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53.33% Of Code and Ramen (Code Geass SI) / Chapter 8: Contracts

Chapitre 8: Contracts

Chapter 08: Contracts


2nd April 2009, Pendragon, Britannia Imperial Palace,

I find myself standing in the grand hall of Pendragon, the Britannia Imperial Palace. The proclamation reverberates through the hall: "Sir Benedict af Britannia, 5th in line to the throne of the Holy Empire of Britannia and the Knight of Four, requests an audience." A distinct frown crosses my face, mirroring the complex emotions swirling within me.

I approach my father with measured steps, my demeanor revealing my reaction to the news of Auntie Mari's assassination. "All hail, Your Majesty," I intone with the appropriate reverence, maintaining unwavering posture as I kneel before him. "I have returned from my operation in the E.U.," I report, ensuring my voice conveys the success of my mission.

Charles' deep voice resonates through the hall as he inquires, "It was a success, I presume?" His piercing gaze bores into me.

I nod respectfully. "It was, indeed, Your Majesty," I reply, maintaining an air of composure despite the turmoil within.

His next question hangs heavy in the air. "Then tell me, what is it that you desire?" The weight of his inquiry demands a thoughtful response.

I take a deep breath before answering. "I wish to pursue those responsible for the assassination of Lady Marianne vi Britannia," I declare boldly, a ripple of surprise coursing through the nobles in attendance. My statement is met with murmurs and gasps of astonishment... and mockery.

Charles wastes no time in issuing a stern response. "I refuse!" His refusal is swift and unyielding, casting a shadow over my request.

I persist, carefully choosing my words. "But, Your Majesty, I have reason to believe that these culprits may be connected to the same organization that has been targeting me for the past six months," I explain, delicately alluding to the involvement of the Geass Order without revealing too much.

The Emperor's demeanor shifts subtly, revealing a glimmer of interest. "What can you tell me about them?" he inquires, his curiosity piqued.

"They were... children," I begin cautiously, aware of the need to conceal certain truths. "Their behavior was unusual, but they, unmistakably, were children," I add, refraining from divulging the full extent of my knowledge about Geass.

The Emperor contemplates my words, his annoyance evident. "I see," he acknowledges, and I sense he is considering the potential involvement of his older brother, V.V. "However, my decision remains unchanged. I cannot permit you to pursue these assassins," he declares firmly, a clear indication that he prioritizes my safety by discouraging any confrontation with the Geass Order.

"In that case, may I request a vacation, Your Majesty?" I venture to test my luck.

His response is immediate and unyielding. "No."

I persist with determination. "A week! Just a week is enough, Your Majesty!" I assert, standing up and raising a finger in a gesture of supplication.

The guards positioned beside the throne move to intervene, attempting to halt my approach. However, the Emperor halts their efforts, signaling his intention to handle the matter personally.

His gaze bears down on me with unwavering intensity as he speaks, his tone stern yet tinged with a hint of amusement. "No means no, my stubborn and headstrong child," he chides, locking eyes with me. "You will adhere to my orders, won't you, Lord Benedict?" A sly smirk plays on his lips as he refers to me by my Knight of Four title, bypassing my royal standing. It seems he has a knack for using my title to his advantage.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I respond through clenched teeth, concealing my disappointment beneath a veneer of compliance. It seems that my dreams of enjoying ramen in Japan will have to be put on hold once again. I briefly entertain the thought of sneaking away to indulge myself, but the Emperor's next words quash that flicker of hope.

"And I forbid you from going to Japan," he declares. Wait, even someone like my father can read my mind now? It's disconcerting to realize just how transparent I must be in his eyes.


Concerned for my well-being, Nonette, my cherished friend and confidant, takes a seat beside me, offering comfort in her presence. I can't help but wonder if, in her eyes, I appear vulnerable at this moment.

Summoning a fragile smile, I respond, "I'm fine, somewhat, N." I appreciate her genuine concern. "I'm just tired. I had an audience with the Emperor as soon as the train reached the station, after all."

Her caring response warms my heart. "Don't be so hard on yourself, okay?" Nonette's words are a soothing balm, a reminder that I'm not alone in facing life's challenges.

As the weight of someone's watchful gaze presses upon me, I make the decision to retreat for the moment. "I... will go back and rest first," I inform Nonette, silently apologizing for my sudden departure. "See you tomorrow?"

With a gentle hug, Nonette bids me farewell, and in this moment, I can't help but appreciate the profound comfort of a true friend who genuinely cares about my well-being.


2nd April 2009, 9:45 P.M., Gemini Imperial Villa,

"Welcome," I greet the unexpected visitor who's somehow managed to find her way into my bedroom. Her piercing golden eyes and the flowing cascade of her green hair give her an almost ethereal appearance.

"You seem oddly joyful, unlike when you were receiving comfort from that girl," she observes, calmly taking a seat in my chair as if she owns it.

"My, are you perhaps jealous, Miss C.C?" I can't resist throwing in a playful jab, even though her presence can be quite disconcerting.

"Of course not," a sly smirk tugs at the corners of C.C's lips. "You think I'd get jealous of a young girl?"

"Well, I'll take your word for it, Granny," I retort, earning a noticeable twitch from her forehead.

"Pizza?" I reveal a box of pizza from the bag, hoping to shift the conversation.

"Yes," unsurprisingly, she doesn't decline. "When did you get this?"

"I made it this evening," I reply as I place the pizza on the table.

"You can cook?" Her genuine surprise stings a little, and a touch of annoyance creeps in.

"Of course," I respond with a touch of pride, trying to shake off the unexpected embarrassment.

"Then why did you blow up the kitchen at Aries Villa?" C.C's words hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I was trying to make ramen," my voice trails off, and I suddenly feel as small as a mosquito in her presence.

"You can cook, yet you can't make ramen," C.C looks at me with an arched eyebrow, as if I've committed a culinary sin.

"Just noodle related dishes," I mutter defensively. Noodle-related dishes have never been my strong suit. Hell, I can't even prepare cup noodles without a disaster.

"I don't think you should be proud of that," C.C's words cut right to my core, exposing my culinary incompetence.

"I'm not proud of that! Wait... you can make ramen, right?" I pin my hopes on her culinary skills, desperation seeping through.


"Make me ramen!"

"I don't want to."

"Just instant ramen is enough. Please! Nobody in the villa lets me eat it!" I confess, my "Ramen Addict" flaw threatening to overwhelm me.

"I'm not your maid."

"I'll give you money to buy pizza as much as you want for a month," I resort to bribery, and against my better judgment, it works.

"Where is the kitchen?" I guide her, and she exits the room with a single-minded determination. It's evident she really loves pizza.


Five minutes later,

"This... this is la men!" I gaze at a humble bowl of instant ramen in front of me as if it were a precious treasure.

"Don't be so overdramatic. This is just instant ramen," C.C sighs while nonchalantly munching on pizza.

"But... this is the first time in my life I've eaten it! Real ramen!" I shakily grab a spoon and dip it into the broth, putting it into my mouth, and... AH~

"You're making a disgustingly happy face," C.C's voice sounds strange, but I couldn't care less right now. I'm falling head over heels in love with ramen.

Ramen is undoubtedly the most divine culinary invention ever crafted by the Japanese! Screw Soba! Screw Udon! Ramen shall forever reign supreme!


"So, let's address the elephant in the room," I say as I casually dab my mouth with a napkin, savoring the lingering taste of the delicious ramen. "What brings you here?"

C.C. reclines in her chair, her golden eyes sharp, exuding an air of nonchalance. "It was more at Marianne's request," she replies, casually licking her fingers. "I'm here to propose a contract."

Auntie Mari's request? Did she want C.C. to grant me a Geass? Does she trust me that much?

"A contract?" I feign ignorance, though I'm acutely aware of the weight of her words.

"I will grant you power, but in return I want you to grant one of my wishes. If you agree to the contract, you will live as a human but differ from other humans. A different destiny, a different time, a different life… The Power of Kings will isolate you," A Geass symbol materializes on her forehead, a stark reminder that she's not here to play games.

"I understand," I sigh wearily. "But, C.C., I'm afraid I must decline your offer." A somber smile graces my lips, though I avoid her gaze, unable to discern her reaction.

"I see," C.C. nods. "Care to share your reasons?" Her curiosity is unusual, for C.C. rarely concerns herself with the motives behind a refusal of the Geass. Perhaps she's inquiring on Auntie Mari's behalf.

"As you mentioned, Geass represents the Power of Kings," I begin. "But alas, I have no interest in ruling," I heave out a tired sigh. Why do you think I chose to join the Knights of the Round? Or why I attended the military academy in the first place?

"I don't believe I possess the qualities required to govern a nation," I continue. "I aim to become the Knight of One, serving from the sidelines to assist my father's successor, should they desire my support."

"And if they don't?" she inquires.

"In that case, I'll stage my own death and embark on a journey around the world," I confess with a hint of humor. "Since my father seems unwilling to grant me a proper vacation during his lifetime, I might as well take one after he passes." A chuckle escapes me.

"I'm surprised you don't fear him," C.C. raises an eyebrow.

"I do, to some extent," I admit. "He is selfish, self-centered, a slave driver, a petty man, someone who likes to be in control, and the personification of every word related to 'bastard.'" I laugh because it's the only way to cope.

"You're remarkably brave," she remarks.

"Perhaps," I concede. "But even so, you know?" I take a deep breath. "I love him." I reveal the complicated truth about my feelings for my father.

I've harbored hatred for him since I was a child—or even before my birth. Yet, as I grew accustomed to his vexing demeanor, I began to see that he's marginally better than the nobles I'm forced to interact with. After all, malevolence can stem from good intentions. Perhaps it's only directed toward him, but he had noble motives. Unfortunately, he was also quite mad to believe his idea was sound.

The expression on C.C.'s face must be a rare sight. She's likely astonished to hear an Emperor's child confess love for his father. It's an unconventional sentiment, I acknowledge.

"Miss C.C., there's something else I must ask," I say, my tone turning serious.

"What is it?" C.C. returns to her usual emotionless demeanor.

"Can your kind survive in space?" I ask abruptly.

"What?" C.C. responds, perplexed.

"I have reason to believe that the individual who killed Auntie Mari might be similar to you," I explain, "Especially since my father forbade me from pursuing them. Moreover, I've been targeted by assassins with some sort of magical nonsense." I add, "So, I suspect this person shares traits with you."

I lean closer to her, our noses nearly touching. Gazing into her eyes, I ask, "Can your kind survive in space?" My voice carries an undercurrent of fury, driven by anger over Auntie Mari's death or Nunna's condition, I cannot discern.

"I cannot say, as I've never been into space before," C.C. replies without flinching.

"I see," I return to my seat, nodding. "C.C., let me propose an alternative contract."

"What is it?"

"I want you to deliver birthday presents to Lelouch and Nunnally on their special days," I state my condition. "In exchange, I'll cover all your expenses for pizza. Just send me the bill." I know that's hell I'm walking into, but I want my brother and sister to be happy on their birthdays. My hands are tied, as Father continually watches over me, preventing overt support.

"Every year?" she inquires.

"Yes, every year," I affirm with a nod.

"You know what? I'll accept this contract," C.C. surprises me by agreeing, evidently enticed by the offer of unlimited pizza.

"Thank you," I express my gratitude, a warm smile gracing my face. "Thank you very much, C.C.," I add.

"Heh," C.C. snorts. "You can make that face too, huh?" She stands up and heads towards the door.

"C.C.?" I call out as she nears the exit.


"Have you found a place where you belong yet?"

"You!" Her response carries a hint of annoyance.

"Just as birds need a place to belong, fish need one too," I continue, undeterred by her irritation. "So, C.C., what's your answer?"

"Not yet," she replies, her gaze skeptical.

"Please remember, you can always join me when I embark on my journey around the world," I offer, though I can't be sure I'll survive until Ragnarök.

"I'll take you up on that offer when that time comes," she says before leaving without another word.


A few minutes earlier, Leo Imperial Villa,

[But even so, you know?]

[I love him.]

Charles' body trembles ever so slightly upon hearing that sentence. Only those with keen observation skills would detect it. He had bugged Benedict's bedroom, fearing his brother might make a move, but he overhears something he never anticipated.

"Your Majesty," Bismarck calls out to his lord, his voice tinged with concern.

"Bismarck... I'm beginning to think I should put that insolent brat under house arrest for disrespecting me," Charles mutters, his face contorted with an odd expression. "Perhaps one year should suffice, don't you think?"


Author's Note;

And that's a wrap! It was quite something indeed. I had to rewrite the chapter because I was unsatisfied with it.

In that version, Ben was supposed to meet up with Charles to discuss the Geass Order and Charles telling him about Ragnarök. But I decided against it.

So, what do you know? Ben loves Charles in his own twisted way. Who would have thought, right?

Yes, after Ragnarök, Ben wants to travel around the world instead of living the life of royalty. I blame Charles for not giving Ben any vacations.

Zimrence Zimrence

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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