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Chapter 134

As Pakura deftly skinned the beast with practiced precision, her senses attuned to the subtlest movements of the desert, she detected a faint disturbance in the sand. Reacting with lightning speed, she leaped aside just in time to evade the deadly barrage of poisoned senbon that erupted from the ground where she had been moments before. With a fluid motion, she hurled a volley of kunai towards the source of the attack, only to have them deftly deflected by a metallic tail emerging from beneath the sand.

With her muscles coiled like a spring, Pakura stood ready to face her unseen adversary, her mind racing to comprehend how she had been tracked to this remote corner of the desert.

"Who are you? How did you find me?" she demanded, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

The figure that emerged from the sand made no attempt to answer her questions, instead observing her with a calculating gaze.

"Pakura of the Scorch Style... I had heard rumors of your demise. It seems I was mistaken," the man spoke, his tone cool and detached. "Your reputation precedes you, and your strength will serve as a worthy test for me to prove my worth to Akatsuki."

Sasori's mind flashed back to his recent encounter with the enigmatic missing-nin from the Uchiha Clan, who had extended an invitation to join the clandestine organization known as Akatsuki. The terms of entry, however, demanded the head of a Kage-level ninja—a task that seemed insurmountable until Obito revealed the existence of Pakura, hidden deep within the desert.

As Sasori observed Pakura's reaction, a puppet stealthily closed in on her from behind, poised to strike with a deadly array of concealed weapons. But to his surprise, Pakura was already prepared, summoning forth scorching spheres of flame that consumed the hidden weapons and incinerated the puppet before it could execute its attack.

As Pakura launched herself forward, cloaked in a shroud of scorching flames, Sasori remained hidden beneath the guise of his intricate puppets, his movements calculating and precise.

With a flick of his wrist, Sasori unleashed a torrent of puppets, each one a deadly instrument of his will. Close to a hundred of them surged forward, their limbs extending with lethal precision as they sought to ensnare Pakura in a web of wires and blades. Each puppet was coated with deadly poisons; a single scratch from their poisoned blades was enough to spell certain doom. But Pakura was undeterred, her resolve unshakeable as she met the onslaught head-on.

With the grace of a desert cat, Pakura weaved between the puppets, her flames licking at their defenses with ferocious intensity. The air crackled with the heat of her scorching techniques, the sand beneath her feet turning to glass with each step. Despite the overwhelming numbers arrayed against her, Pakura remained resolute, her movements fluid and precise as she danced through the chaos.

Sasori, meanwhile, observed, from the safety of his hidden vantage point, his chakra strings dancing through the air as he manipulated his puppets with unmatched skill. With each passing moment, his control over the battlefield grew more refined, his puppets moving in perfect harmony as they sought to overwhelm Pakura with their sheer numbers.

But Pakura was no stranger to adversity; her years of experience on the battlefield served her well as she met Sasori's onslaught with unwavering determination. With a primal roar, she unleashed a wave of scorching flames, the heat of her attack searing through the ranks of Sasori's puppets with ruthless efficiency.

As the battle raged on, the desert sands bore witness to a clash of two Kage class Shinobi who should have belonged to Sunagakure, the clash of metal and fire echoing across the barren landscape.

As a seasoned Kage-class ninja, Pakura quickly discerned the true form of her opponent hidden within the bulky puppet directing the others. With this realization, she swiftly adjusted her strategy, focusing her efforts on targeting the Hiruko puppet—the core of Sasori's control.

With a fierce determination, Pakura unleashed her signature technique, "[Shakuton: Daijōhappa]." (Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast). The scorching flames surged forth with unparalleled intensity, fueled by the desert winds that whipped around them. Their power magnified to devastating levels. Sasori, caught off guard by the sudden escalation, hastily sacrificed a few of his puppets to form a defensive barrier, but it was a futile attempt to withstand the overwhelming force of Pakura's assault.

Undeterred, Pakura pressed her advantage, swiftly maneuvering to Sasori's flank and initiating another jutsu, "[Shakuton: Kajōsatsu]" (Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder). From her outstretched hands, several flaming orbs, resembling miniature suns, hurtled towards Sasori's remaining puppets with deadly accuracy. The puppets, ill-equipped to withstand the scorching heat, were quickly reduced to ash as the orbs tore through them with ease.

Sasori's expression twisted into one of frustration and rage as he watched his forces diminish before his eyes. Desperate to defend himself, he raised the metallic tail of the Hiruko puppet to intercept an incoming attack. However, to his dismay, one of the miniature suns launched by Pakura had been expertly masked, its true nature concealed until the last moment.

As the searing flame made contact with the metallic tail, it melted through the surface with startling efficiency. Unlike ordinary flames, Pakura's scorching techniques possessed a unique intensity that even Sasori's puppetry struggled to withstand. The Hiruko puppet, a formidable creation in its own right, proved no match for the relentless onslaught of Pakura's flames.

In the heat of battle, Pakura and Sasori clashed with ferocity, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Despite her seemingly reckless approach, Pakura remained keenly aware of the threat posed by Sasori's deadly poisons. While hailing from Sunagakure, Pakura had never delved deeply into the art of poisons, a skill for which the village was renowned. However, her instincts and combat experience served her well, allowing her to evade the poisoned weapons and strike with lethal accuracy.

Sasori, on the other hand, grew increasingly desperate as Pakura relentlessly pressed her assault. With each puppet destroyed, his frustration mounted, driving him to unleash his most powerful creations. Puppets adorned with the unique abilities of Shinobi, who once wielded special Kekkei Genkai, emerged from the shadows; their presence is a testament to Sasori's meticulous craftsmanship and vast resources.

Despite Sasori's attempts to overwhelm her with sheer numbers and the addition of formidable puppets, Pakura refused to yield. With unwavering resolve, she met each new threat head-on, her skill and strength proving equal to the task. Indeed, Pakura's prowess on the battlefield was a testament to her status as a Kage-class Shinobi—a title she had earned through years of dedication and training.

In another reality, Pakura might have risen to even greater heights within Sunagakure, perhaps even ascending to the position of Fourth Kazekage. But the political machinations that led to her betrayal and sacrifice had robbed her of that opportunity. Yet, despite the injustices she faced, Pakura's spirit remained unbroken, her determination to prevail burning as fiercely as the flames she wielded against her enemies.


Nara Restaurant, Konohagakure.

In the most lavish restaurant in all of Konoha, owned by the Nara clan, situated on the topmost floor with an open-style balcony offering a breathtaking view of the village, sat Tsunade and Jiraiya. The special section was typically reserved for the Hokage of the Leaf Village, but on this occasion, it hosted the two legendary Sannin as they discussed the recent events unfolding in the village.

Ever since Kazuki began subtly meddling in the relationship between Jiraiya and his master, Tsunade, the dynamic between the two has shifted. Kazuki held a quiet confidence in his heart that sooner or later, Jiraiya would finally win over the woman who held his heart. After all, the main reason Jiraiya embarked on his journey to become the greatest Shinobi was partly to prove himself worthy of Tsunade's affections.

Even in his past life, when Kazuki was but a cripple, the final moments before Jiraiya left for the Rain Village touched him deeply, and how Tsunade truly felt after the loss of Jiraiya hurt him deeply. Determined to see his sensei and Jiraiya together, Kazuki had gone to great lengths—even bordering on rudeness—to pave the way for their love to blossom.

With Kazuki's influence in this life and Jiraiya's bolder approach, encouraged by Kazuki's insistence, the relationship between the two had warmed considerably. They had reached a point where they could openly declare their status as "complicated," and both harbored hope that the final barriers to their romance would soon crumble.

For Jiraiya, there was newfound optimism in his pursuit of his dream girl, spurred on by the support and encouragement from Kazuki. And as they dined together in the opulent surroundings of the restaurant, the air was tinged with anticipation, as if the very atmosphere itself held its breath in anticipation of what the future might hold for the legendary Sannin and their blossoming romance.

As avid lovers of alcohol, Tsunade and Jiraiya were frequent patrons of the restaurant. For Tsunade, there was an added incentive to visit besides the delicious food and drinks—the fact that she wouldn't have to foot the bill. No matter how much she indulged in food and drink, all expenses would be charged to Kazuki's tab. With Shizune constantly monitoring her spending habits and nagging her about every Ryo spent, this arrangement provided Tsunade with a welcome escape.

Moreover, the Nara restaurant boasted the finest collection of alcohol in all of the Fire Country, if not the entire Shinobi world. It was a haven for connoisseurs of fine drinks, with exotic brews specially crafted by the Nara clan. Each sip was a journey through flavors and aromas, a testament to the craftsmanship of the Nara brewers. In this sanctuary of indulgence, Tsunade and Jiraiya could let loose and revel in the pleasures of life, if only for a fleeting moment, away from the burdens of duty and responsibility that weighed heavily on their shoulders.

"Zenitsu-sama does seem to be pushing those kids hard." Jiraiya voiced his concern, leaning back in his chair. He had gleaned information from Naruto about the rigorous training regimen at the academy, and it troubled him. Despite it being more than a week since the academy term started, Zenitsu's intensity only seemed to increase with each passing day.

Tsunade nodded, acknowledging Jiraiya's observation. "Yes, the reports from the ANBU in charge of Academy security confirm that. But what surprises me is the lack of complaints from parents and the fact that none of the students have dropped out despite the harsh training. It seems we may have underestimated the resilience of our Konoha younglings. The old academy was nothing compared to what it is now; the old academy seems like a joke, honestly," she remarked, reaching for another cup of fine alcohol.

"Originally, I had thought that the child that was broken by Tenten would turn out to complain, or at least her parents would, but it seems like the kid toughened up. And I was informed that the old man Zenitsu personally visited the girls house to apologize for the harsh treatment." Tsunade remarked as she poured another cup of drink.

As Tsunade downed her drink without a care for decorum, Jiraiya chuckled softly. In the company of close friends like Jiraiya and Kazuki, Tsunade felt free to let her guard down and be herself. It was one of the things she cherished most about their bond—they accepted her for who she was without expectations of how a lady or a Hokage should behave.

Jiraiya's surprise was evident as he inquired, "So even the Uchiha leader didn't come to complain about the way his younger son was strung from the post?"

Tsunade chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, I completely forgot about that. It wasn't Fugaku, but the Uchiha kid's elder brother, Uchiha Itachi, who came to me with his displeasure. He even requested permission for a duel with Old Man Zenitsu. Maybe he was planning to teach the old man a lesson himself. Hahahaha! Maybe I should have arranged for a duel instead of sending Shisui's ANBU team as backup for Kakashi," she mused, her laughter causing her to spill some alcohol through her nostrils—an undignified sight for the Hokage, but one that Jiraiya had long grown used to.

Ignoring Tsunade's antics, Jiraiya pressed on. "Speaking of Kakashi's mission, are you sure about bringing her into the village? By normal standards, she would be considered a missing nin. Poaching one of their own, especially a missing Nin, could spark conflict with Sunagakure, our allies," he pointed out, expressing a valid concern given the delicate political situation.

Tsunade's expression turned serious as she leaned forward. "Trust me, Jiraiya; I'm not acting on impulse. We need as many powerful shinobi as possible. What I've shared about the Otsutsuki clan is just the tip of the iceberg," she explained, her tone indicating the gravity of the situation.

"Sigh. Fine. But why only her? I'm sure there are other Kage-class missing-nin out there we can reach out to," Jiraiya questioned, drawing attention to other potential allies.

Tsunade's demeanor hardened. "Pakura's circumstances are different. She was loyal to her village, but she was betrayed by the very village she vowed to protect. As for the Sand Village's displeasure, let them come and challenge me for providing asylum to Pakura. Do those bastards think I'm not aware of the alliance they've formed to bring down my village?" She declared, slamming her hand on the table with force and sending the empty flasks flying through the air.

An ANBU quickly materialized outside the door due to the commotion, Jiraiya dismissed him. Fortunately, Kazuki had personally designed the room, knowing Tsunade's temper. The wooden table, glowing with fuinjutsu, absorbed the impact of her anger before receding—an impressive display of engineering.

"I've received more than a few requests from the Kazekage regarding various collaborations under the guise of being allies. He thinks he's being subtle, but I'm sure that bastard is trying to gather more information about the Leaf Village. I'll wring his neck someday," Tsunade muttered, her face flushed with anger, dangerously close to declaring war on the other villages in her drunken state.

Despite their frustrations, both Tsunade and Jiraiya understood the importance of patience in such delicate matters, especially when it came to matters of war. As Minato had warned, rushing into conflict could lead to unnecessary losses. So, for the time being, they bided their time, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"So tell me about that little pipsqueak Naruto; do you think he will make it in the elite class? His first week's theory reports don't seem impressive, although he's done decently well in other aspects," Tsunade questioned, diverting the conversation to a lighter topic. Shizune, who kept track of such matters, had brought Naruto's academic performance to Tsunade's attention. Despite shining scores in physical and other areas, Naruto's theory scores were rock bottom, leaving his overall average just shy of the threshold for the elite class.

Jiraiya scratched his head, contemplating Tsunade's question. "Ah, I don't know how to say it, but I think Naruto takes after neither Minato, who was the brightest genius during his academic days, nor Kushina, who was a prodigy in her own right, especially in fuinjutsu and related fields. I wonder who he takes after," he mused, reflecting on Naruto's unique traits. Recently, Naruto had been causing quite a stir at home, prompting Minato to take charge of guiding his son through his studies.

Tsunade burst into laughter, reminiscing about the past. "Do you still have to find the culprit? Weren't you the same during your academy days? I vividly remember that you failed to get a passing mark even after copying my entire answer sheet," she teased, bringing up a humorous memory from their youth.

Jiraiya tried to defend himself, recalling the embarrassing incident. "Tsunade, you can't say that! How was I supposed to know that the questions were in a different order? I just copied and pasted everything from your paper onto mine," he protested, attempting to justify his actions.

Tsunade chuckled, remembering the amusing mishap. "Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that. You were so clueless; you even copied my name and number onto your sheet! Remember how the academy instructor's face turned ugly when he found two answer sheets under my name? Hahaha! I'm sure Naruto must have inherited a bit of your... 'unique' intelligence. I'll have to ask Minato to keep little Naruto away from you," she joked, the atmosphere on the balcony lightening with laughter as they reminisced about their academy days.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

Dear readers and fans,

I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction journey as much as I am. It's been a labor of love. While this story draws inspiration from an existing world, I've been passionate about building upon it, adding my own creative touches, and sharing it with you.

Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


Patreon : patreon.com/Silent_stiele

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