when Sukuna entered Konoha
Somewhere in Konoha
Feeling an unregistered chakra that penetrated into Konoha
The Detection Department notified the Interception Department about the invasion of one powerful chakra
After which the Interception team set off towards Sukunа
Sukuna was close to Naruto's house
He had already noticed that a group of shinobi were heading in his direction.
Either way he doesn't care
Entering Naruto's house
He threw him on the bed, which woke him up
Naruto looked around and noticed Sukuna - "Uh? Eh! Who are you!" - Naruto stood up
Sukuna hit Naruto on the head from top to bottom
-You won't even recognize me, you bastard
Hearing the familiar voice Naruto stopped
After all, he's known Sukuna for two years now.
-Wow, how did you get out? Wow, your hair is scarlet! I haven't seen these
There was no answer because the Interception team broke into the housе
Seeing that the location of the unknown chakra was Naruto's house, they thought that someone from another village wanted to kill him and quickly arrived at the place
When they saw an unfamiliar man, they did not attack immediately, but they surrounded
-Who are you, what village are you from?
Before the questioning continued Naruto quickly intervened
-Eh... this is my friend...he came to visit
Despite the fact that Naruto assured that this was his acquaintance, Sukuna was still taken to the Hokage
Firstly, out of suspicion and caution Secondly, due to Sukuna's incredibly large amount of chakra, it is suspected that he is a jinchuriki from another village
Tsunade looked at Sukuna
-Are you from Uzumaki clan?
-Where are you from?
-What is your name?
-Ryomen Sukuna
After that there were more questions, but Sukuna did not listen any further and left
There will be no special events in the near future, well, in his opinion
So now Sukuna was heading to Kumogakure
Cause? It's simple
Template level
He needs to act like Sukuna, although not completely but similar
One of Sukuna's major actions in the original was the destruction of Shibuya.
At the moment, Sukuna does not have an expansion of territory but
He also has a jutsu
True, he only has one jutsu of this magnitude, but still he has it
Right now, with Level 2 Template, his physical strength was at the peak of Kage level
The Raikage was famous for his speed and physical strength
So Sukuna headed towards him
With his speed, few could detect him
So Sukuna immediately headed to the Kage building
Having broken through the roof, Sukuna found himself in the office
A Sat in a chair trying to fill out a mountain of documents
Seeing that someone broke into his room, he got angry and attacked
//Haha this is so ridiculous, I think everything is getting worse every day I'm more and more lazy to make chapters\\
Sukuna grabbed the Raikage and threw him out the window
Then he jumped after him
Raikage activated lightning chakra mode
After which he instantly disappeared without even landing
Then he attacked Sukuna in the stomach
Sukuna redirected the blow to the ground and then grabbed the Raikage's head, slamming him into the ground.
Sukuna jumped off and landed near the mountains of a village hidden in the clouds.
Sukuna created a chimera using the 10 shadow technique and sent it to deal with the Ninja who arrived due to the noise
The Raikage stood up and used his fingers like a spear to crush the mountain behind Sukuna.
Sukuna dodged in time and then he punched the Raikage in the stomach sending him flying.
Having flown into one of the mountains, the Raikage spat out blood and then with incredible speed appeared in front of Sukuna and carried out a series of blows to the stomach and chest
Having repulsed some of the attacks, Sukuna began to attack with a series of blows in response.
Their blows collided with each other with incredible force, causing a loud roar.
Interrupting this, the Raikage appeared behind Sukuna, hitting him in the back and sending him into one of the mountains.
Sukuna stood on the ground in flight, braking
After which the Raikage hid in front of him and Sukuna hit him in the face
Then he grabbed him by the hand, lifted him above his head and slammed him into the ground.
The Raikage went and stood up and then immediately moved away
Sukuna grinned and then quickly approached him.
A blow to the stomach sent him towards a village hidden in the clouds
While flying, Sukuna hit the Raikage blow from top to bottom
He sent him to one of the buildings
The Raikage collided with a building, destroying it, after which he stood up and pushed himself towards Sukuna
Many lightning bolts danced on his outstretched arm like a spear.
After which he instantly appeared in front of Sukuna and hit him in the chest
Having flown some distance with him, the Raikage threw Sukuna to the ground and began to beat him in the chest driving him into the ground
sudden heat spread from the hand
After which a condensed beam of fire shot at the Raikage, sending him several meters into the air
Sukuna stood up, his wounds healed quickly
[43% from 100% to 3 level]
-Less than I expected
After which Sukuna did not continue fight with the Raikage
He appeared in the center of the village
Apparently almost all civilians were evacuated
Only a few ninjas left
In any case, the main destruction
-Greta Spiralling Ring
After which a dark ball surrounded by white lines appeared on Sukuna's hand.
These lines formed rings around a dark ball
This "planet" has begun to fall
When it touched the ground there was an explosion
Which spread in all directions
This explosion destroyed almost the entire village hidden in the clouds
End of the chapter
I didn't have much motivation so the chapter may not be very good
By the way
When I wanted to put down a chapter and start writing after midnight
I told myself
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