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87.3% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 53: A Vampire And A Wendigo Part 4 (18+)

Chapitre 53: A Vampire And A Wendigo Part 4 (18+)

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: Hellsing Manor, Eve's Room, Time: After she went back)


At the moment I was inside what had become the bedroom of me and the girls, it is mostly bare of decorations as we don't really have much to decorate the room with. Though, it does have two main changes in it compared to the rest of the rooms in Hellsing Manor.

The first being the bed in the room, originally it was a Queen-size, but that wouldn't have been big enough for all of us, especially since Seras joined us, so I replaced it with an Alaskan King-size bed. The bed itself had red blankets on it with a pattern of black roses on it, I can't help it that I like to have most things I own as black or red, they just look better that way to me.

And the second change in the room is some weights that I brought with us to train my increase of strength. It turns out that with my current base strength I can lift up to 1,355 lbs (614.6 kg), so I guess it's safe to say that I technically have super strength.

But, I don't think it's that impressive, especially since if I recall the most a human ever lifted was something around 6,000 lbs (2,721.5 kg), so I still have a ways to go to surpass what a human can do at my base level, without using my quirks.

Anyways, at the moment Mei isn't here, she's most likely in that room she made her lab away from home. After all, you can't stop that girl from wanting to invent, especially after she saw what I did to that mountain, she wanted to find a way to make training more effective for her and the others.

I existed our room and went to Mei's makeshift lab, I say 'makeshift' but she made that room a genuine fucking lab. Though, it probably helped that I brought a lot of extra equipment and tools with us, since I knew my pink haired girlfriend wouldn't be able to not invent for longer than a day or two.

Turning down the hall I saw the black gear sign attached to a door, that was our way of letting other Hellsing members know that if they go into that room, they'll most likely get hit by one of the explosions of Mei's gadgets that she occasionally test out.

Walking to the door I knocked on it to signal to Mei that I'm back to help her with her newest project. It wasn't long till I heard her say to come in, though the second I opened the door I quickly 'turned off' the view of my Sponsors, as I don't want them to see her like this.


(POV change to 3rd Person)


What Eve saw when she walked into the room was her girlfriend wearing only her goggles, a gray tank top, and black panties. Mei was covered in some oil, and was tightening a bolt on a device at the moment.

"Love, why aren't you wearing pants in the lab, again?" Eve asked as she walked towards her pink haired love. This wasn't the first time Mei didn't wear pants while inventing, it started around the time that she became a part of The Tarnished Court. Since then whenever Mei was making something in the base, Eve would find her without any pants on.

"Why not?" The pinkette said as she continued to work on the device, which began to spark and smoke. Eve quickly grabbed it and threw it to the side, containing it inside a ball of blood to reduce the explosion that came soon after.

"Looks like another stepping stone towards the finished product." Eve said as she dissolved the blood, and grabbed the now blown up device.

"Ya'know every time you aren't here with me in the lab there's always an explosion, I wonder why?" Mei questioned as the tilted her head to the side. Since Eve had been helping Mei with inventing the majority of her life, she was always there to help Mei, and avoid any explosions in the lab.

"That's because once you start getting into the zone all my safety advice goes out the window." No matter how many times Eve tried to tell Mei how to take precautions to avoid something blowing up, and once the girl started really getting into creating everything she was told was instantly forgotten.

"I can't help it that your advice is so easy to forget, you always tell it to me in such a boring way!" She said while pouting and crossing her arms under her chest. Every time Eve did give her safety tips she tended to be in her business mode, so it's understandable that Mei would find her talking in that tone to be boring.

"Well, it's obvious that my words alone won't be enough to get you to stay safe in the lab. So, how about I give you a little incentive?~" Eve had to admit that the sight of her girlfriend in barely anything and sweaty from working through the day was a bit of a turn on.

"Uh, what type of incentive?" A light blush began to grow on the face of the pinkette from Eve's tone. Her blush only grew as Eve's lips inched ever closer to hers.

Her blush darkened when her demigod of a girlfriend's honey sweet lips met hers. Eve's arms wrapped around her waist puling Mei flush against her. As Eve kissed her both of them began to find it hard to keep their thoughts straight. Mei couldn't help but begin to feel aroused as Eve slipped her tongue into the pinkette's mouth. Soon though, Eve freed her girlfriend from the kiss with a chuckle.

"Let's go have some fun in our room, mi amor~" Eve said as she used Fast Travel to take them both back to the bedroom that she was in prior.

"B-but I need to keep working on my project!" She tried to get out of Eve's grasp so she could get back to her work.

Though, it was a fruitless endeavor as Eve pinned her to the bed in an instant, her sweet kisses finding their way to her neck. The physical affection of her love caused a shiver to go up her spine, her body soon succumbing to the feeling.

"There we go~ You deserve a break love~ So I'll be taking care of you, mi tesoro~" Since they got here Mei has been spending most of her days inventing or training, only resting to eat or to sleep for three or four hours. Eve didn't want her to burn herself out, so this was her way of helping her release some stress.

Mei let out soft moans of pleasure as Eve trailed kisses to her chest. With little effort she ripped her shirt open immediately attacking her breast. Eve took one of her girlfriend's nipples into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the bud. Mei's back arched as one of Eve's hands fondled the other. She continued her assault on Mei's chest while her other hand worked to remove Mei's panties. After a few more minutes her lips started to trail lower, leaving hickey's and warm kisses in her wake. However, she stopped as she eyed Mei's wet and most sensitive area. 

Mei's blush darkened further as she saw Eve lick her lips. The demigod didn't waste any more time and thrusts her tongue into her girlfriend. Eve couldn't help but moan a bit at the sweet taste of her girlfriend enveloping her tongue. One of Mei's hands went down to Eve's hair, gripping it from the warm and pleasurable feeling that Eve's tongue gave her. She tried to wrap her legs around Eve, but the Wendigo girl made two Bee's that looked like arms to fuse with her body, and kept Mei's legs apart.

Mei whimpered and tried to push against Eve's extra set of arms, but that only resulted in a swift slap to her ass. Eve's new hands gripped Mei's thighs tightly as she continued to eat her pink haired girlfriend out. Moans were leaving Mei's mouth constantly, the eager movements of Eve's tongue increasing her pleasure.

"P-please~" Mei whimpered feeling a somewhat familiar knot forming in her abdomen.

Eve looked her directly in the eyes, before continuing on with a passion. Mei turned away in embarrassment, but Eve's eyes were still on her, loving the cute expressions that she made. She closed her eyes in bliss, when she felt two of Eve's fingers slip between her folds. Mei bucked her hips against Eve's mouth and fingers, desperately trying to reach her high. The chaotic girl of course noticed, and sped up her efforts, wanting to make her girlfriend feel good. Mei bit her lip just as the knot broke, Eve was quick to lick up her fluids, loving how it tasted.

"So sweet~ Almost like honey~" Eve giggled, allowing her girlfriend to curl up on the bed out of fatigue. A small whine came from Mei as she snuggled into the blankets. Her eyes began to close, which Eve noticed as she placed a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead, and laid next to her on the bed.

"Sleep well, my love~" The demigod said as she wrapped her arms around her love, pulling the pinkette onto her chest, letting her fall asleep to the sound of her heart.

Though, after a couple of minutes, after Mei finally fell into the land of dreams, Eve soon followed suit, finding relaxation in the feeling of one of her loves being in her arms after she ate her out.


(POV & Scene change to Seras in Ireland)


It had been a bit over an hour since master went back to the manor to help one of her lovers with a project that they've been working on. I think it had something to do with condensed elements, whatever that meant.

So, I've been stuck with the perverted Vampire since then, and although he hasn't tried anything, I swear I can feel him staring at my tits every now and again. I wonder if I told master would she tear his legs off his body, or something, for me?

Actually, she might not, after all, even though I can tell she knows that I've been sneaking into her room, she hasn't tried to make a move on me. I just wanted her to look at me like she does her two girlfriends. But, maybe that's too much to ask for, so, for now, I'll be happy to serve my master however she sees fit.

"Hey, Seras! Seras! This is awesome! You should totally join in. Seriously, there's like, forty zombies in here. Just one shot to the head and they explode!" These words from Alucard were followed by the sound of another head being shot to bits. "It's like House of the Dead, only like, a hundred times more awesome!"

Alucard was currently trying to get me to join him in shooting Ghouls inside the church. We had been sent here by Integra to rid this place of every Ghoul and the Vampire that resides here. Though, at the moment I was outside, hoping that master would come back already, I miss her.

But, I was beginning to get a bit bored, so I busted through the door and aimed my gun, I might as well get some work done while I wait. "Ah, fine! I'll shoot some of the rotten bastards. Can't be that much fun." I said as pulled the trigger on my rifle, instantly blowing the head off of one of the Ghouls.

"Oh fuck the hell, yes." I said as I began to run and shoot the heads of every Ghoul in my sight, my eyes turning a blood red similar to masters. Eventually my gun was out of ammo, but instead of reloading it and waisting time, I settled for punching the last Ghoul to the ground before I crushed it's skull under my boot.

"Sweet Black-fucking-Sabbath... If Red wasn't your master, and I wasn't holding out for that beast of a woman, Integra, I'd fuck the red right out of those eyes." Alucard said as he saw me covered in the Ghouls blood.

But, I didn't hear him, instead I was looking at the blood on my hands. It made me reminisce on the taste and smell of master's blood, how sweet and warm it was as it went down my throat. Ah~ I want to taste her again so badly! I want us to feast on each other under the moonslight! I want her to absolutely ravage me!

I was going to taste some of the blood that covered my gloves to hold me off until I saw master again, but I suddenly heard the sound of something sharp flying through the air, followed by it suddenly stopping and metal hitting the ground.

"You know, Anderson, it's not polite to attack my Draculina out of nowhere. Especially since you are just filling this room with the stench of hypocrisy!" I suddenly heard master say in a condescending tone behind me, wait.... When did master get here!?

"Hey, Red, look, no little Timmy glued to his crotch. Progress!" Alucard said next to master.

"Ah, and look at what we have here: two bloody heahtens, and an albino beast!" The odd blonde man, apparently named Anderson, said to the three of us.

"Excuse me! But I'm a fuck mothering Vampire! I killed a lot of people to get this title! I deserve to be called such." Alucard said, seemingly annoyed at not being called a Vampire.

"You really need to work on your insults Anderson, you could have called me Baphomet incarnate or some shit. I have destroyed a fuck ton of souls, so you should come up with something better than that pathetic bull." Master said, seeming more bothered by a lack of creativity than the actualy insult.

"Well then, mind if I ask you your names? Especially the girl who stopped my blades, and apparently knows mine already." Huh? What does he mean by 'blades'? Looking at the ground I saw several bayonet's on the ground that looked to be aimed at my direction.

Did master save me when she got here? I mean, I would have been able to regenerate with enough time, but the fact she didn't want me to get hurt warms my heart.

"Well, Alexander Anderson, you can call me, Red, for the time being. The girl behind my is ,Seras Victoria, and beside me is Hellsing's living weapon, Alucard. Also before you compare me to a demon, I am not a demon, I'm, technically, a Wendigo!" Hm? Now that I think of it, until now master didn't really say what she was. So, I guess this means my master is a malevolent spirit that can destroy most things like its nothing. Cool!

(POV change to Eve's)

Before I got here I did 'turn back on' the view of my Sponsors, as the 'show' was starting again. Though, you're probably curious how I got, even though haven't been to this church before today.

Well, since the accessories I gave to my group are Bee's that are still connected to me, I can go to wherever those accessories go, I can even sense when the wearer is in danger. So when I sensed from Seras's accessory, a rose necklace, that she was in danger, I instantly woke up from my slumber and teleported to her location.

Do you think I would just let her get pierced again bye an absolute fuck ton of bayonet's again? Hell to the no! I am her master, and she is mine! So I won't let anyone hurt her!

"Well, you have been chosen to reveal my existence to the world! You will witness what happens here today, and you will tell of it later. Except you won't... 'cause I'll have killed ya!" Anderson proceeded to laugh hysterically at is own words, like he just told an inside joke.

"Oh my! Brilliant speech. And unoriginal. Red, what did he steal it from?" Eh? Why does he want me to say it? Fuck it, I'll just finish the line.

"That's totally from Boondock Saints, man watches that shit religously!" I wonder why he denied it so much till he was literally about to die? Maybe because of the quotes that he could use from it and claim them as his own?

"What? No it isn't. I came up with it a week ago!" Though, does he just assume nobody else has watched Boondock Saints? Surely someone has called him out on this before, right?

"Whatever. We're here for the Vampire. Well, two of us are, I don't why Red is here, other than wanting to protect Seras." Killed it like the fucking Romans, Al! Honestly, if it weren't for Seras about to get stabbed, I would have just stayed in bed the rest of the day.

"The only one left here is your sorry pale arse, and the blonde one" Dude, just say Seras, for fucks sake, or come up with a witty insult for her too!

"So, what do you want anyways? The nearest elementary school is at least ten kilometers away, or are here to look for a run away little Timmy? What, did he finally get sick of you constantly giving him your holy rod?" I fucking had to say it, he literally refered to Seras as 'the blonde one'!

"It is your corrup acclaim! It is your evil that will be sought by me with every breath!" Anderson said as he walked towards us.

"Boondock Saints! Red's right you do watch that movie religiously." Alucard chuckled a bit as he said that, looks like he finally noticed that joke.

"Okay, you know what? Fuck it. Knife." Anderson said to Alucard, as I stepped to side a bit, wouldn't want to get in their way.

"Knife?" Al asked before he was promptly stabbed on both sides of his collar bone with two bayonet's. This was followed up by him sayng 'Boom' and shooting Anderson right between the eyes.

"Headshot. Well, now that that's over, how about we go back to my place for a bowl of my favorite cereal, Count Choc-" He was able to finish his words as his head was sliced right off his neck. And I swear I heard the Jack Black sound effect of 'DECAPITATION!' come from somewhere.

"And, down goes Al." I said as I picked up his head off the ground, wouldn't want him to get pissy about being face first to the floor.

"Well, now that that's over, how about we go back to my place for a bowl of my favorite ceral, Frankenber- Son of a Protestant whore!" Instead of Seras needing to flee from Anderson, I ended up binding him in chains of blood, and made him fall to the ground face first.

"Next time, finish the job before you start planning your next meal, Anderson. Now that that's over, let's wait for Integra to get here, then we can go back to the manor and I can have some of my favorite cereal, Boo Berry." That wasn't even an actual joke, I genuinely like Boo Berry. Though it is kind of funny that Wendigo, a malevolent spirit, likes a ghost themed cereal.

"Wait... You could have stopped me before I killed Alucard, but you didn't! You are one merciless beast!" Anderson said as he rolled to his side and looked at me.

"You only chopped off his head, that's step one. You forgot about two through ten." I said as Alucard began to regenerate already, since he didn't need to pretend that he was dead for dramatic effect.

"You done goofed." Al said after he fully regenerated his arm, and went to go grab his hat.

"How the blood-soaked Protestant hell did you do that?!" Anderson practically yelled as Al appeared like nothing happened.

"Fuck you, that's how." After Al said that I loosened up the bindings that kept Anderson in place a bit, as I don't want him to stick around that long.

"You know what? I've had enough of this. To hell with all you dirty heathens!" Anderson opened some bible looking book and disappeared in swirl of verse pages. This was also the exact moment that Integra and two bodyguards arrived at the scene.

"Eat me! Don't forget to write!" Al you and me both know that you only write death threats to the Pope, hell you even made me deliver one with a cooked turkey with the word 'FEAR' burned onto it.

"What in the bloody hell? Was that just Alexander Anderson, fleeing from you three?!" Integra, did you seriously think that one religious regenerating blonde could actually defeat us? Because if so, I might just give another demonstration on what I can do. Maybe I'll do it to the Vatican?

"I think you have bigger things to worry about. 'Cause whoever's behind these Vampire attacks, has to be a large organized group." I said to Integra while I grabbed the bayonet's that Anderson left, I wonder if I can used these blessed blades for anything?

"What like the Nazi's?" Alucard said while watching put the last of the bayonet's in Inventory.

"That would be retarded." Oh, I am so going to have fun rubbing the fact that it is Nazi's with Al later.

Now I wonder, should I eat the souls of anyone from their group? I mean, I know I'll most likely kill Schrödinger, but should I eat his soul? Eh, I'll figure that shit out when I meet them later on. 

I wonder if I'm forgetting anything?....

Oh shit! Right! I got to get back to Mei! She'll probably wake up soon, I need to be there when she does, or she might think that I didn't really care about what we did! I grabbed Seras, Alucard, and Integra and teleported back to manor, leaving the bodyguards to have to take the long way back.

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