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67.78% Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different / Chapter 242: Chapter 216: Jiuhao's First Battle, Crushing the Golden Generation of the Martial Spirit Hall

Chapitre 242: Chapter 216: Jiuhao's First Battle, Crushing the Golden Generation of the Martial Spirit Hall

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Xu Xing found Tang San's long-winded explanations utterly pretentious. It felt as though Tang San was using his vast knowledge to subtly mock him for his lack of education.

"Damn it!" he thought. In his previous life, he despised studying and couldn't get through even the simplest books. Now that he had traveled to another world, he had to endure the same arrogance from a bookworm. This was outrageous!

"Shut up. I'm not interested in all this," Xu Xing interrupted Tang San's ramblings. "And don't try to stall for time. As long as I don't waste my soul power, my domain can last as long as I need it to."

"Oh? You noticed I was stalling?" Tang San smiled faintly, raising his hand to summon countless Blue Silver Emperor vines from the ground. These vines, especially those at the edge of the domain, climbed upward like ivy on a wall.

Xu Xing wasn't impressed. He sneered and said, "This domain bends to my will! I am the master of all stars, and wherever I point, that's the right direction!"

However, when Xu Xing tried to reverse his position, he lost his balance and almost fell, catching himself just in time to avoid a humiliating dive into the ground.

"What did you do?" Xu Xing was baffled and even a bit frightened. This was supposed to be his domain, where he had complete control. Why couldn't he simply rotate it as he wished?

Tang San asked, "How much do you know about stars?"

"What are you getting at?" Xu Xing was clearly uneasy.

"Our continent is also a star, known as Douluo Star," Tang San explained. "The stars you see in the night sky are mostly fixed stars. Even the God Realm is just another star-like world made of condensed energy. So why do you think that the idea of 'all stars circling the sun' is the ultimate truth?"

"The reality is that our world, like Earth, has the moon orbiting Douluo Star, and Douluo Star orbits the sun. Even though there's extraordinary power here, basic laws still apply. Friction generates heat, ripe apples fall, and electromagnetic forces interact. The physical laws are much the same as those on Earth."

"The path to true wisdom lies in exploration, discovery, and organizing knowledge, not in wishful thinking or unfounded theories," Tang San continued. "Your ability to manipulate this domain stems from the internal alignment of your stars, but could you do the same with actual celestial bodies?"

The battleground of "Douluo Continent" wasn't hollow beneath the surface, allowing the Blue Silver Emperor to take root and draw power from the earth.

Since Douluo World is star-like, the power of the land itself can be considered star power. When Tang San manipulated the Blue Silver Emperor's leaves to attach to the domain's edge, redirecting soul power through them, he essentially anchored the entire domain to the ground—or, more accurately, to Douluo Star itself.

Previously, while Xu Xing's domain and Douluo Star were in contact, they weren't firmly connected. It was like two smooth spheres pressed against each other, with the smaller one able to move freely. However, once the Blue Silver Emperor latched onto the domain's edge and rooted itself in the ground, the connection became as strong as industrial glue. Compared to the entire Douluo Star, Xu Xing's domain was like a tiny bacterium on a basketball. There was no way he could shift the entire planet.

Xu Xing's face paled as he realized the truth. "You're using the entire Douluo Star's strength to counter my domain? That's cheating!"

Tang San's brows furrowed before he chuckled and replied, "This is part of my soul skill. As long as it doesn't break the rules, you can't complain. If you disagree, feel free to ask the organizers to ban my soul skill and see if they'll comply... But you, you exploit the system by having six people channel star power into you. Talk about loopholes!"

Xu Xing was furious but had no comeback.

After all, the organizers would never ban Tang San's soul skill just because it drew power from the earth; that would be truly unfair. On the other hand, Xu Xing's temporary boost to the level of Soul Saint by using six others' strength was a blatant exploit of the rules.

"Zhoutian Star Dou Formation!"

Enraged, Xu Xing deployed his aggressive techniques, summoning 365 silver-white stars within his domain, creating a complex pattern of energy that enveloped Tang San from all directions. He launched star after star at Tang San from above, below, and from every side, aiming to crush him completely.

As the stars shot towards him, Tang San's eyes flashed with a purple glow. He moved gracefully, as if dancing with the wind, his hands taking on a golden, jade-like hue. Using a technique called "Controlling Crane and Capturing Dragon," he expertly deflected the incoming stars, dodging and redirecting their force with a finesse that seemed effortless.

Despite Xu Xing's attack, Tang San was interested in testing the structure of the formation to confirm if his earlier observations about the energy flow were correct.

"He's as slippery as an eel!" Xu Xing cursed, frustrated by Tang San's fluid movements. "Why don't you stand still and face me like a man!"

Tang San paused, smashing one of the incoming stars with his fist. He extended his left hand, from which emerged a powerful energy signature, revealing a black hammer glowing with a dark light.

"Is that the Haotian Hammer!?"

In the VIP seating, members from the three major factions recognized the weapon immediately.

"He's a twin spirit master!" Ning Fengzhi exclaimed in shock. He turned to look at Bibi Dong, expecting her to show hostility, but found only mild surprise in her eyes.

"A Haotian Sect descendant, huh?" Bibi Dong recalled the report from Nuoding City, confirming that Tang San was raised by Old Jack from Holy Spirit Village. So he must be the product of some Haotian Sect member's dalliance. No matter, as long as he sided with the Spirit Hall, his origins didn't matter. Besides, his real talent wasn't derived from the Haotian Hammer—it was from his Blue Silver Grass...


In Tian Dou City, within Moon Pavilion, Tang Yuehua was stunned: "Twin spirits! Xiao San, you didn't even tell your father? And second brother, what did you do to Xiao San that he's so wary of you...?"

Meanwhile, in the Haotian Sect, the five elders and Tang Xiao, watching through a magic screen, had mixed reactions when they saw Tang San's Haotian Hammer spirit. Some were pleased, others were enraged.

"The Haotian Hammer and Blue Silver Grass—this Tang San is the half-blooded offspring of Tang Hao and that soul beast!" The seventh elder burst out in anger. "No wonder he's so gifted. It must be because he inherited our sect's Haotian Hammer!"

This argument was far-fetched, but the other elders didn't refute him, as they believed that only the Haotian Hammer could be responsible for Tang San's remarkable abilities.

"Seventh elder, watch your words. He is my younger brother's son!" Tang Xiao confirmed Tang San's lineage and unleashed his powerful soul energy to suppress the seventh elder, with the other elders following suit.

"Hmph!" The seventh elder snorted. "If he wants to be recognized by the sect, he'll have to defeat me at Soul Emperor level; otherwise, it's not happening!"

Tang San's talent and strength were now clear, and they couldn't ignore it.

But the Seventh Elder had unresolved grudges against Tang Hao, and he needed to vent his anger. Tang Xiao finally released his soul pressure. As for the Seventh Elder's challenge, Tang Xiao believed it wouldn't be an issue—Tang San could already absorb a hundred-thousand-year soul ring with his fifth ring, so by the time he reached Soul Emperor level, defeating the Seventh Elder wouldn't be a problem.

However, none of the five elders, nor Tang Xiao, considered whether Tang San himself even wanted to return to the Haotian Sect.


Meanwhile, Tang San held the Haotian Hammer, using it to block the dense bombardment of stars, smoothly deflecting them. The more he maneuvered, the stronger his swings became, and he did this by leveraging the recoil forces to increase the hammer's power.

This hammer technique wasn't a basic windmill swing—it was a refined method developed by Tang San, using rebound forces to enhance his strength and temper his body. While he seemed to be smashing the incoming stars, he was actually using their shockwaves to condition his physique.

In this process, Tang San himself became like a piece of fine steel, forging and strengthening with each strike.

Tang San swung the hammer 365 times, shattering all the incoming stars. His technique, derived from the "Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method," accumulated power with each consecutive strike, reaching a level of intensity that even Tang San found hard to withstand.



Tang San threw the Haotian Hammer, letting it crash into the ground, causing a massive shockwave that ripped through Xu Xing's domain. The impact shattered the area, splitting the riverbed where they were fighting and sending tremors through the entire "Douluo Continent."

Volcanoes collapsed, glaciers cracked. Forests trembled and fell, deserts and swamps quaked. Even the surrounding "Ring Sea" roared with waves over ten meters high.

Spectators felt the earth tremble beneath them.

"That one strike could have seriously injured me if I didn't dodge," Sword Douluo's eyes narrowed as he spoke in shock. "Tang San's hammer strike shook the entire 'Douluo Continent.'"

While everyone knew that the "Douluo Continent" here was just the battle arena, nobody dared refute Sword Douluo's words. The force of that one hammer strike was beyond what even a high-level Soul Douluo could produce. Tang San was indeed a monster.

What's more, Tang San primarily trained with the Blue Silver Emperor, while the Haotian Hammer had no soul rings attached. If he added soul rings to it, how much more powerful could this spirit become?

On the battlefield, Tang San's hammer strike had also disrupted the ongoing battles. Hu Liena, dodging bursts of fire and light rays, glimpsed the chaos caused by Tang San's blow from afar, her expression turning grim. "That's the Haotian Hammer? A twin spirit master?" she murmured. "I hope that strike drained most of his soul power."

But her hopes were dashed. With his Infinite Regeneration skill, Tang San didn't need to worry about running out of soul power. He walked over to the Haotian Hammer, picked it up, and glanced at Xu Xing, who had been blasted off the battlefield, severely injured. He then turned to the other competitors.

"Anyone need help?" Tang San waved cheerfully at Yu Tianheng, Zhu Zhuqing, Huo Wu, and Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu responded first, "Yes, this big ice bird is a pain. And Feng Xiaotian and Yu Tianxin are still conserving their soul power."

Xiao Wu was the first to respond, "Yes, this big ice bird is a real hassle. Plus, Feng Xiaotian and Yu Tianxin are giving me trouble; they're conserving their soul power."

Zhu Zhuqing replied telepathically, "No need. A mere Netherworld White Tiger is manageable."

Huo Wu called out, "I could use some help. Even with Ning Rongrong's boost, these three aren't giving me a moment to use my self-created soul skills."

Yu Tianheng was the last to answer, "Captain, I need assistance. I've got eight people here, and they're all very cautious. Handling them on my own is proving difficult."

With multiple calls for help, Tang San extended his Endless Silver Grass skill toward Yu Tianheng and his group, trapping the eight Soul ancestors. Even if they managed to break free, it would buy Yu Tianheng enough time to defeat them. Tang San's second soul skill formed a buff ring hovering behind Yu Tianheng's back, enhancing his attributes, especially when combined with Ning Rongrong's amplification pattern.

Instantly, Yu Tianheng felt his overall stats nearly double, and his stress level dropped significantly.

"All right, time to deal with you!"

For Huo Wu's support, Tang San casually threw his Haotian Hammer in their direction.


Seeing the hammer coming, Xie Yue and Yan quickly jumped out of the way, and Huo Wu also took a large step back, using the brief respite to gather soul power and prepare her unique soul skill.

"Just tossing the Haotian Hammer? Doesn't that seem a bit disrespectful?" Yan, though impressed by Tang San's strength, felt insulted by the casual throw.


Suddenly, the Haotian Hammer started to vibrate, emitting a beastly roar. As everyone watched in shock, it transformed into a creature resembling a metallic-scaled dragon. It was over twelve meters long and stood five to six meters tall with its head raised.

More astonishingly, it had five heads, each with a different color and pattern, corresponding to fire, light, wind, water, and poison elements. Even its black-and-gold-scaled body suggested an inherent metal attribute.

"I'm starting to question whether Tang San's hammer is even a Haotian Hammer," Sword Douluo commented, feeling perplexed. "How does a hammer turn into a multi-headed beast spirit?"

"Is this a weapon spirit or a beast spirit?" he wondered.

"This metal-scaled dragon resembles Mu Tian's Ground Fire Lizard," Ning Fengzhi remarked thoughtfully. "But Mu Tian's creature only has the fire attribute, while this one has five heads with five distinct attributes, plus a metallic body—making it six in total. Moreover, the bump next to its heads suggests that once Tang San reaches Soul Emperor level, a sixth head might grow, possibly with another unique attribute. By the time he becomes a Titled Douluo, he might possess up to ten different elemental powers."

Meanwhile, in Spirit City, Mu Tian watched through a soul-powered camera, his eyes turning bloodshot as he realized why his Hao yue's cultivation had slowed since his encounter with Tang San.

He had initially thought it was his own fault, but the truth was—

"That bastard! He stole my real Hao Yue!"


"Absolutely unforgivable!"

Mu Tian was in a fit of rage, smashing everything in the room. Soon, the place was in complete disarray. "Just you wait, Tang San! You dare steal what's mine? You'll pay for this!"

Meanwhile, back on the battlefield, Jiuhao glanced at Huo Wu, then Tianhuo lowered its head, allowing her to climb onto its back. Jiuhao then charged towards Hu Liena and the other three with impressive speed.

Xie Yue gripped his Moon Blades with both hands and swung at one of Jiuhao's heads. However, the blades only sparked off the dragon's scaly neck, leaving no mark, not even a scratch.

"So tough?" Xie Yue was shocked and tried to jump back, but Tianguang lunged and bit him at the waist. The speed was so fast that Xie Yue couldn't react in time, and Tianguang's sharp teeth penetrated his defense, damaging his spine and rendering his lower body nearly immobile.

"Dammit!" Xie Yue swung his Moon Blades at Tianguang's eyes—targeting the eyes was usually a sure way to deal with most creatures, even soul spirits.



The blades struck Tianguang's eyes and only produced more sparks without penetrating. They didn't even leave a single scratch, as Jiuhao's body was as hard as the Haotian Hammer itself, which Moon Blades could never break through.


Though Tianguang felt no pain, he was annoyed by Xie Yue's attack, so he flung him to the ground and then pinned him with a massive claw to keep him from moving too much.

Jiuhao's five heads then turned to Hu Liena and Yan.

The two felt like they were being stalked by a terrifying predator, freezing them in place, unsure what to do.

Tianhuo spat a wall of intense flames that encircled Hu Liena and Xie Yue, while Tianguang's eyes shot beams of light, forming a pattern above them. A barrage of light rained down from above, forcing them to take cover.

Yan quickly activated his lava shield to withstand the assault. Tianfeng then created a whirlwind, wrapping around the fire and turning it into a massive fire tornado, working in perfect synergy with Tianhuo.

The intense heat was too much even for Yan, sweat dripping from his skin before being evaporated almost instantly, leaving behind streaks of salt stains.

Tiandu didn't participate in the attack, knowing that his poison abilities would be too difficult for the two to recover from if used in battle.

Finally, Tianshui released a water jet, striking the fire tornado. The collision of fire and water caused a violent explosion, sending scalding steam into the air, enveloping a range of nearly a hundred meters...

(End of Chapter)

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