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3.52% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 3: Lord's Progress

Chapitre 3: Lord's Progress

I slept pretty well… too well, actually. Cortnay Penrose practically had to drag me out of bed.

Earlier, I was having a weird dream where the Night King and his army T-pose marched into the Wall. Afterwards, the colossal titan fell out of the sky and kicked the Night King into outer space. Then it turns out Jon Snow was the titan shifter behind it all. Super Mario appears and expresses his fury over not being paid back Jon Snow's debt in coins, proceeding to light him up with an AK47. Then he goes to Daenerys and calls her his queen, they conquer the known world and live happily ever after… nope, not quite. She ends up paying him the wrong type of coins, so he slaps her into a MultiVersus game vs Lebron James. 

That's… where it ended.

Naturally, I wanted to see the fight (what would her move set even be? Summoning all her simps/lovers?)… but I woke up before I could witness it.

Once, I actually had a dream of having a girlfriend. She felt so real too… then I woke up to reality. Made me realise just how desperate I was. Though, don't people usually act out in desperation? In my case, I didn't do anything about it.

It was the usual day, starting with early morning archery practice. A majority of people were still sleeping which allowed me to practice in peace. Cortnay Penrose was a welcome observer.

"That is good enough. Now go and break your fast with the rest."

"... Sure." 

I was directed to sit next to Arthur Tudbury which was just brilliant. That man ate his food rapidly while giving angry glances from time to time. I knew damn well he'd find a way to get back at me. After a sigh, I turned to him.

"Sorry about the other day."

"... Sorry? You wish to apologize to me?"

'Trust me, I really don't. I'd shoot you in the nuts again if I could.'

"You know… we don't have to keep fighting. Don't know what you have against me but it's not that serious. I was just defending myself the entire time and you know it."

"It is so easy to stand tall when you're the one who embarrassed me, isn't it?" Arthur Tudbury countered, gazing to the other side of the hall. I joined him and realized that he was being laughed at. "Even sitting on this side of the table is insulting."

"Shows how close you all really were… the moment you're down, they laugh at you like they do to me." I remarked, shrugging my shoulders."Even if you get back at me, it wouldn't change much."

"I suggest you watch your back, Edric."

"Hear me out." 

"Listen to a bastard?" He scoffed, standing up. "You don't belong here."

"..." I sighed, watching him walk away. 'I tried. Some things just aren't meant to be, I guess.'

I tried starting up conversations with a multitude of people my physical age who seemed even slightly approachable. Asked a girl for one of her fruits and she pointed me to some rotten ones (you'd think that my Baratheon charms would've done something). Respectfully, no. Then there was a kid who just got smacked up so I came over to help him in the aftermath but he just brushed me aside. I had a duel with someone my age and attempted to help him out with getting better. He aired me and, if anything, took it as an insult and started fighting back harder. I still beat him pretty easily… which made him like me even less.

Yeah, in short, I was shit at making friends.

A few days went by and I kept doing my own thing. There was no point in forcing myself into some friend groups only to be their punching bag. Arthur Tudbury didn't get that part, however, as his status sharply fell to laughing stock. It was only a matter of time before he turned to me.

And by turn, I mean beat my ass.

Ser Davis set it up perfectly today. Me versus him. I didn't complain this time, even though I knew damn well I was swept up.

"Keep your feet steady and your eyes focused." Arthur Tudbury advised before we began.

What was he on? Like, genuinely. 

He didn't beat the bad mf out of me, respectfully telling me what I was doing wrong and how to improve. I was shocked throughout. Did someone take over his body? It certainly didn't seem like the same guy.

"That is a model example of a practice duel. The purpose of these bouts is improvement and it seems that both of you have learned a thing or two. Well done, Arthur and Edric."

"Thank you, Ser." Arthur nodded and stepped to the side.

"Next, let us have Robert against Jon."

As I stood to the side and watched the guys go at it, Arthur went to my side and I immediately kept my guard up. No one was going to pull a fast one on me.

"My father threatened me with my squirehood if I didn't clean up my act." Arthur Tudbury sighed, shaking his head. "So… would you put a good word forward to Ser Cortnay for me?"

'That's my guy.' I couldn't help but smile. "If you're acting like this, I don't see why not."

"I see…"

"So, you want to be a knight too?" I wasn't good at small talk but shit, why not? This man is on a tight ass leash. 

"Like my father and his father before him." Arthur nodded. "You see, I was named after the Sword of the Morning, the finest swordsman to ever live. How could I not be a knight, at the very least?"

"Names don't make a warrior. The person does." I stated, shrugging my shoulder. "Elsewise, I ought to be a Storm King of some sort."

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "Bastards have never been kings here, though."

"You'd be wrong," I smirked slightly, recalling one of the more interesting storm kings. "There was a Storm King called Ronard Storm. His brother's wife crowned him."

"... Really?"

"Mhm. He also had twenty-two wives and ninety-nine sons."

Arthur Tudbury's jaw dropped. "Twenty-two wives… ninety-nine sons?"

"Yeah… he was active. A warrior in the field and the bedchamber."

Arthur chuckled. "Sure seems so. Did he also sleep with his brother's wife?"

"If the songs sing true, he did."

In the end, Arthur wasn't that much different from the average young boy. The good thing is I wasn't exactly the most mature nineteen-year-old back on Earth… nor did I feel like acting one. Maturity was boring, most of the time.

Feeling like a young boy with endless possibilities again was not just a curse, as I first thought. Sure, I couldn't do plenty of things I used to… but I could certainly build towards being even better at them in the future.

My brain was like a sponge, taking everything in way faster than before.

I needed to take full advantage of this.


Name: Edric Storm

Age: 6


Charm: 12


Athletics: 17


Sword: 7


Marksman: 20


Storm Manipulation: 2

2 classes and several skills hidden due to no advancements.


A year would go by and, surprisingly enough, Arthur and I became genuine friends. By genuine, I mean without Cortnay Penrose pulling strings for me. At least that's how I saw it. I didn't make any more friends, however… but I didn't need to. Arthur would teach me tricks with the sword while I'd help him out with archery. I'd also share all the stories I know of the age of heroes which was a keen topic between the both of us.

Renly Baratheon kept to his word and occasionally took me hunting. Although, I'd just be an observer most of the time. His hunts were always festive and exciting… like whole events. Lots of lords and ladies would gather for them, meaning that it was never dull. He was by far the most fun person to be around and I picked up his sense of humour pretty quickly. 

Raiden Shogun… err, she was still stalking me. Apart from the occasional condescending remark, she didn't act out of the ordinary. Given that she was like a ghost, I tried to think of ways of getting her body but nothing really came to mind except for magic. As for the magic, I was able to use, the only thing I had was 'Storm Manipulation'. Though, as it stood… I could only make it rain. Even then, I'd have to be emotional for it to happen.

It rained in Storm's End regardless… so, was it really my 'magic' or just a coincidence every time?

Talk about a useless superpower.


As the days passed, I kept striving in the way of archery. Even when I was 'burned out', I kept it pushing. I needed to be the best at something… and if it were to be anything, it ought to be something that can keep me alive in the future. Archery was just that.

Whoosh… thump!

"A precise shot from twenty paces." Cortnay Penrose smiled, patting my shoulder. "I know some guards who have worse aim!"

"Then they're not all that great, are they?" I grinned slightly, feeling somewhat proud of myself. 


I heard a shout and immediately turned to the source. Dressed in expensive attire, as usual, was my uncle Renly Baratheon. He made his way across the practice yard with style, accompanied by several guards. 

"Lord Renly." Cortnay Penrose lowered his head slightly. "You have returned from your hunt, I see."

"Aye… but it was not quite as amusing without little Edric's remarks." Renly Baratheon chuckled, turning to me. "I see that you've further increased your distance. Before any of us know it, he will outgrow this tiny yard."

"I will just practice in the field, then." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Aye, the finest archer in the Seven Kingdoms should." Renly Baratheon nodded with a slight smile. "I was thinking… why don't you accompany me on my coming-of-age celebration? It will be a grand affair that stretches across the Stormlands from north to south, east to west. A lord's progress."

"You'd take me?" I widened my eyes slightly.

You know, over time, I just learned to do that cute face with my big blue puffy eyes and it unironically worked more than it didn't. My charm also went up the more I practised… so like, why not?

"Certainly… how could I neglect my own nephew?"

"Alright, I'm going! What do I need?"

Renly Baratheon chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Lavish clothes… you won't need much more."


"Wake up, bastard boy."

I heard a pretty damn loud knock on the door, causing me to wake up. Lazily… I scrubbed my eyes and felt a strong desire to close my eyes and fall asleep again.

"We've just about arrived, Lord Renly wishes to have you present at the welcoming ceremony."

"... Ah, okay."

After a long, almost lion-like, yawn, I got up and put on the fancy clothes I was given. It was a sigil-less outfit but decently drippy. Better than most of my clothes, that was for sure. As for my face… I looked absolutely wasted. Did I drink anything last night? Like, damn.

Honestly, I didn't even bother fixing my messy black hair.

'It is what it is.'

With a shrug, I went out and made my way to the top deck. Renly Baratheon stood with a noble stance, surrounded by his household guard. It almost seemed like the sun was shining on him. I went over to the edge of the ship and saw the shimmering blue sea. It was as beautiful as ever… then ahead, I saw an island that looked like paradise. There was a majestic castle at the top of the island, towering over all else.

It stole my attention immediately.

"That is Evenfall Hall, the seat of House Tarth." Renly Baratheon stated, his blue eyes shimmering with the sea. "The sight of it is beautiful, is it not?"

"Definitely." I nodded. I could tell it was peng… despite the shit food, bastardly struggles and shitty living standards overall, there was one great thing about living this life; I got to see shit like this! I wasn't caged in London anymore.

Sure, no one stopped me from booking a ticket to another country… but living costs were getting mad so I could barely save any money back then. Now? I'm visiting islands like this in the summer! Did I mention summer lasts years here? Decades, sometimes?

"You'll love the valleys and lakes." Renly Baratheon chuckled.

Eventually, we reached the coast of Tarth, right below Evenfall. Lord Selwyn was waiting right there to greet Renly Baratheon, alongside an entourage of guards and notable figures. Upon Renly Baratheon stepping foot on the isle, Lord Selwyn bowed his head lightly.

"Lord Renly."

"Lord Selwyn of Tarth." Renly Baratheon smiled with moving charisma, speaking with a voice as calm as the sapphire sea behind him. "I am honoured to be greeted by you directly."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine to." Lord Selwyn lightly laughed. "Who is the boy at your side? Mayhaps there is a new Baratheon you've yet to introduce to the Stormlands."

"My son? Hahahaha, I am still a few years too young for that." Renly Baratheon laughed, shaking his head. "The resemblance is certainly there, however. This is Edric Storm, mayhaps you've heard of him?"

"Ah, His Grace's natural-born son." Lord Selwyn lightly nodded, warmly smiling as he looked at me. He looked like a kind old soul. Since he looked at me, I stopped looking at the beautiful nature around me and turned to him out of respect.

"One of many 'natural' sons," I confirmed, nodding.

Renly Baratheon exchanged looks with Lord Selwyn, shrugging his shoulders paired with a warm smile before tapping my shoulder. "He has a sharp tongue already and is tough as nails to boot, as you can see."

"Forged from the same steel as His Grace." Lord Selwyn smiled warmly. "Well, shall I introduce you to Evenfall? You must be rather hungry from your voyage."

"Aye, a hot meal would do well to quench our hunger." Renly Baratheon agreed.


Due to Renly's influence, I was closer to the front of the table than usual. As everyone dined, I couldn't help but hear the disdain of those around me. It was written all over their faces, too. From the older kids to the adults. I was born on the 'wrong side of the sheet', was it really that deep? If I were Edric Baratheon, no one would be chatting shit. But… here we are.

I had grown used to it, anyway. 

Eating in silence, without music or anything to distract me was boring… especially when I didn't know anyone sitting next to me. There was a cute girl to my right who looked just about eleven years old. Why were my neurons activating towards someone so young? Monke brain.

She had long curly blonde hair, paired with sapphire blue eyes and an adorable face. 

God, she looked back at me… I got caught lacking.

I turned back to my food, acting like I totally wasn't staring.

'What's wrong with me? Bruddha is moving mad.'

I sighed, deciding to finish whatever was left on my plate. Then I deliberately looked for any attractive adult woman. There weren't any except for Raiden Shogun (who, in fairness, made everyone else look ugly). Though, there was a girl that was especially… and terribly hideous. She kind of looked like… Brienne of Tarth but a teenager and three times uglier.

'… Isn't she sitting a bit close to Lord Selwyn?'

After a quick deduction, I realised that she was, in fact, Brienne. I also realised that I'm a cunt for judging appearances. 

"Not the prettiest flower in the garden." Raiden Shogun observed, noticing where I was looking. "She has a strong will, however, and the body to carry it. If visions existed in this world… she could have attained one later in her life. Regardless, she would have made a fine warrior in my service. Such a pity I cannot recruit her."

'Is she scouting Brienne like that? No way…'

After a minute or so of staring into space, I couldn't keep my boredom any longer. A man like me always had to be moving… I just couldn't sit still. I had to do something.

'Why not chat to the girl on my right… shit, I need to work on my charm anyways. What's the worst she can say to me?'

"So… how is it living here, on Tarth?"

She kept eating her food with a steady, graceful, pace that was borderline slow… stopping as I spoke. She glanced at me before turning back and continuing as if nothing happened.

The worst she can say is nothing, goddamn. Now my confidence is done out and the social anxiety is kicking in. Being a gentleman, I was inclined to just keep to myself… but another side of me hated being ignored. 

"Must be nice, from the looks of it. I've lived basically my entire life on Storm's End where rain is common. It's not all that cold in the summer, though… even with the strong winds."

She continued to air me.

'It's fine, totally fine.'

I comforted myself with a sniffle and moved on. It didn't help that the guy on the left was chuckling… so I stood up and decided to go out for a walk. However, right as I did that, Lord Selwyn sat up from his seat.

"A dance should liven the spirits, aye, Lord Renly?"

"Why, indeed!" Renly Baratheon clapped his hands. "The first lady to approach me may share a dance with the Lord of Storm's End!"

Suddenly, there was a rush of girls moving through the hall almost like a horde of charging bulls. It was almost comical… I wasn't surprised that he was popular even here. While Renly had his partner immediately, I was still scratching my hair. The cute girl was still there… so I raised my voice slightly.

"Care to dance with me?" I offered my hand.

"Aren't you too stubborn?" She slapped it away with a look of disgust. "You should be seated at the end of the table, if not outside the hall… bastard. The noble clothing is wasted on you."

'Why were these kids so mean to me??? Nah, I ain't going out sad. This girl is way too full of herself.'

"And your comely appearance is wasted on a heart of venom," I replied, smiling slightly. "Such a pity… I will not waste your precious time further, Your Grace."

With a courteous bow, I walked away. From my peripheral vision, I could sense a raised eyebrow and even a bit of surprise. As I kept it pushing, another girl blocked my way.

"I'd dance with you… if you'd like."


I blinked with surprise and looked over her a second time. A girl several years older than me, by the looks of it. She wasn't anything too spectacular. Not ugly or pretty… just decent. She had a sweet and uplifting smile on her face, however.

'What the hell made her so happy? A nice doll for Christmas?'

"Er… sure." I shrugged my shoulders.

My dancing skills weren't nearly as refined as my archery, sadly. Though, through all my stumbling, we had a surprisingly good dance with plenty of laughs. Meanwhile, Renly Baratheon was the first man to entertain Brienne of Tarth with courtesy. 

"You're too clumsy." The girl laughed, in a nice way.

"Never said I was a good dancer." I smiled slightly, shrugging my left shoulder. "What's your name, by the way.?"

"Alysanne." She smiled, raising her hand slightly to touch her hair. "You must be Edric… the boy who was struck by lightning and came out unscathed?"

'I'm famed even here?' I chuckled, playing it off. "They call me Storm for a reason."

"Storm is a fitting surname, from what I've seen. No boy has ever talked down on Tarth's pretty lady like that."

"Not your closest friend, I see."

"... Not much to like about her."

"Maybe you could show me around?" I offered.

"I'd have to ask my father about going far… but we can look around the castle if you want." 

"Do you have a practice yard?" My eyes probably lit up as I asked that. Practice yards hit different.

"It's likely not as impressive as the ones at Storm's End… but we do have one."

"I'd love to see it."


Alysanne was nice to be around. I sort of flexed my archery skills a little, shared some jokes and nerded out a little on the Age of Heroes (she liked that age as much as I did, though). Strangely, (sadly but happily?), she was like the first girl I could ever vibe with for a whole day without getting socially awkward.

It was a major achievement for me, to say the least.

"Hurry up, Edric!" Renly Baratheon laughed, turning around. "Lest you want us to leave you behind."

"It was really nice meeting you." I smiled, saying my farewells to Alysanne.

"Next time, I'll show you the most beautiful lake in the world." She promised.

"That's ambitious." I chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Is it really? My uncle might've shown me it already."

"You haven't seen it… it's on the other side of Tarth."

"Oh, alright." I nodded with a smile on my face. "If there's a next time, I'll ask you to show me it. Well… I have to go."

"Farwell, Edric."

"See you, Alysanne."

I ran down to Renly's side, where the ship was docked and a cluster of people stood before it.

"You found yourself a lady?" Renly Baratheon made an amused expression.

"No… I didn't." I shook my head. "Just a friend."

"Ah, just a friend." Renly Baratheon chuckled, clearly taking the piss. "Such a sweet friend."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Mayhaps I should hand out some invitations to Storm's End…"

"You could?"

"Look at your eyes light up!" Renly Baratheon laughed. "Just a friend… hahaha. Lord Selwyn, what do you think of this friendship?"

"Her father is a household knight of mine… but a visit can be arranged if you wish, Lord Renly."

"Storm's End is always welcoming new faces, Lord." Renly Baratheon nodded. "Aren't we, Edric?"

"... Well, yeah."

"Brilliant, we will be on our way now. There are still plenty of halls in the Stormlands that we've yet to visit."

"I pray for a smooth journey." Lord Selwyn sent us off with a kind smile.

While we left, I noticed that Brienne of Tarth totally had the hots for Renly Baratheon. That dance sure was life-changing.


I went along with Renly Baratheon throughout his entire lord's progress and saw tons of new places and faces. I tried to stay as lowkey as possible, living my best bastard life. I began to make more acquaintances in every new place almost naturally. I felt… more confident, bold even. Like nothing could faze me.

It was a great feeling, to be honest.

Soon enough, we returned to Storm's End and I continued with my routine. Nothing really changed except when Storm's End had some new arrivals.

"Edric, I have a new sparring partner for you." Cortnay Penrose walked across the yard, straight towards me.

Arthur and I were in the middle of a duel, mutually ending it off when Cortnay approached us. Arthur glanced at the thirteen-year-old girl at Cortnay Penrose's side and frowned deeply.

"That has to be the ugliest girl I've ever seen." He whispered to me.

"..." I rolled my eyes, then looked at the person and realized that she was none other than Brienne of Tarth. Lord Selwyn was certainly trying to pull something. Little did he know, Renly preferred swords to sheaths.

"A girl?" Arthur Tudbury scoffed. "She would be working on her needlework instead of pretending to be a boy."

"You are welcome to try her skill in arms, Arthur." Cortnay Penrose looked confident and I couldn't blame him.

"Go on, then. Show her how much of a man you are." I smirked slightly, knowing damn well he had no shot. 

"I don't see why not." Arthur readied his stance. "You can get your own sword."

Brienne walked over, snagged a sword and faced him without a word. I could tell she was fuming just by looking at her eyes. Arthur… was done for.

In their first exchange, Arthur was pushed back and smacked in the chest with fury. His face of shock was too priceless but his pride kept him fighting. To what end…? Only more harm.

She whooped his ass left, right and centre. It was pretty damn satisfying, even as an observer.

"Alright… alright! I yield. I yield!"


"Any further questions?" Cortnay Penrose looked towards Arthur Tudbury, who was bleeding from the nose from a hit which Brienne had delivered.

"How embarrassing." I laughed. "Hahaha… hahaha, maybe you should be the one playing with needles, Arthur!"

"Shut up, Edric. Why don't you try fighting her?" Arthur frowned slightly.

"That would hardly be a fair fight." I shrugged my shoulders. "You're pretty much the same age as her while I'm way younger. Besides, you're the one who said she couldn't fight. I never said anything."

Arthur brushed his blood away with his sleeve, slowly turning away. "I'm going to see the maester."

"Poor girl." I made a duck face. "Her nose is bleeding a little."

"Shut up, Edric. I'll be back for you."

Arthur swiftly paced away.

"Sure thing."

I glanced at Brienne and shrugged. "Arthur is a proud cunt, you'll get used to it. Also… welcome to Storm's End. It's not nearly as beautiful as Tarth but we get rain almost daily. Depending on your preferences, that could be a good thing."

Brienne's blue eyes turned to me as she nodded. "Thank you."

"For what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Welcoming me."

"Brienne will be staying in Storm's End for a while, Edric, so you had best get acquainted. I have urgent matters to handle… so I will leave you to it."

'Wait, don't go already…'

Cortnay Penrose dipped, leaving an awkward silence between the two of us.

Three of us, actually.

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