But when she looked at Erik, she paused. Suddenly, she felt a connection to him that she hadn't felt before. Immediately, she grinned and tried to jump up, but then a flood of foreign emotions crashed into her mind. She groaned and grabbed her head.
Erik smiled knowingly, and crouched down next to her, where he put a hand on her head, "Relax, little Spark. It takes a little time to get used to. Soon, it'll be like background noise."
Just like Elora, aka Little Ember; Emily, aka Little Shadow; and Emma, aka Little Glimmer, Astrid, too, received a nickname from Erik: Little Spark, for her sun affinity and impulsive nature.
It took her only a moment to stop groaning, proving her mental resilience. She opened one eye, and grinned joyfully at Erik, still working hard to ignore the tidal wave in her mind, "You love me."
Hey guys, I'm offering bonus chapters for reviews on this novel as well now :)
But only one per person, and not counting anyone that's already made a review (sorry :p)
And consider checking out my other novel, Lord of Shards, if you feel like reading something a little darker and with a mix of sci-fi and fantasy!