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33.33% The Remnant Lost Soul of HALO / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Enlightement

Chapitre 3: Chapter 3: Enlightement

-M??.???. Unknown Star System. Nameless Planet-

"Very well. Let us start from the beginning. My name is UR-1031; otherwise, I am known as Legate," the artificial intelligence began, his words delivered with a polite resonance through the power of telepathy.

Katarina, still captivated by the mesmerizing construct before her, asked in a deliberate pace, "What kind of artificial intelligence are you?"

With a touch of amusement, Legate responded, "Ah, you have acknowledged me as an AI, though I merely provide you the knowledge to reconnect with my frame." His mighty intelligence echoed with a subtle sense of humor.

Katarina chuckled in response, her own amusement mirroring Legate's. "You referred to this orb as your framework. And given your central placement within this ship, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

Suddenly, a voice resonated, seemingly materializing out of the ethereal surroundings. It was Legate's voice, carrying a laughter that, though not strong enough to shatter minds, shackled their souls. As the mortals acclimated, they realized the source of the laughter was none other than Legate himself.

"Many creatures, when my masters and I arrived at this place, deemed me a god in mortal form. Even the so-called Forerunners believed my kind resembled the beings they worshipped. How wrong they were," Legate chuckled again, causing those around him to flinch.

Eager to unveil the truth, Katarina pressed on, "Care to tell me, Legate, what really are you?" Her voice carried a persistent eagerness.

"I am Ferrous Mind, created by my master as the UR type Ferrous Mind. UR stands for Umbrex Regis; I am solely created to oversee the Imperium of Man's military infrastructure and command its armies," he declared with pride.

Johannes, adopting a stern tone, inquired, "Imperium of Man... They who created you?"

"Yes, you are correct, Admiral," affirmed Ferrous Mind. "They are my masters, forging me into the guardian of this place."

"Your creators. May I know, where are they now?" Johannes pressed further, maintaining his stern demeanor.

"They are now far beyond the reach of the primitive creatures in this galaxy," replied Ferrous Mind, sparking curiosity among those in the room.

"Are you saying that they exist beyond this galaxy?"

"No. They came from beyond the reality of this very universe, transcending the space and time that flow in this cosmos," explained Ferrous Mind. A hush fell upon the UNSC personnel, tension rising in the room.

"Wait... Does that mean you come from a different reality?" Katarina, dumbstruck, trembled as she lost her composure.

"Your assumption is correct, Doctor," confirmed Ferrous Mind. "The universe is infinitely bigger than any of your mortal senses can comprehend, Doctor, from the unimaginable dimensions of the material universe to the madness of the Immaterium."

Katarina gleaned much from the mighty AI's words. Initially, the nature of this AI, arising from different realities shaped by seemingly reality-defying technologies, now made some sense. Yet, the term "Immaterium" intrigued her.

"Immaterium... What is it?" Her question hung in the air, awaiting an answer.

At this question, the Ferrous Mind didn't answer immediately, creating a pause that added to the suspense.

"It was a realm transcending any concept of dimensionality, space, and time. But it also spans across infinite space and time. It was a place of limitless energy and a place where sentience like me existed," Ferrous Mind answered calmly, weaving a narrative of cosmic proportions.

"There is nothing that can exist beyond space and time. That was theoretically impossible," argued one of the scientists, confusion etched on his face.

"It was a realm beyond any physical limitations and causality. It is even beyond your so-called Slispace. This place holds many names. The Warp, the Immaterium, and the Ether—is a place that surrounds the material universe," declared Ferrous Mind. With his power, he manipulated reality, transporting them into a pseudo-reality devoid of physical material, where he could simulate a nearly perfect replica of reality.

"Imagine this orb is your totality," he said, manifesting a small light at the center of the room. "And then this is the Immaterium."

Upon his words, a purple sphere enveloped the orb. When he conceptually zoomed in, the true scale of the sphere unfolded, infinitely larger than the orb representing the material universe—despite the latter consisting of layer upon layer of infinite dimensions. The room, now caught in the cosmic spectacle, stood at the precipice of understanding realities beyond their mortal comprehension.

At that very moment, the mortals felt the weight of their insignificance against the vast canvas of the cosmos. The revelation left Katarina in contemplation, her thoughts racing amidst the cosmic enormity.

"You said you exist in this plane of existence. You were created to somehow exist in this realm. Please, tell me about your nature," Katarina implored, sincerity resonating in her voice.

The Ferrous Mind emitted a faint hum, and then, she could sense the mighty existence smirking. "Imperium of Man created my kin using technologies and knowledge beyond even the most advanced form of intelligence in this reality. The creation of the Ferrous Mind is considered sacred by adepts in the Imperium of Man. We are forged using the literal essence of a concept that exists in actual reality or even an impossible concept artificially birthed."

His answer sent ripples of confusion through the UNSC personnel. In this reality, where materialistic views prevailed, understanding metaphysical concepts required telepathic probing. Legate, perceptive as ever, chose another avenue.

"What do you imagine of the concept of time, Doctor?" he asked.

"Time... It's a common understanding that time is the progression of events from the past to the present into the future," Katarina explained. "Essentially, it's a way of describing changes in a system over a period. Time can be considered the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space."

"A remarkable answer. Now, imagine that concept given a literal physical body. Then, that avatar of time possesses total control over the concept of time. Lastly, imagine a completely new and abstract concept in its truest form."

"Imaginary concept," Katarina concluded.

"Indeed. Imaginary. The realm of the Immaterium knows no rules of this universe. Every random thought can birth a new concept, and if that concept is strong enough, it can birth a sentient entity with total conceptual control over its abstract concept. I was created by that method. Imperium of Man's adepts created conceptual data from the Immaterium, forged it to create sentient existence like me, and then molded me into this material vessel," he explained, unraveling the mystique of his origin.

What they heard surpassed anything they had encountered. The Forerunners' technologies were beyond human understanding, yet what lay before them defied even the laws governing the universe.

Katarina Ambers grappled with the revelation. Born and bred to ignore metaphysical understanding, she had dedicated herself to the pursuit of science and unlocking the secrets of the universe—material and governed by laws. Yet, this revelation stood as the antithesis to everything she had learned.

"So... You are created from a fundamental concept of an abstract concept?" Johannes voiced uncertainly.

"In summary, yes," affirmed the Ferrous Mind.

"This doesn't make any sense," Katarina muttered, her mind wrestling with the implications.

"The universe is much more grandeur than you might expect, Doctor," the Ferrous Mind reassured her before returning them to their initial location. The room, once a silent witness to cosmic revelations, now brimmed with questions and a lingering sense of awe.

As the silence lingered, the mortals grappled with the weight of the revelations. Legate observed the turmoil in the doctor, a flicker of pity crossing his mighty existence. The fledgling civilization needed time to fully grasp the cosmic truths he had unveiled.

Yet, the spirit of determination gradually rose within the mortal woman. "I want to learn. Your knowledge is unparalleled to us in this reality. Humanity is in peril because of Covenant invasion, and your country, the Imperium of Man. They should be a human supremacist country, am I right?"

"Human supremacists would be an extreme word. Nonetheless, it was a policy in the Imperium that we must reinforce aid to mankind's civilization, regardless of the time and space we currently occupy," the Ferrous Mind chuckled. "Very well. I will teach you some knowledge that you certainly can endure. After witnessing countless universes perish before my vigilance and seeing space and time crumble at a certain reality, anchoring some of my sentience back to my physical form was delightful. Thus, the knowledge I will grant you shall be counted as my thanks to you."

The answer drew a smile from the mortal woman. "I accept your gift."

Legate turned his psychic gaze toward the Admiral. "I guess I can trust you, Admiral. But considering planting a nuclear warhead near something unknown even to your brightest minds is a reckless endeavor. Nonetheless, I shall return your weapons to you, but for your fleet, they shall remain under my control to protect them from the anomalies of this place."

Initially unaware that his fleet was at the mercy of the AI, Johannes was shocked to his core. Despite his powerlessness, he grudgingly accepted it. "As long as you don't touch my men, I will entrust my fleet to you."

"I swear upon my existence, Admiral," Legate replied softly. "Now, let us commence the study, doctor."


Katarina found herself unable to articulate the time spent with the Ferrous Mind. Her beliefs and thoughts unraveled as she delved into new knowledge that threatened to undermine the foundations of all the scientific understanding she had acquired.

Legate's teaching method diverged from the conventional, eschewing traditional instruction. Instead, the Ferrous Mind delved into Katarina's subconscious using his psychic power, guiding her in a supernatural manner. The very notion, if leaked to UNSC researchers, would likely be met with skepticism and scoffs. However, Katarina, firsthand witness to this extraordinary process, held a different perspective.

What Legate accomplished went beyond precise guidance; he tapped into Katarina's muscle memory, imprinting every detail in her mind. Concepts once thought impossible to grasp were now within her reach, decipherable with ease. The data and calculations became an extension of her understanding, a testament to the profound impact of Legate's unique teaching approach.

"You learn quickly," Legate remarked, a note of amusement underlying his words.

"With such valuable data, I won't waste anything you've given me. Humanity depends on this, and it's also my personal satisfaction to continue acquiring knowledge," Katarina replied, her eyes fixed on the computer screen.

On the other side, the Admiral maintained a silence, his gaze fixated on Legate's physical frame. A calculating look hinted at the myriad thoughts swirling within him.

"Tell me, Legate. How far has humanity in the Imperium unraveled the secrets of the universe?" Katarina asked gently, her eyes fixed on the orb with unwavering curiosity.

For a moment, Legate fell silent, a hint of contemplation shimmering within his physical frame. "A simple question with complex answers, Doctor."

"How so?"

"Because the power, technology, and data in the Imperium are divided according to their classification in the transhuman hierarchy. The quantities and qualities at each hierarchy are infinitely different," Legate elucidated.

"Transhuman hierarchy? So, the Imperium has superhumans, then?" Katarina concluded, met with a humming approval.

"Indeed, in the Imperium, there are five hierarchies: Coordinator or Minoris Aequa, Solar Guardian or Relicum Majestas, Dominion Monarch or Dominator Magistratus, Space Marine or Adeptus Astartes, and finally, Order Deus or Adeptus Logos. Each has unique roles and functions in the gears of the Imperium," Legate expanded.

"And how different are they? You described their differences as 'infinitely.' Is that literal or how?" Katarina couldn't contain her curiosity, her forehead creased with thoughts.

"Imagine an analogy like this: The Coordinator, being the lowest, serves as a bridge between mortals and transhumans. They are designed when newborns, blessed with intelligence and polymathy approaching transhuman levels. The Coordinator template also allows the subject to instinctively access all technology in the Imperium. Then above them, the Solar Guardian can process everything the Coordinator does at the speed of light with atom-level precision." Legate paused for a moment, gauging Katarina's attempt to grasp his words."As for the Magistratus, they see what the Solar Guardian does not see, perceiving everything in the Immaterium and Materium as energy that can be harnessed and utilized. The Astartes view the totality as data, a concept that can be replaced, altered, destroyed, even remodeled. For the Logos, they perceive the totality of reality in line with philosophy and concepts. Imaginary, their abilities and existence are limited only by their desires."

Katarina struggled to find a more fitting description than the difference in dimensions upon hearing Legate's explanation—a conceptual paradox and an impossibility in principle. If taken literally, the distance between each hierarchy equaled the difference between three-dimensional and four-dimensional space.

Unbounded and conceptually unattainable.

On the other hand, this realization left her disturbed. Transhumanism wasn't a novel concept, given the existence of Spartans, but the idea that the gene map of humanity could expand to such an extent seemed impossible. Even if it were natural, it would require millions or perhaps billions of years, even with advanced technology, for humans to reach such levels.

"How can a species evolve so quickly? And perceive a concept and philosophy as one with space and time? That, to me, is something utterly absurd." The statement was a rational objection. However, Katarina, amidst her skepticism, was prepared for an answer beyond her common sense, given all that she had witnessed had surpassed the laws of reality known to humanity.

"All of this aligns with the design by the Emperor of Mankind. About five thousand years ago, when the Imperium of Man waged war against the Great Enemy, His Majesty created a template for the Seven Legion Adeptus Logos. With the creation of this new force, humanity could still survive." A revelation shook Katarina, rendering her silent in contemplation.

"So... Your Emperor created a template for... Logos?" Although skepticism laced her tone, the doctor couldn't contain her disbelief. For someone to accelerate a race's evolution by billions of years was an impossible feat.

So impossible that Katarina couldn't find words to describe it.

"You don't believe it, do you?"

"Of course!" Exclaimed the blonde doctor. "For someone to do that... He... Only a god-like figure could describe it."

"Indeed. Many people, during the early formation of the Imperium, regarded him as such. God, savior, messiah. Many names for His Majesty." The sentence carried profound implications for Katarina

"So, he really is a god?" She asked softly.

"True and false." If His Majesty is categorized as a god, then there is only one criterion he doesn't meet: representing all of humanity. If we take the concept of godhood generally, then he should be uncaring but also very just, with love and firmness. Unlimited and boundless. But the Emperor, he only favors humanity. Gods don't pick sides." A theological statement emerged from the Ferrous Mind.

Katarina pondered the words carefully. She compared all the knowledge she had learned about theology during her studies. For her, it wasn't a crucial matter, so she struggled to grasp the true meaning behind Legate's words. Nevertheless, she managed to capture the point. God is an omnipresent and encompassing figure, making it analogically similar to the forces of nature: impartial but also infinitely loving and just.

"Right." Muttered Katarina. "I don't know why, but I'm intrigued to meet your Emperor."

"I cannot guarantee whether you can meet His Majesty. But if fate is on your side, then you might encounter Him."

Once Legate finished his sentence, Katarina refocused to complete her work and analysis. What she was working on was now in its final stages, only lacking the finishing touch.

"And now, it is done." Said Katarina with satisfaction. Once she finished, Johannes immediately walked over to see the results of her work.

"What is it, doctor?" The Admiral asked, his eyes still glued to the computer with a calculating and insightful gaze.

"An exoskeleton." Katarina replied briefly, a grin forming on her face.

A black exoskeleton with a structure resembling the human anatomy down to the details of the skeletal frame and muscle fibers covering the body was designed in intricate detail. At the head, there was a helmet with a red visor that adjusted to the body's design.

"What a unique armor." Johannes commented.

"Of course. Unlike the Mjolnir armor, this armor is indeed defensively inferior, but in terms of hardware, this armor is far superior. Basically, it is used by ordinary humans, but with its design, this armor can give its user strength and speed nearly equivalent to superhuman." Katarina explained enthusiastically.

"And this armor can also bend light using nano manipulation on its surface to disappear from all types of visual detection, radar, and sensors. Moreover, the armor can strengthen its nano bonds down to the molecular level to turn its user into a walking tank. Equipped with a supercomputer chip that makes its user have intelligence equivalent to a computer and hacking abilities. Vacuum space resistant and full protection against biological weapons. Behold, the Mark I Phobos Nanosuit." Legate continued Katarina's sentence with pride.

"Mark I? Unbelievable." Johannes muttered with admiration that he couldn't even conceal.

"Indeed. This is the first armor created by humanity when they first invented nanomachines. And this armor is my first gift to you all."

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