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54.03% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 66: Chapter 26: Butler

Chapitre 66: Chapter 26: Butler

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 26: Butler

Support me if you want to read ahead at pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk

- Felix -

'Alright everything ready Odin?'

'Yes, the individual known as Sukuna has been completely converted into a loyal subordinate.'

Ah, that sounds kinda like he was converted from one church to another. Well I did technically brainwash him.

Now let's meet my new butler.

I released Sukuna from my Stomach and was met with a pink haired man. He looks pretty much exactly like he did after I separated him from Megumi, minus the extra arms and mouth though. Maybe he can freely make those disappear? That or Odin had something to do with it.

He looked surprised for a moment before he caught sight of me, and boy was the look of absolute worship that appeared on his face off putting. But I guess this is what I asked for, it will just take some getting used to.

"Ah! My Lord, it is an honor to be in your presence once again!" He said with a bow.

Alright, it's probably best to think of this Sukuna as a different person, or I'm just going to keep weirding myself out.

"Ah, it's nice to see you too? Yes, it's nice to see you as well." He was still bowing. "You can stop bowing now."

"Ah, you are truly magnanimous my Lord." He said as he straightened up.

"Eh? Yeah, let's go with that." I don't think it's necessary to ask him about what he thinks about me basically mind raping him, I'm sure Odin was thorough.

"So how do you feel? Stronger than before? Weaker?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, "My body has been reconstructed to be far more durable and powerful than it previously was. My soul is also as complete as it's ever been due to the extra finger that was fed to me, but other than that my abilities remain the same. However due to my new and improved body I can easily deal with any threats to you my Lord!"


'Did you reconstruct his body and feed him that finger Odin?'

'Answer. In order to make the individual known as Sukuna as useful as possible for the Master, Odin reconstructed his body using a combination of Stardust, Orichalcum, and the dispersed fragments of Mahoraga. Due to the fragments of Mahoraga used Sukuna has a minor level of adaptation available to him. Along with that, imbuing his new body with the finger increased his overall affinity with the body and increased his own strength.'

Holy shit! That has to be that most busted shit I've ever heard… well maybe not the most busted, but still pretty high up there. Sukuna was straight up power leveled.

It seems Sukuna's skeleton is made of Orichalcum which was saturated in Stardust in my Stomach, and then his muscles, organs, and skin tissue is created entirely out of Magicules.

So his body itself is quite similar to that of Megumin, and Lalatina's though his is likely a fair bit stronger due to the Stardust involved in its creation. Maybe around Arcueid's own Deathman body.

Hmm, I should get those two some upgrades. Maybe I can saturate Megumin, and Lalatina's Orichalcum skeleton in Stardust, normally such a thing would be basically impossible as it may injure them but with the perfect control of Odin it might be possible.

'What do you think Odin?'

'Answer. It is doable.'


I can do that for them the next time I meet them.

"Well, that's good then. Now how about I give you a name?"

"Ah! I would be most honoured my Lord!"

Hmm, he was known as Ryōmen Sukuna right?

"I name you Sukuna Ryōmen!" I felt a chunk of my Magicules being drained before instantly filling up. That was more Magicules than I thought it would take, almost as much as it took for me to name Arcueid, Megumin, and Lalatina in fact. That shows how much potential this guy has. I guess the Stardust body counts for something.

I watched as a cocoon of Magicules surrounded the newly named Sukuna, I could feel his power growing to levels that can only be surpassed by my direct subordinates, and even some of them would be a bit challenged.

Unique Skill: Cursed One has been analyzed.

Ah, it seems like Sukuna got a Unique Skill. Hmm, a powerful one too. The subskills include Cleave, Dismantle, though they seem to be upgraded compared to my own Extra Skill versions. Along with that he has Fire and Heat Manipulation as well as some new ones as well like Thought Acceleration, All of Creation, and Chant Annulment.

'Odin has modified the Unique Skill: Cursed One to include more subskills than it originally would have due to the individual Sukuna being compatible with them.'

'Ah, I see.' That explains why a combat oriented Unique Skill has so many sub skills focused on analysis.

The most interesting Skill by far though is of a type I have never heard of, a World System Skill. It seems these types of Skills are similar to Domain Expansion, just far superior as these create basically miniature worlds that are imbued with certain Skills.

For example Sukuna's World System Skill, Malevolent Shrine instantly cuts everything apart within its range as long as Sukuna wills it, it gets through all barriers and defenses. The only way to resist it is to have Divinity, an Ultimate Skill, be a Spiritual Lifeform, or something on that level.

It can theoretically even be used to cut more esoteric things like Souls, memories, desires, possibly even Skills. And this will only get more and more busted once it evolves into an Ultimate Skill, I don't doubt that Sukuna is capable of reaching that level.

As expected of my new butler!

Still, I never even knew about World System Skills before this, I wonder what other ones are out there. Does anyone have one as part of an Ultimate Skill? Is Ramiris' Small World considered a World System Skill?

'Answer. It is very likely that Small World is a World System Skill.'

Damn, no wonder it's so overpowered. Seeing as she is the original Fairy Queen I'm sure hers is a top tier one.

The cocoon of Magicules around Sukuna slowly dispersed, only to reveal him in… a black suit and tie, almost like a butler outfit? Huh, maybe my subconscious desires had an influence on that? His outfit looks quite similar to Diablo's in fact.

From the Aura Sukuna is giving off I would put him right up there with my strongest subordinates, he was a little weaker, but he was fairly close. Though I did give him two names since I gave him a last name so it makes sense that he can approach the power of my stronger subordinates.

Heh, I bet Rimuru will be jealous.

He descended down to the ground and gave me a bow. "Thank you for your blessing my Lord."

"Ah, no problem, just make sure to work hard. From now on you will be my butler."

"I would be honored my Lord!" He looked like he meant it too.

"I see, well then you can talk to Raiden about what exactly your duties will be, I'm sure they will overlap a fair bit with hers. She's the purple haired Dragon, I'm sure you will be able to tell her apart from her Aura."

"I will do so right away my Lord! Are there any other duties you expect of me?"

"Hmm, at the moment no, just make sure to protect me and my interests." That basically means protect everything that I value, broad enough that Sukuna can just erase anyone who is hostile to me or anyone related to me.

He gave me another bow. "It will be done my Lord."

I nodded and watched him head off in the direction of the palace. Well that was productive.

'What race did he become Odin?' His Aura feels familiar to that of a Daemons.

'Answer. The individual Sukuna has become a sub species of Daemon, a Cursed Daemon. A Cursed Daemon is equal to a Daemon Duke in the evolution tree.'

'Huh, so kind of like Beretta then?'


Quite interesting.

I reached into my Stomach and took out that weapon that was meant for Sukuna to wield. It's a rather small weapon, it kind of resembles a single bladed vajra. Hmm, it seems to discharge electricity as well.

Maybe I can have this upgraded a bit by Kurobe and then give it to Sukuna. Now I have three things to ask him, one to upgrade Saeko's weapon, two to forge a katana for Raiden, and three to upgrade this weapon for Sukuna.

'Notice. The sub-skill Stomach of Ultimate Skill: Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony has been upgraded into Infinity Space.'


'Did you manage to incorporate that Imaginary concept from Infinity Prison into Stomach?'

'Correct, using the excess energy from the Skills the Master did not wish to keep, Odin was able to upgrade Stomach into Infinity Space.'

Well damn.

'Infinity Space is a Chaos World, it is the ultra evolved version of Stomach and Isolation with infinite size. It can be used as a prison to lock people up, or for general storage purposes along with a multitude of other uses.'

'A Chaos World? I know about Demi-Material and Material Worlds but what's a Chaos World?'

'Answer. A Chaos World is a world with generally unknown characteristics, the only other Chaos World the Master has been in is the Cardinal World itself.'

Huh, well the more you know.

I am able to recreate any sort of scene inside Infinity Space, it's basically a world on its own, one where I am the complete ruler of it. I could theoretically recreate an entire world inside of my Infinity Space, though a world with no true living things.

Man this trip to the Jujutsu Kaisen world is really paying off.

Ah, I should probably put my Demon Lord Ring back on, I stored it in Stomach before I left just in case any of the other Demon Lords are able to learn that I was in another world through it.

I took the ring out and put it back on. There, crisis averted.

I played with my new Skills for a little bit before deciding to check if everyone was still in the Conference Room.

It seems they've all gone their separate ways from the Conference Room. Megumin is in the common training ground, the one where any member of the military can use, Lalatina seems to be with her, probably to bother her. Those three Primordials love to annoy each other.

Arcueid is still in the Conference Room, though it looks like she is in a meeting with some other people in important positions. She put some of the Daemons from her lineage in charge of some things since she could trust them to run everything to her standards. You can't run a country on your own after all.

Saeko is beating up those three Giant brothers. Raiden is teaching some of the other maids, I haven't had a chance to officially meet the maids that Raiden is training. They are all Dark Elves and in total there are 28 of them with more on the way according to Raiden.

28 is just the amount that she has trained to a level where they can actually work in the palace at a level Raiden deemed sufficient.

Sukuna is with Raiden right now in fact.

Ingvild is hanging out with the Dragon Corps and singing for them. Due to her Dragon Tamer abilities she can naturally relax them so she enjoys singing for them. Glenda is having fun on her day off, which means she is going around eating everything in sight.

Hmm maybe I should check in on that meeting Arcueid is having. I do want to know how my country is being run after all, even if I myself am not running it. A classic Rimuru move, throwing all the work at my subordinates!

I teleported just outside the Conference Room and knocked on the door. It would be impolite to just teleport into the meeting after all.

I could hear Arcueid saying something from the other side, something about being respectful or else she would purge them.

The door opened to reveal my beautiful white haired Demoness. "Ah, welcome my Lord. Come in, we were just discussing what methods to use to increase application rates for the military."

Ah, that sounds bothersome, but I'll at the very least try and make their jobs easier.

I nodded and took a seat at the table.

There were 4 other Daemons in the room other than Arcueid. Three Arch Daemons and one Daemon Duke.

Moss kneeled down in front of me. "Welcome my Lord."

"Ah, no need for the kneeling right now, you guys are busy with some work so let's focus on that." Moss nodded as he rose from his position and took a seat.

I turned towards the other Arch Daemons who all bowed in front of me, though from the glare Arcueid was sending them she was not happy with that. Maybe she wanted them to kneel anyway?

The one in the middle, Mazda, I think his name is said, "It is an honor to be in your presence once again my Lord."

The one on the right nodded. "Indeed! I did not expect to be in your presence after you granted us our names your majesty!"

"Haha, no need for all the formalities you three, I'm just here to see if I can help you guys out with your problem."

"Ah, your generosity knows no bounds my Lord." I turned towards the voice and was not surprised to see it was Arcueid who said that.

"Alright alright, enough with that. So you guys are having issues with recruiting more people to the military right?"

Arcueid nodded. "Indeed, while the majority of Majins are weak, numbers can be useful in some cases. At the very least their lives can be used for your sake my Lord. If it weren't for your orders telling me not to use force I'm sure some of them will understand their duties."

Ah, well I don't really feel comfortable forcing people to join my military and possibly dying if they aren't willing to.

I shook my head. "Everyone has a role to play Arcueid, if someone doesn't help bolster our combat forces that doesn't mean they are useless. We have craftsmen that are building homes for my people, blacksmiths that are creating weapons, farmers that are growing food, and much more."

Arcueid nodded. "Indeed, I understood that much after I looked into what the people who chose not to join the military were doing. The majority of them are providing for your Nation in their own way so I let them be. The ones who weren't however…."

I think it's best that I don't know. Ignorance is bliss after all.

"Hmm, what benefits are you offering the soldiers?"

Arcueid looked at Moss, it seems he knows the details. Moss took the lead and said, "We are currently providing them a salary, free food and housing, along with training to get them up to par."

Those are quite good benefits, but how about this. "Hmm, those are good but how about we add some sort of reward system? The higher in rank a soldier gets the more Magic they gain access to, and of course their pay increases with it. We can also start teaching them some trades on the side and guarantee them jobs after they leave the military using the trades we have taught them. This way they can secure a future income for themselves along with gaining strength."

Learning Magic on its own will be quite tempting, after all power matters most in this world. If you can't gain Skills, then Magic is the next best thing.

Maybe we can do something similar to those Xianxia novels where they have a place where they store a bunch of different abilities that a disciple can choose from based on their merits. Of course in this case it will be Magic instead of Cultivation Techniques or abilities.

Maybe we can include weapons as something that can be earned as well?

We can rank the Magic based on usefulness and destructive power, the more points someone has, the higher level Magic they can learn, or weapons they can get.

I explained my idea to Arcueid and the other Daemons, they all looked thoughtful before Arcueid broke the silence.

"Hmm, that may work but it is hard to predict what goes through these people's heads. If I were them I would join the military immediately in the hopes of gaining your recognition."

Eh, I think that's a Daemon thing since Moss and the other three Daemons are nodding along.

Sure other Majin may want the protection of someone strong like me, but to the masses Demon Lords are beings that cannot be defied, they are all powerful overlords so maybe they just don't want to get involved with one in the hopes that their lives remain as they are.

After all, directly serving some Demon Lords is like making a deal with the Devil.

"Well let me know how that goes then, if it doesn't work I'll try and come up with something else."

"I will my Lord."

Hmm, I do need to upgrade Megumin's and Lalatina's bodies with Stardust, but I wonder if it is possible to upgrade Arcueid's Deathman body with it as well.

'Do you know if it is possible Odin?'

'Answer. It is theoretically possible to improve the Daemon Arcueid's body by exposing her to Stardust in extremely miniscule amounts so that her body can overtime strengthen itself after the constant exposure.'

'So sort of like working out, in order to build muscle you need to tear it, but it will heal to a stronger state than it was before.'


That will only improve her Physical Body's strength, but it's still something.

It should put her on a level equal to Megumin and Lalatina after I've upgraded their bodies.

"Ah, also let me know whenever you're alone, I have something I want to do to you."

All of a sudden Arcueid gained a blush. "Ah, if you wish to make use of my body for such purposes I would be honored my Lord! In fact I have been dreaming of such a day, a day where you would allow me to serve you in the best way possible!"

Huh? I just wanted to upgrade her body with Stardust though.

Well, is this a task failed successfully situation?

Umu, my genius truly astounds me, everything is going according to plan.

Moss and the other Daemons were looking at Arcueid as if this was the first time they met her.

Something that Arcueid noticed as she glared towards the four, cowing them into submission.

I just nodded and teleported out, I wasn't really sure what else to say in that situation. That was a productive use of my time, Rimuru can't say I don't ever do anything now!

Hmm, maybe now I should finish up with all of the presents I plan to give, I need to enchant the minigun and enchant them so they aren't as easy to destroy as they would normally be, and then I should be all ready.

- Arcueid -

Arcueid's pale cheeks blushed as she recalled what her Lord asked of her earlier. She was tempted to taunt the other two with it but decided not to, after all they may attempt to inconvenience her, though she doubted Lalatina would do much. She worshiped and adored their Master as if he was her one true god, she would probably only sing his praises for managing to seduce another one of her kin. Not that she could blame her.

"Ah, I truly enjoy my current life, as opposed to constantly playing the same game of corrupting Nation after Nation, or fighting for supremacy with you guys, serving our Lord is far better."

"Yes! Serving my Master was my calling in life!" Lalatina voiced her support. "It is far more enjoyable than torturing those naive Daemons." She rolled her eyes, she truly is incredibly sadistic to those that aren't her Master.

"Indeed." Megumin agreed with them both. "I still remember that day clearly, the day when you first introduced me to Lord Felix Arcueid. My Aura didn't seem to affect him at all, it made me feel a little excited, serving a Lord like that. And then there was his Magic, it is truly sublime. The moment he gave me my 'name', I knew I would serve him loyally for eternity." She affirmed, giving off a bright smile.

"Haha, to think you used to be such a rebel before Megumin, the old you would never obey someone else." Lalatina voiced out.

Arcueid found herself agreeing. "Indeed, I expected you to fight me the moment I brought my proposal up." In such a fight she wasn't sure who would win. She may have been a Daemon Duke at the time, but Megumin was a Primordial herself, raw power just isn't always enough to beat someone like that. Oftentimes fights between Daemons were all about knowledge and techniques.

In response Megumin voiced her own question. "Before we met our Master, did any of you think there would be a Daemon stronger than us seven?"

She shook her head, "No." Such a thought was completely alien to her before she met her Lord, it just wasn't something that could be done normally. Only the truly extraordinary could be capable of such a feat, and even then she would still be doubtful.

"Nope!" Even Lalatina couldn't believe such a thing before.

Megumin gave a self satisfied smirk. "Exactly. That's why I became interested in your precious Master Arcueid, you hadn't been serving him for long at that point but he charmed you, one of my kin to such an extent that you were willing to use your favor for him. A favor where you could ask me practically anything besides serving you."

"Haha yup! Our Master is special isn't he. You know, before I met him I thought that if he didn't impress me enough I would to kill him." Said Lalatina. She didn't blame her, no one could know the majesty of her Lord unless they met him in person. And Lalatina soon learned the error of her ways.

Unfortunately the other trash she brought along probably won't be of much use to her Lord. At least they were good enough to be fodder.

"You know, I can slowly feel my body evolving, almost as if the ore that makes up our skeleton our Master crafted us with is evolving into a higher state. It won't be long before it matches your Deathman body, and even surpasses it Arcueid." Lalatina said with a smirk.

"Mine seems to be evolving as well." Megumin agreed.

Hmm, what an interesting phenomena, maybe their skeletons were turning into that Legendary metal?

Arcueid remembered hearing tales of it, the Hihi'irokane, a metal that is said to be at the top of the Legend Grade at bare minimum, in most cases it reaches the God Grade. How interesting, she will need to train if she doesn't want to be surpassed by those two. Such a thing had never happened before, but circumstances are different now. She refused to let those two gain more attention from their Lord than her.

She was far too prideful to allow such a thing to occur, and besides she wanted their Master's attention as well.

"Heh, we're going to surpass you soon Arcueid." Megumin taunted.

She could feel the tick mark on her forehead. "Oh really? Did you want to test that out then, Jaune?"

"Heh, I bet it'll be an easy victory for me, but fine Blanc."

She controlled her anger, she would soon get a chance to relieve it.

"Are you two forgetting about me hmm?"

"Did you want to receive a thrashing as well Violet?" She taunted, maybe she would get the chance to finally let her anger out at Lalatina stealing the march on their Master.

"Haha, you wish. Come on, let's go settle this in the training dimension our Master made. I don't wish to displease him by causing damage to what he values."

She nodded. Lalatina truly has changed to value their Master's words so highly, though she couldn't say she was different.

- Velgrynd -

Velgrynd contemplated on everything she learned from this meeting with her sister. The two of them occasionally meet up every few centuries, the relationship between them has become slightly frostier ever since she decided to join Rudra's side, and Velzard Guy's side. Though she claimed not to be interested in the game between Rudra and Guy, that still did not change the fact that she was a potential enemy.

That was something to worry about, especially since she herself has never managed to defeat her sister in a sealed state let alone her full powered state.

But she trusted her beloved Rudra to plan for that.

The important thing was the information her sister provided her, she wasn't sure what this Daemon did to annoy her sister but she wasn't complaining, after all this information will help further Rudra's goals.

To think there would be another Daemon that has the potential to approach the cusps of Guy's own power. She did not think he was there yet as such a level of strength was not easily obtained, but the fact that Guy said that he was not sure who would win in a fight between them spoke volumes of his opinion on this new Daemon.

Though that in part was likely due to the unknown nature of his Skill.

This was a Daemon that was capable of fighting at the level of the True Dragons if what her sister said is accurate. And one that would most definitely oppose the Eastern Empire due to his friendship with the new Federation run by that Slime.

Still, she should be capable of defeating him should the worst happen, after all even her sister Velzard did not quite think he was capable enough to match Guy yet, maybe on Veldora's level which was only boosted by his extremely powerful Ultimate Skill that could rival her Rudra's Michael.

Now that was a surprise to learn, she didn't think there would be another wielder of such a Skill, even Rudra had trouble wielding his own Michael.

Still, this Felix White would not delay their invasion, he would simply be planned around and defeated, likely by her seeing as no one in the Empire is capable of fighting at such a high level except her and Rudra. The only ones who come close are Kondo and Damrada, and they each have their own roles to fulfill.

The invasion will happen as planned, within two years Jura will be Rudra's.

- Felix -

'Notice, the Unique Skill: Thunder had been successfully modified.'


"There, it's done."

Raiden looked shocked, "Indeed, I can feel the changes that have been made. To think you are even capable of modifying Skills, as expected of you Master!"

Eh, that wasn't really me but rather Odin, but sure, I'll take the praise.

I had Odin modify Raiden's Skill to allow her to far more easily replicate phenomena related to electricity, she could do so before, it just required more effort and Magicules to do so.

Along with that I added the Extra Skill: Lightning Breath as a sub-skill, Raiden could already do such a thing but as a Skill Lightning Breath was far more powerful.

It might not increase Raiden's strength by a bunch but it could prove useful in a pinch.

"Master if you are not busy would you like to meet the new maids I have trained for you? So far 28 have already begun serving you."

Hmm, I've seen some of them around, each going about their duties, so I probably should at least talk to them.


Maybe I can name them, who doesn't want to have a bunch of battle maids after all?

It didn't take us long to find one of the Dark Elf maids in the hallway. The Elf noticed us almost immediately and bowed. "Ah! Greetings Lord Felix, Lady Raiden!"

Raiden gave her a nod. "It seems you are hard at work, good." Man Raiden is a real slave driver isn't she?

"I have come to formally introduce you to our Great Master Demon Lord Felix-sama."

"Ah!" She bowed again, "Thank you for coming to see me Master! It is an honor to serve as one of your maids!"

Man what did Raiden do to these people? They seem to be professional maids.

"Haha, don't worry about it. It's my job as your Boss to meet you and make sure all your needs are fulfilled."

I'll ask Raiden if she's fine with me giving her a name, I know she was saving it as a reward for these maids.

"Raiden, is it fine if I name her or do you still want me to save that for a later reward."

"No, it is fine Master. This will be her reward for completing my training successfully, now she is ready and willing to serve you completely."

"Hmm, then do you want me to name all of the maids that you've trained? They can all be your subordinates, you can make a combat maid unit of sorts."

"I was already planning to train them to deal with threats that you should not need to deal with on your own Master. So naming them would help in such an endeavor."

"Alright, I'll name them all then."

I cut off the Thought Communication. "Hmm do you have a name?"

The Maid looked confused before a look of realization appeared on her face. She shook her head. "No, I do not have a name Felix-sama."

"Hmm I see." She looked eager, it seems she worked out that I was going to name her.

Dark Elves are similar to Majins as they were corrupted by the miasma of the Chaos Dragon so it is possible to name them.

Hmm, what are some fictional Elves that I can name her after?

Aha, she may not be a Dark Elf but an Elf is an Elf. "I name you Fiel Nirvalen." A good choice if I do say so myself, No Game No Life was an amazing series as well.

I would love to visit that world but I don't want to get deleted by Tet, it was never really specified how strong he was but he was definitely strong, maybe stronger than I am.

Maybe I can challenge him to a game? A game that if I win I can freely mess around in his world. Though I'm not delusional enough to believe I can beat him in a game, it would probably need to be entirely based on luck, that or I could do a Yugioh match against him or something.

Well, I'll think about it if that time ever comes.

I focused back on Fiel, it didn't take her long to finish the process of naming her. The moment she was able she kneeled down in front of me and said, "Thank you my Master! I swear to serve you to the best of my ability for the rest of my life!"

Damn, these guys really take names super seriously, I guess that's just the culture in this world though.

I nodded. "Good, now rise. You will be under Raiden's direct command so listen to her."

Fiel eagerly nodded. "Yes Master!"

Fiel herself was quite powerful now, since I technically gave her two names, a first name and a last name she got quite the power boost. Let alone the fact that she got her name from someone as strong as me.

As she is now she could stomp Clayman with a wave of her hand, though she was far from the level of my direct subordinates.

Those guys have had time to grow under me, they have trained and mastered their abilities, let alone the fact that they received gifts from my Harvest Festival which boosted their strength considerably.

Still, that's another Disaster Class being under my command.

Hopefully the other Maids can reach a similar level.

I turned to look at Raiden, "You ready to meet the rest?"

She nodded. "Yes Master. I will call them all to gather so that we do not have to visit them individually, it will be quicker that way."

"Alright, do whatever you think is best."

Raiden turned towards Fiel. "You can come with us."


We headed towards where all of the Maids were gathering, we had time so I decided to get to know my newest Maid a little bit better.

"So Fiel."

"Yes Master?" She looked at me questioningly.

"Why did you decide to serve me?"

"Ah, that's simple. Because it is all I've ever wanted to be. Ever since I was raised as a child I used to see Clayman's personal Maid going about her duties. She just looked so well put together, and I thought that I wanted to be like her. So when I noticed an opportunity I took it."

Eva? Hmm, I heard about her from some of Clayman's former subordinates but apparently she disappeared shortly after Clayman and his army left to attack Carrion's territory.


"I see, well I'm glad you decided to take that opportunity then."

I continued to enquire about her life until we got to where the other Maids were gathered up.

The Maids were all gathered up in a straight line, they were well disciplined.

Raiden took the lead. "You have all been chosen to be our Master's Maids, that is a role you should take pride in. Now since you have all passed my training our Master has seen fit to reward all of you with a name."

All of their eyes widened in shock, there wasn't any whispering or anything though, it seems Raiden trained them too well for even their shock to break their maidly composure.

"Indeed, you should all be honored."

They all bowed towards me in sync, seriously, what the fuck did Raiden do to these Elves.

I decided to speak up. "Alright, enough with the formalities."

Raiden nodded. "Yes Master."

I decided to just follow the line, I went to the head of the line and named the first Elf. "You will be Shera Greenwood."

I could feel Shera's strength rise up to Fiel's own level. Another Disaster Class.

It didn't take me long to name them all, though I only gave Fiel and Shera last names as Raiden told me through Thought Communication that those two would be her second in command. If they are going to be her second then they need to be stronger than the rest.

Now the other Maids might not have a second name but they are still strong, strong enough that they could beat Clayman if they group up.

Clayman really is just the easiest method to measure strength huh?

I turned towards Raiden. "You said you are working on training at least 100 more right?"

"Indeed Master."

"Alright, good luck with that then, maybe you can mention a name is waiting for them at the end of their training. Nothing motivates Majins more than getting stronger."

Raiden looked considerate for a moment before nodding.

"I'll leave you to it then." As I was walking away I could hear Raiden giving all the Maids orders. A position of power suits her.

Hmm, I've already Enchanted all the gifts I plan to give, I didn't give Raiden her's since she was in front of her subordinates, I'm sure she has an image that she wants to maintain.

I'll just give them out as I meet everyone alone.

Glenda's Desert Eagle is quite something at this point. Originally the frame was made out of Aluminum but I changed that to Magisteel. Along with that the slide is made out of Magisteel as well, I basically recreated the entire gun so that it is made out of Magisteel, the barrel, the hardware, the sights, everything.

The gun itself shoots bullets made out of Magicules, it's capable of slaying a Calamity Class being with ease as long as it is used right, and potentially even a Disaster Class being.

I'm sure Glenda will be happy with it.

I looked out the window, it was only midday so I was able to see my citizens going about their days past the walls surrounding my palace.

All of a sudden I could sense three massive Auras colliding against each other in the training Dimension I recently created. I immediately created a Barrier around the Auras so that it wouldn't bother anyone.

It seems those three are at it again, their Auras are so massive that they can be felt outside the Dimension.

Broken ass Primordial Daemons.

I snapped my fingers and created a few more layers on the outside of the Dimension so that what happens on the inside couldn't be felt on the outside.

I'm sure that the Aura that was momentarily felt by everyone made most of the country shit themselves, it might have even knocked a few unconscious, even though I made sure to cover the Auras up almost immediately.

Everyone in the palace was fine seeing as no one here is weak enough to fall unconscious from feeling the extremely suppressed Aura of those three. Full power is a different story though.

Still I would have thought the defenses I integrated into the Dimension would be enough, but it appears I was wrong.

Goes to show, never underestimate a Primordial.

Hmm? I looked down the hall and was surprised to see Sukuna following Saeko around. That's a weird combination.

Both of them spotted me and appeared in front of me. "Ah! Felix-sama! I was showing the second secretary around and making sure he knew the pecking order!"

The pecking order?

I looked questioningly at Sukuna who seemed to understand what I was asking.

"When I was talking to your maid, Raiden, she mentioned that I may have shared duties with Saeko so I introduced myself to her. Ever since then she has been 'helping' me adjust." He said with a smile that didn't really look like a smile.

Saeko nodded as if nothing was wrong. "Indeed, it is good you came to me second secretary-kun." Not even using his name?!

And since when was he my secretary, I wanted him to be my butler, though I guess those are basically the same thing.

"I see… well I'm glad you are getting along?"

Sukuna nodded. "Indeed, Saeko has shown me everything I need to do as your butler, in fact I am easily capable of taking care of your duties as well Saeko, so you are no longer needed."

"Hah?! I am Felix-sama's first secretary, you are the second! As if you could replace me, hmph!" Ah, Saeko has matured! Before she would have immediately asked for a fight.

"But if you still have that delusional thought in your head we can fight it out and I can beat that thought out of your head!" Ah, I spoke too soon.

"Alright enough of that, there will be no fighting for supremacy here."

"Ah! My apologies Felix-sama!" Sukuna bowed, "Forgive me for my sins!" Sins?

"Eh, don't worry about it, a healthy rivalry might even help you two!"

Saeko looked as if she ate a lemon. "Rival?! As if this weakling can be my rival!"

Ah, she probably doesn't know how strong he is.

"Don't judge Sukuna by his Magic Power alone, he has some Unique abilities that I think even you may have trouble with. There is a reason I appointed him as my left hand while you are my right hand."

"Ah! You honor me Felix-sama!" Exclaimed Sukuna.

'Is it just me or did you download the Diablo template onto Sukuna Odin?'

'Answer. The Master is imagining things.'

'Sure I am buddy.'

"Hmph, we'll have to see about that." At least Saeko seems more accepting of Sukuna now.

I might as well give Saeko her gift now. "Sukuna could you leave us alone for a little bit?"

"Of course my Lord!"

Once he was gone I teleported us to her room, the moment we got there Saeko immediately started stripping.

I ogled her for a few seconds, she was wearing a set of black lingerie. But I called her for something else, maybe we can have fun after. I used my supreme control over my own body to lower my erection, though from the sneaky smile Saeko sent me I think she noticed.

"Saeko, just because I asked to meet you alone does not mean I want to have sex."

Saeko looked heartbroken, "Ah! Have you grown tired of me Felix-sama?!"

"Ugh, no Saeko I have not, besides you mean far too much to me by this point for that. You should know by now that you aren't leaving my side even if you want to."

A scarlet blush appeared on her face, "A-ah Felix-sama!"

I shook my head, I took out the box containing the necklace that I got for her. "Anyways I got you a present from another world. It's Enchanted so it won't break easily, along with that I Enchanted it to take one fatal attack for you. It will automatically activate when it senses a fatal attack incoming and block it, but it's only a one time use so don't rely on it."

Saeko looked ready to burst into tears, "Thank you Felix-sama!"

"Haha, it's no problem, you deserve this much at this point."

Somehow her blush deepened even more. She turned around and shifted her hair to the side bearing her neck to me.

Understanding what she was asking for I took the necklace out of the box and put it on her.

She turned around with a beautiful smile on her face, "How do I look?"

"Beautiful." And seeing as she was still in her lingerie my compliment had a double meaning.

"Hehe, why don't I take care of you now Felix-sama~?" She said with a seductive tone.

I raised my brow and sat down on Saeko's bed. "Then get to work."

Saeko immediately kneeled in front of me and lowered my pants. This time I didn't try to prevent my erection from forming.

She immediately leaned against my still covered cock inhaling the scent it was giving off.

"Ahh~ Felix-sama~!"

She slowly lowered my underwear revealing my manhood to the open air, it didn't take long for Saeko to get to work.

She started by wrapping her lips around the tip and then swirling her tongue around it.

She was swirling her tongue around the tip wildly, desperately. Eventually she pulled back slightly and began to slowly lick me down to the base, leaving light kisses as she did so. She was damn near worshiping it.


Once I was sufficiently lubed she opened her mouth wide and began to slowly push my cock deeper and deeper down her throat.

She gave the root of my shaft a thorough cleaning with her tongue, making sure to leave no part of me untouched, Saeko was eager like that.

I could see Saeko's ass swaying left and right, tempting me, so I swapped our positions into a Sixty Nine using my mastery over Space.

Saeko was surprised for a moment before she got back to work.

I always have preferred breasts over thighs or ass, I still like them as any heterosexual man should, but tits always won out for me. But man did Saeko have a nice ass.

I raised my hand and squeezed her ample rear causing Saeko to moan into my cock.

I continue to grope her for a few minutes before my fingers begin to slide underneath her underwear and directly touch her sopping core.

I continue to poke and prod at Saeko's tight lower lips but never entering.

"Mmph~" Saeko slowly pulled up and looked towards me with watering eyes, "Please Felix-sama~!"

Ah, well I can't say no to that face.

I pushed two fingers as far as I could into her tightening folds causing Saeko to moan out.

"A-Ah~! More Felix-shama~!" Saeko mewled out.

She quickly began licking my cock all over as I fingered her to completion, Saeko's back arching in response.

Her ass was shaking, giving me quite the alluring view.

I could feel my orgasm coming and made no attempts to hold it back, after all this would only be my first orgasm of the day.

I groaned out as I felt my cum release itself down Saeko's throat, her mouth acting as a lid or else I don't doubt that my cum would go spraying out.

Saeko's eyes widened considerably but she made sure to drink it all down, something she was not capable of when we first started sleeping together.

"Heh, I hope you don't think we're done now Saeko~." I whispered into her ear.

I felt a full on shudder travel through Saeko's body, "Ah~! Please help yourself to my body Felix-sama~!"

"Don't mind if I do." I sat up and spun Saeko around so she was facing me and quickly impaled myself into her causing a full on ahegao to appear on her face.

I'm going to have one hell of a time with Saeko, then maybe I'll visit Rimuru after.


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server /RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Sup guys, Felix finally returned to the Cardinal World, and we got to see some of the Skills he picked up. Sukuna is back with the Diablo template downloaded into his head. Hopefully you guys liked the other POVs, I wanted to build up their characters a bit.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed, if you did leave a like!

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