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82.22% The Betrayed Hero and the Idol / Chapter 37: chapter 37

Chapitre 37: chapter 37

Chapter 37 – Memories

"So... what am I meant to do against this thing again?" I ask.

I was confused.

Why... was I fighting a giant piece of cloth?

"Hmm, you know what motion capture is, right?" Gotanda says from my side.

"Uhh, I think so. That's when they put the suit with balls on you, right?" I say.

"Yeah, it's the same principle with this thing. They don't want to actually make the monster, much less in a way where it can move. So this is the next best thing. They record you fighting this thing, and then overlay the actual model of the monster in post." He responds.

Okay, I think I could understand.

"But... how the heck am I supposed to 'fight with emotion' against this thing?" I say, remembering what was being asked of me.

I mean... even if I faked it, it was just a fucking piece of cloth.

At least put a picture on it or something.

"Huu... not my problem. This is why I'm not too fond of action, even if it has good characters. Shit like this screws everything up. I mean, how is an actor supposed to show the correct emotions when killing when they have never even seen a body before? And fantasy monsters like this? Yeah, the quality of acting gets distorted when you try to do the impossible on film." He says.

Well... I already knew those feelings though.

Maybe this is another reason why Aqua asked me to do this?

"Well, we're not expecting much from you. You're meant to be a stunt double, not the main character. Just... try to convey the emotions meant to be conveyed." Gotanda says with a shrug.

"And those are...?" I ask him to continue.

He then turns to me before pointing his finger at my chest.

"You're the last hope. For yourself, for your family... for all of humanity, really. This thing has terrorized the world for the past year, and you've seen many people die from it. Anger, desperation, faith... a mix of all those things, I guess."

Damn... what a coincidence.

I definitely could see why Aqua asked me to do this.

Maybe not faith, or hope for my family's future... but anger, desperation... I could definitely understand those feelings, likely better than anyone.

I had experienced them firsthand, after all.

"But then again, you're just a stunt double, so we're not relying on you to convey the emotions of the story, it'd just be a nice bonus. You're main job is to show off some cool moves and have competent sword usage. You can do that... right?" He asks skeptically.

"Ha. You won't have to worry about that." I respond.

Rather than being worried about not being good enough, I was more worried that I would be too good.

"So? Am I good to go?" I ask.

"Yeah... you remember the basic choreography, right?" He asks.

"Leap forward and deal a vertical slash, jump back with shaky footsteps, roll to the side-"

"Okay, okay. I get it." He interrupts my long-winded explanation.

I then hear the main director call out to begin filming.

It was my time to shine.

"And Cassius... thanks, for doing this. While it's not my production, Miura is a good friend of mine, so thanks for helping him out." Gotanda says from behind.

"No worries. I'm doing this for Aqua anyway." I respond.

"As I suspected... you really are quite the dad, aren't you?"

Looking past the cameras where the rest of the main cast sat, I saw Aqua looking at me with a mix of hope, excitement, and embarrassment.

Hehe, it's always cute when he finally shows some emotions.

Well... I better not let him down.

"Damn right, I am."

Now standing in front of the large piece of cloth, I try to get into character.

How odd... I had imitated countless characters from my training, this would be the first time I had imitated myself.

Not only that, I would need to amplify my own character in order for it to show up properly on film.

Really really odd...

But not impossible.

Drawing my dulled blade, I stare at the fake monster- no, the Demon of Corruption with a myriad of emotions.

First... there was fear.

Not for my life, but rather the fear of what horrors my failure would bring.

For I was the final hope, the last bastion of humanity against this great threat.

I take a breath in, thinking about what this character had experienced, what I had experienced.

There was no need for true acting, simply reliving my memories was enough.

A grieving mother, sobbing over the mauled corpse of her beloved son.

A child staring forlornly at her burning village, eyes swimming with fear and confusion at her uncertain future.

A raging brother.

A children's doll left forgotten on the ground.

A road drenched in blood.

Such memories that were better left locked in the recess of my mind came forth, making my grip tighten and my teeth clench.

Yes... this was the anger.

Those terrible scenes were what this incarnation of death and destruction had brought, the pain it had caused.

And it was my duty to end it.

Because not all was yet lost.

There was still hope.

And for them... I would end this nightmare once and for all.

And so, my convictions renewed and my heart burning with determination, I leapt forward.

----- Aqua POV -----

I could only stare at the scene in front of me in a state of absolute shock.

I was gobsmacked.

While his swordsmanship was still pretty cool, it wasn't anything surprising, as he had shown me something better before.

No, I wasn't amazed by his 'fighting', but rather... the fact I could see him.

Not Cassius, but rather, Eugene, the main hero of the story.

Right now, I am watching that fictional character fight, right in front of my eyes.

The blazing determination that was written on the script had come to life in the form of narrowed eyes and trembling fists.

It was amazing, in a way that made my heart leap out of my chest.

It felt thrilling, intoxicating, it felt...


And the others seemed to agree.

The unlit cigarette that had been dangling in Director Gotanda's mouth had long since fallen onto the floor, the man in question not giving it any thought as he stared at the scene before him, entranced.

But past the admiration and awe, I could also see some... hunger.

Dammit, he was definitely going to be annoying after this.

And I knew exactly why.

There were many actors who could express emotions and nuances perfectly on screen, using their past experiences, natural talent, and pure charisma to do so.

But action?

That was a whole other story.

Father... you've really done it this time, huh?

Wait, father!?

When the hell did I start thinking that!?

Well... he did do all of this for me because he viewed me as a son, but for me to think of him as a father?

That was another story.

I was an old man in a child's body, and although I had been feeling different, more childish emotions lately, there was a line I wouldn't cross.

Though... if he eventually started pestering me to call him something more familiar, like Ai did... I guess I wouldn't mind giving in.

"C-Cut!" The astonished director stutters.

Well... you really put on a show, Cassius.

Now you'll have to find your way out of this mess.

But... what was this feeling in my chest?

It was hot and itchy... a new sort of feeling I hadn't felt in a while.

Looking over to Cassius, I feel this feeling rise up once more.

Ah... so that was it.

I was jealous.

How childish of me.

But as a mentally mature person such as myself, I wouldn't wallow in self-pity like a loser but rather put this feeling of inferiority to good use.

"Director." I say.

"Y-Yeah. What is it?" He answers.

To get to his level... to make fiction a reality...

"I want to learn more." I respond.

I would keep moving forward.

----- Cassius POV - 3 Hours Later -----

I had never seen someone hand me a business card with such vigour before.

But I guess my performance was that stunning, huh?


Now why did I do that?

I got way too into it, to the point where I almost started using mana in my attacks.

But at least the final product would be quite good, no?

Now I could rest easy knowing that Aqua's third film would be just as good as the other two.

Anyway, since Ai had taken Freya and Amethyst to their checkup, Aqua had gone to Gotanda's for some extra training, and Ruby was still at the studio, I had the house to myself.

The stay-at-home dad that I was, I had already gotten groceries for tonight's dinner, as well as writing some more of my diary-turned-fantasy story, so now... I was bored.

Hmm... should I record another song?

I haven't done much with Nimbus lately as not only was I now rich, but the other guys had found success with their own stuff.

But there were still a few more songs I wanted to share with the world.

"Papa? I'm home!" I hear Ruby say from the open front door.

Nevermind then.

"R-Ruby! Don't just shout like that! I should greet your parents properly!"

...That didn't sound like Ruby.

"Just come in, Kana! Don't be so stiff!"

It seems my daughter had brought home a friend.

Getting up from the couch, I walk over to greet the visitor.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Cassius Hoshino, Ruby's father." I say to the girl.

"N-Nice to meet you too. I'm Kana. Kana Arima." She says with a bow.


Shoulder-length red hair... blunt bangs... a cute face that glimmered with childish innocence...

So this was that friend Ruby was always talking about.

And seeing her in person, I feel like I've seen her somewhere before.

Where was it...


"You were the girl that acted with Aqua, right? Well, it was three years ago, so you might not remember it..." I say.

"Aqua?" She responds hopefully.


"Yeah... blonde hair, blue eyes, a perpetually grumpy face. That's Aqua. Did Ruby not talk about her brother?" I ask.

Kana's eyes widen in surprise as her cheeks slowly grow redder with each passing second.

"Aqua is here?" She says breathlessly.


So it was like that, huh?




Oh, my son.

"Kana, right? Would you like to stay for dinner?"

I am going to have some fun with this.

But to think that asocial brat could already have such a cute girl crushing on him...

Perhaps my son was secretly a player?

"I-Is that alright, Mr. Cassius?"

I nearly gag at her words.

"Just call me Cassius, please. And it's no problem at all! Were you two thinking of just playing in Ruby's room, or do you wanna go do something until the others get back?" I ask them.

"Hmm... when's Mama getting back?" Ruby asks.

"Probably an hour or so." I respond.

"I think we'll stay here. I wanted to show Kana our backyard!" Ruby says.

"Okay, just be careful. There are some injuries I can't fix."

I make sure to stare at Ruby's eyes, hoping she gets the hidden meaning of my words, that I wouldn't use my magic on outsiders.

Luckily, seeing her resolute nod, she seems to get the message.

That's my smart girl.

"Okay! Let's go, Kana!"

"Ah, w-wait! My shoes!"

As I watch Ruby pull Kana along by the hand, not caring a bit about her friend struggling, I release a small sigh.

Ruby... was definitely an extrovert.

Maybe a little too much of one.

But I guess you have to make friends somehow, right?

----- Ai POV - 1 Hour Later -----

Placing the two sleepy kids into their beds, I wipe the light sheen of sweat that had gathered on my forehead.

Gosh, they were getting heavy.

It's a little sad... to see them growing up so fast...

But I was also excited.

So many mommy-daughter times to be had!

While the check-up at the doctor's had gone well, I had forgotten it was time for their vaccinations, and while they both took the needle itself like the good little girls they were, the side effects hit them hard.

They weren't sick or anything, but they fell asleep as soon as they sat down on the train.

Well... I guess I'd have to save some dinner for them.

Speaking of which, I had seen an extra pair of shoes near the front door.

Had Ruby brought home her first friend?

Hehe~ It was my time to shine!

As a certified hot mom!

So let's make a good impression, Ai!

Heading down the stairs, I feel my mouth begin to water as the scent of cooked meat enters my nose.

While Cassius was sort of a hopeless cook with many things, one thing he did right was meat.

In fact, I was confident to call it the best.

Even Ari, the avid food critic that she was had to agree that when you put my husband in front of a grill, magic happened.

"Cas, did Ruby invite someone over?" I ask.

"Yep. They're outside right now, but they should be heading back inside since dinner is almost ready." He answers.

I walk up to him before wrapping my arms around his waist, leaning my head against his back as he continues cooking.

Mmm... his scent... yummy.

But those thoughts could be kept for tonight.

"I see... is it a boy~?" I tease.

"If it was, they would have wished they were a girl after I 'talked' to them." He responds.


Ruby, my sweet daughter... you're in for a tough future in regards to boyfriends.

"Well, that's... nice. Speaking of dinner, when is Aqua coming home?" I ask.

"He should be here soon. Gotanda called and said he'd take him home." He says.

"That's nice of him. And? How was the shoot?"

I was quite curious.

While I knew he could act very well, especially in bed, I was wondering how he did in regards to putting those skills into film.

"It was good. May have gone a little overboard though." He says.

"How so?" I ask.

"I cracked the sword a little from a swing, but I was able to play it off as just being a manufacturing mistake."

"You dummy." I say while playfully pounding his back.

"I get it, I get it, so-"

"Hello? I'm home."

Aqua's entrance interrupts Cas' words.

But before I can run over to greet my son, the backdoor opens.

"Mama! You're home! Oh! And Aqua too!" Ruby says.

"Aqua?" Her friend says.

Red hair, red eyes, and most importantly, red cheeks.

That was the current state of Ruby's very cute friend.

Now, one might have thought her flushed face was due to activity, but I didn't miss the sparkle in her eyes as she looked toward my son.







My son already snagged himself a cute little girlfriend, huh~?

Or at least the beginnings of one.

Looking over to Cassius, I see him give me a small nod as his lips stretch into a devilish smile.

Oh yes.

This was gonna be fun.

"I'm Ai Hoshino, the mother of these two kids. What's your name, cutie?" I say to the stunned girl.

I'd have to remember her name right away because god knows I would be using it against a certain little boy in the future.

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