With Yuki's member growing harder, Mukuro felt even more excited. She moved her hips in slow, circular motions, enjoying the pleasure and tightening around him.
"Aaaahhh~ AH, Aaaaah ~ Nushi-sama~"
Responding to her voice, Yuki gripped her buttocks more firmly. Mukuro's crotch was so wet that it enveloped Yuki's member passionately, contracting as if begging him to move.
After a sigh, Yuki controlled his intense desire. Unlike Mukuro, who was crazy with love, he knew this was her first time and that he needed to go slow to avoid hurting her and to make sure they both enjoyed it.
Yuki firmly held the area around her hips and buttocks.
Perhaps understanding that this was preparation for an intense thrust, Mukuro shook her hips as if urging him to hurry.
Yuki slowly withdrew and then pushed in deeply, step by step, savoring the experience.
"Ahhhhhh~ Ahhhh~ Nmnn ¡AAaa!"
These movements were enough to drive Mukuro wild. Her loud moans were like a beautiful melody to Yuki.
As time passed, Yuki increased his pace, pulling back and thrusting with all his might.
The intense thrusting likely caused Mukuro's love nectar to spread everywhere, soaking the sheets. Yuki felt some of it on his thighs, sliding down.
"Haahaa, Annn~ Aaahn~ Ahh, uuhhh~ Auunn"
The bed creaked from the intense mating. Yuki was glad he had soundproofed the room with a barrier; otherwise, Mukuro's loud moans would have woken Nia and Tohka.
Mukuro's cute and loud moans stimulated Yuki's beastly desire, making him move his hips faster.
Mukuro endured his movements, her moans escaping as she buried her face in the pillow.
"Ah... AA.... Aa... Nushi-sama, Nushi-sama, AAaAaaa ~No, Nushi-sama ... Ah... AAa~"
Her body began trembling as if in fear of the approaching climax.
In response, Yuki extended his arms to her shoulders, pulling her back and holding her hands firmly. Mukuro turned her face, pleading between gasps and heavy breaths.
Her tear-filled eyes and flushed face gazed at the man who had become her family. As an orphan, Mukuro made a heartfelt request in the midst of intense pleasure, seeking the fulfillment of a promise.
"Ahhh....Nushi-sama ...Nushi-sama-Nushi-sama, hug…hug Muku..."
Yuki, of course, did not refuse. To satisfy her demand, Yuki pushed his body over her back and gave her a strong embrace.
"Nushi-sama.... "
Taking a breath after the intense thrusting, Yuki hugged her more deeply, whispering to which Mukuro responded in kind.
"AAaaaaaaa.. Nushi-samaaaaa.... AAAh~ uu, Nushi-sama ...Aahh~ haauff...Aaaa"
Gripping Yuki's hands tightly, her grip was strong, then weak, then strong again, as if ensuring Yuki would be there for her forever. Mukuro gasped loudly.
"….Nn~ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa"
Suddenly, with a loud moan, Mukuro gripped Yuki's hands with the greatest strength she had used so far. Yuki knew she was reaching her limit. Her Sephira crystal's resonance intensified, and to help her climax, Yuki embraced her tightly and supported her hips to penetrate deeply.
A plaintive moan like a drowning animal's cry of pleasure was heard.
This pushed Yuki to his limit as well, releasing his seed into Mukuro...
Perhaps Mukuro realized she was being fertilized, her eyes widened, and saliva ran from her mouth...
Her crotch accepted Yuki's seed, tightening around him, sucking up every last drop.
As both melted in pleasure, the resonance reached its peak. After his climax, Yuki withdrew, and almost simultaneously, his seed began to spill from Mukuro's crotch, creating an indescribably erotic sight.
Suddenly, Mukuro's hips gave way, collapsing onto the bed. Yuki lay beside her, hugging his sweet blonde. With her sweaty body and hair spread across the bed, he pulled her into his arms, offering his chest as a pillow for his beloved woman, achieving the highest accomplishment for any man...
Mukuro did not resist. She had no strength left and was too tired to resist. The last thing she saw was her beloved's smile before closing her beautiful eyes, using Yuki's body as her teddy bear...
"Sweet dreams"
Yuki watched Mukuro for a few minutes, wiping some sweat from her face and brushing hair from her cheeks before closing his eyes, satisfied with the incredible night...
However, some time passed before the resonance between their Sephira crystals intensified. Yuki's crown expanded, activating Mukuro's partner mark. A change occurred in the spiritual world as the sky castle began to tremble. <Belphegor>, Michael's Demon King, responded to the call, separating from the angelic counterpart. The sky castle's gates opened, the Qlipha crystal flashed, disturbing the Demon King's seal.
A lance materialized in the spiritual world. <Michael> began to spin, calling for <Zafkiel> and <Rasiel>. With three angels, Yuki's crown formed twelve giant spikes, each with a throne where an angel took possession, and Mukuro underwent a transformation, her body baptized with immense Order energy.
Her destiny began to disappear, and her image appeared on Michael's throne.
Similarly, in the sky castle, Belphegor took possession of a throne under Demon King Lucifugus's command. Inverse Mukuro crossed her legs, reclining in her throne, closing her eyes, entering a deep sleep, as if a puzzle piece had returned. The Demon King in the highest throne trembled but continued with closed eyes, his power and aura growing, weakening the seal...
The barrier preventing his power from reaching a new dimension fragmented...
But this happened so quickly that Est, Eggy, and Aiwass only noticed the changes when the crown formed twelve spikes.
Meanwhile, Yuki and Mukuro knew nothing, continuing their warm sleep in each other's arms, unaware that <Michael-Belphegor> had returned to its rightful owner, and Mukuro had become part of the Angel-Demon King, her soul fused and her destiny vanished.
Another pure spirit of Order was born...
TN: Heyaa all just telling that i'll be gone for a while so no chapters.. I was going to put this note in previous chapter but thought i shall not leave you all on a unfinished mating session..hehe
Worry not I'll be back in few days or weeks probably... Have a nice day/night!