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Chapter 13 The Marauder's Map

In the principal's room, light flashed and the two figures appeared.

  "Won't those goblins find our traces?" Egg asked.

  "I don't think so. No one has been able to find the magic traces I left for many years. If they can find it, then I will be very happy." Dumbledore thought for a while and said.

  Egger didn't know whether what he said was true or not. Anyway, if he found the trace, at least he wouldn't be happy.

  "I feel bad about being in a place where I can't apparate." Egg sighed.

  "Actually, it's not that Ig can't apparate." Dumbledore sat on the chair and put the gold cup into his drawer: "It's that he can't apparate at will."

  Egger was a little confused: "What do you mean?"

  "Sometimes the cursed door cannot be opened by Alajo Cave, but some people can open it with Alajo Cave." Dumbledore gave an example: "Those people can open it because they are familiar with the spell. The understanding is profound enough, and the most important point is that their magic power is higher than that of spell casters, or at the same level."

  "Similarly, when your thoughts are concentrated enough, I think it will be fine. There should not be many people who can match the total magic power of the Obscurial, even if that person is Salazar Slytherin."

  Egg spread his hands: "Let's forget it for the time being. I think my understanding of apparation has not reached the level you said."

  "Well, good night." Dumbledore smiled. He knew that after Egger said this, he would definitely try it in private.

  "Good night, Professor."


  The next evening, Egger, who had made a small fortune in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid during the day, came to Snape's office a little tired. Snape was holding a cauldron and cooking something.

  Egg is not surprised. This crucible has been here for a long time. God knows why he hasn't been boiled dry yet. This is not scientific, but it is magic.

  "Today your task is to learn the Flying Charm." Snape raised his eyes and glanced at Egg, and said slowly in a tone that was no higher than a whisper.

  Egg saw a plate of unfinished sandwiches on Snape's table and waved his wand: "Sandwiches are flying."

  The sandwich on the plate flew into Iger's hand with a whoosh. Snape glanced at Iger's dirty little paws with disgust: "If you don't finish it, I will stuff it down for you."

  Egg grinned awkwardly: "Is that okay?"

  "Your talent for spells is very good, and you can master almost all spells quickly, but my request will obviously not be that easy." Snape stood up and took big steps to snatch the wand from Egger's hand.

  Why take the wand yourself? Because Egg has an iron armor curse, he can't break it...

  "Now, you can use your wand to fly here." Snape looked at Egg in a conspiratorial manner.

  Egg looked confused: "How can I cast it without a wand?"

  "Many children who are not in school can control the levitating spell, and they don't have wands." Snape sat back at his desk and continued to brew the potion in the cauldron: "If you can't finish it tonight, you don't have to go back, and the potion in the jar will Let the dead toad keep you company here."

  Egg turned around and looked around. A toad the size of a human head was soaking in a jar filled with green liquid, staring at him with a dead look.

  "Here comes the wand!" Egger stretched out his hand. Egger's wand in Snape's hand shook, then stopped moving.

  Snape impatiently fired a tongue-locking shot, but was deflected by the Iron Armor Curse and hit a shelf nearby. Snape glanced at Egg with a dark face: "Silent casting."

  Egg sat on the ground angrily, stretched out his arms and looked in Snape's direction. His eyes were wide open, like an undead coming to seek life. In his mind, he shouted frantically that the wand was coming, and his arms were swinging strangely. .

  "What are you doing?!" Snape shouted angrily, obviously frightened by Egg's strange spell-casting state.

  "Silent casting..." Egger said dryly.

  "You obviously didn't understand the meaning of silent casting. I thought you were constipated." Snape casually threw Egg's wand to another corner of the room, out of sight and out of mind.

  In the quiet office, Snape frowned and brewed the potion. Not far away, Egg waved his arms as if convulsing, hoping that his wand would fly over obediently. The green light from the pots around him made it look like this. The scene was quiet and eerie.

  Snape had a quill in his hand, recording the status of the crucible on the parchment from time to time. After a while, Snape suddenly felt something was wrong. He raised his head, and found Egg with his big eyes wide open, his little head resting on the desk. Above, from Snape's perspective, Egg seemed to have only one head left.

  "What on earth are you doing?" Snape stood up with a start. He was so frightened by Egg staring at him so strangely that his heart skipped a beat.

  Egger sniffed: "Can you show me a lesson?"

  I really want to demonstrate, but I can't...

  Snape's face turned dark, as if he had eaten a dead child...

  "Wandless casting relies on highly concentrated thoughts, and few wizards can master it. Among the people I have met so far, the only one who can successfully cast it is Dumbledore..." Snape's meaning is obvious. Today Spend the night with toad...

  Looking at Egger who looked dejected, Snape didn't know what he was thinking, and then said: "Of course, casting spells without a wand does not mean that it is very difficult. As long as you find a specific method, as far as I know, most wizards in Africa They all cast spells without a wand and are extremely powerful. They use their fingers to cast spells, or some specific gestures and movements."

  Seeing Egg's confused look, Snape laughed sarcastically: "Maybe you can imagine your fingers as a wand?"

  Egg stretched out his right index finger and looked at it carefully, imagining that it was a magic wand, and then pointed at the wand in the corner of the room, silently thinking that the wand would fly.

  The wand flew into Iger's hand with a whoosh. The moment the wand was in hand, Iger seemed to hear the sound of something condensing, as if something was under a petrification spell.

  Snape's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he spoke slowly in a soft and greasy tone: "You can go..."

  With a click, the door closed. Snape was stunned for a long time, then threw the wand far away, imitating Egg's gesture just now, and stretched out his finger. On the ground, Snape's wand twitched weakly. Pu's face twitched a little.

  How on earth did he do it?

  Egger was very happy. He walked happily in the castle and greeted the portraits in the corridor from time to time.

  After the Iron Armor Curse, he finally mastered another wandless spell, a true wandless spell. Egg felt that he could cast other spells based on the tips of his fingers.

  Egg knows very well that it is not easy to learn to cast spells without a wand. The reason why he can succeed every time is not because of his talent, but because of the obscurus in his body that continuously provides magic power.

  In a sense, this can be regarded as a golden finger, right? If I can survive...

  Iger was thinking in his head, as two girls from Ravenclaw passed by in the distance. The corners of Iger's mouth slightly raised, and his fingers slightly hooked.

  The strength is relaxed and the strength is released!

  The two girls' faces suddenly froze, they hurriedly covered their chests and ran away in a hurry.

  Iger snickered in his heart, he knew that their underwear might have been opened inexplicably...

  At night, in the Gryffindor Tower, in Egg's room, Egg was using his fingers to make Guoba and Koda fly. The two little things looked a little scared.

  The door opened and Aisha walked in, looking at Egg in surprise as he cast spells without a wand.

  "How did you do it?" Aisha looked at Egger in surprise.

  "Use your fingers..." Iger roughly described the feeling to Elsa. Elsa tried it but it had no effect.

  Aisha shrugged helplessly and said, "Maybe it's a matter of talent."

  "Underwear is coming!" Iger reached out and pointed at Aisha, and Aisha's underwear immediately flew along her robe and into Iger's hands.

  In front of Iger, Aisha's face suddenly turned as red as a ripe tomato. She grabbed her underwear in a panic. Aisha pinched Iger's little face fiercely: "What are you doing!!!"

  "Soft..." Egger said vaguely.

  "What?" Aisha was stunned, looking at the chest that was tightly pressed against Iger, and slowly let go of her hand.

  "Soft..." Iger rubbed his face and said dryly.

  Aisha froze immediately, her face was red and she hugged her legs and sat beside Iger's bed. After a while, Aisha looked at Iger with watery eyes and whispered: "I can wait until you grow up..."

  Egger's face turned red: "What about waiting for me to marry you?"

  "I'm much older than you..." Aisha's eyes were complicated: "I can stay with you forever, but you can't marry me."

  "I don't mind..." Egg said dryly.

  "But I will mind, I don't know what others will say." Aisha rolled her eyes, and then gently hugged Iger's shoulders: "I allow you to find a girlfriend, but you must allocate some time and space Give me."

  "No one is willing to share love with others..." Iger hugged Aisha's waist and said intoxicatedly.

  "I don't mind, as long as I can be with you." Aisha chuckled and gently stroked Ige's cheek.

  "I'm curious as to why you are interested in me." Egg lay lazily in Aisha's arms.

  Aisha's face turned slightly rosy: "You'll know in a few years..."

  An ambiguous atmosphere surrounded the two of them in the room. With a 'pop' sound, Kodak pulled off a small crystal on the chandelier and fell from the lamp.

  Egger waved his hand, and Koda slowly fell to the ground, and got under the bed in a panic.

  Under Egg's bed is an accessible treasure house. There are many things found from all over the castle. Most of them are from the Room of Requirement. A few of them were brought out by Egg from the Slytherin lounge. For this Snape had approached Egger several times.

  Of course Egg would not let Koda steal anything valuable, just unplugging the faucet in the Slytherin bathroom to cause a flood, or taking off the Slytherin wall lamp bulb... Even if the enchanted light bulb is unplugged, It's also bright. Kodak likes that thing very much.

  Aisha stood up with a rosy face: "I'm going back."

  "How about you stay and sleep with me..." Iger blinked his big eyes and acted maliciously.

  "No..." Aisha muttered and ran out.

  Egg sat up helplessly and looked at the small bulge in his robe. Although he was very young, some of his features had begun to take shape. At least Egg had long been able to raise his head...

  "It's neither up nor down..." Egg muttered and went out, planning to go to the kitchen.

  It was already lights out time, but Iger didn't care. Dumbledore gave him a lot of privileges, such as being able to take a bath in the prefect's bathroom, but he never went there. He didn't want to be killed by Moaning Myrtle while taking a bath. Staring…

  "Stay up late at night!" Peeves' loud voice sounded above Iger's head, and Iger turned to look at Peeves.

  "As far as I know, the petrification spell can have an effect on ghosts. Do you want to try it? Peeves?" Egger smiled brightly.

  In fact, Egger didn't know whether the petrification spell would have an effect on ghosts, but Nick, who was almost headless, was once stared at by a basilisk, causing black smoke to emit from his body. Egger felt that a petrification spell with a similar effect might be of some use.

  Peeves also didn't know whether it would have any effect, but it was obvious from his look that he didn't want to be the first ghost to eat crabs.

  After giving Egg a timid look, Peeves flew away in panic.

  When Egg came to Hogwarts, he discovered that Peeves was a very special ghost. At least other ghosts couldn't pick up chalk and throw it on the students' heads, but Peeves could touch some things. Can also walk through walls like other ghosts.

  Professor McGonagall explained to Egger that Peeves is a special kind of spirit that does not belong to the category of dead people and is not even a ghost. It should be regarded as a collection of the thoughts of naughty students in the castle over thousands of years. .

  Therefore, his position is very awkward. The ghosts do not take him with them in their activities, and the students do not play with him. For thousands of years, he has been wandering alone in the castle, and it is inevitable that he is mentally disturbed.

  Egger walked quietly in the castle, looking at this ancient castle that had been sleeping for thousands of years. The ancient and mysterious atmosphere filled Hogwarts at night, and Egger couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

  Even though he has been here for more than half a month, Iger is still not bored at all. Magic is a magical thing. The more you pry into it, the more you look at UU Reading www.uukanshu. net The more mysterious it is, often after Iger feels that he has captured some true meaning, he realizes that it is just a colorful corner of the gorgeous world.

  Wandering aimlessly, Egg calmed down the restlessness that had just been stirred up by Aisha, and a small door appeared in front of him.

  Egger remembered that this seemed to be Filch's office. He opened the door and walked in. There was no one in the room. At this time, Filch should be patrolling the night with Mrs. Norris.

  "The Marauder's Map is coming." Iger waved his hand. In the drawer of Filch's desk, a piece of parchment flew into Iger's hand. Iger flicked the wand in his hand, closed the drawer again, turned around and left Shiran. cabin.

  "I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions." Egger tapped the wand in his hand, and a map slowly appeared on the parchment.

  "Prongs salutes you, congratulations on discovering this Hogwarts treasure..."

  On the map, a few lines of writing appeared.

  Egger laughed. Different from the words that appeared in the book, it seemed that this map had part of the creator's consciousness, and the words he said were different every time. It was a bit close to the Sorting Hat in Dumbledore's room, and the The dead raven on Winclaw's door...

  On the map, Dumbledore's name was on the chair in the office. Egger was a little suspicious that the old man would have a herniated disc in his waist if he sat like that every day.

  Filch and Mrs. Norris were in the corridor not far from the entrance. Snape was still in the office, apparently still cooking the crucible that did not comply with the law of conservation of energy.

  Egger didn't know that Snape was sitting behind the desk at this time, pointing to the wand on the ground in the distance from time to time, and constantly changing various postures according to the feeling, looking like he was doing radio gymnastics...

  If Egg could see Snape at this time, his expression would definitely be very wonderful.

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