or more like I wouldn't be able to at all since I didn't have a body at all!

"Indeed you don't" spoke an ethereal voice.


so you can hear my thoughts?

"Indeed, you are quite calm for someone who has just died but it makes things easier for me. Welcome to the void where your soul shall be judged if either you shall go to hell, heaven, or perhaps something else tough rare" she spoke with elegance.

Oh yeah I got turned into toothpaste when tried to save a little girl form getting runover by a truck.

Didn't think much of it at the moment until I got ramed to the sidewalk like roadkill.

Hopes she's fine though.

"she's fine, in fact she went on to create the cure for cancer saving billions of lives. If it weren't for you sacrificing yourself she would have died in your stead.

... Really?

"Yes, now then let us begin your trial." Spoke the voice.

A beautiful woman with black hair and glasses appeared. She waved her hand and some sort of file dropped on her palm. She opened it and started to recite what was in there.

"Francis Drake, age 18, English and Mexican race, has done many simple but good deeds throughout his life blah blah blah, now for sins... Wow, that's a long list, and it's mostly related to rule 34. But due to you saving the little girl your good deeds have balanced your sins."

"... So I'm going to heaven?"

"No definitely not, your not going to either heaven or hell. Your case is very very rare here where your sins and good deeds balance out perfectly. But luckily for you, we have something prepared for these locations" She waved her hand and three spinning wheels appeared.

"There will be three wheels for you to spin, first it is the wheel where you will get the universe we will send you to, the second wheel will give you a special item and skill from one universe, and the third will give you a random system."

... So I'm getting reincarnated into another world?.

So those fanfics I read were true!

"Yes indeed but let's not waste time, go on and spin the wheel"

How am I supposed to spin the wheel anyway I'm like a floating blob.

"Oops my apologies" She snapped her fingers and my soul-like state changed into a full body.

I walked towards the first wheel and looked at it, it had many options and letters on it but I couldn't read it at all. I'm sure it's English but it's blurry and moving around.

"It's so that you won't try to get a universe you want, it's all random so let's keep it that way" she answers

I nodded and with a tug, I spun the wheel. After a few seconds, the wheel stopped and revealed two words on where it landed

"Variant universe?"

"Yes, it is a universe where multiple fictional worlds will be put into one, like JJK being in the same universe as Highschool DXD."

I see so it's a mashup of multiple universes.

I quickly went to the second wheel and spun it with all my strength, after a few seconds of spinning it came to a stop.

"Abyss flower, so I got a divine key"

I already knew what the abyss flower was, it is one of the thirteen divine keys that allows you to create and destroy matter to the atomic level. In the game, it even showed that it was able to create life and to make plants grow around the user.

And for my skill, I got "A herrsher core?... Thunder"

Oh, it's a pretty good one, I would have preferred ice if were talking about the elemental hershers but each of them is a living calamity on their own so I don't have much to complain about.

I wonder if I could manifest a male Valkyrie armor through honkai energy.

I'm dam sure herrsher Kiana didn't pull her dress/armor out of nowhere and make pillars out of nothing.

Anyways next wheel.

I quickly spun it until it landed on me.

"Level System 101-model herrsher, the fuck does that mean"

I get the level system part but what does it mean by 'model herrsher'?.

"It's a system that revolves mostly around herrsher powers, equipment, and things of such nature. There are features such as the herrsher subordinate future, Core support, and many more"

Hersher subordinate future?

"Yes that's what it's called, this feature allows you to bestow a herrsher core to someone who has a close relationship with you and make them a subordinate. And once you do make them into a Herrsher, you will be able to temporarily use and borrow the power of that Herrsher besides your own."

That's pretty OP, I could have a mini Herrsher army in the future.

"Well now that we are finished I should be sending you on your way" With those last words my words went blank once again


-3rd POV-

In a hospital room, there could be seen multiple people helping the woman on the bed giving birth.

"Alright Miss Drake, just push a little further and this will all be over," the doctor said as he saw the kid's head pop out of her hoo-ha.

The woman grunted and screamed in pain as she started to push even harder.


The small newborn child came out.

The woman immediately collapsed from exhaustion and was being treated by the doctors.

The child then was put through the whole process of cleaning, and checkup, and eventually was put into a special incubator that protected the baby.

Half an hour later the woman woke up.

"M-my baby, where is he?" She weakly asked

The doctors complied took the baby out of the incubator and handed him over to her.

"Oh my sweet sweet baby you're so cute!" she gave a weak smile.

Her whole body and mind felt tired from giving birth but that wouldn't stop her from fawning over him.

"Are you okay sweetie?" said a handsome blonde man that entered the room, his name was Arthur Drake, husband of the woman who had just given birth, Natania Drake.

"Yup I'm fine just tired, hehe isn't he cute~" she smiled at him as she kept poking the baby's soft cheeks.

"the husband looked at her in amusement and said "Yes yes he's cute, but we can't keep calling him 'he' can we?, so what's the baby's name" he asked, they've already discussed many options before but for him, a happy wife is a happy life, so he lets her have the name choosing privilege.

"Hm~ his name will be... Francis Drake"


It's been a month since I became a baby and I have to say it's not bad except the cripling anxiety of not being able to move.

who knew that attempting to regain your mobility could be so... frustrating.

But I got over it... eventually.

Anyway, I got lucky in this life, got a hot brunette mom, apparently, she's British/English like I was in my past life we even have the last name Drake just like I did, and my dad is blond and handsome should be British too although I'm not sure. right now we are living in England year 2005. The year I died was in 2023 so it will be tough to grow up again without my PS5.

My mom Natalia also runs a bakery while my dad is a local police. She usually has me in a crib right next to the counter so that she could work while taking care of me.

I don't really think that's a responsible thing for a parent to do but I'm their first kid so they will make mistakes. They're also lucky I'm a reincarnator because a normal baby would be blasting their voices through the whole bakery.

I have also activated my system although it said that it will fully activate when I turn 5.

I called bullshit but the system explained that my tiny little newborn body wouldn't be able to take the changes my body would go through once I obtain my core so I'll have to wait till I'm 5.

"Aw he's so cute" said an old lady who was paying for her bread on the counter. She reached down her hand and pinched my cheek.

Damit bug off granny it hurts!

Damned old British women and their cheek-pinching habits.


2 years later-

It's been two years already and I'm, well, 2 years old obviously.

A lot has happened during those two years, Dad got promoted, Mom's bakery got more famous, but above all I got a little brother.

You heard that right

Little brother.

His name is Samuel Drake

Now that I think about it the same sound familiar but it's probably nothing.

Now that he's born I'm no longer the little brother, but for me that's bad.

In my past life, I lived as the eldest brother of a Mexican household so all stupid shit my little brothers did was blamed on me.

My mom said that it's my responsibility for them behaving well because I'm the big brother but it was just her bullshit because she herself failed to teach them well.

Although me and my mom fought a lot in my past life I still miss her a lot.

Well that in the past now.

My little brother is also very smart, for a one-year-old he always looks around with a curious gaze and learns very quickly. Initially, I thought he was a reincarnation like me but I ran a few foolproof reincarnation tests I made and he passed them all.

He's just a slightly smarter baby in the end.


2 years later-

I'm officially 4 years old and guess what.

I have another little brother.

And what's even better is that his name is Nathan Drake.

I'm starting to see a pattern here you see.

At first, I just shrugged off Sam's name since a lot of people are named Sam.

But once Nathan was born and we all had Drake as our last names I became a hundred percent sure that I am the elder brother of Nathan and Sam Drake from the Uncharted videogame.

As a PS player, I obviously love and have played all the uncharted games and I love even more the characters Nathan and Sam.

So having them as little brothers is quite exciting.

That would also explain why they are so smart, even if they were treasure hunters. Both were very smart and hella cool.

But hey, at least I now know one of the the franchises that was mixed into this world.


Today was my 5th birthday and the day that I activated my heresher core. Me, mom, dad, and my two little brothers had a small celebration in the bakery shop.

Mom obviously made the cake, Cheesecake by the way.

Can't get enough of it.

I also got a bunch of birthday presents. My dad got me some drawing supplies, ever since I came to this world I have noticed the severe lack of quality in the anime industry. I also did some research and none of the mangas that should have been created during these years don't exist.

The only noticeable ones that have been published are Dragon Ball and a few more that I won't bother mentioning.

but the thought of not being able to watch and read some of my favorite manga and anime made me go into despair until I remember the quote of a certain shriveled purple nutsack.

'Fine, I'll do it myself'

So I did and asked Dad for some drawing supplies.

And as for my mom, she gave me a wooden sword. I originally asked for a real one but the thought of me being four years old never crossed my mind when I made my request to her.

She obviously declined but still got me a wooden one that should be safer for me to use.

But my favorite present came from my two little brothers. They both made handmade birthday cards with cute little handprints on them.

Geez they were so cute when they were giving me their presents!. Even if they are three and one year old both are very smart.

After that, we ate some of the cake and went to our respective rooms.

And all that leads to now.

[Welcome host to the herrsher system!, here are all of my features]

[Name: Francis Drake


Lvl: 1

STR: 12

SPD: 8

AGI: 6

INT: 82

WIS: 56


CHRM: 90/100

Energy Types: N/A


System Features:

-System Store

-Missions/Side Quest



-Hersher subordinate list]

So my only stats that are decently high are my intelligence and wisdom.

I can understand the strength, agility, and speed since I'm still 5 years old.

Also, am I really that handsome?

My stat for Charm is 90/100 even though I'm 5 years old.

I mean, I guess I'm kinda cute because of my inherited blonde hair from dad and my green eyes from mom but am I really that cute?

[Host should receive your beginner gift and predetermined gift]

Let's put a hold on that thought.

I immediately pressed accept for both gifts and saw multiple notifications in front of me.

[Predetermined gift has been given to you-

<[Hersher core of Thunder(EX){Honkai Impact 3rd}

Description: Allows you to because me the herrshers of Thunder, the embodiment of thunder itself, and one of the many calamities that shall judge the world and all that's in it.


-Honkai Energy: this special type of energy has many uses but some of the most noticeable ones are the ability to manifest and create inanimate times, fuel herrsher powers, Creation of herrshers, and basic energy applications

-Thunder: Gives you the authority over everything thunder and lightning.]

<[Abyss flower{EX-}

Description: The Abyss Flower is the sixth Divine Key of thirteen, made from the core of the Herrscher of Death. It has power over 'creation' and 'disintegration' or in other words, it allows you to destroy and recreate matter through their atomic structure.

-Creation: This ability has many applications but some of the most common uses are to heal people's body long as they are not dead and stimulate plant life to a large extent

-Disintegration: Allows you to destroy and disintegrate things to the atomic level.

-0th power, Holy lance° The hundred-year orchid/Heilege Lanze°Welwitschia: the 0th power of Abyss Flower repairs the living body to the original genetic level and can resurrect the dead, The 0th power can also help others obtain longer lifespans. You can also manifest the true power of disintegrating in the form of purplish fog energy. All this is powered by the herrsher core of death.]


I didn't know that Abyss Flower was so powerful!

Originally I had thought that Judgement of Shamash was the most powerful of the 13 divine keys but I might have to rethink that.

Of course, the Abyss Flower isn't as devastating and designed as Judgement of Shamash but Abyss Flower's versatile powers make it very powerful. Especially it's disintegration powers, they might not have been shown at all through the Honkai Impact games or comics since it was typically used by good people like Cecilia and Durandal

but I'm sure that it's destructive as hell.

And about the Hersher core.

Il integrate with it after I open my beginners pack.

[Beginners pack has been opened!]

<[Item ticket(E-A)

Description: Allows you to randomly obtain any item as long as it falls within ranks of E- through A]

<[Skill Ticket(E-A)

Description: Allows you to randomly obtain any skill as long as it falls within ranks of E through A]

Oh? It's pretty good for a beginner gift.

I quickly redeemed both tickets.

[You have obtained:

-Drawing Mastery(C+)

<[Lumina(B+){Destiny 2}


Description: Exotic/Kinetic/Hand Cannon

Exotic Perks:

Nobble Round- Kills with this weapon leave behind Remnants. Absorbing a Remnant converts your shots into an ally-seeking Noble Round and partially refills the magazine.

Blessing of the Sky- Using a Noble Round on an ally heals them and grants both you and them a weapon damage bonus for a short duration..]

Well, i'll be damned, the drawing skill will be super useful for my future plans of bringing culture to the anime community.

Also, what's up with me getting super dangerous-looking weapons that heal instead of doing damage?.

First, it's Abyss Flower and now Lumina, well they are both strong already since Abyss Flower has disintegration and Lumina can also buff the attack power of others while healing at the same time but I'm sure il use the healing ability of both weapons more often than the combat abilities.


'System commence core integration'



"Mom, do I really have to go, you know I don't need to right?"

"Yes you do sweetheart, now go and make new friends," she said with a smile as she shoved me to the school gates.

Today is my first day of kindergarten. I completely forgot to that I would have to go to school again and the fact that most people send their kids to school around the age of five.

Exactly the age I just turned a week ago.

*Sigh* I can already imagine the sloby 5-year-old chasing and throwing Cheerios at each other.

But before that let's try something. I quickly turned around to my mother and spoke "Dear mother, allow me to offer you an accord"


My mother didn't answer but smacked me on the back of the head.

"Go, don't make me repeat myself otherwise I'll take away your art supplies!" She threatened me.

Shit, she hit the weak spot.

Damit woman do you have no humanity!, are you so petty that you would deprive the world of true culture!.

I have recently started drawing the first volumes of One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto.

Of course, I did my research and none of those exist as of right now.

And I doubt they will be made later since not even one piece has been drawn.

I only gave my mom a gaze of resentment Wich was shaken off since she didn't care if I didn't want to go or not.

sighing in defeat, I walked into the building.

Once I made it in I saw the sight of thirty kids running around like crazy and drawing on papers that were on the table

... Never mind their eating the crayons.

"Oh, so you the new one, You so cute!" Spoke a voice behind me.

I turned around to see who it was but my cheeks were suddenly assaulted by two soft hands.

She was a pretty lady with long green hair tied into a side braid, she also wore a little shirt that had a teddy bear on it.

hope she ain't a mom because if she is I will expect her to die in about 3 to 5 episodes with that side braid.

I quickly slapped her hands away since her hand pinching hurt. Ever since I gained enough mobility I have been fading off old ladies left and right from pinching me.

And I'm not going to let this lady do it just because she's slightly hot.

"Hands off lady or il report you to the police for sexual harassment!"

"Pfft, hahaha~!"

hearing my threat, the lady started to laugh out loud for a few seconds until she calmed down. She gently wiped the tears of laughter from her face and said "Boy I haven't laughed like that in a while, and it also seems like you're part of the smarter kids of your age. your type usually swats my hands away or tells me to bug off."

Others like me?

Anybody with a sensible mind would do that unless they enjoy it.

"Alright go sit down over there we will be starting class shortly" With a smile she gently pushed me to a small table where a few kids were sitting down. I decided to ignore them all since I didn't plan to interact with them.

I have a mission, and that mission is to bring true culture to this world.

Luckily for me, I managed to sneak some of my art supplies into my backpack.

I quickly took out a bunch of papers, rulers, an ink bottle, and a dip pen and started drawing.

Line by line.

Shade by shade.

The pages that I had begun to be filled with my drawings. And I have to thank my speed to the C-rank drawing skill I obtained.

I wouldn't be able to imagine this speed and process with the manga if it weren't for that skill I obtained.

"Sis look, his drawings are cool!" Spoke a childish voice behind me.

"Hm, they are drawn quite well and the quality is also good," said another childish voice though this one sounded more calm and mature.

I turned around to see two little girls, one had short blue hair with dark purple and yellow eyes.

The other one had white hair with black strands on the front. Her pupils were also weird looking, they were all black with a red 'X' on them.

Hmm, have I seen them before?

"Are you listening?, here!" Snapping out of my thoughts I saw her handing over some euros over to me.

"???" I could only look at her in confusion since I didn't pay attention to what she said.

"Um why are you handing me money"

"For your drawing, of course, my sister here took a fancy to them. Now then, hand them over"

"Um sis, there's no need to don't use your money on things like this"

"But you like it and I shall give you what you want" said the white hair girl in a determined tone

"But sis... We don't have much money" said the blue-haired girl

The white-haired girl flinched but quickly regained her composure "Don't worry, i'll be using the pocket money I have been saving up from what the orphanage gives us"

The blue-haired girl tried to argue with her but the white-haired girl wouldn't budge

... Huh?

"Sorry, but they're not for sale" I spoke up. Those words seemingly ended their argument in only seconds.

The white frowned and was about to speak up but I cut her off.

"They're not for sale but you can read it if you want to, I'm drawing the second volume right now so you will have to wait for this one. The first volume is in my backpack right here" I reached into my backpack taking out a thick pile of papers that were stapled together.

"Really?" Asked the blue-haired girl with an expectant look.

"Yup, just make sure not to crumble the pages or spill anything in them, This is the only copy I have... Why did I even bring it here to begin with?"

She happily nodded and took the book. She quickly sat down next to me and started reading page by page with a smile.

fufu it's so cute how she... oh shit it's Eula and Arrlechino. How the hell did i not notice?

Load failed, please RETRY

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