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20% Traveler - A HPxMCU Crossover / Chapter 3: Enter the Hawk

Chapitre 3: Enter the Hawk

The soft trickles of morning sunlight showered central New York in a golden glow. The large lake in the middle of Central Park shined as it reflected the shine, blinding the eyes of early morning joggers as they stared directly.

Elsewhere in an upscale penthouse in Manhattan, a pair of blue eyes opened as their owner groaned softly. Mewling in pleasure as her pussy tingled after a night of vigorous lovemaking, Natasha Romanoff slowly blinked and smiled as she saw her lover's face.

Harry had been a very random hook-up. She hadn't even thought that things would go the way they had. She was on a leave from her regular assignments with S.H.I.E.L.D. and had decided to spend it on leisure. A small accident was all it took for her to find him. 

When he didn't contact her for a few days, she'd thought he'd moved on and that was it for them, and yet he had. She didn't know what he did for a living or what work he had that he needed to go away from New York, but it was good that he called.

Their first encounter had been hasty, open and in public, where anyone could come and see. The second one was more personal, more intimate, shared with another it might have been. Natasha had been on many missions where she had to play the role of a seductress and that required certain acts she would normally refuse; however, the mission always came first, and she had no other option other than to go with the flow. As such, she had never been with someone just because either she wanted or she could.

With Harry, it was the latter. She had chosen him on a whim, without thinking much about that, and only because he'd intrigued her. And fuck did something awesome come out of it. Even more awesome was the fact that she got to see the prissy perfect Maria Fucking Hill moaning and crying like a horny slut in heat, taking her owner's cock like there was no tomorrow. 

Maria Hill had always been a bit stuck up. She never gave any thought to letting her hair down for even a night. However, this time, things were different. It seemed the office lady had accumulated enough pent-up tension that she barely protested when their date with Harry was fixed. And gods was it brilliant! She had never seen someone cream around a cock as much as Maria had the previous night.

A soft groan on the other side of her lover prompted her to lean upwards on her elbow, and she saw Maria mewling softly and burrowing her face into Harry's muscular back. During the night, he had turned to her side, wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her close, while Maria had wrapped herself around his back. It seemed the slight morning chill prompted the beautiful raven to burrow herself even closer to the only source of heat.

"Damn, you think so loud."

She smirked as she saw Harry wake up before he leaned down to peck her softly.

"How did you sleep?"

Natasha sighed.

"It was really good. One of the better sleeps I've had for sure," she nodded, her full lips curling up at his smile before he leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss.

"Ew! Wash your mouth before kissing me," she pulled away when he tried to kiss her again, chuckling at the mock-hurt look he was giving her.

"Alright then," he muttered and tried to lean over her, only to realise the weight on his back as she giggled softly.

"The missy is sleeping. You shouldn't disturb her."

Harry sighed.

"Looks like we need to wait for a bit to continue where we left off last night," he grinned. She simply shook her head in response.

"You're insatiable. How many times did you cum last night?"

"Forget that. I believe I made you two cum more than I did."

Natasha scoffed.

"You don't see me asking for sex again, do you?"

He grinned.

"I don't. But I also know you'd jump me the first chance you get if I'm asking for it. That's how you women folk play."

"Women folk?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, talking in circles, leaving hints and clues behind, hiding your true intentions so that we do what you want without even asking?"

She raised her eyebrows.

"You've got some very skewed perception, mister," Natasha replied, prompting a soft chuckle from the man.

"I had a girlfriend once. She did that. Never talked to me directly, and kept dropping signals for me to pick up. Dated other guys to make me jealous, which I admit, worked perfectly because I started pining for her not even two months after that."

"Sounds like a character," she muttered.

"Tell me about it. Broke up with her within a month. Best decision I ever made."

"Well, I've never had a boyfriend, and I don't do things like that. If I have to say something, I say directly and that's it."

"Really? You never had a boyfriend!? I find that really hard to believe."

She chuckled.

"She's always been so intimidating that men cowered at the thought of approaching her," a sweet voice on the other side butted in, and Natasha scowled.

"No one asked for your opinion, Marie," Natasha muttered.

"Wasn't giving it to you, Natalie," the raven retorted.

Harry, meanwhile, remained in the middle as his chest became the battleground of two pairs of very lovely tits that heaved right over it, their owners' faces inches apart as they stared at each other.

"She won't kiss you with a dirty mouth, right Harry? Well, don't worry, you can kiss me," Maria smiled up at him before locking her lips with his in a searing kiss. Natasha looked on with wide eyes as Miss Uppity Perfect openly throated his mouth with her tongue and pushed her away.

She didn't give her indignant shout any attention and quickly mounted Harry before guiding him inside her.

'Home, this is where it belongs,' she thought in ecstasy as she kissed him hard, bouncing her ass on his cock as it drilled inside her. Maria looked at them and sighed before she started playing with herself, waiting for her chance to have that magnificent cock inside her once again.


It was an hour later that the threesome descended the stairs to the kitchen. Clad in his clothes, all three took their seats and looked at each other.

"I've ordered the breakfast. Sorry but I don't have the full groceries so we'd have to make do with takeout. I promise to prepare a proper meal for you two the next time though," Harry smiled as he looked at them sitting opposite him.

Natasha smirked.

"Next time? You seem pretty optimistic, Harry."

Harry shrugged.

"Born that way."

They chuckled and shook their heads.

"It was really good though," Maria began, and both turned to look at her.

"My job doesn't allow me to do things like this very often, and I don't do workplace relationships or hook-ups either. Doesn't sit right with me. So, this was nice. I really loved it. Thanks, Harry," she smiled at him.

Harry took her hand and smiled. "Thank you, Marie," he squeezed her hand softly before pulling away, turning to look at Natasha.

"You too, Natalie. I know last time was a random one, but last night was really great. I loved it."

Natasha smiled at him and nodded.

The bell rang and Harry quickly got up.

"Looks like the delivery came. I'll be back in a minute," he smiled at them and walked off.

Natasha looked at the conflicted face of Maria, who stared at her.

"I really don't like lying like this."

Natasha sighed.

"It's not as if we can tell him who we are. We're neither permitted to disclose, nor are we to interact with civilians with our original names. Sorry Maria, there's nothing we can do but enjoy this."

Maria sighed and simply nodded.

"I don't like it either. But, you know," Natasha tried, and Maria nodded.

"I understand."

Natasha leaned back on her chair and looked in the distance.

"Sometimes I really envy Clint and how he's able to maintain a family despite being with S.H.I.E.L.D., but then I see how much he struggles with the fact that anything can happen to them if someone found out, and any thought of having a relationship with someone fades from my mind."

Maria nodded.

"I've never given it any thought for the same reasons. I don't think I'd be able to survive if someone targeted my loved ones because of my involvement with S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"Such is our life. Have to live it out and hope we die peacefully," Natasha chuckled humourlessly as Maria frowned.

"If it were possible," Maria began with slight hesitation, "if Harry was not a simple civilian but had some power like Stark or Clint, would you think of having a relationship with him?"

Natasha frowned in thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

"Might as well. I like him, and he's a good person. There aren't much better options I've come across."

"Me either," Maria muttered with a chuckle, as they looked at Harry carrying their food.

"Didn't get bored, I hope? I ordered some sandwiches. I didn't know what you two liked and everyone likes some sandwich, right?"

Natasha chuckled and leaned over to kiss him.

"It's all good," she whispered and sat down, not noticing the frown on Harry's face.

"Is something wrong?" He asked as he looked at them, and Natasha quickly got into her perfect act.

"Marie just remembered her late grandmother and we were talking about her, nothing much," she lied expertly.

"Ahh, I'm sorry about that," Harry gave Maria a strained smile. She responded in kind and started to open her packet.


"Why do I feel like a piece of shit?"

Natasha looked over at Maria in the living room of her rented apartment and sighed.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know," she muttered as Natasha stared at her.

"I've never seen you like this, Agent Hill."

"I gave him my virginity, Agent Romanoff. It meant something to me. I took a chance last night, and it was special."

Natasha stared at her in surprise.

"Don't tell me you've fallen for him!?"

Maria chuckled.

"I won't say I've fallen in love or anything. It's just… I see people being happy, having families, raising their children, everything that comes with it, and even though I don't think about it, it doesn't mean I don't yearn for it."

Natasha stared at her in surprise.

"You knew what you were signing up for when you joined S.H.I.E.L.D., Maria. You know the risks of having all those things. Do you really think you'd be able to bear it if anything happened to your husband because he didn't have any means to save himself and was targeted because of your involvement with a secret organization? Speak sense, Maria! I understand. Don't think you're alone in thinking about having a family. I can't have children, yet that doesn't stop me from thinking about how it would feel to have a child with the man I love, how it would feel to be with them every day, but then the reality sets in."

She sat down on the bed beside Maria and clasped her hand, bringing their foreheads together and closed her eyes.

"If only Harry was not a simple civilian," Maria said with a chuckle.

"Then I would've claimed him already," Natasha muttered.

"We could've shared him. He has more than enough stamina, you know?"

Despite herself, Natasha grinned.

"He could fuck all the female agents we have, and yet be ready for more."

Maria chuckled.

"Then so many women would be begging to share him," she replied as she pulled away.

"I wouldn't care as long as I got to be with him. Gods, his cock is the best I've ever had," Natasha sighed.

"If only he wasn't a civilian, huh?"

 Natasha nodded.

"Look at the bright side though. We can keep fucking him if we want. Nothing is stopping us from doing that."

Maria looked at Natasha and grinned. "Small mercies, huh?"


Phil Coulson knocked on the door politely and pulled it after an affirmative reply. Nick Fury looked up from the screen he had been staring at as Coulson came to a stop in front of him. The recent incident with Coulson had spooked him more than he admitted to himself, and he looked at the man expectantly.

"Coulson. Any update?" Fury asked, looking at the main intently with one eye, the other hidden behind his eyepatch. Not that anyone else knew that.

"I'm afraid there isn't much to go on. The cameras were too far away to properly capture his face. Although we have some estimations based on the footage and we are comparing them with the local population and any new arrivals who had been in New York on that day. It's a large data pool so it will take some time, but we are confident we can narrow it down to a manageable size for further procedures."

"Ensure that it's finished soon. Any unknown energy surge reported in the area?"

Coulson shook his head in denial.

"The scanners we've scattered around New York haven't returned any signals. Not even the ones near Central Part and Manhattan. It's perfectly normal."

Fury's vein started pulsing on his forehead as he stared at the man, who simply stared back with a calm gaze.

"Is there anything you can give me?"

Coulson almost smiled.

"It seems two of our top agents found themselves some entertainment last night. Agent Romanoff and Agent Hill were seen with a tall young man in a nightclub in Manhattan before they went to his place and spent the night together."

Fury's eyes widened slightly.

"Hill spent a night with a man!? Maria Hill!?" He asked in disbelief.

"Quite so. The young man in question is an orphan. Harry Potter, the only son of James and Lily Potter. They were originally from England but moved here. The young man has a keen eye for investing. He's not even 25 and has already accumulated a fortune to last a few generations."

Fury looked at the screen where Harry Potter's details were displayed. At first glance, he seemed like a decent young man with a bright future ahead of him, but no one knew better than Fury how well secrets could be kept behind a gentle façade.

"Any red flags?"

Coulson stared at Fury for a moment before shaking his head.

"The man doesn't even have a fine to his name. Clean record in school and university, top merits, a prodigy in finance according to his professors. Seems to hold a significant stock in Stark Industries, 17% of its ownership. Only Tony Stark has more."

"Any other peculiar investments?"

"None. All normal investments and a diverse portfolio consisting of shares, bonds and commodity. There is no red flag according to my investigation."

Fury nodded.

"Keep an eye on him in any case. If my agents are involved with this man, he is a person of interest to S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"On it, sir," Coulson nodded.

"And get on with identifying that memory-man. We need a lead, and soon. After New Mexico, we cannot discount anything."

Coulson looked at Fury with well-hidden surprise.

"You think this one might be someone like Thor?"

Fury stared at his subordinate with a raised eyebrow.

"We consider everything here at S.H.I.E.L.D.. You know that. Keep it in mind and check for any peculiar energy remnants around the date as well. See if the older scanners picked up anything."

"Of course, sir," Coulson nodded. With a nod, Fury dismissed him and he walked away.


Clint Barton was one of the best S.H.I.E.L.D. had to offer. A true marksman with a record of impeccable accuracy. He was an expert in both melee and ranged weaponry, but he preferred his bow and arrow most of all. Known as Hawkeye, he had his hawk-like eyes fixed on the man Natasha had been fucking. Although he was slightly surprised that Natasha was fucking a random civilian for a prolonged period, even more surprising was the fact that the usually uptight Maria Hill also seemed to love this man's cock so much that she kept coming for more.

It had been a week since he had been given this assignment, and nothing about this Harry Potter seemed off to him. The man spent his days around the city, visiting pubs and parks, sometimes alone, while sometimes with Nat, Maria or both. It seemed both women were taking full advantage of their month-long vacation from their duties to get as much of this man as they could.

He had no interest in snooping on their personal affairs, so he usually bailed after their situation got heated, but he kept his eye on the man whenever he was alone.

Natasha was like a sister to him, and Hill was a trusted comrade. That was enough reason for him to tail this guy and ensure there was no red flag.

He had two assignments right now, nothing new to him. One was to track this guy, and the other was to look for the person who had seemingly mind-wiped Coulson. He had been shocked when Fury had first informed him that there was a person like that out there, and he agreed with the director when he said that they had to know who he was and contain him before he did some irrecoverable damage. A person with the power to influence the mind was dangerous to be left roaming freely.

Despite Coulson's team analysing the scanners spread throughout Manhattan and New York, they had been unable to find any anomaly. There had been no spike in any form of energy, and they had been unable to pinpoint anything. The only success Coulson and his team had was managing to reduce the data of possible suspects. Still, it contained over a hundred thousand names of people matching the description they had extracted from that short camera recording, which proved nothing.

Fury had been understandably furious at the lack of success and had ordered for the cameras around every major city to be upgraded to avoid such a scenario in the future. Yet, he could do nothing but be upset. They had no significant leads.

He saw his target leaving the supermarket and entering an alley a little bit further away from it. He noted the lack of people in the area. Frowning, he slowly moved closer. As far as he knew, there was no other way out of that alley, with tall buildings surrounding it on three sides.

'Just what the hell is he doing?'

Thinking no more, Hawkeye crossed the road and ascended the building on the left. He looked down and his eyes widened when he saw the empty alley. Quickly, he shot an arrow down against the wall of the building opposite him and shot down, expertly balancing himself against the wall on his feet. His eyes wandered over the area as he looked on, trying to find his elusive target who had seemingly vanished in thin air. He looked for any sort of movement, his eyes raking over every inch of the alley but there was nothing. The alley was empty.

'Fuck, he's a suspect now. Another enhanced or the same one who wiped out Coulson's memories? I need to report this now.'

Clint quickly activated the emergency summons, sending his coordinates to the Hellicarrier and the voice of the director buzzed from the earpiece.

"What did you find, Agent Barton?"

Clint kept looking around for any sign as he answered Fury. The dark-skinned veteran listened as his agent explained everything to him.

"Are you sure he didn't walk out of the alley while you were not looking?"

"Positive, sir. He entered and never came out. There are no windows, doors or short walls for him to get away. It's three buildings with full concrete and bricks that enclose this alley with only one way to the exit. There is no way he could have escaped without me seeing him."

Fury stayed silent for a while as his mind worked overtime.

"This Harry Potter in in the list of thousands of suspects. The physical attributes do match. Communicate this to Agent Hill and Agent Romanoff. Tell them that Harry Potter is a prime suspect and they must use their closeness to him and extract as much information as they can. Meanwhile, I will be posting a contingent of agents to tail him 24x7. There is no way we are going to let him do what he did to Coulson yet again, if he indeed is the one. Tell them that their holiday is being cut short and this is an emergency. Dismissed."


Clint frowned as the earpiece went silent and its usual static filled his ears for a moment. He looked around for Harry Potter one more time and with a muttered curse, he shot an arrow to the top of the building and scaled it as he walked away. He needed to have a talk with his sister in all but blood regarding the guy she had been fucking. Talk about coincidence.


It was 8 PM when Harry decided to go out. Nat had called him about an hour ago to inform him that both she and Marie were busy for the night, and having nothing else to do, he decided to go out. A few drinks and possibly picking up a girl was enough motivation.

Harry walked into the same nightclub he had met Nat and Marie in and looked around. He walked over and sat on the barstool, his eyes scanning for anyone who interested him.

"One Stinger," he said to the bartender, who smiled and started to mix. Meanwhile, his eyes caught a woman sitting at a table. She was a pretty one, with full lips painted a light pink and a black dress that showed her large tits, and boy were they large. Her dark hair was loose behind her as she listened absentmindedly to whatever the guy sitting opposite her was saying.

Her eyes caught his as he grabbed his drink and he sipped, maintaining eye contact throughout. She simply raised an eyebrow before looking at the man. Harry kept his eyes on her, looking up and down. She was sitting at an angle that showed him her long legs as she kept them crossed, her high heels dangling off her feet and her arms to her sides, giving him a clear view of her large tits which he couldn't help but stare at.

Now and then, their eyes met. He had already discerned that she had no interest in the guy sitting opposite her, and she was constantly looking at him. He caught her checking him out a few times and gave her his undivided attention. A small curve of her lips was enough of a signal to show him she was at least interested.

Harry continued to sip from his glass, the hard sting of the Stinger packing a wallop as he raised an eyebrow and looked over to where the restrooms were. She looked a bit hesitant before giving him an imperceptive nod to show she was down to the unspoken proposal. He gulped down the entire liquid in one go, smirked, and walked towards the restroom without a second glance.


Darcy Lewis had been having a horrible time. Jane couldn't stop talking about Thor and it had been grating on her nerves for quite a while now. So, when she matched with a rather handsome man on her dating app that afternoon, she shrugged and agreed to meet him. At least it would keep her from listening to Jane.

Little did she know what a massive mistake that was. This man was handsome, but that's all there was to him. He could barely keep eye contact with her, and it looked like he was drooling at the sight of her. It was not attractive, not at all. Darcy had been hoping for something, anything to end this nightmare when she felt eyes on her.

She only had to look ahead and she saw a literal hunk looking at her before he averted his eyes away. Thinking it was only a coincidence, she didn't pay him much mind but kept checking him out with surreptitious glances now and then. A thrill shot through her when she saw him doing the same before he dropped all pretences and explicitly looked at her. Unlike the idiot with her, he didn't drool. Simply raked his eyes over her gorgeous body and gave an appreciative nod, lifting his glass in the air as if proposing a toast to her beauty and taking a slow sip from it. Darcy knew she was hooked.

It surprised her slightly when he gestured towards the restrooms. She knew what he was asking, and she had already prepared for a night, just not with him. No way was she going to give this loser any more thought.

She saw him walk towards the restrooms and let down the man with her as gently as she could. Smiling apologetically at the frowning man who simply sighed and walked out of the bar after paying his share, she put the remaining amount on the table and gestured for a server. Once she was done, she didn't waste a moment and walked towards the restrooms.

She saw him standing right outside the men's room and darted forward. Before he could get a word in, she grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her inside the restroom and locked the door.

"Gods you've no idea how much I wanted to get away," she said before throwing herself at him. Harry barely had time to throw a quick privacy charm and brace himself against the marble of the sink as her lips collided with his in a ferocious kiss. Grunting softly, he grabbed her tight ass and squeezed as his lips started moving in tandem with hers.

She moaned as he did so, and in no time, her hands dropped to his pants and grabbed his hard cock.

"Fuck, you're massive," she hissed and mashed her lips against his once again, her hands quickly working on his belt. Once unbuckled, she unbuttoned him and pulled. His hard cock sprang free and she wrapped her dainty hand around his shaft, thumb playing with the tip and smearing the precum over his cockhead as Harry continued to knead her plump rear.

"I want to suck your cock," she whispered against his lips, and Harry chuckled before he made her squat down before him. She was between his legs, her hands on his thighs as she stared at the massive pole protruding in front of her. Wrapping her hand around him, she gave a few tentative strokes before leaning forward and sliding her tongue across the surface.

"Just look at you, my fingers barely wrap around it. Fuck," she whispered seductively as she looked up at him. Harry saw her bite her lip hungrily before engulfing his cock in her mouth.

"Ugh, fuck…" he grunted as he felt her slick tongue wrapping around his cock as her head started to move over him. Moaning around his cock, she took him deeper inside her mouth as her hands cupped his arse. Her tongue flittered around his shaft, taking his cockhead deep inside her mouth and Harry could feel it hitting her throat. Damn, she was talented.

"Fuck girl, you're so good at this," she groaned as his fingers threaded through her lustrous raven locks as she bobbed her head back and forth.

"Call me Darcy," she whispered sultrily before going back to feast on his meaty shaft, her hands squeezing his arse.

"I'm… ugh… I'm Harry, damn, you're so good!"

Darcy preened under his praise and wrapped one hand around him and started to stroke, working her way downwards until she couldn't take his cock any further. She moaned softly around his shaft, exhaling through her nose and letting him feel the cold air against the slick skin of his dick. He saw her pulling back slightly and she pulled her lips away from the tip.

"Gods you taste good," she gasped, her voice breathless and her face flushed with lust and arousal. Strands of hair clung to her face and neck as she took the head of his cock inside her mouth and sucked on it. Harry hissed in pleasure.

"I love your cock, Harry," she whispered, "do you want me to show you how much I do?"

Harry grunted, "S-sure."

Darcy happily obliged. Her lips kissed along the surface of his slick cock as she blew softly, inhaling the musky scent of his that made her wild with lust. Her tongue licked along the skin until she reached his balls and took one in her mouth.

"Damn," Harry cursed as her hand stroked him while her mouth sucked his heavy balls like no tomorrow. Her free hand descended as she started rubbing her through her panties, fingers pressing against her dripping slit as she worshipped his cock. She sucked his balls, drawing them away and swirling her tongue around them as her fingers burrowed inside her panties to caress her wet lips directly.

"Get up, I want inside you now," he grunted and she quickly obliged.

He got behind her and bent her over the sink, and looked down to see her pussy lips exposed and her black lace knickers pulled to the side.

"Ready?" He asked, lining up his cock against her entrance and looking at her face in the mirror. She looked aroused as fuck, and her lipstick was smeared around her lips. Yet, she didn't look any less sexy.

"Fuck me, and fuck me good," she grunted, and Harry smirked before pushing forward. His cock slid almost halfway inside as she cried out in pleasure.

"Fuck, you sure you're gonna fit in there?" She asked with a breathless laugh and Harry grinned. He slowly pulled back until only his tip remained inside her before pushing forward, burying himself further into her than he'd previously been.

"Mmm yeah, you feel so good," she moaned as Harry repeated his actions, pushing slightly forward with each thrust until he was entirely buried inside her quivering snatch. Darcy was breathing erratically, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

"I… ugh… I can't believe it got in, fuck…" she whispered. "Go on, fuck me then," she implored, and Harry smirked.

In no time, he was thrusting hard and fast inside her, his eyes glued on her face as she sported an expression full of lust. He watched as her large tits swayed inside her dress tantalizingly before she hiked her dress further up on her waist and put one leg on the counter.

"Fuck me like you mean it," she hissed, and Harry grinned before he truly started to drill away inside her. His pelvis collided with her plump rear erotically, sending ripples across her flesh as Darcy continued to cry and moan under the constant pounding she was receiving from behind. His hands fisted her hair, pulling harshly, and she cried out in a mix of pain and absolute pleasure. Her back arched, her chest protruding out in the mirror and her head tilted back as Harry continued to thrust mercilessly inside her.

"Damn, you fuck me so good!"

He smirked at her cry and increased his pace, relishing her cries of 'More!' and her ecstatic moans as he continued to pound this insanely hot woman inside the men's restroom of an upscale nightclub.

"Turn around, I want to see you properly," he pulled out of her and she let out a disappointed groan before doing as he asked. He pushed her back slightly and rested her ass halfway on the counter as she spread her legs wide for him to see.

Her clean-shaven pussy was pulsing, glowing red as a gaping hole revealed itself, and he chuckled.

"Give it to me already," she cried out, and Harry nodded. One hand gripped the front of her dress and yanked it down, freeing up her heaving tits. Harry's eyes widened as he took them in. They were by far the largest pair he had ever seen. Not even Fleur or Natasha compared to her size.

"Damn," he whistled softly, as she giggled.

"Fuck me already, Harry," she asked, and Harry nodded. Lining up his cock against her well-fucked cunt, he pushed forward and was buried inside her in no time. His lips lowered against her tits, sucking and nibbling the round globes as he started to rock his hips against hers. Her hands grabbed his shoulders as her legs wrapped around his waist and Harry pounded away while continuing to shower her tits with all his attention.

Once he'd had his fill, for the time being at least, he grabbed her right leg and lifted it until it was pointing upwards, parallel to his body, and leaned in close. Grabbing her hair harshly with his left, he pulled her forward.

"I'm going to fuck you now, Darcy. I'm going to spoil you for any other man. You'd like that, right?"

She nodded through her lustful haze as she stared at him with her eyes full of arousal as Harry buried himself firmly inside her.

Her whole body jolted as he started to thrust mercilessly, his hips striking hard against hers, a resounding clap echoing around the restroom whenever he collided with her as he breathed harshly. His eyes were staring at her contorted face, her lips as they curved and her eyes as they stared hungrily into his.

The lewd noise of sex permeated the restroom, their breaths intermixing with their groans and the sound of skin slapping against skin every time Harry thrust inside her. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, oh yeah fuck, oh fuck," she cried out every time he made contact, his cock travelling fully inside her before getting out and drilling in once again. Suddenly, she cried out loud, and Harry looked at her with a grin as she started to shiver. Her orgasm tore through her, and he hissed as his cock was gripped tightly by her inner walls. It took all he had not to cum right away.

"Gods fuck yes…" she grunted out softly as she rode out her climax, her fingers gripping the counter tightly as his hand held her by her hair. She'd been literally used by him right now, and she loved every single fucking second of it. Once her orgasm ended, she quickly pulled his cock out of her cunt and bent down to her knees. She looked up at him with a grin and grabbed his cock before burying it between her tits. Harry's eyes widened.

"Go ahead, Harry. Fuck my big tits."

Harry grinned and started to thrust inside her cleavage, and Darcy squeezed tightly. She spat into her cleavage, making it even slicker and Harry's cock moved between her glorious mounds at a rapid pace.

"Fuck, I'm close," he grunted in between his thrusts.

"Cum on me, Harry. Paint my tits white. Shoot your load on my face. Claim me. Mark me!"

Harry continued to thrust rapidly as he felt his orgasm imminent.

The first load splattered against her tits, seeping through her cleavage. Darcy didn't have time to do anything as another load hit her face, right on her forehead and cheek. Rope after rope of his hot, sticky seed hit her face and tits, covering her in his jizz.

Leaning back, Harry stared at the busty raven as she scooped his cum on her fingers before looking up at him. With a wicked smirk, she licked her fingers clean. The dirty act sent a tingle of pleasure through him and he stared at her with lust apparent in his eyes.

The night turned out exactly how he'd hoped.


A knock sounded on the door of her rented apartment, and Natasha looked at Maria before walking over. She peeked through the spyhole to see who it was. She relaxed and opened the door with a smile.

"Hey Clint! Come on in," she stood to the side as he walked in. If he was surprised to see Maria there, he didn't show it and simply nodded at her with a smile.

She handed them a beer as they took their seats on the couch and Clint looked at them.

"Nat, Maria, we need to talk."

To be continued…

Can't wait for more? Visit patreon.com/Vedros for early access to chapters months in advance and more of my works.

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