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30% Harry Potter and the Magical Tok'ra / Chapter 3: 3- Battle of the Souls

Chapitre 3: 3- Battle of the Souls

***Einar's Memories***

Images began flowing into the young wizard's mind. A brunette woman wearing elegant clothing showing affection towards her pet black panther. The same woman walking through the garden with another woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. This second woman had an adorable puppy. Two names immediately came to Harry's mind; the brunette was named Egeria and the blonde was Jolinar. The two women began the Tok'ra movement and ultimately broke from the Goa'uld System Lords. They were forced into hiding when Ra and Apophis sided in battle against the common foe that was the Tok'ra. Despite this setback, Egeria continued to give birth to additional Tok'ra symbiotes who all blended willing human hosts once they matured. Jolinar was taken captive by the evil serpent god Apophis, forcibly removed from her host, and imprisoned inside a stasis jar. Egeria mourned the loss of her friend even though she knew she was still alive somewhere on one of Apophis's worlds.

While Einar had told him that Sokar and Anubis were the worst of the Goa'uld, Harry felt that Apophis was just as bad.

Eventually Harry found himself observing the early childhood of Einar and the other symbiotes from his batch. Despite being aquatic serpentine beings, Harry couldn't help but admire the community setting they lived in. A number of Tok'ra who had blended with human hosts helped care for the young. Much to Harry's amazement, one of the Tok'ra in question was Jolinar who now had a new human host. Apparently she must've somehow escaped from Apophis. Harry was particularly amused with how Einar and another symbiote named Lantash behaved, their antics reminding him of Fred and George Weasley. Their favorite blended Tok'ra to annoy was Delek who ironically reminded the young wizard of Percy Weasley. Einar and Lantash also had a friendly competition over who would win the heart of Jolinar once they were old enough to blend with human hosts.

Then one day, Einar was separated from the rest of his brethren when he was attacked by a large fish. The young symbiote was able to avoid being devoured however he was swept away downstream. By the time he was finally able to return, it was too late since all of the other symbiotes matured enough to blend with human hosts. With capture or death of the Tok'ra Queen Egeria at the hand of Ra, the Tok'ra had no further use of the lake as a nursery. As Einar felt a sense of abandonment when viewing that particular memory, Harry assured him that it was more likely the others thought the fish had devoured him. Regardless of the circumstances though, Einar had been all alone ever since. That was until the day he first met Harry Potter, a human child with a unique ability to speak natural Goa'uld dialect.

***Harry's Memories Part 1***

Einar now found himself viewing Harry's early childhood memories. His father James looked like an adult version of Harry though with hazel eyes while his mother Lily had auburn hair and bright green eyes. Harry and Einar both felt happiness as James and Lily talked with baby Harry and told him how much they loved him. James had three friends who would visit often; Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail; Harry suspected those weren't their real names especially when Padfoot frequently referred to James as Prongs. They were eventually able to determine their real names; Padfoot was Sirius Black, Moony was Remus Lupin, and Wormtail was Peter Pettigrew.

One of Harry's best childhood memories was his first birthday party; a number of guests attended in addition to James's friends including the Bones, Longbottom, and Tonks families. Harry almost didn't recognize Susan Bones and Neville Longbottom as one-year-olds and watched with envy at how the three had such fun together. Einar and Harry both laughed as they watched the Potter family cat being levitated by the baby trio until Lily put a stop to it by picking up the cat from midair and sitting down in the loveseat next to James. The babies were then joined by Dora Tonks who was a 7-year-old girl with short purple hair. When her mother called her Nymphadora, the girl threw a fit as her purple hair became a fiery red. Baby Harry gasped and his eyes widened when he saw this. Baby Harry just stared at Dora with a mesmerized look until she noticed and giggled as her hair color changed again, this time to blue. Baby Harry laughed excitedly and clapped his hands as Dora continued shifting her hair through a variety of colors. Despite not liking being called her first name by the adults, she made an exception for Harry who called her Dora.

Unfortunately the good memories had passed and Harry was eventually observing a nightmare that was all too familiar; an eerie green light and an evil laughter. Laughter that Harry now knew belonged to Voldemort.

***Memory Intermission***

Einar paused for a moment as he said "Definitely the point of infestation. Before we try observing this particular memory in detail, we should view the rest of your memories first to ensure the blending is complete."

Harry nodded in agreement as he said, "How much more time do we have until he finds us again?"

Einar closed his eyes momentarily then replied, "He has just taken the sixth level and is very close to moving on the seventh."

"So we don't have much time. Let's get this over with," said Harry anxiously.

***Harry's Memories Part 2***

Harry and Einar were now observing an argument between Sirius Black and Rubeus Hagrid. Sirius wanted to take his godson home to live with him while Hagrid who was holding baby Harry stated he had orders from Dumbledore. Sirius eventually gave in, lent his flying motorcycle to Hagrid, and stated he had a score to settle. Hagrid had flown Harry to #4 Privet Drive in Little Whinging where Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall were waiting for them. Dumbledore wished baby Harry good luck after placing him on the front porch.

And from what Einar could tell it was more like bad luck. Harry's so-called family forced him to live in a cupboard with only enough food to keep him alive. By the age of four, Harry was forced to perform manual labor while his cousin Dudley who was nearly the same age lived like a prince. Einar noted that Uncle Vernon nearly put the Goa'uld Nerus to shame in terms of gluttony and that Dudley was more likely then not to follow in his father's footsteps. As for Aunt Petunia, Einar suspected her negative treatment of her nephew was motivated by jealousy. Einar was horrified with how Harry's relatives treated him and made a silent vow to make sure that his host would never suffer this sort of abuse again.

The trip to the zoo was particularly interesting. Einar watched with amazement as younger Harry spoke to one of the snakes and was somehow able to vanish the glass from the enclosure. Since Dudley happened to be leaning on the glass at the time, he fell into the enclosure and was trapped when the glass reappeared after the snake escaped of course. Naturally Vernon blamed Harry for the incident and locked him in the cupboard for a week without any meals.

Einar was amused with the lengths Vernon went to prevent Harry from reading his Hogwarts acceptance letters. Even hiding out in some old shack on a deserted island proved to be in vain when Hagrid broke down the door and delivered Harry's Hogwarts acceptance letter personally along with a birthday cake. Dudley stole the cake which prompted Hagrid to use his umbrella-wand to give Harry's greedy cousin a pig's tail. Einar and Harry both had a good laugh at that memory.

Einar watched in wonder as he viewed his host's memories of the magical world including Diagon Alley, Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Platform 9 3/4, the Hogwarts Express, and eventually Hogwarts itself. Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger were the first friends younger Harry had in a very long time and were soon known as the Golden Trio. This new friendship was fully solidified when younger Harry and Ron rescued Hermione from a mountain troll. Einar and Harry watched the crazy adventures the Trio had throughout their First Year including Quidditch, a baby dragon, a three-headed guard dog, a giant magical chessboard, and eventually a murderous professor who intended to steal the Sorcerer's Stone for his master. Einar freaked out when he saw Lord Voldemort on the back of Professor Quirrell's head and was absolutely impressed with how younger Harry was able to neutralize him.

Another memorable event was the End-of-Term dance. While the older students typically brought a date, the younger students including the "Golden Trio" saw it as a friendship get together. That sort of changed for younger Harry when he witnessed a 7th Year Hufflepuff girl with dark twinkling eyes, pale heart-shaped face, and short spiky hair abruptly walking off on her date after yelling at him for making some kind of absurd request though he couldn't quite hear what it was. Regardless however, younger Harry was able to cheer the older girl up by offering to dance with her. During the dance, younger Harry noticed the girl's hair continually changed color and in a case of subconscious recognition called her "Dora" which caused her to gasp since that was the same name he always called her when she visited the Potters all those years ago. Einar and Harry of course knew that the 7th Year Hufflepuff was the same girl from Harry's first birthday party. When younger Harry introduced Dora and Hermione, the two girls immediately hit it off and he knew that they were all going to be good friends. After the dance, Dora gave younger Harry a kiss on his cheek as well as a friendly wink of one of her eyes.

Eventually younger Harry had to return to Little Whinging to spend the summer with his so-called relatives. Vernon was initially cautious until he learned that his nephew wasn't supposed to use magic outside of school thanks to a warning letter from the Ministry which was sent in response to the levitation charm performed by a House Elf named Dobby. Einar watched with disgust as Vernon prevented Harry from escaping with the Weasleys and proceeded to beat him within an inch of his life. Eventually Harry found himself on a familiar world where he would first meet Einar.

***Memories Conclude***

Harry and Einar both opened their eyes and were now back in the Gryffindor Common Room. Suddenly a loud noise could be heard from just beyond the entrance. The duo slowly looked towards the door with growing feelings of dread.

"He found us," said Einar as he stood up with his wand at the ready.

Harry did the same as he replied, "Where do we go now?"

Einar and Harry faced one another as they simultaneously said, "The dormitories!"

With that, Harry and Einar ran up the stairs as fast as they could until they made it into the boy's dormitory and slammed the door shut. At that very moment, Tom Riddle blasted the Fat Lady's portrait to smithereens and stepped through the entryway into Gryffindor Tower.

"That, my dear, was my password," said Voldemort calmly as he glanced back towards the tattered remains of the Fat Lady's portrait.

Harry and Einar hastily secured the dormitory by pushing one of the beds up against the door in addition to locking it. However they both knew that wouldn't keep Voldemort out for long. The duo stood at the far side of the room facing one another.

Einar offered Harry his hand as he said, "The blending is nearly complete save for one remaining memory. Are you ready?"

Harry hesitated as he realized what memory he was actually going to have to relive. However the sound of footsteps moving up the stairs quickly returned him to his senses.

"Just do it!" said Harry as he took Einar's hand.

***Harry's Memory***

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!"

Lily ran upstairs into Harry's room, slammed the door shut, and picked up baby Harry just as a green light was seen flashing through the crack under the door. Lily tried to disapparate but nothing happened. Lily hugged Harry tightly as she heard footsteps right outside the door.

"Be brave, Harry. Dadda loves you," said Lily as placed baby Harry back into his crib. "Mumma loves you."

A split second later, the nursery door was blasted open and Lord Voldemort stepped inside with his wand at the ready.

Lily immediately stood between the Dark Lord and her son's crib as she cried, "Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!"

Voldemort calmly replied, "Stand aside you silly girl."

Lily just stood her ground as she pleaded, "Not Harry, please no! Take me, kill me instead."

Voldemort pointed his wand towards Lily's chest as he snarled, "This is my last warning, Mudblood. Stand aside now."

Lily shook her head as she continued pleading, "Not Harry! Please have mercy! Not Harry! Not Harry! Please, I'll do anything-"

"Avada Kedavra!"

A sickly green light shot out from Voldemort's wand and slammed into Lily's chest. Voldemort was laughing as Lily died before she even landed on the floor. Harry cried as Einar tried to comfort him. Voldemort continued laughing as he walked over to baby Harry's crib.

"So this is the one who shall vanquish the Dark Lord," said Voldemort as he pointed his wand at baby Harry's forehead as the helpless child looked at him. "Goodbye Harry Potter. Avada Kedavra!"

The deadly green light struck baby Harry in his forehead. However the curse rebounded and slammed directly into Voldemort. Harry and Einar watched in astonishment as Voldemort's corporeal body was destroyed by his own curse along with half of the nursery. Baby Harry was still alive and now had a cut on his forehead in the shape of a lightening bolt. A ghostly figure rose from the tattered remains of Voldemort's robes. As the wraith-like form fled from the house, a piece of it had broken off from the whole. This fragment flew straight into the lightening bolt cut on baby Harry's forehead and appeared to burn momentarily.

***Memory Concludes***

Harry and Einar opened their eyes and looked at one another, the blending now fully complete. Not only that, the duo now knew exactly how Voldemort or at least a part of his spirit infested Harry. Before they can say anything though, the dormitory door was blasted open and Lord Voldemort stepped inside with his wand at the ready. Harry and Einar faced Voldemort...no Tom Riddle...with looks of confidence on their faces.

"There is nowhere left to run. Surrender now," said Tom Riddle as he walked closer to the duo.

Harry shook his head as he said, "I don't think so, Tom."

Einar nodded in agreement as he added, "I believe it is you who has nowhere to run."

Tom Riddle laughed as he replied, "Very well. Cruc-!"

""Lacarnum Inflamari!"" shouted Harry and Einar simultaneously.

Tom Riddle was just barely able to avoid being hit by the fireballs that Harry and Einar cast from their wands by jumping out of the way though part of his cloak did catch fire. Tom Riddle quickly stood up, discarded his burning cloak, and cast the Bombarda charm. Harry and Einar moved out of the way just in time. The charm meant for them instead shattered the window that was behind them, causing the wind from outside to flow throughout the dormitory. Harry and Einar began casting various spells at Riddle who could only use defensive spells to hold off the duo's onslaught. The duo now had a clear advantage over the unwanted intruder due to being fully blended and knowing how Riddle's spirit fragment infested Harry to begin with. Thanks to the blending, Harry now remembered a number of spells he had observed the older students performing during his first year at Hogwarts and in turn Einar knew them as well.

As Tom Riddle's defenses weakened significantly, the storm outside began to calm and the sky started to clear. Harry saw the weather improvement as a good sign and wondered if conditions in the Great Hall improved as well. Harry's brief pondering caused a change in scenery; instead of the Gryffindor boy's dormitory, the duo found themselves back in the Great Hall once again. And sure enough the weather from the enchanted ceiling had also greatly improved plus the torches along the wall had changed back from eerie green to normal orange illumination. Harry and Einar hardly noticed as their attention remained focused on fighting Tom Riddle continued casting defensive spells as he slowly retreated towards the Slytherin table.

Then something unexpected happened which caused the battle to pause. The torches throughout the Great Hall gradually dimmed though this time in a strangely peaceful way since the torches were still orange rather than the dark eerie green from earlier. As this happened, a glowing silvery mist appeared in the enchanted ceiling and slowly descended until it was floating right in front of Harry and Einar. The mist then grew until it had become a beautiful glowing silver animal. Harry initially thought it was a horse but quickly realized it was a doe. Both he and Einar had overwhelming feelings of happiness from being in close proximity to the animal. Tom Riddle however had a look of bewilderment as the doe faced him and scratched her front right hoof on the floor indicating she was getting ready to charge.

Then as quickly as the battle had paused, it started right back up again with Riddle defiantly attempting to catch the silver doe in an Incarcerous Spell, only for the ropes being conjured to fall right through her to the floor as though she wasn't there. At that moment, Harry and Einar both began casting a series of offensive spells at their enemy even as the silver doe charged him. He was able to sidestep the charge and fired a series of curses at Harry and Einar which they were able to block. The silver doe made another dash at Riddle and this time bumped into his left shoulder. Tom Riddle cried out in pain as he grabbed his shoulder and watched in horror as the spot where he was hit ripped open with a bright burning light. Einar took advantage of this and caught Riddle in a Jelly-Legs Jinx with Harry quickly following up with the Expelliarmus spell, causing him to lose his wand and stumble to the floor right next to the Slytherin table. While Tom Riddle seemed helpless now, Harry and Einar weren't taking any chances and continued to mercilessly cast multiple spells at their adversary even as the silvery doe continued pummeling him. The combined attacks proved too much for him as his entire body began to rip open with the same bright burning light. The trio didn't let up for a moment and continued their attack. The bright burning light continued to expand until Tom Marvolo Riddle was finally and quite literally obliterated.

Harry and Einar just stood there speechless and staring at the spot where Tom Riddle was only moments ago. They were brought out of their thoughts when the beautiful glowing silvery doe walked up to them. Harry and Einar just stared at the wondrous animal as they felt an unexplainable familiarity with her. Harry instinctively walked up to the silvery doe and gave her a hug with Einar immediately following suit. The doe affectionate rubbed her face against Harry's cheek and gave him a loving lick. She then did the same for Einar. The two continued hugging the silver doe until she eventually morphed back into the silvery mist. Harry and Einar watched in wonder as she slowly floated up to the enchanted ceiling until becoming the brightest star in the artificial night sky. Once that had happened, the Great Hall had returned to normal illumination.

Harry and Einar continued staring up at the artificial night sky for several moments before finally looking at one another with smiles on their faces. The two embraced one another in a very emotional hug. By the time they broke the hug, the Great Hall was once again in pristine condition as though the battle had never happened. Because of the blending, the young wizard knew that his life would never be the same again. Harry and Einar both noticed a number of objects at the Slytherin table where Tom Riddle was sitting earlier: The old black leather-bound book that Riddle was writing in, Riddle's gold ring inset with the black stone with unknown markings, a golden locket with green stones in the shape of a serpentine "S" sitting atop a photograph of some beach cliffside, a golden cup with a badger engraving, and something that looked like a tiara with a blue sapphire shaped like an oval in the front. Harry knew that there was some sort of significance to all the objects in question though for some reason there was something more about the book. Einar noticed this as well and picked up the book. After looking it over for a moment, he turned to face his host.

"Harry, it appears that this book contains all the memories of Tom Riddle all the way up to the night he tried to kill you," said Einar as he held the book up.

"You mean we now stand a better chance at fighting him in the real world too?" asked Harry excitedly.

"Indeed. However I do suggest caution in studying the memories. Taking them in all at once now might overwhelm you and could even risk making you become more like Tom Riddle."

Harry nodded in agreement as he replied, "And we wouldn't want that to happen. We should keep this book in the Library inside the Restricted Section and only study it when needed."

"Agreed," said Einar as the book vanished to the location Harry recommended.

Harry looked at his new friend as he asked, "So what happens next?"

Einar placed a hand on his host's shoulder as he replied, "Now it is time for us to wake up."

***scene break***

Harry Potter slowly woke up and found himself back on Einar's world. As his vision came back into focus, he looked up and saw a very beautiful woman with blue eyes and short blond hair looking down at him.

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