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77.04% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 45: A King's First War Part 2

Chapitre 45: A King's First War Part 2

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: Humarise Main Base, Time: Beginning of 'The Show', POV: 3rd Person)


It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming.... On days like these, cultist like Humarise... should be burning in hell!

On the screens it showed Maki, Spinner, and Lady Nagant on top of a platform made of blood miles above the ocean near the Humarise Base. At every other base that Humarise had were other members of The Tarnished Court, and Eve's Bee's. They were about to lay siege to the 'kingdom' that Flect Turn had built.

The only thing that they needed to start the attack, was to activate Spinner's Conduit Gene. Thankfully Eve's Bee's could use almost every quirk that Eve had, with the exception of Aphrodite's Blessing.

Maki turned to Spinner on the platform, but before she activated his latent gene, she looked towards the 'camera', which was really another Bee recording everything through her eyes, and addressed the audience as Eve ordered her to do during the recording of the events.

"It's funny, Humarise aims to eradicate everyone that has a quirk, because they think they are cleansing the world of an infection. But really, even a quirkless person has a chance to have a power stronger than a quirk, so in actuality they can't completely eliminate meta-abilities from the world."

Those that were watching the broadcast were curious and shocked. How could something be stronger than a quirk, and how could someone born quirkless even have such a power. Even a certain organization leader was curious about what Maki was talking about.

"Allow me to give you a demonstration. You see, Spinner, he can also gain this power, even though he has a quirk already, so he will become the first official quirk user, and Conduit that I have made." Everyone that was watching were even more curious, especially as to why Maki called someone a Conduit, which many knew as a term from Infamous, a recently popular series.

"Are you ready, Spinner?" Maki turned back to him as she asked this question. "Yes, Boss." He said with certainty, as Eve, had already demonstrated to be far from ordinary in every sense when he first met her, so he knew that if anyone could make the impossible possible, it would be her.

She raised her hands, and placed them on top of his head. At first nothing happened, and everyone thought that this might just be a prank, that was until the pulses of red electricity flowed into Spinner's brain.

As the electricity entered his mind, and traveled through his body, it soon started to take effect by making water slowly start to encapsulate his purple hair, giving it a blue glow. This baffled those that watched the broadcast, and it shocked Lady Nagant, who was watching it for the first time right in front of her.

The water began to make itself bigger, and split off in a way that was reminiscent of vines, or whips. Each whip like stream of water tried to hit Maki, and the platform they were all standing on, but no matter how long, or how hard they hit it seemed to do no damage whatsoever.

This continued until the process was over, Maki slowly stopped releasing the pulses of electricity, and the water that covered Spinner's hair began to sink back into his body.

The world's first official Conduit, that wasn't Eve, has been created, and it was one of the people that many would have easily overlooked beforehand. Everyone who watched the process were shocked beyond belief, as they actually saw a person with a quirk gain a new power all together.

"Congratulations Spinner, you are officially the first Conduit I have ever made! Now let's show the world just how powerful we Conduits can be. Nagant, make sure that if you see anyone other than us leave the area, you subdue them, or eliminate them immediately." This was why Lady Nagant was brought to the main base with them, as Eve knew that once they started the attack anyone that was too close to them would be killed instantly.

"I understand, Red." Nagant was already getting into position on the platform to shoot anyone if needed. "Gladly, Boss!" Spinner was excited to test out his new abilities, especially since they were over a large body of water, that he was just itching to absorb some of it to fuel his new power.

"Good, now let's get this show started!" Maki jumped off the blood platform, and through a combination of Static Thrusters to steer herself, and kicking the air to push herself forward with Prime Conduit's electricity covered feet, she was already closing in on the base of Humarise.

As Maki made her move, so too did the rest of the people/Bee's participating in the siege. The footage split off, showing the attack starting on every single base that Humarise had. And, that's when Spinner decided to jump off the blood platform, to the ocean below.

Many in the audience were baffled at how large The Tarnished Court was, to attack all of Humarise all at once, while the rest were shocked that the new Conduit had just jumped off the platform to the water that was miles below without worrying about his safety. What they didn't know was that Spinner felt it in his bones, that even if he fell from that height, as long as he fell into the water he would be better than fine.

Then, the first attack occurred, by Maki smashing into the base's building with a Thunder Drop, creating a massive hole in the building killing a few hundred members of Humarise, and this was when they finally noticed their presence. Before that Technopathy was being used to keep them from picking them up on any sensors.

Those that were nearby, and quirkless, started to shoot at Maki, but every bullet stopped before it could make contact with her, because of an electromagnetic barrier that she put around herself. All while Spinner finally plunged into the sea, and the world got to see just how powerful a Conduit can be when they go all out.

From the water a massive figure started to form that overshadowed the base, and frightened those that saw it, it was Spinner using the water to create a giant in his image to attack the base in a tsunami of destruction.

As he moved towards the base, Maki quickly ran into the base to kill those that were on the list of soul collection, and to kill Flect Turn.

She continued to use Prime Conduit to run through the base, and to occasionally decapitate a cultist on her way. Because of her speed it was long until she found her first target, Sidero, who was accompanied by Beros at his side, both of whom were running to where Maki made impact earlier to see who dared to attack Humarise in their own base.

Maki purposefully slowed down, as she wanted to see him use his quirk before she killed him, stored his soul, and body into Inventory for Eve to consume later on.

"Intruder! Stop now, or face the might of Humarise!" He said as he saw Maki make her way towards them, but she made no moves in stopping her movements.

"The 'might of Humarise' is nothing, but a single grain of sand in a vast desert that expands far beyond this world." She was right, compared to the other worlds that Eve would eventually have to go to, Humarise is just a bump in the road that will barely be remembered when she truly goes all out.

This angered Sidero and Beros, as they were passionate members of the cult, who did not take kindly to someone insulting Humarise. Sidero quickly used his Iron Ball to produce ammo for Beros to shoot at Maki.

As Beros shot the balls at Maki, they began to grow in size, to the point that they eclipsed Maki's body entirely. Both of them thought that she was done for, as she made no move to avoid the projectile, that was until the ball was easily kicked away by Maki.

Turns out a lightning kick, combined with a giant ball made entirely out of iron, makes a weapon of mass destruction. This was evident by the fact that the electrified ball was shot off so fast that it could barely be seen, while it tore through the base as if it was going through water instead of multiple walls.

"Hmm, both of you are extremely weak, but your quirk will be a great addition to my arsenal." Maki said as she looked at Sidero, and licked her lips. She was going to enjoy offering his soul to Eve, as the destructive potential of her having that quirk would be massive.

Everyone that heard Maki's words, and saw her lick her lips, shivered in fear, because they immediately got the idea that Maki was the myth known as All For One, which was far from the truth.

"W-wait! A-are you All For One?!" Beros said, wanting to know if the boogeyman of this world of quirks was truly real.

"Oh? Hahaha! You think I'm that pathetic potato looking waste of space?! No, I'm not him, I'm far more powerful than him. And, unlike him, I don't want to rule this world, I want to change it, even if people see it as an act of villainy!" Everyone who heard her words were beyond shocked, because this woman just claimed to be more powerful than the Symbol of Evil himself.

The ones that were the most shocked were two important figures of this world, the blonde muscle head, because he can't imagine a worse threat than AFO, and the boogeyman himself, because he's never heard someone so boldly insult him, while claiming to be stronger than him.

"Now, let's finish this, so I can go kill a smurf looking cultist, and later devour the souls of your fellow cultist." Before either of the two could react Maki used Prime Conduit's lightning movement to get directly in front of them, and plunged her hands into their chest, gripping their hearts with her bare hands.

With a wicked smile she crushed their hearts in her hands, both collapsed to the ground from the combination of pain, and lose of their hearts that made their knees as weak as jello. They weren't even able to scream in pain, before Maki stomped on their heads with enough strength to destroy a large boulder.

The entirety of the world witnessed this red haired woman in a suit move so fast that she couldn't be seen, and kill two people in the next second before a single minute passed. This action did disgust/shock many, but for two this struck fear in them, no matter how small it was in one of them, as even they couldn't follow Maki's speed.

Maki kneeled down to the body of Sidero as she grabbed an invisble object above his chest, which was followed by the bodies of Sidero and Beros to disappear as if they were never there. What she grabbed that nobody else could see, was the soul of Sidero that would soon be eaten by Eve to absorb his quirk.

To her the mans soul looked like a yellow orb that gave off the scent of iron. Each soul looked different depending on the person, but just the looks and smell managed to give a bit of information on the person. Sidero in particular was a man who took whatever oppurtunity he could, because he was a cowardily man that didn't think he was strong enough on his own.

She was going to move further into the base to find her next target, but two of them came to her, which she noticed when two bladed arms plunged into her back, and went out through her chest.

"Pfft- Hahahaha! She left herself wide open! What a dumbass!!" One of the Serpenter brothers said as he landed on the ground from their advantage point of the upper wall out of Maki's line of sight.

"I know! The fact those two couldn't kill her shows just how terrible they are in a fight!!" Said the other Serpenter brother as he landed next to his twin.

Those that saw this all had the same thought, 'Was that woman all bark, and no bite?'. That was before they saw her stand back up, while the brothers were laughing at what they assumed was a corpse.

"Now now, don't you two know it's rude to not kneel when you are before a king?" Before the brothers could question how she was alive, their bodies moved without their control and kneeled before her, with their heads facing the ground.

This was the pupeteer ability of Blood Manipulation, and because of their foolishness they were both within her range to use it in the first place. 

Slowly she walked over to them, while she ripped their bladed arms out of her body, and the holes in her torso visibly healed making it seem like they were never even there in the first place.

"You know, I would be mad that you both, quite literally, stabbed me in the back. But, I'm not, as you two have served yourselves right to me, you two were my next targets after all. Your quirks will be a nice addition to mine." Before anyone could even blink, Maki, grabbed a handful of the hair on one of the brothers hair, raised his head, and tore out his throat with her teeth.

Many were beyond disgusted at the sight, but none felt more negatively about this than the other brother who watched this red haired woman chew and swallow the throat of his brother. He tried to scream, to strike, to run at her, anything, but no matter what he tried his body wouldn't listen to his commands, he was at the mercy of Maki now, and there was no getting away from her.

"Ah~ You two may have horrendous personalites, but you taste delicous, I'll make sure to saviour the rest of your bodies later~" Even though her tone dripped with honey, her words were that of bleach to all those that heard them.

The remaining Serpenter brother looked at nothing, all the hope of survival draining from his eyes, as she repeated the same process she did earlier, grabbing something invisible from his brothers chest, and making the corpse disappear into nothingness.

"I would say, 'tell your brother I said hi when you see him' but after I'm done, you two will never reach an after life, or have any hope of reincarnation." She said as she grabbed the remaining brother by his throat.

As she looked into his eyes, all she saw was someone that was already dead, devoid of any hope to live. Without any further words, she made blood gauntlets on her righ hand, and plunged two of the clawed fingers into his skull, causing bits of his brains and blood to come out of it.

The souls of the twins looked just as similar as the twins themselves. Both were blue and gave of the scent of the ocean. The two were extremely loyal to one another, and as long as they were both safe they were happy. But they both longed to see what else this world had to offer, and see what else they could do. Maki didn't hesitate in taking the soul and corpse of the other brother, after all eating both might have an unexpected effect.

"Two more, and then I can exterminate the rest, while still having enough time for lunch." After Maki killed her last two targets, she was going to go all out, and bring a lightning storm to kill off all those that weren't a part of The Tarnished Court.

She resumed to quickly running through the base, heading towards the main area that she knew that her final targets would be at, the main room with a statue of the glowing baby in it.

Maki continued to go at a speed that was far below her top speed, so the audience could still see her, but it would be extremely difficult for anyone to actually stop her. With each cultist she passed, she didn't fail to swiftly kill them, and continue on her way to her destination.

Unlike the other's she wasn't planning on giving them much room to attack, sure she may make some conversation with Flect, but that's all. And, soon she made it to her destination, or rather the doors to her destination, where one of her targets stood in front of.

"Ah! Hello there, Leviathan, I see your being a good dog, and trying to defend your master!" She said as she looked at the tall muscular man with black markings on his face, and arms, and a white substance coming out of his appeandages, it seems he hasn't taken Trigger yet.

The man only responded with an angry grunt, while he pulled out a green syringe filled with Trigger. Maki stood and watched as he injected the syringe into his chest, and started to change before her very eyes. His skin became as white as paper, his markings became mora appearant, his muscles grew, and finally the white substance became red like blood.

"Ooh~ It looks like this dog wants to play! Well, I'm sorry, but I can't stay and play, so I'll just have to put you down." Without any more words she disappeared from her prior position, to behind the hulking man, while holding his head in her left hand.

She only let him inject himeslf with Trigger was because Eve wanted to see if that would effect the state of his soul. She placed the head into Inventory while she looked behind her at the, now, lying corpse on the ground, and the soul that floated above it. 

The soul of Leviathan was white, with bits of green spread through it, and it had the smell of coffee on it. Leviathan was someone that continued to distance himself from others, as he grew up being turned away. But when he finally found a purpose, to serve Flect's cause, he felt like he was actually worth something.

"Such a sad soul, if only we met sooner, I would have given you a better purpose, one where you could live a happy life that didn't require you to serve another. Though, it does seem the Trigger did effect you deeper than you thought, so that's a benefit for me, I suppose." Those watching didn't know where these sudden solemn words came from, or why she was talking about a soul. 

Maki took the rest of his body, as well as his soul, he may have not gotten a chance at a happy life, but he can still help bring a happy life to others. She turned to the two doors that she knew Flect was beyond, once he was dead, the rest will soon follow.

"Flect! Get out here now-" Before she could finish her sentence one of the lasers in the wall tried to shoot at her, but it was easily redirected to the ground with Technopathy.

"How dare you! This is not a place where a diseased should set foot! And, you even killed some of my best men while storming this holy stronghold!" The blue smurf looking man said as he walked out of the shadows.

"You call this place holy, yet it is a place where death is plotted. You call me diseased, yet you are a part of the true disease of this world. Do you really think that you are doing gods work, you fanatical smurf?" Maki's words angered the man as he walked down the stairs towards her.

"It is holy because this is where we plan to save the pure humans! Of course we are doing what god has ordained us to do, purify this world before it is driven to destruction! And, you are diseased just like the rest, what other disease could there possibly be?!" He said as he stepped off the final step of the staircase and onto the ground floor, while activating his arachne support item.

"The true disease is this world itself! We live in a world where society has convinced everyone that if someone has a quirk deemed unfit that they should be labeled as a villain, or thrown to the shadows of the world! After all, you were also effected by it, those around you grew fearful of you, so they astrocized you from society!"

Those that heard her words were shocked, because this world truly has convinced them all that certain quirks belong to those that should be heroes, and those that should be villains. The only one that wasn't shocked was Flect, he instead grew angrier.

"I was left behind because of this curse! Because of it I was never given a caring touch, even those I loved left me, all their feelings were repelled!" He tried to use his support item to quickly move towards her, but it wouldn't follow his commands, as Maki had already taken control of it.

"Your quirk only allows you to reflect anything physical, so emotions are out of the question. They were afraid of your quirk, because someone who could reflect anything that tries to touch, or attack him, in their eyes is a villainous quirk..." She slowly walked towards him, with her eyes darknening, this world really was so terrible that it made parents afraid of their child for something the child couldn't even control, just because they thought something was suited for a villain.

"The Symbol of Evil only aims to rule this shitty world, without really changing it... While the Symbol of Peace aims to keep this world as it is, keeping it in a state where no real progress will be made... We're all taught at a young age that we're supposed to choose one of these sides if we want something in this world, whether it's unlawful, or lawful, but I reject these choices...." With each step she made closer to him, it felt like she was actively walking away from the norm of this world, one step at a time.

"I don't care if others see me as a villain, I will make a future where children won't be judged for something they can't control, where people can actually have a shot at life without having to resort to crime, where the idea of a hero is nothing but a memory.... I WILL BECOME THE SYMBOL OF CHANGE EVEN IF OTHERS SEE IT AS CHAOS!!!" As she said those final words the blood in Flect's body started to stab him from the inside out.

You see, it's the outside of his body that actually does the reflecting, once you use an attack that uses the inside of his body against him, he's done for.

Flect couldn't even fully react as his blood stabbed his insides, as he had never felt any form of physical pain in all his life. All he could do was fall on his knees to the ground looking up at Maki.

"You know, if I had been born a decade or two sooner, and gotten to you all in time. Maybe you all could have been a part of my dream, and found your own happiness." Maki may have been a Bee created by Eve, but each Bee that was made as an extension of her was made to with a personality based on her own.

Each shares her dreams, her memories, and her feelings. They all knew just how painful the world could be, and even though they knew that killing these cultist was necessary, it didn't stop them for feeling some amount of sympathy towards them, esepecially after seeing just how damaged their souls were.

"I-I... Do you think even someone like me could have found happiness in your world?..." Even though Flect hated quirks for what it took from him, he couldn't help but want to know, if this girl could bring actual joy to those that will be in this world that are similar to him.

"Yes, because I would consider all those that share my dream to be my family, and I would go to hell n back to see my family happy and safe." Her words were sincere and honest, because it was the truth, even if she was a Bee, she still cared for her family just like Eve.

"Then... Please make your dream a reality...." He said with a pained smile, all he wanted was for this world to be right, he just got caught up in his hatred for the world so much that he turned on those who didn't deserve it.

"I will, and I'll make sure that in some way you'll be there to see it come true too." After she said this, Flect's breathig started to slow down, until it eventually stopped all together.

From him came out a dark blue soul that smelled like rain. He was truly a sad man, who couldn't see past his emotions to the bigger picture, but he'll be their to see a happier world, no matter how long it takes.

"I'm sorry that I'll have to do this, but I'll be eating your soul now, that way you can be a part of me, and see this world through my eyes." Maki said as she grabbed his soul, Eve had no intentions on having his quirk, but she did want his memories and his intellect. But even if Maki is the one who eats it, it won't change much, it'll still be accessible by Eve all the same.

She brought the soul to her mouth, and devoured it in one bite, it tasted of nothing, but it did bring a feeling of hope, and strength. Maki focused on the memories and mind of Flect as she swallowed the soul, while making sure that his quirk faded from existence all together, that quirk, while useful, would only create problems.

After she swallowed the soul of Flect the footage cut out, and was then followed by the image of an extreme amount of lightning striking over twenty eight places across the world, one of them even showed a giant water Spinner still smashing the base of Humarise.

"As you can see, we may be brutal when it comes to those we see as our enemies, but when we see someone as a fellow person hurt by this world, we make sure to try and help them in some sense. Even if we still need to kill them." The footage went back to the Maki that started the broadcast in the first place, the video of the siege on Humarise had finished.

"Many of you may wish to see me taken down, or to see me imprisoned by a hero, well I don't care if that's what you want. Because I'm trying to make a world where my family can actually be happy, and these 'heroes' that you idolize could never make that world a reality. Even All Might would just turn his back on my ideas, even if they were able to be done in a more peaceful sense."

Across the world the people heard the words of Maki as she spoke to all of them. Some did want to see her imprisoned for her crimes, some wanted to question her on her methods, but others they wanted to join her cause, for they feel the same way as her.

"Now, I leave you all with these final words. I am only growing stronger with each passing moment, and eventually I will break this reality to make my dream become the new reality. I'll be seeing you all later, and this time you'll know what we're doing sooner than two months later." With those words the broadcast stopped, with many of the governments and people that tried to track where the it originated left frustrated at the failure that was tracking them.

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