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Chapter 143: Star-Lord Completely Devoured

"Hehe, got it, Deputy Captain..."

Amidst the laughter of the crew, the spacecraft accelerated instantly, flying towards another ship.

Meanwhile, on Star-Lord's ship, Rocket and Drax finally learned everything from the girl's story.

They understood that Star-Lord's biological father was seeking him for ulterior motives.

"Damn it, I knew that old guy was trouble!"

Rocket cursed angrily.

"Raccoon, let's go, we need to rescue Star-Lord."

Drax's face was also filled with anger, even more impulsive than Rocket.

"But, with just us, we're absolutely no match for Ego."

The girl spoke cautiously, knowing the might of Ego.

In fact, this girl was also a victim, but because of her special abilities, she wasn't killed by Ego and was left behind.

"Indeed, and there's also a massive black hole nearby. With our ship's defense systems and power, we won't even get close before being completely swallowed by that black hole."

Though Rocket also wanted to rescue Star-Lord, he understood the dangers they would face.

"Damn it, if only we had a bigger ship with more power!"

Rocket sighed regretfully. At this moment, attempting to rescue Star-Lord would undoubtedly mean walking into certain death.

"Hey, look, is that ship big enough?"

Just as Rocket was filled with regret, Drax's excited voice suddenly rang out, pointing ahead to a massive ship rapidly approaching them.

"Hehe, listen up, ship ahead. You've been surrounded by the mighty Ravager Legion. Drop your weapons and surrender, or..."

At that moment, a colossal ship blocked their path, its massive energy cannons aimed at their ship, seeming to gather immense energy, ready to unleash.


Shortly afterward, aboard Yondo's ship,

Countless crew members stood beside Yondo,

While below, Rocket and others were brought over by people.

After being plundered by Yondo and his crew, they requested to see their commander.

"Let me introduce you, this is our Deputy Captain."

A somewhat sleazy-looking crew member pointed at Yondo and loudly introduced.

"Hurry up and hand over all your belongings, or you'll become space trash."

"Hand it over! Hand it over!"

Countless crew members raised various weapons, joining in the clamor.

"Everyone, quiet!"

Seeing Yondo raise his hand to silence them, the crew gradually quieted down, waiting for Yondo to speak.

"Why are you here? As far as I know, the nearest intelligent planet is thousands of light-years away."

"And I've heard you have a strong desire to see me? What's the matter?"

After everything quieted down, Yondo glanced at Rocket and the others, then casually asked.

"Hey, blue-skinned guy, where's your captain? I need to speak with your captain. We have a matter of universal importance to tell him."

Drax seemed completely unconcerned about their situation, shouting at Yondo.

"Our captain is busy with many affairs. If there's something, just tell me."

Yondo's expression changed slightly, but he continued to ask patiently.

"Yes, you should be grateful. Deputy Captain Yondo is giving you a chance, which is a great blessing."

A sycophantic crew member nearby also chimed in.

"Uh, what did you say your name was? Yondo?"

Hearing the person in front of him was Yondo, Rocket, with a surprised expression, asked.

"Oh? You've heard of me? Haha, it seems I'm quite famous in the universe!"

Hearing that this raccoon-like guy had heard of himself, Yondo couldn't help but smile.

"Yondo, Star-Lord's former captain. Of course, I know you!"

"Star-Lord? Do you know him? Tell me... where is that bastard now?"

Suddenly hearing the name Star-Lord, Yondo became extremely excited. He almost couldn't contain himself from standing up from his seat, but then forcibly suppressed his excitement to avoid being noticed by other crew members.

"Star-Lord, he's been captured by Ego!"

Rocket noticed Yondo's barely concealed excitement just now and suddenly understood the special relationship between Star-Lord and Yondo.

Immediately, without hesitation, he revealed the truth.

"What? That kid was captured by his father? Damn it!"

Hearing the news that Star-Lord had been captured by Ego, Yondo couldn't hide his worry, his face becoming extremely unsightly.

Soon after, as Rocket recounted their experiences, the impending crisis facing the entire universe, and their plan to rescue Star-Lord, the scene suddenly fell silent.

"Deputy Captain, you don't really believe their words, do you?"

"Deputy Captain, you need to be cautious!"

"Yes, Deputy Captain, don't forget what the captain entrusted us with. Besides, even if this crisis engulfing the universe is true, we still have Mr. Thor and the others, right?"

"If you're not sure, we can go back and inform the captain. With his power, he can easily defeat that guy named Ego..."

Seeing Yondo's hesitant expression, many of the crew members who had followed him for many years instantly thought of his partiality towards Star-Lord and couldn't help but speak up to advise him.

"Alright, that's enough from you all. I have my own plans..."

As the crew members continued to persuade him, Yondo's hesitant expression finally calmed down completely, and then he spoke in a low voice.

Soon after,

In the void, a small spacecraft detached from Yondo's ship and rapidly headed towards the direction of the two planets and the black hole.

"Do you think, Deputy Captain, they'll succeed?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Deputy Captain Yondo will definitely return safely!"

Inside the ship, most of the crew members watched as the departing spacecraft, their eyes filled with worry.


Meanwhile, between the planet and the black hole, a terrifying giant with a body tens of thousands of feet tall suddenly appeared.

"Is this guy finally going to fight to the death?"

As they watched the colossal figure formed from gathered energy, both Magneto and Thor's expressions revealed a hint of eagerness.

Although Ego seemed to have been suppressed by them all along,

They were aware that it was because he had concerns, afraid of his true form suffering fatal damage, so he didn't dare to exert his full strength.

However, facing the imminent crisis of being completely swallowed by the black hole, Ego seemed to finally have no choice but to exert all his power, transforming into a colossal giant resembling a deity with immense energy, attempting to destroy the black hole.

"Heh heh, old man, you guard the black hole here. I'll go meet this guy first and see if he's all talk!"

Without giving Magneto a chance to retort, Thor said, and then he transformed into a silver lightning bolt, rushing towards the distant giant.

"Hmph, let me show you my true power!"

Within the colossal giant formed by energy, Ego naturally had its own consciousness to control.

Watching Thor, who was many times smaller than himself, daring to charge at him fearlessly, he couldn't help but show a disdainful look in his eyes as if looking at ants.

Then, he raised his hand directly.

The palm, as huge as a fan, slammed down towards Thor's body as if swatting a mosquito.


Ego's colossal body exhibited agility and speed completely inconsistent with its size.

Thor, caught off guard, failed to dodge his attack and was directly hit.

He turned back into a streak of lightning, flying towards the distant starry sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, just a small ant, daring to resist a god."

After flicking Thor away, Ego was filled with confidence. His colossal body strolled through the stars, slowly approaching the black hole in front of him.

And he clenched his fist, as huge as a small asteroid, gathering incredibly powerful energy.

Preparing to use unstoppable force to directly smash the black hole with a punch.

However, just as Magneto was preparing to intervene and stop the giganticized Ego's body,

A brilliant stream of light suddenly appeared from the distant stars.

And in the moment they saw the stream of light, they found that its true form had already arrived in front of them.

The next moment, they saw Thor, who had flown back, relying on his extreme speed, directly hurling his axe towards Ego's body.


At this moment, the axe had almost surpassed the speed of light in the universe.

Like a raging lightning, it streaked across the starry sky.

The dazzling light made people involuntarily close their eyes.


The next moment, it was as if the space had been directly torn apart by this raging lightning.

The lightning passed through Ego's outstretched arm.

The entire universe seemed to suddenly fall silent at this moment.


Suddenly, Ego's outstretched arm, from the part close to his body, suddenly snapped.

The front part slowly dissipated into the starry sky, turning into starlight.

"Annoying fly!"

Ego's face was filled with anger. Facing Thor, who was once again blocking his path, he swung his other arm again.

At the same time, a vast divine power gushed out from the planet and merged into his colossal body, slowly repairing his severed arm.

"Come at me with all you've got!"

Thor's expression was extremely excited. His opponent in front of him was no longer a giant who was vastly superior to him.

He could unleash the power within him to his heart's content.

In an instant, two figures of vastly different sizes clashed fiercely against each other.


In an instant, terrifying sounds reverberated in the starry sky.

The energy emanating from their scattered battle even caused ripples in the void.

Countless energies turned into cosmic storms, but were absorbed by the black hole.

And just as the two of them were engaged in their exhilarating battle, a spaceship in the distance, under clandestine circumstances, landed on Ego's home planet.


"Rocket, are you sure Star-Lord is really on this planet?"

On the spaceship, Yondu couldn't help but ask Rocket.

"Don't worry, I saw through that old guy's intentions from the beginning, so I left a tracker on Star-Lord."

Rocket piloted the spaceship, carefully weaving through the cracks in the planet's rocks.

"Well, little guy, you're pretty smart, huh?"

Yondu couldn't help but give Rocket a somewhat admiring look, then forgot about the nearby Drax, who was acting like a fool, and sighed.

"Of course, I'm the most perfect..."

"Damn it!"

Rocket was feeling a bit cocky and almost forgot to dodge the debris flying around them due to the attraction of the black hole.

Luckily, in an incredible way, he managed to maneuver the ship and avoid a giant rock that was heading straight towards them.

"This won't do, flying like this is too slow. Who knows when we'll find that little scoundrel Star-Lord."

Because they had to constantly dodge the randomly flying debris, their speed inside the planet was hindered.

It might take a long time before they could truly reach the core of the planet and find Star-Lord trapped there.

"What should we do? I'm already the best spaceship pilot in the universe..."

Rocket looked troubled as well. Even as the universe's strongest pilot, he had to constantly be aware of the flying debris and navigate around them.

"Hmph, I have a faster way."

Yondu looked mysterious. Then, after a pause, he said, "Listen to me, allocate all remaining energy of the ship to the defense system, and then activate full power flight directly."

"What? Are you sure our ship won't be smashed to pieces? And us along with it?"

Rocket was incredulous about Yondu's proposed method.

"Don't worry, this isn't an ordinary ship, it's a luxury mining ship we stole from that big-shot collector!"

"Its material is so tough it could pierce through the skull of a god..."

Facing Rocket's concerns, Yondu was full of confidence.

"Alright, I'll trust you this once!"

Rocket also believed that Yondu wouldn't risk his life unnecessarily, so he no longer hesitated and allocated the remaining energy to the defense and propulsion systems.

Instantly, the immense energy brought tremendous power.

The speed of the spaceship suddenly skyrocketed.


Drax watched in astonishment as a huge rock ahead, larger than the spaceship itself, crashed into the ship.

The next moment, however, he found that the spaceship seemed to be unaffected.

It went straight through the giant rock, leaving only its pierced edge, still flickering with fire.


At this moment, Rocket, no longer distracted by dodging rocks, became extremely excited.

Without any hesitation, they charged towards the direction indicated by Star-Lord's tracker.

During the journey, whether it was giant rocks or surging magma, they traversed through without any care.

The journey that was initially estimated to take several hours was completed in less than two minutes.

They piloted the ship and entered the core of the planet.

"Finally, we're here, ugh!"

Rocket felt relieved, but unfortunately, Drax, who was unprepared, suffered.

"Hurry up and find Star-Lord!"

Although the tracker couldn't pinpoint Star-Lord's exact location, it narrowed down the search area. Yondu decisively disembarked from the ship, opened his spacesuit, and began searching for Star-Lord.

"Damn, you bastards, using such treacherous tactics!"

In the starry sky, Ego, who was battling Thor, suddenly sensed something abnormal.

Instantly, he looked at Thor with unparalleled anger and cursed.

There was no doubt that at this moment, Ego regarded them as a group.

And this was undoubtedly a typical strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand? Let's continue fighting!"

Thor looked at Ego, who suddenly stopped attacking, with a puzzled expression, not understanding why he said that.

"Hmph, even if my great plan cannot be completed perfectly, I won't let you damn bastards succeed!"

Suddenly, Ego became extremely angry.

Then, his entire body suddenly emitted an incredibly dazzling light.

At this moment, he no longer hesitated whether he could perfectly devour and control Star-Lord's power.

Even if he couldn't devour the entire universe as planned and become an eternal deity.

He would let these fools who dared to mock him taste the true wrath of a god.

"Ah... no!"

In an instant, Yondu and the others, who were searching for Star-Lord at the core of the planet, suddenly heard a reluctant roar.

"No, that's Star-Lord's voice!"

Rocket and Yondu immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

"Is that... Star-Lord?"

However, they were still a step too late. They only saw energy tentacles, like vines, wrapping around Star-Lord's body and directly penetrating into his body.

Countless visible energies surged within those tube-like tentacles.

In just a moment, Star-Lord's body completely turned into a corpse.

In the end, only a set of bones remained.

Then, the blue tentacles retracted back into the ground.

And Star-Lord's skeletal remains scattered on the ground!

"Star-Lord, no!"

Yondu looked incredulously at the scattered bones on the ground, his face filled with sadness.


(End of Chapter)


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