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52.17% The 100: AllFather / Chapter 11: Chapter 8: All that glitters is not gold, but Blood!

Chapitre 11: Chapter 8: All that glitters is not gold, but Blood!

AN: this chapter contains Angus, Wells and John in the mine. What ill they encounter?

--inner thoughts—

Story begins

POV 3rd

Once the Group got in the mine, the glowing runes on the axes started glowing, throwing Light up to 5 meters away.

Angus Immediately bended earth to cover the entrance.

Wells asked: Why did you do that?

Angus: If a creature was to follow our scent or tracks back here that would not be good for the people at the shuttle. Anyway, my magic is showing if we head left, it is east and to our right west. Since we have already gone west above ground lets go that way underground.

John: How will we Find the Iron ore?

Angus: I have been training my magic to sense things through the earth – in reality I can not do that yet, but this is the best time to train earth sense up to being able to do that, so I hope we find an open and easy deposit— I will need you guys to keep track of enemies, tap me on the shoulder if something happens.

For what seemed like hours the group walked until they stopped for lunch. They Ate their fill and even then, Angus was levelling up Earth Sense.

About 8 hours of trudging through the tunnels.

This was how long it took John to start complaining.

John: Come on Angus, have you really not Sensed anything yet? Can you even find Iron down here?

Angus: I have not found Iron yet – that is due to my earth sense being too low—but I have marked down with my magic some Coal Deposits – Coal was unlocked at earth sense level 55, now on my map being level 50 I can mark important locations such as coal deposits. —

Let's continue a few more hours before I encase us in earth.

Wells: what do you mean encase, just so you know I am not dead yet.

Angus: to make sure nothing sneaks on us tonight I will put an earth dome around us with runes to keep us safe.

4 hours later the group stopped and made camp.

Angus made the dome of earth with compressed earth as strong as tungsten steel.

The runes he added were: Air purifier, Strong Defense, Life Detector, Warming rune.

Wells and John immediately tucked in and fell asleep completely tuckered out.

On the other hand Angus was silently squealing in happiness that the following notices appeared on his System.

POV Angus

Due to constant use of earth skills under the earth

Earth Connection (lvl 200 )

Perk Made Earth skills require ½ experience

Skill Map(lvl 100)

Map is filled based off of area traveled radius of 1km. Can mark important locations, new Function allows tracking of 3 people met on filled in map.

Skill Earth Sense (lvl 110)

Can sense Vibrations up to 500 meters in radius

Can sense Coal, Lead, Copper, Iron within 100 meters radius.

Class Bender earth (Lvl 100)

Congratulations, all subclasses of Earth bending are now available for use. To Learn More Please Discover the Sub Element

Congratulations you Can now Change Class, while keeping [Class Bender earth skills] Available

Seeing these updates Angus Felt like he had 10 pounds of cocaine, his heart was thundering in joy. 

Immediately he chose the Class Bender fire.

The reason for this choice was 1- fire is cool 2- Lightning is a sub of fire 3- Controlling Fire would be super useful when he chooses the Class Black smith and metallurgy. Also, in his old life he had a bit of joy just watching things burn, mainly the wood in the Stove.

Looking at his Map he counted all of the Marked Deposits. (AN: I have no clue at what depths and where minerals can be found, please do not take this seriously)

Coal- 11 locations

Lead- 32 locations

Copper- 2 fairly small locations

Thinking about these even though they were not Iron each of them will be useful especially the copper. I might bring some back for Monty to use in wiring.

After I calmed down, I double checked the runes on the earth dome before going of to sleep.

Day 5 on earth.

POV 3rd

After waking up the Mining Team had a Breakfast of dried owl meat and water.

Then they started to walk and not even ten minutes in Angus finally noticed a large vein of Iron ore, 50 meters below them.

Sensing this Angus Notifies the group.

Angus: Hey Guys I found some Iron below us! I will mark down, but we will pick it up on our way back.

Wells: sounds good, I should have asked earlier but how will we carry all of the iron we gather.

Angus: I will make a sled out of Earth and push it with my magic.

1 hour later Angus Smelt something metallic, the scent was on the tip of his tongue but he could not recognise it.

Angus: guys, I smell something strange, be alert.

In a few moments Angus sense strangely shape iron 20 meters ahead of the group.

But John who was on point let out a strangled shriek.

John AAgh: Angus, there are 8 human corpses here, all men with the lower halves missing. There seem to be claw and bite marks.

Wells seeing the bodies, turned to the side and retched.

Angus quickly too k note of these bodies, and started searching them.

One of his observations was they all wore a dark red cloth

Angus:-- must denote a clan or rank—John, Wells check the bodies for a weapon, do not choose something long since we are in a tight space.

John Found 2 Dirks that were 1ft long. John and Wells kept the dirks.

While Wells only found Necklaces with an Iron Idol on them, so he showed it to Angus.

Angus was shocked: what are those doing here? That is Jesus on a Cross the sign of Christianity.

Wells: Oh, I have never seen a picture of it since religions from earth were banned on the Ark.

Angus: what confuses me is how they ended up here, maybe this is a group from a bunker. But these corpses look too savage (If you look at a dead raccoon, you can tell if it had mange or not. Same scenario here). Let's take these necklaces with us to ask a native if we meet one. (AN: this is foreshadowing meeting the captured grounder, not a different one)

John: are we really going to keep going after seeing these corpses? The blood is still so fresh that it sparkles in the light.

Angus: I will make some earthen shields for each of us. They will be heavy. So, account for that in your movements.

Wells: can you not use your magic to make them lighter?

Angus: I could, but I do not for 2 reasons. 1- it is a good way to build your strength. 2- if you lose your tools, like the axe or shield I do not want you having trouble lifting spare weapons on the ground from enemies.

Heading on the journey again

 The Group starts hearing Screams and snarls.

This caused the three to prepare the shield, and Angus ready to cast Earth spikes.

Rounding the bend, they see a horrendous sight. 24 Human corpses in red cloth and a crucifix, lying on the ground. While 4 remaining live ones were huddled in a corner. These survivors were surrounded by 2 dozen Goblins.

These goblins seemed healthy and well armed in Angus's thought—they probable eat the corpses that they take the weapons off of. This is a great reduce reuse mind set.—

Immediately After seeing these creatures Angus shoots them full of stone bullet, thus killing them

Approaching the Humans, the 3 Arkers let their guard down.

Within arms reach the Humans in red let out a roar and attacked the Arkers.

This surprised Angus and the Arkers.

Angus was knocked to the ground with a 300-pound human on top trying to choke him

Wells and John were faring better since they were still standing, allowing them to doge the savage humans.

John made a decision to kill his opponent then went on to Kill Wells's attacker.

While this was going on Angus was Finally able to Kill his opponent.

Once these Bastards were dead, John started to retch on the ground since this was his first time killing anything at all including a human.

Angus went on over to check Wells, once it was confirmed he was okay Angus went to comfort John.

 Angus: It's alright, you are alive, that is alright. You need to get used to this. Living in a land not our own, will require us to kill those who want us dead. You are not a horrible person, so do not Blame yourself

John: Thanks, I don't know I just feel so disgusted, I know if I did not I would be dead. Though this does not make me feel better

Angus: No Problem, Lets loot these corpses, must be something useful, and then I will burry them.

In the looting, axes, daggers, and a few short swords along with ratty Chainmail was found.

The Humans here also had the Crucifix. —seeing these were making Angus nervous, he new how come Christians in ancient day could be Fanatics and do anything in the name of heaven.—

Angus then Buried the corpses.

Continuing on the journey for 2 hrs Angus found these mineral deposits

3 coal, 4 Iron, 1 copper and 1 lead.

Right When Angus and His group were about to stop for the night, they found what looked to be an abandoned campsite.

John: look at the stuff that was left here, there are crates of weapons, and clothing. Who do you think these belonged to?

Wells: I think they probably belonged to the Humans that we came across.

The Group started looking around at what they would take.

Angus found some water sacks that definitely did not smeel like water but some sort of alcohol.

Besides those a few bed rolls and the stuff mentioned earlier (the weapons and clothes) there was nothing else.

Angus: Alright let's camp here for tonight, I will make a dome like last night with runes.

Tomorrow we will head back and I will dig up the Iron along with some coal and copper.

The Group sets up camp, and Angus makes the dome.

As the group is eating Wells asks Angus if he could be taught runes.

Angus replied he could but it may be difficult to channel the mana. But he would definetly show how to draw them.

Hearing this John asked if he could be taught to use Fire magic.

Hearing this Angus felt no problems since teaching and learning at the same time may make the Class Bender Fire level up faster.

Deciding to start the runes teaching now, Angus Started showing Wells, the Basic one that he used on the earth dome.

Heat, Strong Defense, Life Detector, Air purify, and Glow.

Angus, Demonstrated to Wells how do draw these in a stone Tablet that he made. Unbeknownst to them John was also listening even though he looked to be sleeping (he has his eyes cracked a bit to see the Drawings.

Once Wells has a Glowing rune etched, Angus started the explanation for the mana imbuing process.

Angus: When I imbue mana, I concentrate on a pulse of heat and power in my abdomen, and concentrate for it to be drawn out to his hand touching the rune.

Wells, tried to do so but failed twice.

As Wells was trying again. John Decided to participate and try.

John made the Glowing rune, and immediately was able to get the rune to glow.

Wells seeing this asked for help.

John: explained he did the process that Angus explained but instead of stopping the Mana at his hand, pushed it into the rock itself.

Wells tried this and was successful.

Angus has them try again with the warming and Life detecting Rune, which they were both able to do very easily.

Angus: I plan on making a compressed wall around the wooden Palisade that I have the others working on. When We get back to the shuttle, I will Teach you the runes I want and we will place them on the wall.

John: Why did you have them build a wall then?

Angus: I do not want them, to become dependent on me. I want them to appreciate what I can do. So, I will make them do things the hard way, and if they do it, I will reward them in some fashion, for example runes on weapons houses and tools or just Building something like a wall with magic.

Anyway goodnight, see you tomorrow.

After Angus went to bed, Wells and John kept practicing their runes, until their eyes started closing on their own.

Day 6 on earth

Wells and John woke up to the sound of shifting soil and some one Singing

Angus was bellowing out the following song (Diggy hole)

Brothers of the mine rejoice!

Swing, swing, swing with me

Raise your pick and raise your voice!

Sing, sing, sing with me

Down and down into the deep

Who knows what we'll find beneath?

Diamonds, rubies, gold and more

Hidden in the mountain store

Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone

Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home

Skin made of iron, steel in our bones

To dig and dig makes us free

Come on brothers sing with me!

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole

The sunlight will not reach this low

Deep, deep in the mine

Never seen the blue moon glow

Dwarves won't fly so high

Fill a glass and down some mead!

Stuff your bellies at the feast!

Stumble home and fall asleep

Dreaming in our mountain keep

Born underground, grown inside a rocky womb

The earth is our cradle; the mountain shall become our tomb

Face us on the battlefield; you will meet your doom

We do not fear what lies beneath

We can never dig too deep

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole

Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone

Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home

Skin made of iron, steel in our bones

To dig and dig makes us free

Come on brothers sing with me!

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole.

As Angus, is throwing the Iron into an earthen box. Wells and John start talking.

Wells: he sure has a pair of pipes on him, eh?

John: Sure does, I wonder since he is always singing, is he doing some sort of magic with it?

Wells: Not sure, but just imagine the possibilities.

John: I can't wait to learn more runes, and to use fire magic. What element would you learn.

Wells: I think Earth would be my go-to. Plus, it will help with rune carving when Angus is not available.

John: Why would he not be available?

Wells: he is shaping up to be the leader for us 100. When we move to the new spot that Angus decides on, he probably will have to speak to many ambassadors for trade and to prevent fights.

John: when you say "we" do you plan to come with us, even if the rest of the Ark stays under your father at another location?

Wells: I am still not sure, but I would say yes. I am not saying I would never interact with them, but I like what is being built in this group, and I would hate to see it fall apart.

John: Hmmm. Any way I see a cart open, lets put all of these goodies from those dead humans in there.

For the next little bit all one can see is a cart being filled with iron and the other with weapons clothing and a few miscellaneous objects. One of which is mans holiest creation Alcohol.

Once Angus was done, he had a total of 3 carts filled with iron. The carts were 6ftx12ftx6ft.

Angus: Alright each of you get on a cart and I will move us to the next deposit with my magic.

John: Why did you not do that originally?

Angus: I was not able to concentrate on both sensing the Iron and moving the carts. But now I know where they are I can now make us travel faster.

It took the next 6 hours to get to the mine entrance. Once there the group had gathered a train of 52 carts plus the one for the pilfered supplies.

30 Iron, 15 Coal and 7 Copper.

Wells: Wow, you will be very busy making things. I would suggest you take a few people under your wing and teach them, what needs to be done.

Angus: I will be sure to do that, I will train people to use a blast furnace first and once I have enough metal, I will then teach blacksmithing. Can you guys round up volunteers for those positions, 4 for each. Also gather 3 more people to learn runes. 

Once this was decided Angus, climbed out of the Mine and started bending the Carts out

The group then went to the Shuttle, but paused momentarily in shock at the Beauty of the wall.

John: Did you, make the plans for this? It is a lot better than I was expecting!

Angus: No, I did not plan this at all, we should find the one responsible and put him in charge of future projects.

The Group went to enter but a shout from above came.

Amir (#22): Halt, what is your name!

John: Amir you bleedin bastard, it is us, John, Wells and Angus. We brought Iron and other goodies!

Amir(#22) smirking: I can see that, lots of Suprises have happened I hope you are ready Angus.

He then ordered someone to open the gate and beckoned them in.

Once inside the Group saw that not only was the wall complete, but here were small viking style dugouts being made, along with towers lining the Wall.

Angus whispered to john: I am now feeling a bit bad that I will be covering the beautiful wall in stone.

John just laughed.

AN: Please be aware that since this is 18+ and Harem, there will be smut in future Chapters

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