Erik shortly paused in surprise, and so did everyone else in the room. Then he scoffed and continued to put his armor on. "Damn council. I didn't think we'd have to deal with them again so quickly. Do you think they're here for us, or is it just a coincidence?"
"You know I never assume anything is a coincidence until proven otherwise," Elora said, as she chewed on her hair in thought. "We should assume he's here for us."
At the same time, Emma also unfroze but said nothing as she continued to put her clothes on. 'I'm sure Master and Elora have a plan for this,' she thought. 'I just need to do as they say.' As usual, she simply put all her trust in the two of them.
Emily unfroze as well and began to pace around the room, with her eyebrow scrunched up in worry. 'What the hell are those assholes doing here?!' she thought to herself. 'I thought we left them behind in London!'
Thank you for reading! I truly appreciate your time and hope you enjoyed it. If you’d like to show your support, sharing the novel, voting, or leaving a kind word means the world. Every bit of encouragement helps keep me going.
Alternatively, I've created a new novel: Born of Blood and Moonlight. It follows a character who is focused more on charm and manipulation in a fantasy/sci-fi setting, with some sprinkling influence of 40k and Stargate. But, still, with vampires and werewolves.