I lay in bed with Rumi looking up at the Ceiling with a grin, Sex was so much better than using the old hand. I glance at Rumi who is sleeping with a content expression. My eyes locked on her exposed breasts and I had to fight down the urge to just grab them and suck on them like a hungry infant.
I get up and stretch my arms, We fucked all night, She needs sleep. And I ain't gonna take that away from her, I already took the privilege of sleep away from myself, sure I can sleep but it feels like I am forcing myself to.
I fought this tanky villain when I was 10 and he just wouldn't go down, I eventually died from exhaustion so my power made it so I didn't feel tired. That's why I won't starve myself, I like feeling human stuff, it's part of the whole human experience ya' know?
I get up and put on my boxers and jeans along with my shirt, To be honest, I feel so happy right now like I can finally die without a care in the world. But I won't. Why? Because I want to fuck more, I want to live forever and I want to be alive when the sun decided to go boom, and I want to laugh when I adapt to the supernova…
I stop buttoning up my shirt in thought, why don't I just make it so humanity doesn't die? I'll make sure humanity makes a Diphen sphere. I teleport outside as I burst out in laughter.
Once I stopped laughing I teleported back inside to finish changing back into my clothes.
So, it looks like I have found a goal to strive towards, making sure the earth doesn't go to shit and after that making sure to stop the Sun from exploding.
And I can do that, humanity can do that!
If I go insane in trying to do so? Well, what is broken can only be broken a little bit more right? Zero, add zero equals zero.
I finished my changing and put a note on Rumi's bedside cabinet.
{Hope you enjoyed your sleep, call me anytime and we can go again if you want~
Love the most handsome funniest sexy man in the world Shikage Kūsho~}
Okay, that should be enough hehe.
I teleport to the teacher's dormitory and flop onto my bed.
Man, not feeling tired sucks, I can still feel fatigued just not tired, my fight with Midoriya shows that.
Fuck it, I'm hungry.
I get up and teleport to my bathroom, why? Because I smell of sex that's why. I look into the mirror and I finally, realise something.
I mean, yeah, we can all admit that Mark looks hot, like Ryan Reynolds hot.
Given my voice isn't the same as him I am taller and I have different-coloured eyes and hair.
|AN: you guys can stop asking me for pics now|
Guys, I'm gonna take a break for a little while I came to fucked myself over, i'm feeling terrible right now, I'm not dropping this, I just need a bit.
I might start fic later but let me just enjoy my my break from college. Now I want to read fics and relax. You guys may get a chapter every three days, to be honest, I don't even care about the rankings anymore.