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Chapitre 15: Fifteen

As per usual I went to school and experienced another uneventful day but I couldn't say I was bored the entire time. I was able to hang out with the Cullens, Bella, and Alice so I wasn't left alone with only my thoughts all day.

After school, I returned home and immediately began my research on the creation of NTZ-48 while sometimes I would be accompanied by Alice who would watch and talk to me from time to time. If I wasn't at school or in the lab I was hanging out with Alice or Bella and this cycle repeated for four days until it was Saturday morning.

It had been roughly five days since I began my research on NZT-48 and although I had spent time doing other things I had dedicated as much time to it as I could, that meant no sleep which was fine since I didn't need it but I did miss the somber embrace of my bed.

My progress was good, I've been able to create various amount of things that I plan to put into the Limitless pill, and along with that I was able to create something that was a good starting point.

I was able to create a digestible powder that temporarily unlocked 5% of the brain's full potential. It was a great achievement for less of a week of work but it still wasn't what I needed. The powder only unlocked the 1% for two hours at most and when given to an experiment mouse I had the mouse die after the two-hour mark.

The death after two hours wasn't the only big problem, the other one was that when I tried to concentrate it and make it more potent it completely broke down causing it to lose all of its effectiveness.

"Let's try this instead." I said as I changed the powder again, I had been doing this for a while now, this powder was important to fix, it would help me in the long run, and if it wasn't what I would use for the actual pill.

For the next three hours, I continued testing different things with the powder until the powder had turned into a dissolvable pill that didn't kill directly after the deadline and unlocked not 5% of the brain's potential but 7%.

I didn't need to change much, just a few things and I was able to eliminate the problem of death after the allotted time but, while coming down from the high one would experience extremely rough symptoms, vomiting blood, liver failure, and more. The drug wasn't safe for consumption and it was obvious that the mice I had tested on all died.

"Well, I'm getting somewhere." I said aloud as I wondered if I should go to jail and kidnap some criminals to use as test subjects.

Now although I was considering using criminals as test subjects I wouldn't use the criminals with crimes like fraud or something like that. I would use the unredeemable criminals as test subjects, those who've committed the most vile crimes would be my test subjects and they would most likely die when they become one but the question was could I kill someone?

When I came into this world I knew I was most likely going to end up killing a vampire or wolf at some point as Bella's brother but I was certain that after the criminal died due to being my subject I wouldn't feel good. I was aware that I was only considering if I should do this or not because I knew it would benefit my research, and doing the tests on criminals made me feel better about the fact that I would be killing.

I've thought about it for a while now and I realized that if I wanted to protect my loved ones at any cost then killing isn't off the table. Like I said, I already knew I would most likely kill when I was reincarnated into this world but after finding out about the existence of so many different beings I knew for certain I'd kill and that was something I needed to understand, accept, and prepare myself for.

'I'll do it tomorrow.' I said to myself as I steeled my will, I would most likely kill a few humans tomorrow while testing out my creations on them but I won't be able to keep my hands clean forever and I'd rather my first kill be on a being who I believe deserves what I will put them through.

Pushing the thought of murder out of my mind I once again jumped into a process of creation and destruction while testing new and improved things.

~ 4 hours later ~

"Hmm..." I hummed as I looked at the red pill I had just finished creating.

The previously small blue dissolvable pill had turned into a larger red pill with different effects. In my previous life I had ADHD and the medicine that worked best for me was Vyvance and one of the effects Vyvance had on me was boosting my mood and charisma, I always felt freer when I took my ADHD medication and with that knowledge, I decided to take that component and put it into the pill I had been working on today.

During the four hours I had been working on this pill I was able to put new components into it but that wasn't all. In my first life, I once read that CPH4 had a chemical in it that caused the one who consumed it to experience a chemical reaction in the brain that stimulates the brain activity effectively boosting mental progress.

I've been able to unlock some of the brain's potential without using this chemical reaction but after remembering it I couldn't help but implement it into the pill. Now the pill had the method I created myself to unlock the 7% of the brain's potential and the chemical reaction to boost mental prowess which caused a change in the pill's affectiveness.

At this point, the pill could unlock 12% of the brain's potential for 5 hours and although you'll feel like shit while coming down after the 5 hours, you won't die, and that was important. This pill was impressive, I would admit that but like everything I've created so far, it wasn't enough.

'Once I eliminate the negatives this pill still has I may be able to us it as a base.' I said to myself but wasn't certain about that statement, I could change my mind if I made something better, I wouldn't settle for anything mediocre.

"What time is it?" I asked myself as I took my phone out of my pocket.

"11:48." I said as I realized that I had forgotten about mine and Bella's meeting with the Cullens today at noon.

"Dipshit! You ready?!" Bella shouted from outside the lab and although I couldn't see her face I knew she had a conniving smile on her face.

Offering no answer I flew toward the door as I cleaned myself up and changed clothes with magic.

"C'mon kid, we've got a family to meet." Bella said as I walked out of the lab.

"Heh, you're pretty nervous huh?" I said to Bella as we walked down the path that led to the house with a smile, I could sense her internal turmoil from a mile away.

"Kinda." Bella replied truthfully.

"Sucks to suck." I replied with a smile.

Bella rolled her eyes before punching my shoulder lightly.

"Sure, let's pretend you're not nervous either, you're just as bad as me at social interactions." Bella said with a smile as if I was in the same boat as her, and she was right, I was.

"Once again, Isabella Swan spouts bullshit." I said with a smile.

"Fine, don't admit it, but you'll be the one talking." Bella said retuning my smile as we left the pathway and walked around the back of the house.

"We both know I was gonna be the one talking anyways." I said knowing that I was right.

"I have zero recollection of what you're speaking about." Bella said with a smile using the tactic I used on her a couple of days ago, if there was no proof, it didn't happen.

Bella and I arrived at our cars a few moments later but unlike usual we didn't drive separately, we drove in my car since there wasn't a need to go separately.

Getting into my car Bella and I joked around until we arrived at the Cullens which I already knew the way to.

"You're such a dick." Bella said as we got out of the car.

"Maybe stop expressing your emotions with your lips and I'll listen." I said with a shiteating grin, we had been going back and forth since we left the house.

"I do not do that." Bella said as she glared at me, I had started teasing her on purpose so she wouldn't be so nervous when we got to the Cullens, what a great brother I am.

"Sveiki." I said as I knocked on the front door of the Cullens house.

"The fuck does that even mean dude?" Bella said with a confused expression.

"Lithuanian." I replied with a smile.

Hearing my response Bella's expression went from one of confusion to almost having an actual question mark above her head, she was extremely lost.

"Sveiki, malonu jus vėl matyti, o tai turi būti Izabelė, tiesa?" Esme said with a mother smile while speaking Lithuanian.

"It's nice to see you again as well Mrs.Cullen and yes, this is Bella." I replied with a smile.

"Umm... Hi." Bella said clearly nervous, my big brother's work had shattered in a single second.

"No need to be nervous Isabella." Esme said with a smile as she moved from the doorway to let us in.

"Please call me Bella." Bella said as we walked in, she really didn't like being called Isabella.

"Sure thing sweetheart." Esme replied after closing the door before leading us through the completely unsafe house.

"Thanks..." Bella said awkwardly as we followed behind Esme for a few moments until we arrived in a living room that held everyone in the Olympic coven.

"Howdy." Emmett said as he spotted me and Bella.

"Yo." I replied nonchalantly.

"Hey..." Bella replied still awkward, she wasn't nervous about the Cullens we ate lunch with, she was nervous about Esme and Carlisle.

"You must be Tristan, it's nice to meet you." Carlisle said after walking toward me and holding his hand out to shake my own.

"Nice to meet you as well." I replied as I shook the vampire's hand.

"And you must be Isabella, it's nice to meet you as well." Carlisle said to Bella.

"Um, yeah, and please call me Bella." Bella replied.

"Sure thing, please take a seat you two." Carlisle said with a smile as he moved to let me and Bella walk toward a spot to sit.

Bella instantly moved toward Edward who was smiling in the corner while I sat next to Emmett since Alice wasn't here at the moment, she told me she was planning to buy something for us but would be a little late to arrive.

"Now, before we go off about our things I believe we should discuss the serious things first." Carlisle said as he sat on the sofa with Esme directly across from me and Bella.

"Sure." I replied already knowing this was one of the points of us coming over.

"Great, then if I may." Carlisle said before continuing.

"What exactly are you?" Carlisle asked curiously causing all of the Cullens to look at me with the same curiosity.

"Well." I said as I stood up and walked toward the middle of the living room before turning so that people on both sides of the room could see me clearly.

"I'm a God and Demon hybrid, a Nephalem." I said as I replied two pure white feathered wings signifying my God powers appeared on my left as my pupil turned into a golden triskelion-shaped pupil and on my right two pitch black feathered wings appeared while my right eye lost all light and became a dull pitch black.

I was greeted with silence, which caused Bella to look around oddly especially at her wide-eyed mate.

"Why's everyone so surprised?" Bella asked curiously, she herself was surprised at first and it had taken her a while to really let it sink in but shouldn't the supernatural react differently than she and her dad did?

"Your triskelion pupil was enough to prove you're a part of the Goddess clan which was a big deal but you're also a demon..." Carlisle said as he rubbed his face as if something serious had happened.

"What's the problem?" I asked as I put my wings away and took a seat next to the still shocked Emmett.

I was once again greeted with silence, it appears that nobody here was prepared for this.

'Alice didn't react like this when I told her but she wasn't in the state of mind to really care.' I said to myself as I thought of the time I had told Alice everything, she didn't respond to my race and we hadn't talked about it since then either.

"Tristan." Carlisle said after breaking the silence that had enveloped the room.

"I'm aware that you're adopted, so I know you probably don't know the answer to this question but I'll ask anyway. Do you know your parent's names?" Carlisle said with an extremely serious expression.

I knew the answer to his questions but I was unsure if I should answer him but after a few moments of thought I decided to tell him. If I had to I would handle the situation if it got out of hand, although I would prefer to not do that.

"I do." I replied before continuing.

"Meliodas and Elizabeth Liones." I said and watched as everyone's expressions took on a look of pure and utter surprise, they were so surprised that they froze completely.

I sat in silence with a confused Bella who was looking at her frozen mate until once again Carlisle broke the silence.

"How do you know those names?" Carlisle asked me seriously.

"I remember a few things from when I was young and the first few memories I had were of a short yellow haired man named Meliodas and his wife Elizabeth who called me their son." I replied.

"To think the lost prince of the Liones kingdom would be my daughters mate..." Carlisle said as he sat back on the couch.

'Liones kingdom?' I said questioningly in my head until the pieces began to come together, they exist here.

"I'm sure you're confused by our reactions Tristan so allow me to go into detail about a few things." Carlisle said before continuing.

"17 years ago the son of the Demon King, Meliodas as well as the daughter of the Supreme Deity, Elizabeth lost their child in a fight against the Angel faction.

"Their son was kidnapped by an Angel and no matter how much the King and Queen of Liones looked for the child they couldn't find him, his name was Tristan Liones." Carlisle said as he looked at me oddly.

"The child was the perfect union of two races that fundamentally couldn't be combined, a Nephalem, the only Nephalem to ever exist." Carlisle said.

'What the fuck happened to being a spectator in Twilight?' I said to myself as another surprise was dropped on my head.

"I'm not sure what to say." I replied truthfully, how would you react to that information? I had no clue.

"It's fine, I'm sure you're surprised too." Carlisle said before continuing.

"Although if you were just some random missing prince we wouldn't have reacted as we did." Carlisle said as he shook his head.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, I had a feeling he wasn't talking about my race this time.

"As I mentioned your parents are the King and Queen of a kingdom but that's not what's really important, it's their identities as beings among the top twenty strongest in the world." Carlisle said seriously.

"Before you start asking questions about them I have something I need to say before we continue." Carlisle said.

"I as a vampire am obligated to give important information like this to the leader of the Vampire Faction, Aro, and our faction leader is someone able to get into contact with other important people." Carlisle said.

"And how will that affect me?" I said in response as I prepared myself to handle the situation accordingly.

"Our faction and the Liones Kingdom are a part of the naturality pact so it won't affect you or our loved ones negatively, plus with the relationship our faction leader and your father have I believe everything will be fine." Carlisle replied sincerely.

"..." I hadn't expected things to go as they had and I wasn't sure if it was a good decision to let Carlisle tell Aro but if I couldn't stop him without forcing him and that wouldn't end well, Alice would be sad.

"Go on." I said as I released a sigh, I was annoyed at the entire situation.

The entire thing was full of uncertainties, I didn't like leaving everything to fate, so many things could go wrong, I wanted a plan for each and every single thing and I wouldn't allow myself to go into a situation like this without knowledge again, I hate unexpected things.

'Fuckin sonuvabitch goddamn shit bitch bastard cunt' I began to spew as many curse words as I knew inwardly as I controlled my anger at my situation, I never realized how much I fucking hated being unprepared.

I watched Carlisle carefully as he pulled out his phone and speed-dialed someone.

"Hello my friend, how can I help you today?" I heard a man's voice come from the other end of the phone.

At this point, the Cullens had already regained their bearing and were speaking amongst themselves but when they heard the voice on the phone they once again fell silent.

"Hi Aro, I'm not in need of anything but I have information regarding King Meliodas's child." Carlisle said seriously.

From the way Carlisle and Aro spoke to each other I can tell they are close in this world and with him being able to speed dial him that says enough about their relationship.

"... Are you certain of this information?" Aro said with a serious voice.

"I am, he showed me his God and Demon abilities, I am certain he is a Nephalem just as King Meliodas's child was and his name is also Tristan." Carlisle said matching Aro's seriousness.

"One moment." Aro said.

"Of course." Carlisle replied.

Everyone was still silent after hearing Carlisle's and Aro's words which allowed me to hear what Aro was saying on the phone, it seemed that he didn't know how to mute his phone.

"Did you hear that my friend." Aro asked someone and if I could see him I would see that he was smiling.

"I did." A voice I remembered from an anime responded.

'Meliodas...' I said inwardly as I recognized the voice, shit was really getting out of hand, holy fuck.

"Where are you, Carlisle?" Aro asked.

"My coven is currently in Forks Washington within the United States." Carlisle replied immediately.

"Very well." Aro said.

"Will you get Elizabeth, my friend?" Aro asked the other man in the room who replied immediately.

"Yup!" Meliodas replied.

"Haha, you seem excited my friend," I heard Aro laugh and say to Meliodas through the phone.

"I am but just wait until Elizabeth hears about this." Meliodas said before I heard something open and close, the man had left.

"My friend, I'm unsure how long Meliodas and Elizabeth will take but I doubt it will be long, I guess we'll be there in an hour or two." Aro said to Carlisle now that Meliodas was gone.

"That sounds good, then I'll see you later Aro." Carlisle said.

"Indeed, I'll see you soon my friend." Aro said before hanging up the phone.

'I won't go into any situation blind like this ever again.' I said to myself still angry at how naive I was.

I was completely and utterly unprepared for everything that had gone down in the little time I was here and it was taking a lot of control to stop myself from lashing out in anger which wasn't like me, I believed it was my Hanma bloodline at play.

'Weakness, naivety, being unprepared, it all disgusts me.' I said to myself feeling I needed to change, I went into this thinking everything would be fine. I thought I would meet the Cullens and everything would be fine but it didn't end like that, my thought process was naive, not everyone is like Alice, not everyone has me as one of their top priority.

'I need to calm down...' I said to myself feeling that although things hadn't gone as I thought they would, they didn't go down a bloody path which is good.

'This is a lesson, an experience I needed.' I said to myself as I reigned in my emotions.

"Tristan..." Bella said as she looked at me, although I was in control of myself for the most part my expression showed my anger.

Taking a deep breath I slowly relaxed my face until I was completely expressionless before I stood up and spoke.

"I'll be outside for a few moments." I said as I began to walk toward the front door without waiting for their responses, I wasn't asking.

To be continued...

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