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62.5% Lost Maiden / Chapter 5: Chapter 4 : The Fool’s Errand

Chapitre 5: Chapter 4 : The Fool’s Errand


At the normal afternoon within the town. Norton was on his weird habit again of keeping entire business of the town running with the stable income of his impulse purchases. This time it's a gardening supply as he insisted to bring the entire set of farming tools and other such necessities along with him.

His supply trip is cut short as a group of large shady figure stopped him in his path. 



"Dukedom…. Tem is afraid to report… but Norton is missing…"

It came about at that evening. As apparently after several looking around and asking the locals. That Norton had apparently disappeared right after buying gardening supplies. The odd fact as well is the fact nobody in the entire town saw him at that busy hours where there would always be people around. Much less the fact it seems he just disappeared right in front of the store he got out from.

So with the report coming out of nowhere to Haster right in the middle of the spar with his daughter. He could only be shocked at something like that occurring to his son after all the time it was peaceful before.

In contrast upon hearing that, Dolores could only think. 

(Huh, It finally happened…)

She had braced for something like this happening considering how her brother is, she's surprised it hasn't happened before with how gullible her brother is. But not as apathetic as the daughter, Haster instantly burst into action as he run towards the gates leading out of the house.

Yet stopping in his tracks, a figure seemingly awaited him at the front.

"My, my, if I'm seeing what I'm seeing, I'm looking at a phantom right now.."


All he could see is darkness, as if being affected by some spell of darkness. Or maybe three's just a sack over his head, and the most boring answer tends to be the correct one.

He could feel himself being tied up, and has a hard time breathing through what smells like a bag that used to contain potatoes. With the hard cold floor beneath him and the dirty atmosphere around him, a distressing situation overall.

"Dolores.. Tem… sniff* anyone there… sniff* anyone please help…"

And no way is a 9 year old kid wouldn't be bawlking and crying his eyes out in a situation like such. He could tell that there are several people in the room, but they just continue to let the boy rot in despair on what began to feel like forever for Norton.

So the boy continued to give out a downright ugly and loud cry. Probably an expression that a boy would ever make in front of his friends or crush. But Norton just let all that flow so that he would be tired and calm as soon as possible afterwards. It's what he had been told to do before after all.


Norton began to be left sniffing as several things run through his head. Will he be fine? will he be saved? how much would his family be worrying about him? how would he break out? no that's not possible, he's not strong unlike Dolores is, or like his parents are. 

At a stumble on what would have awaited him. He began to think on what he's been doing so far, causing nothing but problems. And incapable of fulfilling the expectations everyone has for him, failing at practically anything expected at his age. Realizing that he's been very well off and has had his life served on a silver platter all of his life.

Meanwhile his own little sister Dolores is managed to amaze their parents and even the kingdom, with such ease as well. So compared to her, he began to feel a real dissatisfaction within himself. What exactly can he do, he seemed to have gotten into this situation of his own dumb actions in town, unable to get himself out, and is causing so much problems for everyone else.

His line of thoughts is halted as the door to the room banged open with a crash. And he could hear the people who have been waiting around in the very same room began shuffling around into positions.

"Bane, sir!"

A man of authority, perhaps their leader finally appeared. And facing to the pathetic boy. He took off the bag over his head and show himself as a man in an adventuring gear lined with strange equipment and glasses that smells akin to plants, perfumes, oils, and even some pleasant fruits and nuts. But the most striking of the getup is the sinister crow mask peering down on Norton from above.

"Boy, where is the man with gleaming silver hair under a red robe is hiding at.."

Realizing that the strange man's tale is true. Norton began to feel conflicted about the situation he's in.

"We know you've interacted with him and given him supplies to camp out, but he kept evading our sights you see, but I'm sure you must know where. It'd help us a lot if you'd tell us, that man is a very dangerous man who had done bad and heinous things you know."

"He didn't show secret base…"

With a shake of his head, he answered the best he can in truth. But as much as Norton were to believe the strange man is a heinous man, it doesn't make the adults around him right now any better for kidnapping him.

"Oh I see.."

But at answer, the crow left him as he quickly shifted back to the door. But one of his men objected him on another thing before he is about to leave.

"But Bane sir, you forgot we need still to confirm if he has any relation to the duke or not! After all the boy is known to toss around a lot of money like it's no big deal."

"Hoh, that…"

The crow stopped in his track at that suggestion. And as abrupt as he was before with the questioning, he zips back in front of Norton in an abnormally swift motion before asking.

"Little boy, do you have any affiliation with the Duke of Lon Obstein?"

Hearing at that notion, Norton began to feel unnerved. He paused at the possibility that these people will bring harm to his family. Yet at that prospect.

"I'm Norton, The son and heir to the Duke of Lon Obsten!!"

The boy spoke honestly to it. despite the possibility of bringing further harm and trouble to the family, The possibility he might be put to ransom for his own safety. He didn't paid any of that any mind, but he just screamed at the frustration that he is indeed part of such a grand family.


A brief pause came about, after such a shaky and suspicious answer. The crow man finally stood up again before walking back and replied.

"…Leave him be."

"What!? But sir he said it himself?"

"You idiot, you think any son of such an important and secretive noble would answer so honestly? They all know better than to do that, so either he said yes after our pressure or he really is of no importance if there's a connection, a disposable. Either way, do you really think someone as stupid and weak as him could be of noble worth? Much less the son of The Lon Obstein family?"

With another crash of the door closing again, silence began to quickly envelop the room he's in yet again. Yet all Norton could do for the whole time is him sulking down regarding what the crow man had said before.

Time seemingly passes quickly as the candle lights are puffed out, causing despair to sink into the darkness.

So he lay down on the hard cold floor as he began to completely disregard the time passing by him. Quite a bit later, A shadow enters the room. Amid the discussion that began happening by the kidnappers. Its appearance caught Norton sight.

"Now what do we do with the boy? Toss him back out or down the river?"

"Lieutenant Bane had told us to leave him be… I'm not exactly sure, maybe he have other plans for him?"

"Oh killing him?"

The shadow presented itself to Norton, and seeing a familiarity with the figure. Large tattered pitch black cloak that seemed to sink into the darkness itself, he could see the traces of an old man's beard under the hood.


So connecting what they were saying before, to the matter of fact oh how he got into the situation in the first place. Norton began to have the hard time accepting the possibility of the traveler he might have helped to be the one to bring him here as well.

"Hey who are!?"

So as he regretted his action, he bit his lips as he looked down again at his own mistakes. He failed to notice the several signs of struggle around him.


Baffled by the large figure seemingly appear out of thin air next to the man, his thought is cut short as next moment he already found his neck twisted around, and quickly left unconscious to die. 

The man next to him could only look and realize his buddy has been knocked down, before realizing he had been struck by blunt trauma below the chin. To which is where his thoughts cut off.

The surrounding mob each one began to pull up a loaded crossbow they had been equipped with. As they began firing in unison with trained proficiency and coordination, the black cloak billow out in a swirl of darkness.

Moving faster than the eye can track, The crossbow bolts quickly sunk and disappeared into that swirl of darkness. But the firing squad began to have a bead of sweat run down in worry about what actually had happened.

"Poison, now you are nasty, well I'm not one to talk either…"

Indeed, they're all equipped with bolts containing a vial of poison behind the bolt tip. It's meant to cause an area of poison through the inhaling the gaseous poison, yet none of them had cracked. 

As if all of the 12 bolts fired had seemingly been disarmed mid-flight, realizing that the cloaked man disappeared into the darkness and speaks without signaling his position. They realize they could be attacked from anywhere in the darkness.

"Your malice had disregarded the very thought of sparing the boy, that I won't forgive."

One of the man head popped off without so much as a sound of struggle and how.

"For his safety, don't expect a harmless death."

The next victim is a man with his right limb torn off the shoulders, screaming in pain before promptly collapsing of blood loss.

"Spare the world of unnecessary aggression"

Two could only witness the old man. As he raised both of his hand and promptly chopping diagonally down their torso, cutting through them as if they're made of butter.

"Mortal treasures won't follow to thee hereafter."

They all witness as three of them collapsed one by one from being punctured through the chest by just a fist.

"Relinquish thine acts of toxicity merely to numb your own hardships."

It's began to be clearly seen how monstrous the figure they're dealing with. As the rest attempt to fire back at him, it leaped up with inhumane dexterity and four more collapsed as entire chunks of their bodies seemingly disappeared without reason. From behind fired bolts of a crossbow shot onto him, only for it to be caught midway barehanded right before it was about to pierce the old man's eye.

"Never forget what the one heaven above has graced thou."

Leaving two left, became only one shortly after as one collapsed with a bolt embedded in his heart without realization. Taken aback to what had just happened, the last person could only think back on his life. As a hand in a chop raises behind him.



Norton raised his head up, seeing that the old man had come to untie the knot around him. To which after realizing that, the boy could only tear up in relief and thanks. 

"Mister!? You're not bad guy!?"

"Not with them, Now close your eyes until we get outside…"

Of which the old man pressed him close. And made sure to shelter him of the surroundings scene untuill outside.


It swiftly began with a thousand as an explosion blasted at the front of the mansion. By the time that Dolores got to the entrance, it had already gotten to a point where the gate is wrecked and for some reason or another fire had broken loose at the garden on front. 

As Haster leaped up in a run several feet in the air and throwing his spear with enough power to cause the wind to screech around him. The red man himself could only sidestepped in the nick of time right before it's about to hit him due to the sheer speed of the projectile as it impaled into the ground below, it has lost 90 percent of it's total length into the ground.

The man with long crazy red hair arching at its ends. He looked to be a middle aged man with a eyepatch clothed with a large coat that could simply be described as foreign of eastern patterns. He puts on a horrible grin as he wields a pairs of odd spears.

The man sweat a bead as he clank the two spears together creating a spark, and as he swipe the spear over the other, a huge fire began to billow out directed at the now unarmed man. To which he simply unearthed a brick right from the pavement and proceeds fling It through the curtain of flames. 

Coming out from behind the flame, it hit directly at his chest with enough force to push the air out of his lungs. Without a moment to wait, Haster runs through the flames with his hand crossed as a guard to shield his face. Only to open it up and positioned himself right behind the red man who is still stunned.

In an quick motion, Haster grabbed him by the back before slamming him outside the gate with such brute force he bounced up from the hard soil. 


As several spiral flaming lance conjures at his command, yet the moment it launched. Haster quickly grabbed a knob from the ground before unearthing it with sheer force that the hard ground is flung up tearing through the fire lance and crashing into the red man knocking him down.

 Before Dolores could do anything, the two already clashed twice and a half. And looking at the people behind Haster, the red man launches one of the fire lance onto the onlookers.


Targeting the daughter of his adversary, he grabbed any opportunity he can against this uphill battle he's facing. Yet a heavy overhead swing of a spear pushed him to roll on his sides as the strike tore cracks into the ground beneath as if it were made of rice crackers.

Dolores simply sidestepped the blow ahead of time the moment she noticed the red man glare. And Haster know for sure that his daughter is not going to fall for such a half assed shot. So the first thing that runs through the red man's thought caused him to chuckle.

"You're mental."

All too sudden, The gate is then enveloped by a flood of flames. In an instant burning the surrounding trees into ash and charcoal, as the wave of flames surges through the front of the mansion.


"Who's the bad men."

"Toxicionist, they're soldiers belonging to the Sanctum of Os."

Being led by the hand, Norton is escorted by the old man as they trekked through the forest. After leaving where Norton was being kept in a secluded building outside of town until that moment. The first thing on their priority is getting the boy into safety first.

"Where do you live in boy? It's best that I bring you to your family first foremost."

Hearing that, there's still something that's taking it's time processing in Norton's head. And as that is.

"They- the duke's house. They're attacking my family"

"Now that's troubling…"

As now the situation is being put in place, Norton might really be in trouble, and so is the way the old man could help him.

"I planned to keep you safe while I take them out myself, but if it's your family that's in danger..."

"My family is strongest, Norton just need to warn beforehand!"

Seemingly surprised by the declaration, it's prideful yet earnest without hesitation. The old man couldn't disregard the idea that the kid is indeed telling the truth, considering after the terror he already gotten in.

"Very well then, this old man will carry you, so lead the way."

The 9-year-old is carried with ease as he went on a ride going at a ridiculous pace through the forest. The old man carried him while leaping through trees and large ledges as with the same ease as walking up the stairs.

So only now Norton began to question.

"Old man is strong, who are you?"

"You can call me Nakh, I'm also a bad guy from the southern sands."

After getting his name, Norton is simply confused.

"If mister Nakh is bad, why safe Norton? Is it because I donate, I didn't give away just to be saved back."

"What a selfless thinking you have, but this much is something you must always do boy, especially for a nice kid like you. If you were to be saved by something, then it'd be the gods above before me."

"Then how is mister Nakh bad man?"

"It's complicated."

"I don't understand."

Just simply after hearing the word complicated, Norton instantly given up any hope of understanding. So the old man simply continued anyway in hope the boy still could.

"The sanctum of Os is known to be wretched and a commune of heretics, and I'm part of people who will reach to all ends to eliminate them."

"You're bad because you kill bad people?"

"You're a smart boy after all, understood it perfectly."

As the old man pat the boy like a grandpa would to his grandson. Norton could only look away in distraught.

"They said Norton is dumb though…"

He simply muttered softly.


Situated deep inside of the forest, where lies an old run0down structure. It's practically a dungeon at this point in time. Several figure escape in unison under the darkness. Yet expecting their faulty attempt, several crossbow bolts crackled as they fire off.

As three of the figure crumbles, leaving the last two to tumble having hit in the side, whilst the other one miraculously avoiding the shot. The man continue to tumble as he made distance from where they were fired at.

"Shit! Told you it wasn't going to work!"

The hoarse voice filled the silent night. Getting up they began to see the aggressor showing himself in the dark, as the lens of a crow mask began to be ominously illuminated under the moonlight. 

"Menda Bauns, we can make either make it easy or hard."

Making his proposition, he seems to be letting them get themselves together. So whilst given the opportunity, the hooded man began to shuffle through his robes in the cover of darkness. Before promptly tossing several shiny jewels glittering in the moonlight.

"Combus- Ardeat- Rivus! Surprise fire go!"

Soon after thrown in the air above the crow man, it began to lit up brightly.

"Sol you fucking idiot!!"

Three snaps of a crossbow fired off, as it directly hit the jewels and shattering them before they all could do anything of purpose.


It all just came at so sudden of a surprise, as he is dumbfounded by such a feat. Yet the crow man succeeded in all that as he wield only a single hand crossbow in his hand. But continuing to put on a stubborn front, he quickly pull out another jewel in his arsenal. 

Making use of the fact that his opponent is incapable of continually firing without reloading he made sure of that fact.


It caught Sol completely off-guard, as a large chunk of the ground unearthed itself for the sole purpose hitting him in the gut and knocking him to the ground. The sound of a bone snapping signals at just how much force is behind that motion.

He continue to struggle only for him to suddenly began riddled under crossbow fire. His companion raises his hand as a surreal light surrounds him to shield his own body under the firing.

"Sol, Terofel is a bane, he's not going to be showing himself out here alone of all things, he's going to have at least a squadron with him."

"Well it's fine, these isn't going to hurt me, much less the poison."

The man continues to staggeringly stand up with creaking bones, as if shrugging off any sort of pain a normal man would have. As he puts on that haughty stance, a single bolt jabbed him into the eye.

"Okay now that one is just rude."

Having ignored a injury that would be instantly fatal, he simply ignored it. And true to the previous information, several glints could be seen in the shadows beneath the tree. Signifying just how outnumbered they are. 

With the crow mask getting closer to them by simply a walk, meaning them as if to reconsider the previous proposition. Menda began to think in a overclock, yet he finds himself at the same conclusion as before.

"Bane Terofel, commander of the toxicionist, if my options are returning in either a shitty horse ride or a body bag, then you mine as well stick it up you own as, niger!!"

At that word of immense power that sounds like a slur, a curtain of dark smoke exploded outward from Menda. As it cloaks the area into a real empty darkness, under the cover of such impeded vision. The crossbow fire could never hit its targets, so his companion quickly follow suit on that as rays of light began to shine through the curtain, in a fiery explosion.

Moving ahead of time from that, Menda runs ahead in a sprint out of the curtain of darkness as he somehow managed to maneuver through it. Yet quickly following suit with a dangerous step of his leather boots, somehow the Bane Terofel managed to follow him step by step through the darkness and on Menda's escape.

With the flames exploding behind them both, they got into a chase as they try to outrun the other. But it became plainly obvious that Mandea is the one less used to it, so as The Bane began to catch up with a metallic glint in his hand.


With a decision that he could just intercept his chaser instead of beating him in an athelthic competition. A dark bolt fires his way, to which it pushed him to sidestepped to she side. Making increase use of the distance created he continue his fire.


The next bolt is thrown again, yet the Bane simply run ahead towards it as he raised the hem of his cloak. Upon contact it harmlessly exploded in a puff of dark smoke, and with a wave of the cloak again the smoke dissipated.

Seeing his target in front of him, he raised his hand holding a machete he equipped beforehand in a cleave embedding the knife into the shoulder blades.


A shot from the hand crossbow on his right hand ended the scream, he kicked off the body away. as the body then collapse into the ground.

"Slippery bugger.."

Only then did he realized he had cleaved a substitute made of soil. It had looked all too similar to his target within his eyes. But now he held his head with a hand as he feels a sudden dizziness. As he rationalized that the dark smoke isn't just a mere smokescreen, he looked around as his target began to be missing.

He didn't drop a beat as he got down to the ground and began to put his ear into the soil, received something of value. And simply froze in that motion staying still. Yet his position began to lift up and move around by itself. 

So as this weird man began to glide across the forests ground in a ridiculous manner. His odd crawl continued for quite a while. Till he quickly stood up with the stagger of urgency.

He lowered his stance looking out for anything from his entire surroundings, the ground beneath began to tremble.

Until that tension is broken as only a mask of an old man could be seen within the darkness. His large tattered cloak seamlessly blend into the darkness behind him, leaving only the mask with strange foreign visible under the moonlight.


Within a quick span of mere moments, three bolts are fired. Nakh managed to catch two flying his way after his leap. When he landed safely only then did he realize he got caught in the trap as the location he landed is where the third bolt landed and began billowing a dangerous gas.

He closes his face with a raise of a hand to hold his breath. Right at that moment, bolts fires off three more times targeting him. With a swift wave of his hand, The air swirl as the three bolts snapped mid air and exploded in a puff of more visibly dangerous gas.

Nakh quickly moved his feet through the dangerous zone as he dashed into the direction of the shot. As a palm slams into a tree, the trunk exploded tearing off a huge chunk of it. Shaken from his position, the Bane leaped off of the tree he's hidden himself in whilst managing to fire off a bolt in retaliation.

The simple shot though is swiftly caught and thrown with the same precision back, as if it didn't lose momentum at all. Hitting the cover of the treetops, it exploded in poison, yet the Bane is well equipped through his mask to deal with his poison as he already loaded his next shot.

"Not only thy wicked ways burden you with countless sins, thy meagre malice had brought harm upon such a kind boy. 

As several shots fired, All the bolts simply snapped midair in a faulty attempt. And as they began to surround the old man in deathly gas.

"Wicked necropolis of Os, and you lot will have the supreme god judge you itself. For I will take thus sin and wield this death, as I drag you with to hell."

A surge of strong wind dissipated the poison away as the old man simply stood still with his cloak fluttering behind him. And he simply pulled back a fist.

"To be wise is simply."

With a simple jab forward directed at the Bane, he hit empty space. Yet a strong jet of wind shoots ahead, hitting its target in the gut with an unseen strike. The Bane is flung high up and having his chest snapped somewhere inside.

With a crouching leap, Nakh launches off the ground with raging wind. A ridiculous movement, he instantly caught up to the Bane midair. A strike is already thrown, with the Bane being a ranged combatant and having already witness that the fist is going to be fatal no matter what. 

"To know good and evil."

The Bane pulled out a machete on his side when it reaches such close combat. and strike with a flash as he intercepted the punch with a clean cut. He swung with enough force to tore off the limb, yet somehow the old man had only sustained a small cut as he is pushed back by it.

Using the small range they now had, he quickly make use of it as he raised his left arm to fire off a wrist crossbow attached. Flying swiftly at the range, it's intended to push him back yet again to create more range. That's the most the Bane could hope for when fighting against this monster he's facing.

Nakh raised his open hand up to stop the bolt, it snapped before it get the chance to stab into the hand. and in an abnormal maneuver, he somehow leaped again off the empty air. As the fist contacted, it clashed with the Bane's machete.

"Realize what is wrong."

With a clank, the bane lost sight of his adversary along with his machete. Yet he could feel no injury on his wrist, in the brief relief that he could only look down to find a way to land safely.

"And don't lose sight of what's good." 

A chop is raised behind him outside of his vision, as that sentence is the last thing he could hear. till his body is cleaved diagonally from the shoulder, into the gut. And as if it's not brutal enough, the corpse exploded tearing off the torso in two and limb to limb.


Running off with his small legs, Norton continued to push through to his home. After partying ways with his guardian, he direct him on a clear path. As Nakt began moving on to combat the remaining enemy and leader. Norton simply complied without thinking further.

As he reached the front gate, he quickly look in shock at the scenery. As the lush forestry is instead replaced with a field of black charcoal branches covered in soot and smoke. Several billowing flames litter the area without any sign of dying out.

Hiding behind a charcoal trunk, he could see over an unfamiliar red man as he somehow managed to keep in continuous combat against both Haster and Dolores.

Seeing how he won't be able to enter to the front without becoming a hindrance to his family.


Norton pauses for a second, as he quickly got up and sprint into a run. He doesn't need to warn them anymore, his family is strong and they're on guard now. So the best hing Norton could do now is not be a burden or hostage and enter the house through the back instead.

So as he swallow his worry and sprinted away from the scene. He missed the sight of a flame licking around taking the shape of a avian, as it caught a glimpse of him.


It was a simple one-sided fight for the first half. Yet as if facing against the second phase of the surprise boss. As the source of that curtain of flames landed next to the red man in the form of a huge reptilian with a large wingspan. It's a monster that fits in with any fantasy world as the word dragon comes to mind to Dolores.

She managed to duck behind under one of the garden pots with the large flame passing overhead, yet she didn't feel it to be as hot as expected. Looking over to see in wonder, she's again baffled how her father could survive such temperature in open cover.

But there he is, looking ridiculous in his underwear now that the flames burnt all of his clothes away and is putting out the fire on his hair. The other question running through Dolores mind is just how durable is the underwear, when even large trees turned to instant charcoal at that heat.


Without even leaving any room to regain themselves. With a wave of the red man's hand, The Dragon began opening it's mouth again as it's throat began lighting up facing Haster. But the red man motioned again as the dragon turned to behind Haster again instead.

At that point, Haster instantly took action as he spun his spear and threw it so hard even the ground beneath him cracked. It slammed into the dragon's jaw as it then exploded in a fireball. Yet as the smoke clears up, it somehow received no signs of harm.

It left Haster completely unarmed yet again as the spear was spent in vain. The red man took advantage of that instantly as he sprints in front of Haster, his spears creating sparks over the pavement. 

With a raise of the swing from below, the sparks lit up as it expands into a wave of flames. Haster is pushed back yet again as he stepped back once and twice fully on the defensive now.

"To think I'd get to meet the lost Lon Obstein! I wouldn't be able to keep up at your peak but it's difficult if you have something to protect it seems! Igna!"

At that command, the dragon open its maw again to distract Haster from the fight. So as he continue to be pushed back, a beam of heat and energy fires off. Yet he stood his ground and give way a swipe of his toned legs while crouching low.

A small figure leaps up as a Dolores wields her wide blade and guarded the house from the possible damage. Even she understood that any of the attacks flying into their own home would possibly mean the death of whoever is inside. The dragon could exhale flames that covers a huge courtyard, so even the mansion wouldn't cut it.

Realizing that she's been entrusted to help by her own father, she lunges at the opportunity. To which Haster just grinned after tripping his enemy he continues again. Now a low strike with enough brute force to tore off the leg and the bones within. 

A clank resounded as the red man managed to stop his fall by holding onto his polearm for leverage. He leaps up to avoid the low blow as he aimed his strike back with his other spear. But he is quickly toppled again, Haster committed to the low strike in another sweep to trip the spear end supporting him.

Yet he still made sure to throw the strike whilst in that fall. Only to realize is grabbed helplessly by Haster charging into him. He is being carried out to the gate again, in a sense of urgency. The red man began enveloping in flames to get himself out of the grapple.

But Haster continue to hold him while seared in flames as he shout in a blood-curdling scream. The red man's body is slammed into the brick wall, smashing through it as they exploded in a shock of flames again.


Even at that notion, Dolores shouted in worry. As even having pushed to that point, even she is confident he wouldn't be unscathed. But Haster simply stood up and laughed off with only second degree burns at most after all the trashing he had been dealt. It's such a testament to Haster's freakish vigor and durability that it made Dolores feel stupid worrying about her father.

But getting up on his feet as well, the red man quickly stood up, having his garb burned as well. It revealed an ornate plate armor beneath as he stood up with streaks of flames flying snaking behind and around him connecting to his two spears.

"Man such thrill! To think I would get the chance to defeat the strongest man in the kingdom like this."

"Your orders are to return from the report."

"No way! Imagine how impressed big-sis would be if I were to send this man back to the grave!!"

"What is this man thinking father, to think he'd be prideful at fighting you with the house as a hostage!"

"Don't get close to him at any cost Dolores, In a real battle with your life on the line there's no limit of what you need to do."

"E- even I'm strong enough to take him on! If I can hold a candle against you father!"

Their chatter was cut short as a flaming spear soar over to impale Haster. In an odd stance of defense, he simply poses his hand in front of him, left palm over his right elbow facing forward. Not a guard by any means, yet, somehow the spear bounced right off his bare skin as it flung helplessly in the air.

Haster was about to take a step forward before he took it back in caution. With a whip of the red man's hand, he hold the streaks of flame attached to the spear. Manipulating it in the air, as streaks of flames billow out of it yet again, propelling it into a spin it. It whips into the ground with enough force to tore off a limb.

Haster simply dashed in a sudden sprint, the burst of speed of abnormal as the ground beneath cracked at his starting run. The movement avoided the oncoming spear as he simply outruns it.

The red man taken aback, he grabbed the streaks of flame. in an attempt to maneuver the flaming spear again, he fail to notice the little girl who is just within range for an attack. With a low anklebreaker by a giant sheet of metal.

Even at this critical point in time, Dolores still isn't sure why her blade isn't activating. She guessed that above other things her life being on the line would certainly do it. But she committed to the attack anyway in anyway to help her father.

The instant the man took notice, he blocked the swipe by impaling the spear in the blade's path before using it as leverage to kick her back. And at that familiar motion, Dolores realize it being the same motion her own father used against her. So she took notice of that and reacted accordingly.

After avoiding the first strike, the red man had thrown a kick down in retaliation. To which Dolores blocked it with her blade and pushes forward bashing him. With a huge clank of the blade colliding with the plate armor. 

Dolores continues her assault as she swung her blade in a powerful overhead. The heavy swing carried her body up, yet it swung down as fast as a quick jab. But the red man's instinct is keen as he simply sidestepped out of the way preemptively.

Having avoided that deadly strike, he aimed forward to jab Dolores. 


The air boomed as next thing Dolores could witness is her father zipping into view as he launch forward to throw a dropkick. it collided against the spear the red man managed to guard with. as they clashed making a unnerving sound, the red man is launched back several feet as if he's been hit by a vehicle.

He managed to stop himself from collapsing backward as he jabbed the ground with the spear, he continued with momentum leaving a line he drew from the soil and solid stone brick with the bud of the spear.


At that command, he didn't leave them a chance to breathe. The dragon behind him began opening its maw as a beam of flames began firing on the father and daughter.


At Dolores own word of power, a wall of stone suddenly sprung forth from the ground as it forms sheltered the two from the flame. And as it receded, the fight returned back into a neutral state, with the red man being in front of the gate yet again.

So as Dolores stood proud within the fight, she figures it'll only be for time before he's exhausted before they do. Yet the man continues to put on a huge grin on his face.


As Norton continue his run, he continued on with a new level of urgency at hand.


With a billowing flames at every wave of it's wings. A large predatory bird made of flames illuminates the dark forest. Norton didn't notice when it took shape, but it had sights on him as it soar over him.

Norton might be fine at first, if it's some sort of passive phoenix that brings no harm. But when with a wave of its burning wings, it began raining feathers like arrows tipped with flames and thermite.

He had managed to do well so far yet the time is ticking as he began to run out of breath. And he's not confident he could hide away from the bird. So as he simply wishes to regroup back with old man Nakt.


He slammed headfirst as he collapsed to the forest floor. As he looked in worry over just what could he have crashed upon, he dread In fear at the possibility of it being one of the people from Os after him.

Instead he found something worse, as the homeless man who dine and dashed just few days before reunited with him.

"What- Norton!? What are you doing!?"

"Ah! Mister ration!"

The man was about to scold the boy on what exactly he is doing at such dangerous time and place like they are currently. But when the boy simply crouching down next to the tree as if in total terror, he swallowed that back in.


At that sound, he joined him behind the trunk. As some sort of light began to shine from overhead. Leaving behind feathers that began bursting in flames over the forest floor, the light began circling the perimeter they're in.

"Why are you being chased, too!?"

"Bad people of Os... Need to warn family!"

He answers with bated and heavy breath gasping for air. If he had done the same trek as Menda himself, it's certainly a different toll on the young boy. As Menda mulled over what the kid had simply answered, but he could see the boy looking at him for help.

So thinking through his option, he simply left his cover.

"Run boy run! Don't forget thy mission!!"

He throw away his own objective of continuing to keep up on his own chase and pursuer. For the sake of the boy being ahead. So as he complied at the command, he quickly began running back into a sprint.

Shouting in to attract the attention to him. He faces the burning bird as he began chanting.

"Algi!- Du!! -Calig!!!"

At that words of power. Several black orbs began to form, melding out of the shadows around. Darkness rebel against the torchlight as it takes shape.


Turning in aggression, the flaming bird fires off burning arrows from its wings to down below. With a raise of his sleeve, he raised his left arm in a guard as he attempted to dodge the feather. As the feathers impale the coat akin to a full powered arrow, a feather impale itself onto his left wrist.

A large feather embedded itself into flesh as it continues to burn vigorously to sear the hand. But pushing through the pain. With a motion of Menda's hand, the black orbs began to move as they collided with the bird.


It simply enveloped the bird, yet it shrieks in pain as it lowered its altitude. A chunk of its wings eaten away. It struggled to regain its flight as his flames reform to shape the wing again, it now tried it's best to avoid the black spheres.

"A bird born of flames, Kasa. Now why would an elemental like that be sent to chase a harmless boy… more importantly who is it?"

He paused a moment before continuing his question. Towards the formless creature, he glares concerningly as if directly addressing it to someone through.

As if noticing his intent. It soared over by Menda as it opens its beak as it breathed fire in a line towards him. He pushed himself as he threw his body into a roll to the side, he continues to grimace in pain as he held his left wrist close to his body.

But he bit his lips as he bore through the pain, he wield his other hand in a motion before chanting.

"Tel Tel!!"

At his words, stones and rocks levitates off the ground to orbit his body. Soon after they shoot out before shattering in a shrapnel. The bird cry in a struggle again but it quickly began moving again.

"Thought so… Formless beings are a pain to deal with by yourseeelf!!!"

Noticing the bird passing by billowing flames down below. He hid behind a black orb for cover, as the concentrated darkness seems to be eating away at the oncoming flames. He somehow managed to avoid being seared for now.

And with the elemental soaring past, easily dodging the slow-moving sphere. The sphere fail to continue connecting with the Kasa. As it is simply too swift in its flight in comparison to the black orbs. Menda began running out of options on how to attack back.

"We'll I'll just have to do it then!! Cervitale!!"

He motions as all of the spheres gather to surround him instead.

"Min.. Evan.." 

He presents himself as he began chanting whilst holding a book from his hip. The Kasa didn't noticed him instantly as it hovers above with a burning breath. He had position himself to use the slow-moving spheres as a defense as it shelters him from the flames.

As he peeks in through the few crevice of the darkness, he could feel the heat piercing through. The Kasa screeches in cry as dozens of burning feathers stabs through the spheres. Some managed to pierce through as Menda held up his left hand in a guard. He felt another sharp pain as a burning feather jabbed itself into his hand yet again.

"boon!.. Et!... "

As if in desperation the bird cries again as it dived onto the man. Giving away its own life, it exploded in flames as it collided into the spheres. A singe of pain began to scar his face, from a streak of flames grazing by.

Yet the flames are radiant enough as it dissipated the black spheres with its brilliance. The bird now with broken wings it's currently recovering, it's light and heat grown much weakened than before, sees the man who is now lost his defense.

"malus!!! Thy title is Kasa! Begone lesser elemental!!!"

But that is all within his plans. He had finished his long chant by himself as he declared his victory. Soon after it took effect as the elemental began enveloped in a mystical light before promptly disappearing into the sky within a beam of light. It disappeared in an instant after its continual terror, and so Menda simply sat down as he tried to aid his injured hand.

"Ah shit... I need to train up by abjuration…"

After which he simply looked at the direction ahead where the boy was heading to.

Yukana_Rion Yukana_Rion

It doesnt seem like i could add the illustrations to here...

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