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23.07% The Clone Commander / Chapter 3: Battle of Geonosis 2

Chapitre 3: Battle of Geonosis 2

*Sorry for not posting in a few days, had to put it away for Christmas*

Arriving at the Command Centre I quickly spotted Plo Koon talking with another Jedi General. I quickly recognised him as the infamous Ki-Adi-Mundi.

"Greetings, Generals" I stated as I performed a standard military salute.

"Ah, Captain Dust, greetings" Suprisingly Ki-Adi-Mundi said instead of Plo Koon. As he said that Plo Koon signaled for me to join them as they turned around and looked at the map. As I arrived beside my General I spotted another member of the group. Captain Jet, I remember Captain Jet as the Commander of a Flamethrower unit under Ki-Adi during the 2nd invasion of Geonosis.

"Alright, so our two battalions have been given an extremely important mission. The goal of this mission is to successfully destroy and imprison most of the Seperatist Leadership. We have gotten intelligence that a lot of high command Seperatist are gonna escape Geonosis through one of the big space ships." Ki-Adi-Mundi stated.

"Our orders are to penetrate the suspected space ship and capture the Seperatist Command and safely extract both them and our troops." As he was talking be shifted the map to a x-ray photo of the spaceship.

"We will enter through the hangar. We will follow the main forces in pushing the Seperatist troops back before we separate from them to grapple into the hangar. There are 4 separate hangars. Every one of us will take a unit of 288 troops or two Companies each." Ki-Adi Munro said.

As he said that the remaining 6 Clone Captains arrived. I and Captain Jet quickly went to meet them.

"Captains, we will split up according to our respective battalions. Your unit Commander will brief you on our operation later." I said as I gave Jet a nod and we took our Captains away.

"We will be split into two units, one under and one under Plo Koon. Captain Rex you will join my unit. The rest of you will join under General Plo Koon and his unit. Go and get your Companies set up, we will join the main battle and then leave the battlefield to perform our assigned mission." After my short brief they quickly left to get their company set up. I then quickly turned on my comlink.

"Lieutenant Tyr, what's the situation?"

"Captain, I have organised the troops and we are currently marching towards the Battlefield Command Centre, we should arrive in around 3 minutes."

"Very good, inform me once you arrive. I will quickly brief you on the situation when you arrive."

"Understood, Captain!" And with that I turned off my comms. I turned around and went back up to the Jedi's.

"Generals, my battalion will be ready in around five minutes. The company should arrive in 3 minutes." I said. At the same time Jet informed them about his Battalion's situation. His situation was similar to mine but he would need 7 minutes.

"Very good, we will move out in approximately 10 minutes. You will have until then to brief your officers and prepare yourself." This time Plo Koon said. After he said that I turned around and went over to a reporting station in the battlefield command centre while waiting for them to arrive, I got a basic view of the General situation. 4 minutes later they arrived and I quickly briefed my Officers on the situation. I ordered them to further pass information onto their subordinates. 2 minutes later they all reported to me after completing their objective. I then turned around and went to the Jedi's.

"My battalion is all set up and ready for battle, General!"

"Very good, Captain. Jet is currently briefing his battalion we will move out once he arrives." Plo Koon said. General Plo Koon and Ki-Adi then began discussing strategies and sometimes asked me for my input which I happily gave. After 3 minutes Jet arrived. We then quickly set out and we went to our respective Battalions.

We then began marching towards the frontline. I alongside General Plo Koon marched in front. We marched in a square formation with 4 platoons. Each platoon formed their own square and they were made up of 11 lines 13 man deep with the Lieutenant walking in front. This continued for 3 squares while the one in front had me and Plo Koon walking alongside the Lieutenant. With Plo Koon Infront and me and Tyr behind both of his shoulders in a small wedge formation.

Right beside us Ki-Adi-Mundi's division was marching in the exact same formation. After around 5 minutes of marching we reached the battlefield.

"All Captains, spread your company into Platoons. All Lieutenants work independently. Minimise casualties, our main job isn't to fight!"

Switching to my company comm.

"Company! Spread out into Platoons! Lieutenant Tyr, you and your platoon will follow me and General Plo Koon!"

I then turned to my Jedi General.

"General, my Platoon will join us in the battle, the rest will spread out and rondezvous once we enter the Seperatist Space Craft."

"Good job, Captain. Let's move out."

As he said that my Platoon arrived behind us.

"Alright boys. Follow the General!" I screamed as Plo-Koon ignited his lightsaber and began running while blocking laser fire."

I quickly took out my DC15A, it's perfect for this situation as we haven't reached the enemies yet. I quickly put it against my shoulder and began running behind the General.

Dodging bullets, rolling forward and moving zig-zag. I did these 3 movements often as I began moving forward. I decided to not use my ammo without a precise shot. I took out a few droids here and there but nothing much. This continued for 5 more minutes until we were 50 meters infront of the first droid wave.

I saw Plo Koon slowing down to wait for the other Platoons. They were about 30 meters behind us.

"Battalion! Upon reaching my coordinates, stop and begin firing. Focus on hitting rather than advancing. The other Battalions are still behind us!"

I quickly arrived beside the General. I crouched and began firing my DC15A. I saw a droid firing at the General, a precise shot to the head ended him. Spider droids and Rolling Artillery were running towards our lines. By the time the main force came to us we would collide with the droid forces and it would be close combat fighting.

"General, the main force is 40 meters behind us. There are 4 other battalions that reached us and they also halted to wait. Our other Companies and General Mundi is 20-25 meters behind us and will arrive within approximately 3 minutes."

"Very good Captain."

"We will collide with the Droid First Wave in approximately 6 minutes and the main force will arrive in 5." I said.

"Understood Captain. Stay close to me, I trust you hit your shots?"

"Understood General!"

I then saw a droid getting too close. Two precise shots right after each other sent that droid out of the battlefield. Time flew quickly as my kill count reached 20. A Spider Droid was about to reach a perfect position to rain fire on our troops. I quickly aimed at his legs, two shots and two of them quickly collapsed, just as I was celebrating. It turned its barrel towards me.

"Shit" I said before I saw a bullet coming out from the barrel. I quickly rolled on the ground and barely evaded it. The bullet exploded beside me throwing me off-balance.

The Droid then shot another shot. I didn't have time to evade so I laid myself in the ground and held my hands over my head. Seconds quickly passed, I didn't feel any pain. I took my hands off my head and looked up. Infront of me the laser was hovering above my head. Standing still. I turned my head towards the General and I saw he was holding his hand out facing the bullet. He then threw his hands towards the Spider Droid and the laser quickly followed, demolishing the droid.

"Thank you, General."

"No problem, it is my duty to save lives." He said before he swung his lightsaber towards another a laser coming towards him.

I looked towards my DC15A and saw it had been wrecked during the barrage of lasers. It didn't matter though as the droid army was well within the range of the DC17 Pistol.

I took out both of my pistols and began raining fire over the droids. The strength of the DC17 bullets were not the same as the DC15A and therefore I had to shoot multiple shots at each droid unless they hit the program chip in their head.

I turned my DC17's towards an unsuspecting droid sending barrages of laser towards my brothers. I quickly fired 4 shots, 1 in the hand, 2 in the chest and the last in the neck. The head was shot off its body after the last shot.

As I was shooting bullets after bullets I saw something special. Droid Trenches, they were being used as anti-air artillery 20 meters Infront of our position. The other companies had reached our position.

"All Companies, move into the trenches in sector 4.9.7! Clear the trenches of anti air artillery then use them to fight their droid armies! Sprint, don't fire, it'll slow you down!"

Immediately after that my battalion charged forward, not caring about firing just sprinting forward or in zig-zag formation. This was not a show and therefore they did not move in straight lines. ( idk who came up with that in Star Wars. Bro set them up for death ) We quickly covered the 20 meters in 30 seconds. We were moving 3 times faster than the normal troops because we were sprinting and not walking/jogging and we didn't shoot back. I jumped down right after Plo Koon. I shot 4 shots into a droid under me while in the air. I crouched upon arriving and placed both pistols with straight arms on both sides of me. Shooting 2 shots into the head of each droid on my sides. The usual trio squad of droids in a trio was quickly demolished. I saw Plo Koon do the same with the squad beside me.

I nodded towards him before turning my back to him and began firing at the droids Infront of me. Lieutenant Tyr's platoon quickly arrived. Shooting precise shots into the trenches from above before jumping down. Our Company section of the trench was quickly taken over. I turned around and saw that the platoon meant to be beside us hadn't arrived yet and Plo Koon was holding the droids in their position entirely alone.

"Squad 6 and 7 turn your focus towards your right and assist General Plo-Koon! Squad 8 and 9 turn towards your right and assist the 3rd Platoon in taking over their parts. Squad 6 and 7, hold out until the 2nd Platoon Arrives!"

"Second Lieutenant Gonk! Report in. Where are you!?"

"Captain, we are 10 meters away from the trenches. We were held off by enemy Geonosians."

"Understood, hurry up Second Lieutenant!"

Turning my comms back to my Platoon.

"Squad 6-7, hold out for 20 more seconds until they arrive!" I said.

I then turned my comms to Second Lieutenant Cheek.

"Second Lieutenant, how is it going?"

"Captain, we are about to take control of it. The 4th Platoon is currently outnumbered and I had to send 2 Squads to help them."

"Understood, I will come and help you."

I then directed my comms towards Lieutenant Tyr.

"Lieutenant, take control of the Platoon, I will be heading towards the 3rd and 4th Platoons."

"Understood Captain!"

I then began running towards the 4th Platoon.

"Squad 8, follow me!"

The 9 troopers then followed me. We began running through the corners of the trenches. It took us 1 minute to arrive at the position of the 4th Platoon. They were currently being held back in a corner chokehold by around 50 droids shooting everything that comes around the corner.

Currently 5 Squads were stationed there, 4 from the 4th Platoon and 1 from the 3rd Platoon. Once I arrived Second Lieutenant Stenge met me.

"Captain, thank the force you arrived. We are being held back by 2 Platoons of Droids, each having 50 Troops. There is one Infront of us in that corner and another running towards us from above the trench, they will arrive in 2 minutes."

"Understood, Second Lieutenant."

I then became silent for a few seconds.

"Lieutenant, give me one of your squads, I will go around the troops and flank them."

"Sir, but how? There is only one road in the trench?"

"By going outside."

"But sir, you will be in the middle of both Republic and Seperatist fire. You can even be shot by your own men!?" The Lieutenant was shocked by the reckless tactic.

"Second Lieutenant, we do not have much time. 50 reinforcements will arrive from the Seperatist in 2 minutes, if we do not completely demolish the current platoon we will be fired at from two sides and your Platoon will not survive."

"Understood Captain, you may take the 15th squad." He then turned on his comms and 19 seconds later the Squad arrived alongside the Sergeant.

"Alright boys, we will be going on an extremely dangerous task, but at the same time the survival of the platoon and possibly the company lies on your shoulder. There will be a high chance of death. Will you stand with me, and single handily save 100 of your brothers!?"

"SIR YES SIR!" They screamed with determination.

"Alright, follow me, we will climb out of the trench and flank the enemies." I said as I saw an enemy bomber fly above us. I quickly climbed towards the side of the Seperatist and saw that the bomber landed a perfect hit within a battalion of droids standing close to the trench. It was perfect.

"Now is our chance! Go! Go! Go!" I said as I slid down into the trench and began sending troops up outside the trenches.

I then climbed up the trench walls and quickly arrived at the top. I took out my DC17's and began running, everyone was sprinting beside me, I was faster than them and quickly arrived at the front. As we arrived above the corner where the droids had set up a choke point I laid down and signalled for everyone else to do the same.

I turned towards the Sergeants.

"Both of you, upon my signal the 8th platoon will jump down with me in the back of the formation while the 15th will jump in the front. It will take the droids by complete surprise."

I then turned my comm on.

"Lieutenant, we will jump down in 20 seconds, once you see us jump down, wait 5 seconds for chaos to spread before sending all your troops to charge around the corner."

"Understood sir!"

I then began looking at the droids. According to my knowledge the droids should not have any intelligence outside their programming, but still, instead of charging around the corner they waiting here to hold a choke point. Until the famous tactical droids and commando droids came this wasn't meant to happen. Something was off here, no matter. I will deal with it later.

I then took the 8th squad towards the back of their troops. 15 seconds later we arrived. As I was about to order them to jump down. I saw something shocking.

I spotted a droid that stood out. It had a different head model, dark brown bodyarmor and it had a sword on its back. To my surprise I recognised this as the famous commando droids.

This was a real threat. That droid alone could demolish half my squad. I had to deal with him myself.

"Sergeant, you are in command. Do not come close to the droid in brown. I will take care of him."

"Understood Captain, be careful."

"Thanks. Go down now!"

I then took out my pistols before aiming with all my concentration, I shot a blaster bolt from my pistol before the men got close to jumping down. Luckily it hit its mark, the commando droids gun. I then stood up before jumping down. I saw that the commando droid had 2 B2 guards, however 2 precise shots to the head ended them.

I then landed in a crouch before firing at the commando droid. It had gotten out of its shock and quickly dodged the shots. It then moved at inhumane speed and sent a punch straight into my stomach. I flew backwards but managed to plant my feet in the ground before I flew too far. The Commando droid took out its sword before it began to sprint towards me again. I quickly fired 5 shots however it dodged 4 of them and the last was completely aborbed by its armor. It quickly slashed a downwards slash towards me. I jumped to the side just barely avoiding it. It then did a sideways slash. I crouched down to avoid it, the sword then was planted into the wall of the trenches, luckily it was made out of wood and it got stuck. I quickly took the DC17 in my right hand and shot him in his right hand, completely severing it from the rest of its body and it's sword . I then rolled on the ground and arrived on the left side of the droid, I planted both my pistols at his head and shot 4 continuing shots into its head. Smoke came from his head as he fell down.

I quickly sighted in relief while leaning at the trench walls, I looked around and saw that the entire company of droids had been demolished and the troops were all looking at me, even though I couldn't see their face I could sense their admiration.

I turned to the Vibrosword embedded in the wall. It was a bit different from the normal vibrosword the droid commandos used, it didn't have the same handle guard and the blade was slimmer, it had the same form but it wasn't as large. I took it out of the wall and looked at it. I shrugged before placing it on my back.

"Trooper!" I said to the closest trooper I could find.

"Take this body to high command for study. It is a special type. Wait in the trenches until the main force passes this point."

"Understood, Captain." The trooper said before taking the body on his shoulders.

Lieutenant Stenge then came to me.


"Greetings, Second Lieutenant."

"Greetings, we have taken control of our sector. The 50 droids that were advancing were completely destroyed by the bombers and the straggling droid are quickly being shot down."

"Good job Second Lieutenant. Stay here and wait for further orders. Send the 2 Squads back."

I turned my comms into the one for my Captains.

"Captains report!"

"Captain Rex reporting, the 2nd Company has taken control of our sector. Due to your Platoon taking majority of the forces close to them we managed to take the few forces left by surprise. All Anti-air artillery has been put down. However we are currently fighting droids in the sector of another battalion yet to arrive.

"Good job, Captain."

"3rd Company Captain Reporting, my 1st, 2nd and 3rd platoon has taken control of their parts while the 4th is still fighting a large force between 3rd and 4th company sectors."

"Same here, 4th Company has taken control of all our parts. However the 1st is fighting against the large force with the 3rd company 4th platoon. We are fighting on both of their sides and they should be gone very soon. I have also sent my 3rd Platoon to meet 4th because Ki-Adi Mundi has yet to arrive. The 2nd is patrolling our parts and firing at droids trying to enter."

"Very good, keep at it like this. My company has taken complete control of our sector. The General should be coming to the 2nd Company alongside the 1st Platoon to help you Captain Rex."

"Report to me once anything else has happened and when the small force left has been defeated." I said before disconnecting the connection.

I then set my comms to Plo Koon.

"General, what's your situation?"

"Ah, Captain Dust! The assisting Battalions has just arrived, the leader is a Jedi Knight I know. We are working together alongside your 1st Platoon in securing their sector. However Captain, I must say. Good job, a sergeant has kept me updated on the situation and you perfectly took control of the trench."

"Thank you, General. I strive to do my best."

"That you have. Your 1st Platoon is also especially skilled, what have you done to make them so good?"

"General, the 1st Platoon and Lieutenant Tyr are troops I specially trained to become a Captain. Their great success is the reason I am currently a Captain."

"I see, I am about to engage the main forces and therefore have to leave you, good luck Captain." He said as the line cut.

I then turned to the leader of the 6th Squad who's been following me for a long time.

"Sergeant, have your men rest. They have done a great job."

"Thank you, Captain."

I then turned my comms towards my whole Battalion.

"All men, make sure to not enter too much danger. Relax a bit. You have 5 minutes before we move out again. But make sure to be on guard and to keep other droids out of our trenches."

** Author talking

Sorry for not releasing for some time, school start has made it a bit hard. Ya'll got a 3.6k word chapter as my apology.

If ya'll see any technical or grammar mistakes, please just comment on it and I'll get it fixed as soon as possible.

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